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<正> 建国以来的第一次口腔颌面外科专题学术讨论会已于1981年10月24日在杭州胜利闭幕。这次会议共收到学术论文712篇,说明这是一次内容极为丰富的盛会;也是全面检阅我国口腔颌面外科水平的一次会议。在我国,口腔颌面外科尚是一门年轻的学科,但其进步却十分迅速。特别在西安会议后的近三年来,更是获得了大面积的丰收。首先,我们欣喜地看到,一向比较薄弱的基础研究明显有所增强。在大会交流的88篇论文中,基础理论研究或临床与基础相结合的论文约占30%左右,说明我们的临床工作者业已开始注意和重视基础研究领域。在这方面,以应用解剖的研究为多,诸如,颈动脉分支的位置、管径大小;眶下孔、眶下管的解剖;下颌升支外侧隆突  相似文献   

183.口腔局麻的心理生理反应 [Fiset L et al:JADA 1985;111(4):578(英文)] 在口腔疾病治疗中,应用局麻几乎占全部局麻的1/3。局麻的效果好且安全,但有2.5~11%接受局麻的患者仍可产生不良反应。作者指出:有许多因心理因索引起的对注射的“恐惧反应”,被当作对麻药的不良反应。本文从生理心理学的角度,通过四个病例阐  相似文献   

唇裂术后常见的畸形是红唇不丰满或局部凹陷,上唇紧缩,传统的修复方法有局部组织转瓣、V—Y瓣、红唇旋转推进瓣、Abbé瓣等。这些方法或是技术复杂,修复时间长,或是效果不好,造成新的创伤及瘢痕,患者与术者均感不满意。为此,本文作者首次介绍舌游离移植修复唇裂术后红唇二期畸形,取得较好疗效。  相似文献   

015.腭帆提肌再造术恢复腭咽功能〔英〕/Conston GN…∥Plast Reconstr Surg.-1986,77(6).-911~916作者从1975年以来采用腭帆提肌再造术,恢复腭裂患儿的腭咽功能。由于腭裂患儿腭肌  相似文献   

随着口腔颌面外科学科的不断发展,与其他学科交叉越来越广泛。而显微外科是近年来发展迅速的学科,口腔颌面外科与显微外科之间的关系已经达到密不可分的地步,特别表现在口腔颌面头颈肿瘤外科领域。因此这就需要口腔颌面外科医师熟练掌握显微外科的基本理论知识和基本操作,以适应现代口腔颌面外科发展的需要。我们举办了多期针对口腔颌面外科医师的显微外科培训班,积累了一些经验,有了对口腔颌面外科医师显微外科培养的体会,本文对显微外科的培训方法进行总结和探讨。  相似文献   

中华口腔医学会口腔颌面外科专业委员会(Chinese Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,简称CSOMS)是国际口腔颌面外科医师协会(IAOMS)和亚洲口腔颌面外科医师协会(AsianAOMS)成员。本培训和教育指南的制定,是为了提高患者在接受口腔颌面部疾病诊治过程中的医疗水平和条件。对于直接参与这些医疗工作的口腔颌面外科医师来讲,他们的专业水平和所接受的专业培训教育水平是其所提供医疗服务水平高低的决定性因素。中国  相似文献   

本文分析了当前中国口腔颌面外科医师继续教育的现状,发现存在多种教育形式并存,区域发展不平衡的问题,结合近年开展的住院医师规范化培训、专科医师规范化培训和以网络为基础的新兴继续教育形式,提出创建“紧贴临床、紧追前沿、问题导向”的整合式继续教育模式,共同服务于口腔颌面外科医生的继续教育。  相似文献   

1 IAOMS成立的背景及主要历史沿革1960年,美国口腔外科专家Fred A.Henny教授和国际牙科联盟名誉主席Gerry Leatherman教授在斯德哥尔摩相会,Fred Henny就召开一次国际口腔外科大会(International Conferences on Oral Surgery,ICOS)的可行性向Gerry Leatherman征求意见并取得了GerryLeatherman的支持。Gerry Leatherman随后在伦敦的皇家咖啡馆举行了一个招待晚宴,邀请了一些著名的口腔外科专家与Gerry Leatherman及Lyall O主教见面,就  相似文献   

同济大学口腔颌面外科是大学的重点学科 ,是继承和发展大学医疗、教学和科研任务的前沿学科 ,是国内业务开展全面和技术能力较强的一流学科 ,主办全国唯一的《口腔颌面外科杂志》,每年举办全国性学术研讨会议。科室为组建口腔系而于 1987年 10月建立 ,发展迅速 ,已具规模 ,诊疗室分设在口腔医院和同济医院内 ,两个门诊各有 8台综合治疗机 ,住院床位共有60张 ,专业器械有蛇牌来复锯等全套微型器械和 stryker的关节镜和微波刀、激光刀等。还附设有整形美容中心 ,种植体中心等。我科现有医师 2 1位 ,其中正高级职称 3位 ,副高级职称 7位 ,其中…  相似文献   

口腔颌面外科麻醉朱也森1麻醉选择和麻醉特点1.1口腔颌面外科患者的病变部位邻近气道,以气管内插管全身麻醉为常用麻醉方法。麻醉人员术前要做好充分准备,谨慎地选择全麻诱导药物及气管插管方法。1.2麻醉者根据手术需要选择经口或经鼻径路气管插管,上颌骨、上颌...  相似文献   

以华西口腔医院参与5.12四川汶川大地震抗震救灾的具体实践为依据,分析口腔颌面部地震伤的诊治特点和救治措施,希望为未来国家应对大规模灾难性事件中口腔颌面部伤的救治提供参考.  相似文献   

Objective: To analyze retrospectively 419 patients after the Wenchuan earthquake and 46 after Yushu earthquake with maxillofacial fractures so as to provide reference on patients’ treatment after an earthquake. Method: We investigated 419 patients after Wenchuan earthquake and 46 after Yushu earthquake with maxillofacial fractures who were admitted to the West China Hospital of Stomatology and other 46 hospitals in 10 provinces. Result: A total of 58 patients had maxillofacial fractures (13.8%) including 33 (56.9%) men and 25 (43.1%) women after the Wenchuan earthquake and 6 (13%) had maxillofacial fractures after Yushu earthquake. Most patients were injured by pressing or burying. The nasal‐orbital‐ethmoidal region was the most frequent site of the maxillofacial fracture (58.6% in the Wenchuan earthquake and 66.7% in the Yushu earthquake). The most prevalent pattern of maxillofacial fracture was multiple and/or comminuted fractures (87.9% in the Wenchuan earthquake and 100% in the Yushu earthquake). There were 48 (82.8%) patients with associated injuries, and the most common site was extremity injuries (58.6%) after Wenchuan earthquake. Few patients received adequate prehospital treatment, with bandages predominantly. Most patients (65.5% in the Wenchuan earthquake and 100% in the Yushu earthquake) underwent open reduction and rigid internal fixation. We failed to find any patients with generalized infection. However, all patients in our study presented the symptoms of post‐traumatic stress disorder. Conclusion: We analyze the characteristics of maxillofacial fractures after the two earthquakes, so as to improve our medical emergency system when such disasters happen again.  相似文献   

Synthetically manufactured methamphetamine ("ice," "crystal") appears to be undergoing a rebirth in popularity because experienced drug users are reportedly unable to distinguish between the qualities of the cocaine and methamphetamine euphoria. Like cocaine, adverse drug reactions with therapeutic drugs used in dentistry have been reported, ranging from mild intoxication to sudden death. This article discusses the pharmacology of this illicit drug and the problems associated with its use in patients undergoing oral and maxillofacial surgery.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of burnout syndrome among Brazilian oral and maxillofacial surgeons and its relationship with socio-demographic, clinical, and habit variables. The sample of this study comprised 116 surgeons. The syndrome was quantified using the Maslach Burnout Inventory (General Survey), which defines burnout as the triad of high emotional exhaustion, high depersonalization, and low personal accomplishment. The criteria of Grunfeld et al. were used to evaluate the presence of the syndrome (17.2%). No significant differences between the surgeons diagnosed with and without the syndrome were observed according to age (P = 0.804), sex (P = 0.197), marital status (P = 0.238), number of children (P = 0.336), years of professional experience (P = 0.102), patients attended per day (P = 0.735), hours worked per week (P = 0.350), use of alcohol (P = 0.148), sports practice (P = 0.243), hobbies (P = 0.161), or vacation period per year (P = 0.215). Significant differences occurred in the variables sex in the emotional exhaustion subscale (P = 0.002) and use or not of alcohol in the personal accomplishment subscale (P = 0.035). Burnout syndrome among Brazilian surgeons is average, showing a low personal accomplishment.  相似文献   

Since the discovery of DNA and the recent sequencing of the entire human genome, there have been great advances in our understanding of the genetic basis of many diseases, including cancer. An exciting recent development is DNA microarray technology. This technique allows many genes to be studied in the same experiment rather than one gene at a time. It can therefore provide large amounts of data much more quickly than was previously possible. This has great implications for diseases such as cancer, which often show genetic damage in many parts of the genome. DNA microarray technology has now been used in the investigation of many tumours including melanoma, breast cancer, and lymphoma, as well as in the understanding of the genetic basis of metabolic diseases. However, it seems that our specialty knows little about the technique and its possible clinical applications. We give here a simple introduction to the technology and its likely role in the future management of oral cancer.  相似文献   

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