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Previously we described a transgenic mouse model in which neurofilaments are sequestered in neuronal cell bodies and withheld from the axonal compartment. This model and other transgenic models with disrupted neurofilaments are used widely to investigate the role of the neurofilament cytoskeleton in normal neurons and in inherited or acquired diseases. To interpret such studies, it is important to establish whether the maldistribution of neurofilaments has major secondary consequences on the cell biology of the affected neurons. Notably, multiple perturbations of the nervous system simultaneously affect both the neuronal cytoskeleton and neurotrophin expression. To determine whether the expression of neurotrophic factors or their receptors is perturbed by a primary disruption in neurofilaments, we compared the accumulated mRNA levels for ciliary neuroptrophic factor (CNTF), nerve growth factor, neurotrophin 3, and the alpha CNTF receptor in mature transgenic mice and their littermate controls. Consistently with the prolonged survival of neurons expressing atypical or abnormally distributed neurofilaments, no obvious changes were observed for any of the mRNA species examined.  相似文献   

Little is known about how neurons develop in the trigeminal nucleus principalis (PrV) despite their acknowledged role in establishing whisker-related patterns in the thalamus and cortex. Golgi-impregnated PrV cells were studied in newborn, 4-day-old and adult rats. Adult neurons typically had short dendrites that were confined to a hemisphere around the soma. In contrast, at birth PrV neurons had radial trees and more primary dendrites than did adults, but adult-like numbers of dendritic spines. By day 4, most neurons had eccentric dendritic trees and the numbers of primary dendrites per neuron were adult-like, yet spines were more prevalent than in adults and newborns. Thus, it appears that there is a pruning of the dendritic tree during the first postnatal week. To assess the role of retrograde signals from the thalamus on PrV development, the right thalamus was destroyed at birth. By postnatal day 6, the number of neurons in the left PrV was 59% of that in the right PrV, PrV transverse area was reduced by 21%, cell density was reduced by 48%, and somatic diameter was increased by 36%, relative to the intact right PrV. By contrast, in the left V subnucleus interpolaris, which has only a weak thalamic projection, these measures were unaffected. Thus, neonatal thalamic lesions selectively depopulated the PrV. The morphology of PrV neurons was affected by the thalamic lesions: e.g. the total dendritic length, the number of dendritic branch points and the total number of spines were increased. The number of primary dendrites and the tree's eccentricity, area, and volume of influence were unaffected by the lesion. The structure of neurons in subnucleus interpolaris was unaffected by the lesion. Thus, normal afferent patterning is insufficient for normal development of PrV cells. Interactions among dendrites and retrograde signals from a target are also important.  相似文献   

Elevating target-derived levels of nerve growth factor (NGF) in peripheral organs of postnatal mammals is known to enhance the survival of postganglionic sympathetic neurons and to promote the terminal arborization of sympathetic axons within such NGF-rich target tissues. Although increasing levels of NGF in the central nervous system can ameliorate cholinergic function of damaged and aged neurons of the medial septum, it remains undetermined whether the postnatal development of this neuronal population and their projections that innervate the hippocampus are likewise affected by elevated levels of target-derived NGF. To address this question, the cholinergic septohippocampal pathway was examined in adult transgenic mice which display elevated levels of NGF protein production in the dorsal hippocampus during postnatal development. Adult transgenic mice possessed a cholinergic population of septal neurons ≈ 15% larger than that seen in age-matched control animals. Despite increased numbers of cholinergic septal neurons, as well as elevated levels of hippocampal NGF, the density of cholinergic septal axons in the outer molecular layer of the hippocampal dentate gyrus of adult transgenic animals was comparable with that found in wild-type controls. These results reveal that elevating levels of target-derived NGF during postnatal development can increase the population size of the cholinergic septal neurons but does not alter their pattern of afferent innervation in the hippocampus of adult mice.  相似文献   

Prior studies indicate that neonatal nerve injury kills many trigeminal (V) first- and second-order cells, and interrupts pattern formation in the brainstem and cerebral cortex. Yet it is not known whether effects upon cell survival and pattern formation are causally related. To determine whether axotomized V ganglion cells can be rescued by an exogenous trophic agent, rats received 5 mg/kg of nerve growth factor (NGF) prior to, and every day after, infraorbital nerve section on the day of birth until sacrifice on postnatal day (PND) 1, 3, 5, 7, or 14. Other animals received identical lesions without NGF. Ganglion cell numbers were significantly reduced by PNDl in pups not given NGF, while NGF-treated rats displayed no significant cell loss through PND7. However, NGF did not permanently rescue V neurons because ganglion cell numbers were reliably reduced by PND14. Cell numbers in V nucleus principalis were reduced by PNDl in pups not given NGF, while NGF-treated animals displayed no cell loss through PND14. NGF's rescue of second-order cells is probably an indirect effect of NGF actions upon V ganglion cells because, in other newborns, NGF failed to maintain principalis cells after direct lesion of the left V ganglion. To determine whether preventing cell death permits whisker-related pattern formation, other rats also received NGF prior to and after infraorbital nerve section at birth. After 3–14 days, patterns were assessed in the brainstem and cortex with cytochrome oxidase histochemistry and serotonin immunocytochemistry. Whisker-related patterns failed to develop as in cases not given NGF. These data indicate that communication with the periphery is necessary for the maintenance of central whisker-related patterns. They also suggest that V ganglion cells can be rescued, albeit temporarily, from rapid injury-induced death by NGF, thereby delaying injury-induced cell death in nucleus principalis. However, the mechanism(s) responsible for injury-induced pattern alterations in the developing V system remains to be elucidated. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The role of neurotrophin-4/5 (NT-4/5) in the enhancement of axon regeneration in peripheral nerves produced by treadmill training was studied in mice. Common fibular nerves of animals of the H strain of thy-1-YFP mice, in which a subset of axons in peripheral nerves is marked by the presence of yellow fluorescent protein, were cut and surgically repaired using nerve grafts from non-fluorescent mice. Lengths of profiles of fluorescent regenerating axons were measured using optical sections made through whole mounts of harvested nerves. Measurements from mice that had undergone 1 h of daily treadmill training at modest speed (10 m/min) were compared with those of untrained (control) mice. Modest treadmill training resulted in fluorescent axon profiles that were nearly twice as long as controls at 1, 2 and 4 week survival times. Similar enhanced regeneration was found when cut nerves of wild type mice were repaired with grafts from NT-4/5 knockout mice or grafts made acellular by repeated freezing/thawing. No enhancement was produced by treadmill training in NT-4/5 knockout mice, irrespective of the nature of the graft used to repair the cut nerve. Much as had been observed previously for the effects of brief electrical stimulation, the effects of treadmill training on axon regeneration in cut peripheral nerves are independent of changes produced in the distal segment of the cut nerve and depend on the promotion of axon regeneration by changes in NT-4/5 expression by cells in the proximal nerve segment.  相似文献   

目的 探讨神经干细胞在脑损伤模型中的迁移、成活和神经生长因子(NGF)表达.方法 SD大鼠30只随机分为3组:正常对照组(n=5)、损伤组(n =10)和移植组(n=15).正常对照组不做任何处理,损伤组和移植组均制备脑损伤模型,且移植组大鼠从尾静脉注入外源性神经干细胞.并观察神经干细胞在大鼠脑内的迁移和存活情况,同时通过免疫组织化学染色检测各组大鼠脑内NGF阳性细胞数量.结果 神经干细胞移植2周后,其向脑损伤区域发生迁移,并在损伤区域聚集和存活;且移植组NGF阳性细胞数目较正常对照组和损伤组显著增多(p<0.05).结论 外源性神经干细胞经尾静脉注射移植后能自动向脑损伤区域迁移、聚集并存活,并可促进受损脑内的NGF表达.  相似文献   

Bax, a family member of the survival protein Bcl-2, is expressed in the nervous system during development and throughout adulthood. Bax deficiency has been demonstrated to prevent developmental and trophic factor deprivation-induced neuronal death. To further clarify the role of Bax in naturally occurring neuronal death and in neuronal death following apoptotic stimuli, we generated several lines of transgenic mice expressing the human Bax protein specifically in neurons, under the control of the neuron-specific enolase promoter. Transgene expression was first detected around E10.5 and E12.5, depending on the transgenic line. The total number of ganglion cells in the retina and of pyramidal cells in the hippocampus, both expressing the transgene, was similar in control and transgenic mice. In addition, in our model system, Bax overexpression did not appear to influence the in vitro survival of sensory neurons isolated from dorsal root ganglia after nerve grwoth factor (NFG) deprivation or the apoptotic death of motor neurons following axotomy. J. Neurosci. Res. 52:247–259, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Neurotrophins are potent regulators of neuronal cell survival and function. Nerve growth factor (NGF) was shown to reduce apoptosis in cord blood-derived mast cells. Here, we examined the effect of the neurotrophins NGF and neurotrophin (NT)-3 on survival and mediator release of human intestinal mast cells. Mast cells isolated from normal intestinal tissue were cultured in the presence of NGF, NT-3, or stem cell factor (SCF) alone or in the presence of SCF together with each neurotrophin. NGF or NT-3 alone did not promote mast cell survival. In contrast, mast cell recovery was increased twofold when mast cells were cultured with NT-3 in addition to SCF for 14 days compared with control. Mast cell recovery was further increased following a combined addition of NT-3, SCF and IL-4. NT-3 mediated mast cell growth was dependent on the primary receptor for NT-3 TrkC. NGF in combination with SCF or with SCF and IL-4 showed no effect on mast cell survival. Histamine release and histamine content per mast cell remained unchanged, whereas leukotriene C4 release decreased if mast cells were cultured with NGF or NT-3 in addition to SCF. In summary, NT-3 affects mature human mast cells by promoting mast cell survival, whereas NGF does not.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Early experiences produce persistent changes in brain and behavioral function. We investigate whether being reared in a communal nest (CN), a form of early social enrichment that characterizes the natural ecological niche of many rodent species including the mouse, has effects on adult social/aggressive behavior and nerve growth factor (NGF) and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) levels in mice. METHODS: The CN consisted of a single nest where three mothers kept their pups together and shared care-giving behavior from birth to weaning (postnatal day 25). RESULTS: Compared to standard laboratory conditions, in CN condition, mouse mothers displayed higher levels of maternal care. At adulthood, CN mice displayed higher propensity to interact socially and achieved more promptly the behavioral profile of either dominant or subordinate male. Furthermore, CN adult mice showed higher NGF levels, which were further affected by social status, and higher BDNF levels in the brain. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings indicate that CN, a highly stimulating early social environment, produces differences in social behavior later in life associated with marked changes of neurotrophin levels in selected brain areas, including hippocampus and hypothalamus.  相似文献   

Antiserum to nerve growth factor (anti-NGF) given intraventricularly to newborn rats systemically injected with 6-hydroxydopa (6-OH-DOPA), did not prevent the long-term increase of brain stem noradrenaline produced by 6-OH-DOPA when given alone. Since the anti-NGF was biologically active and penetrated into the brain parenchyma, the role played by NGF in the outgrowth of central noradrenergic neurons, responsible for the elevation of brain stem noradrenaline, does not seem to be important.  相似文献   

We have previously identified Scrg1, a gene with increased cerebral mRNA levels in transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSE) such as scrapie, bovine spongiform encephalopathy and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. In this study, Scrg1-immunoreactive cells, essentially neurons, were shown to be widely distributed throughout the brain of scrapie-infected mice, while only rare and weakly immunoreactive cells could be detected in the brain of non-infected normal mice. Induction of the protein was confirmed by Western blot analysis. At the ultrastructural level, Scrg1 protein was associated with dictyosomes of the Golgi apparatus and autophagic vacuoles in the central neurons of the scrapie-infected mice. These results suggested a role for Scrg1 in the pathological changes observed in TSE. We have generated transgenic mice specifically expressing Scrg1 in neurons. No significant differences in the time course of the disease were detected between transgenic and non-transgenic mice infected with scrapie prions. However, tight association of Scrg1 with autophagic vacuoles was again observed in brain neurons of infected transgenic mice. High levels of the protein were also detected in degenerating Purkinje cells of Ngsk Prnp 0/0 mice overexpressing the Prnd gene coding for doppel, a neurotoxic paralogue of the prion protein. Furthermore, induction of Scrg1 protein was observed in the brain of mice injured by canine distemper virus or gold thioglucose treatment. Taken together, our results indicate that Scrg1 is associated with neurodegenerative processes in TSE, but is not directly linked to dysregulation of prion protein.  相似文献   

Cryolesion of the frontoparietal cortex in mice is a well-described brain injury paradigm that results in increased astrogliosis surrounding the lesion site and is accompanied by a prominent increase in the MAO-B levels in astrocytes. Whether these increased MAO-B levels contribute to cellular damage or modulate reactive astrocytosis remains unclear. MAO-B activity may contribute to cellular damage, since its metabolism products are highly toxic to the cells. Additionally, it has been suggested that MAO-B inhibition may regulate astrocytic reaction. In this study, we have determined the relative contribution of MAO-B activity to the outcome following freeze injury. Freeze injury induced a prominent increase of several inflammatory markers, including ICAM, Mac-1, EB22, and GFAP. Inhibition of MAO-B activity using the selective inhibitor PF9601N did not reduce this cryolesion-induced inflammatory response. Additional data revealed that the expression of several cryolesion-induced cell death genes, such as Fas, Rip, p53, and ICE, was not reduced in PF9601N-treated mice, evidencing that MAO-B activity did not contribute to cryolesion-induced cell death. Definitive functional analysis of the mice using the ladder beam task revealed that MAO-B inhibition did not improve the cryolesion-induced motor impairment. These data strongly suggest that, although MAO-B is highly expressed in the area surrounding the lesion site, its activity does not contribute to the cellular damage or play any role in regulating astrocytic reactivity.  相似文献   

Neurotrophins may have a neuroprotective role and are probably involved in the control of axonal sprouting and synaptic plasticity. An antibody raised against a pro-sequence of nerve growth factor (NGF) was tested. In control undisturbed rats, a strong immunoreactivity was detected in scattered cells in and around the pyramidal and granule cell layer of the hippocampus and a moderate labeling was found in the reticular thalamic nucleus. In situ hybridization showed specific expression of NGF mRNA in a similar population of scattered cells in the hippocampal formation but not in the reticular thalamic nucleus. Acute epileptic seizures, induced by a convulsive dose of 50 mg/kg pentylenetetrazol (PTZ), strongly in creased NGF mRNA in neurons of the granular layer of the dentate gyrus 3 hr but not 6 hr after the injection. No change in pro-NGF-like immunoreactivity was observed in the hippocampus or reticular thalamic nucleus after acute seizures. Chemical kindling was induced by daily injections of subconvulsive doses (30 mg/kg) of PTZ for 4 weeks. This treatment significantly increased pro-NGF-like immunoreactivity in the reticular thalamic nucleus but did not affect NGF mRNA. These data strengthen a role for the reticular thalamic nucleus and NGF in PTZ kindling. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to assess whether cortical changes after peripheral nerve damage are related to the degree of death of primary sensory neurons in the damaged nerve. The cytotoxin ricin was injected into the sciatic nerves of adult rats to kill primary sensory neurons with axons through the injection site. Following periods of 6-101 days, the S-I hindpaw map was evaluated with neurophysiological techniques and compared with the hindpaw maps of previously studied normal adult rats and adult rats that had undergone adult or neonatal sciatic section at a comparable level of the nerve. These comparisons allowed evaluation of cortical functional organization following different degrees of sensory neuron loss after sciatic nerve injury. There were three main results. 1) The comparison of ricin-treated and normal adult rats indicated that ricin treatment interrupted inputs from the sciatic skin territory on the hindpaw and caused a limited increase in the size of the cortical area that was activated by stimulation of hindpaw skin innervated by the remaining saphenous nerve. 2) The cortical maps of rats that had undergone adult ricin treatment (relatively large primary neuron loss) or section during adulthood (small to moderate primary neuron loss) were similar. In both groups, only the saphenous hindpaw skin was represented in cortex, and the cortical area that was activated by stimulation of the saphenous hindpaw skin had undergone a comparable limited enlargement. 3) The comparison of ricin-treated adult rats (relatively large primary neuron loss) and adult rats that had undergone neonatal section (relatively large primary neuron loss) indicated that cortical organization differed after these treatments. In particular, after ricin treatment the cortical area that was activated by stimulation of the saphenous hindpaw skin was larger than the comparable area in neonatal denervates, and the topographical progressions between the hindpaw and adjacent body representations were not as variable as after neonatal section. These findings indicate that cortical maps are altered after injection of ricin into a nerve. The similarity in cortical organization after ricin treatment (relatively large sensory neuron loss) and nerve section in adults (relatively small sensory neuron loss) and the differences in cortical organization after ricin treatment and nerve section in neonates (both relatively large sensory neuron loss) indicate cortical changes do not covary as a simple function of the degree of peripheral neuron death.  相似文献   

The immediate early gene (IEG) PC4, which encodes a protein related to γ interferon, is activated at the onset of the neuronal differentiation induced by nerve growth factor (NGF) in PC12 cells. With an antibody raised to a bacterial β gal-PC4 fusion protein, the PC4 protein is detected as an immunoreactive molecular species of 49 kDa, whose synthesis is rapidly induced by NGF in parallel with the induction of its mRNA. Immunofluorescence, electron microscopy and subfractionation studies indicate that the PC4 immunoreactivity is localized in the cytoplasm of PC12 cells, where it is increased transiently by NGF within 3 hr of treatment. In addition, the PC4 immunoreactivity presents an NGF-dependent pattern of intracellular localization. In fact, within 3 hr after addition of NGF, PC4 is also significantly expressed on the inner face of the plasma membrane, to which it is physically associated. After longer NGF treatment, PC4 disappears from the plasma membrane and appears in the nucleus, with reduced cytoplasmic expression. Localization in the nucleus is reversed by removal of NGF and closely parallels changes in the state of differentiation of the cell. The existence within the PC4 protein of a consensus sequence for the addition of myristic acid and of a putative sequence for the nuclear localization suggests possible mechanisms for the NGF-dependent redistribution. For an NGF-inducible IEG product, such growth factor-dependent localization of PC4 is a novel type of regulation in the pathways from the NGF receptor to the adjacent membrane proteins and to the nucleus. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Pfrieger FW  Slezak M 《Glia》2012,60(5):681-701
The development, function, and pathology of the brain depend on interactions of neurons and different types of glial cells, namely astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, microglia, and ependymal cells. Understanding neuron-glia interactions in vivo requires dedicated experimental approaches to manipulate each cell type independently. In this review, we first summarize techniques that allow for cell-specific gene modification including targeted mutagenesis and viral transduction. In the second part, we describe the genetic models that allow to target the main glial cell types in the central nervous system. The existing arsenal of approaches to study glial cells in vivo and its expansion in the future are key to understand neuron-glia interactions under normal and pathologic conditions.  相似文献   

In the present study we employed light microscopic immunocytochemical techniques in order to investigate the temporal response of choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) and nerve growth factor receptor (NGFr) within hypoglossal motoneurons following unilateral transection or crushing of the XII nerve or after intraneural injections of ricin into the nerve. In control rats (i.e., sham operated) virtually all the motoneurons of the XII nucleus displayed intense immunolabeling for ChAT and were devoid of NGFr immunoreactivity. As early as 3 days post-operative the intensity and the number of ChAT-labeled neurons were reduced on the axotomized side compared to the non-lesioned side. This decrease was maximal approximately two weeks post-operative when virtually no ChAT-labeled cells were present on the lesioned side. In contrast, no loss of hypoglossal neurons was found using Nissl stains. This absence of ChAT immunolabeling persisted for several days, yet by 30 days many of the motoneurons had begun to re-express the enzyme. In contrast to the decrease in ChAT immunoreactivity, transection of the XII nerve also resulted in the expression of NGFr immunoreactivity within the lesioned motoneurons. This response was detected as early as one day post-operatively and continued throughout all time points thus far examined including times after many of the motoneurons had begun to re-express ChAT. Crushing of the XII nerve effected the expression of ChAT and NGFr in a manner comparable to, yet less intense than, that observed following transection. Ricin injected directly into the XII nerve resulted in the loss of hypoglossal motoneurons as demonstrated both in immunohistochemical and Nissl-stained tissue preparations. The cell loss was readily apparent 3 days post-operatively, and ChAT immunoreactivity permanently disappeared. NGFr immunolabeling was seen only in scattered surviving neurons but not in ricin poisoned cells. The possible mechanisms underlying the differential expression of ChAT and NGFr are discussed.  相似文献   

Treatment of rodents after stroke with bone marrow stromal cells (BMSCs) improves functional outcome. However, the mechanisms underlying this benefit have not been ascertained. This study focused on the contribution of neurotrophic and growth factors produced by BMSCs to therapeutic benefit. Rats were subjected to middle cerebral artery occlusion and the ischemic brain extract supernatant was collected to prepare the conditioned medium. The counterpart normal brain extract from non‐ischemic rats was employed as the experimental control. Using microarray assay, we measured the changes of the neurotrophin associated gene expression profile in BMSCs cultured in different media. Furthermore, real‐time RT‐PCR and fluorescent immunocytochemistry were utilized to validate the gene changes. The morphology of BMSCs, cultured in the ischemic brain‐conditioned medium for 12 h, was dramatically altered from a polygonal and flat appearance to a fibroblast‐like long and thin cell appearance, compared to those in the normal brain‐conditioned medium and the serum replacement medium. Forty‐four neurotrophin‐associated genes in BMSCs were identified by microarray assay under all three culture media. Twelve out of the 44 genes (7 neurotrophic and growth factor genes, 5 receptor genes) increased in BMSCs cultured in the ischemic brain‐conditioned medium compared to the normal brain‐conditioned medium. Real time RT‐PCR and immunocytochemistry validated that the ischemic brain‐conditioned medium significantly increased 6/7 neurotrophic and growth factor genes, compared with the normal brain‐conditioned medium. These six genes consisted of fibroblast growth factor 2, insulin‐like growth factor 1, vascular endothelial growth factor A, nerve growth factor beta, brain‐derived neurotrophic factor and epidermal growth factor. Our results indicate that transplanted BMSCs may work as ‘small molecular factories’ by secreting neurotrophins, growth factors and other supportive substances after stroke, which may produce therapeutic benefits in the ischemic brain.  相似文献   

The ocular administration of nerve growth factor (NGF) as eye drops (oNGF) has been shown to exert protective effects in forebrain‐injured animal models, including adult diabetes induced by a single injection of streptozotocin (STZ) (60 mg/kg body weight). This type 1 diabetes model was used in this study to investigate whether oNGF might extend its actions on neuronal precursors localised in the subventricular zone (SVZ). NGF or saline was administrated as eye drops twice daily for 2 weeks in rats with STZ‐induced diabetes and healthy control rats. The expression of mature and precursor NGF and the NGF receptors, tropomyosin‐related kinase A and neurotrophin receptor p75, and the levels of DNA fragmentation were analysed by ELISA and western blotting. Incorporation of bromodeoxyuridine was used to trace newly formed cells. Nestin, polysialylated neuronal cell adhesion molecule (PSA‐NCAM), doublecortin (DCX) and glial fibrillary acidic protein antibodies were used to identify the SVZ cells by confocal microscopy. It was found that oNGF counteracts the STZ‐induced cell death and the alteration of mature/pro‐NGF expression in the SVZ. It also affects the survival and differentiation of SVZ progenitors. In particular, oNGF counteracts the reduction in the number of cells expressing PSA‐NCAM/DCX (neuroblast type A cells) and the related reductions in the number and distribution of nestin/DCX‐positive cells (C‐type cells), or glia‐committed cells (type B cells), observed in the SVZ of diabetic rats. These findings show that oNGF treatment counteracts the effect of type 1 diabetes on neuronal precursors in the SVZ, and further support the neuroprotective and reparative role of oNGF in the brain.  相似文献   

Staining for nerve growth factor receptor was observed in the ferret's retinal ganglion cell layer, optic nerve and tract, and in the lateral geniculate nucleus and superficial layers of the superior colliculus in the prenatal period, but had disappeared by birth. Thus the incidence of this transient staining does not correspond with the ganglion cell death that is known to occur in the ferret retina during the first postnatal week.  相似文献   

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