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Examining the correspondence of breastfeeding and bottle-feeding couples' infant feeding attitudes This report focuses on the comparison of infant feeding attitudes within breastfeeding (n = 126) and bottle-feeding (n = 101) couples and their socio-demographic details. The findings from this study reinforce the view that socio-demographic factors are associated with the mothers' choice of feeding method. However, this study highlights the influence of maternal and of paternal knowledge and attitudes which distinguish between breastfeeding and bottle-feeding couples. Fathers of bottle-feeding babies were found to have limited knowledge of health benefits of breastfeeding to both mothers and infants. However, bottle-feeding mothers, when compared with their partners, were more supportive towards bottle feeding and less negative towards breastfeeding. Fathers of breastfeeding babies, compared with their partners were found to be less aware of the benefits of breastfeeding. Furthermore, breastfeeding mothers when compared with their partners were more supportive towards breastfeeding. Fathers of both bottle and breast feeding babies were also found to be more embarrassed than their partners about mothers in general breastfeeding in front of nonfamily members. It seems that bottle-feeding mothers and all fathers could be better prepared in many aspects of breastfeeding by the nursing professions to allay the many misconceptions and the social embarrassment associated with breastfeeding, by providing appropriate information and support.  相似文献   

目的 探讨新生儿家庭病房中直接母乳喂养与母乳奶瓶喂养对极早早产儿生命体征稳定性的影响。方法选取2020年3-10月收治的50例极早早产儿为研究对象,采用自身对照研究,在24h内分别记录1次直接母乳喂养和1次母乳奶瓶喂养的情况,连续5d。比较2种喂养方式时早产儿体温、心率、呼吸、血氧饱和度、喂养并发症。结果2种喂养方式不同时间点早产儿体温、血氧饱和度、呼吸、心率在时 间 效 应 上 比 较,差 异 均 有 统 计 学 意 义(F时间 =277.510,P<0.001;F时间 =12.039,P=0.001;F时间 =11.077,P=0.002;F时间 =20.241,P<0.001);2组体温的组间效应比较,差异有统计学意义(F组间 =12.237,P=0.001),2种喂养方式不同时间点早产儿体温、血氧饱和度在交互效应上比较,差异有统计学意义(F交互 =39.497,P<0.001;F交互 =31.415,P<0.001);直接母乳喂养吸氧例数和呼吸暂停例数均少于母乳奶瓶喂...  相似文献   

Abstract The research reported in the present paper was conducted as part of a larger longitudinal infant feeding study examining the relationship between motivational and situational variables, and primaparas' infant feeding behaviors. The aim of this investigation was to identify contextual factors that influenced first-time mothers' breastfeeding practices in the immediate postpartum period. Employing an exploratory, qualitative design, data were collected through unstructured in-depth interviews with 19 primiparous mothers at one-month postpartum. Thematic analysis revealed two main themes: sociocultural and environmental influences, and lactation management. Although the participants wanted to succeed at breastfeeding, they faced many impediments in a society that was not supportive of lactating mothers. Health professionals' mixed messages, life stresses (short maternity leaves and lack of work place support for breastfeeding) and the participants' poor understanding of the physiological process of lactation presented obstacles for continued breastfeeding.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The phenomenon of infant responsiveness to the caregiver during feeding interactions has been of interest to researchers for many years, because of its associated implications for child growth and development. Although many studies have examined feeding responsiveness in caregiver-infant dyads, it is infrequently and inconsistently defined in the literature. SPECIFIC AIMS: The purpose of this paper is to clarify the concept of infant feeding responsiveness through the provision of a working definition of the concept for further study and usage. METHODS: Medline, CINAHL, and PschInfo databases from the year 1970 to the present were searched for English articles containing the keywords 'infant', 'feeding', 'responsiveness', 'synchrony', and/or 'interaction'. Articles were selected for inclusion according to whether or not the phenomenon of infant feeding responsiveness was defined or assessed. Walker and Avant's (1995) method for concept analysis was employed for the development of defining attributes, case examples, antecedents, and consequences for further clarification of the concept of infant feeding responsiveness. FINDINGS: Infant feeding responsiveness was defined as the manifestation of physiologically influenced visual, expressive, vocal and motor reactive behaviours expressed by an infant in reaction to a caregiver's feeding attempts, indicating a readiness to feed. CONCLUSIONS: Implications for nursing are explored as well as the need for refinement of measures of this concept.  相似文献   

Title. Supporting breastfeeding mothers: qualitative synthesis. Aim. This paper is a report of a synthesis of mothers’ and healthcare professionals’ experiences and perceptions of breastfeeding support. Background. Despite increasing knowledge, breastfeeding rates remain relatively static and mothers continue to report dissatisfaction with their experiences of breastfeeding. Greater understanding of breastfeeding may be achieved through rigorous qualitative research, and there has been a recent increase in such studies. Data sources. Electronic databases and citation lists of published papers were searched for articles listed between 1990 and 2005 and updated in May 2007. Studies were included if they used qualitative methods, were published in English, explored an aspect of breastfeeding and were based in a westernized country. Review methods. Papers were included if they reported studies using qualitative methods to explore breastfeeding and were published in English and based in a westernized country. Each study was reviewed and assessed independently, key themes extracted and grouped, and secondary thematic analysis used to explore key concepts. Results. From the 1990–2005 search, five themes emerged in health service support of breastfeeding: the mother‐health professional relationship, skilled help, pressures of time, medicalization of breastfeeding and the ward as a public place. Social support had two themes: compatible and incompatible support. One additional theme emerged from the update to 2007: health professional relationships. Conclusion. Mothers tended to rate social support as more important than health service support. Health service support was described unfavourably with emphasis on time pressures, lack of availability of healthcare professionals or guidance, promotion of unhelpful practices and conflicting advice. Changes are required within the health services to address the needs of both mothers and staff.  相似文献   

目的了解上海住院产妇婴儿喂养态度的现状,并分析其影响因素。方法采用便利抽样法选取2014年12月至2015年2月上海市一家三级甲等妇产专科医院和两家三级甲等综合医院分娩后住院3d的产妇作为研究对象,使用自制产妇基本情况调查表及简体中文版Iowa婴儿喂养态度量表(the Iowa infant feeding attitude scale,IIFAS)对分娩后3d的产妇进行横断面调查。结果产后3d的IIFAS总分最低36分,最高85分,平均(63.10±6.89)分。多元线性回归结果显示,产妇的IIFAS总分与家庭收入、母乳喂养技能自我评价以及计划出院6个月内采取的喂养方式有关(均P0.05)。结论上海地区住院产妇总体对母乳喂养持有较积极的观念与态度。在临床宣教工作中,护理人员应将家庭收入低者作为母乳喂养宣教的重点干预对象,孕期还应重视母乳喂养技能示范及指导,加强对其家属及长辈的宣教,向产妇宣教母乳喂养益处的最新研究结果,培养孕产妇正向的母乳喂养态度和意图,提高母乳喂养成功率。  相似文献   

[目的]了解婴儿常见营养性疾病与家长的营养知识、喂养态度、喂养技术的关系,以便更好地进行喂养方面的护理指导.[方法]选取进行健康检查的6月龄~11月龄婴儿100名,检测其营养性疾病(维生素D缺乏病、营养性贫血、碘缺乏、锌缺乏)的发生情况,并对其代养人进行问卷调查.了解其营养知识、喂养态度、喂养技术情况.[结果]婴儿营养性疾病的发生率较高,家长营养知识、喂养技术较差.从医务人员处获得喂养指导的比率较低.[结论]婴儿营养性疾病的发生与家长的营养知识、喂养态度、喂养技术密切相关,因此,应加强医务人员在指导婴儿科学喂养方面的作用.  相似文献   

ISSUES AND PURPOSE. To determine the effects of feeding decisions on infant growth in the first 6 months of life.
DESIGN AND METHODS. Growth measurements were collected twice during the first 6 months of infancy as part of a larger investigation of infant feeding practices (N = 52).
RESULTS. Infants who received solid foods before the age of 4 to 6 months weighed less than those who received solid foods after 4 to 6 months. There were no differences in growth measurements between formula-fed and breastfed infants, although breast-fed infants weighed more at birth.
PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS. Emphasize the importance of feeding breast milk (preferably) or formula only for the first 6 months. Advise parents to withhold fruit juices until the infant is at least 6 months old.  相似文献   

目的了解新生儿重症监护室出院早产儿母亲的母乳喂养体验,为制订有效的母乳喂养指导方案提供依据。方法采用质性研究法,对18名新生儿重症监护室早产儿母亲在早产儿出院后1周内通过家庭访问进行深度访谈,出院第2周、1个月时进行电话访谈。结果母亲在早产儿出院后的母乳喂养中经历了直接母乳喂养的困难、哺乳不确定性的困惑、母乳不足的烦恼以及哺乳知识的缺乏所带来的困惑。结论母婴分离早产儿母亲在早产儿出院后遭遇了母乳喂养方面的困难与不安,加强母亲对早产儿生理特征、母乳喂养知识、母乳喂养技巧的护理指导是产科和儿科当前面临的重要课题。  相似文献   

目的:探讨澳门住院产妇婴儿喂养态度的现状及其影响因素。方法:2009年12月至2011年12月,在澳门一间公立医院住院部,采用方便抽样法对468名华裔产妇在产后3天应用中文版婴儿喂养态度量表(IIFAS)进行横断面调查。结果:产后3天IIFAS总分为(58.94±6.21)分;多元线性回归分析发现有4个因素进入回归方程,其中产妇持有奶粉喂养意图、产后3天采取奶粉喂养方法、产妇的母乳喂养知识不充足与母乳喂养态度呈负相关(β=-0.267、-0.101、-0.087,P<0.05)。孕期接受过母乳喂养卫教与母乳喂养态度呈正相关(β=0.103,P<0.05)。产后3天IIFAS总分在产妇的教育程度、年龄、分娩方式、婚姻、家庭月收入、有无产假、是否饮酒、在澳门居住年限和有无喂奶经验等方面无统计学差异(P>0.05)。结论:澳门产妇的婴儿喂养态度处于中高水平,婴儿喂养态度总分越高越趋向于采取母乳喂养行动。婴儿喂养意图、孕期母乳喂养卫教、母乳喂养知识和产后早期婴儿喂养方式是影响澳门产妇婴儿喂养态度的主要因素。  相似文献   

目的:对比母乳喂养与配方奶喂养对足月新生儿组织血氧饱和度、血红蛋白浓度指数及肠道菌群的影响。方法:选取2020年6月至2020年12月500例于上海市第一妇婴保健院出生的足月新生儿为研究对象,按喂养方式的不同分为母乳喂养组(n=238)与配方奶喂养组(n=262)。比较两组新生儿生长发育指标(体重、身长、头围)、组织血氧饱和度[脑组织血氧饱和度指数(cerebral tissue oxygenation index,cTOI)、肠道组织血氧饱和度指数(splanchnic tissue oxygenation index,s TOI)]、血红蛋白浓度指数[脑组织血红蛋白浓度指数(cerebral tissue hemoglobin index,cTHI)、肠道组织血红蛋白浓度指数(splanchnic tissue hemoglobin index,s THI)]及肠道菌群(乳酸杆菌、双歧杆菌)。结果:两组婴儿在喂养30 d后的体重、身长、头围指标比较差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05),但母乳喂养组婴儿的体重增长值显著高于配方奶喂养组(P<0.05)。母乳喂养组cTOI在喂奶时先明显升高,喂奶后下降(P<0.05),cTHI在喂奶时、喂奶后呈明显上升趋势(P<0.05);但配方奶喂养组中婴儿的cTOI、sTOI、cTHI、sTHI在喂奶前、喂奶时、喂奶后的差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。与配方奶喂养组相比,母乳喂养组cTOI在喂奶时和喂奶后均较高,喂奶后sTHI、sTOI则均较低,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。与配方奶喂养组相比,母乳喂养组婴儿肠道菌群中双歧杆菌水平明显更高(P<0.05)。结论:母乳喂养相较于配方奶喂养有利于新生儿体重增长,能够提高婴儿cTOI、cTHI水平,并可能有助于改善肠道菌群。  相似文献   

This study compares complementary feeding World Health Organization (WHO) indicators with those built in accordance with Brazilian recommendations (Ten Steps to Healthy Feeding). A cross‐sectional study was carried out during the National Immunization Campaign against Poliomyelitis in Guarapuava‐Paraná, Brazil, in 2012. Feeding data from 1,355 children aged 6–23 months were obtained through the 24 h diet recall. Based on five indicators, the proportion of adequacy was evaluated: introduction of solid, semi‐solid, or soft foods; minimum dietary diversity; meal frequency; acceptable diet; and consumption of iron‐rich foods. Complementary feeding showed adequacy higher than 85% in most WHO indicators, while review by the Ten Steps assessment method showed a less favorable circumstance and a high intake of unhealthy foods. WHO indicators may not reflect the complementary feeding conditions of children in countries with low malnutrition rates and an increased prevalence of overweight/obesity. The use of indicators according to the Ten Steps can be useful to identify problems and redirect actions aimed at promoting complementary feeding.  相似文献   

This pilot study aimed to test the effectiveness of a structured telephonic counselling (STC) on exclusive breastfeeding (EB) on healthy babies. The study was carried out on 114 primiparous women from February to March 2009. After randomization, women were divided into two groups: 55 receiving STC and 59 receiving conventional counselling. At 1, 3 and 5 months after delivery, a nurse specialist evaluated the EB rates, the influence of mother's educational level and employment status on EB. Breastfeeding rates in STC were higher compared to conventional counselling (P < 0.01); resuming work was not an EB discouraging variable as 74.5% women in the STC resumed work vs. 54.2% of the conventional counselling. Breastfeeding promotion should start during pregnancy, advising women about benefits for the child in receiving human milk. STC should be used to improve EB in primiparous women.  相似文献   

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