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报告1例巨大脂溢性角化病。患者女,59岁。因右臀部皮肤逐渐增大的褐色斑块30余年就诊。皮损约20 cm×15 cm,表面粗糙,无浸润。皮损组织病理检查示表皮角化过度伴角化不全,棘层肥厚,乳头瘤样增生,以基底样细胞为主,见假性角囊肿形成。诊断为脂溢性角化病。  相似文献   

患者女,68岁,维吾尔族.因头部长肿物2年,于2010年3月10日就诊于我院.患者2年前右侧颞部头皮出现一黑褐色扁平斑块,渐增大,并突起,偶有瘙痒,无破溃及出血.  相似文献   

81例脂溢性角化病临床与病理分析   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
脂溢性角化病是多种原因引起以角质形成细胞成熟迟缓所致的一种老年性良性表皮内肿瘤。一般无自觉症状 ,皮损受刺激或感染后表面可结痂或出血 ,易误诊为恶性黑色素瘤 ,极少发生恶变。本病病理上有某些特征及变异。我们对 81例脂溢性角化病患者的临床与病理进行分析 ,现报告如下。1 临床资料本资料为我院 1991年 1月~ 1997年12月经病理确诊为脂溢性角化病的皮肤科、外科、眼科及耳鼻喉科门诊病人共 81例。其中男 48例 (5 9% ) ,女 33例 (4 1% ) ;年龄最小 2 6岁 ,最大 79岁 ,平均 5 5 .6岁 ,39岁以下 6例 (7% ) ,40~ 5 9岁 45例(5 6 % ) ,…  相似文献   

回顾性分析我科近4年诊断为脂溢性角化病153例的临床及组织病理学情况。病理诊断主要是棘层肥厚型、角化过度型、棘层肥厚型和角化过度型的混合型、腺样型、刺激型、菌落型与黑素棘皮瘤型。该病临床诊断与组织病理之间有一定的差异性,本组临床诊断为脂溢性角化病的115例中,组织病理符合91例,临床误诊率为20.9%;病理诊断为脂溢性角化病的153例中临床误诊62例。应注意与相关疾病鉴别,日光对脂溢性角化病的形成及其发病年龄提前有一定影响。  相似文献   

73例脂溢性角化病临床及病理分析庞毓凌,马烈,姚军英,蒋伟(皮肤科)邓铁成,张梅兮,周晓燕(口腔科)(哈尔滨医科大学附属第二医院,150086)刘成德(黑龙江省中医学院病理科)脂溢性角化病(Seborrheickeratosis,简称SK)又称脂溢性...  相似文献   

脂溢性角化病泛发于青年患者较少见,现将我们所见的2例泛发性脂溢性角化病报道如下.  相似文献   

患者女,65岁,背部多数褐黄色丘疹3年。皮损位于背部,呈圆形、椭圆形、梭形及彗星形,直径1mm~2cm,腰背部皮损沿皮肤切线分布,呈流线型排列。组织病理示角化过度,棘层肥厚与乳头瘤样增生,主要为鳞状细胞和基底样细胞  相似文献   

脂溢性角化病 (SeborrheicKeratosis)是老年人常见的良性肿瘤 ,临床及病理诊断不难 ,有时误诊为基底细胞癌 ,色素痣 ,日光性角化症等病。我们对 1993年 7月至 1998年 8月44例手术切除经病理确诊的脂溢性角化病患者临床症状及病理特征进行分析 ,探讨其规律 ,现报告如下 :1 临床资料1 1 一般资料  44例中 ,男性 31例 ,女性 13例 ,男女比例2 38∶1,年龄最小 48岁 ,最大 83岁 ,平均 6 4 3岁。1 2 病程 最短 30天 ,最长 2 3年 ,平均 4年 10个月。1 3 发生部位 面部 18例 ,躯干 14例 ,头皮 3例 ,四肢 7例 ,女阴 1例 ,…  相似文献   

YAG激光治疗脂溢性角化病38例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
脂溢性角化病又称老年疣,笔者用YAG激光先后治疗38例,效果满意,现报告如下。1病例资料38例病人,男性8例,女性30例,年龄30~73岁,病程2~24年。采用的YAG激光治疗仪,激光波长为1064nm能量密度为0.5~13J/cm2及波长532nm能量密度为0.4~6.0J/cm2,脉宽10ns,工作频率1Hz、2Hz、5Hz、10Hz或单次,光斑尺寸为2~3mm。治疗方法:常规消毒患处,因仅有轻微疼痛均未用局部麻醉。笔者选择波长1064nm,其能量为6.0~8.2J/cm2,波长532nm能量为2.5~3.3J/cm2,光…  相似文献   

目的观察脂溢性角化病(SK)与日光性角化病(AK)的临床及病理差异。方法回顾性分析本科门诊2006年1月-2011年7月经病理确诊的96例SK和28例AK患者的临床及病理资料,对数据用Excel整理与分析。结果①SK好发于中老年人,而AK好发于老年人;②SK皮损好发于头面、躯干及四肢,而AK好发于头、面和颈等光暴露部位;③组织病理:SK以角化型和棘层肥厚型为主,而AK以原位癌型和萎缩型为主;④SK临床与组织病理的诊断符合率为70.83%,而AK临床与组织病理的诊断符合率仅为46.43%,临床上易将AK误诊为SK。结论 AK发病晚于SK,临床上AK误诊率高于SK,两者鉴别诊断主要依赖组织病理。  相似文献   

Background/Objectives Seborrheic keratoses are ubiquitous benign epithelial skin tumours. A number of unusual locations have already been reported. We report herein the case of a seborrheic keratosis of the nail bed with typical histological features. Methods/Results A 58‐year‐old man presented with a 1‐year‐history of longitudinal leukoxanthonychia of the right hallux. Surgical treatment was performed. The diagnosis of typical seborrheic keratosis of the nail bed was made on histological examination. Conclusion To our knowledge, this is the first report of a typical, histologically documented seborrheic keratosis of the nail bed. Therefore, this condition should be added to the differential diagnosis of acquired longitudinal leukoxanthonychia. However, surgical treatment remains necessary to rule out other causes, including squamous cell carcinoma.  相似文献   

UVB治疗白癜风的不良反应主要有局部出现轻度瘙痒、红斑、光毒反应,儿童白癜风在接受NB-UVB治疗后,皮损区域出现脂溢性角化样的改变既往尚未报道.本文报道一例13岁右下肢屈侧白癜风女性患者,予31次NB-UVB照射治疗后局部出现褐色斑丘疹,组织病理学特点符合脂溢性角化病改变.  相似文献   

患者,女,57岁.躯干部白色丘疹3年.本例皮肤镜表现独特之处在偏振光浸润模式下与典型脂溢性角化病不同,由于色素减退,皮沟与皮嵴表现为浅褐色背景下放射状分布亮白色线状条纹,呈珊瑚样结构.  相似文献   

Clinical differentiation of facial lentigo senilis/initial seborrheic keratosis (LS/ISK), seborrheic keratosis (SK), lentigo maligna (LM), and lentigo maligna melanoma (LMM) can be difficult. Dermoscopy improves the diagnoses in pigmented skin lesions (PSLs), but it is not helpful for the sun-exposed face because of the flat rete ridges without network-derived features. Therefore, development of new diagnostic criteria for this particular localization is a current issue of dermatology. In this retrospective study, dermoscopic slides of facial pigmented skin lesions of 66 patients referred to two clinics in Turkey were evaluated. Our aim was to determine the reliability of dermoscopy in the differentiation of these entities. The facial PSLs of 66 patients (34 males and 32 females) (median age: 58.2) were photographed with a Dermaphot (Heine, Hersching, Germany) over a five year period from November of 1995 to May of 2000. All of the dermoscopic slides were analysed according to 27 dermoscopic criteria developed by Schiffner et al. This data set contained 22 histologically proven malignant (14 LM, 8 early LMM) and 44 benign (18 SK, 26 LS/ISK) PSLs. In general, asymmetric pigmented follicular openings, dark streaks, slate-gray streaks, dark globules, slate-gray globules, dark dots, dark rhomboidal structures, light brown rhomboidal structures, dark homogeneous areas and dark pseudonetworks were statistically significant for malignant growth. On the other hand, milia-like cysts, pseudofollicular openings, cerebriform structures, light brown globules, light brown dots, light brown homogeneous areas, yellow opaque homogeneous areas, and light brown pseudonetworks were statistically significant for benign growth. This research emphasizes that dermoscopic features on the face differ from criteria used in other locations of the body. Analysis of the data suggests that dermoscopy can be used in the differentiation of LS/ISK, SK, LM and LMM from each other.  相似文献   

A case of an acantholytic seborrheic keratosis, first reported by Tagami and Yamada, was seen in a 63-year-old woman. It appeared to belong to the irritated type of Lever's classification.  相似文献   

脂溢性角化病并发基底细胞上皮瘤   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报告1例脂溢性角化病并发基底细胞上皮瘤.患者女,60岁.鼻右侧出现新生物2个月,无痛痒.皮损组织病理检查示表皮角化过度,棘层肥厚,乳头瘤样增生,伴角囊肿形成,增生表皮由鳞状细胞和基底样细胞组成,其基底部与两侧正常表皮位于同一平面上;真皮浅层有基底样细胞形成的肿瘤团块,周边细胞呈栅栏状排列.依据临床和组织病理学改变,确诊为脂溢性角化病并发基底细胞上皮瘤.  相似文献   

目的: 检测Smad7在脂溢性角化病、日光性角化病以及基底细胞癌中的表达。方法:对脂溢性角化病、日光性角化病及基底细胞癌标本(各30例)和30例正常标本进行免疫组化染色。结果:23例脂溢性角化病标本、23例日光性角化病标本和28例基底细胞癌标本中Smad7染色阳性,阳性细胞率分别为(31.0±23.0)%,(32.7±26.3)%和(62.6±32.1)%,均显著高于正常组织的(6.7±5.0%)。结论: Samd7可能与脂溢性角化病、日光性角化病以及基底细胞癌的发病有关。  相似文献   

Background/aims: Nucleolar organizer regions (NORs) have recently attracted much attention because of claims that their frequency within nuclei is significantly higher in malignant cells than in normal, reactive, or benign neoplastic cells. The purpose of this paper is to analyze a method allowing selection of the best morphometric criterion for quantifying AgNORs (Silver stained Nucleolar organizer Regions) under conventional observation conditions, by light microscopy.
Methods: The various parameters including NORs counting in cutaneous tumors using image analysis system were studied.
Results: There were significant differences in mean numbers of AgNORs per nucleus, mean ratio of AgNORs area per nucleus area, mean ratio of greatest AgNORs area per nucleus area, mean nucleus area per a AgNOR, and CV (Coefficient of Variation) of AgNORs area between basal cell carcinoma and seborrheic keratosis.
Conclusion: Study of AgNORs using the image analysis system is a useful tool for diagnosis of cutaneous tumors.  相似文献   

A 67-year-old man noticed on the abdominal skin a coin-sized verrucous plaque, in which a small granulation-like lesion developed several weeks before the first consultation at our clinic. The histology of the biopsied granulation-like lesion showed a well demarcated, but not associated with the collagenous capsule, mass of proliferating eosinophilic cells, consisting of intervening spindle-shaped Schwann cells and mature ganglion cells scattered in the tumor nest. We diagnosed this tumor nest as a ganglioneuroma, which rarely develops in the skin tissue. The simply resected surrounding verrucous lesion was histologically seborrheic keratosis.  相似文献   

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