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王小波 《中国保健》2008,16(11):544
如今感冒药已成为许多家庭的必备药,而且往往不止一种.但由于相当数量的人缺乏相应医药知识,一旦患感冒后急于求成,常常几种感冒药同时服用,殊不知最常用的药品也可能造成严重的后果.  相似文献   

目的:评价常用非典型抗精神病药物治疗精神分裂症的经济学效果。方法:250例接受单一抗精神病药物治疗的患者入组;试验时间为1年;以阳性与阴性症状量表评分减少量评价疗效,并进行最小成本分析。结果:241例患者完成研究,5组药物疗效相近,不良反应发生率氯氮平最高,齐拉西酮最低,齐拉西酮组泌乳素水平低于其他4组;治疗总成本由低到高依次为:氯氮平、利培酮(维思通)、齐拉西酮(卓乐定)、喹硫平(思瑞康)、奥氮平(再普乐)。结论:在治疗精神分裂症方面,氯氮平最具经济性,利培酮适合中国国情。  相似文献   

来自英国的一则消息,让感冒药的风险和安全问题引起了国内媒体的广泛关注,也引发了不小的争议,英国政府下属的药品和医疗产品管理中心今年2月28日宣布,针对69种常用儿童感冒咳嗽药进行的评估显示,“这些药物没有明显的疗效”,反而“会引起过敏反应、导致幻觉以及干扰睡眠等副作用”,严重的甚至造成儿童死亡。  相似文献   

目的:研究目前用得比较普遍的感冒药的药物成分的药理特征,探讨各成分的安全性,分析其临床应用价值.方法:对500例各年龄段的感冒患者的处方进行统计分析,对处方中出现的频率高的感冒药的药物成分进行药理分析和探讨.结果:500例处方中康必得占25.27%,泰诺占23.93%,白加黑占20.32%,快克占10.24%,九九九感冒灵颗粒等中西复方制剂占10.67%,及一些抗病毒类感冒药如感冒清,金刚感冒片等占9.57%.结论:抗感冒药物成分主要有解热镇痛,收缩鼻粘膜血管,祛痰镇咳,抗病毒,抗过敏这几大类,从而得出抗感冒药主要为对症治疗,而极少数如板蓝根,金刚烷胺等抗病毒类药是对因治疗.  相似文献   

目的:本文主要分析了抗感冒药物成分的药理特征及其临床用药.方法:选取了我院2015年2月-2017年2月开具的抗感冒药处方患者240例为研究对象.回顾性分析患者的临床感冒症状和临床用药状况.结果:常用感冒药物成分主要包括收缩血管、解热镇痛、抗组胺、中枢兴奋、镇咳祛痰、解热镇痛六种药理作用.所有的处方中处方开具不合理的有26张,药物成分重复的有28张,使用药物与患者症状不相符的有3张.结论:抗感冒药物成分非常复杂,所以,加强抗感冒药物的药理特征分析与临床用药,可以有效改善患者感冒的症状,减少不良反应的发生.  相似文献   

合理用药是目前世界各国卫生部门高度重视的问题,强调合理用药的重要性和迫切性,已成为医药界刻不容缓的共同任务。安全、有效、经济、适当的合理用药,可提高治疗效果,降低治疗风险,节约用药成本,改善病人的生存质量。本文从中西医用药层面,讨论合理用药的问题。  相似文献   

大病去医院,小病去药店,已被越来越多的患者所认同。如今,感冒药成为家庭的必备药。虽然感冒药种类繁多,价格不一,但对其益处与害处应清楚了解。  相似文献   

药物经济学的基本理论与方法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
药物经济学(Pharmaco Economics,PE)是近年来新兴的一门交叉学科。本简要阐述了该学科的基本理论与方法。对指导临床合理用药、新药的研制和开发等具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

吴继军 《现代保健》2009,(15):132-132
20世纪70年代,由于生活水平的提高,人们对医疗保健的需求越来越高,全球医疗费用的连续增长以及药品的高额消耗,造成管理失控、浪费严重,促使一门新兴边缘学科——药物经济学迅速发展。我国于上个世纪90年代引入药物经济学。  相似文献   

抗感冒药的合理应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨抗感冒药在感冒中的应用.方法:查阅有关书籍和文献以及在实际工作中的经验进行分析.结果:正确选用感冒药有助于疾病恢复.结论:应充分了解感冒药各类成分的基本作用、组成和不良反应.真正做到合理用药.  相似文献   

浅谈用药习惯和方法及食物、烟、酒等对口服用药的影响,倡导科学合理及安全用药,减少药物不良反应,维护患者健康.  相似文献   

Cost-effectiveness acceptability curves have become a common way of presenting the results of probabilistic sensitivity analysis. However, these curves do not provide information on what the loss of welfare or net benefit (NB) is for cases where a given intervention is not the optimal one. We describe an alternate approach to presenting the results of probabilistic sensitivity analysis called the incremental benefit curve that presents the entire distribution of incremental NB of each intervention for a given WTP value. The incremental benefit curve provides the decision maker information regarding the potential welfare loss with a given intervention for scenarios in which it is not the optimal intervention, and thus would be a useful complement to the acceptability curve.  相似文献   

Objective. To apply the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points methodto the preparation of anti-cancer drugs. To identify criticalcontrol points in our cancer chemotherapy process and to proposecontrol measures and corrective actions to manage these processes. Setting. The Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points applicationbegan in January 2004 in our centralized chemotherapy compoundingunit. From October 2004 to August 2005, monitoring of the processnonconformities was performed to assess the method. Methods. According to the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Pointsmethod, a multidisciplinary team was formed to describe andassess the cancer chemotherapy process. This team listed allof the critical points and calculated their risk indexes accordingto their frequency of occurrence, their severity and their detectability.The team defined monitoring, control measures and correctiveactions for each identified risk. Finally, over a 10-month period,pharmacists reported each non-conformity of the process in afollow-up document. Results. Our team described 11 steps in the cancer chemotherapy process.The team identified 39 critical control points, including 11of higher importance with a high-risk index. Over 10 months,16 647 preparations were performed; 1225 nonconformities werereported during this same period. Conclusions. The Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points method is relevantwhen it is used to target a specific process such as the preparationof anti-cancer drugs. This method helped us to focus on theproduction steps, which can have a critical influence on productquality, and led us to improve our process.  相似文献   

科研项目管理常见的风险与应对措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
立项的科研项目顺利结题对于提高科研管理部门信誉非常重要,但实际上一些项目只立项不结题,或因主观、客观的因素导致项目失败,给项目承担单位带来信誉损失.本文对常见科研项目风险进行了分析和识别,指出项目申报人的不良申报动机,研究团队的不稳定性,项目成本支出能力,科研项目的自然属性风险,以及技术及科研平台风险等都可能导致项目延期或失败.文章从科研管理政策上、制度上、方法上、态度上针对问题提出了应对措施.  相似文献   

STUDY OBJECTIVE: This study hypothesises that the presumed increased risk of self reported longstanding psychiatric illness and intake of psychotropic drugs among Iranian, Chilean, Turkish, and Kurdish adults, when these groups are compared with Polish adults, can be explained by living alone, poor acculturation, unemployment, and low sense of coherence. DESIGN: Data from a national sample of immigrants/refugees, who were between the ages of 20-44 years old, upon their arrival in Sweden between 1980 and 1989. Unconditional logistic regression was used in the statistical modelling. SETTING: Sweden. PARTICIPANTS: 1059 female and 921 male migrants from Iran, Chile, Turkey, Kurdistan and Poland and a random sample of 3001 Swedes, all between the ages of 27-60 years, were interviewed in 1996 by Statistics Sweden. MAIN RESULTS: Compared with Swedes, all immigrants had an increased risk of self reported longstanding psychiatric illness and for intake of psychotropic drugs, with results for the Kurds being non-significant. Compared with Poles, Iranian and Chilean migrants had an increased risk of psychiatric illness, when seen in relation to a model in which adjustment was made for sex and age. The difference became non-significant for Chileans when marital status was taken into account. After including civil status and knowledge of the Swedish language, the increased risks for intake of psychotropic drugs for Chileans and Iranians disappeared. Living alone, poor knowledge of the Swedish language, non-employment, and low sense of coherence were strong risk factors for self reported longstanding psychiatric illness and for intake of psychotropic drugs. Iranian, Chilean, Turkish and Kurdish immigrants more frequently reported living in segregated neighbourhoods and having a greater desire to leave Sweden than their Polish counterparts. CONCLUSION: Evidence substantiates a strong association between ethnicity and self reported longstanding psychiatric illness, as well as intake of psychotropic drugs. This association is weakened by marital status, acculturation status, employment status, and sense of coherence.  相似文献   

本文通过对上海市药品带量采购相关文件资料进行分析,结合实地调研和访谈,从药品集中采购基本情况、带量采购试点药品范围和品种、企业资质认定、中标企业确定、药品配送和药款结算六个方面对上海市药品带量采购做法进行梳理总结,分析认为上海市真正实现了药品带量采购,通过建立科学的质量综合评价指标、设立药品采购专用账户、预付药品采购货款、加强平台服务和监管能力,有效保障带量采购机制运行。由此得出以下启示与建议:事权统一的职能部门是实现药品带量采购的重要保障,技术手段和平台建设是实现药品带量采购的基础条件,经济技术标的设置应当关注通用名药品个体属性,推进三医联动将有助于进一步扩大带量采购药品的范围。  相似文献   

为减少不合理医疗费用支出,加强临床用药合理性,自2009年起苏北人民医院采取了一系列信息化精细化的药品控费管理措施,积极开展药品使用全过程监管,有效降低了药占比,优化了患者的费用支出结构。医院在管理模式上由粗放式行政化管理逐步向多维度的信息化、精细化管理转变,促进了以合理用药管理为核心的药学服务转变和药学服务的高质量发展,实现了从传统的药事管理向全面参与医院的效率、效益提升的转变。  相似文献   

总结了医院1999—2002年“总量控制结构调整”(以下简称“总控”)改革方案的实施结果。运用终末统计指标对医院1999—2002年门诊、病房工作效率和工作质量、疾病构成、经济收益指标进行分析。表明2002年各项指标均优于前3年,“总量控制结构调整”引发了医院内部管理的改革,促进了卫生资源的合理利用,提高了效率与效益,“总控”符合当前卫生改革的趋势。  相似文献   



Mortality from intra-abdominal candidiasis in intensive care units (ICUs) is high. It takes many days for peritoneal-fluid fungal culture to become positive, and the recommended empirical antifungal therapy involves excessive costs. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) should produce results more rapidly than fungal culture.


To perform a cost-effectiveness analysis of the combination of several diagnostic and therapeutic strategies to manage Candida peritonitis in non-neutropenic adult patients in ICUs.


We constructed a decision tree model to evaluate the cost effectiveness. Cost and effectiveness were taken into account in a 1-year time horizon and from the French National Health Insurance perspective. Six strategies were compared: fluconazole or echinocandin as an empirical therapy, plus diagnosis by fungal culture or detection by PCR of all Candida species, or use of PCR to detect most fluconazole-resistant Candida species (i.e., Candida krusei and Candida glabrata).


The use of fluconazole empirical treatment and PCR to detect all Candida species is more cost effective than using fluconazole empirical treatment without PCR (incremental cost-effectiveness ratio of €40,055/quality-adjusted life-year). Empirical treatment with echinocandin plus PCR to detect C. krusei and C. glabrata is the most effective strategy, but has an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio of €93,776/quality-adjusted life-year. If the cost of echinocandin decreases, then strategies involving PCR plus empirical echinocandin become more cost-effective.


Detection by PCR of all Candida species and of most fluconazole-resistant Candida species could improve the cost-effectiveness of fluconazole and echinocandin given to non-neutropenic patients with suspected peritoneal candidiasis in ICUs.  相似文献   

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