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e-Health is steadily integrating into modern health services, making significant changes in the way health services are traditionally delivered. To work in this new environment, healthcare workers are required to have new knowledge, skills and competencies specific to e-Health. The aim of this study was to understand the self-reported perceptions of graduates regarding the influence of an e-Health postgraduate program on their professional careers. In addition, this paper will provide an overview of the e-Health postgraduate program. All graduates from 2005 to 2015 were surveyed using an online questionnaire that consisted of a mixture of closed and open-ended questions. The number of participants in the study was 32. Response rate was 62%. The main motivating factors for studying e-Health were ‘relevance to current practice’ and ‘e-Health is the future’. The participants noted that the opportunity to ‘acquiring relevant knowledge’ and ‘having exposure’ were key benefits offered by the e-Health education program. The majority of graduates (n?=?23, 72%) thought that the postgraduate e-Health program had an influence on their professional practice. A similar number of participants (n?=?23, 72%) mentioned that they had worked in the field of e-Health since their graduation. Their professional roles mainly involved ‘implementation of e-Health in health service settings’ and the ‘use of e-Health in clinical practice’. While e-Health may be steadily integrating into modern health services, e-Health specific job opportunities are still relatively limited. e-Health workforce development must be given priority.  相似文献   

近几年电子健康体系建设引起广泛关注并取得成效。系统介绍电子健康发展历程,结合存在的一些问题探讨如何完善电子健康体系。通过现状分析对电子健康未来发展趋势进行展望,即发展人本电子健康,并就如何发展人本电子健康事业提出建议。  相似文献   

从药物副作用挖掘、疾病爆发监控、消费者健康词汇表构建、缩写消歧和拼写错误检测以及情感分析和观点分析5个应用领域,对电子健康挖掘研究进行系统介绍,以期对国内相关研究起到一定的促进作用.  相似文献   

阐述电子健康对于健康管理的重要性,调研并总结国内外在电子健康系统构建方面的经验与不足,提出人本电子健康系统的创新性并给出其系统设计。该系统分为个人健康日志与问卷调查、科普知识与案例、健康论坛3大部分,每个模块分别承担不同的功能。  相似文献   

e-Health offers the rich potential of supplementing traditional delivery of services and channels of communication in ways that extend the healthcare organization's ability to meet the needs of its patients. Benefits include enhanced access to information and resources, empowerment of patients to make informed healthcare decisions, streamlined organizational processes and transactions, and improved quality, value, and patient satisfaction. A diverse array of factors affects the development and implementation of e-Health initiatives and applications. Crafting a strategic approach is critical to success, especially in this era of rapidly changing technology. The journey to implementing e-Health at this VA Network is discussed and a model described for assessing the environment, identifying critical success factors, and selecting areas of focus. Recommendations are offered for defining a strategic approach to e-Health for healthcare organizations.  相似文献   

盖保康 《中国医院》2008,12(2):14-16
介绍e-science和e—Health在国际上的兴起及我国跟进的现状;提出图书馆顺应时代潮流积极应对要作好的几项工作是:(1)加大数字资源;(2)调整空间结构;(3)引进学科馆员;(4)加强一线服务。要建设数字图书馆。  相似文献   

This paper presents CloudMedic, an e-Health Cloud solution that manages health care services in remote regions of Bahia-Brazil. For that, six main modules: Clinic, Hospital, Supply, Administrative, Billing and Health Business Intelligence, were developed to control the health flow among health actors at health institutions. They provided database model and procedures for health business rules, a standard gateway for data maintenance between web views and database layer, and a multi-front-end framework based on web views and web commands configurations. These resources were used by 2042 health actors in 261 health posts covering health demands from 118 municipalities at Bahia state. They also managed approximately 2.4 million health service ‘orders and approximately 13.5 million health exams for more than 1.3 million registered patients. As a result, a collection of health functionalities available in a cloud infrastructure was successfully developed, deployed and validated in more than 28% of Bahia municipalities. A viable e-Health Cloud solution that, despite municipality limitations in remote regions, decentralized and improved the access to health care services at Bahia state.  相似文献   

Nowadays with the growing of the wireless connections people can access all the resources hosted in the Cloud almost everywhere. In this context, organisms can take advantage of this fact, in terms of e-Health, deploying Cloud-based solutions on e-Health services. In this paper two Cloud-based solutions for different scenarios of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) management system are proposed. We have researched articles published between the years 2005 and 2011 about the implementation of e-Health services based on the Cloud in Medline. In order to analyze the best scenario for the deployment of Cloud Computing two solutions for a large Hospital and a network of Primary Care Health centers have been studied. Economic estimation of the cost of the implementation for both scenarios has been done via the Amazon calculator tool. As a result of this analysis two solutions are suggested depending on the scenario: To deploy a Cloud solution for a large Hospital a typical Cloud solution in which are hired just the needed services has been assumed. On the other hand to work with several Primary Care Centers it's suggested the implementation of a network, which interconnects these centers with just one Cloud environment. Finally it's considered the fact of deploying a hybrid solution: in which EHRs with images will be hosted in the Hospital or Primary Care Centers and the rest of them will be migrated to the Cloud.  相似文献   

云计算在电子健康中的新应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
在医疗健康信息爆炸式增长的电子健康时代,如何获取存储分析与管理医疗健康数据,并以更低的}T成本实现更加智能、更为个性化的医疗健康服务成为未来电子健康发展的重要课题。云计算作为新兴的信息技术为应对上述挑战提供了新的技术途径。对电子健康领域中基于云计算的新型电子健康应用服务进行了介绍,讨论了云计算对电子健康未来发展的趋势性影响。  相似文献   

目的:建立卫管专业人才培养与社会需求差距模型,分析差距产生的主要原因并提出对策。方法:通过开展调查和文献回顾,借鉴服务质量差异模型,建立卫管专业人才培养与社会需求差距模型。结果:卫管专业人才培养与社会需求在培养模式、培养质量及与用人单位沟通等方面存在差距。结论:缩小卫管专业人才培养与社会需求的差距应加强与用人单位的沟通联系,把握用人单位需求,同时,还应科学设计培养方案,严格执行培养方案,有效提高人才培养质量。  相似文献   

【目的】应用心率和尿蛋白指标对武警部队新人伍战士体能训练期生理负荷状况进行监测,为合理安排运动负荷提供参考。【方法】(1)对训练课进行生理负荷(生理负担量)检测:通过手触颈动脉计算即刻心率,描绘出心率曲线图,计算生理负担量等级评定指数。(2)尿蛋白检测:用PU-4210型尿液分析仪检测运动后和恢复晨的战士尿蛋白水平。【结果】在连续体能训练课中,生理负担量指数处于高低不同的变化中,主要变化趋势在1.4和1.8之间。接近2.0的有4次。最大运动量8次,大运动量14次,中等运动量7次。最大和大运动量课后次日晨尿蛋白恢复率为60.8%和84.8%,中等运动量课后次日晨恢复较好。【结论】训练前期应慎重安排最大量课,在大量课间要适当穿插小、中量课,确保机能水平的恢复。  相似文献   

本文依据我国97所医学院校2007年高职高专专业设置的调查结果,分析了医学高职高专人才培养的现状和存在的问题.同时,从专业设置方面提出了改进医学高职高专人才培养的建议.  相似文献   

在回顾分析我国中医药人才培养现存问题的基础上,从人才培养过程的3个核心要素出发,对我国高等中医药人才培养的现状进行分析和思考。在培养目标上,倡导区分人才培养层次和类型,合理确定目标;在培养方案上,建议调整教学内容、实现传统和现代教学方式的融合,创新课程教学方法;在教学制度上,建议调整现行的考评体系,并加强专业师资队伍建设。  相似文献   

人本电子健康(HeH)是支持医学模式转变的战略导向和强大技术平台,是中国医疗体制改革的治本之策,将有利于创建新型的知识与技术创新体系,引领未来社会发展新模式。推进HeH需要通过国家的战略部署和区域化试点,大力发展数字化医疗保健设备,加快推进人口与健康领域国家级数据共享平台建设,建立并完善社会支助体系。  相似文献   

从试点基地及专业培训分布情况、学员基本情况、培训组织工作、试点基地的培训管理制度、培训师资情况、专业培训方向设计、培训计划的制定、带教模式、临床药师在职培训工作的定位等方面介绍了第一批临床药师培训试点工作基本情况,指出必须坚持《卫生部临床药师培训试点方案》的基本原则,坚持招收学员的标准,调整专科化临床药师的培训方向,制订《专科临床药师培训标准》,强化培训计划的制定与实施,加强培训的带教工作,规范培训用技术性文件,加强法律法规教育。  相似文献   

通过对四川省32个检验医师培训基地的40名师资人员进行问卷调查,分析了我国检验医师培养的现状、主要影响因素及可能的解决方法。指出检验医师的培养是检验医学发展的必然趋势,需要国家及地方政策的支持和广大检验工作者的共同努力。  相似文献   

肿瘤作为目前全世界范围内威胁人类健康的头号疾病,是全人类最为关注也亟待突破创新的热点健康问题。英国高等医学教育作为欧洲高等医学教育的典型代表,有其成功的教育模式;其对肿瘤医师的培训,也有特色之处。笔者于2021年赴英国皇家马斯登医院进行了为期1年的临床访问学习。本文将从英国肿瘤医师学制、培训课程设置、临床工作中的教育培训方法等方面介绍英国肿瘤医师教育培训模式。笔者发现:强调从基础到临床、从通识教育到专科教育、从临床到科研再到临床,是英国肿瘤医师培训的主要特色。鉴于此,笔者希望能结合我国肿瘤医师培训的具体情况,为肿瘤医师教育培训模式改革给予一定的借鉴和帮助。  相似文献   

目前我国医学教师培训存在培训方式和培训类型单一,培训内容不够合理等许多问题与不足。在医学发展的新形势下,如何构建科学合理的医学青年教师培训体系,提高青年教师综合素质成为医学教育改革亟待解决的一项重要课题。文章从培训理念的现代化,培训阶段划分的合理化,培训内容的综合化,培训形式的多样化,培训评价的科学化,保障机制的健全化,培训参与的主动化等方面分析探讨了该课题,以期为教育主管部门及各高校有效开展医学青年教师培训提供帮助与指导。  相似文献   

新冠疫情给来华留学教育来带来巨大挑战,也凸显了目前我国临床医学专业(英语授课)师资培训的短板.新形势下,针对如何突破全英师培的困境,保持全英师培的延续性发展进行了探讨.  相似文献   

背景 全科住院医师规范化培训(住培)学员作为住培的参与主体,其对住培的现况反馈评价可直接反映培训的效果和质量,影响全科相关政策研究制定。目的 分析大型综合医院全科住培教育情况,查找存在的问题及产生的原因,为今后更好地做好全科住培工作提供参考,并逐步完善全科住培教育,为国家培养高水平的全科医生。方法 于2018年5-6月,采用整群抽样法选择郑州大学第一附属医院2018年6月结业的全部全科学员共200例为调查对象。通过无记名问卷调查和书面访谈了解住培学员情况。问卷主要包括5部分:全科住培学员的基本情况,全科学员的住培情况,对全科理念的了解情况,对全科住培情况的反馈,全科学员就业的基本情况。结果 共发放调查问卷200份,回收有效问卷200份,问卷有效回收率为100.0%。7.5%(15/200)的学员在2年内未通过执业医师考试;10.5%(21/200)的学员延期结业;94.3%(182/193)的学员在住培3年中受到导师良好的培养和影响;通过3年的全科住培,对全科非常了解的学员比例达到了83.0%(166/200),愿意从事全科工作的学员比例提升到了83.0%(166/200);在扎根基层全科工作的信心程度方面,仅有14.5%(29/200)的学员表示很有信心;113例订单定向学员中,52.2%(59/113)愿意回到基层工作,但3年后仅10.6%(12/113)的学员愿意留在基层;26例已找到工作的社会全科学员中,88.5%(23/26)继续从事临床工作,其中在三级甲等医院工作的学员占21.7%(5/23);15例委培学员中93.3%(14/15)的学员单位是县级医院。21例延期结业的学员中有61.9%(13/21)是因为休产假而延期,执业医师考试未通过和身体原因各占19.0%(4/21)。结论 住培基地应加强学员基础知识、临床技能和全科理念的综合培养,进一步提高全科学员的职业认同感,推广规范双导师制的培养模式,提升学员的综合竞争力,加强带教师资队伍建设,多方面保障全科住培效果,依据全科就业真实状况,探寻提高基层全科岗位吸引力的方法。  相似文献   

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