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The Taita No. 1 ventricular assist device (T-VAD) is a totally implantable pulsatile impeller centrifugal pump driven by a magnetically suspended motor. The flow can achieve 2.01 +/- 0.17 L/min against a pressure of 100 mm Hg under 0.266 +/- 0.017 amp and 13.55 +/- 0.41 voltage. The speed was around 3,500 rpm. It consumed less than 6 W of power, resulting in less heat production and mechanical bearing complications. The impeller vane was designed to have both radial and axial curves according to the stream surface and stream lines to reduce thrombosis and hemolysis. Eight calves weighing 80 to 100 kg (mean 87 +/- 12 kg) were used for experiments. With the calves under general anesthesia, left posterolateral thoracotomy was performed to connect the inflow tube with the atrial appendage and to anastomose the outflow tube with the descending aorta. The calves usually awoke and stood up within hours after discontinuation of anesthetics. The mean survival of the calves was 75 +/- 42 days (range 33-148 days). The terminations of experiments were mainly due to infection. During the course of pumping, no significant deterioration of liver or renal function was noted. The evaluation of serum samples from the implanted calves indicated that hemolysis was not associated with use of the T-VAD. The average daily free hemoglobin level was 8.08 +/- 3.05 mg/dl, which was less than the set limit of 20 mg/dl. The red blood cell and platelet count and hemoglobin of implanted animals were within the normal range. In our results, the T-VAD provided competent pulsatile function without severe blood damage or organ dysfunction.  相似文献   

Pulmonary congestion due to inappropriate pump flow management is one major problem necessary to avoid during long-term biventricular assist device (BVAD) implantation. Our objective was to assess the effects of pulmonary arterial flow rate and flow rates of both (right and left) bypass pumps. Six healthy calves, which had been implanted with a BVAD system, were selected for this retrospective study. Pulmonary artery flows, both pump flow rates, oxygen saturation of the arterial blood, and pulmonary arterial pressures were assessed as parameters of pulmonary function as was routine clinical evaluation of respiratory rate and character and chest auscultation. The average pulmonary artery flow rate (PAF), systolic pressure of pulmonary artery (sPAP), and oxygen saturation were 148.8 ml/kg per min, 35.1 mm Hg, and 95.3%, respectively. Pulmonary dysfunction occurred in one case, in which the mean PAF, sPAP, and oxygen saturation were 169 ml/kg per min, 66.1 mm Hg, and 90.9%, respectively. The ratio for the right/left pump flow rate (R/L ratio) for the case having pulmonary dysfunction was 1.57 even though the ratio for the other cases was less than 1. Maintaining an R/L ratio less than 1 and/or PAF less than 160 ml/kg per min and PAP less than 50 mm Hg is recommended as the initial conditions to target to avoid pulmonary dysfunction during a BVAD implantation with a beating heart condition.  相似文献   

We have been developing an implantable left ventricular assist system (T-ILVAS) featuring a magnetically suspended centrifugal pump (MSCP) since 1995. In vitro and in vivo studies using a prototype MSCP composed of a polycarbonate housing and impeller (196 ml) have demonstrated long-term durability and excellent blood compatibility for up to 864 days, and excellent stability of the magnetic bearing of the MSCP. These preliminary results strongly suggested that the magnetic bearing of the MSCP is reliable and is a most feasible mechanism for a long-term circulatory assist device. We have recently devised a clinical version pump made of titanium (180 ml) with a new position sensor mechanism and a wearable controller with batteries. Cadaver fit study confirmed that the Type IV pump could be implanted in a small patient with a body surface area as small as 1.3. The in vitro performance tests of the Type IV pump demonstrated excellent hydrodynamic performances with an acceptable hemolysis rate. New position sensors for the titanium housing showed more uniform sensor outputs of a magnetic bearing than in the prototype polycarbonate pump. The Type IV pump then was evaluated in vivo in 6 sheep at the Oxford Heart Centre. Four sheep were electively sacrificed at 3 months and were allowed to survive for more than 6 months for long-term evaluation. In this particular series of experiments, no anticoagulant/antiplatelet regimen was utilized except for a bolus dose of heparin during surgery. There was a left ventricular mural thrombi around the inflow cannula in 1 sheep. Otherwise, there was no mechanical failure nor sign of thromboembolism throughout the study.  相似文献   

An implantable biventricular assist device (BVAD) has been developed at Baylor College of Medicine using 2 centrifugal blood pumps. The aim of this study was to investigate the exercise-reflex response during nonpulsatile biventricular assistance and to evaluate to which degree the autoregulation of the system would accommodate the changed hemodynamic situation during physical exercise. The Baylor Gyro PI 710 BVAD has been implanted into 2 calves (strain half-Dexter) in a biventricular bypass fashion with native heart remaining. Allowing a 10 day convalescence, 2 animals were subjected to incremental exercise tests. The speed of the treadmill was increased at zero slope from 0.7 mph to 1.5 mph with increments of 0.2 mph every 3 min. During the exercise the pump flows were maintained at a fixed rate (6.93 +/- 0.01 L/min for the left ventricular assist device and 5.36 +/- 1.44 L/min for the right ventricular assist device). Hemodynamic parameters and pump performance were recorded continuously. The cardiac output (CO) and heart rate (HR) increased significantly during the exercise. CO increased from 11.1 +/- 0.3 to 13.1 +/- 0.4 L/min, and HR increased from 99 +/- 7.1 to 114 +/- 2.8 bpm, respectively. Mean aortic pressure, central venous pressure, and left arterial pressure did not change significantly. Also, no change was observed for the left and right pump flows. This totally implantable BVAD showed excellent long-term performance without any mechanical problems. It is feasible to operate without impairment under physical activity. However, the natural heart dominated the hemodynamic response during exercise under BVAD support. The left and the right pump flows did not increase spontaneously with exercise. We therefore conclude that a servo CO control system is necessary to regulate pump flows even during moderate exercise.  相似文献   

At least 25-30% of patients with a permanent implantable left ventricular assist device (LVAD) experience right ventricular failure; therefore, an implantable biventricular assist system (BiVAS) with small centrifugal pumps is being developed. Many institutions are focusing and developing a control system for a left ventricular assist system (LVAS) with rotary blood pumps. These authors feel that the right ventricular assist system (RVAS) with rotary blood pumps should be developed simultaneously. A literature search indicated no recent reports on the effect of hemodynamics and exercise with this type of nonpulsatile implantable RVAS. In this study, a calf with an implantable right ventricular assist system (RVAS) was subjected to 30 min of exercise on a treadmill at 1.5 mph, resulting in excellent hemodynamics. The input voltage remained unchanged. Hemodynamic recordings were taken every 5 min throughout the testing period, and blood gas analysis was done every 10 min. Oxygen uptake (VO2), oxygen delivery (DO2), and oxygen extraction (O2ER) were calculated and analyzed. Two different pump flows were investigated: Group 1 low assist (<3.5 L/min) and Group 2 high assist (>3.5 L/min). In both groups, the RVAS flow rates were unchanged while the pulmonary artery (PA) flow increased during exercise; also, the heart rate and right atrial pressure (RAP) increased during exercise. There were no significant differences in the 2 groups. The PA flow correlates to the heart rate during exercise. In all of the tests, the VO2 and DO2 increased during exercise. Regarding VO2, no changes were observed during the different flow conditions; however, the DO2 of Group 2 was higher than that of Group 1. Because the implantable RVAS did not have pump flow changes during the test conditions, it was necessary to incorporate a flow control system for the implantable RVAS. During exercise with an implantable RVAS rotary blood pump, incorporating the heart rate and VO2 as feedback parameters is feasible for controlling the flow rate.  相似文献   

A miniaturized Gyro centrifugal pump has been developed to be incorporated into a totally implantable artificial heart. The Gyro PI (permanently implantable) model is a pivot bearing supported centrifugal pump with a priming volume of 20 ml. With the miniaturized actuator, the pump-actuator package has a height of 53 mm, a diameter of 65 mm, and a displacement volume of 145 ml. To evaluate the hemocompatibility and efficiency of the Gyro PI pump system, a plastic prototype (Gyro PI-601) was implanted into a bovine model as a left or right ventricular assist device (LVAD or RVAD), bypassing from the left ventricular apex to the descending aorta or from the right ventricular infundibulum to the main pulmonary artery. The calves were anticoagulated with heparin to maintain activated clotting times from 150 to 200 s. Four calves were supported for 23, 24, and 50 days in the LVAD studies, and 40 days in the RVAD study. The first calf died due to intrathoracic bleeding associated with sepsis. The second calf was euthanized for a low flow rate less than 2 L/min due to an obstructed inflow with growing pannus. The third and fourth calves were euthanized as scheduled. Renal and hepatic functions remained normal, and plasma free hemoglobin values were less than 8 mg/dL throughout the experiments. The fourth case showed flow rates of 4.83 ± 0.57 L/min, and input power of 6.16 ± 0.49 W, and the inside temperature of the actuator of 43.5 ± 0.52°C. The pumps implanted in the fourth calf demonstrated no thrombus formation at the autopsy. These in vivo experiments revealed that the Gyro PI pump can provide adequate flow as an easily implantable, efficient, antithrombogenic, and nonhemolytic centrifugal LVAD or RVAD with miniaturized actuators.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the physiologic relationship between the cardiac cycle and the nonpulsatile impeller centrifugal Taita No.1 left ventricular assist device (T-LVAD) in a chronic animal study. The relationship of the cardiac cycle, pump flow, aortic pressure, left ventricle pressure, and pump power were analyzed by 5 phases in 4 stages. The isovolumetric ventricular phase is from mitral valve closure (MVC) to aortic valve opening (AVO) and is called Stage 1. The ejection phase is from AVO to aortic valve closure (AVC) and is called Stage 2. The isovolumetric relaxation phase is from AVC to MVC and is called Stage 3. The passive filling and atrial contraction phase is from MVC to mitral valve opening (MVO) and called Stage 4. Based on evidence from the physiologic volume change of the left ventricle, the change of pump flow of the T-LVAD in a cardiac cycle by variable voltages of pump control was evaluated using animal models. After left posteriolateral thoracotomy via the fifth intercostal space under general anesthesia, the nonpulsatile centrifugal T-LVAD was implanted into 2 healthy calves. The inflow of the T-LVAD was inserted into the left ventricle through the mitral valve via the left atrial appendage. The arterial blood pressure waveform was measured and recorded on the outflow of the T-LVAD. The 4 phases of a cardiac cycle were defined as MVC-AVO (Stage 1), AVO-AVC (Stage 2), AVC-MVO (Stage 3) and MVC-MVO (Stage 4) according to the outflow pressure of the outflow of the T-LVAD and differential pressure between the outflow and inflow of the T-LVAD. We carried out the real-time waveform measurement for electrocardiogram, the outflow pressure, the T-LVAD flow and the speed, as well as open loop and constant voltage (V). In a cardiac cycle, the sensing current of the T-LVAD was inverse to the speed. The flow of the T-LVAD at the 4 stages was measured individually and analyzed with different control voltages from 10 to 18 V. The highest flow ratio of MVC-AVC/AVC-MVC was noted when the T-LVAD worked on 14 V. By using analysis methodology of the flow ratio of a cardiac cycle, the optimal physiologically effective control of the T-LVAD might be achieved.  相似文献   

A compact implantable centrifugal left ventricular assist device (LVAD) (HeartMate III) featuring a magnetically levitated impeller is under development. The goal of our ongoing work is to demonstrate feasibility, low hemolysis, and low thrombogenicity of the titanium pump in chronic bovine in vivo studies. The LVAD is based on so-called bearingless motor technology and combines pump rotor, drive, and magnetic bearing functions in a single unit. The impeller is rotated (theta z) and levitated with both active (X, Y) and passive (Z, theta x, theta y) suspension. Six prototype systems have been built featuring an implantable titanium pump (69 mm diameter, 30 mm height) with textured blood contacting surfaces and extracorporeal electronics. The pumps were implanted in 9 calves (< or = 100 kg at implant) that were anticoagulated with Coumadin (2.5 < or = INR < or = 4.0) throughout the studies. Six studies were electively terminated (at 27-61 days), 1 study was terminated after the development of severe pneumonia and lung atelectasis (at 27 days) another study was terminated after cardiac arrest (at 2 days) while a final study is ongoing (at approximately 100 days). Mean pump flows ranged from 2 to 7 L/min, except for brief periods of exercise at 6 to 9 L/min. Plasma free hemoglobin ranged from 4 to 10 mg/dl. All measured biochemical indicators of end organ function remained within normal range. The pumps have met performance requirements in all 9 implants with acceptable hemolysis and no mechanical failures.  相似文献   

The Gyro C1E3 pump was developed not only for cardiopulmonary bypass but also as a short-term assist device. The main purpose of this study was to examine the correlation between the thrombus formation factor and the Gyro C1E3 pumps. Seven pumps were implanted into 3 calves and evaluated for different periods of duration as a paracorporeal left ventricular assist device (LVAD). One pump was subjected to percutaneous cardiopulmonary support condition (PCPS) (total pressure head 500 mm Hg with a pump flow rate of 3 L/min). The anticoagulation treatment consisted of a continuous administration of heparin to maintain an activated clotting time (ACT) of 200-250 during the LVAD study and 250-300 during the PCPS study. After the experiment, the pumps were disassembled and examined. In cases where there were any blood-derived deposits inside the pumps, the dry weight of these thrombi that adhered to the bearing area of the pump was measured. A multiple correlation was attempted to speculate possible thrombus formation. The estimated dry weight of thrombi was calculated from pump flow rate, pumping day, motor speed, and activated clotting time. This equation was estimated dry weight of thrombi = 1.140 x pump flow rate -0.001 motor speed + 1.652 pumping time -0.041 x ACT + 2.198 R2 = 0.944. This study suggested that there was a possibility to calculate the amount of adhered thrombus formation from pump flow rate, motor speed, pumping day, and ACT.  相似文献   

Improvements in implantable ventricular assist device (VAD) performance will be required to obtain patient outcomes that are comparable with those of heart transplantation. The HeartQuest VAD (WorldHeart, Oakland, CA, U.S.A.) is an advanced device, with full magnetic suspension of the rotor, designed to address specific clinical shortcomings in existing devices and to maximize margins of safety and performance for an implantable assist device. The device dimensions are 35 x 75 mm, with a total weight of 440 g. The system was designed using extensive computer modeling of device function; a total of two iterations of device prototypes were built before building the clinical version. Animal study results have been very promising, with over 30 calf studies completed. Plasma-free hemoglobin levels returned to preoperative levels, and other hematology results were in the normal ranges. Highlights include clean surfaces seen in a 116-day experiment with no anticoagulation after day 43. Feasibility clinical trials are planned to start in 2006.  相似文献   

Park CY  Park JW  Lee JJ  Kim WE  Hwang CM  Om KS  Choi J  Kim J  Shim EB  Jo YH  Min BG 《Artificial organs》2003,27(1):119-123
Approximately 10% to 15% of all patients implanted with left ventricular assist devices (LVADs) have required right heart support with another device. The necessity of aggressive biventricular support has already been proposed. Therefore, the totally implantable biventricular assist device (BVAD) was developed. The width of the BVAD main body was 87 mm, the thickness 67 mm, and the height 106 mm, while the weight was 785 g. The automatic control algorithm was developed to prevent lung edema and atrial rupture.  相似文献   

The Cleveland Clinic CorAide left ventricular assist system is based on a third-generation, implantable, centrifugal pump in which a rotating assembly is suspended fully. To evaluate chronic in vivo system performance and biocompatibility, the CorAide blood pump was implanted in 18 calves for either 1 month or 3 months. Hemodynamics were stable in all calves with a mean pump flow of 5.9 +/- 1.2 L/min and a mean systemic arterial pressure of 98 +/- 5 mm Hg. There were no incidences of bleeding, organ dysfunction, or mechanical failure in any of the 18 calves. Hemolysis occurred in only 1 calf due to outflow graft stenosis. Thrombus inside the pump, seen in 4 of the first 6 cases, was totally eliminated by a final redesign in the remaining cases, including the last 6 implants conducted without anticoagulation therapy. The CorAide blood pump demonstrated good biocompatibility and reliable, effective system performance.  相似文献   

The pulsating catheter (PUCA) pump, a left ventricular assist device, consists of a hydraulically or pneumatically driven membrane pump, extracorporeally placed and mounted to a valved catheter. The catheter is introduced into an easily accessible artery and positioned with its distal tip in the left ventricle. Blood is aspirated from the left ventricle during systole and ejected into the ascending aorta during diastole. A numerical model of the PUCA pump has been developed to determine the internal diameter of the PUCA pump catheter that allows a certain blood flow. The model considers a limitation of mechanical blood damage and determines the accompanying pressure and flow profile for driving the pump. For a flow of 5 L/min, a catheter with an internal diameter of at least 6. 95 mm is required. For 3 L/min, the minimal diameter is 5.50 mm. The latter catheter can be introduced in the axillary artery, the former via the aorta during an open thorax surgical procedure. To validate the numerical model, 2 different PUCA pump configurations were tested in vitro. Results showed a good resemblance between model and in vitro behavior of the PUCA pump.  相似文献   

The DeBakey ventricular assist device: current status in 1997   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In 1993, the development began of a small axial flow blood pump, the DeBakey ventricular assist device (VAD). The material was recently converted to a titanium alloy, and a waterproof pump package was incorporated for long-term intracorporeal circulation. Thirteen intrathoracic implantations in calves were achieved. Nine animals survived the 2 week perioperative period and were supported for a range of 26-93 days. The first study had low flow due to poor anatomical fit of the straight cannula. In contrast, a curved cannula used subsequently provided a good anatomical fit with sufficient flow. Mean flow of 4.4 L/min was sustained with 9,900 rpm and required power was an average of 8.8 W. No thromboembolic evidences were observed in any case, and the plasma free hemoglobin level was maintained lower than 5 mg/dl, except in the early postoperative period. Three animals were terminated because of bleeding due to anticoagulant mismanagement. Electric interference (n = 1) and drive line breakage/fault (n = 2) were observed as device-related failures. Minor modifications were made to the drive line. In conclusion, the DeBakey VAD demonstrated adequate basic performance and biocompatibility. The highly reliable mechanical components and improved electrical parts are promising for a long-term implantable cardiac prosthesis.  相似文献   

In this study, the effects on varying cardiac function during a left ventricular (LV) bypass from the apex to the descending aorta using a centrifugal blood pump were evaluated by analyzing the left ventricular pressure and the motor current of the centrifugal pump in a mock circulatory loop. Failing heart models (preload 15 mm Hg, afterload 40 mm Hg) and normal heart models (preload 5 mm Hg, afterload 100 mm Hg) were simulated by adjusting the contractility of the latex rubber left ventricle. In Study 1, the bypass flow rate, left ventricular pressure, aortic pressure, and motor current levels were measured in each model as the centrifugal pump rpm were increased from 1,000 to 1,500 to 2,000. In Study 2, the pump rpm were fixed at 1,300, 1,500, and 1,700, and at each rpm, the left ventricular peak pressure was increased from 40 to 140 mm Hg by steps of 20 mm Hg. The same measurements as in Study 1 were performed. In Study 1, the bypass flow rate and mean aortic pressure both increased with the increase in pump rpm while the mean left ventricular pressure decreased. In Study 2, a fairly good correlation between the left ventricular pressure and the motor current of the centrifugal pump was obtained. These results suggest that cardiac function as indicated by left ventricular pressure may be estimated from a motor current analysis of the centrifugal blood pump during left heart bypass.  相似文献   

We have developed a pneumatically driven 20 cc soft ventricle for temporary right, left, or biventricular assist. The ventricle consists of a vacuum-formed soft housing, diaphragm, tricuspid outflow valve, and biflap inflow valve. All components including inflow and outflow valves were made with Pellethane. The advantages of this blood pump are as follows: it eliminates use of the quick connect system and therefore is less thrombogenic; the biflap inflow valve provides low inflow resistance; the soft ventricle is easy to implant; the polyurethane valves eliminate blood damage and thromboembolism and are low in cost compared with mechanical valves; and the vacuum-forming technique is reliable, fast, capable of mass production, and therefore inexpensive. We have already demonstrated in both in vitro and in vivo experiments that this ventricle has excellent hemodynamic performance with less blood damage and thrombogenesis. In this study, we evaluated the possible application of a well-defined and widely distributed intraaortic balloon pump (IABP) console to the 20 cc left ventricular assist device (LVAD) driver. The pump was tested in 6 mongrel dogs (6 to 10 kg) using an IABP console. The pump was connected between the left atrium and the ascending aorta, placed paracorporeally on the chest wall, and driven at a synchronous or fixed rate mode without using vacuum. The 20 cc ventricle could maintain the same output as the control output of the natural heart at filling pressures of 5 to 10 mm Hg during the entire observation time of 5 h. Thus, this 20 cc soft ventricle has the potential to be widely used for the treatment of severe heart failure in infants because of its excellent hemodynamic performance, simplicity, and low cost.  相似文献   

The promise of expanded indications for left ventricular assist devices in the future for very long-term applications (10+ years) prompts sealed (i.e. fully implanted) systems and less-obtrusive and more reliable implanted components than their external counterparts in percutaneous configurations. Furthermore, sealed systems increase the fraction of total power losses dissipated intracorporeally, a disadvantage that must be carefully managed. We set out to incorporate the motor drive and levitation control electronics within the HeartMate III blood pump without substantially increasing the pump's size. Electronics based on a rigid-flex satellite printed circuit board (PCB) arrangement that could be folded into a very compact, dense package were designed, fabricated, and tested. The pump's lower housing was redesigned to accommodate these PCBs without increasing any dimension of the pump except the height, and that by only 5 mm. The interconnect cable was reduced from 22 wires to 10 (two fully redundant sets of 5). An ongoing test of the assembled pump in vitro has demonstrated no problems in 5 months. In addition, a 20-day in vivo test showed only 1 degrees C temperature rises, equivalent to pumps without incorporated electronics at similar operating conditions.  相似文献   

A console based implantable motor-driven left ventricular assist device (LVAD) was developed and tested. Ten sheep weighing 42-73 kg (mean, 54.4 kg) were used as the experimental animals. Four animals survived 5-12 h (mean, 9.5 h). The mean pump flow was 1.63 L/min, ranging from 0.8 to 2.5 L/min. The cause of termination was respiratory failure in 3 animals, bleeding in 2, ventricular fibrillation in 2, vent tube obstruction in 1, thrombus formation in 1, and mechanical failure of the driving console in 1. Following the in vivo studies, the computer regulated controller was tested in a mock circulatory system. The LVAD provided 5.34 L/min of maximum output against a mean afterload of 80 mm Hg with a filling pressure of 15 mm Hg when the pump rate was 80 bpm in the fixed rate mode. With an increase in the pump afterload from 80 to 140 mm Hg, the total system efficiency varied from 7.81 to 8.34% when the pump preload was 15 mm Hg. An ultracompact, completely implantable electromechanical VAD has been under development. This device should fit in a 60 kg adult. As the next step, we are preparing to implant this ultracompact implantable VAD with an electronic controller in an animal model with better results being expected.  相似文献   

气动泵的不同流量对急性左心衰竭辅助作用的实验研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
目的 用血液动力学、心肌超微结构及神经体液指标评价左室辅助装置(LVAD)的有效性。方法 ,对20条急笥左心衰犬进行高,中、低流量的180min左室辅助,观察其对上述指标的影响。结果 LVAD可使急性左心衰犬各项血流动力学指标迅速趋于稳定,血浆肾素,血管紧张素Ⅱ,内皮素下降,一氧化氮升高,与心力衰竭时差异有显著意义;使心肌细胞水肿和线粒体肿胀减轻。结论 不同辅助流量对急性左心衰时支持均有效,但以中  相似文献   

The pulsatile catheter (PUCA) pump, a left ventricular assist device, was tested during acute experiments in calves using asynchronous and ECG-synchronous assist modes. The aim of the study is to compare ECG-synchronous and asynchronous assist and to find the optimal driving mode for the PUCA pump with respect to left ventricular myocardial oxygen consumption (LV MVO2), pump flow, and coronary flow. LV MVO2 decreased significantly during the asynchronous (from 7.77 to 6.46 ml/min/100 g) as well as during the ECG-synchronous mode (from 8.88 to 7.84 ml/min/100 g). The pump flow was highest during the ECG-synchronous assist (2.94 L/min), followed by the asynchronous assist (2.79 L/min). The peak coronary flow depended strongly on pump ejection timing and showed the best flow patterns during the ECG-synchronous assist. We concluded that for PUCA pump support both asynchronous and ECG-synchronous assists significantly reduce LV MVO2 and that the pump flow generated is enough to maintain the systemic circulation. However, we find the ECG-synchronous mode preferable because this mode optimizes coronary flow patterns at the same time.  相似文献   

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