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In order to examine the biotransformations of xenobiotics, it is essential to realize studies of metabolism of drugs in living animals. It is generally difficult to extract quantitatively the metabolites from biological media or excreta. Alternative methods have then been developed. Application of such techniques to 4a-methylhexahydronaphthalenones, which constitute starting material for the stereospecific synthesis of terpenoids or steroids, is particularly demonstrative. By biosynthetical ways, it was not possible to access with good yields to all the metabolites obtained in vivo. A novel methodology, based on the use of a manganoporphyrin catalyst, allowed to synthesize large amounts of several models of metabolites corresponding to those which had been isolated in living rats. Only one of the metabolites obtained in vivo could not be synthesized by this biomimetic system. This proved that alternative methods are precious to obtain models with good yields, but need to be validated by controls in living animals.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: This study examines the prevalence and correlates of stages of change of smoking, in terms of psychosocial, structural and sociodemographic factors, among inhabitants of deprived neighbourhoods. METHODS: Cross-sectional data were obtained from a survey on health related behaviour. Subjects were 2009 current and former smokers, aged 20-46, living in deprived neighbourhoods in Rotterdam, the second largest city in the Netherlands. Three groups of smokers were formed according to the stages of change-definitions of the Transtheoretical Model: smokers not planning to quit (precontemplators), smokers planning to quit (contemplators/preparators) and former smokers (actors/maintainers). Smokers planning to quit and smokers not planning to quit were compared regarding psychosocial factors (attitude, social norm, self-efficacy), structural factors (neighbourhood problems, material deprivation, financial problems, employment status) and sociodemographic factors (age, gender, marital status, cultural background, educational level). Former smokers were compared with smokers planning to quit regarding structural and sociodemographic factors. Logistic regression was used to assess correlates of stages of change. RESULTS: Smokers planning to quit (prevalence = 19%) reported a more positive attitude, stronger social norms and higher self-efficacy expectations in quitting smoking than smokers not planning to quit (prevalence = 57%). Smokers planning to quit less often were Dutch-born, more often had attended higher vocational schooling or university and more often reported experiencing two or more neighbourhood problems compared to smokers not planning to quit. Former smokers (prevalence = 24%) were older, more often Dutch-born, married, employed and higher educated, compared to smokers planning to quit. Furthermore, former smokers less often reported material deprivation and financial problems than smokers planning to quit. CONCLUSION: Among people living in deprived neighbourhoods, different factors correlate with different stages of change of smoking. Implications for health promotion are discussed.  相似文献   

对上海市某医院2003年-2007年骨科出院病人的住院日描述性分析.2003年-2007年骨科的床位利用指数与平均住院日相关性分析.2003年-2007年骨科床位与医护比例分析.2007年骨科前10大病种平均住院目影响因素分别进行单因素相关性分析和多因素逐步回归分析(STATA软件)。通过对骨科10大病种住院日影响因素分析,术前等待天数、手术类型、是否输血分别对10个、9个和8个病种的住院目有影响。输血因素和手术类型是医院不可控、由病人的病情决定的,术前等待天数是管理因素,是最值得医院重视的影响因素。  相似文献   

Are consumers obsessed by 'zero risk'? Is their relationship to food of animal origin irrational? The comments and reactions during the bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) crisis that began in November 2000 certainly suggest so. However, sociological surveys conducted at the height of the crisis refute this impression: judging by individual perceptions, risk is not an obsession; it is only one of several aspects of people's relationship to animal products. Furthermore, concern about healthy eating is not new and, regarding meat specifically, it is linked to the fundamental ambivalence of our relationship to animal flesh. Taking these invariants into account, this paper aims to identify the specific characteristics of our contemporary societies that cause us to set requirements in terms of the safety of products of animal origin. We adopt the thesis of the vulnerability of our societies: a combination of various factors triggers crisis situations, the scale of which is often out of proportion to the gravity of the danger. Vulnerability is particularly acute with respect to food, because the volatility of consumer behaviour is at odds with the relative inflexibility of the livestock industry. Consequently, it is imperative to put an end to certain misconceptions, particularly the requirement of 'zero risk'. The requirements of our societies must be expressed in procedural ratherthan substantial terms. This leads us to explore the characteristics of a new system of risk management, based on the idea of the 'responsible consumer', who participates in decision-making.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To describe the components of physiotherapy valued by survivors of a stroke. DESIGN--Qualitative study using in-depth interviews. SETTING--Two adjacent districts in North East Thames Regional Health Authority. PATIENTS--82 survivors of stroke taken consecutively from a stroke register when they reached the tenth month after their stroke, 40 of whom agreed to be interviewed. MAIN MEASURES--Content analysis of interviews. RESULTS--Patients who agreed to the interview were significantly less likely to be disabled 12 months after stroke than those who did not. Twenty four patients had received physiotherapy, and these were more disabled than those who had not. Patients appreciated physiotherapy. It was believed to bring about functional improvement; the exercise component was valued because it was perceived to keep them active and busy and exercise programmes to follow at home were also valued for the structure they gave to each day; and therapists were considered a source of advice and information and a source of faith and hope. CONCLUSIONS--Many of the positive aspects of caring which patients described in the context of physiotherapy could be incorporated into the mainstream of rehabilitation care and training. However, health professionals need to be careful not to promote false expectations about recovery. IMPLICATIONS--The outcome of treatment is of critical importance to patients and should become a central dimension of patient satisfaction questionnaires. The impact of physiotherapy is not confined to reducing physical disability but may also affect wellbeing. The choice of outcome measures in rehabilitation research should reflect this situation.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to quantify the effects of zinc exposure on the histological structure of the hepatopancreas of Porcellio laevis. Woodlice were experimentally exposed to various concentrations (1000, 4000, and 8000 mg. kg−1) of zinc sulphate. Hepatopancreas samples of exposed isopods were histologically prepared and analysed with Leica QWin image analysis software. The B-cells in hepatopancreases of zinc sulphate – exposed woodlice were reduced in size to varying degrees, compared to that of the control, Percentage Cellular Area (PCA) of the hepatopancreas samples revealed that zoning occurred through the length of hepatopancreas lobes. Analysis of the PCA data of hepatopancreases of P. laevis exposed to the zinc sulphate revealed that there was a decline in PCA, in all the zones, compared to those in the control. The Z3 zone (the part from the middle to three quarters to the back of the tubule) was shown to be the best suited, if PCAs are to be considered as a biomarker in woodlouse toxicity studies.  相似文献   

目的结合有关文献,筛选输入性登革热风险预警量化评价的指标,构建科学、合理、准确和量化的输入性登革热风险预警评价指标体系。方法采用德尔菲法(Delphi)设计,就指标体系的每一项指标选定专家进行征询,选定的专家按重要性分值1、3、5分对评价指标进行评价。结果剔除了59项三级指标要求中的9项,保留了50项(占84.7%);专家对整体《评价表》的重要性评价均值为3.50,一级指标要求为3.85,二级指标要求为3.56,三级指标要求为3.44,显示《评价表》的重要性较高,专家的意见集中程度较好;专家对总体指标意见的协调系数为0.33(P〈0.05),对一级指标意见的协调系数为0.56(P〈0.05),对二级指标意见的协调系数为0.48(P〈0.05),对三级指标意见的协调系数为0.31(P〈0.05),本次研究的专家意见协调程度较好。结论该评价表的构建可为输入性登革热的监测提供科学、合理、准确和量化的评价工具。  相似文献   

不同发展程度地区农村人口对艾滋病的认知   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
调查结果表明,农村人口对于艾滋病的认知程度普遍较低,而且经济越落后的农村地区更为明显;农村人口对艾滋病病人的态度处于抗拒状态;绝大多数农村人口对政府在艾滋病的预防宣传和导向不清楚。为此,应当采取更多务实措施,预防艾滋病在农村的蔓延:(1)坚持以预防为主的思想为指导方针,发挥社区的功能,及时发现感染源并加以引导;(2)从农村自身的实际出发,利用好新闻媒体及卫生机构做好艾滋病相关知识的宣传工作,转变农村居民对艾滋病的愚昧思想;(3)加强农村青少年的性教育及艾滋病的预防知识,有条件的应引导安全套的使用;(4)当地政府要加强对色情场所的管制,采取强有力的行政手段遏制艾滋病的传播。  相似文献   

This work intents, in a didactic form, to explain the benefits of use of a technique of project management, named Work Breakdown Structure: a graphical tool to identify the main results to be developed in a project. The real examples are applied to a sub-project of the Virtual Library in Health in Nursing (BVS-Enfermagem) to development of the Sites Catalogs. The benefits of graphical visualization for a major agreement between professionals of different expertise are presented.  相似文献   

Biological effects data with single chemicals are far more abundant than with mixtures. Yet, environmental exposures to chemical mixtures, for example near hazardous waste sites or non point sources, are very common and using test data from single chemicals to approximate effects of mixtures can be useful in environmental risk assessment. To facilitate the linkage, the Weibull function was used as a common model to link responses of single chemicals with the response of their mixtures. The present paper addresses the response of fish to mixtures of narcotic chemicals and a second paper addresses the developmental malformation of frog embryos when exposed to defined mixtures of teratogenic chemicals.Biological effects data with singly tested chemicals cannot be used directly to predict effects of mixtures. However, narcotic chemicals are known to produce an additive concentration effects in fish and the Weibull function with an additive concentration variable was used to model the effects of mixtures of these chemicals. The model produced good agreement with data over a wide range of chemicals and mixture ratios and provides a useful initial assessment of environmental effects of mixtures of narcotic chemicals.  相似文献   

In the face of the contextual amplitude of nursing activity, its theories need to be mediatated so to we be able to access the real meaning of the ideas elicited by theorists, and thus making possible to the nurses, consider and incorporate them into practice professional. In this article, we described the nursing theory developed by Hildegard Peplau still looking for to establish a connection of this theory with the way of caring of diabetic patient. The building of this study was worth of reflexion and it provided not just knowledge of theoretical ideas but mainly the urgency to use it (or to use another theory) in the environment of our daily practice of diabetic patient care.  相似文献   

沈阳市育龄妇女死亡因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 了解沈阳市育龄妇女死亡病因,为改善育龄妇女的生殖健康提供依据。方法通过对沈阳市死亡报告系统进行回顾性调查,比较1996~2000年城乡不同年龄组间育龄妇女死亡变化趋势、死因顺位及恶性肿瘤死亡情况。结果 1996~2000年,沈阳市育龄妇女死亡率处于上下波动状态。城市疾病死亡率为67.24/10万,农村为45.97/10万。35—49岁城市妇女为育龄妇女死亡的重点人群,循环系统疾病为育龄妇女的主要死因。因癌症死亡的死亡率城市明显高于农村。育龄妇女因乳腺和生殖系统癌症造成的死亡占癌症死亡的1/4,在农村其发生率更高。结论对育龄妇女的卫生保健工作仍需进一步加强。  相似文献   

The social sciences have made few direct empirical contributions to the understanding of 'non-specific' benefits of treatment and generally the symbolic healing of indigenous non-Western medicine has received most attention in this field. This paper reports some results of a wider study of neurological clinics in England in which it is shown that a sample attending for headaches experienced considerable improvement in symptoms when followed up 1 year after attendance. Most of this improvement appeared not to be due to any intended treatments received at the clinics but could be attributed to the quality of patients' immediate responses to clinic attendance as assessed from reach interviews conducted after their consultations. This relationship between immediate 'satisfied' response and subsequent symptomatic improvement is interpreted in terms of the general levels of expectancy and sense of potential control achieved by obtaining referral to a specialist which directly enhanced recovery in those patients who felt the doctor's actions to be directly relevant to their personal concerns. Disappointment with the doctor reduced the 'non-specific' therapeutic benefits of the hospital referral. The intimate connections of patient satisfaction, treatment received and subsequent outcomes need more careful consideration in social studies of Western medicine.  相似文献   

目的:简单了解ERP,考察ERP在CDC中应用的案例,探讨成功应用ERP的方法;方法:通过对杭州市疾病预防控制中心实施ERP软件,考察其对工作流程和工作效率的改进;结果:实施结果表明,适当的ERP软件能优化工作流程结构、增强财务管理功能、提高整体工作效率;结论:可根据疾控中心的具体情况,适当的引入ERP资源管理系统,以促进中心资源管理的能力。  相似文献   

团以下干部健康体检管理实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
落实干部健康体检任务、提高体检质量,对维护和提高部队战斗力具有重要意义。我区主动适应官兵健康需求增长趋势,将组织干部健康体检纳入年度军区为部队办实事工作安排,统一思想,多措并举,坚持预防为主、防治结合,并持续深化工作成效,取得较高的体检率,全面提升干部健康水平。  相似文献   

Emergency situations caused by chemical weapons of mass destruction add a new dimension of risk to those handling and treating casualties. The fundamental difference between a hazardous materials incident and conventional emergencies is the potential for risk from contamination to health care professionals, patients, equipment and facilities of the Emergency Department. Accurate and specific guidance is needed to describe the procedures to be followed by emergency medical personnel to safely care for a patient, as well as to protect equipment and people. This review is designed to familiarize readers with the concepts, terminology and key operational considerations that affect the in-hospital management of incidents by chemical weapons.  相似文献   

Methods of analysis for products of modern biotechnology are required for national and international trade in seeds, grain and food in order to meet the labeling or import/export requirements of different nations and trading blocks. Although many methods were developed by the originators of transgenic events, governments, universities, and testing laboratories, trade is less complicated if there exists a set of international consensus-derived analytical standards. In any analytical situation, multiple methods may exist for testing for the same analyte. These methods may be supported by regional preferences and regulatory requirements. However, tests need to be sensitive enough to determine low levels of these traits in commodity grain for regulatory purposes and also to indicate purity of seeds containing these traits. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and its European counterpart have worked to produce a suite of standards through open, balanced and consensus-driven processes. Presently, these standards are approaching the time for their first review. In fact, ISO 21572, the "protein standard" has already been circulated for systematic review. In order to expedite the review and revision of the nucleic acid standards an ISO Technical Specification (ISO/TS 21098) was drafted to set the criteria for the inclusion of precision data from collaborative studies into the annexes of these standards.  相似文献   

The importance of financial resources input into health improving goes without saying, and economic analysis can only contribute to the search and allocation of funds. The specific economic loss (SEL) seems to be a most informative index of the damage caused to economy by occupational diseases. This index includes the total sum of economic damage of the society through all the life of the worker after an occupational disease was diagnosed. The limits of SEL vary from 6.8 to 30 thousand roubles. A further elaboration of technical and legislative bases is needed to define the economic responsibility of enterprises for violating hygienic norms and regulations.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The Measure of Processes of Care (MPOC) is a 56-item self-administered measure designed to examine what parents of a child with a chronic health problem think of the services they and their child receive, and to measure the extent to which these services are family-centred. Reliability and validity of the MPOC were established in prior studies. The aim of the present study was to assess the 1-year stability of the MPOC to justify its use as an evaluative tool. METHODS: Nine paediatric rehabilitation centres in the Netherlands participated in this short longitudinal survey study. Subjects were 205 parents (response rate 74.8%) of children aged 1-18 years who received care in one of the participating paediatric rehabilitation centres. All subjects filled out two MPOCs with a 1-year interval. RESULTS: All correlations between the scale scores of the MPOC at the first and second administration were relatively high and significant (range: 0.443-0.609, all P < 0.001), demonstrating high inter-individual stability. However, all mean scale scores, except for Providing General Information, significantly reduced after 1 year. CONCLUSIONS: The MPOC has a moderate 1-year stability. However, because of its tendency to score lower when repeated after 1 year, its use as an evaluative follow-up instrument to assess the effectiveness of a programme intervention is restricted.  相似文献   

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