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Eastern equine encephalitis virus (EEEV), the sole species in the EEE antigenic complex, is divided into North and South American antigenic varieties based on hemagglutination inhibition tests. Here we describe serologic and phylogenetic analyses of representatives of these varieties, spanning the entire temporal and geographic range available. Nucleotide sequencing and phylogenetic analyses revealed additional genetic diversity within the South American variety; 3 major South/Central American lineages were identified including one represented by a single isolate from eastern Brazil, and 2 lineages with more widespread distributions in Central and South America. All North American isolates comprised a single, highly conserved lineage with strains grouped by the time of isolation and to some extent by location. An EEEV strain isolated during a 1996 equine outbreak in Tamaulipas State, Mexico was closely related to recent Texas isolates, suggesting southward EEEV transportation beyond the presumed enzootic range. Plaque reduction neutralization tests with representatives from the 4 major lineages indicated that each represents a distinct antigenic subtype. A taxonomic revision of the EEE complex is proposed.  相似文献   

The Alphavirus genus of the family Togaviridae contains mosquito-vectored viruses that primarily cause either arthritogenic disease or acute encephalitis. North American eastern equine encephalitis virus (NA-EEEV) is uniquely neurovirulent among encephalitic alphaviruses, causing mortality in a majority of symptomatic cases and neurological sequelae in many survivors. Unlike many alphaviruses, NA-EEEV infection of mice yields limited signs of febrile illness typically associated with lymphoid tissue replication. Rather, signs of brain infection, including seizures, are prominent. Use of heparan sulfate (HS) as an attachment receptor increases the neurovirulence of cell culture-adapted strains of Sindbis virus, an arthritogenic alphavirus. However, this receptor is not known to be used by naturally circulating alphaviruses. We demonstrate that wild-type NA-EEEV strain FL91-4679 uses HS as an attachment receptor and that the amino acid sequence of its E2 attachment protein is identical to those of natural isolates sequenced by RT-PCR amplification of field samples. This finding unequivocally confirms the use of HS receptors by naturally circulating NA-EEEV strains. Inactivation of the major HS binding domain in NA-EEEV E2 demonstrated that the HS binding increased brain replication and neurologic disease but reduced lymphoid tissue replication, febrile illness signs, and cytokine/chemokine induction in mice. We propose that HS binding by natural NA-EEEV strains alters tropism in vivo to antagonize/evade immune responses, and the extreme neurovirulence of wild-type NA-EEEV may be a consequence. Therefore, reinvestigation of HS binding by this and other arboviruses is warranted.  相似文献   

Three monoclonal antibodies were generated that are specific for the E2 glycoprotein of Venezuelan equine encephalitis (VEE) virus and have useful reactivities in an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Antibody 1A1B-9 distinguished between the IC (epizootic) and ID (enzootic) varieties of VEE virus by ELISA. Clone 7A1A-1 antibody distinguished the Panamanian prototype virus (3880) from Colombian ID isolates by a 500-fold difference in titer by endpoint ELISA, and it detected antigenic variation in ID isolates from southern Colombia and Ecuador. Antibody 7A3A-4 defined a cryptic antigenic site on the latter two isolates. These monoclonal antibodies complement others in identifying VEE isolates by a simple ELISA.  相似文献   

Repeated outbreaks of Venezuelan equine encephalitis (VEE) in humans and equines in the Guajira region of Venezuela suggested a sylvatic focus of an epizootic subtype of VEE virus. A surveillance system was established, and virus isolations were attempted from 67,760 mosquitoes as well as sentinel hamsters. Sixteen isolates of eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) and a strain of Itaqui virus were recovered from mosquitoes, and 60 isolates of EEE, two of VEE, and two of Itaqui viruses were recovered from tissues of sentinel hamsters. The VEE virus isolates were shown to be closely related antigenically to prototype VEE ID and the EEE virus isolates were shown to be more closely related to the South American than the North American variety of EEE virus. Evidence for the presence of VEE and EEE viruses in small wild vertebrates was obtained from serologic testing. This study showed, for the first time, the enzootic presence of both VEE ID and EEE viruses during a nonepizoodemic period in the Guajira region.  相似文献   

Virus envelope proteins are the primary targets of neutralizing antibody responses. The epitopes recognized differ sufficiently between virus subtypes and species to distinguish viruses and provide an important basis for disease diagnosis. Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus (VEEV) causes acute febrile illness in humans and has high mortality in equines. The most specific detection methods for serum antibodies use live virus in neutralization assays or in blocking enzyme linked immunosorbent assays. However, work with Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus requires biosafety level 3 containment and select agent security in the United States. We report two new assays for detection of Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus neutralizing antibody responses, based on virus pseudotypes. The first provides detection by marker gene expression after 20 hours and is particularly suited for high-throughput screening; the second uses a new, rapid virus entry assay to give readouts within 1 hour. Both assays are safe, sensitive, and in general recapitulate neutralizing antibody titers obtained by conventional plaque reduction assays. Each is suitable as a rapid primary screen for detection of neutralizing antibodies against Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus.  相似文献   

A dot enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay utilizing a novel membrane, polyvinylidene difluoride, is described. This assay was developed for the rapid detection of serum antibodies to eastern equine encephalomyelitis virus and St. Louis encephalitis virus in sentinel chickens. Antigens were spot-filtered through the membrane. Membranes were dipped into small vials of sera. Antigen-antibody complexes were detected with enzyme-conjugated antiglobulin which, when exposed to substrate, produced a colored insoluble product. The antibody detection protocol was completed within 50 min and was compared with a standard plate enzyme immunoassay. Chickens were experimentally infected with eastern equine encephalomyelitis and St. Louis encephalitis and bled on a daily basis. The dot immunoassay correctly identified 99% (123/124) of the eastern equine encephalomyelitis virus and 100% (67/67) of the St. Louis encephalitis virus antisera. Sera from sentinel chicken flocks in Maryland were also assayed. These data indicate that the dot immunoassay should be considered as an alternative to current assays for the screening of sera for antibodies to virus antigens. This assay could easily be performed in the field and allows for the screening of antibodies to several different viruses in one test.  相似文献   

Surveillance of mosquito populations for virus activity is not often performed by small, vector-control districts because they do not have the financial resources to use virus isolation, or newer methods such as the polymerase chain reaction. Consequently, development and refinements of rapid, sensitive, and simple enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) applicable to a wide variety of public health settings are justified. We have developed an antigen-capture ELISA for the detection of eastern equine encephalitis (EEE) virus in mosquitoes that uses both monoclonal capture and detector antibodies. The sensitivity of this assay is 4.0-5.0 log10 plaque-forming units/ml, which is comparable to previously published EEE antigen-capture assays developed with polyclonal antibody reagents. This test identifies only North American strains of EEE virus and does not react with either western equine encephalitis or Highlands J viruses. Test sensitivity was enhanced by sonicating mosquito pools, treating them with Triton X-100, and increasing the time and temperature of antigen incubation. The conversion of this ELISA to a monoclonal antibody-based format should result in a readily standardizable and transferable assay that will permit laboratories lacking virus isolation facilities to conduct EEE virus surveillance.  相似文献   

Florida has the highest degree of endemicity for eastern equine encephalitis virus (EEEV) of any state in the United States and is the only state with year-round transmission of EEEV. To further understand the viral population dynamics in Florida, the genome sequence of six EEEV isolates from central Florida were determined. These data were used to identify the most polymorphic regions of the EEEV genome from viruses isolated in Florida. The sequence of these polymorphic regions was then determined for 18 additional Florida isolates collected in four geographically distinct regions over a 20-year period. Phylogenetic analyses of these data suggested a rough temporal association of the Florida isolates, but no clustering by region or by source of the isolate. Some clustering of northeastern isolates with Florida isolates was seen, providing support for the hypothesis that Florida serves as a reservoir for the periodic introduction of EEEV into the northeastern United States.  相似文献   

Eastern equine encephalitis virus (EEEV) is endemic throughout most of the eastern United States. Although it is transmitted year round in Florida, transmission elsewhere is seasonal. The mechanism that enables EEEV to overwinter in seasonal foci remains obscure. In previous field studies, early season EEEV activity was detected in mosquito species that feed primarily upon ectothermic hosts, suggesting that reptiles and amphibians might represent overwintering reservoir hosts for EEEV. To determine if this might be possible, two commonly fed upon amphibian and reptile species were evaluated as hosts for the North American subtype I strain of EEEV. Neither amphibian species was a competent host. However, circulating viremias were detected in both reptile species examined. Hibernating infected garter snakes remained viremic after exiting hibernation. These data suggest that snakes may represent an overwintering host for North American EEEV.  相似文献   

Eastern equine encephalitis virus (EEEV) causes severe neurologic disease in North America, but only two fatal human cases have been documented in South America. To test the hypothesis that alphavirus heterologous antibodies cross-protect, animals were vaccinated against other alphaviruses and challenged up to 3 months later with EEEV. Short-lived cross-protection was detected, even in the absence of cross-neutralizing antibodies. To assess exposure to EEEV in Peru, sera from acutely ill and healthy persons were tested for EEEV and other alphavirus antibodies, as well as for virus isolation. No EEEV was isolated from patients living in an EEEV-enzootic area, and only 2% of individuals with febrile illness had EEEV-reactive IgM. Only 3% of healthy persons from the enzootic region had EEEV-neutralizing antibodies. Our results suggest that humans are exposed but do not develop apparent infection with EEEV because of poor infectivity and/or avirulence of South American strains.  相似文献   

We report the establishment of human-human hybridomas producing monoclonal antibody of predefined antigenic specificity. The U-266 human myeloma cell line was incubated in the presence of 8-azaguanine, and a rapidly growing, 8-azaguanine-resistant, hypoxanthine/amethopterin/thymidine (HAT) medium-sensitive mutant line, U-266AR1, was selected. These cells were fused with lymphoid cells from uninvolved spleens removed at staging laparotomy from patients with untreated Hodgkin's disease who had been previously sensitized to the chemical allergen 2,4-dinitrochlorobenzne. Hybrid cell cultures growing in HAT medium were screened for IgG production. Positive cultures were selected and their supernatants were tested in a solid-phase radioimmunoassay for reactivity with dinitrophenyl hapten coupled to bovine serum albumin. Cultures producing specific antibody were subcloned and expanded, and their antibody products were shown to be monoclonal by biosynthetic labeling and sodium dodecyl sulfate/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.  相似文献   

Because Venezuelan equine encephalitis viruses (VEEVs) are infectious by aerosol, they are considered to be a biological-weapons threat. Nonhuman-primate models are needed to evaluate the efficacy of candidate vaccines. In the present study, cynomolgus macaques, after aerosol exposure to either VEEV-IE or VEEV-IIIA, developed fever, viremia, and lymphopenia; the severity of the fever response, viremia, and lymphopenia correlated with the inhaled dose of VEEV. Of the 10 macaques in our study, 7 developed clinical signs indicative of encephalitis, including loss of balance and hypothermia. In the macaque, the enzootic strains used are infectious by aerosol and lead to disease, including clinical encephalitis.  相似文献   

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