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The CD31 (platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule-1 [PECAM-1]/endothelial cell adhesion molecule [endoCAM]) molecule expressed on leukocytes, platelets, and endothelial cells is postulated to mediate adhesion to endothelial cells and thereby function in immunity, inflammation, and wound healing. We report the following novel features of CD31 which suggests a role for it in adhesion amplification of unique T cell subsets: (a) engagement of CD31 induces the adhesive function of beta 1 and beta 2 integrins; (b) adhesion induction by CD31 immunoglobulin G (IgG) monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) is sensitive, requiring only bivalent mAb; (c) CD31 mAb induces adhesion rapidly, but it is transient; (d) unique subsets of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells express CD31, including all naive (CD45RA+) CD8 T cells; and (e) CD31 induction is selective, inducing adhesive function of beta 1 integrins, particularly very late antigen-4, more efficiently than the beta 2 integrin lymphocyte function-associated antigen-1. Conversely, CD3 is more effective in inducing beta 2-mediated adhesion. Taken together, these findings indicate that unique T cell subsets express CD31, and CD31 has the capacity to induce integrin-mediated adhesion of T cells in a sensitive and selective fashion. We propose that, in collaboration with other receptors/ligands, CD31 functions in an "adhesion cascade" by amplifying integrin-mediated adhesion of CD31+ T cells to other cells, particularly endothelial cells.  相似文献   

We and others have previously shown that a 67-kD cell surface elastin/laminin-binding protein (EBP) is responsible for cell adhesion to elastin and laminin and for mediating the process of elastin fiber assembly, but the nature of this protein was unknown. In this report we provide evidence that a 67-kD catalytically inactive form of beta-galactosidase produced by alternative splicing demonstrates immunological and functional similarity and sequence homology to the 67-kD EBP, suggesting that the two might be the same. Antibody prepared to a synthetic peptide, N-Ac-GSPSAQDEASPL, corresponding to a frame-shift-generated sequence unique to the alternatively spliced form of human beta-galactosidase, also recognized sheep EBP both on Western blotting and in aortic tissue. Furthermore, this synthetic peptide (S-GAL) binds to elastin and laminin, but not to fibronectin, collagen I, or collagen III. Moreover, both tropoelastin and laminin which bind to S-GAL peptide affinity columns can be specifically eluted from them with an excess of free S-GAL peptides. In addition, sequence homology among this splice variant of human beta-galactosidase, sheep EBP, and NH2-terminal sequences of some elastases suggests that these proteins share a common ligand-binding motif that has not been previously recognized.  相似文献   

The regulated interactions of leukocytes with vascular endothelial cells are crucial in controlling leukocyte traffic between blood and tissues. Vascular adhesion protein-1 (VAP-1) is a novel, human endothelial cell molecule that mediates tissue-selective lymphocyte binding. Two species (90 and 170 kD) of VAP-1 exist in lymphoid tissues. Glycosidase digestions revealed that the mature 170-kD form of VAP-1 expressed on the lumenal surfaces of vessels is a heavily sialylated glycoprotein. The sialic acids are indispensable for the function of VAP-1, since the desialylated form of VAP-1 no longer mediates lymphocyte binding. We also show that L-selectin is not required for binding of activated lymphocytes to VAP-1 under conditions of shear stress. The 90-kD form of VAP-1 was only seen in an organ culture model, and may represent a monomeric or proteolytic form of the larger species. These data indicate that L-selectin negative lymphocytes can bind to tonsillar venules via the VAP- 1-mediated pathway. Moreover, our findings extend the role of carbohydrate- mediated binding in lymphocyte-endothelial cell interactions beyond the known selectins. In conclusion, VAP-1 naturally exists as a 170-kD sialoglycoprotein that uses sialic acid residues to interact with its counter-receptors on lymphocytes under nonstatic conditions.  相似文献   

Five mAbs have been generated and used to characterize TAP (T cell activating protein) a novel, functional murine T cell membrane antigen. The TAP molecule is a 12-kD protein that is synthesized by T cells. By antibody crossblocking, it appears to be closely associated with a 16-kD protein on the T cell membrane also identified with a novel mAb. These molecules are clearly distinct from the major well-characterized murine T cell antigens previously described. Antibody binding to TAP can result in the activation of MHC-restricted, antigen-specific inducer T cell hybridomas that is equivalent in magnitude to maximal antigen or lectin stimulation. This is a direct effect of soluble antibody and does not require accessory cells or other factors. The activating anti-TAP mAbs are also mitogenic for normal heterogeneous T lymphocytes in the presence of accessory cells or IL-1. In addition, these antibodies are observed to modulate specific immune stimulation. Thus, the activating anti-TAP mAbs synergise with antigen-specific stimulation of T cells, while a nonactivating anti-TAP mAb inhibits antigen driven activation. These observations suggest that the TAP molecule may participate in physiologic T cell activation. The possible relationship of TAP to known physiologic triggering structures, the T3-T cell receptor complex, is considered. TAP is expressed on 70% of peripheral T cells and therefore defines a major T cell subset, making it perhaps the first example of a murine subset-specific activating protein.  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that 1% to 10% of sessile Candida albicans cells survive treatment with high doses of miconazole (a fungicidal imidazole). In the present study, we investigated the involvement of sphingolipid biosynthetic intermediates in this survival. We observed that the LCB4 gene, coding for the enzyme that catalyzes the phosphorylation of dihydrosphingosine and phytosphingosine, is important in governing the miconazole resistance of sessile Saccharomyces cerevisiae and C. albicans cells. The addition of 10 nM phytosphingosine-1-phosphate (PHS-1-P) drastically reduced the intracellular miconazole concentration and significantly increased the miconazole resistance of a hypersusceptible C. albicans heterozygous LCB4/lcb4 mutant, indicating a protective effect of PHS-1-P against miconazole-induced cell death in sessile cells. At this concentration of PHS-1-P, we did not observe any effect on the fluidity of the cytoplasmic membrane. The protective effect of PHS-1-P was not observed when the efflux pumps were inhibited or when tested in a mutant without functional efflux systems. Also, the addition of PHS-1-P during miconazole treatment increased the expression levels of genes coding for efflux pumps, leading to the hypothesis that PHS-1-P acts as a signaling molecule and enhances the efflux of miconazole in sessile C. albicans cells.  相似文献   

Since little is known about Tc cells in the human immune response to intracellular parasites, we have studied the role of Tc cells in response to M. bovis Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG). Donors whose PBMC responded to BCG, purified protein derivative (PPD), and the recombinant 65-kD heat shock protein (HSP) of BCG generated BCG/PPD-specific CD4+ effector T lymphocytes that lysed PPD as well as recombinant 65-kD-pulsed monocytes. Nonpulsed or irrelevant antigen-pulsed target cells were lysed to a much lower but still significant extent. PPD-stimulated effector lymphocytes of a recombinant 65-kD nonresponder lysed PPD but not recombinant 65-kD-pulsed monocytes. Recombinant 65-kD-educated effector lymphocytes lysed both recombinant 65-kD- and PPD-pulsed monocytes. In addition, these effector cells efficiently lysed nonpulsed target cells. These results demonstrate that in recombinant 65-kD responders, the recombinant 65-kD HSP of BCG is an immunodominant target as well as a triggering molecule for BCG/PPD-specific CD4+ cytotoxic T cells that lyse autologous monocytes. The implications of these findings with respect to the role of the 65-kD HSP in autoimmunity are discussed.  相似文献   

A human cell clone (SF-16) displaying strong cytolytic activity against fresh tumor target cells was used for production of murine mAbs against surface antigens expressed by lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) cells and their peripheral blood precursors. The preliminary screening of hybridoma supernatants was performed according to the ability to bind SF-16 cells. Selected mAbs were further analyzed for their reactivity with several T and B cell lines and with peripheral blood T and non-T cell populations. A selected mAb, termed anti-LAK-1, only reacted with some T cell lines and with 15-30% of PBMC. Approximately 10-15% E- rosetting (T) cells and 40-50% E-rosette-negative cells were LAK-1+, as determined by cytofluorometric analysis. As the fluorescence distribution of LAK-1 antigen was clearly bimodal, LAK-1+ and LAK-1- cells could be separated by FACS. Positive cells were composed of large granular lymphocytes (LGL), whereas negative cells were mostly small lymphocytes and monocytes without LGL. After culture in rIL-2, purified LAK-1+ (but not LAK-1-) cells acquired the ability to lyse NK-resistant fresh melanoma target cells. In addition, only the LAK-1+ fraction of PBMC cultured for 5 d in rIL-2 lysed fresh tumor targets, thus indicating that the LAK-1 antigen is expressed also on LAK effector cells. Unlike some other LGL/NK cell markers, LAK-1 antigen is characterized by a stable expression: thus, LAK-1+ cell populations cultured for up to 20 d in rIL-2 maintained the LAK-1 antigen expression, whereas HNK-1 and, partially, CD16 were lost. Finally the cytolytic activity of LAK effector cells generated from PBMC cultured for 3 d in rIL-2 was susceptible to inhibition by the anti-LAK-1 mAb.  相似文献   

Uptake of [3H]oleate by canine or rat cardiac myocytes is saturable, displays the countertransport phenomenon, and is inhibited by phloretin and trypsin. Cardiac myocytes contain a basic (pI approximately 9.1) 40-kD plasma membrane fatty acid binding protein (FABPPM) analogous to those recently isolated from liver, adipose tissue, and gut, unrelated to the 12-14-kD cytosolic FABP in these same tissues. An antibody to rat liver FABPPM selectively inhibits specific uptake of [3H]oleate by rat heart myocytes at 37 degrees C, but has no influence on nonspecific [3H]oleate uptake at 4 degrees C or on specific uptake of [3H]glucose. Uptake of long-chain free fatty acids by cardiac muscle cells, liver, and adipose tissue and absorption by gut epithelial cells is a facilitated process mediated by identical or closely related plasma membrane FABPs.  相似文献   

Murine tumors contain low molecular weight factors that inhibit macrophage accumulation at inflammatory foci. Certain oncogenic murine leukemia viruses contain similar inhibitory activity and the active component of the retroviruses was shown to be the envelope protein P15E. A number of murine malignant and nonmalignant cell lines, as well as primary tumors, have now been examined to determine whether production of retroviral P15E or a related protein is characteristic of neoplastic cells. Tumor lines examined included the Hep 129 hepatocarcinoma, BP8 fibrosarcoma, RL1 lymphoma, and three variants of the B16 melanoma. Tumor lines were virus negative by electron microscopy. Nonmalignant cells examined included ST0, 3T3/BALB, and 3T3/L1 fibroblasts and unstimulated, as well as mitogen-stimulated murine splenocytes. Cells were pulse-labeled with [35S]methionine, proteins immunoprecipitated with two monoclonal antibodies to P15E and analyzed by SDS-PAGE and gel fluorography. All tumor lines synthesized a approximately 19,000-dalton protein that co-migrated with retroviral P15E on SDS-PAGE. None of the nonmalignant cells synthesized this protein. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis of the proteins precipitated from two B16 melanoma lines by monoclonal anti-P15E showed them to be physicochemically similar to P15E from Rauscher leukemia virus. A competition ELISA assay for P15E was developed and confirmed the results obtained by metabolic labeling and demonstrated P15E-related antigens in the tumor cell lines and also in the ascites fluid of mice injected with Hep 129 cells. More importantly, P15E antigens were expressed in both a spontaneous mammary adenocarcinoma and in a primary methylcholanthrene-induced fibrosarcoma. Nonmalignant tissues from animals bearing these tumors contained no detectable P15E antigen. Extracts from the primary fibrosarcomas, when injected into the thighs of mice, inhibited the intraperitoneal accumulation of inflammatory macrophages. The inhibitory activity was specifically removed by absorption with monoclonal antibody to P15E. These results suggest that synthesis of the immunosuppressive retroviral protein P15E, or a very similar protein, routinely occurs during the growth of murine neoplastic cells. This P15E-related protein is present in spontaneous murine primary tumors as well as in all murine tumor cell lines tested. The expression of such proteins by transformed cells in vivo could confer a selective advantage for their sustained growth since they would be more likely to escape immune surveillance.  相似文献   

Despite the wide use of mobilized peripheral blood (PB) progenitor cells (PBPC) for clinical transplantation the mechanism(s) underlying their mobilization and subsequent engraftment are still unknown. We compared the adhesive phenotype of CD34(+) colony-forming cells (CFC) in bone marrow (BM) and PB of normal donors before and after administration of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) for 5 d. G-CSF-mobilized PB CFC cells adhered significantly less to BM stroma, fibronectin, and to the alpha4 beta1 binding fibronectin peptide, CS1, because of decreased expression of the alpha4 integrin. Since incubation of BM CD34(+) cells for 4 d with G-CSF at concentrations found in serum of G-CSF- treated individuals did not affect alpha4-dependent adhesion, G-CSF may not be directly responsible for the decreased alpha4-mediated adhesion of PB CFC. Culture of G-CSF-mobilized PB CD34(+) cells with cytokines at concentrations found in BM stromal cultures upregulated alpha4 expression and restored adhesion of mobilized PB CFC to stroma, fibronectin, and CS1. Adhesion of cultured, mobilized PB CFC to stroma and CS1 could not be further upregulated by the beta1 activating antibody, 8A2. This indicates acquisition of a maximally activated alpha4 beta1 integrin once PB CFC have been removed from the in vivo mobilizing milieu. Thus, decreased alpha4 expression on CD34(+) CFC in PB may be responsible for the aberrant circulation of mobilized PB CD34(+) cells. Reexpression of a maximally activated alpha4 beta1 integrin on mobilized PB CFC removed from the mobilizing in vivo milieu may contribute to the early engraftment of mobilized PBPC.  相似文献   

Mutations in the genes encoding hepatocyte nuclear factor 4alpha (HNF-4alpha) and HNF-1alpha impair insulin secretion and cause maturity onset diabetes of the young (MODY). HNF-4alpha is known to be an essential positive regulator of HNF-1alpha. More recent data demonstrates that HNF-4alpha expression is dependent on HNF-1alpha in mouse pancreatic islets and exocrine cells. This effect is mediated by binding of HNF-1alpha to a tissue-specific promoter (P2) located 45.6 kb upstream from the previously characterized Hnf4alpha promoter (P1). Here we report that the expression of HNF-4alpha in human islets and exocrine cells is primarily mediated by the P2 promoter. Furthermore, we describe a G --> A mutation in a conserved nucleotide position of the HNF-1alpha binding site of the P2 promoter, which cosegregates with MODY. The mutation results in decreased affinity for HNF-1alpha, and consequently in reduced HNF-1alpha-dependent activation. These findings provide genetic evidence that HNF-1alpha serves as an upstream regulator of HNF-4alpha and interacts directly with the P2 promoter in human pancreatic cells. Furthermore, they indicate that this regulation is essential to maintain normal pancreatic function.  相似文献   

Dickkopf1 (DKK1) is a secretory protein that antagonizes oncogenic Wnt signaling by binding to the Wnt coreceptor low-density lipoprotein receptor–related protein 6 (LRP6). DKK1 may also regulate its own signaling to promote cancer cell proliferation, but the mechanism is not understood. Here, we identified cytoskeleton-associated protein 4 (CKAP4) as a DKK1 receptor and evaluated CKAP4-mediated DKK1 signaling in cancer cell proliferation. We determined that DKK1 binds CKAP4 and LRP6 with similar affinity but interacts with these 2 receptors with different cysteine-rich domains. DKK1 induced internalization of CKAP4 in a clathrin-dependent manner, further supporting CKAP4 as a receptor for DKK1. DKK1/CKAP4 signaling activated AKT by forming a complex between the proline-rich domain of CKAP4 and the Src homology 3 domain of PI3K, resulting in proliferation of normal cells and cancer cells. Expression of DKK1 and CKAP4 was frequent in tumor lesions of human pancreatic and lung cancers, and simultaneous expression of both proteins in patient tumors was negatively correlated with prognosis and relapse-free survival. An anti-CKAP4 antibody blocked the binding of DKK1 to CKAP4, suppressed AKT activity in a human cancer cell line, and attenuated xenograft tumor formation in immunodeficient mice. Together, our results suggest that CKAP4 is a potential therapeutic target for cancers that express both DKK1 and CKAP4.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Rac1 GTPase, a member of the Ras-related Rho GTPase family, is the major Rac isoform present in platelets and has been shown to be involved in cell actin cytoskeleton reorganization and adhesion. Agonists that induce platelet secretion and aggregation also activate Rac1 GTPase, raising the possibility that Rac1 GTPase may be involved in regulation of platelet function. OBJECTIVES: To rigorously define the role of Rac1 in platelet regulation. METHODS: We have used a dual approach of gene targeting in mice and pharmacologic inhibition of Rac1 by NSC23766, a rationally designed specific small molecule inhibitor, to study the role of Rac1 in platelet function. RESULTS: Platelets from mice as well as human platelets treated with NSC23766 exhibited a significant decrease in: (i) active Rac1 species and phosphorylation of the Rac effector, p21-activated kinase; (ii) expression of P-selectin and secretion of adenosine triphosphate induced by thrombin or U46619; and (iii) aggregation induced by adenosine 5'-diphosphate, collagen, thrombin and U46619, a stable analog of thromboxane A(2). NSC23766 did not alter the cAMP or cGMP levels in platelets. Consistent with the requirement of Rac1 for normal platelet function, the bleeding times in Rac1(-/-) mice or mice given NSC23766 were significantly prolonged. CONCLUSIONS: Our data show that deficiency or inhibition of Rac1 GTPase blocks platelet secretion. The inhibition of secretion, at least in part, is responsible for diminished platelet aggregation and prolonged bleeding times observed in Rac1 knockout or Rac1 inhibitor-treated mice.  相似文献   

In response to the pure recombinant human alpha-IFN, IFLrA, Raji and Daudi were the only two cell lines among 19 human lymphoblastoid cell lines tested that formed the human lupus inclusions (LI) to a high frequency. Raji, Daudi, and five other cell lines were examined for protein changes that might accompany LI formation. Their selection was based upon T or B origin, association with Epstein-Barr virus, and ability to form LI. A trace protein of an estimated molecular mass of 36 kD (p36) and an isoelectric point of 5.6 was detected on two-dimensional gels only of alpha-IFN-treated Raji and Daudi cells. Gamma-IFN did not induce p36 or LI in any of these seven cell lines. In Daudi cells p36 and LI formed simultaneously in response to IFLrA, and persisted until the alpha-IFN-induced death of the culture. In Raji cells, p36 and LI appearance and disappearance coincided with the addition and removal of alpha-IFN. Fractionation of Raji cells with nonionic-detergent buffer placed p36 with the inclusions in the cytoplasmic supernatant. With detergent-free buffer p36 and LI were distributed evenly between the nuclear and cytoplasmic fractions. Pulse-chase experiments revealed that p36 was secreted. The de novo synthesis of p36 with alpha-IFN treatment was shown by labeling the cell proteins with [35S] methionine before and after the addition of alpha-IFN. These results along with previous results on the de novo synthesis of LI in the endoplasmic reticulum (which is involved in the processing and secretion of proteins) suggest a role for LI in the synthesis and secretion of p36.  相似文献   

背景:胰岛素在脑内通过胰岛素受体底物发挥作用,APP17肽有神经营养功能,可能通过影响胰岛素受体底物改善胰岛素缺乏引起的糖尿病脑病。目的:制备小鼠糖尿病模型熏观察APP17肽对糖尿病小鼠胰岛素受体底物1的影响。设计:随机对照动物实验。单位:首都医科大学基础医学院病理学教研室,宣武医院脑老化研究室。材料:实验于2003-09/10在首都医科大学基础医学院病理学教研室及宣武医院脑老化研究室完成,选择雄性昆明小鼠18只,随机分为正常对照组、糖尿病组和APP17肽治疗组3组,每组6只。方法:①糖尿病组和APP17肽治疗组小鼠按200mg/kg剂量腹腔注射链脲佐菌素熏3d后测尾部非禁食血糖熏大于15mmol/L者被认为糖尿病模型建立。②APP17肽治疗组于糖尿病造模2周后皮下注射APP17肽熏每次0.35μg/只熏1次/d熏共注射2周。正常对照组大鼠不干预。③给链脲佐菌素4周后熏处死动物取脑组织进行胰岛素受体底物1免疫组化染色。主要观察指标:各组小鼠脑胰岛素受体底物1阳性细胞形态及分布。结果:18只小鼠全部进入结果分析。①糖尿病组胰岛素受体底物1阳性反应细胞广泛分布于皮质、海马、丘脑、下丘脑等部位熏而正常对照组及APP17肽治疗组仅在皮质、海马见有阳性反应细胞熏且着色淡。②糖尿病组、正常对照组及APP17肽治疗组脑海马胰岛素受体底物1免疫组化阳性反应细胞数分别为(28.7±1.5),(9.2±1.5),(10.1±1.4)个/10倍物镜,糖尿病组高于其他两组(P<0.001)。结论:糖尿病小鼠脑内多个区域的神经元存在较多的胰岛素受体底物1阳性细胞熏APP17肽能使胰岛素受体底物1阳性反应细胞出现的部位和数量正常化熏从而改善糖尿病小鼠海马神经元的退行性变。  相似文献   

背景:胰岛素在脑内通过胰岛素受体底物发挥作用,APP17肽有神经营养功能,可能通过影响胰岛素受体底物改善胰岛素缺乏引起的糖尿病脑病。 目的:制备小鼠糖尿病模型,观察APP17肽对糖尿病小鼠胰岛素受体底物1的影响。 设计:随机对照动物实验。 单位:首都医科大学基础医学院病理学教研室,宣武医院脑老化研究室。 材料:实验于2003-09/10在首都医科大学基础医学院病理学教研室及宣武医院脑老化研究室完成,选择雄性昆明小鼠18只,随机分为正常对照组、糖尿病组和APP17肽治疗组3组,每组6只。 方法:①糖尿病组和APP17肽治疗组小鼠按200mg/kg剂量腹腔注射链脲佐菌素,3d后测尾部非禁食血糖,大于15mmol/L者被认为糖尿病模型建立。②APP17肽治疗组于糖尿病造模2周后皮下注射APP17肽,每次0.35μg/只,1次/d,共注射2周。正常对照组大鼠不干预。③给链脲佐菌素4周后,处死动物取脑组织进行胰岛素受体底物1免疫组化染色。 主要观察指标:各组小鼠脑胰岛素受体底物1阳性细胞形态及分布。 结果:18只小鼠全部进入结果分析。①糖尿病组胰岛素受体底物1阳性反应细胞广泛分布于皮质、海马、丘脑、下丘脑等部位,而正常对照组及APP17肽治疗组仅在皮质、海马见有阳性反应细胞,且着色淡。②糖尿病组、正常对照组及APP17肽治疗组脑海马胰岛素受体底物1免疫组化阳性反应细胞数分别为(28.7&;#177;1.5),(9.2&;#177;1.5),(10.1&;#177;1.4)个/10倍物镜,糖尿病组高于其他两组(P〈0.001)。 结论:糖尿病小鼠脑内多个区域的神经元存在较多的胰岛素受体底物1阳性细胞,APP17肽能使胰岛素受体底物1阳性反应细胞出现的部位和数量正常化,从而改善糖尿病小鼠海马神经元的退行性变。  相似文献   

Endotoxin protein (EP) has been shown to be a mitogen and polyclonal activator of human peripheral blood lymphocytes. EP stimulates proliferation of B lymphoyctes in the absence of T cells, and this activation is nonspecific by a number of parameters. Additionally, EP mitogenesis, but not polyclonal activation, is inhibited in the presence of human serum, suggesting that these events are dissociable. In these studies, EP appears to be equivalent to or better than pokeweed mitogen in stimulating nonspecific antibody production in vitro.  相似文献   

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