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龚东方  梁楚京 《针刺研究》1993,18(4):253-256
本文观察不同针刺手法对78例肾虚患者血浆 E2、T、E2/T 和 C 含量的影响。结果:对女性患者,补泻两法均能降低 E2和T,泻法使 E2/T 呈下降趋势,补法则下降,组间比较差异有显著性(P<0.05);泻法组皮质醇下降(P<0.05),补法组则无明显差异。提示针刺补泻对女性肾虚患者性激素和肾虚患者血浆 C 水平有不同的调整作用。  相似文献   

为探讨针麻的规律,提高针麻效果,我们观察了针麻和硬膜外麻醉(以下简称药麻)下,手术病人的容积脉搏波和血压的变化,并将两者的观察结果进行比较,初步报告如下。方法在针刺麻醉下做腹部手术者共38例,其中胃大部切除术35例,阑尾切除术1例,疝修补术2例。采用1972年上海针麻会议所订的全国统一评级标准。针麻效果:Ⅰ级14例,  相似文献   

针刺内关穴及不同针刺手法对脉象图参数的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
脉象是一项灵敏的综合性生理或病理信息。近年来,脉象仪的研究成功又为客观检测脉象信息提供了条件。脉象与针刺效应之间的关系早在《内经》中即有详细阐述,如《灵枢·终始》:“气至而有效者,泻则益虚,虚者脉大如其故而不坚也……;补则益实,实者脉大如其故而益坚也……。”指出可利用脉象在针刺前后的变化,来判断针刺的补泻效果。因此本实验拟以中医脉诊理论出发,运用ZM-3型智能脉象仪,观察针刺效应对脉象图参数的影响,探讨针刺过程中脉象图参数变化的规律。  相似文献   

在合谷、手三里两穴针刺时和针刺后,通过新型体积描记器“电阻套箍”,测定手指基部(近位)节骨动脉血管容积弹性率。该仪器无伤害性,能间接地测定动脉血压和容积的变化。16位健康受试者休息15分钟,分别在合谷和手三里进行2分钟针刺.手三里穴施针时和施针后血管容积弹性率显著下降(P<0.01),并且在出针后至少可维持20  相似文献   

不同针刺手法对健康人经穴氧分压的影响   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
喻凤兰  孔鄂生 《中国针灸》1996,16(10):15-16
本文采用氧分压(PO2)传感针,对20例健康男性的手阳明大肠经上臂穴、曲池穴的PO2与相应非穴位的PO2值进行了测定。结果显示针刺合谷穴时,臂与曲池穴PO2升高,分别与针刺前比较,其10'、15'、20'的PO2值均有显著性差异(PM<O.05),而相应非穴位PO2变化不显著。在应用补法与泻法(提插捻转)运针后发现,施行补法时曲池穴P02上升,泻法时PO2下降。  相似文献   

不同针刺手法对人体胃电影响的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邢文堂 《山西中医》1991,7(4):33-35
本文以胃电幅值和频率为指标,观察了提插、捻转、平补平泻和循经感传4种手法对人体胃电的不同影响。实验证明:捻转和平补平泻手法均有抑制胃电作用,都可使胃电图频率减慢(P<0.05),同时,平补平泻手法还有明显降低振幅作用(P<0.001);提插和循经感传手法均有兴奋胃电作用,使胃电图振幅升高(P<0.01),同时,提插手法还可使频率升高(P<0.001)。据此,对慢性浅表性胃炎、慢性萎缩性胃炎及表现为低频低幅的胃癌,宜采用提插手法或循经感传手法,而对于胃、十二指肠溃疡、高酸症等胃电图出现高频高幅的患者宜采用平补平泻手法或捻转手法。  相似文献   

不同手法针刺对内毒素致热家兔体温的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以大肠杆菌内毒素致热家兔作为实热模型,观察了致热后不同手法针刺治疗对家兔体温的影响。结果发现,捻转泻法、电针泻法和综合泻法均有明显的相对阵热作用,尤其表现在针刺后的即时效应和降低发热高峰值的作用,三组中,以捻转泻法和综合泻法的效果更佳。捻转补法除对发热曲线有轻微的影响外,无明显的即时效应和对友热高峰的抑制效应。本实验结果表明,在清热效应上,手法补泻有明显区别,手法操作与电针操作亦有一定区别,而单、复式泻法间无差异。初步验证了“实则泻之”的补泻规律和不同手法的实际意义。  相似文献   

不同针刺手法对健康人穴位皮肤温度的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的:研究具有一定的量化针蜱法对健康人穴位皮肤温度的影响规律,方法:选用普通针刺手法、平补平泻手法,在健康人体进行一定量化手法与针刺效应之间关系的探讨。结果:普通针刺手法、平补平泻手法在同侧商阳穴对穴位皮肤温度的影响以升温效应为主,与针前比较有统计学意义,在对侧少商穴平补平泻手法对穴位皮肤温度的影响以温度升高为主,与针前比较有统计学意义,而普通针刺手法尽管也有一定的穴位温度升高的趋势,但是与针前比较无统计学意义,结论:不同针刺手法对健康人穴位皮肤温度有不同的影响,针刺手穴位温度的变化不仅具有循经性,而且具有全身性的变化。  相似文献   

不同针刺手法对脑梗死偏瘫患者神经功能康复的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前针刺对脑梗死神经功能康复的研究临床开展较多,国内针刺手法种类多样,但许多手法很难普及如贺氏针灸三通法、石氏醒脑开窍针法等。2006-06—2007-02,我们分别观察了临床常规针刺手法、电针刺激及单纯针刺不行针对脑梗死患者的神经功能康复的影响,现报告如下。1资料与方法1.  相似文献   

We know that different acupuncture manipulations produce different acupuncture effects.However, the mechanism is still unclear.The neural system has the function of encoding, which means different stimulation information is encoded in the neural signals and transported to the central neural system.We thought whether the mechanism is associated with the neural encoding or not.Action potentials(neural electrical signals) of peripheral afferent nerve, spinal dorsal horn neurons, and neurons in related brain nuclei evoked by different acupuncture manipulations, including lifting-thrusting manipulations and twirling manipulations with different frequency, were recorded in our study.These signals were analyzed with linear and nonlinear analysis methods.The results showed that: 1) The neural electrical signals evoked by acupuncture were chaotic, which means they are not random signals.2) The discharge frequency of the peripheral afferent nerve and the spinal dorsal horn neurons increased progressivelyfollowing with the increasing acupuncture manipulation frequency.But the discharge in the higher nervous center(the related brain neuronal nuclei) does not show the similar variation.This study indicates that the neural electrical signals evoked by different acupuncture manipulations are different to one another, and have an inner regularity.In the next work, the organ's effect will be observed combined with recording the neural electrical signals.The mechanism of the acupuncture manipulations will be further elucidated.  相似文献   

Objective: To explore the relationship between the needle-retaining time and the therapeutic effect of acupuncture in the treatment of ischemic stroke patients. Methods: Based on the level of the severity of the patient's disease and the duration of acupuncture needle-retaining, 245 ischemic stroke inpatients were divided into 20 min, 40 min and 60 min groups according to the stratified random method. Acupoints used were Jianyu (肩髃 LI 15), Quchi (曲池 LI 11), Waiguan (外关 TE 5), Hegu (合谷 LI 4), etc. and stimulated electrically (2 Hz, sparse waves, an endurable strength) for 20 min, 40 min and 60 min respectively by using an electroacupuncture therapeutic apparatus. The treatment was given once daily, with 10 sessions being a therapeutic course. The severity of clinical neurological deficit was scored before and after the treatment. Results: The results showed that acupuncture could improve the neurological deficit severity of ischemic stroke patients. The therapeutic effect of acupuncture in improving myodynamia of the upper limbs and hands, and the total score of 60 min group was the best, followed by 40 min group and 20 min group respectively, indicating that longer duration of acupuncture needle retention has a better therapeutic effect in the treatment of stroke. Conclusion: There is a positive relationship between the needle-retaining time and the curative effect in improving ischemic stroke patients' clinical symptoms and signs by acupuncture.  相似文献   

Cerebrovascular dementia is a common disese in the old and medium-aged people. Its morbidity constitutes about 10-20% of all the dementia patients and results mainly from all-round decline of the brain function due to cerebral atheroscleorsis and cerebral infarction. The author of the present paper adopted acupuncture therapy to; treat this kind of disease and observed its effect on dementia patient‘s intelligence. Here is the report.  相似文献   

<正> 针刺麻醉的大量临床实践和实验研究已经证明,针刺具有调整和镇痛作用。可作为麻醉的手段之一。但心理因素,如其中的暗示作用,在针麻中有何意义,还存在不同看法。国外有人认为,针麻就是一种催眠暗示性的麻醉,多数人意见相反,有人进而用实验证明其机理是不同的。我国于1973年即有工作看到,暗示感受性高的人  相似文献   

Comparative observation was taken in 112 patients of hyperthyroidism. These patients were treated by both acupuncture and small dosage (10 mg once daily) of Methimazole. The acupuncture was given once weekly in group 1, twice in group 2, and thrice in group 3.  相似文献   

<正> 对于心理因素在针刺麻醉中的作用,人们的看法殊不一致。有关情绪状态,暗示等心理因素对针麻效果的关系,已有过一些探讨。在我国针刺麻醉的大量临床实践中,多数单位在术前对病人均作“解说”工作,主要内容包括介绍针麻的优越性及尚存在的缺点,术中主要步骤有何感觉,以及应如何配合等。病人的这种“思想准备”对针麻效果有何意义,是否必要,这是一个应  相似文献   

With economical development of the society,elevation of livingstandard,andlife-style changes ,overweight andobesity are increasingly occurring,and their incidences tend to enhance year by year . Obesity not only affectsone’s posture , but also, more i mp…  相似文献   

<正> This paper deals with whether the posterior hypothalamus area(PHA) can receive signals from electroacupuncture(EA) at "Neiguan", and whether a relative specificity does exist between acupoints or acupoint and non-acupoint The neuron activity was recorded extracellularly for analyzing the influence of EA at different acupoints and nonacupoint on the discharge of PHA neurons.  相似文献   

<正> 近年来,许多作者报告内源性鸦片样物质(Endogenons Opiate Like Substan-ces,OLS)可以抑制腺苷酸环化酸,使脑内环化-磷酸腺苷(cAMP)含量降低。设法提高脑内cAMP的水平,则可对抗吗啡的镇痛作用。现已证明,内源性鸦片样物质在针刺镇痛过程中具有重要作用。在针刺过程中,脑内鸦片样物质亦明显升高。我们实验室还发现,给大鼠脑室注射cAMP,  相似文献   

Primaryosteoporosisreferstooneoftheskeletaldiseasesmarkedbydecreaseofthebonequantity,micro structuraldegenerationofthebone,increaseofthebonebrittlenessandbeingliabletobebroken .Itisaphysiologicalretro gradeaffectionoccurringalongwiththeincreaseofpeople’sage[1 ] .Owingtothedecreaseofthebonequantityandtheincreaseofthebonebrit tleness,fractureisincreasinggreatly ,ifso ,thepatientwillhavetoberestrictedtothebedandmayexperiencesomeseverecomplications.Thus,nowadays,osteoporosisandtheresultantfractur…  相似文献   

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