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We investigated the possible use of individual Total Neuropathy Scale (TNS) items to predict the neurological outcome in patients undergoing cisplatin and paclitaxel combination chemotherapy in a series of thirty‐four women divided, according to the worst TNS score reached during the period of observation, into three groups, i.e. with a score <5 (n = 14), >5 but <10 (n = 5) or >10 (n = 15). At the visit performed before the onset of the worst neuropathy signs, 14 out of the 15 patients with the worst TNS had a change of 2 or more points in the sum of the semiquantitative vibration score (tuning fork) plus the DTR examination. In 12 of them the change was due to both vibration perception and DTR impairment. A change in the combined score was observed also in 7 out of the 14 patients with the better neurological outcome, but none of them had any change in the vibration perception. Early disappearance of DTR in the lower limbs (i.e. both ankle and patellar reflexes bilaterally) was observed in 7 out of the 15 patients with a worst outcome, while only 1 patient in the better outcome group had this clinical sign. The results of the VDT score obtained with a vibrameter did not improve the accuracy of the neurological assessment. Our study indicates that the accurate clinical evaluation of the patients treated with platinum and taxane combination polychemotherapy can be used to predict the final neurological outcome of the treatment.  相似文献   

Thalidomide was recently reintroduced to treat several immune-mediated pathologies. Peripheral neuropathy is a significant side effect limiting its clinical use. Our aims include: (1) describing and identifying the incidence of clinical or electrophysiologic peripheral neuropathy in children, (2) determining whether peripheral neuropathy correlates with cumulative dose of thalidomide and with age, and (3) defining its reversibility rate. We studied 13 children manifesting immune-mediated pathologies treated with thalidomide at doses ranging from 25-100 mg/day. Clinical and neurophysiologic evaluation was performed before and after starting treatment. Seven children (53.8%) showed neurophysiologic signs of sensory peripheral axonal polyneuropathy. Five presented associated clinical symptoms, while the other two only presented subclinical, neurophysiologic signs of peripheral neuropathy. We found a significant correlation between the incidence of peripheral neuropathy and thalidomide cumulative dose (P = 0.02). We observed a lower incidence of peripheral neuropathy at a cumulative dose <20 gm, and a correlation with age (P < 0.01). The clinical and electrophysiologic recovery rate was 40%, and clinical improvement alone was observed in another 40%. Thalidomide induces dose-dependent and age-dependent peripheral neuropathy at a significant frequency in childhood (53.8%). In our experience a cumulative dosage at >20 gm and long-term administration for >10 months seem to increase the risk of peripheral neuropathy. We propose clinical and neurophysiologic follow-up every 3 months to identify and monitor possible side effects.  相似文献   

The authors prospectively followed 14 patients treated with thalidomide for cutaneous lupus erythematosus (CLE), in order to evaluate the occurrence of peripheral neuropathy (PN) and to assess whether PN correlates with thalidomide dose. The patients were followed for up to 24 months with neurologic and electrophysiologic evaluations. Seven patients (50%) developed sensory axonal PN. The median time free from PN was 14 months. PN occurred after 10 months in the majority of patients. No correlations were found between thalidomide cumulative dose and occurrence of PN (Mann-Whitney U test; p > 0.16).  相似文献   

We assessed the involvement of somatic unmyelinated fibers in sensory ganglionopathies by skin biopsy and quantitative sensory testing (QST). Sixteen patients with ganglionopathy, 16 with axonal neuropathy, and 15 normal controls underwent skin biopsy at the proximal thigh and the distal leg. Intraepidermal nerve fibers (IENF) were immunostained by antiprotein gene product 9.5, and their linear density was quantified under light microscopy. Confocal microscopy studies with double staining of nerve fibers and basement membrane were also performed. Healthy subjects and neuropathy patients showed the typical proximodistal gradient of IENF density; in neuropathies, values were significantly lower at the distal site of the leg, confirming the length-dependent loss of cutaneous innervation. Conversely, ganglionopathy patients with hyperalgesic symptoms did not show any change of IENF density between the proximal thigh and the distal leg. The distinct pattern of epidermal denervation seen in sensory ganglionopathy reflected the degeneration of somatic unmyelinated fibers in a fashion that was not length-dependent, which was consistent with both clinical and neurophysiologic observations and supported the diagnosis.  相似文献   

During a field study in the Seychelles Islands, 19 patients with tropical spastic paraparesis (TSP) were evaluated electrophysiologically. Methods of assessment included motor and sensory nerve conduction studies, electromyography, and analysis of the somatosensory evoked potentials after stimulation of the tibial and median nerves. The results showed that the most prominent feature of the disease, a spastic paraparesis, is accompanied by subclinical involvement of spinal sensory pathways and a comparatively minor peripheral sensorimotor polyneuropathy.  相似文献   

Paclitaxel is the prototype of a new class of chemotherapeutic agents with an antimitotic effect that is related to its ability to interfere with the microtubule system. It causes peripheral neurological toxicity by means of its activity on the axonal microtubules.To define the clinical and neurophysiological characteristics of paclitaxel neuropathy 23 patients undergoing paclitaxel therapy at a dose of 175 mg/m2 were studied. The patients were divided into two groups, with only one group receiving pretreatment with potentially neurotoxic drugs such as cisplatin and carboplatin. The results showed a high incidence of mild neurotoxicity in both groups. Treatment was discontinued due to severe neurotoxicity in only one patient pretreated with platinum-compounds. The clinical and neurophysiological data make it possible to define paclitaxel neurotoxicity as a distal axonal neuropathy with a summatory effect in patients pretreated with cisplatin; the possible reversibility of paclitaxel neurotoxicity requires further confirmation.The study was supported in part by Italian National Research Council (CNR) grant 9400985CT04.  相似文献   

Agyria-pachygyria: clinical,neuroimaging, and neurophysiologic correlations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Agyria-pachygyria complex is a disorder of neuronal migration and organization. Patients suffer either motor or intellectual retardation. We report our experiences of 10 patients with agyria-pachygyria complex and evaluate their clinical features, electroencephalography, and evoked potentials. Of nine electroencephalography examinations, five patients demonstrated characteristically high-amplitude fast activity. One of nine patients had an abnormal brainstem auditory-evoked potential. Three of seven patients had abnormal goggled visual-evoked potential. Six patients received somatosensory-evoked potential examinations, and five of these were abnormal, including four with prolonged central conduction times. Of the 10 patients, eight survived with variable intellectual and motor retardation; two died of sepsis. Patients with grades 1-4 agyria-pachygyria had high incidences of somatosensory-evoked potential abnormalities and also suffered worse neurologic outcomes. Normal brainstem auditory-evoked potential but abnormal cortical somatosensory-evoked potential components and prolonged central conduction time in these patients indicate that agyria-pachygyria is a supratentorial disease. We conclude that somatosensory-evoked potential examination is supplemental to neuroimaging in predicting the neurologic prognosis of patients with agyria-pachygyria.  相似文献   

Cardiac asystole in epilepsy: clinical and neurophysiologic features   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
PURPOSE: Cardiac asystole provoked by epileptic seizures is a rare but important complication in epilepsy and is supposed to be relevant to the pathogenesis of sudden unexplained death in epilepsy (SUDEP). We sought to determine the frequency of this complication in a population of patients with medically intractable epilepsy and to analyze the correlation between EEG, electrocardiogram (ECG), and clinical features obtained from long-term video-EEG monitoring. METHODS: Retrospective analysis of the clinical records of hospitalized patients from May 1992 to June 2001 who underwent long-term video-/EEG monitoring. RESULTS: Of a total of 1,244 patients, five patients had cardiac asystole in the course of ictal events. In these patients, 11 asystolic events, between 4 and 60 s long in a total of 19 seizures, were registered. All seizures had a focal origin with simple partial seizures (n = 13), complex partial seizures (n = 4), and secondarily generalized seizures (n = 2). One patient showed the longest asystole ever reported (60 s) because of a seizure. Cardiac asystole occurred in two patients with left-sided temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) and in three patients with frontal lobe epilepsy (FLE; two left-sided, one bifrontal). Two patients reported previous cardiac disease, but only one had a pathologic ECG by the time of admission. Two patients had a simultaneous central ictal apnea during the asystole. None of the patients had ongoing deficits due to the asystole. CONCLUSIONS: These findings confirm that seizure-induced asystole is a rare complication. The event appeared only in focal epilepsies (frontal and temporal) with a lateralization to the left side. A newly diagnosed or known cardiac disorder could be a risk factor for ictal asystole. Abnormally long postictal periods with altered consciousness might point to reduced cerebral perfusion during the event because of ictal asystole. Central ictal apnea could be a frequent associated phenomenon.  相似文献   

目的 探讨以上运动神经元损害为主要表现的肌萎缩侧索硬化( UMN-D ALS)的临床和神经电生理特点.方法 回顾分析76例UMN-D ALS患者及19例原发性侧索硬化(PLS)患者,对其临床表现和神经电生理特点进行总结、比较.神经电生理研究主要包括四肢神经传导速度和延髓、颈、胸、腰骶4个区的肌肉肌电图检测,每隔6个月复查1次.结果 8例初诊为PLS的患者随访中出现下运动神经元损害的表现,转入UMN-D ALS组,此组患者增为84例.>40岁的UMN-D ALS患者中女性更多(男:女=1∶1.37).32例(38.1%)延髓部起病,从首发症状到肌电图提示神经源性改变平均为30个月,77例(91.6%)在病程4年内出现下运动神经元损害的表现.随访4年时,UMN-D ALS组修改版ALS神经功能评分(分)由40±3下降为32±4(t=1.83,P<0.05);UMN-D ALS组与PLS组第一骨间肌运动单位动作电位波幅、时限相比[(1003.7±25.2) μV和(353.5±21.5) μV,t=2.34,P<0.05;(19.8±2.3)ms和(9.6±1.3)ms,t=1.85,P<0.05]差异有统计学意义.结论 UMN-D ALS患者中女性、以延髓部起病患者比例较高,比PLS进展快,肌电图神经源性损害局限.  相似文献   

We describe three sibling patients with autosomal dominantly inherited sensory neuropathy, sensorineural hearing loss and dementia. The features of cognitive-behavioral deficits in the patients, including executive dysfunction, apathy, indifference and inattention, were consistent with a frontal lobe dysfunction. Magnetic resonance imaging showed a diffuse brain atrophy. A fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography in one patient and a single photon emission computed tomography in another demonstrated a glucose hypometabolism or a hypoperfusion in the medial frontal and thalamic regions. Primary frontal involvement or frontal dysfunction secondary to thalamic lesions may contribute to the nature of dementia in these patients.  相似文献   

This is a multicenter study on peroneal mononeuropathy (PM), in which a multidimensional protocol was performed to evaluate (1) the predisposing factors and their occurrence; (2) the relationships between the etiological, clinical, and neurophysiologic findings; and (3) disability and quality of life (QoL) in a wide sample with PM. Clinical and neurophysiologic evaluation was performed in all patients; moreover, the group adopted validated disability and QoL measurements to obtain more comprehensive and reliable data on PM. From November 2002 to January 2004, 69 patients were enrolled consecutively in 11 Italian centers. Our data showed that PM involves men more frequently than women (male : female = 4.1:1). PM was idiopathic (16%) or due to prolonged posture (23.1%), surgery (20.3%), weight loss (14.5%), trauma (11.6%), bedridden condition (7.3%), external compression from cast (5.8%), and arthrogenic cyst at the fibula (1.4%). Unexpectedly, peroneal nerve lesions were not only due to surgical operation close to the peroneal region but were also associated with thoracic-abdominal surgery. We observed conduction block in about 50-70% of postural and weight loss PM; in perioperative and idiopathic PM, conduction block or mixed damage was equally present; in PM due to trauma, we observed an exclusive axonal damage in about 60% of cases. Only in three cases (one postural PM, one idiopathic PM, and one weight loss PM), we observed a slowing of conduction velocity in the popliteal fossa-fibular head segment without conduction block. The comparison between QoL in patients with PM and in healthy subjects showed a significant involvement of physical and mental aspects. With regard to disability, 68% of patients walked with difficulty. Our data show that (1) most of the cases of PM are due to an identifiable predisposing factor; (2) there is a good correlation between predisposing factors and clinical-neurophysiologic findings; and (3) PM causes disability and deterioration of the physical and emotional aspects of QoL.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Thalidomide is a promising therapy for multiple myeloma. Sensory neuropathy is a side effect of thalidomide and resulted to be partially reversible in 50% of cases, suggesting a sensory ganglionopathy. Spinal cord magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was found to be useful in the diagnosis of sensory ganglionopathies and we use it to determine if thalidomide neuropathy has features of a ganglionopathy. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Six patients with multiple myeloma developed thalidomide-induced polyneuropathy. Nerve conduction studies, somatosensory-evoked potentials (SEPs) and cervical and dorsal spinal cord MRI were obtained in all. RESULTS: All patients had a sensory neuropathy, with clinical or electrophysiological abnormalities involving all four limbs. Spinal cord MRI showed high signal intensity in the posterior columns in only one patient, with abnormal central conduction time at SEPs. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that thalidomide can induce either an axonal length-dependent neuropathy or, less frequently, a ganglionopathy.  相似文献   

Thalidomide neuropathy: an electrophysiologic study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Thalidomide is effective in the treatment of such disabling dermatologic diseases as aphthosis, discoid lupus erythematosus, and prurigo nodularis, in which other drugs fail. However, its use can induce neuropathy necessitating caution in its administration. It was found in this electrophysiologic study of 13 patients that the data best revealing neuropathy, even when clinical abnormalities were not apparent, were reduction of sensory nerve action potential amplitude on the sural nerve, increase of somatosensory evoked potential latency following sural nerve stimulation, and reduction of sensory action potential amplitude on stimulating the median nerve at the wrist. In two patients, electrophysiologic abnormalities had increased after withdrawal, suggesting a prolonged action of thalidomide. Timely reduction of dosage, after detection of changes indicating the onset of side effects, could reduce the risk of the sometimes rapid emergence of clinical symptoms.  相似文献   

Sensory nerve function was determined in 19 patients with amyotrophie lateral sclerosis (ALS), using a battery of clinical and neurophysiological tests. This assessment was repeated on 12 patients after intervals of 6–18 months. Twelve controls were also studied. In the ALS group, only 2 patients had noticed mild sensory symptoms and none had sensory signs. Between successive studies the vibration thresholds increased, but not to a significant degree. ALS patients showed a significant fall in amplitude of the sensory nerve action potentials in the median, radial, and sural nerves (P < 0.04); sensory nerve conduction velocity did not alter. The median nerve somatosensory evoked potential N19 latency showed a highly significant increase (P < 0.008). Significant subclinical deterioration in sensory nerve function occurs in ALS, and parallels the progressive motor decline. Neuronal degeneration in ALS is not restricted to motor neurons.  相似文献   

Propriospinal myoclonus: a neurophysiologic analysis.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We are reporting a neurophysiologic analysis of two patients presenting with thoracoabdominal spontaneous muscle jerks. Polymyographic recordings showed myoclonic bursts with onset in the upper rectus abdominis or lower intercostal muscles followed by rostral propagation to the upper intercostal and caudal propagation to the abdominal muscles by slowly conducting pathways. Jerk-locked back-averaging did not show time-locked cortical or premovement potentials. Peroneal somatosensory evoked response, C-reflex, and intercostal nerve conduction were normal. These findings suggest a generator for the myoclonus in the midthoracic region of the spinal cord with up and down propagation by slowly conducting pathways, such as propriospinal fibers. This type of spinal myoclonus may thus be termed "propriospinal myoclonus," as suggested by Brown et al.  相似文献   

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