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慢性乙型肝炎患者卫生行为的调查及其健康教育   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  

慢性乙型肝炎患者卫生行为的调查及其健康教育   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的了解不同性别、病情、文化程度、职业的慢性乙型肝炎(慢乙肝)患者卫生行为并探讨健康教育对纠正患者不良卫生行为的影响.方法采用自行设计的调查表,在健康教育前、后对200例慢乙肝患者进行调查并根据调查结果针对性地对患者采取书面宣教、面对面教育、实物演示等健康教育.结果慢乙肝患者的卫生行为在不同文化程度、职业中差异有显著性意义(P<0.05,P<0.01),而在不同性别、疾病程度中差异无显著性意义(均P>0.05),住院期间接受健康指导前、后比较,患者卫生行为差异有显著性意义(均P<0.01).结论医务工作者应重视慢乙肝患者的健康教育,且健康教育对象应侧重于低文化程度者及农民和学生.  相似文献   

目的 比较不同时期护理病历存在的问题并分析原因,提出改进对策。方法 分析我院1998年1月至2005年12月护理部抽查的578份护理病历缺陷情况。结果 护理病历在《条例》实施后发现体温单、护理记录单书写缺陷较前显著增多(均P〈0.01);质控后体温单、护理记录单书写缺陷较前显著增加(均P〈0.01);由电子病历改为手写病历后缺陷更多(均P〈0.01)。主要原因是护理病历检查力度加强、护士综合素质偏低、责任心和法律意识淡漠、手写病历未经修改等。结论 护理部必须加强护士的专业知识、法律知识、职业道德等方面的教育,同时加大检查力度、发现问题及时予以纠正。  相似文献   

慢性乙型肝炎病人社会支持状况调查分析   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:7  
王颖  徐孔文  黄霞 《护理学杂志》2003,18(7):491-492
目的 了解慢性乙型肝炎(下称慢性乙肝)病人社会支持状况,为实施临床整体护理干预提供依据。方法 应用社会支持评定量表,对62例慢性乙肝住院病人进行社会支持状况调查。结果 慢性乙肝病人获得的社会支持总分较正常人高,病人社会支持的主要来源为家庭,其希望得到社会支持种类依次为精神支持、信息支持及物质支持。结论 慢性乙肝病人获得较多的社会支持,但在临床护理中仍应加强对病人家属的健康教育,以满足病人的需求和有利于家属向病人提供适当的社会支持。  相似文献   

孕妇人群隐匿性乙型肝炎病毒感染认知状况调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 了解孕妇对隐匿性乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)感染相关知识的认识程度,为制订针对性健康教育方案提供依据。方法 采用自制问卷对500例孕妇就隐匿性HBV感染相关知识、对隐匿性HBV筛查及干预的态度、孕妇获得相关知识途径三方面进行调查。结果 孕妇对隐匿性HBV感染相关知识知晓率9.4%~59.0%,获得这些知识的途径为电视、网络、报刊、杂志等媒体;31.8%~45.2%的孕妇不愿意婴儿及自己接受HBV-DNV检测和相关干预。结论 孕妇人群隐匿性HBV感染的相关知识认知水平低,应采取多途径、多形式、大范围的针对性健康宣教,以提高孕妇认知水平,切实控制HBV的传播。  相似文献   

目的了解大埔县乙型肝炎疫苗接种质量和效果,探讨免疫接种的有效性,找出可能影响免疫成功率的原因,为防治乙型肝炎制定科学的免疫策略提供科学依据。方法抽查辖区内2009年出生儿童163例,采集末梢血0.5mL,使用ELISA双抗原夹心法检测抗-HBs。结果大埔县乙肝疫苗免疫成功率为89.57。结论接种乙肝疫苗依然是阻断母婴传播、降低儿童HBsAg携带率的最经济有效的手段,效果确切。  相似文献   

护理病历抽查结果分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 比较不同时期护理病历存在的问题并分析原因,提出改进对策.方法 分析我院1998年1月至2005年12月护理部抽查的578份护理病历缺陷情况.结果 护理病历在<条例>实施后发现体温单、护理记录单书写缺陷较前显著增多(均P<0.01);质控后体温单、护理记录单书写缺陷较前显著增加(均P<0.01);由电子病历改为手写病历后缺陷更多(均P<0.01).主要原因是护理病历检查力度加强、护士综合素质偏低、责任心和法律意识淡漠、手写病历未经修改等.结论 护理部必须加强护士的专业知识、法律知识、职业道德等方面的教育,同时加大检查力度、发现问题及时予以纠正.  相似文献   

目的 了解孕妇对隐匿性乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)感染相关知识的认识程度,为制订针对性健康教育方案提供依据.方法 采用自制问卷对500例孕妇就隐匿性HBV感染相关知识、对隐匿性HBV筛查及干预的态度、孕妇获得相关知识途径三方面进行调查.结果 孕妇对隐匿性HBV感染相关知识知晓率9.4%~59.0%,获得这些知识的途径为电视、网络、报刊、杂志等媒体;31.8%~45.2%的孕妇不愿意婴儿及自己接受HBV-DNV检测和相关干预.结论 孕妇人群隐匿性HBV感染的相关知识认知水平低,应采取多途径、多形式、大范围的针对性健康宣教,以提高孕妇认知水平,切实控制HBV的传播.  相似文献   

目的 了解过敏性鼻炎常见的变应原。方法 应用“阿罗格”30种变应原皮试液、生理盐水阴性对照和组胺阳性对照对868例疑似过敏性鼻炎患者进行皮肤点刺试验,以测定其致敏的变应原。结果 609例(70.2%)有阳性反应,其中68例有哮喘病史。单一变应原阳性62例.2种及以上变应原阳性547例,以吸入性变应原为主。609例阳性病例中屋尘螨阳性率最高(525例,86.2%).其次是粉尘螨(488例,80.1%)。结论 屋尘螨、粉尘螨是过敏性鼻炙常见的变应原。“阿罗格”变应原皮肤点刺试验对过敏性鼻炎的诊断及防洁有重要的参考和指导意义。  相似文献   



Traumatic injuries during pregnancy are the leading cause of nonobstetric maternal mortality. We aimed to determine hospital charges for trauma activations during pregnancy.


We used the Illinois State Trauma Registry data from 1999 to 2003. Using STATA for bivariate and regression analyses, we compared total hospital costs for women more than 24 weeks pregnant with nonpregnant women.


Six hundred thirty-five pregnant women (2.4% of 26,806 female trauma patients) were admitted during the study period. In multivariate regression, pregnancy was associated with lower hospital charges; however, for any given length of stay, pregnancy increased hospital charges (α = $17,864.80, P = .001). Pregnancy also independently predicted increased length of stay for similar injury severity.


When controlling for injury severity, pregnancy independently predicted an increased duration of hospitalization and hospital charges. These findings have important implications for resource allocation and care of trauma in pregnancy.  相似文献   

1993~1999年烧伤科细菌学调查及耐药性分析   总被引:17,自引:5,他引:17  
目的 研究笔者单位近几年细菌动态及耐药性 ,为临床诊治提供参考资料。 方法 对 1993~ 1999年本院烧伤科 784例患者的 345例次阳性创面细菌培养及药敏结果进行回顾性分析。 结果  (1)革兰阴性 (G-)杆菌占 5 6 .8% ,革兰阳性 (G )球菌占 39.4 % ,真菌占 3.8% ;(2 )金黄色葡萄球菌占G 球菌的 6 5 .4 % ,其中耐药甲氧西林金葡菌 (MRSA)的分离率 1993~ 1999年为 5 3 9% ,1998~ 1999年为 6 4 .3% ;铜绿假单胞菌占G-菌的 37.2 % ;(3)第三代头孢菌素表现了良好的抗菌活性 ,但耐药率有明显增加 ;(4)万古霉素和去甲万古霉素对MRSA无 1例耐药。 结论 本院烧伤科细菌感染仍以G-杆菌为主 ,G 球菌次之。第三代头孢菌素是目前的常用抗生素 ,但耐药率增加的问题不容忽视。MRSA分离率有逐年增高的趋势 ,万古霉素和去甲万古霉素应作为首选用药  相似文献   

目的对1999~2006年《中华创伤骨科杂志》的载文进行计量学分析,评价其几年来的发展状况。方法利用文献计量学方法对该刊载文数量、栏目分布、基金论文比、论文发表时滞、评价指标等情况进行统计分析。结果1999~2006年该刊共载文1807篇,年均发文量225.9篇,每期平均发文量为34.1篇。集中刊载在37个栏目。1999~2006年获基金资助论文占全部发文数量的14.61%,基金论文比分别为0.12、0.05、0.05、0.11、0.30、0.18、0.13、0.19。论文发表时滞平均为218.6 d。2002~2005年的总被引频次分别为19、107、371及582次,影响因子分别为0.002、0.406、1.563及0.783。结论《中华创伤骨科杂志》发表的论文专业学术水平较高,是国内骨科学领域的核心期刊。建议进一步丰富栏目设置,缩短论文发表时滞,增加基金论文的刊出,加快国际化办刊进程。  相似文献   

Summary The Hungarian national health insurance database was screened for fractures of patients aged 50–100, 1999–2003. On average, there were 343 hip, 1,579 forearm, 342 proximal humerus, 48 inpatient vertebral and 2,459 other fractures/100,000 inhabitants/year. Introduction The incidence of fractures differs among populations. Our aim was to study the incidence of fractures in Hungary, focusing on classical osteoporotic sites and to compare the results with those of other European countries. Methods The Hungarian National Health Insurance Fund database, covering 100% of the population, was screened for fractures of patients aged 50–100, 1999–2003. The search of vertebral fractures was restricted to those admitted to hospital. A gender and age-matched comparison was performed with available data from Europe. Results There were mean 343 hip, 1,579 forearm, 342 proximal humerus, 48 inpatient vertebral and 2,459 other fractures/100,000 inhabitants/year; the female/male ratio was between 1.2–2.4. Multiple fractures occurred in 23.1% of the cases. Hip fracture incidence in Hungary lies between the rates of northern and southern countries of Europe. Conclusions Our study offers nationwide epidemiological data on fractures in Hungary. The incidence of fractures increased by age, regardless of the type of fracture. Incidence of hip fractures in Hungary fits in the previously established geographic trends in Europe. Our results fulfil a need for fracture data from Central Europe.  相似文献   

Mattila VM  Mäkitie I  Pihlajamäki H 《The Journal of trauma》2006,61(5):1222-7; discussion 1227
BACKGROUND: The firearm-related mortality in Finland is one of the highest in Europe. The study objective was to describe the incidence trends and nature of firearm-related injury hospitalizations in Finland between 1990 and 2003. METHODS: We included all firearm-related injury hospitalizations between 1990 and 2003. The data were obtained from the Finnish National Hospital Discharge Register. Only events with traumatic physical injuries were included. RESULTS: The overall incidence of firearm-related injury hospitalization was 5.1 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 34.5-5.7) per 100,000 person-years in 1990 and 2.6 (95% CI: 2.1-3.0) in 2003. The absolute numbers were 254 and 133, respectively. Unintentional injuries accounted for 44% of injuries during the study period. Hospitalization incidence resulting from intentional firearm-related injuries (self-inflicted and assault) remained unaltered over the study period. Men's injury incidence was 10.0 times (95% CI: 8.8-11.4) that of women's. Young men aged 15 to 34 years displayed the highest incidence figures. The most common types of the firearm-related injuries were open wounds (52%) and fractures (17%). Anatomically they involved the head and the neck (35%), the lower limb (28%), and the trunk (19%). CONCLUSIONS: Although the total incidence of firearm-related injuries decreased in Finland during the 14-year study period, the incidence of intentional firearm-related injuries remained at the same level. Finding information on the risk factors of firearm-related injuries and the reasons for the steady level of intentional injuries are the next steps toward preventive measures.  相似文献   

Objective: To analyze characteristics and causes of road crash and injuries in China from 2003 to 2005.
Methods: The data of road crash in 2003-2005 were collected to study the characteristics including total vehicle number, occurrence rates of traffic accidents and serious traffic accidents so as to discuss the causes and characteristics of road crash in China.
Results: From 2003 to 2005, the numbers of traffic accidents, injuries and deaths as well as the mortality rates per 100 000 persons and per 10 000 vehicles declined in China. Until 2005, the total number of traffic accidents decreased to 450 000 and deaths to 99 000, with the mortality rate per 10 000 vehicles being 7.6 persons. While the drivers and passengers accounted for 33.2 % and 26.6 % of death casualties respectively in 2005. Most traffic accidents were caused by drivers, especially those with driving experience less than 3 years. Traffic accidents occurred on suburban roads accounted for 60%. The mortality rate of the traffic accidents per 100 km on the first grade road ranked the highest. The mortality rate of the traffic accidents on expressways ranked the highest, with continual increase of death and injury.
Conclusions. At present, the increase trend of traffic accidents and casualties in China has been slowed down to some extent and shows a declining tendency, but the situation is far away from being optimistic. In order to cut down the number of traffic accidents and casualties, we should pay more attention to training and managing drivers with less than three driving years and those driving buses. Strict prevention measures should be laid on traffic accidents on first grade roads, expressways and suburban roads as well as the enhancement on improving first-aid system.  相似文献   

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