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The interleukin-12 receptor (IL-12R)β1 chain is an essential component of the functional IL-12R on both human T and natural killer cells. In this report it is shown that activation of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) with anti-CD3 monoclonal antibody (mAb) or phytohemagglutinin resulted in the up-regulation of IL-12Rβ1 expression and IL-12 binding. Kinetic studies revealed that maximum expression of IL-12Rβ1 and IL-12 binding occurred on days 3–4. Anti-CD3-induced expression of IL-12Rβ1 chain and IL-12 binding by PBMC was augmented by anti-CD28 mAb, indicating that the potentiating effect of anti-CD28 on T cell responses to IL-12 could be mediated, at least in part, by the enhancement of IL-12R expression. Among 16 cytokines tested, IL-2, IL-7 and IL-15 markedly induced IL-12Rβ1 expression and IL-12 binding on resting PBMC, whereas IL-1α and tumor necrosis factor-α had a minimal enhancing effect. In contrast, IL-3, IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10, IL-12, interferon (IFN)-α, IFN-γ, granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating factor and transforming growth factor (TGF)-β2 had no detectable enhancing effect. Anti-CD3-induced expression of IL-12Rβ1 and of low-affinity IL-12 binding sites was partially inhibited by TGF-β2, IL-10 and IL-4; however, TGF-β2 and IL-10 completely abolished anti-CD3-induced expression of high-affinity IL-12 binding sites. Consistent with the reduction of high affinity IL-12 binding sites, PBMC activated with anti-CD3 mAb in the presence of TGF-β2 or IL-10 failed to produce IFN-γ or to proliferate in response to IL-12. These results suggest that Th2 cell-derived cytokines can inhibit IL-12-induced biological functions by inhibiting IL-12R expression and that expression of a second subunit of the IL-12R (IL-12Rβ2), required for the formation of high-affinity IL-12 binding sites, may be more highly regulated by TGF-β2 and IL-10 than is expression of IL-12Rβ1.  相似文献   

Epidermal Langerhans cells (LC) are Ia-bearing potent antigen-presenting cells (APC) of dendritic cell lineage that play a crucial role in primary and secondary T cell-dependent immune responses. LC express several costimulatory molecules such as B7, which has been implicated as one of the important determinants of professional APC. Recently, B7 antigens have been shown to include three distinct molecules termed B7-1, B7-2, and B7-3, and the expression of B7-1 and B7-2 in LC has been already confirmed. However, little is known of the regulation of B7-1 and B7-2 expression in LC. We demonstrated that LC do not express B7-1 and B7-2 in situ; however, the expression of both molecules is rapidly induced during the first 3 days of culture, and high levels of expression are maintained at least until day 6. We show that the expression of B7-2 in LC is much higher than that of B7-1 in each experiment, and that B7-1 and B7-2 expression is reproducibly augmented by interleukin (IL)-4 in a dose-dependent manner; however, IL-2 affected expression very little. Finally, B7-1 expression is significantly and dose-dependently down-regulated by interferon (IFN)-γ or IL-10, and B7-2 expression is consistently inhibited by IL-10, but not by IFN-γ. The effects of these cytokines are active only in the induction phase (during first 3 days of culture) of B7 expression: the modulatory effects of cytokines are hardly detected in the plateau phase (days 4 to 6 of culture) of B7 expression in LC. These findings suggest that B7-1 and B7-2 expression are indeed selectively and differentially regulated by these T cell-derived cytokines, and that the cytokines may modulate the synthesis of B7 molecules rather than the degradation of already-expressed B7 molecules.  相似文献   

The superantigen staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB) selectively up-regulates the interleukin-2 receptor (IL-2R) β chain (p70) without up-regulating the IL-2R a chain (CD25) on a human tonsillar B cell population depleted of T cells. This action of SEB, probably mediated by binding to major histocompatibility complex class II, renders B cells sensitive to T cell-derived IL-2 and is sufficient for induction of vigorous DNA synthesis with low concentrations of IL-2. This explains one of the mechanisms by which bacterial superantigens activate large numbers of B cells and may reflect a similar mechanism operative in cognate helper T cell/B cell interactions.  相似文献   

Interleukin-7 (IL-7) receptor α chain-deficient (IL-7Rα-/-) mice have severely depleted lymphocyte populations and thymocyte development is arrested at the double-negative (DN) stage. We show that thymocyte development in these mice can be reconstituted by the introduction of a transgenic T cell receptor (TCR), implying that one function of the IL-7Rα chain is to initiate TCR gene rearrangement. Expression of the recombinase-activating genes RAG1 and RAG2 was greatly reduced in the IL-7Rα-/- thymuses, and in DN thymocytes from the TCR transgenic IL-7Rα-/- mice, but was restored in double-positive thymocytes from the TCR transgenic IL-7Rα-/- mice. These data suggest that the IL-7Rα chain controls RAG expression and initiation of TCRβ chain VDJ rearrangement in DN cells. In contrast, once cells have progressed beyond the DN stage of development the IL-7Rα chain becomes no longer essential for RAG expression.  相似文献   

Interferon-γ (IFN-γ) and interleukin-4 (IL-4) are mutually antagonistic cytokines that stimulate CD4+ T cells to develop into either Th1 or Th2 cells. One feature of Th2 differentiation in mice is the loss of IL-12-induced Jak2 and Stat4 activation, which is accompanied by the inability to produce IFN-γ in response to IL-12. In this report, we show that freshly isolated human T cells activated with phytohemagglutinin (PHA) in the presence of IL-4 exhibit a greatly diminished response to IL-12, whereas the IL-12 response of T cells activated with PHA plus IFN-γ is enhanced. Radiolabeled IL-12 binding studies demonstrate that the impairment of T cell IL-12 responsiveness by IL-4 is associated with the down-regulation of high-affinity IL-12 receptor expression. In contrast, the enhancement of IL-12 responsiveness by IFN-γ is associated with the up-regulation of high-affinity IL-12 receptor expression. Through the use of a newly synthesized neutralizing antibody to the low-affinity IL-12 receptor β subunit (IL-12Rβ), we show that neither IL-4 nor IFN-γ affect the expression of IL-12Rβ, which we determine to be one of at least two low-affinity subunits required for high-affinity IL-12 binding. These findings suggest that IL-4 and IFN-γ exert opposite effects on T cell IL-12 responsiveness by differentially modulating the expression of low-affinity IL-12 receptor subunits that are distinct from IL-12Rβ and required, together with IL-12Rβ, for high-affinity IL-12 binding and IL-12 responsiveness. This provides a basis for understanding the interplay between different cytokines at the level of cytokine receptor expression, and offers insight into one of the mechanisms governing Th1 and Th2 development.  相似文献   

An interleukin (IL)-4 dependant mouse T cell clone 8.2 derived from an IL-2-dependent T cell line was characterized. As measured by flow cytometric analysis and Northern blotting, it expresses IL-2 receptor β (IL-2Rβ) and γ (IL-2Rγ) chains, but has lost expression of IL-2 receptor α chain (IL-2Rα). To investigate the properties of the mouse IL-2Rβγ complex and the role of IL-2Rα gene expression, this clone was further studied. T cell clone 8.2 has lost the capacity to bind 125I-labeled human IL-2 under experimental conditions able to detect intermediate-affinity IL-2R in human cells. Mouse IL-2 is unable to block the binding of mAb TMβ1 to 8.2 cells. Under the same experimental conditions, mouse IL-2 blocks the binding of TMβ1 to C30-1 cells expressing the IL-2αβγ complex. Since TMβ1 recognizes an epitope related to the IL-2 binding site of IL-2Rβ, these results can be taken as a demonstration that mouse IL-2Rβγ does not bind mouse IL-2. Furthermore, T cell clone 8.2 does not proliferate in response to recombinant mouse or human IL-2. On the other hand, T cell transfectant lines expressing heterospecific receptors made of the human IL-2Rβ and mouse IL-2Rγ chains bind 125I-labeled human IL-2 and proliferate in response to IL-2. This establishes the difference between mouse and human IL-2Rβ chains. Transfection of T cell clone 8.2 with human IL-2Rα genes restores their capacity to proliferate in response to IL-2. In addition, all transfectants grown in IL-2 express the endogeneous mouse IL-2Rα chain. When grown in IL-4, the endogeneous mouse IL-2Rα gene remains silent in all these transfectants. These results show that, contrary to the human, the mouse does not express an intermediate-affinity IL-2R. Expression of the IL-2Rα gene is therefore required for the formation of the functional IL-2R in mice.  相似文献   

The recently characterized receptor for interleukin (IL)-7 (IL-7R) includes a unique α chain as well as a common γ chain shared with the receptors for IL-2 and IL-4. Engagement of the IL-7R activates the intracellular enzyme phosphatidylinositol (PtdIns) 3-kinase but the mechanism of PtdIns 3-kinase activation and the molecular basis of its interaction with IL-7R are not known. Here we show that IL-7 causes the 85-kDa regulatory subunit of PtdIns 3-kinase (p85), and PtdIns 3-kinase activity, to associate with the IL-7R. This interaction can be ascribed to ligand-induced phosphorylation of a single Tyr residue in the receptor's unique α chain. Herbimycin A, a specific protein tyrosine kinase inhibitor, suppresses not only tyrosine phosphorylation of the IL-7R but also its association with p85. A phosphopeptide corresponding to the sequence surrounding Tyr449 in the cytoplasmic tail of the IL-7R α chain, but not its non-phosphorylated analogue or phosphopeptides coincident with the sequences surrounding other α chain Tyr residues, efficiently competes out p85 binding. Replacement of Tyr449 with Phe results in a loss of p85 binding. Finally, soluble forms of the src homology 2 domains of p85, which bind directly to phosphotyrosyl peptides, specifically inhibit the association of p85 with the IL-7R. Thus, PtdIns 3-kinase recruitment occurs through a single, phosphotyrosine dependent recognition motif surrounding Tyr449 in the IL-7R α chain. This motif corresponds to a canonical sequence for p85 binding, Tyr(P)-X-X-Met. Since the closely related IL-2R and IL-4R also activate PtdIns 3-kinase but are devoid of such canonical motifs, our results suggest that the mechanism by which IL-7R recruits and activates PtdIns 3-kinase differs fundamentally from that used by the other receptors. PtdIns 3-kinase may, therefore, play a unique and important role in the biological response to IL-7.  相似文献   

IL—12和B7—1协同抗肿瘤作用和疫苗效应的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了IL-12和B7-1基因导入小鼠EL-4胸腺瘤细胞后在小鼠体内诱导的协同抗肿瘤免疫作用。方法将逆转录病毒载体重组的小鼠IL-12,B7-1基因表达质粒分别导入小鼠EL-4胸腺瘤细胞,利用转基因细胞治疗小鼠观察其抗肿瘤免疫效果。结果转基因细胞的肿瘤原性较EL-4/Wt和EL-4/Neo组明显降低(P<0.001)。同时免疫原性明显增强,以  相似文献   

The co-stimulatory B7 molecules (B7-1 and B7-2) are expressed on professional antigen-presenting cells in mice. In this study, we demonstrate that B7-1 (CD80) and B7-2 (CD86) are also expressed on murine T cells in the absence of major histocompatibility complex class II molecules. The temporal expression of these two molecules on T cells varies with the state of activation where resting T cells express B7-2 but show little or no expression of B7-1. Following activation, B7-2 expression is down-regulated and there is a concomitant increase in the expression of B7-1 on the cell surface which peaks at about 72 h. Thus these two co-stimulatory molecules are reciprocally expressed on the T cell surface. This pattern of expression of B7-1 and B7-2 on T cells suggests that these two molecules may have different roles in the generation and regulation of immune responses.  相似文献   

Langerhans cells (LC) act as potent antigen-presenting cells (APC) for primary and secondary T cell-dependent immune responses. LC express several costimulatory and/or adhesion molecules such as B7/BB1, which has been implicated as one of the important determinants for professional APC. Recent studies have shown that B7/BB1 antigens comprise three distinct molecules termed B7-1, B7-2, and B7-3. We have examined the regulatory properties of B7-1 expression in LC using various cytokines including interleukin (IL)-1α, IL-1β, IL-2, IL-3, IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-7, IL-10, interferon (IFN)-γ, granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF), and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α. We have demonstrated: 1) that the B7-1 expression of LC is reproducibly up-regulated by either GM-CSF, TNF-α, IL-1α, IL-1β, or IL-4 in a dose- and time-dependent manner, 2) that GM-CSF exhibits the most active effect on B7-1 up-regulation in each experiment, 3) that IFN-γ or IL-10 profoundly inhibits the B7-1 expression of LC in a dose- and time-dependent manner, and 4) that the down-regulatory ability of IFN-γ or IL-10 neutralizes the activity of up-regulatory cytokines. The enhancing or inhibitory action of these cytokines on B7-1 expression occurs selectively because none of the cytokines consistently affects I-A expression of LC. These data suggest that the B7-1 expression of LC may be dynamically regulated by these up- and down-regulatory cytokines in normal and inflammatory epidermal microenvironment.  相似文献   

Interleukin-12 (IL-12), a 70-kDa heterodimeric cytokine composed of covalently linked p35 and p40 chains, is to date the most critical factor for skewing the immune response towards a T helper 1 (Th1) of cytokine profile [high interferon-γ (IFN-γ), low IL-4]. Established sources of IL-12 are stimulated macrophages, neutrophils and B cells. As dendritic cells (DC) process antigen in the periphery and then migrate to lymphoid organs to sensitize T cells and induce cell-mediated immunity, we reasoned that DC should constitute a critical source of IL-12. The criteria used to detect IL-12 in DC were the demonstration of p40 and p35 mRNA (semiquantitative polymerase chain reaction, Northern blotting, and in situ hybridization) as well as IL-12 protein (p70 enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, p70 antigen capture followed by IFN-γ bioassay, free p40 chain radioimmunoassay or immunoprecipitation). We found that conventional stimuli such as Staphylococcus aureus induced production of IL-12 bymurine as well as human DC in amounts comparable to spleen cells, peritoneal macrophages or peripheral blood mononuclear cells. DC exhibited, however, features that had not been seen with other antigen-presenting cells: they produced bioactive IL-12 upon antigen-specific interaction with T cells without any other stimuli; in an allogeneic mixed leukocyte reaction model, neutralizing anti-IL-12 antibodies showed that DC-derived IL-12 was critical for optimal proliferation and IFN-γ production by activated Th1 blasts; and finally, the priming of resting, naive allogeneic T cells by DC, followed by restimulation of primed T blasts by DC, skewed the response to Th1 without the need for any exogenous cytokines or stimuli such as microorganisms. This skewing to Th1 cytokine production, which depended on DC-derived IL-12, but did not require anti-IL-4, exogenous IL-12, or microbes, might be a major function of DC.  相似文献   

The cytokines interleukin (IL)-2 and IL-15 share many biological activities as a consequence of their utilization of the β and γ chains of the IL-2 receptor. However, each cytokine binds to a specific receptor α chain; IL-2 with low affinity and IL-15 with high affinity. Here, we demonstrate that IL-15, like IL-2, up-regulates expression of IL-2Rα on human T and B cells, but rapidly down-regulates IL-15 high-affinity binding sites, which represent IL-15Rα. This leads to a decreased responsiveness to IL-15 as measured by induction of Jak3 tyrosine phosphorylation. These results suggest a mechanism by which IL-15, a product of activated macrophages, may cooperate with IL-2 at the initiation of an immune response and enhance subsequent IL-2 responsiveness during T cell expansion.  相似文献   

Reconstitution with mouse interleukin-2 (IL-2) receptor subunits demonstrated that the mouse IL-2 receptor complex was different from the human complex in the α chain requirement for the functional mouse receptor complex. The heterotrimeric complex of the mouse exogenous α and β chains and the endogenous γ chain on mouse lymphoid BW5147 cells showed the ability to bind IL-2 with high affinity, resulting in IL-2-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of a cytosolic tyrosine kinase, JAK3, which is involved in IL-2-dependent signals. Exogenous introduction of the β chain with the endogenous γ chain, however, could neither confer appreciable IL-2 binding nor IL-2-induced signal transduction on BW5147 cells, unlike the human βγ heterodimer. Mouse spleen CD8+ cells, not having the α chain initially, showed IL-2-dependent cell proliferation only when expression of the α chain was induced. Collectively, these results illustrate that the functional mouse IL-2 receptor complex necessarily includes the α chain, and that the regulation of CD8+ T cell growth during immune reaction depends upon α chain expression.  相似文献   

CD80(B7-1) and CD86(B7-2) co-stimulatory molecules have been reported to activate Th1/Th2 development pathways differentially. It is well known that Langerhans cells (LC), potent antigen-presenting dendritic cells in the epidermis, express several co-stimulatory molecules and that this expression is modulated by several cytokines. Based on the recently reported effect of interferon (IFN)-γ and interleukin (IL)-10 on the expression of CD80 and CD86 by LC, we examined the effects of these cytokines on the expression of CD54 (intercellular adhesion molecule-1) and CD40 in addition to CD80 and CD86 on LC, and correlated the expression of each co-stimulatory molecule with antigen presentation for a Th1 clone by cultured LC (cLC) treated with these cytokines. LC cultured for 72 h significantly up-regulated MHC class II antigen expression and all the co-stimulatory molecules we examined. As previously reported, IL-10 or IFN-γ inhibited the up-regulation of CD80 expression. Granulocyte/macrophage-colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) partially restored the suppression of CD80 expression induced by IFN-γ on cultured LC, while it had virtually no effect on the inhibition induced by IL-10. Antigen presentation for the myoglobin-specific syngeneic Th1 clone by cLC, which were pre-incubated with these cytokines, correlated well with their CD80 expression. In addition, among the antibodies for CD80, CD86, CD28 or CD40, the suppression of the Th1 clone stimulation by LC was found to occur only with anti-CD80 and anti-CD28 antibodies. Finally, we studied the effects of IFN-γ and IL-10 on GM-CSF production by epidermal keratinocytes (KC). We could show that only IFN-γ, but not IL-10, suppressed GM-CSF production by KC. These findings suggest that both IFN-γ and IL-10 suppress antigen presentation by LC for Th1 cells by suppressing their CD80 expression. The inhibitory effect of IFN-γ on CD80 expression on LC appears to be partially mediated through the suppression of GM-CSF production by KC.  相似文献   

Most of the immunosuppressive effects of interleukin-10 (IL-10) are related to functional inhibition of antigen-presenting cells (APC). Herein, we investigate the influence of recombinant (r)IL-10 on human dendritic cells (DC) purified from peripheral blood of healthy volunteers. First, we found that rIL-10 inhibited in a dose-dependent manner the proliferative responses as well as the production of IL-2 and interferon-γ (IFN-γ) in mixed lymphocyte reaction (MLR) between purified T cells and DC. This rIL-10 effect could be attributed to a direct effect on DC, as DC preincubated with rIL-10 were found to be deficient in the induction of alloreactive T cells even when anti-IL-10 neutralizing mAb was added at the time of MLR. Flow cytometric analysis indicated that rIL-10 did not modify the expression of ICAM-1 (CD54) and B7-1 (CD80), but decreased HLA-DR and B7-2 (CD86) expression at the DC surface. We conclude that the inhibitory effect of rIL-10 on primary alloreactive T cell responses involves down-regulation of class II MHC and B7-2 expression at the DC surface.  相似文献   

The novel cytokine interferon-γ-inducing factor (IGIF) augments natural killer (NK) cell activity in cultures of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC), similarly to the structurally unrelated cytokine interleukin (IL)-12. IGIF has been found to enhance the production of interferon-γ (IFN-γ) and granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) while inhibiting the production of IL-10 in concanavalin A (Con A)-stimulated PBMC. In this study, when anti-CD3 monoclonal antibody (mAb)-stimulated human enriched T cells were exposed to IGIF, the cytokine dose-dependently enhanced the proliferation of the cells and this could be completely inhibited by a neutralizing antibody against IL-2 at lower concentrations of IGIF. Neutralizing antibody against IFN-γ had only insignificant inhibitory effects on T cell proliferation at higher concentrations of IGIF. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) revealed that, like PBMC, T cells exposed to IGIF produced large amounts of IFN-γ; however, changes in the production of IL-4 and IL-10 were minimal. IGIF, but not IL-12, significantly enhanced IL-2 and GM-CSF production in T cell cultures, as determined by CTLL-2 bioassay and ELISA, respectively; however, both IGIF and IL-12 enhanced IFN-γ production by the T cells. When T cells were exposed to a combination of IGIF and IL-12, a synergistic effect was observed on the production of IFN-γ, but not on production of IL-2 and GM-CSF. In conclusion, IGIF enhances T cell proliferation apparently through an IL-2-dependent pathway and enhances Th1 cytokine production in vitro and exhibits synergism when combined with IL-12 in terms of enhanced IFN-γ production but not IL-2 and GM-CSF production. Based on structural and functional differences from any known cytokines, it was recently proposed that this cytokine be designated interleukin-18.  相似文献   

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