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Alpha-neoendorphin (-NE) is an opiate decapeptide derived from the prodynorphin protein. Its anatomical distribution in the brain of mammals other than the rat, particularly in carnivores, is less well known than for other opiate peptides. In the present work, we have charted the distribution of -NE immunoreactive fibers and perikarya in the diencephalon and the brainstem of the dog. The highest densities of labeled fibers were found in the substantia nigra and in patches within the nucleus of the solitary tract. Moderate densities appeared in the arcuate nucleus (Ar), median eminence, entopeduncular nucleus, ventral tegmental area, retrorubral area, periaqueductal central gray, interpeduncular nucleus and lateral parabrachial nucleus. Groups of numerous labeled perikarya were localized in the magnocellular hypothalamic nuclei, Ar and in the central superior and incertus nuclei in the metencephalon. Moreover, less densely packed fibers and cells appeared widely distributed throughout many nuclei in the region studied. These results are discussed with regard to the pattern described in other species. In addition, the present results were compared with the distribution of met-enkephalin immunoreactivity in the diencephalon and the brainstem of the dog that we have recently described. Although the distributions of these two peptides overlap in many areas, the existence of numerous differences suggest that they form separate opiate systems in the dog.  相似文献   

The present work describes for the first time the anatomical distribution of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) in the diencephalon and the brainstem of the dog by means of the indirect immunoperoxidase technique. The distribution found in this species agrees well with the pattern found in other mammals and particularly confirms much of the findings reported in the cat. An exception to that concordance is the presence of ACTH perikarya in the nucleus of the solitary tract of the dog, a population that has been described in the rat but not in the cat, and in the ventral mesencephalon. This last population spread across the ventral tegmental area from the raphe to the cerebral peduncle and appeared to be a specific feature of the canine brain. On the other hand, we can not see ACTH fibers in the substantia nigra of the dog which could be a characteristic of the domestic carnivores, opposite to rodents, since these fibers appeared to be also lacking in the cat. Nevertheless, the widespread distribution of ACTH fibers in the brain of the dog included many other nuclei containing monoaminergic neurons which supported a possible role for ACTH in the regulation of these neurotransmitter systems.  相似文献   

The endogenous opioid system, in particular the enkephalins, has been implicated in a vast array of neurological functions. The dog could be a suitable model for the study of complex interactions between behavioral state and regulatory physiology in which the opioid system appeared to be implicated. Moreover, opiate derivatives are currently used in veterinary clinic and sometimes pharmacologically tested in the dog. However, there are no anatomical data regarding the organization of the opioid system in this species. The present work represents the first attempt to map the distribution of Met5-enkephalin-like-immunoreactive (Met-enk-li) cell bodies and fibers in the diencephalon and the brainstem of the dog. In the diencephalon, labeled cells were present in all the mid-line and intralaminar thalamic nuclei; the lateral posterior, pulvinar and suprageniculate nuclei; the ventral nucleus of the lateral geniculate body and the medial geniculate body. Additionally, Met-enk-li cells were seen in every hypothalamic nucleus except in the supraoptic. Variable densities of labeled fibers were also seen in all these nuclei except in the medial geniculate body and in most areas of the lateral posterior and pulvinar nuclei. In the mesencephalon, positive cells were found in the periaqueductal gray, the Edinger–Westphal and interpeduncular nuclei, delimited areas of the superior and inferior colliculi and the ventral tegmental area. In the rhombencephalon, labeled cells were seen in the majority of the nuclei in the latero-dorsal pontine tegmentum, the nuclei of the lateral lemniscus, the trapezoid, vestibular medial, vestibular inferior and cochlear nuclei, the prepositus hypoglossal, the nucleus of the solitary tract and the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus, the infratrigeminal nucleus and the caudal part of the spinal trigeminal nucleus and in the rhombencephalic reticular formation. The distribution of fibers included additionally the substantia nigra, all the trigeminal nerve nuclei, the facial nucleus and a restricted portion of the inferior olive. These results are discussed with regard to previous reports on the distribution of Met-enk in other species.  相似文献   

The term somatostatin refers to a family of peptides, mainly somatostatin-14, somatostatin-28 and somatostatin-28 (1-12), which are the cleavage products of a single 116 amino acid-long preprosomatostain molecule. The production of antibodies to these peptides allows their localization in a number of neuronal populations throughout the entire neuroaxis in many mammals. The dog has been pointed out as an extremely useful animal model for studying age-related cognitive dysfunction and other neuronal changes associated with aging in which somatostatin appears to be involved. However, only very scanty information is available with regard to the distribution of somatostatin in the brain of the dog. In the present work we have determined the pattern of the distribution of somatostatin-28 (1-12) immunoreactivity in the diencephalon and the brainstem of the dog. High to moderate densities of labeled perikarya were found in the anterior periventricular and arcuate hypothalamic nuclei, the reticular thalamic nucleus, in delimited parts of the nucleus of the brachium inferior colliculus, the retrorubral area, the dorsal raphe nucleus, the myelencephalic reticular formation and the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus. Less dense population of somatostatin cells were localized in other diencephalic and brainstem nuclei. The distribution of labeled fibers was even broader as in addition to those above mentioned there were a number of areas that appeared devoid of labeled perikarya. Many of the findings were similar to those reported in earlier works while others underlined the existence of inconsistencies in the distribution pattern of this peptide in the brain of mammals.  相似文献   

Although the physiological role of galanin has been demonstrated in several endocrine regulations in sheep, the anatomical characteristics of this neuronal system has never been studied. The distribution of galanin-containing neurones was described by immunohistochemistry using galanin antiserum in the diencephalon of adult ewes, both ovariectomized or treated with colchicine. Galanin-immunoreactivity was found throughout the diencephalon. In the ovariectomized ewes, galanin-immunoreactive neurones were mainly observed in the medial preoptic area and the infundibular nucleus. The highest density of immunoreactive fibres was found in the external layer of the median eminence. Numerous galanin-immunoreactive fibres were also observed in the preoptic area, the mediobasal hypothalamus, the periphery of the supraoptic and the paraventricular nuclei. With colchicine treatment, the number of labelled neurones increased, and additional galanin-immunoreactive perikarya were observed in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, the lateral septum, the supraoptic, the paraventricular and the periventricular nuclei and the paraventricular nucleus of the thalamus. In the caudal part of the diencephalon, the density of labelled neurones was lower in both groups of animals than in other species studied. Regardless of treatment, labelling was not seen in the suprachiasmatic nucleus and only rarely in the ventromedial nucleus. These results describe, for the first time, the distribution of galanin-immunoreactive neurones in the sheep diencephalon. Compared to other species studied, distribution in the sheep diencephalon has several distinct differences. In ovariectomized animals, the medial preoptic area presents more labelled neurones in sheep than in monkeys, whereas in the supraoptic nucleus the density of labelled neurones is lower in sheep than in humans or opossums. After colchicine treatment only very few differences were observed between sheep and rats, but in contrast to other species, the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the sheep does not contain labelled neurones.  相似文献   

Hamson DK  Jones BA  Watson NV 《Neuroscience》2004,127(4):797-803
Gonadal steroids such as testosterone and estrogen are necessary for the normal activation of male rat sexual behavior. The medial preoptic area (MPOA), an important neural substrate regulating mating, accumulates steroids and also expresses functional androgen receptors (AR). The MPOA is intimately connected with other regions implicated in copulation, such as the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis and medial amygdala. Inputs to the MPOA arise from several areas within the brainstem, synapsing preferentially onto steroid sensitive MPOA cells which are activated during sexual activity. Given that little is known about the distribution of AR protein in the brainstem of male rats, we mapped the distribution of AR expressing cells in the pons and medulla using immunocytochemistry. In agreement with previous reports, AR immunoreactivity (AR-ir) was detected in ventral spinal motoneurons and interneurons. In addition, AR-ir was detected in areas corresponding to the solitary tract, lateral paragigantocellular and alpha and ventral divisions of the gigantocellular reticular nuclei, area postrema, raphe pallidus, ambiguus nucleus, and intermediate reticular nucleus. Several regions within the pons contained AR-ir, such as the tegmental and central gray, parabrachial nucleus, locus coeruleus, Barrington's nucleus, periaqueductal gray, and dorsal raphe. In contrast with in situ hybridization studies, auditory and somatosensory areas were AR-ir negative, and, except for very light staining in the prepositus nucleus, areas carrying vestibular information did not display AR-ir. Additionally, cranial nerve motoneurons of the hypoglossal, facial, dorsal vagus, and spinal trigeminal did not display AR-ir in contrast to previous reports. The data presented here indicate that androgens may influence numerous cell groups within the brainstem. Some of these probably constitute a steroid sensitive circuit linking the MPOA to motoneurons in the spinal cord via androgen responsive cells in the caudal ventral medulla.  相似文献   

An immunohistochemical study with an antiserum raised salmon melanin concentrating-hormone has demonstrated the presence of numerous melanin concentrating-hormone-immunoreactive neurons in the lateral hypothalamic areas of the sheep. The pattern of distribution of these perikarya is similar to that of rodents and primates. In sheep, however, melanin concentrating-hormone-immunoreactive neurons appeared to form two gatherings: the first is situated ventromedially to the internal capsule and the second in the dorsolateral hypothalamus. In these areas, numerous immunostained perikarya are observed. Compared to the rats, labelled neurons extended more caudally in the ventral tegmental area and more rostrally above the optic chiasma. Compared to primates, these neurons are less numerous in the periventricular area. In our study, dense networks of melanin concentrating-hormone-immunoreactive varicose fibers were observed in the supramamillary nucleus, the lateral hypothalamus, the nucleus medialis thalami and nucleus reuniens andin the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis.  相似文献   

The present study is an examination, using an indirect immunofluorescence method, of the distribution of visinin, a 24,000 dalton peptide, in the rat forebrain and diencephalon. Immunoreactive structures were localized in the neuronal elements showing an uneven distribution. Immunoreactive neurons were found in the olfactory bulb, anterior olfactory nucleus, cerebral cortex, amygdaloid complex, ventral portion of the nucleus caudatus putamen, septal area, nucleus accumbens, nucleus paratenialis, nucleus rhomboideus, nucleus reuniens, nucleus paraventricularis hypothalami, nucleus supraopticus, nucleus anterior hypothalami, preoptic area, hypothalamic periventricular nucleus, nucleus mammillaris medialis, medial habenular nucleus, zona incerta, nucleus lateralis thalami, nucleus tractus optici and gyrus dentatus. Immunoreactive fibers were observed in the above areas, particularly near the labelled cells, forming fiber plexuses of varying density. In addition, dense plexuses were also seen in the globus pallidus, anteroventral nucleus of the thalamus, substantia nigra and hippocampus. In the former three structures, no labelled cells were present and in the latter, a few scattered neurons were found, indicating that these fibers originate from extrinsic sources.  相似文献   

The natriuretic peptide receptor type C (NPR-C) binds all natriuretic peptides. It is thought to be involved in the clearance of natriuretic peptides and more recently has been defined as essential for the neuromodulatory effects of natriuretic peptides. Although the distribution of NPR-C mRNA has been reported in the rat forebrain, there are no data on the distribution of NPR-C in the brainstem. We report an immunofluorescence study on the distribution of NPR-C immunoreactivity in the rat brainstem, and its presence in cholinergic and catecholaminergic neurons. NPR-C immunoreactivity was detected in several regions, including the periaqueductal gray, oculomotor nucleus, red nucleus and trochlear nucleus of the midbrain; the pontine nucleus, dorsal tegmental nucleus, vestibular nucleus, locus coeruleus, trigeminal motor nucleus, nucleus of the trapezoid body, abducens nucleus and facial nucleus of the pons; and the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus, hypoglossal nucleus, lateral reticular nucleus, nucleus ambiguus and inferior olivary nucleus of the medulla oblongata. Interestingly, NPR-C immunoreactivity was detected in the cholinergic neurons of the oculomotor nucleus, trochlear nucleus, dorsal tegmental nucleus, motor trigeminal nucleus, facial nucleus, dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus, nucleus ambiguus and hypoglossal nucleus. Furthermore, NPR-C immunoreactivity was detected in several catecholaminergic neuronal groups including the A6, A5, A1, C3 and C1 cell groups. These results are consistent with an important role for natriuretic peptides in neuroendocrine regulation and central cardiovascular integration. The extensive distribution of NPR-C in the brainstem supports the hypothesis that NPR-C is involved in the neuromodulatory effect of natriuretic peptides.  相似文献   

The distribution of somatostatin-immunoreactive structures in the infant brainstem was investigated using the peroxidase-antiperoxidase technique. A wide distribution of somatostatin-immunoreactive cell bodies and fibers was observed throughout the brainstem. Numerous somatostatin-immunoreactive cell bodies and fibers were present in several areas of the brainstem including the substantia grisea centralis and the reticular formation. Some immunoreactive cell bodies were seen in cranial nerve nuclei such as the nucleus praepositus, the nucleus nervi hypoglossi and the vestibular nuclei. Immunoreactive fibers were seen in the nucleus cuneatus, the locus coeruleus, the nucleus tractus solitarius, the nucleus ambiguus, the nucleus tractus spinalis nervi trigemini and the dorsal horn of the spinal cord. These data were in agreement with previous works on the human adult. However, a high density of somatostatin-immunoreactive cell bodies and fibers in the interpeduncular nucleus and in the nucleus centralis superior, and a dense network of somatostatin-immunoreactive fibers in the dorsal part of the nucleus inferior olivarius, were also observed. The role of somatostatin in some brainstem nuclei and its probable implication in some specific neuropathological diseases of the infant brainstem is discussed.  相似文献   

Studies performed using the Nissl and Kluver-Barrera methods for analysis of the organization of fibers, morphological neuron types, and neuron density distribution were undertaken to map the zona incerta of the diencephalon of the dog brain; five individual sectors were identified, whose boundaries were further identified by histochemical detection of NADPH-diaphorase-positive neurons.  相似文献   

Y Tillet 《Neuroscience》1987,23(2):501-527
Using immunocytochemistry, morphological characteristics and distribution of serotonin-containing neurons and fibers of the sheep myelencephalon, brainstem and diencephalon were studied, employing highly specific antibodies to serotonin. The immunocytochemical procedure described here allowed the visualization of endogenous, and thus presumably physiological, pools of serotonin, because no pharmacological treatments (colchicine, inhibitors of monoamine oxidase or 5-hydroxytryptophan) were used to increase the endogenous amount of antigen. The distribution of serotonin cell bodies observed in the study is in agreement with that described by other authors in the rat using a similar method. The present work also shows more numerous groups than the formaldehyde-induced fluorescence method, because five additional groups were revealed, designated S1 to S5. Compared with those in the rat, sheep serotonergic structures exhibit striking specific characteristics: (1) greater scattering of cell bodies within the different groups visualized, (2) absence of group B4 and hypothalamic groups, (3) only a weak serotonergic innervation of the suprachiasmatic nuclei area.  相似文献   

Distribution of putative glutamatergic neurons in the lower brainstem and cerebellum of the rat was examined immunocytochemically by using a monoclonal antibody against phosphate-activated glutaminase, which has been proposed to be a major synthetic enzyme of transmitter glutamate and so may serve as a marker for glutamatergic neurons in the central nervous system. Intensely-immunolabeled neuronal cell bodies were densely distributed in the main precerebellar nuclei sending mossy fibers to the cerebellum; in the pontine nuclei, pontine tegmental reticular nucleus of Bechterew, external cuneate nucleus, and lateral reticular nucleus of the medulla oblongata. Phosphate-activated glutaminase-immunoreactive granular deposits were densely seen in the brachium pontis and restiform body, suggesting the immunolabeling of mossy fibers of passage. In the cerebellum, neuropil within the granule cell layer of the cerebellar cortex displayed intense phosphate-activated glutaminase-immunoreactivity, and that within the deep cerebellar nuclei showed moderate immunoreactivity. These results indicate that many mossy fiber terminals originate from phosphate-activated glutaminase-containing neurons and utilize phosphate-activated glutaminase for the synthesis of transmitter glutamate. Intensely-immunostained neuronal cell bodies were further observed in other regions which have been reported to contain neurons sending mossy fibers to the cerebellum; in the dorsal part of the principal sensory trigeminal nucleus, dorsomedial part of the oral subnucleus of the spinal trigeminal nucleus, interpolar subnucleus of the spinal trigeminal nucleus, paratrigeminal nucleus, supragenual nucleus, regions dorsal to the abducens nucleus and genu of the facial nerve, superior and medial vestibular nuclei, cell groups f, x and y, hypoglossal prepositus nucleus, intercalated nucleus, nucleus of Roller, reticular regions intercalated between the motor trigeminal and principal sensory trigeminal nuclei, linear nucleus, and gigantocellular and paramedian reticular formation. Neuronal cell bodies with intense phosphate-activated glutaminase-immunoreactivity were also found in other brainstem regions, such as the paracochlear glial substance, posterior ventral cochlear nucleus, and cell group e. Although it is still controversial whether all glutamatergic neurons use phosphate-activated glutaminase in a transmitter-related process and whether phosphate-activated glutaminase is involved in other metabolism-related processes, the neurons showing intense phosphate-activated glutaminase-immunoreactivity in the present study were suggested to be putative glutamatergic neurons.  相似文献   

Using an antiserum directed against gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), the presence of presumed GABAergic neurons is demonstrated in the chicken auditory brainstem nuclei: nucleus laminaris, nucleus angularis, superior olive, and the ventral nuclei of the lateral lemniscus. Nucleus magnocellularis contains no immunopositive neurons but numerous GABA-positive terminals surrounding the cells. Terminal labeling is also present in the other auditory nuclei, though scarcer and not always associated with cell bodies. These data suggest an involvement of GABAergic inhibition in auditory processing in the lower auditory pathway of birds.  相似文献   

The distribution of parvalbumin-like immunoreactivity was studied in the embryonic and postnatal chicken retina. In post-hatched chickens, parvalbumin-like immunoreactivity was confined to amacrine cells. Three distinct subpopulations were identifiable based upon soma position and level of dendritic arborization in the inner plexiform layer. The primary dendrites from parvalbumin-immunoreactive amacrine cells descended vertically into the inner plexiform layer and eventually branched to give rise to a laminarly arrayed plexus in sublamina I, sublamina V and, to a lesser extent, at the boundary between sublaminae III and IV. Parvalbumin-like immunoreactive amacrine cells projecting to sublamina I of the inner plexiform layer were consistently monostratified. Some, but not all, contributed thick fibers to sublamina I that could be followed for long distances across the retina and were generally not radially organized. The parvalbumin-like immunoreactive cells that projected to sublamina V gave rise to a primary dendrite from which three to five fibers branched radially. Collateral branches of these same primary dendrites gave rise to the parvalbumin-like immunoreactive plexus at the interface between sublaminae III and IV. In prenatal chickens, parvalbumin-like immunoreactivity was not detected until embryonic day 14. At this time it appeared as a faint band at the inner nuclear layer-inner plexiform layer boundary in the central retina. By embryonic day 18 the intensity of immunoreactivity and the complexity of the arborizations of the parvalbumin-like immunoreactive dendrites approached that seen in the post-hatched chicken. In the chicken retina, parvalbumin-like immunoreactivity was displayed by morphologically distinct subpopulations of amacrine cells suggesting that these amacrine cells may subserve diverse functions.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The superior olivary complex (SOC) of the adult rat brainstem was studied in detail with regard to its innervation by neural elements showing immunoreactivity for two neuroactive peptides, somatostatin and substance P. Nerve fibres and varicosities showing positive immuno-reactivity for both peptides were particularly dense immediately dorsal and lateral to the lateral superior olivary nucleus (LSO) and dorsal to the superior paraolivary nucleus (SPN). Penetration of this curtain-like innervation into the SPN was limited, and the LSO showed only a very minor innervation by somatostatin-positive structures in its most medial (high frequency) lobe. Dense fibre labelling and varicosities were also apparent for both peptides immediately medial to the ventral and dorsal nuclei of the lateral lemniscus, and in the external cortex and dorsomedial zones of the inferior colliculus (IC). Labelled fibres and endings were also seen in the granule cell regions of anteroventral cochlear nucleus (AVCN) and the most dorsomedial parts of the dorsal cochlear nucleus (DCN). The majority of cells in the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body (MNTB) showed a prominent innervation by nerve terminals that stained positive for somatostatin only whereas the medial superior olivary nucleus (MSO) was devoid of label for both peptides. The ventral nucleus of the trapezoid body (VNTB) showed sparse but significant innervation by both somatostatin and substance P-positive structures. Hence the VNTB was the only defined nucleus of the SOC to show a significant substance P-positive innervation. Neuronal somata immuno-reactive for somatostatin were found in anteroventral and posteroventral cochlear nuclei (AVCN and PVCN) and the A5 and A7 cell groups adjacent to the LSO and the VNLL and DNLL and in all subdivisions of the inferior colliculus (IC). Somata showing only faint immunoreactivity for substance P were found in the VNLL, AVCN and PVCN. These results suggest a potential role for both peptides in auditory signal processing in the adult rat brain.  相似文献   

Retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase was used to show that the projections of the globus pallidus, entopeduncular nucleus, substantia nigra, and pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus in dogs are directed to all segments of the zone incerta. The experiments reported here identified no topical features in the organization of these projections in dogs, as application of marker to different areas of the zona incerta yielded similar distributions of labeled neurons in the basal ganglia. No striatal projections to the zone incerta were found.  相似文献   

We have studied the distribution of immunoreactive cell bodies and axons are containing methionine-enkephalin in the minipig brainstem. Immunoreactive axons were widely distributed, whereas the distribution of perikarya was less widespread. A high or moderate density of axons containing methionine-enkephalin were found from rostral to caudal levels in the substantia nigra, nucleus interpeduncularis, nucleus reticularis tegmenti pontis, nucleus dorsalis raphae, nucleus centralis raphae, nuclei dorsalis and ventralis tegmenti of Gudden, locus ceruleus, nucleus sensorius principalis nervi trigemini, nucleus cuneatus externalis, nucleus tractus solitarius, nuclei vestibularis inferior and medialis, nucleus ambiguus, nucleus olivaris inferior and in the nucleus tractus spinalis nervi trigemini. Immunoreactive perikarya were observed in the nuclei centralis and dorsalis raphae, nucleus motorius nervi trigemini, nucleus centralis superior, nucleus nervi facialis, nuclei parabrachialis medialis and lateralis, nucleus ventralis raphae, nucleus reticularis lateralis and in the formatio reticularis. We have also described the presence of perikarya containing methionine-enkephalin in the nuclei nervi abducens, ruber, nervi oculomotorius and nervi trochlearis. These results suggest that in the minipig the pentapeptide may be involved in many physiological functions (for example, proprioceptive and nociceptive information; motor, respiratory and cardiovascular mechanisms).  相似文献   

The distribution of calretinin-like immunoreactivity has been analyzed in the brain of Rana esculenta. Several neurons of nuclei belonging to sensory pathways, subhabenular area and left habenula were immunopositive. Immunoreactivity was present in fibers of motor and sensory pathways, thalamus, tegmentum and isthmus. The immunolabeling pattern partially overlapped that previously described in the rat. However, in comparison with the rat, fewer cells and fibers were immunoreactive and there were less positive brain nuclei, especially in the pallium, septum and striatum, that were totally negative. Taking into consideration that these regions are rather simple in the frog, the presence of calretinin seems to be consistent with the degree of complexity of brain areas and segregation of different nuclei.  相似文献   

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