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致心律失常右室发育不良心肌病表现Epsilon波一例   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
患者男性 ,4 2岁。因发作性心悸、胸闷 8年 ,加重 5个月 ,于 2 0 0 2年 3月 1日入院。 8年来反复发作心悸、胸闷 ,持续数分钟至数小时不等 ,可自行消失。发作时无抽搐、晕厥及大小便失禁等表现。曾在外院就诊心电图记录到室性心动过速 (室速 )。近 5个月上述症状发作频繁 ,因严重室性心律失常入院。否认家族中类似疾病史。查体 :体温 36 9℃ ,脉搏 5 6次 /min ,呼吸 2 0次 /min ,血压 14 0 /85mmHg(1mmHg =0 133kPa)。神清 ,双肺呼吸音清晰 ,心率 5 6次 /min ,律齐 ,未闻及杂音。X线胸片 :心脏扩大 ,以右室扩大为主。超声心动图 :右室扩…  相似文献   

致心律失常右室发育不良Epsilon波表现一例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
患者男 ,5 2岁。 13年前因胸闷、心悸入院。ECG示短阵起源于右室的室速 ,超声显示右室扩大 ,收缩功能不全。临床诊断为致心律失常右室发育不良。近期再次住院复查 :HOLTER示多源性室早、短阵室速 ;图 1为常规ECG :窦性图 1 标准 12导联心电图图 2 Fontain双极导联心电图心律 ,心率 :6 0bpm ,PR间期 :198ms,V1 呈rSR′ ,TV1 、TV2 倒置 ,V5、V6 为qR ;图 2为Fontain双极胸导联记录的ECG ,该方法是把右上肢导联放在胸骨柄处 ,作为阴极 ,左上肢导联放在剑突处为阳极 ,另将左下肢导联放在原…  相似文献   

目的总结心电图表现为巨大Epsilon波致心律失常右室心肌病(ARVC)患者的临床和心电图特点。方法分析本院于2011年1月至2014年12月收治的12导联心电图示巨大Epsilon波ARVC患者的临床和心电图特点。通过查询Medline、CNKI、VIP和万方数据库等总结该心电图特征ARVC患者的特点。结果 5例患者中男性4例。首发症状均为心悸、头昏。发作时心电图为右室起源室性心动过速。心脏超声示右室扩大;右室壁变薄,可见小凹。心电图V_1导联QRS呈"M"型;巨大Epsilon波振幅为(0.37±0.16)mV,振幅与S波比值为1.20±0.23;持续时间为(90±12.75)ms,持续时间与QRS波相比为0.60±0.06。文献报道5例患者均为男性。临床表现为心悸,晕厥发作。心电图V_1导联QRS均呈rsR′,Fontain导联、心向量和晚电位证实该R′波为Epsilon波。V_1导联Epsilon波振幅为(0.52±0.35)mV,振幅与S波比值为1.18±0.74;持续时间(96.0±11.4)ms,持续时间与QRS波相比为0.65±0.08。结论临床上巨大Epsilon波ARVC患者少见,右室激动延缓,心律失常发生率高。  相似文献   

患者女性,63岁。因间歇性劳力性心悸、黑噱半年入院。每次发作持续数min至10余min不等,无晕厥和胸痛。外院心电图曾记录到频发多源性室性期前收缩。无高血压及冠心病史。体检:BP110/60mmHg。唇无发绀,颈静脉无怒张,心界稍扩大,心率58次/min,心律齐,无杂音。两肺呼吸音清晰,未闻及哕音,下肢无水肿。血清电解质和心肌酶检查正常。X线胸片示心外形增大,以右心室为主。超声心动描记术检查示右心室和右心房增大,三尖瓣少至中量返流,左心室和左心房正常。心肌核素灌注显像示左心室心肌灌注正常。心脏磁共振显像示右心室明显增大,右心室壁局灶性变薄,脂肪浸润,左心室正常。  相似文献   

患者,男,47岁。因反复心悸、胸闷20余年,加重半年入院。心电图QRSV1呈rSr型,可见Epsilon波,TV1~V3倒置。动态心电图单个室性期前收缩600次,形态均为左束支阻滞图形。超声心电图示右心室扩大,右心室壁变薄,右室壁运动幅度减弱,右心室小梁小房形成。符合致心律失常性右心室心肌病诊断标准。  相似文献   

患者男,15岁,因“间断心悸2月余,晕厥3次”入院.患者于2月前运动后出现心悸,随即发生晕厥,持续约数秒自行缓解,伴面部摔伤.于当地医院记录到心电图提示“阵发性室速”(图1),予以射频消融术治疗无效.其后反复出现心悸,情绪激动或运动后多发.  相似文献   

患者男性,57岁。因多次发作性心悸、晕厥在外院诊断为“阵发性室上性心动过速”。拟行射频消融术来本院就诊。常规体表心电图(图1)示:窦性心律,QRS波群电轴左偏,心率51次/次,P—R间期0.17s,QRS波群时限0.09s,V1、V2导联ST段起始部可见一正负双向小棘波,持续约40ms,V1~V3导联T波倒置。诊断为窦性心动过缓,Epsilon波。借阅外院心电图(图2)示:快速均齐宽大畸形QRS波群,  相似文献   

吕航  刘鸣 《实用心电学杂志》2021,30(3):220-225,228
Epsilon()波从发现至今已有40余年,它是致心律失常性右室心肌病的主要诊断标准之一.由于在心电图上波较小,因此时有漏诊;通过调整心电图机的频响范围及走纸速度、加做右室或Fontaine导联等多种方法,可提高其检出率.近年来,在其他疾病中也发现了波.本文从波的发现和命名、检测方法、ε波的动态变化及其在其他疾病中的表...  相似文献   

目的 探讨不同体表心电图记录方法对国人致心律失常性有室心肌病(arrhythmogenic right ventricular eardiomyopathy,ARVC)患者Epsilon波检出率的影响.方法 共人选ARVC患者32例,男性24例,女性8例,年龄18~70(42.3±13.3)岁.于安静仰卧位记录窦性心律情况下的标准12导联同步心电图(standard twelve leads electrocardiography,S-ECG)、右胸导联心电图(right precordial leads ECG,R-ECG)及Fontaine双极胸导联心电图(Fontaine bipolar precordial leads ECG,F-ECG)o Epsilon波判断标准为位于QRS波之后、sT段起始部的低波幅棘波、振荡波或平缓电位.结果 该组病例S-ECG、R-ECG及F-ECG对Epsilon波的检出率分别为37.5%、37.5%和50.0%,三种心电图记录方法之间Epsilon波检出率的比较差异无统计学意义(均为P>0.05).其中1例Epsilon波仅见于S-ECG,3例仅见于R-ECG,5例仅见于F-ECG.S-ECG联合R-ECG的检出率为50.0%,S-ECG联合F-ECG的检出率为56.3%,三种记录方法的联合检出率为65.6%,S-ECG联合F-ECG的枪出率与S-ECG相比明显提高(P<0.05),联合三种心电图记录方法的检出率与S-ECG相比有显著提高(P<0.01).结论 联合使用S-ECG、R-ECG及F-ECG三种心电图记录方法,可以显著提高ARVC患者Epsilon波的检出率,且三种记录方法之间可以相互补充.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the prevalence of Epsilon wave in patients with arrhythmogenic right ventrieular cardiomyopathy (ARVC). Methods The Epsilon wave was detected in 32 patients [24 men, mean age (42.3±13.3) years] with ARVC using three different electrocardiography (ECG) recording methods: standard twelve leads ECG (S-ECG), right precordial leads ECG (R-ECG) and Fontaine bipolar precordiai leads ECG (F-ECG). The Epsilon wave was defined as wiggle, small spike wave and smooth potential between the end of the QRS complex and the beginning of the ST segment. Results Epsilon wave was detected in 37.5%, 37.5% and 50.0% patients with ARVC by S-ECG, R-ECG and F-ECG respectively. The detection rates derived from the three recording methods were similar(P > 0.05). The Epsilon wave was only detectable by S-ECG in one case, by R-ECG in three cases, and by F-ECG in five cases. The detection rate of Epsilon wave was 50.0% by combined use of S-ECG and R-ECG (SR-ECG), 56.3% by combined use of S-ECG and F-ECG (SF-ECG), and 65.6% by combined use of the three recording methods (SRF-ECG). The detection rate was significantly higher by SF-ECG (56.3%) and SRF-ECG (65.6%) than by S-ECG alone (37.5%, all P <0.05). Most Epsilon waves detected by the S-ECG, R-ECG and F-ECG were small spiked waves. Conclusion Combined use of S-ECG, F-ECG and R-ECG could increase the detection rate of Epsilon wave in patients with ARVC.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the prevalence of Epsilon wave in patients with arrhythmogenic right ventrieular cardiomyopathy (ARVC). Methods The Epsilon wave was detected in 32 patients [24 men, mean age (42.3±13.3) years] with ARVC using three different electrocardiography (ECG) recording methods: standard twelve leads ECG (S-ECG), right precordial leads ECG (R-ECG) and Fontaine bipolar precordiai leads ECG (F-ECG). The Epsilon wave was defined as wiggle, small spike wave and smooth potential between the end of the QRS complex and the beginning of the ST segment. Results Epsilon wave was detected in 37.5%, 37.5% and 50.0% patients with ARVC by S-ECG, R-ECG and F-ECG respectively. The detection rates derived from the three recording methods were similar(P > 0.05). The Epsilon wave was only detectable by S-ECG in one case, by R-ECG in three cases, and by F-ECG in five cases. The detection rate of Epsilon wave was 50.0% by combined use of S-ECG and R-ECG (SR-ECG), 56.3% by combined use of S-ECG and F-ECG (SF-ECG), and 65.6% by combined use of the three recording methods (SRF-ECG). The detection rate was significantly higher by SF-ECG (56.3%) and SRF-ECG (65.6%) than by S-ECG alone (37.5%, all P <0.05). Most Epsilon waves detected by the S-ECG, R-ECG and F-ECG were small spiked waves. Conclusion Combined use of S-ECG, F-ECG and R-ECG could increase the detection rate of Epsilon wave in patients with ARVC.  相似文献   

致心律失常性右室心肌病患者Epsilon波的检出率   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Objective To investigate the prevalence of Epsilon wave in patients with arrhythmogenic right ventrieular cardiomyopathy (ARVC). Methods The Epsilon wave was detected in 32 patients [24 men, mean age (42.3±13.3) years] with ARVC using three different electrocardiography (ECG) recording methods: standard twelve leads ECG (S-ECG), right precordial leads ECG (R-ECG) and Fontaine bipolar precordiai leads ECG (F-ECG). The Epsilon wave was defined as wiggle, small spike wave and smooth potential between the end of the QRS complex and the beginning of the ST segment. Results Epsilon wave was detected in 37.5%, 37.5% and 50.0% patients with ARVC by S-ECG, R-ECG and F-ECG respectively. The detection rates derived from the three recording methods were similar(P > 0.05). The Epsilon wave was only detectable by S-ECG in one case, by R-ECG in three cases, and by F-ECG in five cases. The detection rate of Epsilon wave was 50.0% by combined use of S-ECG and R-ECG (SR-ECG), 56.3% by combined use of S-ECG and F-ECG (SF-ECG), and 65.6% by combined use of the three recording methods (SRF-ECG). The detection rate was significantly higher by SF-ECG (56.3%) and SRF-ECG (65.6%) than by S-ECG alone (37.5%, all P <0.05). Most Epsilon waves detected by the S-ECG, R-ECG and F-ECG were small spiked waves. Conclusion Combined use of S-ECG, F-ECG and R-ECG could increase the detection rate of Epsilon wave in patients with ARVC.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the prevalence of Epsilon wave in patients with arrhythmogenic right ventrieular cardiomyopathy (ARVC). Methods The Epsilon wave was detected in 32 patients [24 men, mean age (42.3±13.3) years] with ARVC using three different electrocardiography (ECG) recording methods: standard twelve leads ECG (S-ECG), right precordial leads ECG (R-ECG) and Fontaine bipolar precordiai leads ECG (F-ECG). The Epsilon wave was defined as wiggle, small spike wave and smooth potential between the end of the QRS complex and the beginning of the ST segment. Results Epsilon wave was detected in 37.5%, 37.5% and 50.0% patients with ARVC by S-ECG, R-ECG and F-ECG respectively. The detection rates derived from the three recording methods were similar(P > 0.05). The Epsilon wave was only detectable by S-ECG in one case, by R-ECG in three cases, and by F-ECG in five cases. The detection rate of Epsilon wave was 50.0% by combined use of S-ECG and R-ECG (SR-ECG), 56.3% by combined use of S-ECG and F-ECG (SF-ECG), and 65.6% by combined use of the three recording methods (SRF-ECG). The detection rate was significantly higher by SF-ECG (56.3%) and SRF-ECG (65.6%) than by S-ECG alone (37.5%, all P <0.05). Most Epsilon waves detected by the S-ECG, R-ECG and F-ECG were small spiked waves. Conclusion Combined use of S-ECG, F-ECG and R-ECG could increase the detection rate of Epsilon wave in patients with ARVC.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the prevalence of Epsilon wave in patients with arrhythmogenic right ventrieular cardiomyopathy (ARVC). Methods The Epsilon wave was detected in 32 patients [24 men, mean age (42.3±13.3) years] with ARVC using three different electrocardiography (ECG) recording methods: standard twelve leads ECG (S-ECG), right precordial leads ECG (R-ECG) and Fontaine bipolar precordiai leads ECG (F-ECG). The Epsilon wave was defined as wiggle, small spike wave and smooth potential between the end of the QRS complex and the beginning of the ST segment. Results Epsilon wave was detected in 37.5%, 37.5% and 50.0% patients with ARVC by S-ECG, R-ECG and F-ECG respectively. The detection rates derived from the three recording methods were similar(P > 0.05). The Epsilon wave was only detectable by S-ECG in one case, by R-ECG in three cases, and by F-ECG in five cases. The detection rate of Epsilon wave was 50.0% by combined use of S-ECG and R-ECG (SR-ECG), 56.3% by combined use of S-ECG and F-ECG (SF-ECG), and 65.6% by combined use of the three recording methods (SRF-ECG). The detection rate was significantly higher by SF-ECG (56.3%) and SRF-ECG (65.6%) than by S-ECG alone (37.5%, all P <0.05). Most Epsilon waves detected by the S-ECG, R-ECG and F-ECG were small spiked waves. Conclusion Combined use of S-ECG, F-ECG and R-ECG could increase the detection rate of Epsilon wave in patients with ARVC.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the prevalence of Epsilon wave in patients with arrhythmogenic right ventrieular cardiomyopathy (ARVC). Methods The Epsilon wave was detected in 32 patients [24 men, mean age (42.3±13.3) years] with ARVC using three different electrocardiography (ECG) recording methods: standard twelve leads ECG (S-ECG), right precordial leads ECG (R-ECG) and Fontaine bipolar precordiai leads ECG (F-ECG). The Epsilon wave was defined as wiggle, small spike wave and smooth potential between the end of the QRS complex and the beginning of the ST segment. Results Epsilon wave was detected in 37.5%, 37.5% and 50.0% patients with ARVC by S-ECG, R-ECG and F-ECG respectively. The detection rates derived from the three recording methods were similar(P > 0.05). The Epsilon wave was only detectable by S-ECG in one case, by R-ECG in three cases, and by F-ECG in five cases. The detection rate of Epsilon wave was 50.0% by combined use of S-ECG and R-ECG (SR-ECG), 56.3% by combined use of S-ECG and F-ECG (SF-ECG), and 65.6% by combined use of the three recording methods (SRF-ECG). The detection rate was significantly higher by SF-ECG (56.3%) and SRF-ECG (65.6%) than by S-ECG alone (37.5%, all P <0.05). Most Epsilon waves detected by the S-ECG, R-ECG and F-ECG were small spiked waves. Conclusion Combined use of S-ECG, F-ECG and R-ECG could increase the detection rate of Epsilon wave in patients with ARVC.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the prevalence of Epsilon wave in patients with arrhythmogenic right ventrieular cardiomyopathy (ARVC). Methods The Epsilon wave was detected in 32 patients [24 men, mean age (42.3±13.3) years] with ARVC using three different electrocardiography (ECG) recording methods: standard twelve leads ECG (S-ECG), right precordial leads ECG (R-ECG) and Fontaine bipolar precordiai leads ECG (F-ECG). The Epsilon wave was defined as wiggle, small spike wave and smooth potential between the end of the QRS complex and the beginning of the ST segment. Results Epsilon wave was detected in 37.5%, 37.5% and 50.0% patients with ARVC by S-ECG, R-ECG and F-ECG respectively. The detection rates derived from the three recording methods were similar(P > 0.05). The Epsilon wave was only detectable by S-ECG in one case, by R-ECG in three cases, and by F-ECG in five cases. The detection rate of Epsilon wave was 50.0% by combined use of S-ECG and R-ECG (SR-ECG), 56.3% by combined use of S-ECG and F-ECG (SF-ECG), and 65.6% by combined use of the three recording methods (SRF-ECG). The detection rate was significantly higher by SF-ECG (56.3%) and SRF-ECG (65.6%) than by S-ECG alone (37.5%, all P <0.05). Most Epsilon waves detected by the S-ECG, R-ECG and F-ECG were small spiked waves. Conclusion Combined use of S-ECG, F-ECG and R-ECG could increase the detection rate of Epsilon wave in patients with ARVC.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the prevalence of Epsilon wave in patients with arrhythmogenic right ventrieular cardiomyopathy (ARVC). Methods The Epsilon wave was detected in 32 patients [24 men, mean age (42.3±13.3) years] with ARVC using three different electrocardiography (ECG) recording methods: standard twelve leads ECG (S-ECG), right precordial leads ECG (R-ECG) and Fontaine bipolar precordiai leads ECG (F-ECG). The Epsilon wave was defined as wiggle, small spike wave and smooth potential between the end of the QRS complex and the beginning of the ST segment. Results Epsilon wave was detected in 37.5%, 37.5% and 50.0% patients with ARVC by S-ECG, R-ECG and F-ECG respectively. The detection rates derived from the three recording methods were similar(P > 0.05). The Epsilon wave was only detectable by S-ECG in one case, by R-ECG in three cases, and by F-ECG in five cases. The detection rate of Epsilon wave was 50.0% by combined use of S-ECG and R-ECG (SR-ECG), 56.3% by combined use of S-ECG and F-ECG (SF-ECG), and 65.6% by combined use of the three recording methods (SRF-ECG). The detection rate was significantly higher by SF-ECG (56.3%) and SRF-ECG (65.6%) than by S-ECG alone (37.5%, all P <0.05). Most Epsilon waves detected by the S-ECG, R-ECG and F-ECG were small spiked waves. Conclusion Combined use of S-ECG, F-ECG and R-ECG could increase the detection rate of Epsilon wave in patients with ARVC.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the prevalence of Epsilon wave in patients with arrhythmogenic right ventrieular cardiomyopathy (ARVC). Methods The Epsilon wave was detected in 32 patients [24 men, mean age (42.3±13.3) years] with ARVC using three different electrocardiography (ECG) recording methods: standard twelve leads ECG (S-ECG), right precordial leads ECG (R-ECG) and Fontaine bipolar precordiai leads ECG (F-ECG). The Epsilon wave was defined as wiggle, small spike wave and smooth potential between the end of the QRS complex and the beginning of the ST segment. Results Epsilon wave was detected in 37.5%, 37.5% and 50.0% patients with ARVC by S-ECG, R-ECG and F-ECG respectively. The detection rates derived from the three recording methods were similar(P > 0.05). The Epsilon wave was only detectable by S-ECG in one case, by R-ECG in three cases, and by F-ECG in five cases. The detection rate of Epsilon wave was 50.0% by combined use of S-ECG and R-ECG (SR-ECG), 56.3% by combined use of S-ECG and F-ECG (SF-ECG), and 65.6% by combined use of the three recording methods (SRF-ECG). The detection rate was significantly higher by SF-ECG (56.3%) and SRF-ECG (65.6%) than by S-ECG alone (37.5%, all P <0.05). Most Epsilon waves detected by the S-ECG, R-ECG and F-ECG were small spiked waves. Conclusion Combined use of S-ECG, F-ECG and R-ECG could increase the detection rate of Epsilon wave in patients with ARVC.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the prevalence of Epsilon wave in patients with arrhythmogenic right ventrieular cardiomyopathy (ARVC). Methods The Epsilon wave was detected in 32 patients [24 men, mean age (42.3±13.3) years] with ARVC using three different electrocardiography (ECG) recording methods: standard twelve leads ECG (S-ECG), right precordial leads ECG (R-ECG) and Fontaine bipolar precordiai leads ECG (F-ECG). The Epsilon wave was defined as wiggle, small spike wave and smooth potential between the end of the QRS complex and the beginning of the ST segment. Results Epsilon wave was detected in 37.5%, 37.5% and 50.0% patients with ARVC by S-ECG, R-ECG and F-ECG respectively. The detection rates derived from the three recording methods were similar(P > 0.05). The Epsilon wave was only detectable by S-ECG in one case, by R-ECG in three cases, and by F-ECG in five cases. The detection rate of Epsilon wave was 50.0% by combined use of S-ECG and R-ECG (SR-ECG), 56.3% by combined use of S-ECG and F-ECG (SF-ECG), and 65.6% by combined use of the three recording methods (SRF-ECG). The detection rate was significantly higher by SF-ECG (56.3%) and SRF-ECG (65.6%) than by S-ECG alone (37.5%, all P <0.05). Most Epsilon waves detected by the S-ECG, R-ECG and F-ECG were small spiked waves. Conclusion Combined use of S-ECG, F-ECG and R-ECG could increase the detection rate of Epsilon wave in patients with ARVC.  相似文献   

患者男性,56岁,18年前因"先天性心脏病,房间隔缺损,心脏扩大,肺动脉高压"住院行房间隔缺损修补及三尖瓣成形术.心电图示窦性心律、T波改变、V 1导联Q RS终末小棘波;5年前因心脏扩大、心力衰竭、阵发性室性心动过速入院治疗,心电图V1~V6导联Q RS终末小棘波;心电生理标测记录到心室晚电位;此次入院心电图示V1~...  相似文献   

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