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Ascending pathways to the telencephalon from the secondary gustatory nucleus (SGN), preglomerular tertiary gustatory nucleus (pTGN), and medial preglomerular nucleus (PGm) were examined by tract-tracing experiments in goldfish Carassius auratus. Tracer injections to the SGN suggest the presence of direct ascending pathways to the supracommissural and the dorsal parts of the ventral telencephalic area, and the medial part of the dorsal telencephalic area (Dm), restricted to its ventral region. The SGN experiments also suggest projections to the pTGN and PGm, and several neuronal types in the primary gustatory centers were newly found to give rise to ascending fibers to the SGN. Injections to the pTGN suggest reciprocal connections of the nucleus with the dorsal region of the Dm (dDm). Injections to the PGm resulted in labeled cells in the dorsal part of the SGN, the secondary general visceral nucleus, and the posterior part of the dorsal telencephalic area, suggesting that this preglomerular nucleus receives gustatory, general visceral, and olfactory inputs. Fibers labeled from the PGm terminated in the central part of the dorsal telencephalic area and the dDm; the latter region contained many labeled somata. The terminal zone of PGm fibers in the dDm is located laterally adjacent to that from the pTGN. Injection experiments to the pTGN and PGm also suggest connections of these nuclei with the inferior lobar nuclei and torus lateralis. Based on the results of the present as well as recent studies, an updated map is provided that shows by and large distinct sensory representation within the goldfish dorsal telencephalic area.  相似文献   

The neuronal connections in the central gustatory system of the crucian carp were examined by means of degeneration and HRP methods. Cell morphology in the primary gustatory lobes was studied in Golgi-impregnated material. Medium-sized neurons of the facial lobe emit axons which project to the secondary gustatory nucleus. The nucleus intermedius facialis of Herrick ('05) projects bilaterally. Large neurons send axons through the spinal trigeminal tract to terminate in the spinal trigeminal nucleus and in the medial funicular nucleus. In the vagal lobe, second-order neurons for the ascending projections are located in the superficial part of the sensory zone. These neurons project exclusively to the ipsilateral secondary gustatory nucleus. Neurons located in the deeper part of the sensory zone send axons to the motor zone and to the brainstem reticular formation to form short reflex arcs. The glossopharyngeal lobe has similar neuronal connections to the vagal sensory zone. Both facial and vagal lobes receive afferent projections from the following central structures: nucleus posterioris thalami, nucleus diffusus lobi inferioris, optic tectum, motor nucleus of the trigeminal nerve, medullary reticular formation, and the gray matter of the upper spinal cord. The facial lobe has an additional afferent from the mesencephalic reticular formation. The major sources to the medullary gustatory lobes are the nucleus posterioris thalami and nucleus diffusus lobi inferioris. Each type of neuron classified by morphology and location in the facial, glossopharyngeal, and vagal lobes was correlated with its particular destination. Topographic projections were demonstrated in the secondary and tertiary gustatory centers.  相似文献   

The central connections of the gustatory/general visceral system of the adult zebrafish (Danio rerio) were examined by means of carbocyanine dye tracing. Main primary gustatory centers (facial and vagal lobes) received sensory projections from the facial and vagal nerves, respectively. The vagal nerve also projects to the commissural nucleus of Cajal, a general visceral sensory center. These primary centers mainly project on a prominent secondary gustatory and general visceral nucleus (SGN/V) located in the isthmic region. Secondary projections on the SGN/V were topographically organized, those of the facial lobe mainly ending medially to those of the vagal lobe, and those from the commissural nucleus ventrolaterally. Descending facial lobe projections to the medial funicular nucleus were also noted. Ascending fibers originating from the SGN/V mainly projected to the posterior thalamic nucleus and the lateral hypothalamus (lateral torus, lateral recess nucleus, hypothalamic inferior lobe diffuse nucleus) and an intermediate cell‐ and fiber‐rich region termed here the tertiary gustatory nucleus proper, but not to a nucleus formerly considered as the zebrafish tertiary gustatory nucleus. The posterior thalamic nucleus, tertiary gustatory nucleus proper, and nucleus of the lateral recess gave rise to descending projections to the SGN/V and the vagal lobe. The connectivity between diencephalic gustatory centers and the telencephalon was also investigated. The present results showed that the gustatory connections of the adult zebrafish are rather similar to those reported in other cyprinids, excepting the tertiary gustatory nucleus. Similarities between the gustatory systems of zebrafish and other fishes are also discussed. J. Comp. Neurol. 525:333–362, 2017. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The nucleus pretectalis (NP) is a prominent nucleus in the percomorph pretectum and has been shown to project to the nucleus isthmi in the filefish by an HRP tract-tracing method [Ito et al., 1981], but a homologous nucleus to the NP is apparently lacking in ostariophysans. The present study examined fiber connections of the nucleus isthmi in an ostariophysan teleost, the carp (Cyprinidae, Cyprinus carpio), to identify a nucleus homologous to the percomorph nucleus pretectalis. Identical studies in a percomorph tilapia (Cichlidae, Oreochromis niloticus) were also performed. Injections of biotinylated dextran amine (BDA) or biocytin to the carp nucleus isthmi labeled cells in the ipsilateral optic tectum and nucleus ruber of Goldstein [1905]. Labeled tectal neurons were located in the stratum periventriculare (SPV) and the stratum fibrosum et griseum superficiale (SFGS). The somata in the SPV were pyriform and those in the SFGS were fusiform. No labeled cells were found in the pretectum. Labeled terminals were seen in the ipsilateral nucleus pretectalis superficialis pars parvocellularis (PSp), optic tectum, and bilateral nucleus ruber. Terminals in the nucleus ruber appear to come from tectal neurons in the SFGS labeled by isthmic injections. Thus the nucleus isthmi has reciprocal fiber connections with the ipsilateral optic tectum, receives projections from the ipsilateral nucleus ruber, and projects to the ipsilateral PSp. The nucleus pretectalis homologue is apparently absent in the carp. Studies in tilapia showed that the nucleus isthmi receives bilateral projections from the NP and optic tectum. In addition, the present study revealed a previously unknown afferent from the nucleus ruber to the percomorph nucleus isthmi. The tilapia nucleus isthmi projects to the same targets as in the carp. Isthmic projection neurons in the tilapia optic tectum were located in the SPV and pyriform with a similar shape to the carp SPV neurons that project to the nucleus isthmi. No labeled cells were found in the SFGS of tilapia optic tectum. The fusiform neurons in the SFGS of the carp optic tectum possess various hodological similarities with the NP and may correspond to the NP neurons of percomorphs.  相似文献   

Afferent and efferent fiber connections of the lobus inferior (LI) were studied in a percomorph teleost, Thamnaconus (Navodon) modestus. The LI of Thamnaconus is composed of the nucleus diffusus lobi inferioris (NDLI), the nucleus recessus lateralis pars lateralis et medialis (NRLl and NRLm), and the nucleus centralis lobi inferioris pars anterior et posterior (NCa and NCp). The NDLI receives projections from the secondary gustatory nucleus, preglomerular tertiary gustatory nucleus, corpus glomerulosum, dorsal region of the area dorsalis telencephali pars medialis (dDm), and area dorsalis telencephali pars lateralis. Different subdivisions of the dorsal telencephalon project to discrete regions of the NDLI. The NDLI projects to the corpus mamillare, NRLl, NCa, and NCp. Thus the NDLI could be regarded as an intrahypothalamic relay nucleus. The NCa receives projections from the NDLI and projects to the preglomerular tertiary gustatory nucleus, secondary gustatory nucleus, nucleus lateralis valvulae, and NRLl. The NCa appears to be primarily an extrahypothalamic projection nucleus. The NCp receives projections from the NDLI. Efferent connections of the NCp remain to be studied. The NRLl receives projections from the NDLI, and projects to the nucleus ruber (NR) of Goldstein [1905] and the preglomerular tertiary gustatory nucleus. Dense projections of the NR to the stratum opticum and stratum fibrosum et griseum superficiale of the optic tectum are demonstrated. The NRLm receives projections from the medial part of the dDm. Efferent connections of the NRLm remain unclear. The LI as a whole receives projections from the locus coeruleus and nucleus raphe superior. These results suggest that the LI receives gustatory and/or general visceral information from the secondary and tertiary gustatory nuclei, visual and somatosensory inputs from the corpus glomerulosum. Inputs from the dorsal telencephalic subdivisions could be of various modalities (e.g. visual, acousticolateral, gustatory and/or general visceral). The present study also suggests that information processed in the LI is transmitted to the optic tectum via the NR, to the corpus mamillare, to the secondary and tertiary gustatory nuclei, and to the cerebellum via the nucleus lateralis valvulae.  相似文献   

Salmonids are a group of teleosts with a nonspecialized gustatory system. With the aim of describing the gustatory connections in a member of this group, we carried out tract-tracing experiments using the lipophilic carbocyanine dye 1,1'-dioctadecyl 3,3,3',3'-tetramethylindocarbocyanine perchlorate (DiI) in fixed brains of the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). The neural tracer was applied to the primary viscerosensory column, secondary gustatory visceral nucleus (SGN), torus lateralis (TL), and tertiary gustatory nucleus (TGN), the dorsal part of the ventral area of the telencephalon (dorsal-Vv), and the medial area of the dorsal telencephalon (Dm). The primary viscerosensory column projects mainly to the SGN. DiI application to the SGN showed a bilateral and reciprocal connection with the TGN and a rostral portion of the nucleus of the lateral hypothalamic recess. The application of DiI in the dorsal-Vv and Dm at levels rostral to the anterior commissure led to labeling of a restricted group of diencephalic neurons in the TGN and sending dendrites to the TL. DiI application to the TL/TGN anterogradely labeled fibers that coursed in the medial forebrain bundle innervating the precommissural portion of the dorsal-Vv and Dm. Caudally, this type of application led to labeling of fibers in the viscerosensory column and perikarya in the SGN. Tract-tracing results showed direct projections from the diencephalic and rhombencephalic gustatory nuclei to the telencephalon. There was a direct and reciprocal connection between the SGN and the ventral telencephalon. The results showed that the gustatory connections of the trout are similar to those of teleosts, with highly specialized gustatory centers as in cyprinids and ictalurids, and to that observed in the percomorph tilapia, thus demonstrating a basic organization that is shared by most teleosts.  相似文献   

The cells of origin for the hypoglossal afferent nerves of the cat and their central projections were examined using the transganglionic and somatopetal transport of horseradish peroxidase (HRP). Primary afferent neurons from the hypoglossal nerve were located in the trigeminal ganglion, the superior ganglion of glossopharyngeal and vagal nerves, and the first 3 cervical ganglia. The central projections of hypoglossal afferents were organized in a selective manner according to their cells of origin. The primary afferent nerves originating from the trigeminal ganglion terminated in the subnucleus dorsalis (Vpd) of the principal nucleus (Vp), lateral margin of the caudal pars interpolaris (Vi), interstitial nucleus and laminae I and V of the pars caudalis (Vc). The projection of the afferent nerves for glossopharyngeal and vagal origins are similarly organized in the Vi and Vc to those of trigeminal origin, but differed in that they terminated ipsilaterally in the caudal half of the solitary nucleus and bilaterally in the commissural nucleus. The primary afferents arising from the first 3 cervical ganglia terminated in laminae I and V of the corresponding cervical cord segments.  相似文献   

Fiber connections of the general visceral sensory centers in the brainstem were studied with tract‐tracing methods in a percomorph teleost, tilapia Oreochromis niloticus. General visceral afferents of the vagal nerve from abdominal viscera terminated bilaterally in the commissural nucleus of Cajal (NCC) and area postrema (AP). The NCC and AP projected bilaterally to the secondary general visceral nucleus (SVN), four diencephalic nuclei (the preglomerular general visceral nucleus [pVN], nucleus of the lateral recess, posterior thalamic nucleus, and lateral tuberal area), preoptic area, and ventral telencephalon (supracommissural, dorsal, and ventral parts) in addition to the glossopharyngeal and vagal lobes and medullary reticular formation. Injections to the SVN resulted in labeled terminals in the forebrain structures that receive fibers from the primary centers and additionally in the diffuse nucleus of the inferior lobe, lateral torus, and inferior subdivision of lateral torus. The present study suggests that the ascending general visceral projections arising from the brainstem centers in teleosts are quite similar to those in mammals and birds. Descending pathways were also notable. In addition to descending projections from the SVN and medullary structures to the primary centers, long descending pathways to the SVN, NCC, and AP were found to originate from the pVN, nucleus of the lateral recess, posterior thalamic nucleus, and preoptic area. The SVN was found to receive fibers from the ventral telencephalon as well. Therefore, the present study indicates that most of the general visceral structures in the forebrain are reciprocally connected with the brainstem centers. J. Comp. Neurol. 518:3570–3603, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Afferent sources to the ganglion (ggl) of the terminal nerve (TN) were studied in percomorph teleosts the tilapia and dwarf gourami. After tracer applications to the TN-ggl and the surrounding bulbus olfactorius, retrogradely labeled neurons were present in the area dorsalis telencephali pars posterior (Dp), area ventralis telencephali pars ventralis et supracommissuralis (Vv and Vs), nucleus tegmento-olfactorius of Prasada Rao and Finger (1984), and locus coeruleus. In the contralateral bulbus olfactorius labeled cells were observed, and terminals were seen in the TN-ggl. Tracer injection experiments to the possible sources of origin to the TN-ggl were then performed. Tracer applications to the nucleus tegmento-olfactorius labeled abundant terminals in the TN-ggl but labeled very few in the bulbus olfactorius proper. Retrogradely labeled neurons were present in the nucleus ventromedialis thalami, nucleus commissurae posterioris, area pretectalis pars dorsalis et ventralis, nucleus sensorius nervi trigemini, and formatio reticularis pars superius et medius. Tracer applications to the Dp or Vs/Vv labeled terminals mainly in the bulbus olfactorius proper. However, terminals to the TN-ggl were supplied from labeled axons on their way to the bulbus olfactorius. Tracer injections to the locus coeruleus labeled only a few fibers around the TN-ggl. These results suggest that the TN-ggl receives somatosensory and visual inputs from the nucleus tegmento-olfactorius and olfactory inputs from the bulbus olfactorius and telencephalic subdivisions, which receive secondary olfactory projections. The locus coeruleus may also send fibers to the TN-ggl.  相似文献   

The primary gustatory sensory nuclei in catfish are grossly divisible into a vagal lobe and a facial lobe. In this study, the reflex connections of each gustatory lobe were determined with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) tracing methods. In addition, in order to determine the loci and morphology of the other brainstem cranial nerve nuclei, HRP was applied to the trigeminal, facial, glossopharyngeal, or vagus nerve. The sensory fibers of the facial nerve terminate in the facial lobe. The facial lobe projects bilaterally to the posterior thalamic nucleus, superior secondary gustatory nucleus, and medial reticular formation of the rostral medulla. The facial lobe has reciprocal connections with the n. lobobulbaris, medial reticular formation of the rostral medulla, descending trigeminal nucleus, medial and lateral funicular nuclei, and the vagal lobe, ipsilaterally; and with the facial lobe contralaterally. In addition, the facial lobe receives inputs from the raphe nuclei, from a pretectal nucleus, and from perilemniscal neurons located immediately adjacent to the ascending gustatory lemniscal tract at the level of the trigeminal motor nucleus. The gustatory fibers of the vagus nerve terminate in the vagal lobe, while the general visceral sensory fibers terminate in a distinct general visceral nucleus. The vagal lobe projects ipsilaterally to the superior secondary gustatory nucleus, lateral reticular formation, and n. ambiguus; and bilaterally to the commissural nucleus of Cajal. The vagal lobe has reciprocal connections with the ipsilateral lobobulbar nucleus and facial lobe. In addition, the vagal lobe receives input from neurons of the medullary reticular formation and perilemniscal neurons of the pontine tegmentum. In summary, the facial gustatory system has connections consonant with its role as an exteroceptive system which works in correlation with trigeminal and spinal afferent systems. In contrast, the vagal gustatory system has connections (e.g., with the n. ambiguus) more appropriate to a system involved in control of swallowing. These differences in central connectivity mirror the reports on behavioral dissociation of the facial and vagal gustatory systems.  相似文献   

Fiber connections of the lateral valvular nucleus were investigated in a percomorph teleost, the tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus), by tract-tracing methods. Following tracer injections into the lateral valvular nucleus, neurons were labeled in the ipsilateral dorsal part of dorsal telencephalic area, corpus glomerulosum pars anterior, dorsomedial thalamic nucleus, central nucleus of the inferior lobe, mammillary body, semicircular torus, valvular and cerebellar corpus, in the bilateral rostral regions of the central part of dorsal telencephalic area, dorsal region of the medial part of dorsal telencephalic area, habenula, anterior tuberal nucleus, posterior tuberal nucleus, and spinal cord, and in the contralateral lateral funicular nucleus. Labeled fibers and terminals were found in the ipsilateral cerebellar corpus and bilateral valvula of the cerebellum. Tracers were injected into portions of the telencephalon, pretectum, inferior lobe, and cerebellum to confirm reciprocally connections with the lateral valvular nucleus and to determine afferent terminal morphology in the lateral valvular nucleus. Telencephalic fibers terminated mainly in a dorsolateral portion of the lateral valvular nucleus. Terminals from the corpus glomerulosum pars anterior, central nucleus of the inferior lobe, and mammillary body showed more diffuse distributions and were not confined to particular portions of the lateral valvular nucleus. Labeled terminals in the lateral valvular nucleus were cup-shaped or of beaded morphology. These results indicate that the lateral valvular nucleus receives projections from various sources including the telencephalon, pretectum, and inferior lobe to relay information to the valvular and cerebellar corpus. In addition, the corpus glomerulosum pars anterior in tilapia is considered to be homologous to the magnocellular part of superficial pretectal nucleus in cyprinids.  相似文献   

The central fiber connections of the gustatory system (VII, IX, and X nerves) in the crucian carp were examined by the Fink-Heimer method and its modification. The sensory and recurrence roots of the VII enter the brainstem separately and terminate in the ipsilateral half of the facial lobe (L-VII). Afferent fibers of the IX terminate in the glossopharyngeal lobe (L-IX). Most afferent fibers of the X terminate in the sensory layer of the vagal lobe (L-X), in which degenerating terminals occur in some laminae. Some vagal afferents project bilaterally to the commissural nucleus of Cajal. The cutaneous component of the X projects to the nucleus of the spinal trigeminal tract (SpV) and the medial funicular nucleus (nFM). Ascending secondary fibers from the L-VII project bilaterally to the secondary gustatory nucleus (nGS) in the isthmus region. Descending secondary fibers from the L-VII turn caudally in the SpV. These fibers terminate mostly in the nucleus of the SpV and sparsely in the nFM. The L-IX and L-X give rise to the long and short secondary paths. The long path projects as the ascending secondary tract to the ipsilateral nGS. The short path includes secondary fibers projecting to the motor layer of the L-X and the medullary reticular formation. Tertiary gustatory fibers arising in the nGS project ipsilaterally to two diencephalic nuclei: the nucleus glomerulosus and the nucleus diffusus lobi inferioris.  相似文献   

The existence of afferent fibers in the cat hypoglossal nerve was studied by transganglionic transport of horseradish peroxidase (HRP). Injections of wheat germ agglutinin-conjugated HRP (WGA-HRP) into the hypoglossal nerve resulted in some retrograde labeling of cell bodies within the superior ganglia of the ipsilateral glossopharyngeal and vagal nerves. A few labeled cell bodies were also present ipsilaterally within the inferior ganglion of the vagal nerve and the spinal ganglion of the C1 segment. Some of the labeled glossopharyngeal and vagal fibers reached the nucleus of the solitary tract by crossing the dorsal portion of the spinal trigeminal tract. Others distributed to the spinal trigeminal nucleus pars interpolaris and to the ventrolateral part of the medial cuneate nucleus by descending through the dorsal portion of the spinal trigeminal tract. In the spinal cord these descending fibers, intermingling with labeled dorsal root fibers, distributed to laminae I, IV-V and VII-VIII of the C1 and C2 segments. Additional HRP experiments revealed that the fibers in laminae VII-VIII originate mainly from dorsal root of the C1 segment.  相似文献   

1. The cortex at the base of the central fissure, that is the fronto-parietal operculum, represents primary sensory receptive cortex for gustatory modalities. 2. This primary receptive cortex for taste is linked to the anterior Island of Reil by short inter- and intracortical association fibers. Thus the anterior island is a gustatory association area involved in the subjective recognition of gustatory modalities. 3. The nucleus ventralis posteromedialis pars parvocellularis of the dorsal thalamus is the thalamic receptive nucleus for gustatory impulses in the macaque. 4. Fibers which originate at rostral glossopharyngeal levels from the dorsal visceral gray terminate in the contralateral mucleus ventralis posteromedialis pars parvocellularis.  相似文献   

Substance P (SP) is implicated in transmission of primary afferent nociceptive signals. In primary neurons, SP is colocalized with calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), which is another neuropeptide marker for small to medium primary neurons. CGRP coreleased with SP augments the postsynaptic effect of SP and thereby modulates the nociceptive transmission. This study demonstrates the distribution of CGRP-like immunoreactivity (-ir) and SP-ir in the lower brainstem of normal rats and after trigeminal rhizotomy or tractotomy at the level of subnucleus interpolaris (Vi). By comparing the results obtained from normal and deafferented rats, we analyzed the central projection of trigeminal primary nociceptors. The CGRP-immunoreactive (-ir) trigeminal primaries projected to the entire rostrocaudal extent of the spinal trigeminal nucleus, the principal nucleus (PrV), the paratrigeminal nucleus (paraV), and the lateral subnucleus of solitary tract nucleus (STN) on the ipsilateral side. The trigeminal primaries projecting to the spinal trigeminal nucleus, paraV and STN also contained SP-ir. The ipsilateral trigeminal primaries were the exclusive source of CGRP-ir terminals in the PrV, the Vi and the dorsomedial nucleus within the subnucleus oralis (Vo). The medullary dorsal horn (MDH) and the lateral edge of Vo received convergent CGRP-ir projection from the ipsilateral trigeminal primaries and other neurons. The glossopharyngeal and vagal primaries are candidates for the source of CGRP-ir projection to the Vo and the MDH, while the dorsal root axons supply the MDH with CGRP-ir terminals. In addition, contralateral primary neurons crossing the midline appear to contain CGRP and to terminate in the MDH. J. Comp. Neurol. 378:425–442, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Michael A. Barry   《Brain research》1987,425(1):159-166
The anterograde and retrograde transport of horseradish peroxidase was utilized to identify the motor nuclei and sensory connections of the IXth and Xth cranial nerves in the clearnose skate, Raja eglanteria. The majority of VIIth, IXth, and Xth nerve motoneurons form an ipsilateral dorsal visceromotor column, extending from the level of the posterior lateral line nerve root to the 3rd-4th ventral spinal roots. Within this column, the motor nucleus of IX (IXm) occurs rostral to vagal motoneurons (dorsal motor nucleus of X, Xmd). Vagal motoneurons are also located ventrolaterally in a ventral motor nucleus (Xmv), which extends from the level of the middle vagal rootlets to the 5th-6th ventral spinal roots. IXth and Xth nerve afferents terminate predominantly in the ipsilateral visceral sensory column (vS). Many vagal but few glossopharyngeal afferents form a solitary tract. A distinct nucleus of the solitary tract could not be identified; rather fibers terminate among cells scattered in the tract, adjacent vS, and nucleus of the commissura infima, where some vagal fibers decussate. Vagal and glossopharyngeal somatic sensory fibers were not found.  相似文献   

Transganglionic transport of horseradish peroxidase was used to trace the pattern of medullary terminations of the glossopharyngeal and vagal nerve complex in the channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus. The glossopharyngeal root terminates centrally in the anterior end of the vagal lobe except for two fascicles that terminate in separate regions of the nucleus intermedius of the facial lobe. Vagal nerve branches innervating regions of the oropharynx terminate in an overlapping, segmental fashion throughout the ipsilateral vagal lobe and the nucleus intermedius of the vagal lobe. The descending branch of the vagus, innervating the abdominal viscera, terminates in the general visceral nucleus and in the nucleus intermedius of the vagal lobe. In addition, abdominal visceral fibers decussate through the commissural nucleus of Cajal and terminate in the general visceral nucleus of the contralateral side. Efferents included in the oropharyngeal and abdominal branches of the vagus also originate from two morphologically separable populations of motor neurons.  相似文献   

Acousticolateral systems were examined by means of the horseradish peroxidase tracing method in a teleost (Sebastiscus marmoratus). The torus semicircularis projected bilaterally to the optic tectum, nucleus ventromedialis thalami of Schnitzlein ('62), and reticular formation; contralaterally to the torus semicircularis; and ipsilaterally to the nucleus preglomerulosus of Schnitzlein ('62) and the inferior olive. No topographic organization was detected between the torus semicircularis and the nucleus preglomerulosus. Ipsilateral inputs to the torus were from dorsal telencephalic areas (pars centralis, Dc; pars dorsalis, Dd; and the dorsal part of pars medialis, dDm) and the optic tectum. Contralateral inputs to the torus were from the torus semicircularis, a caudal part of the cerebellum, and a portion of the trigeminal complex. The torus also received bilateral input from the nucleus ventromedialis thalami, nucleus of lemniscus lateralis, nucleus medialis, anterior octaval nucleus, descending octaval nucleus, and the reticular formation. Retrogradely labeled cells in the octaval nuclei were seen predominantly subsequent to HRP injections in the medial torus, while cells in the nucleus medialis were retrogradely labeled following injections into the lateral torus. HRP injections into the nucleus preglomerulosus labeled cells in the superficial region of the torus, while injections into the nucleus ventromedialis thalami labeled cells in the deep region. The nucleus preglomerulosus received inputs bilaterally from the nucleus of the lemniscus lateralis and reticular formation and ipsilaterally from the dorsal telencephalic areas (Dc, Dd, and dDm) and the torus semicircularis. In turn the nucleus preglomerulosus projected to Dd and Dm. Fibers arising in the nucleus ventromedialis thalami ended in Dc, Dd, Dm, and area ventralis pars supracommissuralis (Vs). Homology between the nucleus preglomerulosus and the central thalamic nucleus in amphibians, the nucleus reuniens in reptiles, the nucleus ovoidalis in birds, and the medial geniculate body in mammals is discussed.  相似文献   

Forebrain connections of the gustatory system in ictalurid catfishes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Horseradish peroxidase tracing and extracellular electrophysiological recording techniques were employed to delineate prosencephalic connections of the gustatory system in ictalurid catfishes. The isthmic secondary gustatory nucleus projects rostrally to several areas of the ventral diencephalon including the nucleus lobobulbaris and the nucleus lateralis thalami. Injections of HRP in the vicinity of the nucleus lobobulbaris reveal an ascending projection to the telencephalon terminating in the area dorsalis pars medialis (Dm) and the medial region of area dorsalis pars centralis (Dc). Conversely, injections of HRP into the gustatory region of area dorsalis pars medialis label small neurons in the nucleus lobobulbaris. Gustatory neurons in the telencephalon send descending projections via the medial and lateral forebrain bundles to several nuclei in the anterior and ventroposterior diencephalon. The nucleus lateralis thalami, a diencephalic nucleus, receives ascending gustatory projections from the secondary gustatory nucleus but does not project to the telencephalon. Neurons in both the nucleus lateralis thalami and the telencephalic gustatory target exhibit multiple extraoral and oral receptive fields and complex responses to chemical (taste) and tactile stimulation.  相似文献   

The central projections of the ethmoidal, glossopharyngeal, and superior laryngeal nerves were determined in the muskrat by use of the transganglionic transport of a mixture of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and wheat germ agglutinin (WGA)-HRP. The ethmoidal nerve projected to discrete areas in all subdivisions of the ipsilateral trigeminal sensory complex. Reaction product was focused in ventromedial portions of the principal nucleus, subnucleus oralis, and subnucleus interpolaris. The subnucleus oralis also contained sparse reaction product in its dorsomedial part. Projections were dense to ventrolateral parts of laminae I and II of the rostral medullary dorsal horn, with sparser projections to lamina V. Label in laminae I and V extended into the cervical dorsal horn. A few labeled fibers were followed to the contralateral dorsal horn. The interstitial neuropil of the ventral paratrigeminal nucleus was densely labeled. Extratrigeminal primary afferent projections in ethmoidal nerve cases involved the K?lliker-Fuse nucleus and ventrolateral part of the parabrachial nucleus, the reticular formation surrounding the rostral ambiguous complex, and the dorsal reticular formation of the closed medulla. Retrograde labeling in the brain was observed in only the mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus in these cases. The cervical trunk of the glossopharyngeal and superior laryngeal nerves also projected to the trigeminal sensory complex, but almost exclusively to its caudal parts. These nerves terminated in the dorsal and ventral paratrigeminal nuclei as well as lamina I of the medullary and cervical dorsal horns. Lamina V received sparse projections. The glossopharyngeal and superior laryngeal nerves projected to the ipsilateral solitary complex at all levels extending from the caudal facial nucleus to the cervical spinal cord. At the level of the obex, these nerves projected densely to ipsilateral areas ventral and ventromedial to the solitary tract. Additional ipsilateral projections were observed along the dorsolateral border of the solitary complex. Near the obex and caudally, the commissural area was labeled bilaterally. Labeled fibers from the solitary tract projected into the caudal reticular formation bilaterally, especially when the cervical trunk of the glossopharyngeal nerve received tracer. Labeled fibers descending further in the solitary tract gradually shifted toward the base of the cervical dorsal horn. The labeled fibers left the solitary tract and entered the spinal trigeminal tract at these levels. Retrogradely labeled cells were observed in the ambiguous complex, especially rostrally, and in the rostral dorsal vagal nucleus after application of HRP and WGA-HRP to either the glossopharyngeal or superior laryngeal nerves. In glossopharyngeal nerve cases, retrogradely labeled neurons also were seen in the inferior salivatory nucleus.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

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