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文章报道1例脾表皮样囊肿病例.患者以中上腹不适为主要临床表现,B超、CT等检查示脾脏多发囊肿,行脾切除术,术后经病理学检查诊断为脾表皮样囊肿.术后患者恢复良好.结合文献,对该病例的相关问题进行探讨. 相似文献
脾囊肿(splenic cyst)是一种发病率非常低的脾脏组织的瘤样囊性病变,并非为真性肿瘤.脾囊肿临床上分为寄生虫性和非寄生虫性脾囊肿[1-3],本病例为非寄生虫性囊肿中的表皮样囊肿,主要并发症包括如囊肿破裂、出血及继发感染等.表皮样囊肿破裂后由于囊内容中所含胆固醇和其他化学物质刺激可导致急性腹膜炎或严重的肉芽肿性炎症,临床上出现严重的腹膜炎的症状和体征,甚至危及生命.本文报告山西医科大学第一临床医学院普外科收治1例脾表皮样囊肿的临床资料,对该囊肿的临床表现、实验室检查、影像学检查、诊断及治疗方式进行总结性分析. 相似文献
Splenic epidermoid cysts are relatively rare lesions traditionally treated by splenectomy. Concerns about overwhelming postsplenectomy sepsis have led to the development of splenic preservation procedures in the treatment of cystic diseases of the spleen. Better understanding of the splenic segmental anatomy and advances in laparoscopic skills has made laparoscopic partial splenectomy a preferred treatment for splenic cysts while preserving splenic function. We report a rare case of a 30-year-old male patient with a large epidermoid splenic cyst managed successfully by laparoscopic partial splenectomy. The patient recovered well after operation and was asymptomatic on a follow-up of 1 year with no recurrence on ultrasonography and a normal platelet count. Laparoscopic partial cystectomy is an acceptable procedure for the treatment of splenic cysts which locate in the pole of spleen. On the one hand, it cures the disease preserving the splenic tissue without risk of bleeding or recurrence; on the other hand, this minimally invasive technique reduces hospital stay and the patient recovery rapidly. 相似文献
目的 提高对脾肯皮样囊肿这一临床少见病的认识,减少对其误诊,误治。方法 报道3例脾表皮样囊肿并复习文献对其诊断和治疗进行讨论。结果与结论 脾表样囊肿的病史、体征无诊断特异性,B超、CT、核磁共振(MRI)检查有助于其鉴别诊断,细针穿刺细胞学检查是其术前明确诊断的重要手段。脾切除或保脾性切除手术是其重要治疗方法。 相似文献
Splenic epidermoid cysts are relatively rare lesions traditionally treated by splenectomy. Concerns about overwhelming postsplenectomy sepsis have led to the development of splenic preservation procedures in the treatment of cystic diseases of the spleen. Better understanding of the splenic segmental anatomy and advances in laparoscopic skills has made laparoscopic partial splenectomy a preferred treatment for splenic cysts while preserving splenic function. We reported a case of a 30-year-old male patient with a large epidermoid splenic cyst managed successfully by laparoscopic partial splenectomy. The patient recovered well after operation and was asymptomatic on a follow-up of 1 year with no recurrence on ultrasonography and a normal platelet count. Laparoscopic partial cystectomy is an acceptable procedure for the treatment of splenic cysts which locate in the pole of spleen. On the one hand, it cures the disease preserving the splenic tissue without risk of bleeding or recurrence; on the other hand, this minimally invasive technique induces a reduced hospital stay and a more rapid recovery.
目的总结椎管内皮样和表皮样囊肿的临床特点和治疗经验。方法回顾分析2003~2010年来我科收治的6例低龄椎管内皮样囊肿和2例表皮样囊肿的临床资料。结果本组病例中8例平均年龄为10.6岁,男4例,女4例。囊肿位于胸段2例,胸腰段2例,腰骶段及马尾部4例,1例皮样囊肿伴背部皮肤窦道;术前尿动力学、肛周肌电图、下肢电生理检查多有异常;给予神经电生理监护下进行手术全切及椎板复位重建。结论椎管内皮样和表皮样囊肿为良性病变,早期诊断和手术是最佳的治疗选择,完整切除囊肿及椎板复位重建、积极康复对预后均有帮助。 相似文献
Intracranial squamous cell carcinoma developing in remnant of an epidermoid cyst: case report and literature review 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Epidermoid tumors, sometimes called “pearly tumor”,because of the appearance of their outer surface,represent about 0. 2% - 1.8% of all the primary intracranial tumors and are benign developmental lesions. However in 1912, Ernst et al found a case of primary intracranial squamous cell carcinoma arising in an epidermoid cyst in autopsy and reported it. Hereafter,case reports about primary intracranial squamous cell carcinoma appeared in succession, 相似文献
Epidermoid tumors, sometimes called "pearly tumor", because of the appearance of their outer surface, represent about 0.2%-1.8% of all the primary intracranial tumors1 and are benign developmental lesions. However in 1912, Ernst et al2 found a case of primary intracranial squamous cell carcinoma arising in an epidermoid cyst in autopsy and reported it. Hereafter, case reports about primary intracranial squamous cell carcinoma appeared in succession, especially after computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) were widely applied in clinical medicine. To our knowledge, few cases have been reported in our country until now. We present a case of intracranial squamous cell carcinoma developing in remnant of an epidermoid cyst 11 years after the operation resection with a review of the literature. 相似文献
脑实质内表皮样囊肿的MRI诊断 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的 总结脑实质内表皮样囊肿的MR影像特征。方法 回顾经手术病理证实为脑实质内表皮样囊肿4例(男3例,女1例),结合文献综合分析脑实质内表皮样囊肿的MR检查方法及影像表现。4例均平扫后增强,辅以FLAIR及DWI(b=1000)序列扫描。结果 4例病灶T1WI上表现为低信号,T1WI上表现为较均匀高信号,FLAIR序列像呈高信号,DWI均匀或欠均匀高信号,增强后病灶不强化或周边轻度强化。结论 脑实质内表皮样囊肿具有较高诊断价值的MR影像特征,MR检查能有效的诊断和鉴别诊断。 相似文献
目的 探讨睾丸表皮样囊肿的超声表现及其与病理的关系.方法 回顾性分析2005年1月-2014年4月在本院行超声检查诊断为睾丸表皮样囊肿的25例病例的声像图资料,诊断结果与病理结果进行对照分析.结果 25例病灶均边界清晰,内无血流信号.12例病灶内部呈“洋葱皮”样或“漩涡”状改变;9例病灶周边有环状或蛋壳样强回声,其中1例病灶为囊实性结节,以实性为主,周边伴蛋壳样钙化;3例病灶同时具有内部“洋葱皮”样或“漩涡”状改变和周边强回声;4例病灶为不均质低回声结节,其内可见多发小片状液化区及点状强回声.超声诊断正确提示,睾丸表皮样囊肿23例,其余2例被误诊为睾丸恶性肿瘤,超声诊断符合率为92%(23/25).结论 多数睾丸表皮样囊肿的超声表现具有特征性,而对于特征不典型者通过回顾性分析可以发现与其他睾丸肿瘤特别是睾丸恶性肿瘤的不同之处,对于指导临床诊治具有重要的意义. 相似文献
目的:探讨颅内皮样囊肿及表皮样囊肿的MRI表现及其诊断价值。方法:回顾性分析5例经手术病理证实的颅内皮样囊肿和7例颅内表皮样囊肿病例,对其MRI表现、病理和临床特征进行分析。其中8例行MRI增强扫描。结果:5例颅内皮样囊肿病例中,3例表现为T1WI低信号,T1WI为高信号,2例T1WI及T2WI均为不均匀高信号。增强扫描的3例均表现为厚壁中等强化。7例颅内表皮样囊肿病例中,4例表现为T,WI低信号,T2WI高信号,2例TlWI及T2WI均为高信号,l例T1WI及T2WI均为不均匀高信号。增强扫描的5例中4例表现为薄壁轻微强化,1例壁无强化。结论:颅内皮样囊肿和表皮样囊肿均有较典型的MRI表现,可实现术前正确诊断,MRI鉴别诊断意义重大。 相似文献