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Nine hundred and eighty-one fluid specimens were analysed by culture and by gas chromatography. The presence of obligate anaerobes was best predicted if one or more of the volatile acids isobutyric, butyric, isovaleric, valeric, isocaproic or caproic acid were detected in the specimen. Propionic acid was not a good indicator of the presence of obligate anaerobes. The agreement between gas chromatography and culture for obligate anaerobes in the main study (841 specimens, 232 culture positive) was: co-positivity 82%; co-negativity 92%. Falsely negative specimens contained anaerobes which had probably not produced sufficient of their characteristic volatile fatty acids to be detected. When it was the sole infecting anaerobe,Bacteroides fragilis seemed especially likely to be missed by gas chromatography. Forty-five of the 51 falsely positive specimens probably represented failure to culture anaerobes rather than spurious volatile fatty acid detection.  相似文献   

Volatile fatty acids produced in Robertson's cooked meat medium by a range of clinically relevant anaerobes were compared by gas liquid chromatography with those produced in blood agar. The same volatile fatty acid profiles were obtained in both media, although the concentration of acids was lower in blood agar. We conclude that detection of volatile fatty acids from a pure culture of an organism on solid medium is practicable and offers advantages over the conventional technique.  相似文献   

It was postulated that the short chain fatty acids (SCFA) produced by anaerobic bacteria might serve as microbial markers in purulent material. Eighteen pus specimens from various sources were analysed by gas-liquid chromatography (GLC), and the SCFA detected were compared with the microorganisms isolated by conventional methods. It was found that the detection of propionic, isobutyric, butyric, or isovaleric acids by direct GLC of pus specimens is strong evidence for anaerobic infection but not specific for Bacteroides fragilis. It was also shown that the presence of succinic acid in pus specimens does not necessarily indicate infection by anaerobes. It can be concluded that direct GLC of purulent material provides a rapid and reliable presumptive method for the differentiation between anaerobic and aerobic infections.  相似文献   

Gas-liquid chromatography of cellular fatty acids was used in automatic identification of clinical bacterial isolates. The intraspecies variation in the occurrence of fatty acids and the variation in the relative gas-liquid chromatography peak areas of different fatty acids were evaluated and compared with the relative peak areas of these acids. A new chromatogram comparison method involving the use of an exponential function was developed to adjust to data variation optimally. This method was compared with several previously published methods of correlation analysis with data from representative clinical bacteriological isolates. The efficacies of the methods in separating different bacterial species into distinct clusters were compared. The new exponential function method was superior to the others both in its ability to separate species into different clusters and in giving a greater degree of identity to strains within a proper cluster. The results indicate that the gas-liquid chromatography of bacterial cellular fatty acids can be used effectively in the identification of clinically isolated bacteria. However, the usefulness of the analysis depends on the comparison method used and on its ability to cope with data variations.  相似文献   

The isolation of anaerobic bacteria from routine wound swabs by three procedures was evaluated.Recovery of anaerobic organisms was doubled by immediate incubation of seeded plates, and the recovery could be further dramatically improved by the use of prereduced media, in conjunction with an anaerobic chamber.Recommendations for the treatment of swabs and cultures for anaerobic investigation are made.  相似文献   

Gas-liquid chromatographic analysis of samples of pus provides a rapid and reliable means for the presumptive differentiation of anaerobic from aerobic infections.  相似文献   

By quantitative gas-liquid chromatography of glucose-containing blood cultures at the moment of first signs of growth, a presumptive diagnosis of anaerobic bacteremia could be made in 24 out of 26 cultures yielding obligate anaerobes upon subsequent culture. With Bacteroides sp. (20 strains isolated), elevated levels of isovaleric acid (greater than or equal to 0.1 mumol/ml) and/or succinic acid (greater than or equal to 5 mumol/ml) were detected in the medium used. An exception to this were two strains of Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron that did not produce sufficient quantities of these acids. In the case of butyrate-producing gram-positive cocci (four strains), butyric acid in amounts of greater than or equal to 0.8 mumol/ml was detected. Propionibacteria (five strains) produced propionic acid in amounts of greater than or equal to 3.9 mumol/ml. No false positive results were found in 103 blood cultures with growth of aerobic or facultatively anaerobic bacteria only.  相似文献   

We used discriminant analysis of cellular fatty acid compositions determined by gas-liquid chromatography to differentiate yeastlike fungi (a total of 190 strains; including 37 Candida albicans strains, 21 Candida krusei strains, 13 Candida guilliermondii strains, 37 Candida tropicalis strains, 10 Candida pseudotropicalis strains, 24 Candida parapsilosis strains, 32 Torulopsis glabrata strains, and 16 Cryptococcus neoformans strains). Previous results with a standard strain of C. albicans indicated that reproducible fatty acid chromatograms can be obtained with cells grown in a medium of 2% Sabouraud glucose agar at 35 degrees C for between 48 and 72 h. These conditions were also maintained in cultures of the other organisms that we studied. The cellular fatty acid compositions of the organisms were determined quantitatively by gas-liquid chromatography and analyzed by discriminant analysis. The total correct identification expressed as relative peak percent was 95.8% (89.2% for C. albicans to 100% for C. krusei, C. guilliermondii, C. pseudotropicalis, T. glabrata, and C. neoformans). The total correct identification expressed as the common peak (palmitic acid) ratio was 94.7% (87.5% for C. parapsilosis to 100% for C. pseudotropicalis, T. glabrata, and C. neoformans). Both results suggest that cellular fatty acid compositions can be differentiated by this method.  相似文献   

Gas-liquid chromatographic (GLC) profiles of cellular fatty acids and metabolic products were useful in identifying strains of Peptococcus saccharolyticus, Peptococcus asaccharolyticus, Peptostreptococcus anaerobius, Peptostreptococcus micros, and Streptococcus intermedius. The GLC results supported the recent taxonomic decision to transfer aerotolerant Peptostreptococcus species to the genus Streptococcus. Because inconsistencies in the results prevented our differentiating Peptococcus prevotii. Peptococcus magnus, and Peptococcus variabilis by GLC, additional strains will have to been examined. These GLC techniques are amenable to routine use; however, for interlaboratory results to be meaningful, the classification and nomenclature of the anaerobic gram-positive cocci should be standardized.  相似文献   

A commercially available, computer-assisted microbial identification system (MIS) employs gas-liquid chromatographic analysis of cellular fatty acids for bacterial identification. MIS was compared with conventional identification systems. Of 225 gram-negative anaerobes tested, MIS identified 72.4% of the strains to the species level, 88.9% to the appropriate group, and 93.3% to the correct genus.  相似文献   

The cellular fatty acid composition of 51 cultures of various species of yeasts was determined by gas-liquid chromatography. Analysis was done with a fused-silica gas-liquid chromatography capillary column, with resolution of all components including mono-, di-, and tri-unsaturated 18-carbon acids. The cultures were placed into one of four distinct gas-liquid chromatography groups on the basis of large quantitative differences in fatty acids. Group I contained only Saccharomyces species and group II only Torulopsis glabrata. Most Candida species were placed into group III, and group IV contained only basidiomycetous yeasts.  相似文献   

Disposable reversed-phase chromatography columns were tested for their effectiveness in removing unreacted trichloroethanol (TCE) from derivatized samples for gas-liquid chromatography analysis. Derivatized acidic chloroform extracts of saponified whole cells of Mycobacterium species, spent culture media, and derivatized acidic chloroform extracts of serum and cerebrospinal fluids from patients with tuberculous meningitis were tested. Samples were added to preconditioned reversed-phase chromatography columns, and various solvents and solvent mixtures were tested to determine maximum recovery of the TCE derivatives. With this procedure, we were able to quickly remove the TCE reagent and efficiently recover TCE-derivatized carboxylic acids. Use of these columns improved the reagent cleanup procedure, simplified the derivatization step, permitted increased detection of trace components, such as tuberculostearic acid, in body fluids, and improved the selectivity of the procedure for detection of carboxylic acids.  相似文献   

Chloroform and ether commonly are used as solvents to extract metabolic organic acids for analysis by gas-liquid chromatography in the identification of anaerobic bacteria. Because these solvents are potentially hazardous to personnel, modified extraction procedures involving the use of a safer solvent, methyl tert-butyl ether were developed which remained both simple to perform and effective for organism identification.  相似文献   

The cellular fatty acid composition of Brucella ovis and Brucella abortus strains was determined by gas-liquid chromatography. Both species were characterized by the presence of fatty acids 16:0, 17:0, 17:0 cyclopropane, 18:0, 18:1, and 19:0 cyclopropane; B. ovis also contained some 15:0. There were differences in the relative proportions of the fatty acids present, and it was possible to differentiate B. ovis from B. abortus on the basis of the absence of 15:0, lower concentrations of 17:0 and 18:1, and higher concentrations of 19:0 cyclopropane in B. abortus. The data indicate that analysis of cellular fatty acid composition by gas-liquid chromatography can be used for the identification of B. ovis and its differentiation from B. abortus.  相似文献   

Gas-liquid chromatography (GLC) of bacterial cellular fatty acids was used to analyze 264 isolates of coagulase-negative staphylococci, of which 178 were Staphylococcus epidermidis. The presence and amounts of individual fatty acids were determined to generate fatty acid profiles for each of the seven coagulase-negative species tested. The fatty acid profiles were then analyzed by computerized correlation and cluster analysis to calculate mean correlation values between isolates belonging to the same or different species, as well as to establish cluster analysis dendrograms. These data ultimately allowed the clustering of individual samples into species-specific clusters. Species identification by the GLC clustering was highly consistent with species identification by biochemical assays; the results were similar in 92.4% of the cases. The GLC profile correlation analysis was further used to analyze multiple blood isolates from 60 patients in order to determine the usefulness of this methodology in establishing identity, as well as differences, between consecutive patient isolates. The correlation between those multiple S. epidermidis isolates determined to be identical by standard techniques (such as the antibiogram, biotype, and plasmid profile) was significantly (P less than 0.001) higher than that between random isolates of the same species. The correlation coefficient was greater than 97 for 40 (97.6%) of the 41 patients with multiple identical blood isolates, compared with less than 95 in all 19 (100.0%) patients with multiple nonidentical isolates. The successful use of the computerized GLC analysis in this study demonstrated its appropriate application for species identification and typing of coagulase-negative staphylococci.  相似文献   

A standard mixture of 25 short-chain fatty acids was resolved by high-performance liquid chromatography, using an Aminex HPX-87 column. The acids produced in culture media by anaerobic bacteria were analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography after extraction with ether and reextraction into a small volume of 0.1 N NaOH. The presence of fumaric acid in culture extracts of Peptostreptococcus anaerobius was confirmed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis of the trapped eluent fractions from the high-performance liquid chromatography column.  相似文献   

An improved rapid method for the identification of yeasts and yeast-like fungi from clinical sources which is based on fatty acid profiles obtained by gas-liquid chromatography (GLC) is described. The fatty acid profile database is based upon internal standardisation and using the relative retention times and the retention index of the analysed fatty acids. Differentiation between yeast species was achieved by the quantitative and qualitative comparison of measured fatty acid profiles with those in the database. A total of 1024 clinical isolates were analysed by GLC to test the validity of the database. 96.2% of all tested samples were identified correctly to the species level by the improved GLC method.  相似文献   

We have developed a new rapid method for analysing volatile and non-volatile short-chain fatty acids using high-performance liquid chromatography. Within 50 min, 22 fatty acids in a standard mixture could be detected in a single chromatographic run. The fatty acids released by anaerobic bacteria in the culture media were ether-extracted and analysed with an Aminex HPX-87H column. Using a microprocessor-controlled chromatography unit, a quantitative analysis of the fatty acids produced in bacterial cultures was possible. Resolution, rapidity and sensitivity were improved as compared to previous methods by using an eluent of 5% acetonitrile in 0.01 N H2SO4 and changing the column temperature to 35 degrees C.  相似文献   

Candida dubliniensis is often found in mixed culture with C. albicans, but its recognition is hampered as the color of its colonies in primary culture on CHROMagar Candida varies. Furthermore, definite identification of C. dubliniensis is difficult to achieve, time-consuming, and expensive. Therefore, a method to discriminate between these two closely related yeast species by fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) analysis using gas-liquid chromatography (Sherlock Microbial Identification System [MIS]; MIDI, Inc., Newark, Del.) was developed. Although the chromatograms of these two species revealed no obvious differences when applying FAME analysis, a new library (CADLIB) was successfully created using Sherlock Library Generation Software (MIDI). The amount and frequency of FAME was analyzed using library training files (n = 10 for each species), preferentially those comprising reference strains. For testing the performance of the CADLIB, clinical isolates genetically assigned to the respective species (C. albicans, n = 32; C. dubliniensis, n = 28) were chromatographically analyzed. For each isolate tested, MIS computed a similarity index (SI) indicating a hierarchy of possible strain fits. When using the newly created library CADLIB, the SIs for C. albicans and C. dubliniensis ranged from 0.11 to 0.96 and 0.53 to 0. 93 (for all but one), respectively. Only three isolates of C. albicans (9.4%) were misidentified as C. dubliniensis, whereas all isolates of C. dubliniensis were correctly identified. Resulting differentiation accuracy was 90.6% for C. albicans and 100% for C. dubliniensis. Cluster analysis and principal component analysis of the resulting FAME profiles showed two clearly distinguishable clusters matching up with two assigned species for the strains tested. Thus, the created library proved to be well suited to discriminate between these two species.  相似文献   

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