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The ambulatory care setting is becoming an increasingly important environment for clinical teaching. This reflects the changing focus of healthcare delivery with more procedures and patient treatment being delivered in this setting. Maximizing learning opportunities for students without compromising patient care has never provided a greater challenge. This paper shares 12 educational tips for developing an ambulatory care teaching centre where both students and patients benefit from a protected yet realistic clinical setting.  相似文献   

Dent JA 《Medical teacher》2001,23(5):483-489
Clinical skills centres (CSCs) have contributed significantly to undergraduate medical education. Using alternative venues for training in communication skills, clinical examination and practical procedures they avoid jeopardising patient-care in traditional clinical settings. Using simulation they enable tutors to structure learning opportunities, provide standardized and reproducible experiences and create learner-centred environments where mistakes are permissible. However, recent changes in patients' attitudes and expectations and in students' and doctors' needs indicate that further changes in the delivery and learning of clinical skills are required. Four current trends in teaching and learning are emerging in CSCs. The range of delivery methods available is expanding; educational strategies are being adopted; a variety of assessment opportunities are being identified and the need for support mechanisms for students and tutors is being recognized. The implementation of these trends gives rise to a number of resource implications that must be met. Appropriate planning is required to ensure that the future contribution of CSCs will be successful in training healthcare professionals for practice in contemporary society.  相似文献   

Dent JA 《Medical teacher》2003,25(4):364-367
Healthcare policy in the UK is moving towards an expansion in day care services. As it becomes increasingly difficult to deliver clinical teaching to undergraduates in traditional inpatient venues, opportunities must be sought in ambulatory care. The proposed increased activity of day surgery units provides one such resource for the development of a structured clinical teaching programme. This paper highlights 12 tips for the preparation, delivery and evaluation of a clinical teaching programme in the day surgery unit. It describes the implications for staff and resources and indicates the educational opportunities that can be provided.  相似文献   

Medical educators have raised concerns about the quality of teaching and learning in busy ambulatory care settings. Problem-based learning (PBL), which allows students to learn to diagnose and manage common ambulatory care problems as they discuss patients away from the clinical setting, is one possible solution for addressing these concerns. This article describes a process for developing realistic and well-written PBL cases for an ambulatory care clerkship. The process details specific steps for writing and evaluating cases to ensure they contain relevant learning issues students often encounter in outpatient training sites. Faculty at other institutions can adapt this process to develop and evaluate PBL cases reflecting the common presenting problems and patient issues at their sites.  相似文献   

Ker JS  Dent JA 《Medical teacher》2002,24(4):437-439
If the involvement of practising clinicians in undergraduate clinical teaching is to be retained, strategies that inform them of student expectations and show how their contribution can be integrated to the wider clinical teaching programme must be identified. A variety of information-sharing strategies has been designed and used to communicate with clinicians teaching in Phase 2 of the undergraduate medical curriculum in Dundee. Evaluation of these by the clinical teaching staff has indicated that briefing by students, posters and tutor manuals are more successful information-sharing strategies than formal staff-development sessions.  相似文献   

Current trends in undergraduate medical education are moving away from traditional ward based learning to ambulatory care teaching. We wanted to know whether students gain more learning outcomes from a dedicated ambulatory teaching environment than a conventional outpatient clinic. A comparative evaluation study using a semi-structured student questionnaire and a structured patient questionnaire was performed. Results indicated the learning environment and organization of the teaching in the Ambulatory Care Teaching Centre (ACTC) rated higher. Surprisingly, however, more learning outcomes were achieved in the conventional outpatient clinic setting, but each venue demonstrated particular strengths with regard to individual outcomes. The level of patient satisfaction in the ACTC was high implying patient care was not adversely affected utilizing this setting. This information will inform practice for the content of future teaching sessions in the outpatient setting.  相似文献   

What do medical students actually do on clinical rotations?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
As medical schools make use of an increasing variety of clinical teaching settings, it is of interest to find that that there is very little published research that explores the actual learning activities undertaken by students in different environments. This study was designed to describe and analyse a typical week for students learning the same curricular material in one of three Australian settings: an urban tertiary teaching hospital, a remote secondary referral hospital and a rural community-based programme. Twenty-eight students completed week-long learning logs in weeks 9 and 35 of a 40-week academic year. Each student recorded his or her activity in 15-minute intervals for each week. Analysis of these data revealed that, compared with the hospital-based students, the community-based students reported greater patient contact, more time spent in clinical settings and increased time supervised by experienced clinicians. Whilst the community-based students valued their learning in clinical settings more highly than the learning they undertook at their home, the opposite was found for the tertiary hospital-based students. This study, the first to compare student activity in these three prototypical settings in the medical education literature, provides empirical evidence supporting community-based programmes as credible alternatives to traditional teaching hospital-based environments.  相似文献   

Grant A  Robling M 《Medical teacher》2006,28(7):e192-e197
Following the publication of Tomorrow's Doctors and as a result of increasing numbers of students recruited to medical school it is necessary to involve more general practitioners (family physicians) in undergraduate medical education. Students have responded positively regarding experiences in general practices with a broad spectrum of clinical conditions to be seen and greater involvement in clinical decision-making. This action research study followed a small group general practice in South Wales through the required preparation for undergraduate medical education and its first year of teaching. Preparatory work for the practice focused mainly on summarizing patient notes, setting up a practice library and arranging accommodation for the students. Members of the Primary Health Care Team (PHCT) found that having students in the practice gave them a sense of achievement and enhanced self-worth. Individuals within the practice felt more confident in their professional role and the team ethic within the practice was strengthened. Doctors' anxieties regarding the adequacy of their clinical skills proved unfounded. Patients were reported to feel more included in their care and to have enjoyed hearing their condition being discussed with the students. Students valued the one-to-one teaching, seeing common illnesses and a variety of consulting styles. It is hoped that this paper will be of value to those responsible for recruiting GP practices into undergraduate teaching. It demonstrates benefits for the primary health care team in terms of improved morale and sense of professional self-worth. Patients felt more involved in their care. Generalization from these findings is limited by only one practice having been involved. Undergraduate teaching offers advantages, particularly in terms of professional self-esteem and team morale.  相似文献   

Amidst changes in the health care field with requirements for increased efficiency and limited time for teaching, there is a need for a teaching-learning model which maximizes the learning process and is exciting, fun, and motivating for both teacher and learner. Microburst Teaching and Learning is one strategy for combining various teaching styles and methods in 'bursts' with different learning styles to enhance the learning process.The model accommodates adult learning theory, adult attention span, learner motivation, the variety of learning styles found in learners, and the need for efficiency. Preliminary reactions to the Microburst Model indicate its appeal and motivating nature as a useful teaching-learning model.The next steps are to more critically evaluate the efficacy of the model for a broader range of clinical preceptors and to examine the variety of specific teaching strategies to determine which methods work best in specific settings. Because there are many potential teaching methods and teaching styles from which medical teachers can choose, a companion article outlining these specific methods and styles is currently in preparation.Weanticipate the article's publication within the next year.  相似文献   

Several challenging ethical issues have been associated with the shift to managed healthcare in the United States. Our objective was to develop, implement, and evaluate a curriculum designed to help physicians identify and examine ethical issues encountered in the managed care setting. The curriculum was developed during a year-long workshop at Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center. The content of the curriculum was established through literature review, focus group discussions with physicians, and a needs assessment of targeted learners (primary care physicians practicing in managed care settings). Some of the key issues addressed in the curriculum include: changing professional responsibilities of physicians; fair use of resources; and threats to the doctor-patient relationship as a consequence of the new healthcare delivery system. The 7.5-h curriculum was taught over five sessions using varied teaching methods. Evaluations demonstrated that the curriculum was successful in increasing learner awareness of ethical issues confronted in the managed care environment and improved learner knowledge in these areas. The physician-learners reported that this educational experience would change their teaching of medical students and residents. After completing the curriculum, learners felt that they were at least somewhat better able to cope with ethical challenges encountered in the managed care setting. Future research might examine whether such a curriculum could positively affect physician behavior or enhance physician satisfaction with the managed care setting.  相似文献   

Bombí JA 《Medical teacher》2003,25(4):428-432
The study reported here assessed the current situation of the teaching of medicine, the healthcare facilities available and the teaching staff employed at Spanish medical schools, on the basis of a national survey devised by the Conferencia Nacional de Decanos de Facultades de Medicina. There was a 100% response rate from the 27 medical schools. Twenty-three of these schools introduced new study plans between 1993 and 2000. In all cases these plans are basically discipline oriented, with different levels of integration between the subjects offered. The study also analysed teaching in bioethics, healthcare management, experience in primary care and alternative or complementary medicine. In the 2000-01 academic year there were 4471 first-year students; as for the healthcare facilities available, there were 67,331 hospital beds in 112 hospitals and 234 Primary Care Centres. There was an average of 4.49 teaching beds per student. There were 3081 full and associate professors, roughly half of whom were teaching in the preclinical cycle and roughly half in the clinical cycle, and 4492 clinical assistant professors. The average student-professor ratio at Spanish medical schools is currently 3.02: 1.0, with variations of between 6.22 and 1.04.  相似文献   

The Worksheet for Ambulatory Medicine (WAM) is an educational tool designed to enhance teaching and learning outpatient internal medicine. It was developed to identify student learning needs, focus teaching, and structure educational and patient care activities in a clinic setting. The purpose of the study was to assess the feasibility and educational value of using the WAM with medical students and preceptors. Sixty-five third- and fourth-year medical students and 12 supervising faculty at two university-based general medicine outpatient clinics used the WAM during required internal medicine clerkships. Students and faculty completed written evaluations. Results are reported as percentages of respondents agreeing or disagreeing with a variety of statements, and mean rating scores for several questions designed to assess the feasibility and educational value of using the worksheet. Student response rate was 89%; 83% found the WAM easy to use; 65% found it too structured. Half said the worksheet helped diagnostic decision making and note writing, and two-thirds thought it promoted careful thinking about differential diagnosis and aided in identifying learning issues. Some 56% said using the WAM motivated outside reading. Most students found it helpful for identifying patient agendas and focusing case presentations (61% and 67, respectively). Only 36% said the WAM helped with time management. Most preceptors thought the WAM helped identify earning issues, focus case presentations and clarify student expectations. There was less agreement among preceptors that it allowed them to demonstrate clinical reasoning or provide students with more autonomy in decision making. Nearly half the preceptors did not find it helpful with time management. Both students and preceptors rated the overall value and usefulness of the WAM as good to very good, and a majority recommended that others use it. Using the Worksheet for Ambulatory Medicine was feasible and educationally valuable for many third- and fourth-year medical students and their preceptor in a required ambulatory internal medicine clerkship.  相似文献   

An Ambulatory Care Teaching Centre (ACTC) has provided an opportunity to develop an integrated teaching programme in a supervised environment which links students' initial clinical experiences in the skills centre with patient-contact in other teaching settings. Second-year students attended 2-h sessions in the ACTC during each block of a systems-based course. Two 'system-sensitive' patients invited from a patient bank enabled students to develop clinical skills previously practised on mannequins and simulated patients and to integrate theoretical material with clinical practice. A programme co-ordinator timetabled student, patient and tutor attendances. Students particularly appreciated the protected environment where they could practice clinical skills under supervision before interviewing other patients in patient-centred clinical settings. Tutors appreciated an environment which eliminated tensions often present between teaching and service delivery. They enjoyed focussed teaching sessions especially if details of invited patients were known in advance and 'backup' resources were available. Patients enjoyed opportunities to contribute to clinical teaching.  相似文献   

Changes in medical education and in the environments in which students learn have brought about new ways of learning in undergraduate medical curricula. Amongst these have been the establishment of courses in clinical skills learning to address concerns of deficient skills amongst newly qualified doctors. Curriculum reform at Liverpool, UK, included extensive and early learning of clinical skills. Nurse tutors provide full-time teaching support in a single Clinical Skills Resource Centre. They work alongside medically qualified tutors in delivering a clinical skills learning programme. This study aimed to explore students' opinion of nurses teaching clinical skills and to compare that to their opinion of teaching by medically qualified clinicians. A questionnaire survey was used to gain the views of 206 first-year medical students. Overall, students were strongly supportive in their opinion of nurse tutors. Some small statistically significant differences are probably of little or no educational significance. This role for nurses stresses the importance of interprofessional teachers in undergraduate healthcare education.  相似文献   

The 5-year undergraduate medical curriculum at Aga Khan University integrates basic sciences with clinical and community health sciences. Multimodal strategies of teaching and learning, with an emphasis on problem-based learning, are utilized to equip students with knowledge, skills, behaviours, attitudes and values necessary for a high-calibre medical graduate. Bioethics teaching was introduced in the medical curriculum in 1988 and has since undergone several changes. In 2009, a multidisciplinary voluntary group began review of undergraduate bioethics teaching and invested over 350 man-hours in curricular revision. This involved formulating terminal objectives, delineating specific objectives and identifying instructional methodologies and assessment strategies appropriate for the contents of each objective. Innovative strategies were specially devised to work within the time constraints of the existing medical curriculum and importantly, to increase student interest and engagement. The new bioethics curriculum is designed to be comprehensive and robust, and strives to develop graduates who, in addition to being technically skilled and competent, are well-versed in the history and philosophy of ethics and bioethics and are ethical in their thinking and practice, especially in the context of a developing country like Pakistan where health indicators are among the worst in the region, and clinical practices are not effectively regulated to ensure quality of care.  相似文献   

Davis MH 《Medical teacher》1999,21(2):130-140
This practical guide for health professions teachers provides a perspective of one of the most important educational developments in the past 30 years.Problem-based learning (PBL) is a continuum of approaches rather than one immutable process. It is a teaching method that can be included in the teacher's tool-kit along with other teaching methods rather than used as the sole educational strategy.PBL reverses the traditional approach to teaching and learning. It starts with individual examples or problem scenarios which stimulate student learning. In so doing, students arrive at general principles and concepts which they then generalize to other situations. PBL has many advantages. It facilitates the acquisition of generic competences, encourages a deep approach to learning and prepares students for the adult learning approach they need for a lifetime of learning in the health care professions. It is also fun. PBL helps in curriculum planning by defining core, ensuring relevance of content, integrating student learning and providing prototype cases. There are also drawbacks associated with PBL. Students may fail to develop an organized framework for their knowledge. The PBL process may inhibit good teachers sharing their enthusiasm for their topic with students and student identification with good teachers.Teachers may not have the skills to facilitate PBL.The problem scenario is of crucial significance. It should engage the students' interest and be skilfully written. While the medium selected for presentation of the scenario is usually print, other media may be used.The clinical tasks carried out by the student may replace the problem scenario as the focus for learning.Students are supported during the PBL process by tutors and/or study guides.The amount of support required is inversely related to the students' prior learning and understanding of the PBL process. A range of additional learning resources and opportunities may be made available to the students, including textbooks, videotapes, computer-based material, lectures and clinical sessions. Tutors require group facilitation skills, an understanding of the PBL process and knowledge of the course and of the curriculum in general.They need special personal qualities and it is preferable if they have expertise in the content area.While special assessment processes have been developed to assess students learning by the PBL method, the general principles of assessment apply to PBL courses and a mixed menu of assessment methods needs to be employed. Curriculum design involves a skilful blend of educational strategies designed to help students achieve the curriculum outcomes. PBL may make a valuable contribution to this blend but attention needs to be paid to how it is implemented.  相似文献   

Mak DB  Plant AJ  Toussaint S 《Medical teacher》2006,28(6):e149-e155
The purpose of this study was to gain insight into what prevocational medical practitioners (PMPs) learnt during a six-month public health medicine and primary health care training program (the Program) in remote Aboriginal Australia in 2001-2002. The Program's curriculum objectives included clinical and public health management of sexually transmitted infections, immunization, clinical audit and quality improvement, primary health care in remote Aboriginal communities, and working as part of an interdisciplinary team with health and non-health professionals, and lay people. The mode and location of delivery of these objectives was determined by the healthcare needs of the Kimberley population, and availability of safe, supported workplaces. Qualitative data from a variety of sources, including PMPs' reflective journals, were examined in the context of the Program's curriculum objectives and by conducting a content analysis of journal notes. Findings are presented using the curriculum objectives and other comments that emerged while examining the data. Preliminary data indicated that PMPs gained knowledge and practical experience in clinical and public health management of sexually transmitted infections, immunization and primary health care in poorly resourced remote Aboriginal settings. Deeper understandings of health and illness in a cross-cultural setting also developed, along with professional and personal growth, as illustrated by the following quotations from PMPs: "I have learnt ... a different way of looking at people's health ... I was encouraged to think more deeply than before about the whys and wherefores of medical practice, and thus consider the most effective ways of influencing patients' behaviours for the better." "I was encouraged to examine the thought processes behind the ways ... healthcare was provided ... [after leaving the Kimberley] I am constantly questioning the reason why we are practising medicine in a certain way in the big city hospitals-much to the consternation of my colleagues ... ." The Program was successful in teaching its first four PMPs the basic tools of public health medicine and remote area primary health care.  相似文献   

The majority of medical schools have curricula that address the health effects of smoking. However, there are many gaps in smoking education, especially in relationship to vertical integration. The authors aimed to determine whether medical students would better address adolescent smoking within a vertically integrated curriculum in comparison with the previous traditional curriculum. They studied two groups of fifth-year students; one group received a specific smoking intervention. Each group consisted of the entire cohort of students within the Child and Adolescent Health rotation of a newly designed medical curriculum. Two groups of students from the previous traditional undergraduate curriculum were available for direct comparison, one of which had received the same teaching on adolescent smoking. An objective structured clinical examination station was used to measure adolescent smoking enquiry. Intervention students in the new curriculum were more likely to enquire about smoking in the objective structured clinical examination than students who did not receive the intervention (p < 0.005). New curriculum students performed better than students from the previous curriculum, whether or not they had received the smoking intervention (p < 0.001). This study suggests that integrated undergraduate teaching can improve student clinical behaviours with regard to opportunistic smoking enquiry in adolescents.  相似文献   

This study compared medical student evaluations of ambulatory and inpatient components of third-year clerkships in internal medicine, obstetrics/gynaecology, paediatrics, psychiatry, and surgery. Seventy-two students completed evaluation questionnaires at the conclusion of each of five clerkships over 12 months. Although ambulatory and inpatient evaluations were comparable across all five specialties in several areas, ambulatory education was rated more favorably in scheduling, clear definition of student roles and responsibilities, appropriate supervision, timely and constructive feedback, being welcomed, and working in a non-threatening environment.Student feedback thus implied that ambulatory experiences were comparable to, or better than, inpatient experiences and suggests areas for improving clinical education in inpatient settings.  相似文献   

Written correspondence is the standard mode of communication between healthcare providers. Despite the importance of this skill and increased emphasis on ambulatory care, communication skills and professionalism in training programs, there has been very little written on the teaching and evaluation of consultation letter writing. Consultation letter writing is an essential skill that cannot be learned simply by reading others' letters and should be taught in a formal manner. This article describes the authors' experience in teaching the skill of writing effective consultation letters to residents and describes strategies for evaluating this skill.  相似文献   

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