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In this paper, we describe the results of a series of experiments which have examined the distribution within the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus of neurons containing the following immunoreactivities: TH-LI, GAD-LI, NT-LI, GAL-LI, GRF-LI, Met-ENK-LI, Leu-ENK-LI, Met-ENK-7-LI, Met-ENK-8-LI, metorphamide-LI, DYN-LI, NPY-LI, SOM-LI, FMRFamide-LI, and CLIP-LI and ependymal tanycytes containing DARPP-32-LI. Using elution-restaining and double antibody staining techniques we have established numerous patterns of coexistence of these various neurotransmitters and neuropeptides. Thus, neurons containing TH-LI were, in some instances, also found to contain GAD-LI, NT-LI, GAL-LI, GRF-LI, Met-ENK-8-LI, Leu-ENK-LI, or DYN-LI or combinations of these compounds. For example, some TH-IR neurons also contained GAL-LI and GRF-LI, while other TH-IR neurons were also seen to contain GRF-and NT-LI. These neurons may, in fact, contain even more compounds. NPY-IR neurons and those containing SOM-LI and CLIP-LI were distinct and separate from those containing TH-LI. The distribution of these different neurochemical types of neurons and their patterns of coexistence are summarized in Fig. 34, while the relative distribution patterns of immunoreactive fibres in the median eminence are summarized in Fig. 35.  相似文献   

Levels of cyclic AMP are elevated rapidly in rat superior cervical ganglia incubated in medium containing low concentrations of isoprenaline, adrenaline and noradrenaline. Phenylephrine and dopamine increase cyclic AMP when used at higher concentrations. The moderate rise induced by dopamine has a slow onset and long duration; the peak accumulation induced by beta-adrenergic agents is rapid and short-lasting. Preincubation with propranolol completely suppresses the elevation of cyclic AMP levels induced by all the agents tested.  相似文献   

The coexistence of dopamine and neurotensin in the same neuronal perikarya in the arcuate nucleus of the rat hypothalamus was examined by combined fluorescence histochemistry and immunohistochemistry on the same tissue sections and we obtained the evidence of the coexistence of two substances. The functional significance of those two substances for the prolactin release from the anterior pituitary was also briefly discussed.  相似文献   

After an intraventricular administration of colchicine, the arcuate nucleus of rat hypothalamus was examined light and electron microscopically by pre-embedding immunohistochemistry for somatostatin. The arcuate nucleus exhibited numerous immunoreactive cell bodies and dense networks of immunoreactive fibers. The fibers appeared to surround immunonegative cell bodies. The immunoreactive cell bodies were multipolar in shape and projected immunoreactive processes to some extent. The immunoreactive cell bodies and fibers received synaptic contacts by immunonegative fiber terminals containing a large number of synaptic clear vesicles. Similarly, immunoreactive somatostatin fibers appeared to terminate upon other immunonegative cell bodies and fibers. The immunoreactive presynaptic terminals contain several labeled granules and numerous synaptic vesicles. In close proximity to these immunolabeled terminals, non-labeled presynaptic fibers. This suggests that in the arcuate nucleus neurons regulated by somatostatin neurons are also under the control of other types of neurons.  相似文献   

Steroid-dependent lordosis behavior in ovariectomized (OVX) guinea pigs is attenuated by alpha 1- and/or alpha 2-noradrenergic (NE) receptor antagonists. Correlated with the decrease in lordosis after alpha 1-NE receptor blockade by prazosin is a decrease in 'cytosol' progestin receptors in the ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus (VMN). We examined whether a presumed alpha 2-NE receptor blocker (idazoxan, IDA) also affects progestin receptors. A decrease in 'cytosol' progestin receptors was found after IDA treatment of OVX, estrogen-treated guinea pigs in the VMN and the arcuate nucleus-median eminence (ARC-ME). Apparently, either prazosin or IDA can inhibit lordosis behavior and decrease 'cytosol' progestin receptors in the VMN. In contrast, idazoxan but not prazosin, decrease 'cytosol' progestin receptors in the ARC-ME.  相似文献   

DARPP-32 immunocytochemistry and retrograde axonal labeling were combined to determine whether DARPP-32-containing neurons of the rat anterior cingulate cortex project to thalamus. Following injections of fluorescent latex microspheres into the mediodorsal thalamic nuclei, a large proportion of the DARPP-32 immunostained neurons in layer VI were also retrogradely labeled. In area 24a, these neurons were mostly found in layer VIb, whereas in area 24b, they were visible throughout layer VI. The presence of DARPP-32 in certain corticothalamic neurons suggests that these cells may be modulated by dopamine, which increases DARPP-32 phosphorylation, and possibly by glutamate, which antagonizes DARPP-32 phosphorylation via the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor.  相似文献   

Growth hormone-releasing factor (GRF) synthesizing neuronal perikarya and terminals were investigated by light and electron microscopic immunocytochemistry using rat hypothalamus. Immunoreactive neuronal perikarya were located mainly in the ventrolateral part of the arcuate nucleus. They contained well developed cell organella such as mitochondria and rough surfaced endoplasmic reticulum with some expansion. They also contained immunoreactive dense granules (80-120 nm in diameter). On the surface of the immunoreactive neuronal perikarya were frequently found non-immunoreactive axo-somatic synapses. Therefore, the GRF-like immunoreactive neurons were assumed to receive neuronal inputs from other neurons on their neuronal soma. In the external layer of the median eminence large numbers of immunoreactive terminals were distributed particularly around the capillaries of the portal vessel. Electron microscopic immunocytochemistry revealed large numbers of immunoreactive terminals containing immunoreactive dense granules, synaptic vesicles and mitochondria in the vicinity of the basement membrane of the pericapillary space of the portal vessel. Therefore, we concluded that GRF-like immunoreactive substances are released into the portal capillaries from the nerve terminals, which originate from the neuronal perikarya in the ventrolateral part of the arcuate nucleus, and act on growth hormone release in the anterior pituitary. We also suggest that GRF-like immunoreactive neurons have abundant terminal arborization in the external layer of the median eminence.  相似文献   

To better understand the functional organization of the mammillary nuclei, we investigated the afferents to this nuclear complex in the rat with iontophoretically injected wheat germ agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase. Particular attention was paid to tracing local hypothalamic afferents to these nuclei. Injections into the medial mammillary nucleus (MMN) revealed strong projections from the subicular region, and weaker projections from the prefrontal cortex, medial septum, and the nucleus of the diagonal band of Broca. Other descending subcortical projections to the MMN arise from the anterior and the lateral hypothalamic area, the medial preoptic area, and the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. Ascending afferents to the MMN were found to originate in the raphe and various tegmental nuclei. Following all injections into the MMN, labelled neurons were found in nuclei surrounding the mammillary body. The lateral and posterior subdivisions of the tuberomammillary nucleus projected mainly to the pars medianus and pars medialis of the MMN. The dorsal and ventral premammillary nuclei projected to the pars lateralis of the MMN. The supramammillary nucleus at rostral level had a small projection to the pars medialis and lateralis of the MMN. However, the most obvious projection from this nucleus was to the pars posterior of the MMN, chiefly from the lateral part of the caudal supramammillary nucleus. Injections into the lateral mammillary nucleus revealed inputs from the presubiculum, parasubiculum, septal region, dorsal tegmental nucleus, dorsal raphe nucleus, and periaqueductal gray. In addition, the lateral mammillary nucleus was found to receive a moderate projection from the medial part of the supramammillary nucleus and stronger projections from the lateral part of the caudal supramammillary nucleus. A very light projection was also seen from the lateral and posterior subdivisions of the tuberomammillary nucleus. These findings add to our knowledge of the extensive and complex connectivity of the mammillary nuclei. In particular, the local connections we have demonstrated with the supramammillary and tuberomammillary nuclei indicate the existence of significant local circuits as well as circuits involving more distant brain regions such as the septal nuclei, subiculum, prefrontal cortex, and brain stem tegmentum.  相似文献   

The CA innervation of the hypothalamus with special reference to the median eminence has been investigated by the use of fluorescence histochemical and isotope techniques in combination with deafferentation (circular hypothalamic islands according to Hala´sz) and 6-OH-DA experiments. Deafferentation produced an almost complete disappearance of CA nerve terminals in all parts of the hypothalamic island except those present in the external layer of the median eminence which were left largely intact. Incubation of brain slices from the median eminence together with the medial basal hypothalamic area in a high concentration of 6-OH-DA (10−4M) in vitro resulted in an almost complete blockage of 3H-NA formation from 3H-DA, whereas the uptake and retention of 3H-DA was unaffected. Such an incubation in 6-OH-DA also caused an almost complete disappearance of CA nerve terminals in the internal layer of the median eminence and the surrounding hypothalamic tissue, whereas the CA nerve terminals in the external layer of the median eminence displayed an unaffected fluorescence morphology.

These results give further strong evidence for the view that CA nerve terminals in the external layer of the median eminence contain DA and originate from cell bodies present in the arcuate nucleus and the anterior periventricular hypothalamic nucleus, whereas the CA nerve terminals in the internal layer of the median eminence contain NA and have their origin in cell bodies present outside the hypothalamus. The incoming NA pathways to the hypothalamus are also described.  相似文献   

The hypothalamo-neurohypophysial system has proved an excellent model for peptidergic neurons in the central nervous system. Electrophysiological studies using in vivo and in vitro preparations with extracellular and intracellular recording techniques have determined some of the intrinsic and extrinsic mechanisms that generate the striking firing patterns that the neurons exhibit. We have developed a dissociated cell preparation of these neurons and used patch clamp recording techniques to enable detailed studies of membrane properties underlying such activities. Cultured neonatal supraoptic neurons fired spontaneous action potentials which in some cells were distinctively patterned. Under voltage clamp, voltage-activated Na+, K+, and Ca2+ currents were recorded. K+ and Ca2+ currents were modulated by application of -adrenergic agonists, and Ca2+ currents were also modulated by κ-opioid agonists. The neurons were also sensitive to γ-aminobutyric acid which acted directly on Cl-channels. Spontaneous, patterned activity, the presence of functional receptors for neurotransmitters and the ability to study the neurons under voltage clamp suggest that this is an excellent model system for studying these peptidergic neurons.  相似文献   

Axonal projections from hypothalamic nuclei to the basal forebrain, and their relation to cholinergic projection neurons in particular, were studied in the rat by using the anterograde tracer Phaseolus vulgaris-leucoagglutinin (PHA-L) in combination with choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) immunocytochemistry. Discrete iontophoretic PHA-L injections were delivered to different portions of the caudal lateral hypothalamus, as well as to various medial hypothalamic areas, including the ventromedial, dorsomedial, and paraventricular nuclei, and anterior hypothalamic and medial preoptic areas. The simultaneous detection of PHA-L-labeled fibers/terminals and ChAT-positive neurons was performed by using nickel-enhanced diaminobenzidine (DAB) and nonenhanced DAB as chromogens. Selected cases were investigated at the electron microscopic level. Ascending hypothalamic projections maintained an orderly lateromedial arrangement within the different components of the medial forebrain bundle, as well as with respect to their terminal projection fields (e.g., within the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis and lateral septal nucleus). The distribution pattern of hypothalamic inputs to cholinergic projection neurons corresponded to the topography of ascending hypothalamic axons. Axons originating from neurons in the far-lateral hypothalamus reached cholinergic neurons in a zone that extended from the dorsal part of the sublenticular substantia innominata (SI) caudolaterally, to the lateral portion of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis rostromedially, encompassing a narrow band along the ventral part of the globus pallidus and medial portion of the internal capsule. Axons originating from cells in the medial portion of the lateral hypothalamus reached cholinergic cells primarily in more medial and ventral parts of the SI, and in the magnocellular preoptic nucleus and horizontal limb of the diagonal band nucleus (HDB). Axons from medial hypothalamic cells appeared to contact cholinergic neurons primarily in the medial part of the HDB, and in the medial septum/vertical limb of the diagonal band complex. Electron microscopic double-labeling experiments confirmed contacts between labeled terminals and cholinergic cells in the HDB and SI. Individual hypothalamic axons established synapses with both cholinergic and noncholinergic neuronal elements in the same regions. These findings have important implications for our understanding of the organization of afferents to the basal forebrain cholinergic projection system.  相似文献   

Activity of 58 single neurons in the lateral hypothalamic area (LHA) was recorded while Wistar male rats were drinking water and various taste solutions in a test box. A cue tone was presented before opening of a shutter for access to a drinking spout. Except 8 neurons which were non-responsive in the present experimental paradigm, 50 neurons were classified into 3 types according to their response properties: (1) 10 neurons changed their activity with arousal state or circadian rhythm, (2) 10 neurons responded to specific sensory stimuli, i.e. 2 were classified as taste-responsive neurons, which responded excitatory to sodium salts, 3 neurons responded to olfactory stimulation, 5 to somatosensory stimulation applied to the perioral region, and (3) the remaining 30 decreased their activity during licking of liquids regardless of their qualities. Besides this classification, activity of 28 of 58 LHA neurons was altered after onset of the cue tone (or before start of licking), i.e. 24 increased their activity (learned anticipatory response), and 3 modulated their tonic activity into burst discharges corresponding to sniffing, and 1 increased its activity in relation to stepping toward the drinking spout. These data suggest that about half of the LHA neurons increased their activity in anticipatory (searching or approaching) periods just before ingestion, and decreased activity in rewarding periods during ingestion of water or sapid solutions.  相似文献   

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) causes persistent neurologic deficits. Current therapies, predominantly focused upon cortical and hippocampal cellular survival, have limited benefit on cognitive outcomes. Striatal damage is associated with deficits in executive function, learning, and memory. Dopamine and cAMP regulated phosphoprotein 32 (DARPP-32) is expressed within striatal medium spiny neurons and regulates striatal function. We found that controlled cortical impact injury in rats produces a chronic decrease in DARPP-32 phosphorylation at threonine-34 and an increase in protein phosphatase-1 activity. There is no effect of injury on threonine-75 phosphorylation or on DARPP-32 protein. Amantadine, shown to be efficacious in treating post-TBI cognitive deficits, given daily for two weeks is able to restore the loss of DARPP-32 phosphorylation and reduce protein phosphatase-1 activity. Amantadine also decreases the phosphorylation of threonine-75 consistent with activity as a partial N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor antagonist and partial dopamine agonist. These data demonstrate that targeting the DARPP-32 signaling cascade represents a promising novel therapeutic approach in the treatment of persistent deficits following a TBI.  相似文献   

The localization of DARPP-32, a dopamine and cAMP-regulated phosphoprotein, has been studied in monkey brain by immunocytochemistry. This study indicates that DARPP-32 is enriched in neurons in regions receiving a dense dopamine input from the substantia nigra and ventral tegmental area. Thus, the majority of somata in the anterior olfactory area, nucleus accumbens, caudate nucleus, and putamen are immunoreactive for DARPP-32. In the caudate nucleus, immunoreactive spines receive asymmetric contacts from unlabeled axon terminals. Immunoreactive somata have diameters of 10-15 microns. In regions known to receive projections from these nuclei, immunoreactivity is confined to small puncta that represent axons and axon terminals. Regions in which immunoreactivity is present in puncta include the ventral pallidum, globus pallidus, and substantia nigra pars reticulata. Dopaminergic neurons themselves are not immunoreactive. Neurons containing moderate to weak immunoreactivity for DARPP-32 are observed in portions of the cerebral cortex, particularly in the temporal cortex (layer VI). DARPP-32-positive neurons are also present in the cerebellum, in the medial habenula, and in portions of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis and amygdaloid complex. DARPP-32 immunoreactivity is also present in astrocytes in the subcortical white matter and in tanycytes in the arcuate nucleus and median eminence. DARPP-32 may be an effective marker for dopaminoceptive neurons in which the actions of dopamine on the D-1 dopamine receptor are mediated through cAMP and its associated protein kinase.  相似文献   

Neurotensin-like immunoreactivity (NT-LI) was visualized in medium-sized, spiny neurons of the caudate nucleus (Cd) and putamen (Put) in colchicine-treated cats by the immunoperoxidase method. In serial sections alternately immunostained for NT and enkephalin (Enk), coexistence of NT-LI and Enk-LI was revealed in about 50% of NT-neurons and about 50% of Enk-neurons in Cd and Put.  相似文献   

The expression of neurochemical phenotypes was studied in long-term cultures of dissociated embryonic neurons from rat hypothalamus. With time in culture, these neurons establish a complex dendritic and axonal network, as indicated by staining with antibodies against microtubulin-associated protein (MAP2) and neurofilaments (SM132 and SM133) as well as GABA and glutamate decarboxylase mRNA immunoreactivity. Neurons expressing neuropeptide Y (NPY) mRNA and NPY peptide and opioid-like peptides as well as vasopressin were observed. Further, weakly acetylcholinesterase- and NADPH diaphorase (nitric-oxide synthase)-labelled neurons were present. In conclusion, the neurochemical phenotypes reported for hypothalamic neurons in vivo can be observed in these cultures. This indicates that the culture conditions allow morphological and molecular differentiation. These findings support the view that long-term hypothalamic cultures provide a valuable model for studying mechanisms of neurosecretion in hypothalamic networks.  相似文献   



A large spectrum of surgical techniques can be proposed to young patients presenting with hypothalamic hamartomas (HH) associated with severe epilepsy. The aim of this report is to point on some clinical and anatomical parameters supposed to influence the choice of the surgical approach and to emphasize the specific role of radiosurgery.

Materials and methods

We reviewed both our experience and the recent literature based on a Pubmed search. Lateral pterional, midline frontal through the lamina terminalis, transcallosal interforniceal approaches, endoscopic treatment through the foramen of Monro, disconnecting surgery, radiofrequency ablation, brachytherapy and gamma knife surgery (GKS) were all considered. Mortality, morbidity, and efficacy of each of these techniques were compared. Specific limits, difficulties, and constraints were taken into account. Our experience of radiosurgery is based on a prospective trial which enrolled 60 patients with HH and associated severe epilepsy between October 1999 and December 2005.


Several surgical techniques can lead to a real reversal of the epileptic encephalopathy. The main factors for the decision-making process are the age, the size of the lesion and its anatomical type (according to our original classification), the severity of the epilepsy, and the severity of the cognitive/psychiatric comorbidity. In our prospective trial (GKS), 27 patients have a follow-up superior to 3 years. Among those, 59.2% have an excellent result with a dramatic behavioral and cognitive improvement and are completely seizure-free (37%) or have only rare non-disabling seizures (22.2%). No permanent neurological complication has been observed so far; three patients have presented a transient poïkilothermia. GKS is clearly the safer approach for these difficult patients. Young patients with severe epilepsy and comorbidity must be operated on using a curative approach as early as possible. Very large type VI or mixed type with a large component above the floor of the third ventricle must be disconnected and then the upper remnant can be ideally treated by GKS (staged surgery). Type V (rarely epileptic) and IV are frequently operable by disconnection. Type I HH deeply embedded in the hypothalamus are operated on by GKS efficiently and safely. Type II HH can be operated on either endoscopically or transcallosally or by GKS depending on the parents’ choice and severity of epilepsy. In small type III HH, GKS is a safer procedure, due to the very close relationship to the fornix and mammillary bodies. In very large type III HH, transcallosal interforniceal approach is proposed but with significant risks especially concerning short-term memory. When the lesion is sufficiently small, GKS is globally offering the patient a rate of seizure cessation comparable to microsurgery with, however, a much lower risk (no neurological deficit reported till now).


Our first results indicate that GKS is as effective as microsurgical resection and very much safer. GKS also allows avoiding the vascular risk related to radiofrequency lesioning or stimulation. The disadvantage of radiosurgery is its delayed action. Longer follow-up is mandatory for a reliable evaluation of the role of GKS. The early effect on subclinical discharges turns out to play a major role in the dramatic improvement of sleep quality, behavior, and developmental learning acceleration at school.  相似文献   

DARPP-32, a dopamine (DA) and cAMP-regulated phosphoprotein, is associated with dopaminoceptive neurons bearing D-1 receptors in the basal ganglia. The present study addressed the distribution of DARPP-32 in the primate cerebral cortex and its putative association with D-1 receptor laden cells in this structure. DARPP-32-like immunoreactive (LIR) neurons were examined in the cerebral cortex of 3-day-old (P3), 6-week-old (P42), and adult rhesus monkeys. In the younger cases, a large number of DARPP-32 positive neurons, with the morphological characteristics of pyramidal cells, were observed throughout the cortex, in layers V-VI, and to a lesser extent in layer II and uppermost layer III. In the parietal, insular, temporal, and occipital cortices, DARPP-32 positive neurons were arranged in a monolayer in layer Va. They were often clustered in small groups with a bundling of their dendrites. In the primary motor cortex, Betz cells were among the labeled population. In the association and somatosensory areas, the basal dendrites of DARPP-32 positive neurons and the prominent tufting of their apical dendrites in layer I contributed to an essential bilaminar pattern resembling the distribution reported for DA afferents and D-1 receptors in these areas. The prominence and widespread distribution of DARPP-32 positive neurons in layer V may be a specialization of primate cortex since such cells are found only in restricted locations in rodents. The literature on the connections of the cerebral cortex suggests that a large number of the DARPP-32 positive neurons in layer VI and perhaps even in layer Va may be corticothalamic neurons. An important developmental observation was the presence of DARPP-32-LIR neurons in the white matter. They were prominent in the neonates but could not be seen in the adult. Their location as well as their type and shape were reminiscent of interstitial neurons. In the adult monkeys, the distribution of DARPP-32-LIR neurons was more circumscribed: they were numerous in the ventral temporal gyrus and in areas related to the limbic system: caudal orbitofrontal cortex, insula, temporal pole, entorhinal, and anterior cingulate cortex. Weak labeling was detected in layer Va of the superior temporal and parietal cortex, in some prefrontal areas (10, 13, and medial 9), and in the premotor and supplementary motor cortex; in adults, unlike neonates, few DARPP-32-LIR neurons were present in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, the primary motor or the primary visual or prestriate cortices.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Neurons from the fetal pig dopaminergic ventral mesencephalon (VM) and basal ganglia anlage (the ganglionic eminence) were co-cultured as organotypic slice cultures to study the development of the two interconnected brain areas. During a short developmental period (E35-E42), a groove separates the ganglionic eminence into a lateral and a medial part. This was used (a) to study the developmental expression of the striatal marker protein, dopamine and adenosine 3,5-monophosphate regulated phospho-protein (DARPP-32) in the two parts and (b) to compare innervations of the two parts by tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)-positive, dopaminergic fibers from co-cultured slices of the ventral mesencephalon. DARPP-32 expression was more extensive and dense in cultures of the lateral part of the striatal anlage than the medial part. The DARPP-32-positive areas moreover overlapped with areas rich in acetylcholine esterase (AChE) and were the preferred target areas for TH-positive fibers from the co-cultured VM.  相似文献   

Studies addressing behavioral functions of dopamine (DA) in the nucleus accumbens septi (NAS) are reviewed. A role of NAS DA in reward has long been suggested. However, some investigators have questioned the role of NAS DA in rewarding effects because of its role in aversive contexts. As findings supporting the role of NAS DA in mediating aversively motivated behaviors accumulate, it is necessary to accommodate such data for understanding the role of NAS DA in behavior. The aim of the present paper is to provide a unifying interpretation that can account for the functions of NAS DA in a variety of behavioral contexts: (1) its role in appetitive behavioral arousal, (2) its role as a facilitator as well as an inducer of reward processes, and (3) its presently undefined role in aversive contexts. The present analysis suggests that NAS DA plays an important role in sensorimotor integrations that facilitate flexible approach responses. Flexible approach responses are contrasted with fixed instrumental approach responses (habits), which may involve the nigro-striatal DA system more than the meso-accumbens DA system. Functional properties of NAS DA transmission are considered in two stages: unconditioned behavioral invigoration effects and incentive learning effects. (1) When organisms are presented with salient stimuli (e.g., novel stimuli and incentive stimuli), NAS DA is released and invigorates flexible approach responses (invigoration effects). (2) When proximal exteroceptive receptors are stimulated by unconditioned stimuli, NAS DA is released and enables stimulus representations to acquire incentive properties within specific environmental context. It is important to make a distinction that NAS DA is a critical component for the conditional formation of incentive representations but not the retrieval of incentive stimuli or behavioral expressions based on over-learned incentive responses (i.e., habits). Nor is NAS DA essential for the cognitive perception of environmental stimuli. Therefore, even without normal NAS DA transmission, the habit response system still allows animals to perform instrumental responses given that the tasks take place in fixed environment. Such a role of NAS DA as an incentive-property constructor is not limited to appetitive contexts but also aversive contexts. This dual action of NAS DA in invigoration and incentive learning may explain the rewarding effects of NAS DA as well as other effects of NAS DA in a variety of contexts including avoidance and unconditioned/conditioned increases in open-field locomotor activity. Particularly, the present hypothesis offers the following interpretation for the finding that both conditioned and unconditioned aversive stimuli stimulate DA release in the NAS: NAS DA invigorates approach responses toward ‘safety'. Moreover, NAS DA modulates incentive properties of the environment so that organisms emit approach responses toward ‘safety' (i.e., avoidance responses) when animals later encounter similar environmental contexts. There may be no obligatory relationship between NAS DA release and positive subjective effects, even though these systems probably interact with other brain systems which can mediate such effects. The present conceptual framework may be valuable in understanding the dynamic interplay of NAS DA neurochemistry and behavior, both normal and pathophysiological.  相似文献   

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