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The Personal Medical Services (PMS) pilot sites, launched in England in 1997 by the Secretary of State for the then Conservative government, introduced a local contract for primary care, aimed at promoting flexibility, innovation and policy participation. As part of the National Evaluation of PMS, this paper considers the professional and organisational relationships established between service providers working in those PMS sites which specifically set out to address inequalities in access to primary care for vulnerable populations. The introduction of PMS enabled a change of cultural values in primary care, particularly regarding GPs' relationships with nurses and practice staff. However, PMS has not necessarily led to equal partnerships within primary care teams. Rather,in the selected sites evaluated new interprofessional relationships emerged. There was evidence of intra and interprofessional partnerships being forged, providing the basis for further improved intersectoral collaboration. There was also evidence that the GP based medical model made way for a community oriented/public health model with emphasis on health maintenance for the vulnerable.  相似文献   

Interprofessional collaboration is fundamental to providing optimal patient care. The readiness of the team entering a framework of interprofessional collaborative practice is critical to its success. In this study, we conducted an interprofessional education (IPE) activity for medical and nursing students in an acute care setting. Over nine occasions, 21 student pairs (one nursing and one medical student per pair) jointly assessed a patient and created a list of problems and interventions to achieve the patient’s goals. Immediately after the activity, students were debriefed to gain insight into their experiences. Debriefing sessions were audiotaped and analysed using a phenomenological approach and four major themes were identified. Overall, students felt responsible for representing their profession and were initially apprehensive about the interprofessional task. Nevertheless, they identified their own shortcomings and recognized the value in their partner’s approach. These realizations promoted convergence on a shared vision to provide optimal care for patients as a team. Acknowledging and understanding these perceptions may help design better ways to improve patient care. This educational model may be utilized by others who are seeking IPE activities in acute care.  相似文献   

This paper seeks to understand the inter-cultural relationships between the notions of Europe, the professions and interprofessional education (IPE) in developing an argument for the necessity of interprofessional education for meeting the complex challenges for the professions and society in the 21st century. The concept of “strange loops” is used to explore the paradoxes and recursions in understanding what Europe, the professions and interprofessional education really are. After questioning perceptions of the professions in a changing Europe, I challenge interprofessional education to greater heights. IPE has to accompany all professional exchanges across borders as a critical, constructive process that focuses on differences in theory and practice within the different professional fields to overcome their problems of adjustment to changing user needs and cultural requirements.  相似文献   


This article offers a critical sociological rendering of the making of the interprofessional arena in the United Kingdom. It offers an interpretation of the conditions that led to the formation, expansion and development of the interprofessional arena using a social worlds/arenas lens of secondary data. I propose that the making of the interprofessional arena has been achieved in three historiographical phases. First, the “recognition of the professionalisation conundrum” that led to the intuitive assumption that interprofessional education (IPE) could lead to improved collaboration in practice and improved outcomes. Second, the “legitimisation” of the interprofessional assumption through the development of networks, building consensus, nurturing an evidence base and negotiating with policymakers. Third, “Talking up and acting up” the interprofessional agenda by developing global communities of practice, pandering to a neoliberal agenda, disseminating exemplars of good practice and encouraging practical changes within diverse settings. Articulating these historical “moments” may allow us insights into the conditions that have created the contemporary interprofessional arena and offer us ways of considering how present conditions may re-shape the discourses that constitute the interprofessional arena of the future.  相似文献   


The significance of effective interprofessional teamwork to improve the quality of care has been widely recognised. Effective interprofessional teamwork calls on good collaboration between professionals and patients, coordination between professionals, and the development of teamwork over time. Effective development of teams also requires support from the wider organisational context. In a Dutch village, healthcare professionals work closely together, and mutual consultations as well as interprofessional meetings take place on a regular basis. The network was created as a precondition for sustainable interprofessional teamwork in elderly care. However, several external barriers were experienced regarding the supportive structure and cooperative attitude of the healthcare insurer and municipality. The aim of the article is to examine these experience-based issues regarding internal organisation, perspective, and definition of effective teamwork. Complicating factors refer to finding the right key figures, and the different perspectives on team development and team effectiveness. Our conclusion is that the organisation of healthcare insurance companies needs to implement fundamental changes to facilitate an interprofessional care approach. Furthermore, municipalities should work on their vision of the needs and benefits of a fruitful collaboration with interprofessional healthcare teams. The challenge for healthcare teams is to learn to speak the language of external partners. To support the development of interprofessional teams, external parties need to recognise and trust in a shared aim to provide quality of care in an efficient and effective way.  相似文献   

The National Curricular Guidelines (NCGs) are important documents for understanding the history of academic health professions education in Brazil. Key policies within the NCGs have helped to reorient health professions education and have stimulated curricular changes, including active learning methodologies and more integrated teaching-service environments, and, more recently, have introduced interprofessional education (IPE) in both undergraduate and postgraduate sectors. This article presents the findings of a study that examined the NCGs for nursing, dentistry, and medicine courses as juridical foundations for adopting strategies that promote IPE across higher education institutions in Brazil. We employed a comparative and exploratory documentary analysis to understand the role of IPE and collaborative practices in NCGs for the three largest professions in Brazil. Following a thematic analysis of these texts, four key themes emerged: faculty development; competencies for teamwork; curricular structure; and learning metrics. Key findings related to each of these themes are presented and discussed in relation to the wider interprofessional literature. The article goes on to argue that the statements contained in the NCGs about adoption of IPE and collaborative practices will have an important influence in shaping the future of health professions education in Brazil.  相似文献   

Health professions programmes are increasing the number of interprofessional events in their curricula. Many of these programmes are grounded in case study or simulation events in order to prepare students for eventual practice. We designed an interprofessional education collaborative practice (IPECP) that provides direct interprofessional practice experience while students are still in their health profession programmes. In our programme, teams of senior baccalaureate nursing and third-year medical students provided health coaching to patients in need of chronic disease management. The purpose of the project and study was to determine whether repeated exposure to opportunities for interprofessional communication would lead to improvement in the individual and team communication skills. Teams met with their assigned patients monthly to provide coaching and had follow-up conversations with the patients between meetings. Faculty were present at each meeting to review the healthcare and coaching plans, observe the teams’ interactions, and provide a debriefing after each meeting. Results demonstrated that both individual and team communication skills significantly increased over time. The IPECP project was successful in providing a context where students could develop and improve upon key interprofessional communication skills.  相似文献   


The historical transition of modern medicine from an autonomous profession to a team-based interprofessional practice can be described in terms of space rather than time, with “place” as the unit of analysis. Imagining modern medicine spatially was instigated by Foucault, who described medical dominance as a territorializing of both individual body spaces and public spaces – the former through the diagnostic medical gaze, the latter in a gaze of health surveillance. However, much has happened since Foucault’s (1963) analysis. The diagnostic gaze has been dispersed to develop a collaborative gaze including patients and healthcare professionals; political interests have appropriated the public health gaze; and the medical profession is subject to democratic processes of accountability. Medicine has lost its territorial imperative as new “liquid” and “nomadic” work practices emerge, making space for interprofessional care. Such dislocation of medical dominance and its multiple relocations are poorly theorised. Deleuze and Guattari distinguish between “striated” and “smooth” spaces. Striated space is associated with hierarchies and boundaries, where smooth space includes boundary crossing and democratic collaboration. Smooth or liminal spaces in hospitals, such as corridors, can paradoxically act as catalysts for collaboration or assembly democracy, affording opportunities for improvised interprofessional encounters. Such encounters can act as an antidote to planned protocols or imperatives for interprofessional collaboration.  相似文献   

This study was initiated in response to a provincial mental health policy emphasizing the primacy of the person and the hospital's decision to adopt total quality management. The objective of the project was to learn more about how clients and families viewed the care and services received during a psychiatric admission. Their perceptions were elicited through seven focus groups including multiple admission (3) clients and families of single and multiple admission clients (2 each). Group sessions were tape-recorded, transcribed and analysed for themes. Three major themes were identified: quantity and quality of care, individuality and partnership. Both positive and negative comments were made within each of these themes, but two major areas for improvement were continuity of care and the environment. The findings are being used to change practices within the Department of Psychiatry.  相似文献   

Nutrition care is a fundamental component of quality health care provided to patients in hospital, yet little is known about the staff who deliver this care and their interrelationships, and how this impacts nutrition care. In this ethnographic study on two subacute wards, 67 h of fieldwork was conducted over 3 months to explore the relationships, roles, and responsibilities of those involved at mealtimes, and the influence on meal provision. Data were analyzed inductively and thematically. Three themes describing ward culture and staff relationships emerged: (i) defining mealtime roles and maintaining boundaries; (ii) balancing the need for teamwork and having time and space; and (iii) effective communication supports role completion and problem solving. Lack of appreciation of workflow enablers and barriers degraded working relationships between staff with and without central roles at mealtimes. The present study informs health‐care organizations on building a culture that supports interprofessional collaboration in nutrition care in the subacute setting. All staff need to be aware of their and others' mealtime roles and responsibilities to support a coordinated approach.  相似文献   

Teamworking is a vital element in the delivery of primary healthcare. There is evidence that well organised multidisciplinary teams are more effective in developing quality of care. Personal Medical Services (PMS) is a health reform that allows general practices more autonomy and flexibility in delivering quality based primary care. Practices in the locality where this study was conducted were offered resources to employ additional staff. Such arrangements provided the opportunity to expand and develop Primary Care Teams. In this qualitative study, semi-structured interviews were conducted with primary care professionals in 21 second wave PMS practices. Some participants felt they had used PMS to build their teams and develop quality based patient care. For other practices teamworking was limited by the absence of a common goal, recruitment difficulties, inadequate communication and hierarchical structures, and prevented practices from moving forward with clear direction. The study indicates that changing the contractual arrangements does not necessarily improve teamworking. It highlights the need for more sustained educational and quality improvement initiatives to encourage greater collaboration and understanding between healthcare professionals.  相似文献   

Context Four maternity/obstetrical care organizations, representing women, midwives, obstetricians and family doctors conducted interdisciplinary policy research under auspices of four key stakeholder groups. These projects teams and key stakeholders subsequently collaborated to develop consensus on strategies for improved maternity services in Ontario. Objectives The objective of this study is to evaluate a 2‐day research synthesis and consensus building conference to answer policy questions in relation to new models of interdisciplinary maternity care organizations in different settings in Ontario. Methods The evaluation consisted of a scan of individual project activities and findings as were presented to an invited audience of key stakeholders at the consensus conference. This involved: participant observation with key informant consultation; a survey of attendees; pattern processing and sense making of project materials, consensus statements derived at the conference in the light of participant observation and survey material as pertaining to a complex system. The development of a systems framework for maternity care policy in Ontario was based on secondary analysis of the material. Findings Conference participants were united on the importance of investment in maternity care for Ontario and the impending workforce crisis if adaptation of the workforce did not take place. The conference participants proposed reforming the current system that was seen as too rigid and inflexible in relation to the constraints of legislation, provider scope of practice and remuneration issues. However, not one model of interdisciplinary maternity/obstetrical care was endorsed. Consistency and coherence of models (rather than central standardization) through self‐organization based on local needs was strongly endorsed. An understanding of primary maternity care models as subsystems of networked providers in complex health organizations and a wider social system emerged. The patterns identified were incorporated into a complexity framework to assist sense making to inform policy. Discussion Coherence around core values, holism and synthesis with responsiveness to local needs and key stakeholders were themes that emerged consistent with complex adaptive systems principles. Respecting historical provider relationships and local history provided a background for change recognizing that systems evolve in part from where they have been. The building of functioning relationships was central through education and improved communication with ongoing feedback loops (positive and negative). Information systems and a flexible improved central and local organization of maternity services was endorsed. Education and improved communication through ongoing feedback loops (positive and negative) were central to building functioning relationships. Also, coordinated central organization with a flexible and adaptive local organization of maternity services was endorsed by participants. Conclusions This evaluation used an approach comprising scoping, pattern processing and sense making. While the projects produced considerable typical research evidence, the key policy questions could not be addressed by this alone, and a process of synthesis and consensus building with stakeholder engagement was applied. An adaptive system with local needs driving a relationship based network of interdisciplinary groupings or teams with both bottom up and central leadership. A complexity framework enhanced sense making for the system approaches and understandings that emerged.  相似文献   

Home-based palliative care is increasingly dependent on interprofessional teams to deliver collaborative care that more adequately meets the needs of clients and families. The purpose of this pilot evaluation was to qualitatively explore the views of an interprofessional group of home care providers (occupational therapists, nurses, personal support work supervisors, community care coordinators, and a team coordinator) regarding a pilot project encouraging teamwork in interprofessional palliative home care services. We used qualitative methods, informed by an interprofessional conceptual framework, to analyse participants’ accounts and provide recommendations regarding strategies for interprofessional team building in palliative home health care. Findings suggest that encouraging practitioners to share past experiences and foster common goals for palliative care are important elements of team building in interprofessional palliative care. Also, establishing a team leader who emphasises sharing power among team members and addressing the need for mutual emotional support may help to maximise interprofessional teamwork in palliative home care. These findings may be used to develop and test more comprehensive efforts to promote stronger interprofessional teamwork in palliative home health care delivery.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of a palliative/end-of-life care workshop on students’ perceptions of professional identity, team understanding, and their readiness for interprofessional education (IPE). A before-and-after design was used combining both qualitative and quantitative methods. A survey was completed by 25 undergraduate students from a variety of health care professional schools across Canada, both before and after they attended the five-day workshop. There was a significant increase in students’ readiness for IPE, perceptions of professional identity, and team understanding after they attended the palliative care workshop. Students stated that learning about other professionals’ backgrounds and becoming more sensitive to other team members and their scopes of practice helped change the way they would practice. The findings from this study will contribute to our understanding of student attitudes around IPE and palliative care.  相似文献   

This article draws on data from a 5-year project that examined the effectiveness of Comprehensive primary healthcare (CPHC) in local communities. A hallmark of CPHC services is interprofessional teamwork. Drawing from this study, our article presents factors that enabled, or hindered, healthcare teams working interprofessionally in Australian primary healthcare (PHC) services. The article reports on the experiences of teams working in six Australian PHC services (four managed by state governments, one non-government sexual health organisation, and one Aboriginal community-controlled health service) during a time of significant health sector restructure. Findings are drawn from two key methods: an online survey of practitioners and managers (n = 154), and interviews with managers and practitioners (n = 60) from the six study sites. The majority of survey respondents worked with other health professionals in their service to provide interprofessional care to clients. Processes included formal team meetings, case conferencing, referring clients to other health professionals if needed, informal communication with other health professionals about clients, and team-based delivery of care. A range of interrelated factors affected interprofessional work at the services, from contextual, organisational, processual, and relational domains. Funding cuts and policy changes that saw a reorientation and re-medicalisation of South Australian services undermined interprofessional work, while a shared CPHC culture and commitment among some staff was helpful in resisting some of these effects. The co-location of services was a factor in PHC teams working interprofessionally and not only enabled some PHC teams to work more interprofessionally but also created barriers to interprofessional teamwork through disruption resulting from restructuring of services. Our study indicates the importance of decision makers taking into account the potential effects of policy and structural changes on interprofessional teamwork. Decision makers should strive to minimise unintended negative effects of changes on the functioning of interprofessional teams.  相似文献   

Contemporary state-of-the-art healthcare facilities are incorporating technology into their building design to improve communication and patient care. However, technological innovations may also have unintended consequences. This study seeks to better understand how technology influences interprofessional communication within a hospital setting based in the United States. Nine focus groups were conducted including a range of healthcare professions. The focus groups explored practitioners’ experiences working on two floors of a newly designed hospital and included questions about the ways in which technology shaped communication with other healthcare professionals. All focus groups were recorded, transcribed, and coded to identify themes. Participant responses focused on the electronic medical record, and while some benefits of the electronic medical record were discussed, participants indicated use of the electronic medical record has resulted in a reduction of in-person communication. Different charting approaches resulted in barriers to communication between specialties and reduced confidence that other practitioners had received one’s notes. Limitations in technology—including limited computer availability, documentation complexity, and sluggish sign-in processes—also were identified as barriers to effective and timely communication between practitioners. Given the ways in which technology shapes interprofessional communication, future research should explore how to create standardised electronic medical record use across professions at the optimal level to support communication and patient care.  相似文献   


The implementation of interprofessional education for healthcare professionals has been lackluster, at best, since it was recommended by the Institute of Medicine. There have been various attempts in institutions of higher learning to meet this goal with mixed results. Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine, Florida International University has developed the Green Family NeighborhoodHELP? (GFNHelp) program to meet this challenge. GFNHelp is an interprofessional, longitudinal, service-learning program for healthcare students. Through participation in this program medical students team up with students from other professions, such as nursing, social work, and law, and collaborate to improve health outcomes for medically underserved families in the community. This educational program emphasizes the Core Competencies of the Interprofessional Education Collaborative through community-based service-learning, allowing student teams to engage firsthand and address the impact of social determinants on health.  相似文献   

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