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This article presents the most recent insights into the biology, prognostic significance, and therapeutic approaches to TEL/AML1-positive leukemia. The TEL/AML1 fusion gene, also known as ETV6 /CBFA2, is the most commonly occurring gene rearrangement in pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Considerable controversy exists over its prognostic significance with currently available therapies. Differences in outcome may be explained by the differing intensities of various chemotherapy regimens, individual host responses to chemotherapy, or the hypothesis that relapsed TEL/AML1-positive leukemia represents an outgrowth of a secondary leukemia that shares a common initiating event with the first. Incorporating knowledge of this gene rearrangement into treatment decisions serves as a paradigm for translating molecular discoveries into clinically meaningful data to direct patient care and improve outcome.  相似文献   

B-precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia bone marrow specimens that contained subpopulations of cells with immunophenotypes corresponding to early (CD34) and late (CD20) and (CD22) stages of normal B-cell differentiation were studied. Subpopulations of cells were isolated according to immunophenotype and then analyzed by both a clonogenic assay and molecular genetic methods. Clonal equivalence of the early and late immunophenotypic subpopulations was confirmed for each case by the demonstration of identical lg gene rearrangements. The in vitro colony-forming assay consistently showed a growth advantage for the CD34+ subpopulations over the CD34- subpopulations. CD34 mRNA was detected readily in these isolated precursor cells. When two specimens in which virtually all of the leukemia cells were CD34+ and CD34+CD20+ and CD34+CD22+ subpopulations were also present the CD34 mRNA was limited to the cells without the late-stage differentiation antigens on their surface. Furthermore, the c-myb mRNA was found only in the subpopulations that also contained CD34 mRNA. Our results show that a limited program of differentiation reminiscent of normal B-cell development may be present in this leukemia.  相似文献   

Objectives: TEL/AML1 (ETV6/RUNX1) fusion resulting from the translocation t(12;21)(p13;q22) constitutes the most common chimeric fusion gene in initial childhood B‐cell precursor (BCP) acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) (19–27%) and has been associated with good prognosis. Three secondary aberrations in TEL/AML1 positive ALL have been suspected to negatively influence outcome: deletion of the second TEL allele (T), gain of the second AML1 allele (A) and duplication of the derivative chromosome 21 (der(21), TA). Many studies have explored such aberrations in initial disease, while only few reports have investigated them in relapses. Methods: In this study, bone marrow samples from 38 children with relapsed TEL/AML1 RT‐PCR positive and negative BCP‐ALL were analyzed for these mutations by interphase fluorescence in situ hybridization and results were compared with published data. Results: In children with TEL/AML1 positive ALL relapse, additional (a) TEL loss, (b) combined AML1 and der(21) gain, (c) combined TEL loss and AML1 gain as well as (d) the occurrence of a subpopulation with the signal pattern 1T/3A/1TA appear to be related to higher peripheral blast counts (PBCs) at relapse diagnosis (a and d) or a tendency towards the occurrence of a subsequent relapse (b and c) (P‐values <0.05). Conclusions: Our data together with published results on TEL/AML1 positive ALL suggest that frequencies of additional TEL and AML1 mutations are, with the exception of loss of untranslocated TEL, higher in first relapses than in initial disease. They also show that it is important to consider combined mutations in the analysis of this leukemia entity.  相似文献   

The t(12;21) translocation resulting in TEL/AML1 gene fusion is present in approximately 25% of patients with precursor B-lineage pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Studies suggest an association with a good prognosis; however, relapse can occur. We studied the relation between t(12;21), determined by fluorescence in situ hybridization or polymerase chain reaction, and in vitro drug resistance, measured by the MTT assay, in childhood B-lineage ALL at diagnosis. A total of 180 ALL samples were tested, 51 (28%) of which were positive for t(12;21). The median LC(50) values did not differ significantly between TEL/AML1-positive and -negative samples for prednisolone, dexamethasone, daunorubicin, thiopurines, epipodophyllotoxins, and 4-HOO-ifosfamide. However, the TEL/AML1-positive patients were relatively more sensitive to L-asparaginase (ASP; 5.9-fold; P =.029) and slightly but significantly more resistant to vincristine (1.5-fold; P =.011) and cytarabine (1.5-fold; P =.014). After matching for unevenly distributed patient characteristics-that is, excluding patients younger than 12 months, patients with CD10-negative immature B-lineage ALL, patients with Philadelphia chromosome, and patients who were hyperdiploid (more than 50 chromosomes) from the TEL/AML1 negative group-the only remaining difference was a relative sensitivity for ASP in the TEL/AML1-positive samples (10.8-fold; P =. 012). In conclusion, the presence of TEL/AML1 gene fusion in childhood precursor B-lineage ALL does not seem to be associated with a high in vitro drug sensitivity, except for ASP, indicating that these patients could benefit from treatment schedules with significant use of this drug.  相似文献   

Successful autologous hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) transplantation in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) requires the ability to either selectively kill the leukemia cells or separate normal from leukemic HSC. Based on previous studies showing that more than 95% of childhood B-lineage ALL express CD38, this study evaluated whether normal CD34(+)CD38(-) progenitors from children with B-lineage ALL could be isolated by flow cytometry. CD34(+) cells from bone marrow samples from 10 children with B-lineage ALL were isolated at day 28 of treatment, when clinical remission had been attained. The CD34(+) progenitor cells were flow cytometrically sorted into CD34(+)CD38(+) and CD34(+)CD38(-) populations. The absolute numbers of CD34(+)CD38(-) cells that could be isolated ranged from 401 to 6245. The cells were then analyzed for the presence of clonotypic rearrangements of the T-cell receptor (TCR) Vdelta2-Ddelta3 locus. Only patients whose diagnostic marrow had an informative TCR Vdelta2-Ddelta3 rearrangement were included in this study. Detection thresholds were typically 10(-4) to 10(-5) leukemic cells in normal marrow. In 6 of 10 samples analyzed, the sorted CD34(+)CD38(-) cells had no detectable Vdelta2-Ddelta3 rearrangements. In 4 cases, the clonotypic leukemic Vdelta2-Ddelta3 rearrangement was detected in the CD34(+)CD38(-) population, indicating that the putative normal HSC population also contained leukemic cells. The data indicate that although most childhood ALL cells express CD34 and CD38, leukemic cells are also frequently present in the CD34(+)CD38(-) population. Therefore, strategies to isolate and transplant normal HSC from children with ALL will require a more stringent definition of the normal HSC than the CD34(+)CD38(-) phenotype. (Blood. 2001;97:3925-3930)  相似文献   

Advances in fluorescence-activated cell sorter technology have brought about multicolor analysis of cell phenotypes. To clarify the phenotypes of human hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs), we initially prepared novel antibodies against CD34 and labeled one of them (4A1) with allophycocyanin (APC). With this, we analyzed the phenotypes of CD34+ HSCs and showed that primitive HSCs or CD34+CD33- cells expressed adhesion molecules such as CD43, CD44, CD11a, CD11c, CD18, and leukocyte adhesion molecule (LAM-1). The more primitive hematopoietic cells or CD34+CD38- cells also expressed CD11a and CD18 with an incidence of 20% to 30%. To clarify the role of adhesion molecules in HSCs, we examined the colony forming capacity after long-term culture with allogeneic irradiated stromal layers. Among CD34+CD33- cells, CD18+ cells gave rise to colony-forming cells (CFCs) on stromal layers, but reached a maximum at week 2, after which the number of generated CFCs decreased. On the other hand, CD18- cells generated less CFCs than CD18+ cells at 2 to 3 weeks, but increased after 4 weeks of culture. When CD18 or CD11a antibody was added to a coculture system of CD34+CD33- cells with stromal layers, the number of generated CFCs decreased significantly compared with the no antibody control. Leukocyte function-associated antigen-1 (LFA-1) (CD11a/CD18) was expressed on some populations of hematopoietic cells and contributed to the proliferation by interacting with stromal cells. However, more primitive cells capable of reconstituting hematopoiesis did not express LFA-1. These data provide a rationale for the administration of anti-LFA-1 antibody after bone marrow transplantation for reducing the graft failure.  相似文献   

The t(12;21)(p13;q22) translocation has been identified as the most common chromosomal abnormality in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL). Initially, several investigators reported an excellent prognosis in paediatric leukaemias with this translocation, but other studies showed a 20% incidence in relapsed ALL. We performed an extensive analysis of 90 ALL patients. In 17 (19%) cases a TEL/AML1 fusion was found. However, this group was not representative as it included a high number of relapsed patients compared with the normal incidence in B-precursor ALL [54 in continuous complete remission (CCR) and 36 relapsed patients] and only a slightly better prognosis for TEL/AML1-positive patients was found (not significant) (four relapses in 17 TEL/AML1-positive patients vs. 32 relapses in 73 TEL/AML1-negative patients). Comparison of known prognostic factors (age, sex, ploidy, white blood cell count and immunophenotype) between relapsed TEL/AML1-positive and TEL/AML1-positive patients in CCR did not reveal differences, except that the white blood cell count was significantly higher in the relapsed group (P = 0.001). Time between diagnosis and relapse was not different for the relapsed TEL/AML1-positive group vs. the relapsed TEL/AML1-negative group. In 11 TEL/AML1-positive patients, the minimal residual disease (MRD) level at the end of induction therapy was quantified in a limiting dilution assay using IGH or TCRD junctional regions as polymerase chain reaction (PCR) targets. In all four relapsed patients, the level of MRD at the end of induction therapy was high (range 0.24-1.2%), whereas in all seven CCR patients, the MRD level was extremely low (0.02 to < 0.001%). In agreement with previous studies in which MRD levels at the end of induction therapy were found to be the strongest risk factor independent of other risk factors, in the present study we show that the MRD level remains a risk factor independent of the presence of a TEL/AML1 fusion gene.  相似文献   

The molecular defect of a congenitally dysfunctional form of prothrombin, prothrombin Segovia, was identified in a patient with a severe bleeding tendency, reduced prothrombin coagulant activity, and normal antigen level. Nucleotide sequencing of amplified DNA revealed a G --> A change at nucleotide 7539 of exon 9 of the prothrombin gene. This resulted in the substitution of Gly319 by Arg. The proband was homozygous for this mutation, his father and brother were heterozygous. We surmised that the substitution, which occurs near the site of cleavage of prothrombin by factor Xa (Arg320-Ile321), altered the conformation of the protein making the cleavage site inaccessible.  相似文献   

Survivin, a member of the inhibitors of apoptosis protein family, plays important roles in cell proliferation and survival and is highly expressed in various malignancies, including leukemias. To better understand its role in acute myeloid leukemia (AML), we profiled survivin expression in samples obtained from 511 newly diagnosed AML patients and in CD34(+)38(-) AML stem/progenitor cells using a validated reverse-phase protein array; we correlated its levels with clinical outcomes and with levels of other proteins in the same sample set. We found that survivin levels were higher in bone marrow than in paired peripheral blood leukemic cells (n = 140, P = .0001) and that higher survivin levels significantly predicted shorter overall (P = .016) and event-free (P = .023) survival in multivariate Cox model analysis. Importantly, survivin levels were significantly higher in CD34(+)38(-) AML stem/progenitor cells than in bulk blasts and total CD34(+) AML cells (P < .05). Survivin expression correlated with the expressions of multiple proteins involved with cell proliferation and survival. Particularly, its expression strongly correlated with HIF1α in the stem/progenitor cell compartment. These results suggest that survivin is a prognostic biomarker in AML and that survivin, which is overexpressed in AML stem/progenitor cells, remains a potentially important target for leukemia therapy.  相似文献   

During detailed immunophenotypic analyses of marrow blasts from 336 acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) patients, a very small percentage of cases reactive with B-cell-directed as well as T-cell-directed monoclonal antibodies (MoAbs) were identified. Five ALL cases were biphenotypic since they coexpressed CD2 (Tp50) and CD19 (Bp95) antigens at the single-cell level. The composite immunophenotype of these biphenotypic ALL cases was [TdT+HLA-ABC+CD2+CD3-CD10+CD13-CD14-CD16- CD19+CD20+ ++-CD21-CD33-CD34+Bgp95-C mu- slg-]. Low-molecular-weight B- cell growth factor (LMW-BCGF), recombinant interleukin-2 (rIL-2), and rIL-3 stimulated the proliferative activity of biphenotypic leukemic lymphocyte precursors without inducing differentiation. In the presence of the phorbol ester TPA, leukemic blasts from two cases differentiated along the B precursor pathway to the [CD2-CD10+CD19+CD20+C mu+slg-] pre- B cell stage. Biphenotypic ALL cases did not share a common configuration and gene rearrangement pattern of the immunoglobulin heavy chain genes or T-cell receptor (TCR) genes. Three cases had rearranged C mu genes but germline TCR genes, one case showed rearrangement of both C mu and TCR genes, and the remaining case had rearranged TCR genes but germline C mu genes. All five patients attained prompt remission after standard induction chemotherapy. Three to four years after initial diagnosis, four patients are now off chemotherapy and remain alive in their first remission. One patient relapsed at 3 years, 7 months, but promptly achieved complete remission after reinduction chemotherapy and remains in second remission off chemotherapy greater than 3 years after her reinduction therapy. With two-color immunofluorescence staining techniques and multiparameter flow cytometric analyses, we identified a small population of CD2+CD19+ lymphoid cells in fetal livers (FLs) and fetal bone marrows (FBMs), which may represent the putative normal counterparts of biphenotypic ALL blasts. A CD2+CD19+ normal biphenotypic lymphoid precursor cell line, designated FL 8.2 CD2+, was established from an FL of 8-weeks of gestational age by Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-induced blastoid transformation. The composite immunophenotype of FL 8.2 CD2+ cell line was [TdT+HLA-ABC+HLA-DR+ CD2+CD5-CD7-CD10+/-CD13-CD19+CD20-CD21+ CD22+CD33-CD34+/-Bgp95-CDw40+C mu-slgD-slgM-]. FL 8.2 CD2+ cells showed germline patterns of immunoglobulin heavy-chain joining region, heavy- chain constant region, kappa light-chain constant region genes, and TCR beta-chain genes. Cross-linking of CD2 as well as CD19 antigens on FL 8.2 CD2+ cells caused an increase of intracellular ionized calcium.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Young  JC; Bruno  E; Luens  KM; Wu  S; Backer  M; Murray  LJ 《Blood》1996,88(5):1619-1631
Thrombopoietin (TPO) or MpI ligand is known to stimulate megakaryocyte (MK) proliferation and differentiation. To identify the earliest human hematopoietic cells on which TPO acts, we cultured single CD34+Thy- 1+Lin- adult bone marrow cells in the presence of TPO alone, with TPO and interleukin-3 (IL-3), or with TPO and c-kit ligand (KL) in the presence of a murine stromal cell line (Sys1). Two distinct growth morphologies were observed: expansion of up to 200 blast cells with subsequent differentiation to large refractile CD41b+ MKs within 3 weeks or expansion to 200-10,000 blast cells, up to 25% of which expressed CD34. The latter blast cell expansions occurred over a 3- to 6-week period without obvious MK differentiation. Morphological staining, analysis of surface marker expression, and colony formation analysis revealed that these populations consisted predominantly of cells committed to the myelomonocytic lineage. The addition of IL-3 to TPO-containing cultures increased the extent of proliferation of single cells, whereas addition of KL increased the percentage of CD34+ cells among the expanding cell populations. Production of multiple colony- forming unit-MK from single CD34+Thy-1+Lin- cells in the presence of TPO was also demonstrated. In limiting dilution assays of CD34+Lin- cells, TPO was found to increase the size and frequency of cobblestone areas at 4 weeks in stromal cultures in the presence of leukemia inhibitory factor and IL-6. In stroma-free cultures, TPO activated a quiescent CD34+Lin-Rhodamine 123lo subset of primitive hematopoietic progenitor cells into cycle, without loss of CD34 expression. These data demonstrate that TPO acts directly on and supports division of cells more primitive than those committed to the MK lineage.  相似文献   

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