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We report the fine‐needle aspiration cytology of a case of medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) metastatic to the breast in a 66‐year old female within two years of diagnosis of the thyroid tumor. The aspirate of the breast metastases revealed a plasmacytoid population of cells in loose clusters and singly with mild to moderate pleomorphism. Nuclear groves and occasional intranuclear cytoplasmic inclusions were seen. The cells stained positive for calcitonin and negative for thyroglobulin. Use of immunocytochemical methods proved useful to diagnose metastasis which was essential in planning treatment. Cases of metastatic MTC to the breast diagnosed on fine‐needle aspirates reported in the literature are reviewed. Diagn. Cytopathol. 2015;43:343–348. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Medullary breast carcinoma (MBC) is a rare epithelial malignancy of the breast accounting for about 1–7% of all breast carcinomas. It is characterized by well‐defined borders, a syncytial/solid pattern of growth of high grade atypical cells showing no glandular differentiation and a massive diffuse lympho‐plasmacytic peritumoral infiltrate. Despite the high‐grade atypias characterizing this neoplasm, MBC has been reported to have a better prognosis when compared with the common infiltrating duct carcinoma. MBCs typically lack estrogen and progesterone receptor (ER and PgR) expression and have a low incidence of ERBB2 overexpression. Genetically, they are often associated with BRCA‐1 oncogene mutations and TP53 alterations. While MBC generally occurs in middle‐aged women, ranging from 45 to 52 years of age, we report the case of a 18‐year‐old female patient which was diagnosed by means of fine‐needle cytology sample. Diagn. Cytopathol. 2014;42:445–448. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) accounts for 3%‐5% of all thyroid malignancies. Most MTC can be diagnosed by their typical cytologic and histologic morphology and immunohistochemical features. However, some rare variants of MTC may pose diagnostic difficulties on both cytology and histology. Paraganglioma‐like MTC (PLMTC) is a rare, but widely recognized variant of MTC. PLMTC is known to share morphological and architectural similarities with paraganglioma, hyalinizing trabecular tumor, and carcinomas of thyroid follicular cell origin, such as follicular carcinoma and follicular variant of papillary thyroid carcinoma. The combination of clinicopathologic features and a battery of immunohistochemical markers is essential for making a correct diagnosis. Herein, we report one case of PLMTC with both cytologic and histologic features and review the clinicopathologic features of previously reported cases.  相似文献   

Fine-needle aspiration of the thyroid has been accepted as one of the initial diagnostic tools in the evaluation of thyroid nodules. As its use becomes more widespread, the demand for more precise diagnosis has increased. The histopathology of insular carcinoma of the thyroid is now well recognized. However, the cytologic diagnostic criteria are not well established. The reported series have been small (4-6 cases), which is not surprising because of the rarity of this tumor. They consist of retrospective reviews of the aspirates (after the histologic diagnosis had been made from the thyroidectomy specimens). Also, the case reports do not provide uniform cytologic criteria; this could be due to limited sampling of these tumors (which are usually large). A cytologic diagnosis of insular carcinoma can be suggested if multiple samples of a thyroidal mass are markedly cellular, with a cytologic pattern reminiscent of a follicular variant of papillary carcinoma. However, the follicular cells are arranged predominantly in rosettes, their nuclei appear more monotonous, some "intranuclear cytoplasmic pseudoinclusions" are seen, and there is an occasional large cell with a pleomorphic nucleus.  相似文献   

Metaplastic breast carcinoma (MBC) may have a varied presentation on fine-needle cytology samples. We herewith describe three cases of MBC found in our series. One of these cases showed a peculiar mixture of malignant ductal, apocrine type, and squamous epithelial cells with fascicles of spindle cells with variable degree of atypia and was diagnosed as metaplastic carcinoma of the carcino-sarcomatous type. The other two lesions were characterized by an abundant chondroid extracellular matrix to which were variably admixed carcinomatous and chondroid-type cells, with variable degree of atypia. Both these latter cases were defined as matrix-producing metaplastic carcinomas. Because of the various presentation of MBC on fine-needle cytology samples and the possible influence of needle "sampling" on the cytological specimen, the spectrum of differential diagnoses to be considered may encompass a number of benign and malignant entities, like keratinous subareolar cysts, malignant fibroepithelial lesions with myxo-chondroid stroma, and true sarcomas of the breast, with cartilaginous metaplasia. It is the Authors' feeling that, with optimal samples, the cytomorphological findings of this rare variant of breast carcinoma permit its accurate pre-operative diagnosis.  相似文献   

We report on a 35-yr-old woman presenting with a single thyroid nodule. Fine-needle aspiration (FNA) of the nodule was reported to contain both follicular and parafollicular cells. The biphasic nature of the tumor was highlighted on immunohistochemical investigation of the cellblock. Positive staining for thyroglobulin was limited to the follicular structures and the dense areas stained positive for calcitonin. The serum calcitonin level was highly elevated. Surgery was recommended because of suspected malignancy. The patient underwent total thyroidectomy. The diagnosis of mixed medullary and follicular carcinoma of the thyroid was established by histological investigation using immunohistochemical staining for thyroglobulin, chromogranin, and calcitonin. The patient was well 1 yr after the operation. Repeated measurements of serum calcitonin levels were normal. Total body scan revealed no radioactive iodine uptake in the thyroid bed, bones, or lungs.  相似文献   

Medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) is potentially lethal. A prompt and accurate diagnosis is the prerequisite for the treatment of MTC. Fine‐needle aspiration (FNA) is a reliable diagnostic tool in the assessment of thyroid nodules. However, cytologic assessment of MTC based on FNA has several drawbacks due to morphological variants. We present a case of MTC diagnosed through FNA cytology, which was eventually histologically confirmed as a mixed medullary‐follicular carcinoma with negative serum calcitonin expression. Hence, diagnosis of MTC based on FNA should be applied with caution. Ultrasound characteristics of suspicious thyroid nodules are recommended to be evaluated by FNA. However, calcitonin levels should be measured in both the FNA washout fluid and serum when features of MTC are presented or cytology result is inconclusive. If adequate FNA sample is available, a supplementary immunocytochemical staining of markers such as calcitonin, chromogranin, carcinoembryonic antigen, and thyroglobulin is helpful for a correct diagnosis of MTC.  相似文献   

Thymic neuroendocrine carcinomas are the most common mediastinal neuroendocrine tumor. These malignancies are not often diagnosed by fine‐needle aspiration (FNA), as they are more commonly diagnosed by biopsy or excision. We describe a case of a FNA of a paratracheal mass from a 38‐year‐old man who presented with Cushing syndrome. A low‐grade neuroendocrine carcinoma with oncocytic features was diagnosed, which was later confirmed by excision of the thymus, anterior mediastinal and paratracheal soft tissue, and lymph nodes. Oncocytic features in these tumors are a rare finding and bring metastatic medullary thyroid carcinomas as well as other metastases into the differential diagnosis. The prognosis of neuroendocrine carcinomas in this location is worse than neuroendocrine carcinomas in other areas, and close follow‐up is recommended. Diagn. Cytopathol. 2015;43:329–334. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Breast disease is of great concern to patients and health care providers alike. Malignancies of the breast and their various presentations can pose tremendous challenges with respect to early diagnosis and effective treatment. Carcinoma of the breast may appear in several forms and produce one or more ectopic substances. Breast carcinomas that display choriocarcinomatous differentiation and produce human chorionic gonadotropin are very rare. Less than a dozen such cases have been described in the medical literature to date. We report a case of breast carcinoma with choriocarcinomatous features, which is the first to show immunohistochemical evidence of the expression of both estrogen receptor and progesterone receptor. We also discuss the cytopathologic aspects observed and conduct a literature review.  相似文献   

Metaplastic breast carcinomas (MBCs) are not only uncommon neoplasms but also show a myriad of cytomorphologic patterns in aspiration samples. These tumors comprise less than 5% of breast malignancies and have an uncertain prognosis. In this study, the fine‐needle aspiration cytologic features of 14 MBCs with the identification of two distinct malignant cell populations are presented, based on which a definitive diagnosis was possible in 12 of the 14 cases. In the remaining 2 cases the diagnosis of MBC was substantiated after study of cell blocks from the aspirate, which were made in all the cases. Furthermore, the diagnosis of MBC was also confirmed subsequently on tissue examination. The various combinations of patterns included malignant ductal, squamous, and sarcomatous (including heterologous) elements and multinucleated osteoclastic giant cells. As a result of this study, it was felt that if malignant breast aspirates on careful examination show two or more distinct neoplastic elements, the diagnosis of MBC may be possible. Diagn. Cytopathol. 1999;20:10–12. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A case of matrix-producing carcinoma (MPC), which is a unique variant of breast cancer, is described with cytopathological and radiographical findings. A 75-year-old female presented with a palpable mass in her right breast. After confirmation of the cytopathological diagnosis, the patient received a right mastectomy with ipsilateral axillary lymph node dissection. The histopathological examination revealed MPC. The Union Internationalis Contra Cancrum postoperative clinical stage was IIB. The patient is well and without disease 18 months after the surgery.  相似文献   

Pure primary squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is an extremely rare type of breast tumor. We report one of such cases in a 32-year-old woman, diagnosed by fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC). Aspiration smears were characterized by squamous cells, both isolated and in aggregates, at various stages of maturation. The tumor was excised, and the histologic sections confirmed the cytologic diagnosis. Pure primary SCC of the breast has a distinctive cytomorphologic appearance, and diagnosis of this tumor by FNAC is possible. For its diagnosis, the exclusion of SCC of local cutaneous structures and metastasis of distant squamous carcinoma are mandatory.  相似文献   

Mucinous breast cancer is a slow‐growing neoplasm, which has fewer lymph node metastases and favorable prognosis compared with invasive breast cancer no special type. The hematogenous spread of breast mucinous carcinoma is very rare. Though breast cancer involving thyroid has been reported before, there is still no report about thyroid metastatic breast mucinous carcinoma in the literature. Recently by performing thyroid fine‐needle aspiration, a 58‐year‐old woman who had breast cancer 13 years ago was diagnosed as thyroid metastatic mucinous breast carcinoma, cellular variant with neuroendocrine differentiation. For this patient, the thyroid was the only involved site without widespread metastatic diseases, so thyroidectomy and the right cervical lymph nodes dissection were performed to make better survival. As a result, the patient had not shown any signs of recurrence 9 months after the thyroid surgery.  相似文献   

Ossifying fibromyxoid tumor (OFT) is a very rare soft tissue tumor which is characterized by incomplete peripheral mature bone shell. To date, cytological features of OFT have been poorly studied with only seven case reports. In this study, an additional case of OFT investigated by fine‐needle aspiration is presented. A 75‐year‐old man with advanced nasopharyngeal carcinoma presented with peripherally calcified right breast mass. Smears were hypercellular and stroma‐rich. Tumor cells were mainly dispersed, with epithelioid morphology and eccentrically located nuclei. In the background, there was abundant eosinophilic myxoid secretion. No necrosis, atypia, or mitotic activity was found. The tumor showed diffuse S‐100, CD10, STAT6 expression and focal desmin, estrogen receptor (ER), and progesteron receptor (PgR) expression. Fluorescence in situ hybridization study revealed PHF1 rearrangement in 9% of cells. Cytological characteristic of OFT is quite distinctive and precise diagnosis can be made, especially when it is coupled with compatible radiological findings.  相似文献   

Collagenous spherulosis of the breast is a rare incidental finding frequently associated with other benign lesions of the breast. The estimated incidence of this innocuous condition is only about 0.2% in cytological material. It is of utmost importance to differentiate collagenous spherulosis from its malignant mimics to avoid unnecessary treatment. This article discusses the cytological findings of a case of collagenous spherulosis of breast associated with fibroadenoma, along with a brief review of literature.  相似文献   

Patients with rheumatoid arthritis may develop extra-articular subcutaneous nodules as part of the systemic disease or as initial manifestation. These lesions may represent significant diagnostic dilemmas in patients with clinical suspicion of malignancy. In this setting, fine-needle aspiration (FNA) of the nodules may be the simplest and most appropriate diagnostic approach. In the literature, however, there are only sporadic reports describing FNA cytology of a rheumatoid nodule. In this report, we present a case of a 67-year-old male with a history of rheumatoid arthritis and squamous-cell carcinoma of the larynx who developed a subcutaneous neck nodule in the immediate proximity of the surgical scar. Clinically, because of the history of squamous-cell carcinoma and location of the lesion, the nodule was suspected to be metastatic cancer, but was proven by FNA biopsy to represent rheumatoid disease. Cytological criteria of rheumatoid nodule and diagnostic difficulties are discussed.  相似文献   

Alveolar soft part sarcoma is a very rare, slow growing highly angiogenic tumor with poor prognosis. Most common site in children and infants is head and neck region and in adults it most commonly occurs in extremities especially thigh. In our case study, an 8 years old female patient presented with a gradually progressive left shoulder lump. FNAC from the lesion showed cellular smears with polyhedral and spindly cells showing abundant finely vacuolated cytoplasm, nuclear pleomorphism, intranuclear pseudoinclusions, and few bare nuclei. Perivascular arrangement of cells was peculiar in addition to the presence of intracytoplasmic metachromatic PAS positive diastase resistant granules. A presumptive diagnosis of alveolar soft part sarcoma with differentials of granular cell tumor and PEComa was considered and the lesion was excised. Although the histopathological features were not characteristic (ie, showing mainly solid pattern without classic alveolar pattern), immunohistochemistry were diagnostic (negative for S 100, Desmin, Cytokeratin, EMA, and moderate to strong nuclear positivity for TFE3). Thus, the diagnosis of alveolar soft part sarcoma was established. This case is being presented for its rarity and unique cytological and histopathological features.  相似文献   

Salivary gland-type carcinomas of the lung are rare but well-known tumors. Among them, acinic cell carcinoma (ACC) is extremely rare and its cytological features have not been reported. We present a case of bronchial ACC and describe its cytological characteristics. The tumor occurred in a 58-yr-old man as a 15-mm polypoid lesion at the right middle lobar bronchus and filled its lumen. Transbronchial brush cytology and a biopsy failed to collect tumor cells but transbronchial fine-needle aspiration (FNA) cytology was successful. The smear obtained was richly cellular and a large number of thick-layered or monolayered sheet-like tumor cell clusters and dissociated tumor cells were observed. Cribriform globular spaces were common and a lobulated acinar structure was found focally. The tumor cells had a fine granular large polygonal cytoplasm and rather uniform round or ovoid nuclei. The nuclei were situated eccentrically or centrally and the nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio was consistently low. These cytological features were essentially similar to those of ACC of the head and neck region. The patient underwent a lobectomy and the tumor was resected completely. Transbronchial FNA cytology was useful for diagnosing bronchial ACC and differentiating it from other conventional and salivary gland type carcinomas.  相似文献   

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