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Gruber CJ  Huber JC 《Maturitas》2003,46(Z1):S71-S75
Interactions exist between progestins and the gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptor subtype A where C(21)-steroids function as activators. Other interactions between progesterone and neurotransmitter systems include stimulation of dopamine release in striatal tissue, stimulation of GnRH release from hypothalamic neurons and inhibition of opioid receptor binding and activation. Cyproterone acetate increases dopaminergic responses and binds to opiate receptors independently of its classical effect on the androgen receptor. Progesterone substitution in perimenopausal women promotes length and quality of sleep. This effect seems most prominent for progesterone administered vaginally. Progestins also play a role in the pathogenesis of migraine. Migraine symptoms occur predominantly during the perimenstrual stage. Women who suffer from menstrual migraine triggered by premenstrual progesterone loss often benefit from cyclic progesterone administration. This may be because progesterone and allopregnenolone reduce meningeal release of substance P and inhibit the development of neurogenic oedema. Women whose migraine symptoms subside during pregnancy, however, benefit from intramuscular medroxyprogesterone acetate. Progesterone, generated from pregnenolone by Schwann cells, also enhances myelin synthesis. Myelination of axons is promoted when progesterone is added to cultures of rat dorsal root ganglia. No reliable data exist with respect to the effects of other progestins on demyelinating disease. Progestins promote the growth of meningioma as progesterone receptors predominate in meningioma tissue. Progesterone and synthetic progestins should therefore not be prescribed in these patients.  相似文献   

Schindler AE 《Maturitas》2003,46(Z1):S31-S37
Recently large, prospective, randomized studies on hormone replacement therapy (HRT) have indicated that the progestin use might interfere with hemostasis and thus increase venous thrombotic events. Therefore, available publications were evaluated to determine whether progestins interfere with hemostasis, either when given alone via oral or parenteral routes or in combination with ethinylestradiol as synthetic estrogen or natural estrogens. There are indications that such interference is dependent upon the type and dose of the progestin, the route of application, the length of treatment and the type and dose of the estrogen with which it is combined. For natural progesterone, no negative effects on the hemostatic system were seen with either oral or parenteral application, in cyclic or continuous regimens, for the doses investigated. Similarly, no unwanted effects were seen with progestin only pills (POP), independent of the type and dose of progestin, or parenteral progestins. With the high-dose progestins used in gynaecological oncology, the increased activation of the hemostatic system resulting from the disease itself has to be taken into account when looking at any increased incidence of thromboembolic events in these patients. For estrogen/progestin combinations, the risk of venous thromboembolism is attributed to the estrogen used. Recent studies showed an increased rate of thromboembolic events in association with desogestrel-and gestodene-containing oral contraceptives, compared with those containing levonorgestrel. With HRT, a decrease in antithrombin factors could explain the increased rate of venous thrombotic events. In conclusion, progestins seems to have different effects on the hemostatic system due to their different pattern of biological activities. This was also shown in the arterial vascular system, where some progestins may reduce the endothelium-dependent vasodilating action of estrogens and stimulate intima proliferation and upregulate thrombin receptor expression while other progestins did not.  相似文献   

Pasqualini JR 《Maturitas》2003,46(Z1):S45-S54
There is substantial evidence that mammary cancer tissue contains all the enzymes responsible for the local biosynthesis of estradiol (E2) from circulating precursors. Two principal pathways are implicated in the final steps of E2 formation in breast cancer tissue: the 'aromatase pathway' that transforms androgens into estrogens and the 'sulfatase pathway' that converts estrone sulfate (E1S) into estrone (E1) via estrone sulfatase. The final step is the conversion of weak E1 to potent biologically active E2 via reductive 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 activity. It is also well established that steroid sulfotransferases, which convert estrogens into their sulfates, are present in breast cancer tissues. One of the possible means of blocking E2 effects in breast cancer is to use anti-estrogens, which act by binding to the estrogen receptor (ER). Another option is to block E2 using anti-enzymes (anti-sulfatase, anti-aromatase, or anti-17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (17beta-HSD). Various progestins (e.g. promegestone, nomegestrol acetate, medrogestone, 17-deacetyl norgestimate, dydrogesterone and its 20-dihydro derivative), as well as tibolone and its metabolites, have been shown to inhibit estrone sulfatase and 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase. Some progestins and tibolone can also stimulate sulfotransferase activity. These various progestins may therefore provide a new option for the treatment of breast cancer.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to present reported findings of the effects of ovarian steroids on vascular tone. The medical literature was reviewed for relevant contributions. Oestrogen replacement therapy in postmenopausal women is associated with a reduction in mortality from coronary artery disease. Many different cellular actions have been described which help explain the cardioprotective effects of oestrogens, and among these are effects on vascular tone. Oestrogens induce vasodilation through mechanisms involving the arterial endothelium and through endothelial-independent actions. Progestins have varying effects on arterial tone, including induction of vascular smooth muscle relaxation as well as induction of smooth muscle constriction. The effects of oestrogens and progestins on vascular tone are clinically meaningful. Pathophysiological arterial conditions, including angina pectoris and migraine headaches, have been associated with oestradiol deficiency and improvement has been associated with oestradiol replacement. Women with coronary artery disease show improved arterial vasodilator responses after oestradiol treatment which can be reduced by the addition of progestin treatment. Androgens are also vasoactive. Study of the effects of ovarian hormones on vascular tone has become an important area for basic and clinical research.  相似文献   

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) was initially given to protect women against osteoporosis and alleviate menopausal symptoms, such as hot flashes, depression, sleep disturbances, and vaginal dryness. In view of the understanding of oestrogen deficiency as a major trigger for the acceleration of cardiovascular risk after menopause, HRT may also be proposed as a substantial beneficial cardioprotective agent. Progestins, which may be added to oestrogen in combined HRT to reduce the risk of uterine malignancy, have a number of potential adverse effects on the cardiovascular system which could even attenuate the benefit of unopposed oestrogen replacement therapy in post-menopausal women.  相似文献   

This paper reports changes in maternal behavior of rats following progestin treatment of the neonates. There have been recent reports that hormonal treatment of pups can alter maternal behavior, particularly licking of pups, and that such effects might have implications for the later development of those pups. Accordingly, the major objective of the experiments described was to test the hypothesis that the effects of neonatal progestins on later behavioral development that we have previously described (Birke & Sadler, 1983; 1984) might in part be mediated by changes in maternal behavior. This was done by investigating the behavior of dams, including pup-directed behavior, following the hormone treatments that we have used previously. In the first experiment, medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA), given via maternal milk, was found to increase rates of pup licking by dams. In the second experiment, anogenital licking was increased to litters containing pups that had received either MPA or progesterone by direct injection. No significant changes in licking following pup treatment with the antiserum to progesterone were observed, however. The results are discussed in relation to our previous work on progestin effects on later behavior, and in relation to the suggestion that hormonal effects on sexually dimorphic behaviors might, at least partly, be mediated through interactions with the mother during the neonatal period.  相似文献   

Objective: To evaluate the central effect exerted by different progestins used for hormone replacement therapy. Methods: Randomised, placebo-controlled study. One hundred-twenty postmenopausal women on continuous hormonal replacement therapy with transdermal estradiol (50 μg per day) associated, for 10 days every 28 days, with four different progestins: dydrogesterone (DYD; 10 mg per day; n=20), medroxyprogesterone acetete (MPA; 10 mg per day; n=20), nomegestrol acetate (NMG; 5 mg per day; n=20) or norethisterone acetate (NETA; 10 mg per day; n=20). Other 40 women, 10 for each treatment group, were used as controls and were monitored for a single cycle of 28 days during the administration of transdermal estradiol plus placebo. Morning basal body temperature (BBT) was monitored for 28 days. Anxiety, by the state-trait anxiety inventory, and depression, by the self-evaluation depression scale of Zung, were evaluated just prior to and in the last 2 days of the 10-day progestins adjunct. Results: All progestins except DYD increased (P<0.0001) BBT by 0.3–0.5 °C. Anxiety was decreased by DYD (−2.3+1.1; P<0.01) and MPA (−1.5+0.5; P<0.01), but not by NMG or NETA. Depression did not significantly increase during progestins and actually decreased during MPA (−3.0+0.7; P<0.01). Only the effect of DYD on anxiety and that of MPA on depression were significant versus the control group (P<0.05). Conclusions: Different progestins exert different central effects. DYD has the peculiarity of not increasing BBT and of decreasing anxiety, which is also decreased by MPA. Depression is not negatively affected by the tested progestins and it may be ameliorated by MPA. The present data may help to individualise the progestin choice of hormone replacement therapy.  相似文献   

Pharmacological profile of progestins   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Sitruk-Ware R 《Maturitas》2004,47(4):277-283
The synthetic progestins used so far for contraception and menopausal hormone therapy are derived either from testosterone (19-nortestosterone derivatives) or from progesterone (17-OH progesterone derivatives and 19-norprogesterone derivatives). Among the 19-nortestosterone derivatives, the estrane group include norethisterone (NET) and its metabolites, and the gonane group include levonorgestrel (LNG) and its derivatives. The later, including desogestrel (DSG) and its derivative etonogestrel, gestodene (GES) and norgestimate (norelgestromin), have been referred to as third-generation progestins. Several new progestins have been synthesized in the last decade and may be considered as a fourth-generation of progestins. Dienogest is referred to as a hybrid progestin being derived from the estrane group with a 17-cyanomethyl group, and drospirenone derives from spirolactone. These two progestins have no androgenic effect but a partial antiandrogenic effect. The later exerts anti-mineralocorticoid effects. This property leads to a decreased salt and water retention and a lowering in blood pressure in users of pills containing this progestin. The 19-norprogesterone derivatives appear more specifically progestational and do not possess any androgenic, estrogenic or glucocorticoid activity. They are referred to as “pure” progestational molecules as they bind almost exclusively to the progesterone receptor (PR) and do not interfere with the other steroid receptor. This category includes, trimegestone, nomegestrol acetate and Nestorone® is not active orally but proved to be a potent anti-ovulatory agent when given in implants, vaginal rings or percutaneous gel. Non-androgenic progestins would appear neutral on metabolic factors and on the vessels and would have the advantage of avoiding acnea. Progestins with antiandrogenic properties may also be used for the treatment of women with preexisting androgen related conditions. The progestins available for therapy exhibit profound differences according to their structure or metabolites and it is inappropriate to consider the various effects of the old and new molecules as class-effects.  相似文献   

Continuous ultrasound is routinely used in the treatment of Meniere's Disease. In order to ascertain the relative importance of the thermal and mechanical actions of ultrasound, temporal bone temperature distributions have been measured under continuous ultrasound, pulsed ultrasound and heat irradiation. Pulsed ultrasound is shown to be a convenient method for differentiating between purely mechanical effects and combined mechanical and thermal effects.  相似文献   

Besides the natural progestin, progesterone, there are different classes of progestins, such as retroprogesterone (i.e. dydrogesterone), progesterone derivatives (i.e. medrogestone) 17alpha-hydroxyprogesterone derivatives (i.e. chlormadinone acetate, cyproterone acetate, medroxyprogesterone acetate, megestrol acetate), 19-norprogesterone derivatives (i.e. nomegestrol, promegestone, trimegestone, nesterone), 19-nortestosterone derivatives norethisterone (NET), lynestrenol, levonorgestrel, desogestrel, gestodene, norgestimate, dienogest) and spironolactone derivatives (i.e. drospirenone). Some of the synthetic progestins are prodrugs, which need to be metabolized to become active compounds. Besides the progestogenic effect, which is in common for all progestins, there is a wide range of biological effects, which are different for the various progestins and have to be taken into account, when medical treatment is considered.  相似文献   

The effect of progestin-only therapy on the haemostatic system has mainly been studied in premenopausal women. Although these studies are difficult to compare, most authors agree that there is no consistent pattern of effects on haemostasis. Oestrogen-progestin combinations have been extensively studied in pre- (combined oral contraceptives) and postmenopausal women (sequential and continuous combined hormone replacement therapy), but mostly with emphasis on the effects of oestrogens. Comparative studies into the differential effects of progestins in combined preparations are scarce. Based on these studies, there is evidence for modifying effects of progestins on oestrogen-induced changes, particularly on fibrinogen, factor VII and the fibrinolytic system. The modifying effects appear to vary among certain progestins, the variation being most likely due to differential effects on lipid metabolism. The clinical interpretation of steroid-induced effects on the haemostatic system is difficult. Retrospective analyses linking certain patterns of haemostatic regulation to the risk of venous or arterial vascular diseases are subject to bias, and no interventional studies are yet available. In the absence of such prospective studies and well-designed comparative studies, the available data do not support the notion of a superiority of certain progestins with regard to cardiovascular risks of combined preparations.  相似文献   

Rheumatic diseases: the effects of inflammation on bone   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Summary: Rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile idiopathic arthritis, the seronegative spondyloarthropathies including psoriatic arthritis, and systemic lupus erythematosus are all examples of rheumatic diseases in which inflammation is associated with skeletal pathology. Although some of the mechanisms of skeletal remodeling are shared among these diseases, each disease has a unique impact on articular bone or on the axial or appendicular skeleton. Studies in human disease and in animal models of arthritis have identified the osteoclast as the predominant cell type mediating bone loss in arthritis. Many of the cytokines and growth factors implicated in the inflammatory processes in rheumatic diseases have also been demonstrated to impact osteoclast differentiation and function either directly, by acting on cells of the osteoclast‐lineage, or indirectly, by acting on other cell types to modulate expression of the key osteoclastogenic factor receptor activator of nuclear factor (NF) κB ligand (RANKL) and/or its inhibitor osteoprotegerin (OPG). Further elucidation of the mechanisms responsible for inflammation‐induced bone loss will potentially lead to the identification of novel therapeutic strategies for the prevention of bone loss in these diseases. In this review, we provide an overview of the cell types, inflammatory mediators, and mechanisms that are implicated in bone loss and new bone formation in inflammatory joint diseases.  相似文献   

The present study evaluated the facilitative actions of progesterone and the synthetic progestin R 5020 on estrous responsiveness in ovariectomized, estrogen-primed female rats. The dose-response and time-response characteristics of the behavior facilitating actions of both progesterone and R 5020 were measured. The threshold doses for the facilitation of estrous behavior in estrogen-primed female rats were 1 microgram of R 5020 and 100 micrograms of progesterone. These doses of progestins facilitated estrous responsiveness with a similar time course that approached maximum at one hour. To examine the possible mechanism(s) of action of each progestin the synthetic progestin antagonist RU 38486 was used. The inhibitory effects of RU 38486 on estrous behavior facilitated by a threshold dose of progesterone or R 5020 were found to be almost identical. RU 38486 (5 mg) administered 1 hr prior to progesterone or R 5020 suppressed lordosis behavior by 44% and 47% respectively. These results suggest that progesterone and R 5020 facilitate estrous responsiveness through the same mechanism.  相似文献   

The osteoinductivity of demineralized bone matrix (DBM) becomes significantly reduced if the specimens are further delipidated with chloroform-methanol. The addition of phosphatidylcholine (PC), a major constituent of the lipid fraction present in the calcification front during normal bone formation, can restore the biological activity. Active endochondral bone formation is observed in the DBM/PC implants placed in the anterior abdominal wall musculature or subcutaneously for 28 days. When PC is added to generate a putty containing 60% PC and 40% DBM, biochemical parameters associated with osteoinductivity are significantly enhanced. Biological responses evaluated histologically and by determination of alkaline phosphatase activity are in very good agreement. The DBM/PC putty has good handling properties, can be molded into different shapes, and does not wash away from the application site. An advantage of adding PC is that it not only enhances the handling properties, but also boosts the osteoinductivity of the preparation.  相似文献   

Rising resistance curve (R-curve) behavior in bone during quasi-static experiments has demonstrated the importance of microstructural toughening mechanisms in resisting fracture. However, despite clinical bone fracture primarily occurring under dynamic loading and the significant changes in material behavior observed with increasing strain rates, there have been no previous investigations into whether crack growth resistance is maintained during dynamic fracture. Using a novel modified split-Hopkinson pressure bar coupled with a high-speed camera to measure crack propagation, we present the first evidence of rising R-curve behavior in bone under dynamic loading (~2 × 10(5)MPam(1/2)s(-1)). Results indicate that rising R-curve behavior is maintained, although with lower crack initiation toughness and propagation resistance than observed in quasi-static experiments. Observations of crack initiation and propagation in double-notched specimens using confocal fluorescence microscopy and electron microscopy suggest that this is due to subtle differences in toughening mechanisms between quasi-static and dynamic fracture.  相似文献   

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