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张文汇 《中国卫生事业管理》1996,12(6):294-295
加强急诊管理 提高抢救医疗质量成都市三医院(610031)张文汇我院是一所综合性医院,现有病床821张,职工1272人,其中卫生技术人员980人,占总职工人数的77%。随着城市人口的增多,加之我院地处市中心,交通方便,造成门急诊病人多,危重病人多,公... 相似文献
为探讨提高突发事故的应急救治水平,把院前急救和院内急诊治疗有机结合起来,本阐述了以病人为中心,增强服务意识;实行限时服务,急救有效;注重素质培养,提高急救效率;提供全程监护;为提高医院的急诊救治水平提供经验。 相似文献
戴兰香 《中国卫生事业管理》1997,13(2):71-72
我院是山东省第一家股份合作制乡镇综合性医院,共有病床84张,职工80人,其中卫生技术人员56人,占职工总人数的70%。我院地处烟潍公路,北邻渤海,南邻矿区,服务范围覆盖了3个县市10个乡镇,服务对象有渔民、农民、矿工、学生、教师、干部等。因此,急诊病人,危重病人多。工伤事故、交通事故、农药中毒、酒精中毒较多,抢救及医疗任务十分繁重。据1994~1995年两年统计,我院急诊病人总计2525人次,抢救存活2393人次,抢救存活率94.77%。因此,医院多次受到患者、上级领导及广大群众的好评。我们的具体做法如下:一、加强领导,健全… 相似文献
门急诊服务历来是群众反映较多的焦点、热点。重危病人的急忙仍质量更是事关病人的安危。本文结合基层以医院工作实际,总结了加强医院急诊管理、建立急救绿色生命通道的做法。建立院长领导下的急诊管理体制,健全医院急诊指挥系统;适应急诊急救任务,以病人为中心,改善患者就诊环境;选配好急诊医护人员,制定急诊工作制度和工作质量标准,严格考评,保证急诊质量,制定并认真组织实施突发性灾害事故群体伤病应急方案,使众多的急 相似文献
关于建立急诊质量控制体系的探讨 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
质量问题是急诊医疗服务的核心,直接关系到患者的生命与健康,体现医院的整体科学管理和医疗技术水平,间接影响到医院在社会公众中的形象。而急诊医学是一门新兴的综合性、边缘性临床学科,近年来在急诊质量控制方面虽然有一定的发展,但仍有很多的质量控制方面的问题需要进一步完善,只有具备较完善的质量控制体系,才能保证急诊医疗体系能够以快速、高效地完成各种急、危、重症病人紧急救治任务,并不断地提高急诊 相似文献
加强急诊科管理 提高急救医疗质量 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
加强急诊科管理提高急救医疗质量万建华李继光作者单位:110001沈阳市,中国医科大学附属第一医院随着医疗体制的改革,医院内部医疗结构的调整,急诊模式的转变也势在必行。为适应现代急诊急救医学的发展,更好地满足急诊患者的医疗要求,我们在改变急诊模式方面做... 相似文献
加强医疗环节质量管理的措施 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
医疗环节质量管理一直是医院质量管理的重点。然而,医院的医疗环节管理往往受到忽略,或处于被动状态,或流于形式。随着医疗体制的改革和人们对医患关系认识的改变,旧的医疗环节管理形式已难以适应当前医疗发展的需要。近年来我院采取一系列措施,深化医疗环节质量管理,加强医院管理层、医务人员和病人之间的沟通,取得了良好的效果。1 重危病人的管理 重危病人抢救的成功率是医院医疗水平的重要标志。我院是一所大型综合性三级甲等医院,国内知名度较高, 相似文献
基层医院门急诊质量管理 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
急诊医学是一门新兴的跨专业的综合学科 ,为提高院前抢救成功率 ,完善了急救网络和急救设备的管理 ,加强急救程序和技能训练 ,认为提高和加强院前急救的组织管理是提高院前抢救成功率的根本保证。 相似文献
The quality of emergency room radiograph interpretations 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Primary care physicians often make patient management decisions based in part on their own interpretations of radiographs. This important area of clinical decision making has not been previously analyzed in the literature. In this series of 294 consecutive radiographs from rural practice, interpretative disagreement between primary care providers and backup radiologists occurred 9.2 percent of the time, a discordance rate similar to that seen among radiologists in other studies. Although a majority of the films for which interpretative disagreement occurred had potential implications for influencing patient management, in only seven cases did actual case management vary from appropriate norms. Follow-up of cases where interpretative disagreement occurred revealed that in only two cases did unsatisfactory outcomes occur. Primary care physicians can provide high-quality radiographic interpretations that, when coupled with clinical information, yield extremely low rates of error or potential for poor patient outcomes. 相似文献
浅谈消毒供应中心全面质量管理 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
全面质量管理(Total Quality Management,TQM),是由美国的菲根堡姆博士于1957年首先提出的,即“一个组织以质量为中心,以全员参与为基础的管理途经”[1]。“全员”指该组织结构中所有部门和所有层次的人员,而最高层管理者强有力和持续的领导以及该组织内部所有成员的教育和培训 相似文献
目的 用不同方法对医院急诊室伤害监测质量进行评估并对比分析,寻找能够反映实际情况并较为简便的综合评价方法.方法 2006年7月至2007年3月期间,对某综合医院急诊室伤害监测质量的影响因素进行调查,针对调查表中的17个指标,利用顺序优选技术(TOPSIS)法和灰色关联分析法进行评价并排序,与同期的急诊日志和伤害监测报告卡的结果(在本文中作为实际结果)进行对比分析.结果 灰色关联分析法与实际结果之间相关系数r=0.750(P=0.020);TOPSIS法与实际结果之间相关系数r=0.167(P=0.668);TOPSIS法与灰色关联分析法之间相关系数r=0.083(P=0.831).结论 灰色关联分析法比TOPSIS法更适合针对医院急诊室伤害监测资料的质量评估,可以较好地反映伤害监测质量的实际情况,为政府制定伤害预防策略和措施提供科学、准确的依据. 相似文献
王枝娟 《中华医院感染学杂志》2012,22(7):1418-1419
目的 对手术室应急使用的外来骨科器械实施规范化安全管理,保证手术安全,防止医院感染.方法 对业务员实施规范化岗前培训,应急外来器械实行由手术室接收、业务员清洗、手术室检查清洗效果,专业护士灭菌,登记及术后处理等规范化管理程序.结果 2009年1月-2010年12月急诊共使用了860例次骨科外来器械,其中四肢骨折内固定术790例,锁骨骨折内固定术70例,无一例因器械原因导致手术感染发生.结论 手术室对应急使用的外来骨科器械采取规范化安全管理,重视器械在洗涤、灭菌及术后处理等方面的质量控制,保证手术的安全和及时进行,杜绝交叉感染,防止医院感染的发生. 相似文献
SARS in hospital emergency room 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Chen YC Huang LM Chan CC Su CP Chang SC Chang YY Chen ML Hung CC Chen WJ Lin FY Lee YT;SARS Research Group of National Taiwan University College of Medicine National Taiwan University Hospital 《Emerging infectious diseases》2004,10(5):782-788
Thirty-one cases of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) occurred after exposure in the emergency room at the National Taiwan University Hospital. The index patient was linked to an outbreak at a nearby municipal hospital. Three clusters were identified over a 3-week period. The first cluster (5 patients) and the second cluster (14 patients) occurred among patients, family members, and nursing aids. The third cluster (12 patients) occurred exclusively among healthcare workers. Six healthcare workers had close contact with SARS patients. Six others, with different working patterns, indicated that they did not have contact with a SARS patient. Environmental surveys found 9 of 119 samples of inanimate objects to be positive for SARS coronavirus RNA. These observations indicate that although transmission by direct contact with known SARS patients was responsible for most cases, environmental contamination with the SARS coronavirus may have lead to infection among healthcare workers without documented contact with known hospitalized SARS patients. 相似文献
The British Columbia Ministry of Health's Framework for Core Functions in Public Health was the catalyst that inspired this review of best practices in health emergency management. The fieldwork was conducted in the fall of 2005 between hurricane Katrina and the South Asia earthquake. These tragedies, shown on 24/7 television news channels, provided an eyewitness account of disaster management, or lack of it, in our global village world. It is not enough to just have best practices in place. There has to be a governance structure that can be held accountable. This review of best practices lists actions in support of an emergency preparedness culture at the management, executive, and corporate/governance levels of the organization. The methodology adopted a future quality management approach of the emergency management process to identify the corresponding performance indictors that correlated with practices or sets of practices. Identifying best practice performance indictors needed to conduct a future quality management audit is described as reverse quality management. Best practices cannot be assessed as stand-alone criteria; they are influenced by organizational culture. The defining of best practices was influenced by doubt about defining a practice it is hoped will never be performed, medical staff involvement, leadership, and an appreciation of the resources required and how they need to be managed. Best practice benchmarks are seen as being related more to "measures" of performance defined locally and agreed on by 2 or more parties rather than to achieving industrial standards. Relating practices to performance indicators and then to benchmarks resulted in the development of a Health Emergency Management Best Practices Matrix that lists specific practice in the different phases of emergency management. 相似文献