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An experiment was conducted to examine the impact of patients' freedom to choose a physician and health locus of control on patient satisfaction. The experiment was set within the scenario of a patient suffering from a lengthy viral infection after visiting a health clinic for the first time. All constructs with corresponding measurements are discussed and their relationships with satisfaction are examined. Hypotheses are developed and tested for each relationship using pencil and paper scenarios of a patient's service encounter at a health clinic. A 2 x 2 full factorial between subjects experimental design was used with 99 subjects. Results of the experiment indicated different patterns of satisfaction among subjects based on measures of health locus of control (HLC). Individuals with an internal HLC were more satisfied with having a choice of a physician than not having a choice and were also more satisfied than external HLC individuals who had a choice. In contrast, individuals with an external HLC did not discriminate between having or not having the opportunity to choose a physician. 相似文献
Neale A 《Health progress (Saint Louis, Mo.)》2007,88(1):40-3, 69
U.S. health care is at a crossroads. It faces many challenges--the most evident being unsustainable cost increases and diminishing access. For decades, attempts at reform have been unsuccessful. One reason our traditional approaches have not worked is that we who serve the ministry have not brought to those efforts sufficient reflection concerning the deeper, values-level attitudes concerning reform. Instead, the reform movement has concentrated on promoting particular policy solutions. Ultimately, of course, we must agree on a delivery and financing system if we are to redress the situation. But first we must recognize that U.S. health care's fundamental challenge is moral and social in nature. Stakeholders will not let go of the status quo until a critical mass of people becomes convinced that there is a serious moral and social imperative to do so. Social change of this magnitude is not simply a matter of comprehensive new policy. To be effective, it must be accompanied by sustained individual and public conscience work that grounds a significant social movement comprising a critical mass of each of those stakeholders. Several principles from the Catholic tradition--the common good, solidarity, and stewardship--are particularly relevant to the individual and public conscience work necessary in the health care reform movement. Health care professionals and organizations are simultaneously part of the solution and part of the problem. By keeping this interior dialogue alive, in ourselves and in our work communities, we are much more likely to get at the root causes of our unjust health system and to contribute to the larger social movement that brings about more health care justice. This article contains a "conscience work exercise" that will help individuals and organizations examine and identify the values, attitudes, and dispositions that contribute to health care justice and those that keep us mired in the status quo. 相似文献
There is much policy talk about making Medicare more competitive, like private markets. But when reform proposals near implementation, local opponents of competition are often able to stop reform experiments. This paper reports on one recent example, the Competitive Pricing Advisory Committee, created by the 1997 Balanced Budget Act (BBA) to bring competitive bidding to Medicare + Choice plans. After design and site-selection choices were announced, members representing local interests were able to delay and perhaps kill competitive bidding before it could start, once again. A public report of this story may save future market-based Medicare reforms from a similar fate. 相似文献
In this paper, we investigate individuals' exposure to indoor air pollution. Using new survey data from Bangladesh, average hours spent by members of households in the cooking area, living area and outdoors in a typical day are combined with the estimates of pollution concentration in different locations in order to estimate exposure. We analyse exposure at two levels: differences within households attributable to family roles, and differences across households attributable to income and education. Within households, we relate individuals' exposure to pollution in different locations during their daily round of activities. We find high levels of exposure for children and adolescents of both sexes, with particularly serious exposure for children under 5 years. Among prime-age adults, we find that men have half the exposure of women (whose exposure is similar to that of children and adolescents). We also find that elderly men have significantly lower exposure than elderly women. Across households, we draw on results from a previous paper, which relate pollution variation across households to choices of cooking fuel, cooking locations, construction materials and ventilation practices. We find that these choices are significantly affected by family income and adult education levels (particularly for women). Overall, we find that the poorest, least-educated households have twice the pollution levels of relatively high-income households with highly educated adults. Our findings further suggest that young children and poorly educated women in poor households face pollution exposures that are four times those for men in higher income households organized by more highly educated women. Since infants and young children suffer the worst mortality and morbidity from indoor air pollution, in this paper we consider measures for reducing their exposure. Our recommendations for reducing the exposure of infants and young children are based on a few simple, robust findings. Hourly pollution levels in cooking and living areas are quite similar because cooking smoke diffuses rapidly and nearly completely into living areas. However, outdoor pollution is far lower. At present, young children are only outside for an average of 3 hours per day. For children in a typical household, pollution exposure can be halved by adopting two simple measures: increasing their outdoor time from 3 to 5 or 6 hours per day, and concentrating outdoor time during peak cooking periods. 相似文献
OBJECTIVE: To determine the factors affecting whether Medigap owners switch to Medicare managed care plans. DATA SOURCES: The primary data were the 1993-1996 Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey (MCBS) Cost and Use Files. These were supplemented by data available from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) website. STUDY DESIGN: Individuals on the MCBS files with Medigap coverage in the period 1993-1996 were included in the study. The person-year was the unit of analysis. We used multivariate logistic regression analysis to determine whether or not a Medigap owner switched to a Medicare-managed care plan during a particular year. Independent variables included measures of affordability, need for services, health insurance benefits, sociodemographics, and supply of managed care plans. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We did not detect strong evidence that beneficiaries in poorer health were more likely than others to switch from Medigap coverage to Medicare-managed care. In addition, higher Medigap premiums did not appear to induce beneficiaries to switch into managed care. CONCLUSIONS: We examined selection bias in joining managed care plans among the subset of Medicare beneficiaries who have Medigap policies. No strong evidence of selection bias was found in this population. We conclude that there was no evidence that the Medigap market is becoming prohibitively expensive as a result of unfavorable selection. 相似文献
The study is based on a rare database with information about health status, socioeconomic characteristics and the complementary health insurance choices of the French population. We intend to characterise a two-stage decision process: first, the decision to purchase complementary health insurance, and then the factors related to choice of policy quality. Our econometric study indicates that (i) income level has a strong and significant effect on the decision to purchase complementary insurance, whilst there is no evidence that health risk considerations affect this decision at all; (ii) the individual decision about quality is associated barely if at all with any rational explanatory variables. The population's concrete behaviour, revealed by the study, is consistent with an allocation of low-risk people to private insurance and high-risk people to public insurance. Complementary insurance is not especially relevant to patients with serious diseases, who depend much more on the public system. If the public insurance system were to disengage significantly from coverage of serious illness, a vacuum would be created that would leave people at high risk without full coverage. These results have broad implications for numerous national systems of social protection seeking a new mix between private and public insurance. 相似文献
The purpose of this study was to investigate the characteristics of a group of Turkish vaginismus patients who benefited from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and to study which factors this treatment model changes. Twenty-eight couples who applied to Psychiatry Clinic of Hacettepe University Hospital, Ankara, for treatment of vaginismus within the 6-month period participated in the study. Fourteen subjects quit the therapy after the initial assessment sessions. Other couples successfully completed the treatment. We assessed all the couples that completed the CBT at three times: during the initial session, at the end of the treatment, and during the follow-up session (4 weeks after the end of the treatment). In terms of anxiety levels, and quality of marital and sexual relationships, the characteristics of the couples that quit the therapy could not be identified. But we found that all of the participants were treated effectively by CBT. At the end of the therapy, anxiety levels of the women decreased. There also were improvements on parameters related to marital harmony and overall sexual functioning of the women. We discuss the findings of our study within a cultural perspective. 相似文献
There is a prevailing consensus that the quality of health services can be improved by concentrating care in the hands of those providers who carry out larger volumes of activity. The substantial research literature indicates a positive volume-quality relationship. However, these conclusions are largely based on observational studies using administrative databases which are poorly adjusted for case mix. Better control for confounding shows that volume-quality effects in several cases may be an artefact. The research is also difficult to interpret because of the limited measurement of outcomes, poor analysis of the relative contributions of the clinician and the hospital levels, and the lack of clarity about the direction of cause and effect. Most research is insufficiently reliable to inform policy on the use of volume for credentialling or for the re-configuration of services. 相似文献
On average, child health outcomes are better in urban than in rural areas of developing countries. Understanding the nature and the causes of this rural-urban disparity is essential in contemplating the health consequences of the rapid urbanization taking place throughout the developing world and in targeting resources appropriately to raise population health. Using micro-data on child health taken from the most recent Demographic and Health Surveys for 47 developing countries, the purpose of this paper is threefold. First, we document the magnitude of rural-urban disparities in child nutritional status and under-5 mortality across all 47 developing countries. Second, we adjust these disparities for differences in population characteristics across urban and rural settings. Third, we examine rural-urban differences in the degree of socioeconomic inequality in these health outcomes. The results demonstrate that there are considerable rural-urban differences in mean child health outcomes in the entire developing world. The rural-urban gap in stunting does not entirely mirror the gap in under-5 mortality. The most striking difference between the two is in the Latin American and Caribbean region, where the gap in growth stunting is more than 1.5 times higher than that in mortality. On average, the rural-urban risk ratios of stunting and under-5 mortality fall by, respectively, 53% and 59% after controlling for household wealth. Controlling thereafter for socio-demographic factors reduces the risk ratios by another 22% and 25%. We confirm earlier findings of higher socioeconomic inequality in stunting in urban areas and demonstrate that this also holds for under-5 mortality. In a considerable number of countries, the urban poor actually have higher rates of stunting and mortality than their rural counterparts. The findings imply that there is a need for programs that target the urban poor, and that this is becoming more necessary as the size of the urban population grows. 相似文献
This study investigates the relationship between business cycle fluctuations and health in the Canadian context, given that a procyclical relationship between mortality rates and unemployment rates has already been well established in the U.S. literature. Using a fixed effects model and provincial data over the period 1977-2009, we estimate the effect of unemployment rates on Canadian age and gender specific mortality rates. Consistent with U.S. results, there is some evidence of a strong procyclical pattern in the mortality rates of middle-aged Canadians. We find that a one percentage point increase in the unemployment rate lowers the predicted mortality rate of individuals in their 30s by nearly 2 percent. In contrast to the U.S. data, we do not find a significant cyclical pattern in the mortality rates of infants and seniors. 相似文献