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目的:探讨儿童期受虐对成人情绪面孔注意偏向的影响.方法:使用儿童虐待史问卷筛选出有童年期受虐经历的被试29名和无童年期受虐经历的被试30名,以情绪面孔(高兴、中性、愤怒)为实验材料进行点探测任务的行为学实验.结果:组别、面孔性质、一致性三因素在反应时指标上,各自的主效应及相互之间的交互作用均不显著(P>0.05):组别和面孔性质在注意偏向各项指标上的主效应和交互效应均不显著(P>0.05).结论:在中国文化背景下,有儿童期受虐经历的成年人不存在对情绪面孔的注意偏向.  相似文献   

目的:探讨高、低社交焦虑大学生对情绪面孔的注意偏向及其加工机制/内在机制.方法:使用简明版惧怕否定评价量表筛选出15名高社交焦虑、16名低社交焦虑大学生被试.采用2(被试类型:高、低社交焦虑)x5(情绪面孔对类型:高兴—平静、愤怒—平静、厌恶—平静、愤怒—高兴、厌恶—高兴)x2(探测刺激呈现位置:一致、不一致)混合实验...  相似文献   

目的:通过分析抑郁症患者在执行线索提示任务时的行为学特点,探索抑郁症患者对负性情绪信息注意偏向的认知特点。方法:筛选出符合国际精神疾病诊断与分类标准(ICD-10)的抑郁症患者20例(抑郁组),选取在性别、年龄、受教育年限方面与抑郁组相匹配的对照组20例。采用中科院心理研究所编制的中国化面孔情绪图片系统作为刺激材料,选择线索-靶子任务进行研究,比较两组被试在不同线索条件下反应时及正确率的差异。结果:抑郁组的总体平均反应时比对照组总体平均反应时长(t=-5.579,P0.01),对照组无效任务与有效任务反应时差值为正,抑郁组为负。对照组、抑郁组均表现出有效任务正确率高于无效任务(t=8.353,2.994,P0.01),中性图片正确率高于负性图片(t=7.363,4.499;P0.01)。结论:1抑郁症患者在执行线索提示任务时的反应速度较正常人慢,符合抑郁症患者思维迟缓、意志活动减退的症状特点;2正常人对情绪面孔图片表现出线索效应,抑郁症患者则表现出返回抑制,抑郁症患者未表现出显著的负性信息注意偏向。  相似文献   

目的:探究红色和蓝色背景如何影响面孔情绪识别,以及情绪强度的调节作用.方法:在成都某高校选取120名大学生参加实验,实验1要求被试对不同颜色背景下不同强度的静态面孔进行情绪强度的等级评定(9点评分);实验2给被试呈现不同颜色背景下的动态面孔情绪(从中性面孔按2%的梯度逐渐变化为原型愤怒/高兴面孔),被试在最初识别到情绪...  相似文献   

目的:探讨情绪面孔刺激对成人惊跳反射的影响。方法:通过广告招募并结合状态-特质焦虑问卷、Beck抑郁问卷筛查出36名正常成人受试,采用以面孔图片(愤怒、恐惧、悲伤、快乐、中性)为诱发材料的惊跳探测任务,记录其眼轮匝肌肌电(electromyography,EMG)信号和自我报告的情绪效价、唤醒评价。结果:受试对愤怒与恐惧面孔的惊跳反应幅度均高于中性面孔[(52.07±4.24),(50.92±4.87)vs.(47.41±4.49),Ps0.05]。对不同类型情绪面孔的效价和唤醒评价差异有统计学意义(F1=92.933,F2=16.800,均P0.001)。快乐面孔(6.52±1.11)的效价得分高于其他面孔[愤怒(3.42±0.86),恐惧(3.58±1.02),悲伤(3.61±1.00),中性(4.55±0.82)],中性面孔的效价分高于愤怒、恐惧和悲伤面孔;愤怒(5.03±1.74)和恐惧面孔(5.05±1.55)的唤醒得分高于其他面孔[悲伤(4.57±1.34),快乐(4.23±1.43),中性(3.64±1.41)],中性面孔的唤醒得分低于其他面孔(Ps0.05)。结论:个体的惊跳反应与面孔的情绪效价并非一一对应关系,惊跳调节效应只发生于愤怒与恐惧面孔。  相似文献   

目的:研究大学生的心理弹性与人格特征、情绪调节方式及中性情绪面孔知觉的关系。方法:采用心理弹性量表、情绪调节方式问卷和艾森克人格问卷(EPQ)对154名大学生进行调查,并对心理弹性高分组和低分组被试进行中性情绪面孔知觉的实验。结果:①心理弹性高分组大学生宣泄调节(t=5.966,P=0.000)、内外向(t=3.903,P=0.000)得分显著高于低分组,神经质(t=-3.036,P=0.000)得分显著低于低分组;②大学生心理弹性与情绪宣泄调节、内外向有显著的正相关,与神经质有显著的负相关;③在悲伤和高兴(S-H)任务中,心理弹性高分组比低分组更多的将中性面孔判断为高兴(t=2.601,P=0.012);在高兴和恐惧(H-F)任务中,心理弹性高分组比低分组更多的将中性面孔判断为高兴(t=2.003,P=0.05);在恐惧和悲伤(F-S)任务中,心理弹性高分组和低分组在对中性面孔判断上没有显著性差异。结论:大学生的心理弹性与情绪宣泄调节、内外向及神经质有显著的相关;心理弹性高的大学生在面对更多复杂情境时比心理弹性较低的人更能积极认知和有效应对。  相似文献   

虽然正电子发射断层成像 (positronemissiontomography ,PET)实验研究证明 ,杏仁核、眶额皮质与人脑在饥饿状态下对食物视觉刺激反应相关 ,但它对人体有微创、时间分辨率低、成本高的缺陷限制了人们在这方面的进一步研究。功能磁共振成像克服了这些缺陷 ,并且它的数据可以单例处理。但它的实验设计比PET的复杂 ,目前也没有较多任务模式设计经验可以借鉴。因此 ,要进行这方面的预实验。 5名健康志愿受试者随机分 3组 ,选择组块、事件相关和快速事件相关任务模式中的一种 ,禁食 12h后扫描。成像过程中 ,受试者接受随机播放的食物图片、非食物图片和空白模糊图片的视觉刺激。再采用SPM2软件处理功能像数据。对感兴趣的食品图片与中性物品图片的对比、食品图片与空白对照组图片对比的相关功能区域进行了t检验后发现 ,事件相关任务模式所得到的相关功能区 ,比其他两类任务模式的相应区域较多地包含了杏仁核、眶额皮质区 ,与既往PET的实验结果相符程度最大。可见事件相关任务模式是一种相对稳定的功能成像模式。  相似文献   

目的:考察海洛因戒断者视听情绪一致和不一致条件下的情绪识别表现,研究其情绪面孔和声音刺激的整合加工特点。方法:选取男性海洛因戒断者32例(戒断组)和健康男性30例(对照组),采用视听情绪分类任务,要求被试忽略情绪声音而对情绪面孔的类型(愤怒、快乐)做出判断。结果:戒断组在一致条件下的反应时低于不一致[(670±66)ms vs.(687±77)ms,P<0.001];戒断组不一致条件与一致条件的反应时差值低于对照组[(32±31)ms vs.(17±21)ms,P<0.05];在愤怒声音下,对照组对愤怒面孔的反应时低于快乐面孔[(653±94)ms vs.(679±78)ms,P<0.05],而戒断组对两种面孔的反应时差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:海洛因戒断者表现出了情绪多通道整合促进效应,但其多通道整合加工能力弱于正常人;戒断者多通道整合受损可能体现在对愤怒声音不敏感。  相似文献   

目的:探讨有非自杀性自伤(NSSI)行为的大学生情绪面孔知觉的特点。方法:通过渥太华自我伤害问卷(1个月内至少1次)和青少年自我伤害量表(半年内至少1次)确定NSSI行为。最终获得有NSSI行为(NSSI组)和无NSSI行为(对照组)的大学生志愿者各23、24名。采用2(组别:NSSI组,对照组)×4(情绪面孔:愤怒,开心,中性,惊讶)的混合实验设计,探究两组在判断面孔效价(面孔表情为积极还是消极)时的正确率和反应时的差异。结果:与对照组相比,NSSI组对所有情绪面孔效价的判断更快[(757±43)ms vs.(959±41)ms,P<0.01],但两组的正确率差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。两组均判断开心表情效价的反应时最短,而判断惊讶表情效价的反应时最长(均P<0.001)。结论:有非自杀性自伤行为的大学生对情绪面孔效价更为敏感。  相似文献   

面孔表情的ERP研究进展   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
情绪 (emotion)是情感的外部表现 ,是人们适应性的一种表现 ,也构成了一个基本的动机系统。面孔是人类表达、认知情感的重要工具和途径 ,正确的表达和识别面部表情是人类生存的一项重要的技能。人们运用各种手段研究面孔、情绪、大脑及其与其他认知方面的关系 ,本文总结了前人利用事件相关电位 (ERP)技术研究面孔和情绪的方法、结果、影响因素并且对面孔及情绪的ERP研究提出问题并做出了展望。  相似文献   

目的:探讨海洛因成瘾者停止用药后静息状态下脑功能的变化情况。方法:对海洛因成瘾者在停止使用海洛因3天(10人),1个月(10人)以及2个月(14人)时分别在静息状态下进行功能磁共振检测。并与正常对照进行比较。结果:成瘾者停用海洛因3天时出现额叶内侧,扣带回。颞上回等异常,停用1个月,额叶脑功能异常加重,海马功能出现异常,停用2个月,脑功能逐步恢复。结论:脑区的变化可能反映出海洛因成瘾者停药后渴求和复发可能性先增加。再下降的变化过程。额叶和海马发生变化时有时间上的关联性。本研究结果一方面为成瘾的动机假说提供了新的支持,另一方面提出海洛因依赖者在停药1个月左右复发的风险最大。  相似文献   

Summary Positron emission tomography of [18F]-2-fluorodeoxyglucose was used to assess the functional brain activity of normal subjects while performing auditory discrimination (CPT), while receiving an identical set of tones as in CPT, but with the instructions that they were background noise, or while at rest. The present study: (1) confirms earlier findings of an association between the functional activity of the right midprefrontal cortex and the performance of auditory discrimination, (2) localizes this increase in right prefrontal cortex activity to the middle prefrontal gyrus; and (3) provides a framework of specific testable hypotheses for the evaluation of the importance of certain limbic and paralimbic areas in the biological determination of sustained attention to be addressed in future studies. The framework accounts for the now confirmed finding that the middle cingulate has lower metabolic activity in CPT than at rest, and new findings of alterations in temporal lobe processing of tones in response to attention.  相似文献   

Summary The areas of the human temporal lobe have been examined by means of stereomicroscopical observations of 800 m thick pigment preparations.Most of the various allocortical and isocortical layers are characteristically pigmented and can be distinguished from one another. Anteromedial parts of the temporal lobe are occupied by different fields which are entirely composed of allocortical laminae. These allocortical core fields clearly influence a widespread transitional region adjacent to it.Since some of the allocortical laminae tend to transgress the limits of their parent fields, the immediately following areas reveal a mixed composition of both allocortical and isocortical laminae. These areas together form the periallocortical belt region which is particularly expanded anteromedially but becomes elongated and attenuated posterolaterally.The neighbouring isocortex can be divided into a marginal zone adjoining the periallocortical belt (proisocortex) and the mature isocortex (sensu stricto).Pigment preparations reveal clear structural differences between the cortex covering the superior temporal gyrus and that spreading over the subjacent convolutions. The isocortex of the superior temporal gyrus is mainly composed of the granulous core field, the proconiocortical and paraconiocortical areas, and the laterally extended magnopyramidal fields. The subjacent convolutions are occupied by two richly pigmented and extended areas, the posterior one of which shows a remarkable narrow light stripe within the lower reaches of the pyramidal layer (area temporalis stratiformis).Dedicated to Prof. Dr. med. Rolf Ortmann on the occasion of his 65th birthday  相似文献   

目的:探讨海洛因成瘾者在静息状态下脑功能连接与正常对照的区别。方法:对16例海洛因成瘾者和16例匹配的正常对照进行静息状态下的脑功能扫描。选择杏仁核为种子区,比较两组之间脑功能连接的区别。结果:同正常对照相比,海洛因成瘾者杏仁核与左右扣带回、左右扣带回前部以及右侧Brodmann 24脑区功能连接下降。结论:这种功能连接的下降可能反映出海洛因成瘾者的杏仁核功能处于脱抑制状态,造成海洛因成瘾者犒赏、动机、记忆功能异常,从而参与了海洛因成瘾行为产生和维持。  相似文献   

The orbitofrontal cortex: Neuronal activity in the behaving monkey   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Summary Single unit recording of neurons in the orbitofrontal cortex of the alert rhesus monkey was used to investigate responses to sensory stimulation. 32.4% of the neurons had visual responses that had typical latencies of 100–200 ms, and 9.4% responded to gustatory inputs. Most neurons were selective, in that they responded consistently to some stimuli such as foods or aversive objects, but not to others. In a number of cases the neurons responded selectively to particular foods or aversive stimuli. However, this high selectivity could not be explained by simple sensory features of the stimulus, since the responses of some neurons could be readily reversed if the meaning of the stimulus (i.e. whether it was food or aversive) was changed, even though its physical appearance remained identical. Further, some bimodal neurons received convergent visual and gustatory inputs, with matching selectivity for the same stimulus in both modalities, again suggesting that an explanation in terms of simple sensory features is inadequate.Neurons were also studied during the performance of tasks known to be disrupted by orbitofrontal lesions, including a go/no go visual discrimination task and its reversal. 8.6% of neurons had differential responses to the two discriminative stimuli in the task, one of which indicated that reward was available and the other saline. Reversing the meaning of the two stimuli showed that whereas some differential units were closely linked to the sensory features of the stimuli, and some to their behavioural significance, others were conditional, in that they would only respond if a particular stimulus was present, and if it was the one being currently rewarded. Other neurons had activity related to the outcome of the animal's response, with some indicating that reinforcement had been received and others, that an error had been made and that a reversal was required.Thus, neurons in the orbitofrontal cortex possess highly coded information about which stimuli are present, as well as information about the consequences of the animal's own responses. It is suggested that together they may constitute a neuronal mechanism for determining whether particular visual stimuli continue to be associated with reinforcement, as well as providing for the modification of the animal's behavioural responses to such stimuli when those responses are no longer appropriate.  相似文献   

Summary The precentral, subcentral, and frontal region of the human frontal lobe were examined by means of stereomicroscopical analysis using 800 m thick pigment preparations.The precentral region can be divided into markedly externoteniate ganglionic core fields and weakly externoteniate paraganglionic belt areas. The core fields are in addition characterized by a conspicuous population of pigment-laden Betz-pyramids in layer pVb. A typical pattern of pigmentation permits their clear distinction from other pyramidal cells of the fifth layer. When passing to the paraganglionic belt areas devoid of Betz-pyramids, the uniform multiform layer splits into a strongly pigmented pVIa and a more pallid pVIb.The subcentral region at the lowermost extremity of the central sulcus displays features of both frontal and parietal areas.The frontal region is mainly formed of equoteniate areas but comprises also a tongue-shaped internoteniate territory medially and an elongated externoteniate area laterally. Extended parts of the frontal region which abut upon the paraganglionic belt are endowed with unusually large and pigmentladen IIIc-pyramids. Pyramids of this type can be rarely encountered within the human isocortex but occur in great number in circumscribed specialized regions such as the temporal magnopyramidal region which represents probably the speech centre of Wernicke. Within the frontal lobe, two magnopyramidal regions can be distinguished. The superofrontal magnopyramidal region stretches out over large parts of the superior frontal convolution whereas the inferofrontal one is small and covers mainly posterior parts of the inferior frontal gyrus. As to its location, the superofrontal magnopyramidal region includes the supplementary motor region which is known to be involved in the performance of speech. On account of its unique structure and its location, the inferofrontal magnopyramidal region is considered to represent the morphological counterpart of the speech centre of Broca.  相似文献   

Although little is known about the neuroanatomical basis of skin conductance orienting in intact normal humans, the limited literature on animals and humans with neurological and clinical disorders implicate prefrontal, temporal/amygdala, and pons brain areas in mediating skin conductance orienting. This study relates area of these structures using magnetic resonance imaging techniques to skin conductance orienting responses in 17 normal humans in order to test hypotheses that larger area of these excitatory structures will be associated with more orienting responses. Left and right hand skin conductance orienting was significantly associated with left and right prefrontal area (r = .44-.60), area of the pons (r = .43-.54), and left but not right temporal/amygdala area (r = .47-.53). No relationships were observed with areas thought to be unrelated to skin conductance activity (cerebellum, nonfrontal cortical area), medial prefrontal cortex, or the third ventricle. This appears to be the first study relating brain structure to skin conductance orienting in intact normal humans. Although preliminary at the present time, these results implicate prefrontal, pons, and temporal/amygdala areas in the mediation of skin conductance orienting in normal humans.  相似文献   

目的 :探讨左颞叶和颅底占位性病变在韦氏智力量表分测验中的损害模式。方法 :对 96例脑部占位性病变患者采用韦氏智力量表 (WAIS -RC)中的常识、词汇和相似性分测验进行测试。同时采用一个常识、词汇与相似性相对照的参数来对不同部位的患者进行比较。结果 :左颞叶和颅底占位性病变患者在常识和词汇分测验上比相似性分测验成绩差 ,5 8.8%的左颞叶患者和 72 .7%的颅底部患者参数〔(常识 +词汇 ) /2 -相似性〕为负数 ,而左额叶组、左顶叶 /左枕叶组及右半球组患者参数值则正数比率高 ,比率分别为 6 3.6 %、5 7.9%及 5 9.3%。与左额叶组、左顶叶 /左枕叶组和右半球组相比 ,左颞叶组和颅底组参数值更多为负数 ,差异有显著性 ,P <0 .0 5。结论 :本研究显示左颞叶及颅底部损害与常识和词汇分测验比相似性测验受损更明显相联系 ,支持左颞叶和颅底部损害可能更易损害记忆功能 ,尤其是语义记忆功能。  相似文献   

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