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A physiological neuronal death that implicates about 50% of the motoneuron population occurs in the chick embryo between the 6th (E6) and 9th (E9) day of incubation. This natural death can be prevented by administration of neuromuscular blocking agents (e.g. (+)-tubocurarine ((+)-Tc)). In this study, calcitonin gene-related peptide-like immunoreactivity (CGRP-LIR) was studied in spinal cord motoneurons from normal and (+)-Tc-treated chick embryos. In normal embryos CGRP-LIR was found in a neuronal subpopulation of the spinal cord lateral motor column (LMC) that was maximal between the 14th (E14) and 16th (E16) embryonic days with a subsequent decrease. In LMC neurons from (+)-Tc-treated chick embryos examined at E14-16 days no histochemically detectable CGRP-LIR could be observed.  相似文献   

Using vimentin immunohistochemical staining, the differentiation processes of neuroepithelium in the neural tube were examined in chick embryos from stages 8 through 28. At an early stage of the neural groove, stage 8, no morphological differences could be found among the neuroepithelial cells, but vimentin staining allowed us to identify four different regions in the groove wall. The epithelial cells in the ventral wall exhibited moderate staining of vimentin, and vimentin was detected in the basal and middle cytoplasmic areas. A weak staining limited to the basal cytoplasm was observed in the dorsal wall. In contrast, epithelial cells in the median hinge region and in the lateral edge of the neural groove had little vimentin. On the basis of this vimentin staining, four similar regions could also be observed in the neuroepithelium of the neural tube at stage 12; the ventral wall, dorsal wall, floor plate and roof plate. Prior to the morphological changes in the neuroepithelial cells, vimentin expression showed dramatic changes, and our immunohistochemical data suggest that cell differentiation into motor areas and sensory areas starts at an early stage of the neural groove.  相似文献   

Summary The pattern of distribution of serotonin positive fibers in the motor nuclei of the chick spinal cord was examined immunohistochemically by using an antiserum against serotonin. A dense aggregation of serotoninergic fibers was located around anterior horn cells in the cervical spinal cord. In the brachial spinal cord, serotoninergic fibers were densely aggregated in the medial motor column and in the parts of the lateral motor column. There were two regions of serotonin immunoreactivity in the lateral motor column of the brachial spinal cord; one located in the ventromedial regions where a dense aggregation of serotoninergic fibers was found, and the reminder of the lateral motor column where only a few serotoninergic fibers were observed. The region containing a dense cluster of serotoninergic fibres around profiles of motoneuron somata and proximal dendrites appears to correspond to motor neuron pools of flexor muscles. In the thoracic spinal cord a high density of serotoninergic fibers was found in the motor nucleus. In the lumbosacral spinal cord (segments LS1–LS8) serotoninergic fibers were not observed in the medial motor column. However, there were five regions in the lateral motor column, where a high density of serotoninergic fibers was found. These very likely correspond to motor neuron pools of muscles which extend the hip joint.  相似文献   

The distribution and the structural, ultrastructural and immunohistochemical characteristics of the astroglial cells in the spinal cord of the adult barbel (Barbus comiza) have been studied by means of metallic impregnations (Golgi and gold-sublimate), immunohistochemical (GFAP and vimentin) and electron microscopic techniques. GFAP-positive cells were mainly distributed in the ependyma and in the periependymal region, but they have also been observed at subpial level in the anterior column. The ependymocytes were heterogeneous cells because they showed different immunohistochemical characteristics: GFAP-positive, vimentin-positive or non-immunoreactive cells. The radial astrocytes showed only GFAP immunoreactivity, and their processes ended at the subpial zone forming a continuous subpial glia limitans. Desmosomes and gap junctions between soniata and processes of radial astrocytes were numerous, and a relationship between radial astroglial processes and the nodes of Ranvier was also described. The perivascular glia limitans was poorly developed and it was not complete in the blood vessels of the periependymal zone; in this case, the basal lamina was highly developed. An important characteristic in the barbel spinal cord was the existence of a zone with an abundant extracellular space near the ependyma. The presence of radial astroglial somata at subpial level, the existence of vimentin-positive ependymocytes and the abundant extracellular space in the periependymal zone is discussed in relation to the regeneration capacity and the continuous growth showed by fish. Moreover, the abundance of gliofilaments and desmosomes leads us to suggest that mechanical support might be an important function for the astroglial cells in the barbel spinal cord.  相似文献   

目的建立1种双色荧光示踪鸡胚脊髓两侧连合纤维投射的实验方法。方法鸡胚孵育至胚龄2.5~3d,通过鸡胚活体原位电转基因技术将携带有报告基因绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)的质粒(p CAGGS-GFP)准确注射到鸡胚脊髓腔,实现定时、定位活体电转基因。转染后继续孵育至6d,取GFP阳性表达的胚胎,部分做脊髓横向切片,部分利用open-book技术将脊髓展开观察连合纤维的发育情况,每组至少取3个标本。其后在脊髓非转染侧连合神经元所在之处,点状注射Di I乙醇溶液,封片后于4℃避光孵育3d,在荧光显微镜下观察脊髓连合纤维投射情况。结果脊髓横切及open-book结果显示,鸡胚脊髓GFP阳性转染侧的神经元轴突穿过底板投射到脊髓对侧;同时在open-book结果中还可观察到,转染侧轴突穿过底板后分别沿腹索和外侧索向头尾部投射;Di I标记的非转染侧连合神经元轴突也同样穿过底板投射到对侧,并在侧索白质内延伸。结论本实验成功建立了1种双色荧光示踪鸡胚脊髓两侧连合纤维投射的研究方法,为研究脊髓神经发育提供技术保障。  相似文献   

Muscle and cutaneous nerves were individually labeled with DiI in chick embryos to examine the development of sensory afferent arborizations in the spinal cord. Initially, cutaneous and muscle arbors were similar; both types first entered the spinal gray matter at stage 28-29 (embryonic day (E) 6). Differences in projections were first observed by late stage 34 (E8.5): muscle afferent collaterals extended almost unbranched to the level of motoneuronal dendrites while cutaneous afferents branched frequently and remained within the dorsal horn. Projections of putative small caliber axons into laminae 1 and 2, located laterally in the chick, did not develop until E13-14.  相似文献   

(1) Development of serotonin positive cells and fibers was immunohistochemically studied by the use of an antibody against serotonin. (2) Serotoninergic neurons were first observed in the immature rohmbencephalon raphe nuclei on embryonic day (E)4, where two clusters of serotonin positive neurons were located: one observed at the rostral part of the rohmbencephalon corresponding to the dorsal raphe nuclei had many serotonin positive cells: the other located at the caudal part of the rohmbencephalon corresponding to the medullary raphe nuclei of the adult animals had only a small number of serotoninergic cells. (3) By E8 the number of serotonin positive cells in the brain stem increased, and virtually all the raphe nuclei found in an adult animal were located. (4) Serotonin positive fibers in the marginal layer reached up to the diencephalon and telencephalon on E6 and E8, respectively. (5) Serotonin positive cells were found beside the midline regions in the ventral part of the spinal cord of the embryonic as well as posthatching chick. (6) Because almost all the serotoninergic fibers in the spinal cord originated from the brain stem raphe nuclei, propriospinal serotonin positive cells were considered as phylogenetic vestiges. (7) Serotoninergic fibers were first found in the marginal layer of the cervical and lumbar spinal cord on E6 and E8, respectively. (8) There was a waiting period of a few days before they penetrated into the mantle layer. (9) Terminal arbolization of the serotoninergic fibers started from late embryonic periods (E16 less than), and was maximized within one week of hatching. (10) Thereafter the density of serotonin positive fibers decreased in all the regions of the spinal cord. (11) Developmental changes of the density of serotonin determined with a high performance liquid chromatography were the same as those determined through immunohistochemistry. Namely the density of serotonin increased linearly from E6 to hatching period, and reached the maximum value one week posthatching. (12( The density of the serotonin in the adult spinal cord was about half of the maximum value. (13) It is to say that the densities of serotonin and serotoninergic fibers transiently increased around one week posthatching. (14) Following the transient increase serotoninergic fibers were eliminated from the neuropil, the fibers were localized in the specific regions of the motor nucleus: motor neuron pools of extensor muscles of the hip joint in the lumbosacral spinal cord.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The novel mammalian gene Crim1 encodes a transmembrane bound protein with similarity to the secreted bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) antagonists, vertebrate Chordin, and its Drosophila homologue short gastrulation. Crim1 is expressed in the neural tube in mouse in a restricted pattern, but its function in central nervous system development is largely unknown. We isolated the chicken Crim1 orthologue and analyzed its expression in the developing neural tube. Chicken CRIM1 shares strong homology to human/mouse CRIM1 and C. elegans CRIM1-like proteins. Crim1 is expressed in a similar but not identical pattern to that in the developing spinal cord of mouse, including the notochord, floor plate, motor neurons, and the roof plate. Unlike follistatin, a secreted inhibitor of BMPs, in ovo electroporation of CRIM1, as a full-length transmembrane bound or secreted ectodomain was not sufficient to disrupt early patterning of the neural tube. However, ectodomain CRIM1 overexpression leads to an approximate 50% decrease in populations of specific ventral neuronal populations, including ISL-1(+) motor neurons, CHX-10(+) V1, and EN-1(+) V2 interneurons.  相似文献   

The distribution and the structural, ultrastructural and immunohistochemical characteristics of the astroglial cells in the spinal cord of the adult barbel (Barbus comiza) have been studied by means of metallic impregnations (Golgi and gold-sublimate), immunohistochemical (GFAP and vimentin) and electron microscopic techniques. GFAP-positive cells were mainly distributed in the ependyma and in the periependymal region, but they have also been observed at subpial level in the anterior column. The ependymocytes were heterogeneous cells because they showed different immunohistochemical characteristics: GFAP-positive, vimentin-positive or non-immunoreactive cells. The radial astrocytes showed only GFAP immunoreactivity, and their processes ended at the subpial zone forming a continuous subpial glia limitans. Desmosomes and gap junctions between soniata and processes of radial astrocytes were numerous, and a relationship between radial astroglial processes and the nodes of Ranvier was also described. The perivascular glia limitans was poorly developed and it was not complete in the blood vessels of the periependymal zone; in this case, the basal lamina was highly developed. An important characteristic in the barbel spinal cord was the existence of a zone with an abundant extracellular space near the ependyma. The presence of radial astroglial somata at subpial level, the existence of vimentin-positive ependymocytes and the abundant extracellular space in the periependymal zone is discussed in relation to the regeneration capacity and the continuous growth showed by fish. Moreover, the abundance of gliofilaments and desmosomes leads us to suggest that mechanical support might be an important function for the astroglial cells in the barbel spinal cord.  相似文献   

1. Spinal cord explants from chick embryos, grown in culture for up to 16 days, rapidly accumulated [(3)H]glycine and [(14)C]glutamate when incubated at 25 degrees C in a medium containing either 2 x 10(-10)M glycine or 4.8 x 10(-8)M glutamate.2. After 90 min incubation, a tissue/medium ratio of 60:1 and 20:1 was attained for [(14)C]glutamate and [(3)H]glycine respectively.3. The uptake systems, in addition to requiring sodium ions in the medium, were temperature sensitive, showed saturation kinetics, and were inhibited by ouabain.4. For the glutamate and glycine accumulation the K(m) value was 4.3 x 10(-5) and 4.1 x 10(-5)M respectively, indicating that a high affinity uptake process is involved.5. The rate of accumulation of both glutamate and glycine increased in cultures between the ages of 3 and 10 days thus matching their morphological development.6. In light of previous evidence, the demonstration of an active transport mechanism for both glutamate and glycine in spinal-cord-cultures that also shows a relationship with morphological maturity, suggests that these two amino acids may play a major role in spinal cord function.  相似文献   

Summary The notochord is probably involved in the development of the neural tube. In this study, a fragment of caudal notochord was extirpated in ovo from chick embryos at 1.5 days of incubation. At 4.5 days a distinct notochord-deficient region at thoracolumbar level was found. Profound effects were seen, especially at the cranial site of this region. Somites were smaller than normal, or even not recognizable, and in some cases the myotomes were fused in the midline. The spinal cord appeared reduced in size and lacked a floor plate. The average amount of spinal cord neurons was 23% of the normal value, the cells being located circularly along the outer margin of the spinal cord, except for the roof plate. Axonal roots left the cord in the ventral midline only. Caudal to this site, neurons or floor plate cells were alternately present in the ventral spinal cord, and axonal roots left bilaterally. In a caudal direction, a normal morphology gradually reappeared.The possibility is discussed that reduction in spinal cord size and amount of neurons is a direct or indirect effect of the absence of the notochord, and that the sclerotome may be involved. The results further substantiate the idea that the notochord is a prerequisite for full development of the floor plate. They indicate that complete induction of the floor plate in this region has to occur between 1.5 and 2.0 days, which indicates that this process is critical both in time and duration. The results provide evidence that median neuroepithelial cells resemble lateral neural tube cells, in that both can develop into neurons, and both are sensitive to the influence of the notochord in differentiating into a floor plate.  相似文献   

Serotonin-, substance P-, and thyrotropin-releasing hormone-immunoreactive profiles were studied in the intermediolateral cell column at the thoracic level of the rat spinal cord with light- and electron-microscopic immunocytochemistry. For each transmitter, a dense immunoreactive deposit was observed with the light microscope. At ultrastructural level, morphologically identified synapses amounted to 47% of all serotonergic varicosities, to 49% for substance P and 50% for thyrotropin-releasing hormone. Synapses appeared both symmetrical and asymmetrical. In each case, these synapses were mainly axodendritic (98%). These synaptic connections could mediate the physiological influence of these 3 substances in the spinal cord on the cardiovascular system.  相似文献   

The signaling molecule Sonic Hedgehog (SHH) plays a critical role in patterning the ventral midbrain of vertebrates. Our recent studies have established that the requirement for Hedgehog (HH) signaling in the chick midbrain is modulated spatially and temporally in a complex manner across the midbrain anlage. Unfortunately, the patterns of expression of downstream regulators that might modulate the HH signal in the midbrain are not currently known. To fill this gap, we have examined across time, the expression pattern of 14 genes that function in the HH signaling cascade in the midbrain and spinal cord. Our results suggest that SHH expression in the axial mesendoderm begins before the expression of known HH receptors/HH-binding proteins (e.g., PTC1, PTC2, HHIP, BOC, MEGALIN). In the midbrain, PTC and GLI genes are expressed and then eliminated very early from the ventral midline. However, they exhibit high and persistent expression in the midbrain region circumscribing the SHH source. Intriguingly, multiple HH-binding proteins (BOC, MEGALIN) and HH effectors (GLI1-3, SMO, SUFU, DZIP) are expressed in the dorsal midbrain and the midbrain-hindbrain boundary. Finally, we report for the first time that IHH is expressed in intermediate regions of the spinal cord, where its expression does not overlap with that of SHH.  相似文献   

Propriospinal interneurons in the thoracic spinal cord have vital roles not only in controlling respiratory and trunk muscles, but also in providing possible substrates for recovery from spinal cord injury. Intracellular recordings were made from such interneurons in anesthetized cats under neuromuscular blockade and with the respiratory drive stimulated by inhaled CO(2). The majority of the interneurons were shown by antidromic activation to have axons descending for at least two to four segments, mostly contralateral to the soma. In all, 81% of the neurons showed postsynaptic potentials (PSPs) to stimulation of intercostal or dorsal ramus nerves of the same segment for low-threshold (≤ 5T) afferents. A monosynaptic component was present for the majority of the peripherally evoked excitatory PSPs. A central respiratory drive potential was present in most of the recordings, usually of small amplitude. Neurons depolarized in either inspiration or expiration, sometimes variably. The morphology of 17 of the interneurons and/or of their axons was studied following intracellular injection of Neurobiotin; 14 axons were descending, 6 with an additional ascending branch, and 3 were ascending (perhaps actually representing ascending tract cells); 15 axons were crossed, 2 ipsilateral, none bilateral. Collaterals were identified for 13 axons, showing exclusively unilateral projections. The collaterals were widely spaced and their terminations showed a variety of restricted locations in the ventral horn or intermediate area. Despite heterogeneity in detail, both physiological and morphological, which suggests heterogeneity of function, the projections mostly fitted a consistent general pattern: crossed axons, with locally weak, but widely distributed terminations.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate-diaphorase (NADPH-d) in the central grey region (lamina X of Rexed) of the rat upper thoracic cord was examined by LM and EM. Numerous NADPH-d positive neuronal somata and fibres were present in the subependymal areas of the central grey region at levels T1–T3. Most of the neurons were located dorsal to the central canal in horizontal sections through this region. Many medially-directed NADPH-d positive fibres arising from neurons in n. intermediolateralis pars principalis, n. intercalatus spinalis and longitudinally-directed NADPH-d positive fibres arising from neurons in n. intercalatus pars paraependymalis formed a subependymal plexus. In horizontal sections through the central canal, some NADPH-d positive nerve fibres appeared to traverse the ependyma to enter and run along the central canal. By EM, NADPH-d reaction products were localized on the nuclear membrane, outer mitochondrial membrane and Golgi apparatus of both neurons and ependymal cells and in some axon terminals containing pleomorphic and round agranular synaptic vesicles. Present results suggest that besides the traditional monoamine-, amino acid- and peptidecontaining axon terminals, the central grey region also contains fibres in which nitric oxide is utilized as a neurotransmitter or neuromodulator. The finding of NADPH-d positive fibres in the central canal suggests that nitric oxide may be released into the cerebrospinal fluid. Since some of the ependymal cells were NADPH-d positive, it is suggested that they may be involved in the modulation of nitric oxide levels in the cerebrospinal fluid.  相似文献   

The primary aim of our study was to determine whether the esophageal innervation (i.e., vagal and enteric) and the skeletal muscle-secreted neurotrophins have a role in smooth-to-skeletal muscle transdifferentiation and in the muscarinic-to-nicotinic acetylcholine receptor type transition. To that end, we used genetically engineered embryos and immunohistochemistry. We found that, in the absence of Myf5 and MyoD, the esophageal muscle cells failed to develop the striated phenotype of acetylcholine receptors. In addition, the development of vagal and enteric innervation was delayed in Myf5(-/-):MyoD(-/-) and NT-3(-/-) mutants, but it was reestablished 2 days before the end of gestation. The smooth muscle cells in the esophagus appeared to be a distinct subpopulation of cells and their ability to transdifferentiate was based on their competence to express neurotrophins and their receptors. Finally, our data suggest a role for NT-3 in the esophageal muscle transdifferentiation.  相似文献   

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