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Integration of health information is critical to the provision of effective, quality care in today's fragmented health care system. The increasing prevalence of chronic conditions and the demand for a comprehensive understanding of patient health on the part of providers are driving the need for the integration of health information through electronic health information systems. Two distinct health information systems currently utilized in the health care field include electronic medical records (EMR) and chronic disease management systems (CDMS). The integration of these systems is likely to enable the efficient management of health information and improve the quality of health care as it would provide real-time patient information in a coordinated manner. The lack of real-time information may result in delayed treatment, uninformed decisions, inefficient resource use, and medical errors. Despite their importance and widespread support, these systems have slow provider adoption rates. Our understanding of how health information technology may be used to improve health care is limited by the relative paucity of research on the adoption, integration, and implementation of these 2 types of systems. This paper documents the use of an EMR at Marshfield Clinic, a multidisciplinary group practice in the United States. We review the concomitant use of an EMR for clinical data capture and the implementation of a proprietary CDMS, InformaCare, for care management of chronic diseases. These 2 systems allow providers to deliver health care using evidence-based guidelines that meet the Institute of Medicine's aim of providing safe, efficient, patient-centered, and timely care.  相似文献   

该文对近年健康服务业中出现的主要新业态、新模式、新技术的发展及其医疗风险、监管重点进行梳理,主要分析传统医疗服务体系的革新、第三方医疗机构、互联网医院、共享医院、远程医疗、医生集团、共享护士、智能医疗、精准医疗技术、健康管理等10种业态,探讨如何在鼓励创新发展的同时实现包容审慎监管,确保医疗健康服务安全性和可及性的协调发展。  相似文献   

The ethical distribution of health care is a central issue now that AIDS has started to be a drain on health care resources. If the worst predictions are true, the next half century will be capitalized by a great stress of the health care delivery system in the Pacific. The critical challenges that face the current leadership are: sustaining commitment to all levels of administration to reduce social and health inequities; making sound decisions on policies, priorities and goals that are based on valid information; strengthen health infrastructure, based on the principle of primary health care, including appropriate distribution of staffing, skills, technology and resources. The goals of the Pacific Health Promotion and Development center must not focus exclusively on AIDs. Hepatitis B control measures, hypertension and diabetes, primary care in remote areas, and rehabilitation initiatives must be kept in place. Humanitarian interests for AIDs patients must be balanced with the pragmatic reality of saving children's hearing, or extending useful lives. The attributes of respect, accountability, leadership, judgement, fairness, integrity and honesty controlled by principles of social justice must be part of the administrative decision making process. The 2 major issues facing public health professional are: (1) the financial considerations involved with increasingly expensive technology, services and research, contrasted against the need to prioritize their use and development; (2) pragmatic and ideological needs must be balanced to maximize preventative and curative services and make them available to those who can benefit from them.  相似文献   

Discusses attempts to meet in an accessible, equitable and high-quality way, the health needs of 35,000 South Australians in 1.68 million square kilometres. Illustrates innovative work practices, developing teams and responses to regionalization.  相似文献   



Prolonged exposure to war has severely impacted the provision of health services in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Health infrastructure has been destroyed, health workers have fled and government support to health care services has been made difficult by ongoing conflict. Poor reproductive health (RH) indicators illustrate the effect that the prolonged crisis in DRC has had on the on the reproductive health (RH) of Congolese women. In 2007, with support from the RAISE Initiative, the International Rescue Committee (IRC) and CARE conducted baseline assessments of public hospitals to evaluate their capacities to meet the RH needs of the local populations and to determine availability, utilization and quality of RH services including emergency obstetric care (EmOC) and family planning (FP).  相似文献   



The aim of this study was to examine the acceptability of point of care computerized prompts to improve health services delivery among a sample of primary care patients.


Primary data collection. Cross-sectional survey. Patients were surveyed after their visit with a primary care provider. Data were obtained from patients of ten community-based primary care practices in the spring of 2001.


Almost all patients reported that they would support using a computer before each visit to prompt their doctor to: "do health screening tests" (92%), "counsel about health behaviors (like diet and exercise)" (92%) and "change treatments for health conditions" (86%). In multivariate testing, the only variable that was associated with acceptability of the point of care computerized prompts was patient's confidence in their ability to answer questions about their health using a computer (beta = 0.39, p = .001). Concerns about data security were expressed by 36.3% of subjects, but were not related to acceptability of the prompts.


Support for using computers to generate point of care prompts to improve quality-oriented processes of care was high in our sample, but may be contingent on patients feeling familiar with their personal medical history.  相似文献   

It is well known that gender is a determinant of health, but less understood is whether differences in health status attributable to gender can be mitigated through the implementation of primary health care. Primary health care, notably distinct from primary care, refers to a wide-ranging approach to the delivery of a comprehensive variety of health services. This article traces the similarities between primary health care and women-centred care from their overlapping philosophical foundations to the similar health, social, and economic benefits of both approaches. It is argued that investments in primary health care positively impact women's health, and, as such, should be a preferred option for the delivery of women's community health services. Several models of health service delivery that operate in accordance with principles of primary health care and also address the key tenets of women's-centred care are examined and their merits are compared. The article also identifies the major impediments to the adoption of both primary health care and women's-centred care approaches.  相似文献   

By implementing a care management system that is consumer-centric and service-oriented, the goal of providing high-quality care, controlling costs, and providing excellent service can be achieved through every interaction with the consumer. Care management broadens the consumer's access to service while coordinating and managing care across this extended web of access. This can only be achieved by implementing a system with a clinical usage model that care providers will actually use in their practices.  相似文献   

Improved population health depends on changing behaviour: of those who are healthy (e.g. stopping smoking), those who are ill (e.g. adhering to health advice) and those delivering health care. To design more effective behaviour change interventions, we need more investment in developing the scientific methods for studying behaviour change. Behavioural science is relevant to all phases of the process of implementing evidence-based health care: developing evidence through primary studies, synthesizing the findings in systematic reviews, translating evidence into guidelines and practice recommendations, and implementing these in practice. 'Behaviour change: Implementation and Health', the last research programme to be funded within the MRC HSRC, aimed to develop innovative ways of applying theories and techniques of behaviour change to understand and improve the implementation of evidence-based practice, as a key step to improving health. It focused on four areas of study that apply behaviour change theory:defining and developing a taxonomy of behaviour change techniques to allow replication of studies and the possibility of accumulating evidence; conducting systematic reviews, by categorizing and synthesizing interventions on the basis of behaviour change theory; investigating the process by which evidence is translated into guideline recommendations for practice; developing a theoretical framework to apply to understanding implementation problems and designing interventions. This work will contribute to advancing the science of behaviour change by providing tools for conceptualizing and defining intervention content, and linking techniques of behaviour change to their theoretical base.  相似文献   

通过对我国社区卫生服务的发展及不足做出系统的梳理,并结合世界发达国家的社区卫生服务系统,对我国社区卫生服务的改革与发展做出探讨。  相似文献   

This article offers insight into how occupational health services are delivered in South Africa. The nursing aspect of this comprehensive service is the focus.  相似文献   

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