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Prof. DAI Ruihong was born in Wenzhou, Zhejiang province in 1930. He attended the medical school of St. John University, Shanghai, in 1949, and obtained the medical degree at Shanghai's Second Medical College in 1955. Since then he has been devoted to ,in Huashan Hospital, clinical, teaching as well as research duties in the field of cardiovascular disease, particularly in coronary heart disease (CHD) and myocardial infarction. Prof. DAI has devoted to the integrative traditional Chinese and Western medicinal treatment on CHD and the clinical pharmacology of cardiovascular disease for over 50 years.  相似文献   

SHI Yu-min, male, was born in January 1, in Shanghai. He graduated from Dept. of Medicine, Shanghai First Medical University in 1962. He was registered as professor and advisor of PhD candidate in Children's Hospital, Fudan University. He was the former vice chairman and now is  相似文献   

LIAN Fang,was born in Rongcheng City,Shandong Province in September 1957. In December 1982,she received her bachelor's degree. She has been engaged in clinical practice,scientific research and teaching at the Department of Gynecology,the Affiliated Hospital of Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.During this period,she received her master's degree from the Department of Gynecology of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine in Nanjing  相似文献   

<正>Prof.YIN Hui-jin,Ph.D., male, was born on March 26, 1971 in Ningxia.He graduated from Ningxia Medical College in 1994 with a 5-year course and got a bachelor degree,  相似文献   

To meet community demands with optimal Chinese and conventional medical treatment, the University of Hong Kong is promoting integrative medicine by developing Chinese medicine programmes that train students of both Western and Chinese medicine. The programmes emphasize multi-disciplinary training and interaction between the two therapeutic approaches, enabling students to establish reliable, consistent, and respectful mutual cooperation in their future careers.  相似文献   

<正>XU Hao, male,39 years old,chief physician,and supervisor of master's degree candidates.He graduated from the China Academy of Chinese  相似文献   

<正>Western integrative oncology(IO) combines conventional mainstream medicine with complementary and alternative medicine(CAM) for the care of cancer patients.Since it includes patient orientation and the holistic approach of many CAM options,IO offers not only preventive measures,but also a wide spectrum of treatment modalities for all stages of illness,from the acute phases through the rehabilitation period.Many therapeutic methods of IO are supported by scientific evidence,for example,dietary and nutritional counseling,exercise,and mind-body medicine,among others.IO also includes therapeutic interventions of traditional Chinese medicine(TCM).At present acupuncture,qigong,and foot massage play an important role in the Western care of cancer patients.However,unlike in China, in Western countries herbal remedies are usually only used during those periods in which chemotherapy is not applied in order to avoid herb-drug interactions.Instead, acupuncture is widely used to manage the side-effects that often accompany chemotherapy.This paper focuses on the role of Chinese medicine in Western IO and reviews the scope and limitations of IO in the care of cancer patients today.The future challenges of IO will also be discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

Integrative medicine — Traditional Chinese medicine, A model ?   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The paper explores the concept of integrative medicine(IM) in relation to complementary and alternative medicine(CAM).It contrasts IM available in China to its availability in the West.The second part of the paper highlights tools which could facilitate opportunities for IM.The paper concludes with a plea to ensure and maintain the integrity of traditional Chinese medical practice,and to continue to increase developing the evidence base through a funded European Coordination Action between EU member stat...  相似文献   

According to the current inconsistent status of subject names and stratification of ICWM and based on the principle of classification that a subject can only use one name and one code,Prof.WEN Jian-min and Prof.SHI Da-zhuo,two CPPCC members, proposed that ICWM in the subject categories of National Standardization Committee (defined as a subdiscipline under CM and Chinese materia medica) and that in the subject categories of the Academic Degree Commissionof the State Council (defined as a discipline, consisting of two sub-disciplines,  相似文献   

睡眠障碍是帕金森病常见的非运动症状之一,中西医在其治疗中各有优势,但尚未形成统一共识.西医治疗多遵循指南,以调整抗帕金森病药物为先,继而对症处理;中医的整体观念和辨证论治可以标本兼顾、防治结合.中西医结合优势互补,可更有效地长期管理睡眠障碍.上海市中西医结合学会慢性神经系统疾病专业委员会组织国内帕金森病领域中西医专家,...  相似文献   

帕金森病(Parkinson's disease,PD)自主神经功能障碍是常见的非运动症状之一,贯穿疾病始终,其临床表现复杂,个体差异性大,严重影响患者生活质量,是PD治疗的重点与难点.治疗上西医多遵循指南,但证据有限,重在对症处理;而中医的整体观念和辨证论治可以多症兼顾,临床经验积累较多,是对西医治疗的有效补充,中西...  相似文献   

<正>Prof.LU Ai-ping,male, was born in Duchang county, Jiangxi province,on July 3, 1963.He graduated from the Jiangxi College of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 1983.He received the master's(1987) and the PhD degrees(1997) from the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences (CACMS),Beijing,where he  相似文献   

According to the current inconsistent status of subject names and stratification of ICWM and based on the principle of classification that a subject can only use one name and one code,Prof.WEN Jian-min and Prof.SHI Da-zhuo,two CPPCC  相似文献   

中西医结合治疗各类型宫外孕35例,应用“活血祛瘀”的原则和方药加减治愈29例,占82.8%,治疗过程中改用手术治疗6例,占17.1%。一般患者服药后3~7天腹痛减轻,腹胀消失。血肿包块消失需1~2月,平均住院26天。是一种治疗简便,疗效显著的方法。  相似文献   

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