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Measurements of cochlear function with compound action potentials (CAPs), auditory brainstem responses, and otoacoustic emissions work well with high-frequency sounds but are problematic at low frequencies. We have recently shown that the auditory nerve overlapped waveform (ANOW) can objectively quantify low-frequency (<1 kHz) auditory sensitivity, as thresholds for ANOW at low frequencies and for CAP at high frequencies relate similarly to single auditory nerve fiber thresholds. This favorable relationship, however, does not necessarily mean that ANOW originates from auditory nerve fibers innervating low-frequency regions of the cochlear apex. In the present study, we recorded the cochlear response to tone bursts of low frequency (353, 500, and 707 Hz) and high frequency (2 to 16 kHz) during administration of tetrodotoxin (TTX) to block neural function. TTX was injected using a novel method of slow administration from a pipette sealed into the cochlear apex, allowing real-time measurements of systematic neural blocking from apex to base. The amplitude of phase-locked (ANOW) and onset (CAP) neural firing to moderate-level, low-frequency sounds were markedly suppressed before thresholds and responses to moderate-level, high-frequency sounds were affected. These results demonstrate that the ANOW originates from responses of auditory nerve fibers innervating cochlear apex, confirming that ANOW provides a valid physiological measure of low-frequency auditory nerve function.  相似文献   

Responses to tones with frequency ≤ 5 kHz were recorded from auditory nerve fibers (ANFs) of anesthetized chinchillas. With increasing stimulus level, discharge rate–frequency functions shift toward higher and lower frequencies, respectively, for ANFs with characteristic frequencies (CFs) lower and higher than ∼0.9 kHz. With increasing frequency separation from CF, rate–level functions are less steep and/or saturate at lower rates than at CF, indicating a CF-specific nonlinearity. The strength of phase locking has lower high-frequency cutoffs for CFs >4 kHz than for CFs < 3 kHz. Phase–frequency functions of ANFs with CFs lower and higher than ∼0.9 kHz have inflections, respectively, at frequencies higher and lower than CF. For CFs >2 kHz, the inflections coincide with the tip-tail transitions of threshold tuning curves. ANF responses to CF tones exhibit cumulative phase lags of 1.5 periods for CFs 0.7–3 kHz and lesser amounts for lower CFs. With increases of stimulus level, responses increasingly lag (lead) lower-level responses at frequencies lower (higher) than CF, so that group delays are maximal at, or slightly above, CF. The CF-specific magnitude and phase nonlinearities of ANFs with CFs < 2.5 kHz span their entire response bandwidths. Several properties of ANFs undergo sharp transitions in the cochlear region with CFs 2–5 kHz. Overall, the responses of chinchilla ANFs resemble those in other mammalian species but contrast with available measurements of apical cochlear vibrations in chinchilla, implying that either the latter are flawed or that a nonlinear “second filter” is interposed between vibrations and ANF excitation.  相似文献   

Response rates of auditory nerve fibers (ANFs) to electric pulse trains change over time, reflecting substantial spike-rate adaptation that depends on stimulus parameters. We hypothesize that adaptation affects the representation of amplitude-modulated pulse trains used by cochlear prostheses to transmit speech information to the auditory system. We recorded cat ANF responses to sinusoidally amplitude-modulated (SAM) trains with 5,000 pulse/s carriers. Stimuli delivered by a monopolar intracochlear electrode had fixed modulation frequency (100 Hz) and depth (10%). ANF responses were assessed by spike-rate measures, while representation of modulation was evaluated by vector strength (VS) and the fundamental component of the fast Fourier transform (F0 amplitude). These measures were assessed across the 400 ms duration of pulse-train stimuli, a duration relevant to speech stimuli. Different stimulus levels were explored and responses were categorized into four spike-rate groups to assess level effects across ANFs. The temporal pattern of rate adaptation to modulated trains was similar to that of unmodulated trains, but with less rate adaptation. VS to the modulator increased over time and tended to saturate at lower spike rates, while F0 amplitude typically decreased over time for low driven rates and increased for higher driven rates. VS at moderate and high spike rates and degree of F0 amplitude temporal changes at low and moderate spike rates were positively correlated with the degree of rate adaptation. Thus, high-rate carriers will modify the ANF representation of the modulator over time. As the VS and F0 measures were sensitive to adaptation-related changes over different spike-rate ranges, there is value in assessing both measures.  相似文献   

This report describes stiffness and best frequency measurements obtained in vitro from the basilar membrane of the gerbil cochlea at the onset of hearing, during hearing maturation, and after hearing has matured. Our stiffness data constitute the first direct experimental evidence of developmental stiffness changes in the basal and middle turns. Stiffness changes by a factor of 5.5 in the basal turn between postnatal day 11 and adult, and the difference from adult is statistically significant for all ages measured up to postnatal day 16. For the middle turn, stiffness changes by a factor of 1.6 between postnatal day 11 and adult. Whereas for postnatal day 12 and beyond there is no statistically significant difference from adult, our data suggest that there may be a significant difference of stiffness between day 11 and adult in the middle turn. For the basal turn, our motion measurements confirm a passive component to the developmental best frequency shift. For the middle turn, changes in best frequency are not statistically significant. Best frequency was determined by stimulating the tissue at audio frequencies with a glass paddle and measuring motion with a computer-based imaging system. Tissue stiffness was measured with a piezoelectric-based sensor system. Tissue stiffness changes have previously been postulated to contribute to the best frequency shift observed in the cochlear base. Incorporating our data into a simple spring-mass resonance model demonstrates that our experimentally measured stiffness change can account for the change of best frequency. These results suggest that a stiffness change is, in fact, a critical component of the best frequency shift observed in the basal turn of the gerbil cochlea after the onset of hearing.  相似文献   

Traveling waves in the inner ear exhibit an amplitude peak that shifts with frequency. The peaking is commonly believed to rely on motile processes that amplify the wave by inserting energy. We recorded the vibrations at adjacent positions on the basilar membrane in sensitive gerbil cochleae and tested the putative power amplification in two ways. First, we determined the energy flux of the traveling wave at its peak and compared it to the acoustic power entering the ear, thereby obtaining the net cochlear power gain. For soft sounds, the energy flux at the peak was 1 ± 0.6 dB less than the middle ear input power. For more intense sounds, increasingly smaller fractions of the acoustic power actually reached the peak region. Thus, we found no net power amplification of soft sounds and a strong net attenuation of intense sounds. Second, we analyzed local wave propagation on the basilar membrane. We found that the waves slowed down abruptly when approaching their peak, causing an energy densification that quantitatively matched the amplitude peaking, similar to the growth of sea waves approaching the beach. Thus, we found no local power amplification of soft sounds and strong local attenuation of intense sounds. The most parsimonious interpretation of these findings is that cochlear sensitivity is not realized by amplifying acoustic energy, but by spatially focusing it, and that dynamic compression is realized by adjusting the amount of dissipation to sound intensity.  相似文献   

We recorded responses of the gerbil basilar membrane (BM) to wideband tone complexes. The intensity of one component was varied and the effects on the amplitude and phase of the others were assessed. This suppression paradigm enabled us to vary probe frequency and suppressor frequency independently, allowing the use of simple scaling arguments to analyze the spatial buildup of the nonlinear interaction between traveling waves. Most suppressors had the same effects on probe amplitude and phase as did wideband intensity increments. The main exception were suppressors above the characteristic frequency (CF) of the recording location, for which the frequency range of most affected probes was not constant, but shifted upward with suppressor frequency. BM displacement reliably predicted the effectiveness of low-side suppressors, but not high-side suppressors. We found “anti-suppression” of probes well below CF, i.e., suppressor-induced enhancement of probe response amplitude. Large (>1 cycle) phase effects occurred for above-CF probes. Phase shifts varied nonmonotonically, but systematically, with suppressor level, probe frequency, and suppressor frequency, reconciling apparent discrepancies in the literature. The analysis of spatial buildup revealed an accumulation of local effects on the propagation of the traveling wave, with larger BM displacement reducing the local forward gain. The propagation speed of the wave was also affected. With larger BM displacement, the basal portion of the wave slowed down, while the apical part sped up. This framework of spatial buildup of local effects unifies the widely different effects of overall intensity, low-side suppressors, and high-side suppressors on BM responses.  相似文献   

We previously reported that auditory nerve projections from the cochlear spiral ganglion (SG) to the cochlear nucleus (CN) exhibit clear cochleotopic organization in adult cats deafened as neonates before hearing onset. However, the topographic specificity of these CN projections in deafened animals is proportionately broader than normal (less precise relative to the CN frequency gradient). This study examined SG-to-CN projections in adult cats that were deafened as neonates and received a unilateral cochlear implant at approximately 7 weeks of age. Following several months of electrical stimulation, SG projections from the stimulated cochleae were compared to projections from contralateral, non-implanted ears. The fundamental organization of SG projections into frequency band laminae was clearly evident, and discrete projections were always observed following double SG injections in deafened cochleae, despite severe auditory deprivation and/or broad electrical activation of the SG. However, when normalized for the smaller CN size after deafness, AVCN, PVCN, and DCN projections on the stimulated side were broader by 32%, 34%, and 53%, respectively, than projections in normal animals (although absolute projection widths were comparable to normal). Further, there was no significant difference between projections from stimulated and contralateral non-implanted cochleae. These findings suggest that early normal auditory experience may be essential for normal development and/or maintenance of the topographic precision of SG-to-CN projections. After early deafness, the CN is smaller than normal, the topographic distribution of these neural projections that underlie frequency resolution in the central auditory system is proportionately broader, and projections from adjacent SG sectors are more overlapping. Several months of stimulation by a cochlear implant (beginning at approximately 7 weeks of age) did not lessen or exacerbate these degenerative changes observed in adulthood. One clinical implication of these findings is that congenitally deaf cochlear implant recipients may have central auditory system alterations that limit their ability to achieve spectral selectivity equivalent to post-lingually deafened subjects.  相似文献   

The medial olivocochlear reflex (MOCR) has been hypothesized to provide benefit for listening in noisy environments. This advantage can be attributed to a feedback mechanism that suppresses auditory nerve (AN) firing in continuous background noise, resulting in increased sensitivity to a tone or speech. MOC neurons synapse on outer hair cells (OHCs), and their activity effectively reduces cochlear gain. The computational model developed in this study implements the time-varying, characteristic frequency (CF) and level-dependent effects of the MOCR within the framework of a well-established model for normal and hearing-impaired AN responses. A second-order linear system was used to model the time-course of the MOCR using physiological data in humans. The stimulus-level-dependent parameters of the efferent pathway were estimated by fitting AN sensitivity derived from responses in decerebrate cats using a tone-in-noise paradigm. The resulting model uses a binaural, time-varying, CF-dependent, level-dependent OHC gain reduction for both ipsilateral and contralateral stimuli that improves detection of a tone in noise, similarly to recorded AN responses. The MOCR may be important for speech recognition in continuous background noise as well as for protection from acoustic trauma. Further study of this model and its efferent feedback loop may improve our understanding of the effects of sensorineural hearing loss in noisy situations, a condition in which hearing aids currently struggle to restore normal speech perception.  相似文献   

The directionality of hair cell stimulation combined with the vibration of the basilar membrane causes the auditory nerve fiber action potentials, in response to low-frequency stimuli, to occur at a particular phase of the stimulus waveform. Because direct mechanical measurements at the cochlear apex are difficult, such phase locking has often been used to indirectly infer the basilar membrane motion. Here, we confirm and extend earlier data from mammals using sine wave stimulation over a wide range of sound levels (up to 90 dB sound pressure level). We recorded phase-locked responses to pure tones over a wide range of frequencies and sound levels of a large population of auditory nerve fibers in the anesthetized guinea pig. The results indicate that, for a constant frequency of stimulation, the phase lag decreases with increases in the characteristic frequency (CF) of the nerve fiber. The phase lag decreases up to a CF above the stimulation frequency, beyond which it decreases at a much slower rate. Such phase changes are consistent with known basal cochlear mechanics. Measurements from individual fibers showed smaller but systematic variations in phase with sound level, confirming previous reports. We found a “null” stimulation frequency at which little variation in phase occurred with sound level. This null frequency was often not at the CF. At stimulation frequencies below the null, there was a progressive lag with sound level and a progressive lead for stimulation frequencies above the null. This was maximally 0.2 cycles.  相似文献   

Most auditory prostheses use modulated electric pulse trains to excite the auditory nerve. There are, however, scant data regarding the effects of pulse trains on auditory nerve fiber (ANF) responses across the duration of such stimuli. We examined how temporal ANF properties changed with level and pulse rate across 300-ms pulse trains. Four measures were examined: (1) first-spike latency, (2) interspike interval (ISI), (3) vector strength (VS), and (4) Fano factor (FF, an index of the temporal variability of responsiveness). Data were obtained using 250-, 1,000-, and 5,000-pulse/s stimuli. First-spike latency decreased with increasing spike rate, with relatively small decrements observed for 5,000-pulse/s trains, presumably reflecting integration. ISIs to low-rate (250 pulse/s) trains were strongly locked to the stimuli, whereas ISIs evoked with 5,000-pulse/s trains were dominated by refractory and adaptation effects. Across time, VS decreased for low-rate trains but not for 5,000-pulse/s stimuli. At relatively high spike rates (>200 spike/s), VS values for 5,000-pulse/s trains were lower than those obtained with 250-pulse/s stimuli (even after accounting for the smaller periods of the 5,000-pulse/s stimuli), indicating a desynchronizing effect of high-rate stimuli. FF measures also indicated a desynchronizing effect of high-rate trains. Across a wide range of response rates, FF underwent relatively fast increases (i.e., within 100 ms) for 5,000-pulse/s stimuli. With a few exceptions, ISI, VS, and FF measures approached asymptotic values within the 300-ms duration of the low- and high-rate trains. These findings may have implications for designs of cochlear implant stimulus protocols, understanding electrically evoked compound action potentials, and interpretation of neural measures obtained at central nuclei, which depend on understanding the output of the auditory nerve.  相似文献   



Hearing impairment (HI) is the most common sensory deficit in human. The Gap Junction Protein, Beta-2 (GJB2) gene encodes the protein connexin 26, and this gene accounts for up to half of the cases of autosomal recessive nonsyndromic HI. This study was conducted to obtain a set of sequence variations (SVs) of the GJB2 gene among Koreans from the general population for making molecular genetic diagnoses and performing genetic counseling.


We resequenced the GJB2 gene in 192 chromosomes from 96 adult individuals of Korean descent and who were without a history of hearing difficulty. The data of the SVs was obtained and the haplotypes were reconstructed from the data.


Five SVs were observed, including a novel one (c.558G>A; p.T186T), with the allele frequencies ranging from 0.5% (1/192) to 41% (79/192). The linkage disequilibrium study and haplotype construction showed that some of the SVs are in tight linkage, resulting in a limited number of haplotypes.


We observed SVs of the GJB2 gene with different allele frequencies, and a limited number of haplotypes were constructed. The data from this study can be used as reference data for GJB2-related hearing genetic studies, including studies on the founder effect and population genetics, and this data is particularly relevant to people of East Asian decent.  相似文献   

目的 研究谷氨酸/天冬氨酸转运体(glutamate--aspartate transporter,GLAST)抗体对豚鼠耳蜗听性脑干反应(ABR)和耳蜗毛细胞形态的影响.方法 健康豚鼠20只随机分为实验组和对照组,每组10只.实验组耳蜗鼓阶内灌注GLAST抗体,对照组灌注人工外淋巴液,观察两组术后3、6、9天ABR反应阈、耳蜗基底膜铺片和透射电镜的形态学改变.结果 实验组术后第3天ABR波形消失,术后第9天无恢复;对照组术后第3天8只动物ABR波形消失,术后第6天和第9天全部动物引出ABR波形,平均阈值分别为62.50±5.25、47.50±6.18dB SPL,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).随着GLAST抗体灌注后时间延长,实验组内、外毛细胞及纤毛出现不同程度缺失,透射电镜显示内、外毛细胞及神经末梢胞浆、线粒体空化,细胞核染色质边集等凋亡早期征象.对照组的损伤较轻,与ABR阈值改变相一致.结论 耳蜗内GLAST抗体灌注后出现耳蜗毛细胞、神经末梢的损伤及ABR波形消失,提示GLAST抗体阻断耳蜗Corti器中的GLAST,导致谷氨酸的神经毒性表达.  相似文献   

Endolymphatic hydrops (ELH) is a disorder of the inner ear that causes tinnitus, vertigo, and hearing loss. An elevated ratio of the summating potential (SP) to the action potential (AP) measured by electrocochleography has long been considered to be the electrophysiological correlate of ELH-related clinical conditions, such as Meniere’s disease, but in vivo confirmation and correlation between an elevated SP/AP ratio and ELH has not yet been possible. Confirming this relationship will be important to show that elevated SP/AP ratio is indeed diagnostic of ELH. Here, we sought to confirm that an elevated SP/AP ratio is associated with ELH and test the hypothesis that severity of ELH and hearing loss would also correlate with the SP/AP ratio in vivo using the Phex Hyp-Duk /Y mouse model of postnatal ELH. In addition, we describe a minimally invasive approach for electrocochleography in mice. Auditory brainstem responses and electrocochleography data were collected from controls and Phex Hyp-Duk /Y mutants at postnatal day 21 and the mice (all male) were euthanized immediately for cochlear histology. Our results show that (1) the SP/AP ratio was significantly elevated in mice with histological ELH compared to controls, (2) the SP/AP ratio was not correlated with the severity of histological ELH or hearing loss, and (3) the severity of hearing loss correlated with the severity of histological ELH. Our study demonstrates that an elevated SP/AP ratio is diagnostic of ELH and that the severity of hearing loss is a better predictor of the severity of ELH than is the SP/AP ratio.  相似文献   

Formation of the periodontium begins following onset of tooth-root formation in a coordinated manner after birth. Dental follicle progenitor cells are thought to form the cementum, alveolar bone and Sharpey’s fibers of the periodontal ligament (PDL). However, little is known about the regulatory morphogens that control differentiation and function of these progenitor cells, as well as the progenitor cells involved in crown and root formation. We investigated the role of bone morphogenetic protein-2 (Bmp2) in these processes by the conditional removal of the Bmp2 gene using the Sp7-Cre-EGFP mouse model. Sp7-Cre-EGFP first becomes active at E18 in the first molar, with robust Cre activity at postnatal day 0 (P0), followed by Cre activity in the second molar, which occurs after P0. There is robust Cre activity in the periodontium and third molars by 2 weeks of age. When the Bmp2 gene is removed from Sp71 (Osterix1) cells, major defects are noted in root, cellular cementum and periodontium formation. First, there are major cell autonomous defects in root-odontoblast terminal differentiation. Second, there are major alterations in formation of the PDLs and cellular cementum, correlated with decreased nuclear factor IC (Nfic), periostin and a-SMA1 cells. Third, there is a failure to produce vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGF-A) in the periodontium and the pulp leading to decreased formation of the microvascular and associated candidate stem cells in the Bmp2-cKOSp7-Cre-EGFP. Fourth, ameloblast function and enamel formation are indirectly altered in the Bmp2-cKOSp7-Cre-EGFP. These data demonstrate that the Bmp2 gene has complex roles in postnatal tooth development and periodontium formation.  相似文献   

Sensorineural hearing loss is a normal consequence of aging and results from a variety of extrinsic challenges such as excessive noise exposure and certain therapeutic drugs, including the aminoglycoside antibiotics. The proximal cause of hearing loss is often death of inner ear hair cells. The signaling pathways necessary for hair cell death are not fully understood and may be specific for each type of insult. In the lateral line, the closely related aminoglycoside antibiotics neomycin and gentamicin appear to kill hair cells by activating a partially overlapping suite of cell death pathways. The lateral line is a system of hair cell-containing sense organs found on the head and body of aquatic vertebrates. In the present study, we use a combination of pharmacologic and genetic manipulations to assess the contributions of p53, Bax, and Bcl2 in the death of zebrafish lateral line hair cells. Bax inhibition significantly protects hair cells from neomycin but not from gentamicin toxicity. Conversely, transgenic overexpression of Bcl2 attenuates hair cell death due to gentamicin but not neomycin, suggesting a complex interplay of pro-death and pro-survival proteins in drug-treated hair cells. p53 inhibition protects hair cells from damage due to either aminoglycoside, with more robust protection seen against gentamicin. Further experiments evaluating p53 suggest that inhibition of mitochondrial-specific p53 activity confers significant hair cell protection from either aminoglycoside. These results suggest a role for mitochondrial p53 activity in promoting hair cell death due to aminoglycosides, likely upstream of Bax and Bcl2.  相似文献   

Salivary analysis can be used to assess the severity of caries. Of the known salivary proteins, a paucity of information exists concerning the role of proteinase 3 (PR3), a serine protease of the chymotrypsin family, in dental caries. Whole, unstimulated saliva was collected from children with varying degrees of active caries and tested using a Human Protease Array Kit and an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. A significantly decreased concentration of salivary PR3 was noted with increasing severity of dental caries (P<0.01); a positive correlation (r=0.87; P<0.01; Pearson''s correlation analysis) was also observed between salivary pH and PR3 concentration. In an antibacterial test, a PR3 concentration of 250 ng·mL−1 or higher significantly inhibited Streptococcus mutans UA159 growth after 12 h of incubation (P<0.05). These studies indicate that PR3 is a salivary factor associated with the severity of dental caries, as suggested by the negative relationship between salivary PR3 concentration and the severity of caries as well as the susceptibility of S. mutans to PR3.  相似文献   

Masking functions constructed from pedestal levels bracketing absolute threshold may exhibit negative masking, particularly when stimuli are defined in terms of amplitude (pressure). Three experimental conditions using 10-ms 1000-Hz tones in quiet, 1000-Hz tones embedded in continuous noise, and 6500-Hz tones in quiet, yielded negative masking when amplitudes were used to define the stimulus, with the greatest amount of negative masking occurring with 6500-Hz tones. Two models were applied to the data: the transduction model, which assumes direct coupling, and the sensory analytical model, which assumes differential coupling. Maximum likelihood estimates were derived to indicate goodness-of-fit, and the Akaike information criterion and Bayesian information criterion were utilised to adjust for model complexity. Overall, both models effectively accounted for the data, though the sensory analytic model provided the best fits to the data and has the added quality of being based on underlying physiological processes.  相似文献   



Streptococcus pneumoniae is one of the most common pathogens of otitis media (OM) that exists in biofilm, which enhances the resistance of bacteria against antibiotic killing and diagnosis, compared to the free-floating (planktonic) form. This study evaluated biofilm formation by S. pneumoniae on an abiotic surface and in the middle ear cavity in a rat model of OM.


In vitro biofilm formation was evaluated by inoculation of a 1:100 diluted S. pneumoniae cell suspension in a 96-well microplate. Adherent cells were quantified spectrophotometrically following staining with crystal violet by measurement of optical density at 570 nm. The ultrastructure of pneumococcal biofilm was assessed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). For in vitro biofilm study, S. pneumoniae cell suspensions containing 1×107 colony forming units were injected through transtympanic membrane into the middle ear cavity of Sprague Dawley rats. The ultrastructure of middle ear mucus was observed by SEM 1 and 2 weeks post-inoculation.


The in vitro study revealed robust biofilm formation by S. pneumoniae after 12-18 hours of incubation in high glucose medium, independent of exogenously supplied competence stimulating peptide and medium replacement. Adherent cells formed three-dimensional structures approximately 20-30 µm thick. The in vivo study revealed that ciliated epithelium was relatively resistant to biofilm formation and that biofilm formation occurred mainly on non-ciliated epithelium of the middle ear cavity. One week after inoculation, biofilm formation was high in 50% of the treated rats and low in 25% of the rats. After 2 weeks, biofilm formation was high and low in 25% and 37.5% of rats, respectively.


The results imply that glucose level is important for the S. pneumoniae biofilm formation and S. pneumoniae biofilm formation may play important role in the pathophysiology of OM.  相似文献   

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