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OBJECTIVE: This study describes the involvement and the histological alterations found in the parotid glands of 100 patients who died with AIDS. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Sex, age, CD4 cell count and clinical history were obtained from the files of 100 patients who died with AIDS. Histological analysis of the parotid glands was performed using H&E, Gomori-Grocott, Ziehl-Neelsen and Mucicarmine. Histological findings were grouped in reactive, infectious, cystic, neoplastic and concomitant lesions. RESULTS: None of the patients presented complaints or symptoms related to salivary gland alterations prior to death. The mean age of the patients and CD4 cell count were 36.4 years and 76.07 cells microliter-1, respectively. Histological alterations of the parotid glands were found in 51% of the patients. The most common alteration was non-specific chronic sialadenitis (29 cases), followed by infectious conditions (22 cases). Mycobacteriosis was the most common infectious disease (10 cases), followed by cytomegalovirus (nine cases), cryptococcosis (three cases) and histoplasmosis (two cases). Lymphoepithelial cysts occurred in six cases, Warthin's tumor and non-Hodgkin Lymphoma in one case each. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that infection and other lesions in the parotid glands are more frequent than hitherto described in the specialized literature in AIDS patients. Clinicians should consider parotid gland involvement, when evaluating disease extension in advanced AIDS patients.  相似文献   

An extensive examination of the tongue was performed at autopsy in 20 consecutive patients who had died with AIDS. Abnormalities in the tongue were detected in 18 (90%) of the cases; the commonest lesions were ulceration (11), candidosis (8) and small foci of hyperkeratosis (10). The most extensive lesions were caused by Aspergillus infection (1), non-Hodgkin's lymphoma juxtaposed with Kaposi's sarcoma (1), herpetic infection (1) and candidosis (5). The disease causing death was identified in the tongue in two cases. There was a surprisingly low prevalence of oral hairy leukoplakia. which may be related to anti-viral or retroviral therapy.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: A multicentre collaborative study by the London HIV and Dentistry Group failed to associate the presence of erythematous candidiasis (EC) with advanced HIV disease. Data from a study of the periodontal health of homosexual men attending a genito-urinary medicine clinic presented an opportunity to investigate social and medical factors related to the presence of EC and mucosal disease. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: 312 men with HIV were examined by a single examiner blinded to HIV status; 22.8% had an indicator condition for AIDS; 37.8% had CD4 lymphocyte counts less than 200 cells mm?3; and 53.8% met the 1993 case definition for AIDS; 59.6% of the men with HIV had oral manifestations of the infection. The most common were: oral hairy leukoplakia, 44.2%; EC, 26.9%; and pseudomembranous candidiasis (PC), 11.5%. RESULTS: Advanced HIV disease was a less powerful predictor of EC than PC. Advanced HIV disease also predicted the presence of hairy leukoplakia and mucosal ulceration. EC was strongly associated with tobacco use. CONCLUSIONS: While methodological differences explain some variation with previous research, these data also suggest that EC and PC may not carry the same prognostic significance and longitudinal studies are required to confirm these findings.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The papillary structure of the dorsum of the tongue forms a unique ecological site that provides a large surface area favoring the accumulation of oral debris and microorganisms. These micro-organisms of the tongue may be of influence on the flora of the entire oral cavity. The normal appearance of the dorsum of the tongue is either pinkish or has a thin white coating. For the present study a scoring method was developed to describe the appearance of the dorsum of the tongue in relation to the extent of color and thickness of tongue coating. AIM: The purpose of this study was to investigate the discoloration and coating of the tongue in healthy/gingivitis subjects and periodontitis patients. Furthermore, to determine the relationship between the appearance of the tongue and the bacterial load in salivary samples. MATERIAL AND METHODS: 2 groups of patients were studied, 70 healthy/gingivitis subjects and 56 periodontitis patients. After scoring of the tongue a salivary sample of each patient was taken and analyzed using a phase-contrast microscope. RESULTS: This investigation showed that most discoloration was found on the distal part of the tongue. The mean number of bacteria per ml sample in relation to a pink, white and yellow appearance of the tongue was 948, 855 and 900 (x 10(6)) respectively. The mean number of bacteria per ml sample in relation to no, thin and thick coating was 948, 863, and 895 (x 10(6)), respectively. Analysis did not reveal a relationship between discoloration, coating thickness and total bacterial load. The mean number of bacteria per ml in healthy/gingivitis subjects was 860 and in periodontitis patients 918 (x 10(6)). CONCLUSION: No relationship between the appearance of the tongue and salivary bacterial load could be detected. There was no difference in bacterial load between the healthy/gingivitis and the periodontitis group within the present study population.  相似文献   

As a result of the extension of life span produced by increasing access to combined antiretroviral therapy, people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWH) face new challenges from comorbidities. Although advances in medical care for HIV infection have dramatically reduced opportunistic infections and AIDS‐defining cancers, some non‐AIDS‐defining cancers (NADC) and specific oral diseases such as periodontitis and salivary gland disease are now more prevalent. Cancer prevention is, therefore, a priority issue in care of PLWH, stressing both restoration of immune function and reduction of non‐HIV cancer risk factors (tobacco in all its forms; areca nut; heavy alcohol consumption; diets lacking antioxidant vitamins and minerals; and oncogenic virus infections) through specific interventions, especially tobacco and areca nut cessation and alcohol moderation. Detection of oral high‐risk human papillomaviruses (HR‐HPV) and the universal preventive HPV vaccination among PLWH should be promoted to reduce the malignancy burden, along with routine oral examinations which remain the cheapest, most reliable, most reproducible, and non‐invasive tool to identify suspicious lesions. Also, considerations of oral inflammation and periodontal health are important to replication and gene expression of viruses in the mouth. Considering that a key risk factor for this scenario is the presence of oncogenic virus infection such as several members of the human herpesvirus and human papillomavirus families, here we analyze the variables involved in the seeming increase in comorbidities in PLWH.  相似文献   

Dental considerations for the paediatric AIDS/HIV patient   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
HIV infection and AIDS are spreading rapidly among the world's children, especially among African-American and Hispanic children in the USA, and those in developing countries. Although recent research has identified several ways of preventing perinatal transmission of HIV, most of these methods are too expensive for widespread use in developing countries, where the epidemic is most severe. Oral manifestations are early and common clinical indicators of HIV infection and progression in children, as in adults, although the specific manifestations differ between adults and children. Oropharyngeal candidiasis is the most common sign of HIV infection in children and is significantly associated with markers of HIV disease progression. Other common oral manifestations in children include herpes simplex, linear gingival erythema, parotid enlargement and recurrent aphthous ulceration. Further research is needed on the ways in which oral manifestations can be used as predictors of disease progression; on the impact of the limited availability of health care for impoverished families who are disproportionately affected by HIV infection; and on supportive care and its impact on infected children's quality of life.  相似文献   

舌根癌术后舌内剩余肌动力性重建的临床研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
采用新的术式对8例舌根癌患者行舌根癌根治性切除的同时,对所保留的舌前2/3舌剩余肌行舌下神经-舌神经移位移植,并同期修复舌根缺损(3例用前臂游离皮瓣,5例用带蒂胸大肌皮瓣);皮瓣、肌皮瓣全部成活;舌剩余肌、粘膜除1例部分坏死外,其余均成活,舌剩余肌保留长度4~7cm。从舌动力性恢复可见:术后早期舌根修复后外形满意,舌体前伸无受限,仅向患侧及上翘时受限;术后6月以后,患侧触压觉、冷热觉恢复。运动神经肌电测定:部分患者术后6月起出现自发肌电;口腔气流压测定:实验组患者的鼓气、吮吸及吞咽气流压值均低于对照组,但术后其恢复率随时间延长不断上升。所有患者近期效果满意  相似文献   

Aetiological factors for oral manifestations of HIV   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
OBJECTIVES: Describe the oral diseases in HIV-infected individuals in London, UK and identify social and medical factors related to the presence of specific oral diseases.
DESIGN: Cross-sectional analytic study.
SETTING: Dental clinics.
SUBJECTS: Consecutive sample of 456 patients with HIV infection.
METHODS: Social and medical history and clinical examinations. Univariate and logistic regression analysis.
OUTCOMES: Presence of HIV-associated oral disease.
RESULTS: 80% of patients with AIDS and 50% of patients with HIV had a specific oral disease. The most common diseases were hairy leukoplakia (30%), erythematous candidiasis (24%), pseudomembranous candidiasis (14%), angular chielitis (6%), necrotising periodontal disease (8%) and non-recurrent ulceration (6%).
CONCLUSIONS: The presence of erythematous candidiasis was not related to advanced HIV disease. Pseudomembranous candidiasis, hairy leukoplakia and mucosal ulceration were significantly associated with advanced HIV disease. Smoking was also identified as a strong aetiological factor in oral diseases. Longitudinal studies are required to further explore the prognostic significance of oral diseases in HIV infection.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Tuberculosis is one of the leading infectious diseases in the world, with more than 2 million new cases annually. It is one of the main causes of death of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-positive patients, involving multiple organs and particularly the lungs. Nevertheless there are few consistent studies about tuberculosis involving the parotid of HIV patients. The objective of this work was to describe the histological and immunohistochemical characteristics of 10 cases of mycobacteriosis involving the parotid of autopsied patients with advanced acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), including identification of the Mycobacterium species. METHODS: Detection of 'M. tuberculosis complex' was performed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and ligase chain reaction (LCR) and Mycobacterium avium by PCR. RESULTS: All cases showed involvement of intraparotid lymph nodes, but the glandular parenchyma was affected in only three cases. Most of the cases (80%) presented a chronic non-caseating granulomatous inflammation, and in two cases predominated foamy macrophages, full of bacteria, and no granuloma formation. In areas of mycobacteriosis, macrophages predominated followed by TCD8, B and TCD4 lymphocytes. All cases were infected by Mycobacterium genus and 'M. tuberculosis complex' was detected in five cases by LCR and in eight by PCR, while M. avium was positive in one case only, which was also positive for M. tuberculosis. CONCLUSIONS: Parotid mycobacteriosis in advanced AIDS is characterized by intraparotid lymph node non-caseating inflammatory granulomatous lesion, caused mainly by M. tuberculosis.  相似文献   

The present paper reviews the role of the tongue as a habitat for oral microorganisms and the potential need for tongue cleaning as part of daily oral hygiene. In addition tongue coating is described. Many microorganisms have been found colonizing the dorsum of the tongue. Some studies find a positive effect to tongue brushing on bacterial counts on the tongue. On the other hand there are also studies that do not find any differences in bacterial counts before or after tongue brushing. Bacteria colonizing the tongue and periodontal pockets play an important role in the production of volatile sulphur compounds in periodontal health and disease. These compounds can be the cause of oral malodour. The amount of tongue coating in patients complaining of halitosis was significantly greater than in patients without halitosis. Tongue brushing on a regular basis, particular aiming at removing the coating on the dorsum of the tongue, has been found to be fruitful in reducing oral malodour. Studies investigating the role of tongue brushing and plaque accumulation or gingival inflammation show conflicting results. It is clear that the tongue forms the largest niche for microorganims in the oral cavity. However, on the basis of literature, there appears to be no data to justify the necessity to clean the tongue on a regular basis. One exception would be oral malodour.  相似文献   

Background : This study investigates the association between detectable plasmatic human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) viral load (HVL) and high levels of periodontal‐ and non‐periodontal‐related microorganisms in the subgingival microbiota of individuals with HIV. Methods: Thirty‐seven individuals with HIV were divided into two groups: 1) detectable HVL (n = 15); and 2) undetectable HVL (n = 22). Subgingival biofilm samples were obtained, and the levels of 35 microbial species were determined by the checkerboard DNA–DNA hybridization method. Periodontal clinical measures and laboratory and sociodemographic data were also registered. χ2 test, Fisher exact test, and Mann‐Whitney U test were used to compare groups. Multilevel ordinal regression models were used to test the association between HVL and the levels of 35 microbial species in subgingival biofilm, adjusted for confounders. Results: Of the 35 species studied, 11 (31.4%) showed higher mean levels in the detectable HVL group than undetectable HVL group (P <0.001). These species included Actinomyces naeslundii II, Actinomyces israelii, Actinomyces odontolyticus, Veillonella parvula, Capnocytophaga gingivalis, Eikenella corrodens, Campylobacter concisus, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Tannerella forsythia, Treponema denticola, and Candida albicans. Significant associations between detectable HVL and high levels of microorganisms, adjusted for confounders, were observed for A. naeslundii I, Actinomyces gerencseriae, C. gingivalis, E. corrodens, C. concisus, Prevotella nigrescens, T. forsythia, and Dialister pneumosintes. Conclusion: Detectable plasmatic HVL in individuals with HIV was associated with elevated levels of known periodontal pathogens, such as P. nigrescens, T. forsythia, and E. corrodens, as well as C. concisus, C. gingivalis, and D. pneumosintes in the subgingival biofilm.  相似文献   

舌体骨软骨迷离瘤1例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
舌体骨软骨迷离瘤是在舌体组织内发现分化正常的骨、软骨成分的疾病,临床上罕见。本文报道 1例舌体骨软骨迷离瘤。  相似文献   

Abstract – The insertion of metal objects into intraoral and perioral sites is growing in popularity. However, there are numerous oral and dental complications associated with tongue piercing. Fifteen patients with tongue piercings (pierced in the body of the tongue, anterior to the lingual frenum) attending the dental office of the authors, with and without complaints, were clinically and radiographically examined. The most common dental problem registered was chipping of teeth. Furthermore, two cracked teeth and four teeth with cusp fractures were also seen. One case of selective dental abrasion was registered. Trauma to the lingual anterior gingiva was the most common gingival problem. A salivary flow stimulating effect was only reported by 2 of the 15 individuals. None of the patients complained of interference with speech, mastication and swallowing. One case of galvanic currents produced by the appliance was registered. On the basis of the registered data, we concluded that patients need to be better informed of the potential complications associated with tongue and oral piercings, and that the dental profession can serve this role.  相似文献   

<正>舌是人体重要的多功能器官,对行使口腔功能起着十分重要的作用。它参与语言、咀嚼、吞咽、本体感受、味觉与唾液处理等多种重要的生理功能。有关舌缺损的修复重建研究目前主要集中在舌外形和体积的恢复上,在语音的改善方面也有大量有成效的工作  相似文献   

The measurement of tongue strength contributes to the study of oro-facial physiology. The objective of this study was to investigate the influence of gender on tongue strength in young adults and to determine the differences in this strength between tongue regions. This study was conducted on 50 healthy volunteers (17 men and 33 women) with a mean age of 23 years, with no oro-facial myofunctional alterations. The strength of the anterior portion and of the dorsum of the tongue was analysed with a calibrated electronic dynamometer. The subjects were asked to apply maximum force. Men showed higher tongue strength values than women both in the anterior portion and in the dorsum of the tongue (P<0·05), and the strength of the anterior portion of the tongue was lower than that of the dorsum in both genders (P<0·05). We conclude that gender and region influenced tongue strength.  相似文献   

目的:建立质粒DNA大鼠舌肌表达模型。方法:将表达质粒pM3TnC3、pSV40-LacZ直接注射入Wistar大鼠舌肌中,应用PCR技术、β-半乳糖苷酶(X-gal)组织化学染色及Southern杂交技术分析质粒携带报导基因——乳糖苷酶(LacZ)体内表达情况。结果:PCR结果表明大鼠舌肌纤维具有摄取外源DNA的能力。报导基因表达与质粒DNA注射量及在舌肌中孵化时间相关。注射后24h可检测出大肠杆菌β-半乳糖苷酶的活性,2个月时仍可检测到。但表达水平在1周时达到高峰。舌肌中共同注射两种表达质粒可在同一横纹肌纤维中同时表达。Southern杂交显示质粒DNA游离于舌肌细胞基因组之外,未发生整合。结论:舌肌中直接注射质粒DNA是一种简便有效的将外源基因转入横纹肌细胞中的方法。舌肌是一个用来分析外源基因表达的理想位点  相似文献   

Progress in (reconstructive) surgery and radiotherapy tends to improve survival and reduce oral functional deficits. Despite the growing sophistication of cancer treatment, patients still report deterioration in tongue function. Sensory function, mobility, and force of the tongue were determined in 45 patients with a carcinoma of tongue and/or floor of mouth. Measurements were performed before surgery, shortly after surgery, shortly after radiotherapy, 6, and 12 months after surgery. Surgery had a negative impact on tongue sensory function and mobility. Post-surgery radiotherapy did not further deteriorate sensory function, mobility, or force of the tongue. Patients in the surgery-radiotherapy group (SRG) had significantly worse tongue sensory function and mobility than patients in the surgery group (SG), probably caused by more advanced tumour stage and more extensive reconstructions and related scar tissue. The tongue force in patients in both groups significantly increased in the first 6 months after surgery, but this increase disappeared in the next 6 months. The authors conclude that surgery had a significant negative influence on tongue function, especially in the group of patients treated with radiotherapy. No further deterioration of tongue function was observed after post-surgical radiotherapy within the first year after surgery.  相似文献   

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