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目的评估比较热压铸瓷二代(IPS—Empress)修复体和肩台瓷(IPS—Margin)金瓷修复体颈缘的临床效果。方法临床为63例患者的90颗患牙进行IPS—Empress热压铸陶瓷全冠修复,为98例患者的129颗患牙进行有肩台瓷的PFM全冠修复。永久性粘结后6个月和36个月复诊,比较修复体颈缘临床效果。结果在比较后发现铸瓷全冠和肩台瓷在牙龈变色,颈缘适合度,牙龈炎症三方面均无显著性差异。结论肩台瓷修复体与全瓷修复体能达到相同的颈缘效果。对想解决颈缘问题又无力支付全瓷冠的修复患者来说,肩台瓷不失为一种好的选择。  相似文献   

目的评价IPS Empress 2全瓷冠在前牙美容修复中的临床应用效果。方法对107例患者的242颗牙进行IPS-Empress 2热压铸陶瓷全冠修复,完成后1个月、6个月、1年、3年复查,评价修复体完整度、边缘密合度、牙龈健康情况、牙敏感症状、颜色匹配、边缘着色和继发龋等。结果3年的追踪调查显示,133个修复体中,折裂或脱落6个,97.7%的瓷冠边缘良好,84.2%具有健康的牙龈,5个发生牙髓炎或根尖周炎,未发现继发龋、边缘变色及明显颜色不协调。结论IPS-Empress 2全瓷冠桥在前牙美容修复中的近期效果满意,是一种较好的全瓷修复材料。  相似文献   

目的:比较CAD/CAM氧化锆及Empress全瓷冠修复3年的临床效果。方法:选择350例患者共838个全冠修复体(其中CAD/CAM氧化锆全冠428颗、Empress铸瓷全冠410颗),平均观察期36.2±5月,随访检查基牙和修复体情况,分别对两组全瓷冠的存留率和修复成功率进行统计学分析。结果:观察期内共有41颗全瓷冠(19颗为氧化锆,22颗为Empress铸瓷)完全失败,需重新制作。氧化锆全瓷冠和Empress铸瓷全冠的存留率分别为95.1%和95.8%,成功率分别为90.7%和91.2%,其差异均无统计学意义。结论:CAD/CAM氧化锆和Empres铸瓷全冠均能满足临床需要,有较好的修复效果。  相似文献   

IPS-Empress Ⅱ铸瓷冠的临床效果评价   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
目的:评价IPS—EmpressⅡ铸瓷冠修复患牙5年的临床效果。方法:39例患者的单牙缺失、牙体缺损、畸形小牙及变色牙用铸瓷冠、桥进行修复(共130颗)。于修复体粘固后2周及6、12~60个月复查评价临床效果。评价内容包括:修复体完整度、边缘适合度、牙龈健康情况、牙敏感症状及颜色匹配。结果:96.2%的修复体保持完整。1颗瓷冠因咬硬物致切端崩瓷;另1颗瓷冠在修复3个月后与纤维桩核同时脱落,系纤维桩粘固不良;1个全瓷桥折断,为咬合创伤造成。97.7%的瓷冠边缘良好。牙龈健康的基牙占修复牙数的92.3%,仅3颗在复查时有明显炎症。95.7%的活髓基牙修复1年以上仍保持活力,但2颗牙发生根尖炎,表明在全瓷冠牙预备及酸蚀黏固时有可能会造成牙髓损伤。未发现继发龋、边缘变色及明显颜色不协调。结论:用IPS—EmpressⅡ铸瓷冠对前牙行冠、桥修复可获良好临床效果,且具完好美观表现。  相似文献   

IPS EmpressⅡ铸瓷全冠近期修复效果的临床观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:对IPS EmpressⅡ铸瓷全冠的近期修复效果进行观察与评价.方法:共选取32例,50个IPS EmpressⅡ铸瓷全冠修复体,修复后1周复诊,记录患者满意度,3~12个月后按照美国公共健康协会的修正标准进行修复体评估.结果:总满意率达91%,有90%的修复体的颜色、形态、边缘着色、继发龋、边缘密合度各项检查均达到标准A级.结论:IPS EmpressⅡ铸瓷全冠修复体可获得理想的美学效果和边缘适应性,具有较高的临床应用价值.  相似文献   

目的:评价超薄瓷贴面前牙美容修复的临床效果。方法:因四环素牙、氟斑牙、牙釉质发育不全、牙间隙过大、牙齿缺损、增龄性变黄等原因需行前牙美容修复的患者32例,108颗牙,用超薄热压铸瓷贴面进行修复。术后1、6、12、24、36个月,按照美国公共健康协会的修正标准(USPHS)进行评估。结果:经过3年的临床观察,108颗瓷贴面中有2颗折裂,修复体成功率98.1%。吸烟患者的边缘着色率明显高于不吸烟患者。结论:超薄热压铸造瓷贴面具有磨除牙体组织少、瓷贴面修复体强度高等特点,具有良好的临床修复效果。  相似文献   

目的探讨IPS Empress 2可铸玻璃陶瓷嵌体修复后牙牙体缺损的临床疗效。方法对沈阳市和平区牙病防治所2010年6月至2012年6月接受治疗的后牙牙体缺损患者30例(48颗患牙),采用IPS Empress 2可铸玻璃陶瓷嵌体修复,随访观察6个月至2年,参照改良的美国公共卫生服务(USPHS)评价标准对修复体的边缘适合性、外形、颜色匹配、继发龋发生以及磨损与折裂情况进行评价。结果 IPS Empress可铸玻璃陶瓷嵌体具有良好的边缘适应性及外形,色泽稳定,强度较高,未发现继发龋。结论 IPS Empress 2可铸玻璃陶瓷嵌体是一种修复后牙牙体缺损效果较好的修复体。  相似文献   

目的 评价唇侧齐龈边缘肩台在前牙EMAX铸造陶瓷全冠修复中的临床应用效果.方法 对120颗前牙预备唇侧齐龈肩台,EMAX铸造陶瓷全冠修复.修复后1周、6个月、1年、2年复诊,从EMAX铸造陶瓷全冠的颜色、边缘着色、有无继发龋以及形态和边缘密合度等方面评价修复效果.结果 120颗患牙修复后1周、6个月、1年及2年比较,修复体颜色、边缘着色、继发龋发生率、修复体形态和边缘密合度变化的差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).修复后2年,120颗铸造陶瓷全冠修复体,114颗修复体颜色、明暗度、透光度与邻牙协调一致,5颗与邻牙不完全一致,但在正常范围内,1颗与邻牙不一致;118颗修复体边缘线上无可见的边缘着色,1颗修复体边缘线上可见边缘着色但着色未向牙髓方向渗透,1颗边缘着色且着色向牙髓方向渗透;117颗修复体与基牙外形延续一致或稍凹陷,3颗修复体与基牙外形表面相比凹陷明显,但牙本质未暴露;120颗患牙均未发现继发龋,修复体边缘密合度良好.结论 唇侧齐龈边缘肩台的EMAX铸造陶瓷全冠修复体在临床上可获得理想的美学效果和边缘适应性.  相似文献   

颈缘瓷在前牙烤瓷全冠修复中的美学效果   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的评价颈缘瓷在前牙镍铬合金烤瓷全冠修复中的临床美学效果。方法265例患者的527颗牙用金刚砂车针进行常规牙体及颈部肩台制备,用Ivoclar低温瓷粉制作具有颈缘瓷的镍铬合金烤瓷全冠。临床试戴、抛光、粘结。结果修复后随访1~4年,与具有颈缘瓷的镍铬合金烤瓷全冠相接触的牙龈未见龈缘灰线,约3%的患者有轻到中度龈炎。结论鉴于对牙龈组织的保护和牙龈及牙体美学的考虑,笔者认为在制作镍铬合金烤瓷全冠时,添加颈缘瓷是一个非常有效的修复方法。  相似文献   

目的 以修复体的适合性为指标 ,检测研制的热压铸入型陶瓷专用包埋料的铸造精度。方法 用此包埋料铸造陶瓷全冠 ,检测全冠与代型之间粘固膜的厚度 ,并与用 IPS- Empress陶瓷包埋料铸造的对照组进行比较。结果 用该包埋料铸造陶瓷全冠 ,铸件脱模容易 ,表面光洁。用磷酸锌水门汀粘固粉粘固全冠 ,粘固膜厚度面为 16 4.33μm,轴壁为 10 5 .5 8μm,颈部边缘为 16 4.0 0 μm,与对照组比较无显著性差异 (P>0 .0 5 )。结论 用此包埋料铸造全冠 ,可得到适合性良好的陶瓷修复体 ,具备临床应用前景。  相似文献   

目的:研究国产陶瓷表面离子交换处理对热压铸瓷冠抗碎裂载荷的影响.方法:因治疗需要拔除的16颗无龋坏磨牙,进行标准基牙预备,轴面聚合角5°,肩台宽(1±0.1)mm,制成厚度为1.5 mm的Cerinate热压铸瓷冠,上釉后对冠进行离子交换处理,以光同化树脂粘结于牙体上,垂直加压于全冠,直至其碎裂.采用SPSS11.0软件包对数据进行单因素方差分析.结果:后牙的热压铸造陶瓷冠经离子交换处理后,其抗碎裂载荷值可达到(2891.4±25.3)N,与对照组间有显著差异(P<0.01).结论:国产陶瓷离子交换处理可增加热压铸瓷冠的抗碎裂载荷.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The influence of different types of posts and cores on light transmission through all-ceramic crowns was assessed by spectrophotometric analysis and clinical evaluation. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Three extracted natural teeth were replicated in acrylic resin, with roots prepared to receive standardized posts and cores. Using a silicone impression material as a template, various prosthodontic reconstructions were obtained by combining four types of posts and cores (polished and matte-finished gold alloy, all-ceramic, and ceramized metal alloy) and three types of all-ceramic crowns (IPS-Empress 2 surface-colored, IPS-Empress 2 stratified, and In-Ceram). The spectrophotometric analysis was performed in the dark at 25 degrees C. The teeth were backlit with an incandescent lamp at the color temperature of A illuminant and shielded to avoid spurious light entering the spectrophotometer. The transmitted light was analyzed in terms of luminance at four points of the sample surface (cervical, middle, incisal, and proximal). Twelve measurements were performed for the natural teeth, and 144 were performed for the artificial teeth. RESULTS: Natural teeth had the highest luminance. Among all-ceramic crowns, surface-colored IPS-Empress 2 had the highest luminance, and stratified IPS-Empress 2 had the lowest. Regarding posts and cores, the luminance was highest with the all ceramic, lower with the ceramized and the polished gold alloy (which had very similar luminance), and lowest with the matte-finished gold alloy. No significant difference among prosthodontic combinations was detected under clinical observation. CONCLUSION: The surface-colored glass ceramic (IPS-Empress 2) was the most translucent crown. At the standard crown thickness used, there were small, significant spectrophotometric, but not clinical, differences among the combinations tested. These findings show no esthetic contraindications for the use of polished gold alloy posts and cores with all-ceramic crowns.  相似文献   

目的 评价个性化铸瓷复合基台在前牙区软硬组织缺损病例中种植修复的美学效果。方法 选择因种植区软硬组织不足而存在基台金属色外露、角度偏差太大、义齿牙冠过长和龈乳头缺失等问题,成品基台修复无法达到完善美学效果的上颌前牙区种植义齿修复患者52例,在常规可铸金属基台表面复合铸造陶瓷制作个性化基台并完成铸造全瓷外冠,改善牙颈部透黑现象。种植义齿修复后3、6个月复诊,对美学效果进行评价。结果 52例患者共制作了63件修复体,均改善了牙颈部透黑现象,收到了较理想的美学效果。观察期内牙龈健康,未见牙龈继续退缩与种植体周围炎发生。结论 个性化铸瓷复合基台可有效地改善软硬组织不足患者上颌前牙区种植义齿的美学效果。  相似文献   

目的:评价IPS-Empress瓷贴面在前牙美容修复中的临床效果。方法:收集29例52颗全瓷贴面修复的前牙,定期随访2年。详细记录颜色匹配、表面质地、边缘着色和边缘完整性。结果:52颗瓷贴面,失败3颗,(1个折裂,1个脱落,1个贴面颜色偏差较大)。成功率为94.23%。结论:瓷贴面对四环素牙、氟斑牙、釉质发育不全、牙列稀疏(间隙小于3 mm)、轻度错位牙等具有较好的临床修复效果。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The purpose of the present paper was to study the long-term clinical results with ceramic-veneered Procera titanium copings. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 44 titanium copings (fabricated for 22 patients) veneered with a low-fusing ceramic were followed for 60 to 78 months. The clinical examinations were performed by licensed specialists in prosthetic dentistry. The crowns were rated according to the California Dental Association system. In addition, Bleeding Index and Margin Index were also evaluated. RESULTS: In 3 crowns ceramic fractures necessitated their replacement. Two crowns had to be replaced because of caries. The ratings for surface and color had changed markedly, from excellent to acceptable. Regarding anatomic form, with the exception of the 3 fractured ceramic crowns, there were no obvious changes. The margin integrity, aside from the 2 crowned teeth with caries, was recorded as satisfactory (excellent or acceptable) for all other crowns; in fact, a large majority were rated excellent. Regarding Bleeding Index, there were no differences between crowned teeth and control teeth. Changes in Margin Index showed that the gingiva of the crowned teeth had retracted. CONCLUSION: Of the various clinical factors evaluated, only surface and color-related to the low-fusing ceramic used for veneering-showed any obvious change during the follow-up period. Otherwise the veneered titanium copings had, in general, performed well.  相似文献   

A literature review of longevity and clinical performance of IPS-Empress restorations is presented. A MEDLINE search was conducted in fall 2000. Selection criteria were set so as to identify suitable clinical trials that were published in full and that had lasted more than 2 years. A total of 6 clinical trials on the performance of IPS-Empress inlays and onlays and a total of 3 clinical trials on the performance of IPS-Empress crowns were identified. Survival rates for IPS-Empress inlays and onlays ranged from 96% at 4.5 years to 91% at 7 years; most failures were due to bulk fracture. IPS-Empress crowns had a survival rate ranging from 92% to 99% at 3 to 3.5 years; crown failure was also mainly due to fracture. Dentists should inform their patients about these survival rates when offering such treatment. The use of IPS-Empress crowns in the posterior of the mouth is not recommended until the results of more long-term clinical trials are available.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to de-termine retrospectively the clinical performance of 42 all-ceramic partial crowns (PCCs) placed during the past 7 years. All patients (n=25) with partial ceramic crowns (n=49) placed by one experienced dentist between 1992 and 1999 were asked to take part in a clinical study, and 22 patients with 42 restorations agreed to do so. All partial ceramic crowns studied were fabricated using the IPS-Empress I all-ceramic system (Vivadent). The following luting composites were used for placing the restorations: 20 (47.6%) Variolink high viscosity (Vivadent), 3 (7.1%) Variolink ultra (Vivadent), 17 (40.5%) Dual Zement (Vivadent), and 2 (4.8%) Compolute (Espe). The partial ceramic crowns were examined clinically using the modified USPHS criteria. Of the 42 restorations, 40 (95.2%) were still in function without any need of replacement. One restoration (2.4%) had failed before starting the clinical study, and another one (2.4%) fractured during the study. Twenty-eight (66.7%) of the partial ceramic crowns evaluated were rated Alpha with respect to marginal adaptation. Twelve (28.6%) restorations were rated Bravo, no Charlie ratings were found and 2 (4.7%) restorations were rated Delta. The Kaplan-Meier analysis was used to calculate the survival rate. The probability of survival (95% confidence interval) for 7 years was 81% (66–96%). These data indicate that partial ceramic crowns may provide successful esthetic restorations in posterior teeth. Received: 30 March 2000 / Accepted: 13 July 2000  相似文献   

IPS-Empress瓷贴面修复前牙间隙2年的临床评价   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
目的:评价瓷贴面修复前牙间隙后2年的临床效果。方法:对先天缺失、畸形小牙、后天牙体缺损及其它原因所至牙间隙患者31例用145个瓷贴面进行前牙间隙修复,贴面粘结后2周及6、12、24个月复查。结果:139个贴面完整存在,5个贴面切端有小缺损,1个贴面折断,但未完全脱落;3颗牙在复查时有明显牙龈炎症;1颗牙发生牙髓炎;2个贴面粘结后表面颜色与邻牙不协调;未发现继发龋及不满意的边缘适合度记录。结论:在2年研究期间,用瓷贴面修复前牙间隙具有较完美的临床效果,易被患者接受。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This study evaluates the fracture toughness and hardness of three pressable all-ceramic materials: IPS-Empress, Empress 2 and an experimental ceramic material. METHODS: Fifteen discs and 15 bars per material were prepared. Fracture toughness was measured with two different techniques: indentation fracture and indentation strength. During the indentation fracture tests the hardness of each material was also measured. Statistical significance among groups of population was studied using one-way Anova and Tukey's multiple comparison tests. RESULTS: Fracture toughness results using the indentation strength technique (with three-point bending and biaxial flexure tests) were: IPS-Empress (1.39 (SD 0.3) and 1.32 (SD 0.3)); Empress 2 (3.14 (SD 0.5) and 2.50 (SD 0.3)) MPa x m(1/2); and the experimental ceramic (3.32 (SD 0.6) and 2.43 (SD 0.3)) MPa x m(1/2). The indentation fracture technique generated orthogonal cracks of different lengths for Empress 2 and the experimental ceramic, whether perpendicular or parallel to the lithium disilicate elongated crystals. Thus, two values were reported: Empress 2 (1.5 (SD 0.2) and 1.16 (SD 0.2)) MPa x am(1/2) and the experimental ceramic (1.67 (SD 0.3) and 1.15 (SD 0.15)) MPa x m(1/2). The IPS-Empress indentation fracture result was 1.26 (SD 0.1). The hardness results were: 6.6, 5.3 and 5.5 GPa for IPS-Empress, Empress 2 and the experimental ceramic, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: No significant differences in fracture toughness and hardness results were found between Empress 2 and the experimental ceramic (P>0.05 ANOVA). Both materials exhibited fracture toughness anisotropy following pressing. They demonstrated improved fracture toughness and reduced hardness compared with IPS-Empress P<0.05(ANOVA), which should be beneficial for clinical applications.  相似文献   

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