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It is known that the vagus nerve contains catecholaminergic fibers. However, the origin of these fibers has not been systematically examined. In this study, we addressed this issue using retrograde tracing from the subdiaphragmatic vagus nerve combined with immunocytochemistry. The cervical and thoracic sympathetic trunk ganglia, the nodose ganglia and the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve were examined following injection of Fluoro-Gold or cholera toxin horseradish peroxidase conjugate into the trunks of the subdiaphragmatic vagus nerve of rats. Numerous retrogradely labeled neurons were seen in the nodose ganglion and the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve. Very few labeled neurons were found in the sympathetic ganglia (less than 0.06% of the neurons in either superior cervical ganglion or cervicothoracic ganglion were retrogradely labeled). Double labeling with immunofluoresence for catecholamine synthesizing enzymes revealed that: (1) 92% of all Fluoro-Gold retrogradely labeled tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactive neurons were found in parasympathetic sources (75% in the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve and 17% in the nodose ganglia), and only 8% in the cervicothoracic sympathetic ganglia; (2) 12% of the retrogradely labeled catecholaminergic neurons in the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve were also dopamine-beta-hydroxylase immunopositive neurons; (3) 70% of the retrogradely labeled neurons in the sympathetic ganglia were tyrosine hydroxylase immunopositive and 54% of these catecholaminergic neurons contained dopamine-beta-hydroxylase, while 30% of the retrogradely labeled neurons were non-catecholaminergic neurons. These results indicate that catecholaminergic fibers in the abdominal vagus nerve are primarily dopaminergic and of parasympathetic origin, and that only an extremely small number of these fibers, mostly noradrenergic in nature, arise from postganglionic sympathetic neurons.  相似文献   

The ganglionic distribution of the perikarya of afferent axons in cardiopulmonary nerves or the heart was studied in 64 dogs by injecting horseradish peroxidase into physiologically identified cardiopulmonary nerves or different regions of the heart. In 6 additional dogs, horseradish peroxidase was injected into the aortic arch, pericardial sac, left ventricular cavity or the skin. After injections into cardiopulmonary nerves, retrogradely labeled perikarya were found in the ipsilateral nodose ganglion and the ipsilateral C7-T7 dorsal root ganglia. After injections into different regions of the heart, retrogradely labeled neurons were found in the nodose ganglia bilaterally and in the C6-T6 dorsal root ganglia bilaterally. Many more retrogradely labeled neurons were found in the nodose ganglia in comparison to the dorsal root ganglia. The largest numbers of retrogradely labeled perikarya in the dorsal root ganglia occurred in the T 2-4 ganglia following nerve or heart injections. Following injections into specific regions of the heart or individual physiologically identified cardiopulmonary nerves, regional distributions of labeled neurons could not be identified within or among ganglia with respect to the structures injected. Perikarya in dorsal root ganglia which were labeled after heart injections ranged in area from 436-3280 microns 2 (X = 1279 +/- 51 S.E.M.) while after skin injections labeled perikarya ranged in area from 224-5701 microns 2 (X = 1631 +/- 104 S.E.M.). The results show that the afferent innervation of the canine heart is provided by neurons located throughout the nodose ganglia and to a lesser degree in the C6-T6 dorsal root ganglia bilaterally. The bilateral distribution of cardiac afferent neurons raises questions regarding mechanisms underlying unilateral symptoms frequently associated with heart disease.  相似文献   

Rat adrenal chromaffin cells were invested by a dense network of nerve fibers immunoreactive to pituitary adenylate cyclase activating polypeptide-38 (PACAP-IR). Immunohistochemical studies demonstrated the presence of PACAP-IR in nodose and dorsal root ganglion cells, but not in neurons of the intermediolateral cell column and other autonomic nuclei of the thoracic and upper lumbar spinal cord. Somata of the T7 to T12 paravertebral ganglia were PACAP-negative. A few lightly labeled neurons were occasionally noted in the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus. Injection of the retrograde tracer Fluorogold into the left adrenal medulla 3 days prior to sacrifice resulted in the labeling of a population of neurons in the ipsilateral spinal cord intermediolateral cell column (T1 to L1), ipsilateral and contralateral nodose ganglia and ipsilateral dorsal root ganglia from T7 to T10 inclusive. A small number of lightly labeled somata was occasionally noted in the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus. Combined retrograde tracing and PACAP immunohistochemistry showed that a population of Fluorogold-containing nodose and dorsal root ganglion cells were also PACAP-positive. Pre-treatment of the rats with capsaicin caused a marked reduction of the PACAP-IR in the adrenal gland as well as in the superficial layers of the dorsal horn and caudal spinal trigeminal nucleus. These findings, in conjunction with the apparent absence of PACAP-IR in spinal sympathetic preganglionic neurons, sympathetic postganglionic neurons, and dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus, raise the possibility that PACAP-IR fibers observed in the adrenal medulla are primarily sensory in origin. As a corollary, catecholamine secretion from chromaffin cells may be modulated by the peptidergic sensory afferents in addition to the cholinergic sympathetic preganglionic nerve fibers.  相似文献   

The origin of the canine ovarian sensory and sympathetic nerves was studied by applying horseradish peroxidase (HRP) or wheat germ agglutinin conjugated to HRP (WGA-HRP) to the ovarian stroma and into the ovarian bursa. HRP/WGA-HRP positive neurons were found bilaterally in the dorsal root ganglia of T10 to L4 segment with the majority located in T13 to L2. In sympathetic paravertebral ganglia, labeled neurons were distributed bilaterally in ganglia from T11 to L4 with the majorities located in segments T13 to L2. Both distributions show ipsilateral predominance. Labeled prevertebral neurons were mainly located in the aorticorenal ganglion, ovarian ganglia and caudal mesenteric ganglion. No labeled neurons were found in the dorsal motor nucleus of vagus, nodose ganglia or sacral segment from S1 to S3. This study provides the possible morphological basis of electro-acupuncture concerning the somato-visceral reflex of the ovary.  相似文献   

Horseradish peroxidase (HRP, Sigma Type VI) crystals were encased in a parafilm envelope and applied to the transected central ends of the left and right cervical vagus nerves and the anterior and posterior esophageal vagus nerves of adult male hooded rats. Injections of 30% HRP were made into the muscle wall of the fundus and antrum regions of the stomach. After 48 hr survival time, animals were perfused intracardially with a phosphate buffer plus sucrose wash followed by glutaraldehyde and paraformaldehyde fixative. The brain stem, spinal cord and corresponding dorsal root ganglia, superior cervical sympathetic ganglion, and the nodose ganglion were removed and cut into 50 micron sections. All tissue was processed with tetramethylbenzidine (TMB) for the blue reaction according to Mesulum and counterstained with neutral red. Sequential sections were examined under a microscope. Labeled neurons and nerve terminals were identified using bright and dark field condensers and polarized light. In tissue from animals that had HRP applied to the cervical vagus nerves, retrogradely labeled neurons were identified ipsilaterally in the medulla located in the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus (DMN) and the nucleus ambiguus (NA). Labeled cells extended from the DMN into the spinal cord in ventral-medial and laminae X regions C1 and C2 of cervical segments. Many neurons were labeled in the nodose ganglion. Anterogradely labeled terminals were observed throughout and adjacent to the solitary nucleus (NTS) dorsal to the DMN and intermixed among labeled neurons located in the DMN. In tissue from animals that had HRP applied to the esophageal vagus nerves, similar labeling was observed. However, fewer neurons were identified in the NA, the nodose ganglion, and only in laminae X of the cervical spinal cord segments C1 and C2. Also, very little terminal labeling was observed in and adjacent to the NTS. Labeled neurons in tissue from animals that had HRP injected into the stomach wall were observed bilaterally in the DMN, nodose ganglion, and only in laminae X at the C1 and C2 levels of the spinal cord. Labeled neurons also were observed in the dorsal root ganglia of the thoracic cord. These data indicate that cervical cord and NA neurons are important in the supradiaphragmatic motor innervation by the vagus. Also, many afferents to the NTS originate above the diaphragm. In addition, some afferents from the stomach enter the central nervous system via the thoracic spinal cord.  相似文献   

The motor and sensory connections of the cervical vagus nerve and of its inferior ganglion (nodose ganglion) have been traced in the medulla oblongata of 32 adult cats with the neuroanatomical methods of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) histochemistry and amino acid autoradiography (ARG). In 14 of these subjects, an aqueous solution of HRP was applied unilaterally to the central end of the severed cervical vagus nerve. In 13 other cases, HRP was injected directly into the nodose ganglion. Three of these 13 subjects had undergone infranodose vagotomy 6 weeks prior to the HRP injection. A mixture of tritiated amino acid was injected into the nodose ganglion in five additional cats. The retrograde transport of HRP yielded reaction product in nerve fibers and perikarya of parasympathetic and somatic motoneurons in the medulla oblongata. Furthermore, a tetramethyl benzidine (TMB) method for visualizing HRP enabled the demonstration of anterograde and transganglionic transport, so that central sensory connections of the nodose ganglion and of the vagus nerve could also be traced. The central distribution of silver grain following injections of tritiated amino acids in the nodose ganglion corresponded closely with the distribution of sensory projections demonstrated with HRP, thus confirming the validity of HRP histochemistry as a method for tracing these projections. The histochemical and autoradiographic experiments showed that the vagus nerve enters the medulla from its lateral aspect in multiple fascicles and that it contains three major components—axons of preganglionic parasympathetic neurones, axons of skeletal motoneurons, and central processes of the sensory neurons in the nodose ganglion. Retrogradely labeled neurons were seen in the dorsal motor nucleus of X(dmnX), the nucleus ambiguus (nA), the nucleus retroambigualis (nRA), the nucleus dorsomedialis (ndm) and the spinal nucleus of the accessory nerve (nspA). The axons arising from motoneurons in the nA did not traverse the medulla directly laterally; rather, all of these axons were initially directed dorsomedially toward the dmnX, where they formed a hairpin loop and then accompanied the axons of dmnX neurons to their points of exit. Afferent fibers in the vagus nerve reached most of the subnuclei of the nTS bilaterally, with the more intense labeling being found on the ipsilateral side. Labeling of sensory vagal projections was also found in the area postrema of both sides and around neurons of the dmnX. These direct sensory projections terminating within the dmnX may provide an anatomical substrate for vagally mediated monosynpatic reflexes. Following deefferentiation by infranodose vagotomy 6 weeks prior to HRP injections into the nodose ganglion, a number of neurons in the dmnX were still intensely labeled with the HRP reaction product. The axons of these HRP-labeled perikarya may constitute the bulbar component of the accessory nerve.  相似文献   

Motor fibers of the accessory celiac and celiac vagal branches are derived from the lateral columns of the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve. These branches also contain sensory fibers that terminate within the nucleus of the tractus solitarii. This study traces the innervation of the intestines by using the tracer cholera toxin-horseradish peroxidase. In 53 rats, the tracer was injected into either the stomach, duodenum, jejunum, terminal ileum, cecum, or ascending colon. With all cecal injections, prominent retrograde labeling of cell bodies occurred bilaterally in the lateral columns of the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve above, at, and below the level of the area postrema. Dendrites of laterally positioned neurons projected medially and rostrocaudally within the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve and dorsomedially into both the medial subnucleus and parts of the commissural subnucleus of the nucleus of the tractus solitarii. Sensory terminal labeling occurred in the dorsolateral commissural subnucleus at the level of the rostral area postrema and the medial commissural subnucleus caudal to the area postrema. Additionally, there was sensory terminal labeling within a small confined area of the dorsomedial zone of the nucleus of the tractus solitarii immediately adjacent to the fourth ventricle at a level just anterior to the area postrema. Stomach injections labeled motoneurons of the medial column of the entire rostrocaudal extent of the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve and a sensory terminal field primarily in the subnucleus gelatinosus, with less intense labeling extending caudally into the medial and ventral commissural subnuclei. Dendrites of gastric motoneurons project rostrocaudally and mediolaterally within the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve and dorsolaterally within the nucleus of the tractus solitarii. They are most pronounced at the level of the rostral area postrema where many dendrites course dorsolaterally terminating primarily within the subnucleus gelatinosus. Injections of the duodenum labeled a small number of the cells within the medial aspects of the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve. Jejunal, ileal, and ascending colon injections labeled cells sparsely within the lateral aspects of the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve bilaterally. No afferent terminal labeling was evident after injection of these areas of the bowel.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The target specificity of the extrinsic innervation of the rat small intestine was examined by simultaneously injecting the proximal and distal small intestine with either wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase (HRP) or fast blue. The number of single- and double-labeled cells in the nodose, dorsal root and coeliac-superior mesenteric ganglia and the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus were counted and expressed as percentages of total labeled cells. Cells containing both HRP and Fast blue projected to both regions of the intestine. We found that the nodose and mesenteric ganglia contained significantly fewer double-labeled neurons (approximately 3 and 9% respectively) than the dorsal motor nucleus (19%) or dorsal root ganglion (20%). Presumably, a large number of double-labeled afferent or efferent neurons would limit the ability of a given component of the extrinsic innervation to control the activity of restricted regions of the small intestine (but might be important in overall regulation of intestinal function). In a separate series of experiments we examined the topography of neurons in the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus labeled with HRP injection into either the proximal or distal small intestine. Both of these injections labeled neurons in the entire rostro-caudal extent of the nucleus, though approximately 75% of the cells were located between 720 microns caudal and 720 microns rostral to the obex. Cells in the rostral regions were found primarily in the lateral pole of the nucleus, whereas caudal regions contained labeled cells in both the medial and lateral poles.  相似文献   

The location of the extrinsic efferent and afferent nerve cell bodies to the mucosa, submucosa, and tunica muscularis of the cardiac, gastric, and pyloric gland regions of the ventral stomach and to the mucosa-submucosa alone of these 3 glandular gastric regions was determined using the horseradish peroxidase technique. All animals of the study demonstrated labeling bilaterally in the rostrocaudal extent of the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve (DMV) although mucosa-submucosa injections resulted in fewer labeled cells in the DMV. There was no evidence of viscerotopic organization within the DMV for the different gastric regions. However, the left nucleus generally contained a greater number of labeled cells than the right nucleus. Injection of the mucosa, submucosa, and tunica muscularis of the cardiac gland region also resulted in labeling in the nucleus ambiguus in 4 of 5 animals. The vast majority of labeled postganglionic sympathetic neurons were found in the celiacomesenteric ganglion. Labeled cells were also located variously in the stellate ganglion, middle cervical ganglion, and sympathetic trunk ganglia for the different groups. There was no discernible pattern of localization of labeled cells within a sympathetic ganglion. For the stomach, afferent labeled cells were located in the range of the first thoracic to fourth lumbar spinal ganglia and the nodose ganglia, bilaterally. As with sympathetic neurons, there was no discernible pattern of localization of labeled cells within a sensory ganglion.  相似文献   

Acute peripheral axotomy of the visceral sensory neurons of the vagus and glossopharyngeal nerves removes peripheral depolarizing and trophic influences to their sensory ganglia. To study axotomy-induced changes in the putative neurotransmitters of visceral sensory neurons, rats were sacrificed 1, 3, 7 or 14 days after transection of either the cervical vagus and superior laryngeal nerves (to affect peripheral axotomy of the nodose ganglion) or the glossopharyngeal and carotid sinus nerves (to affect peripheral axotomy of the petrosal ganglion). The numbers of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)-immunoreactive (ir), vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP)-ir, calcitonin-gene-related peptide (CGRP)-ir, and substance P (SP)-ir neurons in the respective ganglia were analyzed in axotomized and control ganglia. In the nodose ganglion, axotomy of the cervical vagus resulted in a rapid (by 1 day) reduction in the number of TH-ir cells, whereas VIP-ir neurons were dramatically increased in number by 3 days. CGRP- and SP-ir cells in the nodose ganglion were relatively unaffected by axotomy. In the petrosal ganglion, axotomy of the glossopharyngeal and carotid sinus nerves greatly reduced the number of TH-ir cells but did not alter the number VIP-ir neurons. CGRP- and SP-ir neurons in the petrosal ganglion were reduced in number by axotomy. Thus, axotomy of visceral sensory neurons differentially changed the content and perhaps the expression of putative transmitters. Differential changes were seen among transmitters in a single ganglia and between ganglia. These data demonstrate the plasticity of putative neurotransmitter systems in visceral afferent systems of adult rats.  相似文献   

The medullary distribution of afferent fibers and cells of origin of the cervical vagal trunk and of the vagal innervation of the stomach have been studied using the anterograde and retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (HRP). Injections of HRP were made into the cervical vagus nerve, the stomach wall, the proximal small intestine, or the peritoneal cavity. Two to four days following the injections, the rats were perfused and the medullae oblongatae and nodose ganglia were processed using the tetramethyl benzidine method. Cervical vagus nerve injections of HRP resulted in heavy anterograde labeling in the ipsilateral nucleus of the tractus solitarius (NTS) and the commissural nucleus. Lighter labeling was seen in these regions on the contralateral side, but did not extend as far rostrally in the NTS. Labeling was also seen in the area postrema. Retrogade labeling of somata was present in the ipsilateral side in the nodose ganglion, throughout the whole extent of the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus, much of the nucleus ambiguus and in rostral levels of the cervical spinal cord. After stomach injections, labeling indicative of afferent fibers was observed bilaterally in the dorsomedial and medial portions of the NTS and in the commissural nucleus. Labeled efferent fibres arose from neurons in the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus, nucleus ambiguus and the cervical spinal cord. Retrogradely labeled somata were found bilaterally, throughout the rostrocaudal length of the dorsal motor nucleus in all cases with stomach injections. In some, but not all cases, labeled somata were seen bilaterally in compact areas within the nucleus ambiguus, particularly rostrally. Control injections of HRP into the intestinal wall and peritoneal cavity indicated that the stomach was the primary source of afferent and efferent labeling in the medulla following subdiaphragmatic injections.  相似文献   

An exogeneous marker protein, horseradish peroxidase (HRP) was used to race peripheral autonomic pathways in adult guinea pigs and cats. Small doses of HRP were injected into various organs and after a brief survival period, HRP activity appeared in the perikarya of autonomic neurons that supplied each injection site. After injection of HRP into the anterior chamber of the eye, reaction product was detected in the postganglionic sympathetic neurons of the superior cervical sympathetic ganglion. In another experiment, HRP reaction product was found in the cell bodies of the preganglionic sympathetic neurons that supply the adrenal medulla. These were located in the lateral gray column of the spinal cord at T6 and T7 segmental levels. Reaction product appeared in intramural postganglionic parasympathetic neurons close to an injection site in the wall of the urinary bladder and in a similiar situation in Meissner's ganglia of the ileum. Following injection into the walls of the stomach and ileum, HRP labelled cells were detected in the nodose ganglion of the vagus and in preganglionic parasympathetic neurons in the dorsal motor nucleus of this nerve. After injection into the subepicardial tissue of the heart, reaction product appeared in the stellate ganglion and also in an upper thoracic dorsal root ganglion. These data suggest that HRP is taken up by peripheral autonomic nerves of all types, and then undergoes rapid retrograde axonal transport to the perikaryon. It appears, therefore, that HRP may be useful in tracing both motor and sensory peripheral autonomic pathways.  相似文献   

The presence of cholinergic fibers in the afferent vagal system of various species was shown using biochemical and immunohistochemical methods. Biochemical activity of choline acetyl transferase, the synthesizing enzyme for acetylcholine, was detected in the nodose ganglion of cat, rabbit, dog and sheep. Immunohistochemistry, using a monoclonal antibody raised against choline acetyl transferase, revealed labelled cell bodies in the nodose ganglion of the rabbit. Acetylcholine endogenous content, measured in nodose ganglia devoid of efferent fibers, was twice as high in the right ganglion as compared to the left. Enzyme transport and choline acetyl transferase activity analysis were each determined on separate peripheral vagus nerves. These results are discussed in terms of functional properties of the vagal afferent neurons, including the modulation of vagal afferent messages at the level of the nodose ganglion and the eventual control of peripheral intrinsic neurons by sensory vagal terminals.  相似文献   

The distribution within the brainstem of cell bodies and efferent fibers projecting in the cervical vagus was studied with retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase (HRP). Five to eight days after multiple microinjections of HRP into either the cervical vagosympathetic trunk or the nodose ganglion the brainstems and nodose ganglia were perfused and processed by the tetramethyl benzidine method. HRP-positive neurons were found in three brainstem regions: a dorsal cell column comprising the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus (dmnX), a ventrolateral group in the region of nucleus ambiguus (nA), and scattered cells along a line between these columns. The density of labeled neurons was greatest within dmnX. Axons from cells of the ventrolateral column projected dorsomedially; just ventral to dmnX they turned laterally to exit the medulla in multiple rootlets. Within nA labelled neurons were distributed according to size, with larger cells more medial and smaller ones more lateral. Caudal to nA in nucleus retroambigualis and nucleus dorsalis medialis cell bodies appeared segregated into clusters.  相似文献   

Specific neurotensin (NT) binding sites were recently shown to be highly concentrated in the nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS), which receives primary vagal afferents, and in the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus (DMN), which contains the cell bodies of origin of vagal preganglionic neurons. To investigate the relationship of these binding sites with sensory and visceromotor components of the vagus nerve, they were labeled here in vitro, using monoiodo[Tyr3]neurotensin (125I-NT) and visualized by light microscopic radioautography in the dorsomedial medulla of both intact and unilaterally vagotomized rats, in the nodose ganglia of intact animals, and in ligated vagus nerves. Unilateral vagotomy performed above the nodose ganglion resulted in a significant ipsilateral decrease in 125I-NT binding within both the NTS and the DMN, suggesting that NT binding sites were associated with both primary afferent fibers and preganglionic nerve cell bodies. The selective radioautographic labeling of a subpopulation (approximately 15%) of neuronal perikarya in the nodose ganglion confirmed that a proportion of vagal afferent neurons contained NT binding sites. Following vagus nerve ligation, a pile up of radiolabeled NT binding sites was observed on both sides of the nerve crush, indicating that NT receptor components were transported both anterogradely and retrogradely along fibers of the vagus nerve. We conclude that NT receptors are synthesized and transported within a subpopulation of afferent and efferent components of the vagus nerve and that NT may therefore act presynaptically upon vagal axon terminals in both central and peripheral nervous systems.  相似文献   

Horseradish peroxidase was injected at multiple sites in the mandibular and sublingual salivary glands in order to label the preganglionic salivatory neurons in the brain stem. The same injections resulted in retrograde labeling of the sympathetic and sensory neurons that project to these glands.Labeled fusiform and multipolar salivatory neurons were found ipsilaterally in the lateral reticular formation of the medulla where they extended over the rostral four-fifths of the facial nucleus and the caudal one-third of the dorsal nucleus of the trapezoid body. The vast majority of the small and medium-sized, labeled neurons appeared in the nucleus reticularis parvocellularis. Labeled neurons also appeared occasionally at the ventral and lateral aspects of the facial nucleus.Enzyme injections into these glands labeled sympathetic neurons that were concentrated in the caudal one-third of the ipsilateral cranial cervical ganglion. Labeled sensory neurons were distributed randomly in the ipsilateral proximal vagal and geniculate ganglia. Large numbers of sensory neurons were concentrated ventromedially within the mandibular zone of the trigeminal ganglion.  相似文献   

The presence of the neurotrophin receptor, TrkA, in neurochemically identified vagal and glossopharyngeal sensory neurons of the adult rat was examined. TrkA was colocalized with calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), parvalbumin, or calbindin D-28k in neurons of the nodose, petrosal and/or jugular ganglia. In contrast, no TrkA-immunoreactive (ir) neurons in these ganglia colocalized tyrosine hydroxylase-ir. About one-half of the TrkA-ir neurons in the jugular and petrosal ganglia contained CGRP-ir, whereas only a few of the numerous TrkA-ir neurons in the nodose ganglion contained CGRP-ir. Although 43% of the TrkA-ir neurons in the nodose ganglion contained calbindin D-28k-ir, few or no TrkA-ir neurons in the petrosal or jugular ganglia were also labeled for either calcium-binding protein. These data show distinct colocalizations of TrkA with specific neurochemicals in vagal and glossopharyngeal sensory neurons, and suggest that nerve growth factor (NGF), the neurotrophin ligand for TrkA, plays a role in functions of specific neurochemically defined subpopulations of mature vagal and glossopharyngeal sensory neurons.  相似文献   

Trigeminal ganglia and brain stem of adult cats were studied following HRP injections into tooth pulps or after exposure of the cut end of the inferior alveolar nerve to HRP. Ipsilateral ganglion cells within a wide range of sizes were labeled in both experimental situations, whereas no labeled cells were observed in the contralateral ganglion in any animal. Labeled central branches of tooth pulp and inferior alveolar neurons were observed in all subdivisions of the ipsilateral trigeminal sensory complex. Terminal labeling in the tooth pulp experiments was confined to the dorsomedial parts of the main sensory nucleus and subnuclei oralis and interpolaris. Caudal to the obex terminal labeling was restricted to the medial halves of laminae I, IIa and V of the medullary dorsal horn. In the inferior alveolar nerve experiments dense terminal labeling was observed in the dorsal parts of the main sensory nucleus and subnuclei oralis and interpolaris. Caudal to the obex terminal labeling was located throughout laminae I to V in contrast to the tooth pulp experiments. Neither of the two experimental situations offers any evidence for a bilateral or contralateral brain stem projection of primary trigeminal neurons.  相似文献   

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