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张凤宁  瑞云  朱蕾 《现代预防医学》2011,38(17):3503-3504,3506
[目的]了解少数民族地区高校大学生对婚前性行为的观点及对性知识的需求,为有针对性地在该地区开展性健康教育提供依据。[方法]采取随机整体抽样的方法对内蒙古某高校的599名大学生进行了调查。[结果]22.26%的少数民族学生和24.37%的汉族学生对婚前性行为持赞同态度,明显低于其他地区大学生(55.4%~79.03%);73.26%的汉族学生和65.36%的少数民族学生希望通过学校教师讲授获得全面的性知识。[结论]少数民族地区的大学生性观念的开放程度明显低于其他地区高校大学生,大学生渴望通过学校教师讲授等正规途径获得全面的性知识,在该地区大学生中有针对性地开展性教育十分必要。  相似文献   

中国赴利比里亚维和部队性心理及性知识调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郭健  程云松  范颂杰  周全胜  周伟 《现代预防医学》2007,34(16):3136-3138,3140
[目的]调查分析我国赴利比里亚维和人员的性知识的情况及性心理状况,为在维和人员中开展性知识教育及性心理咨询提供依据。[方法]对472名维和人员进行无记名现况调查,了解他们对与性有关问题的认识及性心理的状况。[结果]大约有60%~80%的维和人员存在不同的性心理认识误区,大约20%的被调查对象有较明显的性知识的认知缺陷。20%左右的维和人员经常有性心理咨询的需要。有87.3%的维和队员认为开展性健康教育是必要的,88.7%的人有性心理咨询的要求。[结论]应加强对维和部队的性知识的教育和性心理问题的疏导,以保证维和任务的圆满完成。  相似文献   

香味是女人释放出的撩人“烟雾”,它刺激着男人的嗅觉,也搅乱了他们的心。换句话说,它就是激情的催化剂,能让爱情变得温柔又激烈。一位男性坦言:“没结婚的时候,我就非常喜欢闻女人身上的香水味,甚至走在大街上,也会因为嗅到那种气味而想入非非,甚至出现阴茎勃起。”  相似文献   

The possible existence of unreported studies can cast doubt on the conclusions of a meta-analytic summary of the literature, particularly if there is reason to believe that there is a publication bias against non-significant results. The present article proposes two general models that describe how the preponderance of published studies could report significant p-values even when testing a null hypothesis that is, in fact, true. Each such model allows one to estimate the number, N, of unpublished studies using the p-values reported in the published studies; the meta-analyst can then evaluate the plausibility of this estimated value of N, or related confidence bounds. Use of models of the kind suggested here allows meta-analysts to assess the problem of unpublished studies from various perspectives and thus can lead to greater understanding of, and confidence in, meta-analytic conclusions.  相似文献   

The literature on sexual abuse and alcohol problems has beenreviewed. Various methodological issues are relevant in determiningwhether there is merely an association or also a causal relationship.These include the definition of sexual abuse, the degree andtiming of abuse, the methods of data collection, sample selection,the presence or absence of control groups, possible recall bias,difficulties with prospective studies for this subject, andthe definition of alcohol misuse or dependence. Results withcommunity and victim samples are conflicting, but studies onsamples of problem drinkers suggest an association between severealcohol problems and previous sexual abuse, at least in women.The association may be especially strong for earlier and moresevere forms of sexual abuse. Possible mechanisms for an associationwere examined and are: (1) sexual abuse as a cause of alcoholmisuse; (2) alcohol misuse predisposing people to sexual assault;(3) sexual assault and alcohol misuse both resulting from anotherfactor; (4) sexual abuse predisposing to other conditions associatedwith alcohol misuse; and (5) an artefactual association. Regardlessof the role of sexual abuse in causing alcohol problems, theavailable evidence suggests that victims of sexual abuse maypresent to services with more problematical patterns of drinkingand more concurrent psychiatric disorder.  相似文献   

[目的]了解MSM人群中HIV感染者的行为学特征,为调整针对MSM人群的干预策略和探索针对HIV染者的管理模式提供信息.[方法]用SPSS12.0对MSM人群中HIV感染者的问卷调查资料进行整理分析.[结果]HIV感染者年龄较小,平均年龄(19.5±3.8)岁,首次性行为的性伴女性占53.8%,90.4%(94/104)的HIV感染者最近6个月与男性有肛交史,最近6个月发生肛交性行为的男性性伴数为4(中位数).最近6个月与男性发生肛交时只有17.O%(16/94)每次都使用了安全套.29.8%的被调查对象近6个月与女性有性行为史,但只有16.1%的人每次都使用安全套.[结论]MSM人群中的HIV感染者肛交、多性伴、低安全套使用率将加强艾滋病在MSM人群中的传播,探索MSM人群中HIV感染者的管理和干预的模式是当前针对MSM人群干预的重点工作和迫切任务.  相似文献   

In the chronic male alcoholics several mechanisms are involvedin the pathogenesis of the sexual dysfunction that manifestsitself clinically as testicular atrophy, gynaecomastia, impotenceand sterility. Animal studies have distinctly demonstrated theability of alcohol to impair testosterone production and spermatogenesisboth through its direct toxic effects on the testes and throughinterference in the function of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadalaxis. The alcohol-induced enhancement of testosterone catabolismalso contributes to the loss of plasma testosterone. Apart frombeing hypoandrogenized, chronic alcoholic men are also exposedto the excessive oestrogen effect that results from the accumulationof oestrogenic hormones, principally from that of oestrone,and from the changes in oestrogen receptors. The role of hyperprolactinaemiain the alterations of sexual function of chronic male alcoholicsis unknown. The significance of liver damage in the pathogenesisof hormonal disturbances is emphasized by the finding that,apart from impairment of spermatogenesis, the hormonal changesseem to be most marked in alcoholic men with liver cirrhosis. Animal studies have again dearly demonstrated the toxicity ofalcohol to female gonads. Consistent with the animal findings,menstrual abnormalities, decreased female sexual characteristicsand sterility associated with ovarian atrophy have been reportedin chronic alcoholic women. The loss of oestrogens and progesteroneprovides the hormonal basis for these changes. In spite of markedhypo-oestrogenization, plasma gonadotropin levels have not beenelevated in chronic female alcoholics, indicating that disturbedregulation of gonadotropin secretion is an important factorin the genesis of ovarian failure in these patients, even ifovarian function may also be directly impaired. Hyperprolactinaemiais not one of the hormonal hallmarks of sexual dysfunction inchronic alcoholic women.  相似文献   

[目的]以出院计划服务规划方案为基础,评估SU对住院天数(LoS)的影响。[方法]收集自2007年10月~2010年10月入住某市三甲医院的急性卒中患者的相关数据,探讨SU对住院天数的影响。[结果]1297例卒中患者平均年龄(73.9±13.3)岁(范围:20~96岁),平均住院天数(25.6±37.1)d(中位数:11d)。出院结果示25.4%的患者死亡,48.8%的患者回家,21.4%的患者社区医院继续治疗,4.3%去其他形式的康复机构。这些患者中,入住卒中单元的占37.6%,与普通病房比较,住院天数明显缩短(19.3±23.0vs23.9±34.9d;P=0.038)。然而卒中死亡率相似,在普通病房与社区医院的康复率明显降低(30.4%vs40.9%;P﹤0.001)。[结论]急性SU比出院规划方案住院天数还要短,且大大降低了在医院康复的需要。应进一步调查探讨急性SU对患者功能状态的影响。  相似文献   

贾红  陈航 《现代预防医学》2001,28(3):410-411
目的:分析淋病发病的时间分布。方法:采用时序图法,Poisson分布法及周期性检验方差分析法,结果:(1)时序图显示淋病发病存在长期上升趋势及周期性波动情况;(2)Poisson分布拟合结果,1994、1995、1996、1997各年X^2值分别为394.97、91.74、39.14、391.56,其对应的P值都<0.01;(3)周期性方差分析结果为F=12.8,P<0.01。结论:(1)淋病的发病率在每年的2-4月和9-12月是发病的高峰季节,且发病存在长期升高的趋势,(2)序列图法,Poisson分布法及周期性方差分析法可以作为研究疾病时间分布的基本方法。  相似文献   

江西省性病患者性行为特征的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘波 《现代预防医学》2007,34(5):880-882
[目的]研究人群中性病患者性行为特征与社会心理的相关性,为教育、行为干预的开展提供依据。[方法]2004年1月~2005年9月在江西省最大的专科与综合性医院,以性病身份就诊的患者为对象,采取医生访谈形式进行现况调查,调查包括对象的人口学特征、性行为特征以及避孕套使用等情况。[结果]性病在各种职业人群中均有分布,易发生于性活跃期,绝大多数患者存在无自我防护的高危性行为,如商业性性行为、多性伴和很少使用避孕套。各种婚姻状况的被调查者尤其是男性均认为传染源为临时性伴比例最高,但是58.2%已婚者调查前最后性伴为配偶。[结论]该省应针对一般人群,特别是具有高危性行为者以及高危人群(性服务者)采取不同的干预方式,制定保护一般人群,针对高危人群双管齐下战略措施。  相似文献   

目的:了解男男性接触者(Menwhohavesexwithmen,MSM)亚文化特征及高危性行为状况,为开展HIV/STIs预防干预活动提供依据。方法:对进入同性恋酒吧中活动的MSM进行问卷调查,调查内容包括社会人口特征,高危性行为状况和性伴特征等。结果:MSM中多性伴现象普遍,安全套使用率较低;在最近6个月中,与同性发生高危性行为的报告率为69.5%,与异性发生高危性行为的报告率为43.7%,有30.5%的人报告既有同性又有异性高危性行为。经多因素分析表明,年龄大是同性高危性行为的影响因素,既有同性又有异性高危性行为的影响因素为年龄大和最近2个月中有过4个及以上同性肛交性伴,女性高危性行为的影响因素为年龄大、非同性性取向、一生中拥有4个及以上异性性伴和在最近2个月中有2个及以上同性偶然性伴。结论:促使HIV/STIs在MSM人群中传播的危险因素广泛存在,为了达到有效的行为干预效果,在进行干预时,要充分考虑他们的亚文化特征。  相似文献   

This communication proves to be a good argument in favor of the outside paper cap that covers the whole top of the bottle and is held on by a ring, although no mention is made of it. Possibilities for contamination of milk bottle lips under current methods of handling are set forth quantitatively as a help to the education of the public.  相似文献   

The most important use of computerised axial tomography (CAT) scanners is in the management of acute head trauma, but inadequately planned diffusion and maldistribution of scanning units and associated medical services limits patient access. Of 19 scanners in New South Wales & Victoria, 9 are publicly owned and located in public hospitals, while 10 are in private hospitals, or in private radiological practices. There is evidence of a “two-airline policy” with public and private scanners located close together. Only scanners in public hospitals are used for acute head trauma, with a few exceptions. There is gross maldistribution: in Sydney there are 3.2 scanners per million population compared to New South Wales non-metropolitan areas with only 0.1 scanners per million population. In Melbourne there are 2.3 scanners per million population, compared to only 0.9 per million in Victorian non-metropolitan areas. Establishment of scanners and supporting services in some non-metropolitan areas is justifiable, even if projected facility/population ratios exceed norms. The distribution of CAT scanners in Australia can be related to the lobbying power of major hospitals, and the distribution of well-capitalized private radiological practices, rather than to any assessment of needs or rational planning. Government departments have an important role in the regulation of technology diffusion.  相似文献   

This communication proves to be a good argument in favor of the outside paper cap that covers the whole top of the bottle and is held on by a ring, although no mention is made of it. Possibilities for contamination of milk bottle lips under current methods of handling are set forth quantitatively as a help to the education of the public.  相似文献   

[目的]探讨麻疹流行的季节性规律,为制定麻疹防治策略提供依据.[方法]应用集中度及圆形分布法,对南昌市1985~2007年的麻疹季节性分布进行分析.[结果]南昌市1985~2007年的麻疹季节性分布的M值为0.5326,r值为0.5326.[结论]麻疹发病有季节性分布特征,疫苗干预可使麻疹发病高峰日后移,但不会改变麻疹发病的季节性流行规律.  相似文献   

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