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The ability of (a) family characteristics (marital status, income, race, and education), (b) parental control over child's food intake, and (c) parental belief in causes of overweight to predict weight status of children was assessed. Parents/caretakers of elementary school-aged children were surveyed to determine attitudes related to childhood nutrition and overweight. Anthropometric measurements were obtained from children to determine weight status (n=169 matched surveys and measurements). chi(2) tests and nested logistic regression models were used to determine relationships between children's weight status and family characteristics, parental control, and parental belief in the primary cause of overweight. Low household income was an important predictor of overweight; marital status and race added no further explanatory power to the model. Parental control was not a significant predictor of overweight. Parental belief in the primary cause of overweight in children (diet vs physical activity) was significantly related to children's weight; however, it was not significant after controlling for income. Low household income relates strongly to increased childhood weight status; therefore, school and government policies should promote an environment that supports affordable, safe, and feasible opportunities for healthful nutrition and physical activity, particularly for low-income audiences.  相似文献   

Cancer family history was quantified in 229 subjects (122 female, 107 male) screened for total serum cholesterol as seventh graders in 1972-1973 and repeated nine years later as young adults. Division of the subjects on the basis of cholesterol quintile resulted in significantly lower cancer family history scores in participants with persistently low total serum cholesterol levels and a significant excess of cancer mortality in parents and grandparents of young adult males with high-density lipoprotein (HDL) levels in the upper quintile. A trend toward increased cancer in families of young adults who were smokers was independent of the cholesterol levels. It is suggested that such a quantification of family history score will be more useful than simply designating the family history as positive or negative in future modeling schemes for predicting risk.  相似文献   

Thirty preschool children from 3 to 6 years of age whose parents had shown congruence or lack of congruence in their attitudes toward adult control were observed in their homes on three occasions. Prosocial behaviors of children were observed and parent attitudes were measured by a revised Parent as a Teacher Inventory. While the chi‐square was not significant, data show that 5 of the 6 children with the lowest percentages of prosocial behaviors had mothers with scores which represented a high need for adult control. Likewise, all eight of the children who exhibited the lowest level of prosocial behavior had fathers whose scores were all below the factor mean. There is a need for further investigation of the effects of congruence between parent attitudes, parent behavior and child behavior.  相似文献   

Thirty preschool children from 3 to 6 years of age whose parents had shown congruence or lack of congruence in their attitudes toward adult control were observed in their homes on three occasions. Prosocial behaviors of children were observed and parent attitudes were measured by a revised Parent as a Teacher Inventory. While the chi-square was not significant, data show that 5 of the 6 children with the lowest percentages of prosocial behaviors had mothers with scores which represented a high need for adult control. Likewise, all eight of the children who exhibited the lowest level of prosocial behavior had fathers whose scores were all below the factor mean. There is a need for further investigation of the effects of congruence between parent attitudes, parent behavior and child behavior.  相似文献   

The sample consisted of 300 three-, four- and five-year-olds who attended an early childhood setting. The size of each group consisted of 50 boys and 50 girls. The results show a significant interaction between cognitive style and frequency of play behaviors. Field-independent children tended to play more than field-dependent children. Although both field-dependent and field-independent children, who are considered less social oriented, dislayed more of the play behaviors which were investigated.  相似文献   

Adolescence is generally considered to be a time of increased social activity and the rapid expansion of a teenager's social circle. By contrast, a young person with a physical disability is likely to lack social independence, become socially isolated and experience difficulties in maintaining social relationships. The present study indicates that while both able-bodied and physically disabled young people experience difficulties in social situations, those with physical disabilities experience difficulties that are more severe in nature. Overall, 75% of the disabled group and 70% of the comparison group experienced difficulties in social situations. However, 37% of the disabled group experienced difficulties that were severe in nature compared to only 3% of the comparison group. Whilst these problems are of sufficient magnitude to warrant intervention, programmes of social skills training for people with physical disabilities are not yet generally available. It is recommended that training programmes in social skills should be made available to teenagers with physical disabilities.  相似文献   

This paper describes the social education curriculum in Korea which is based on the assumption of the importance of social education for young children. The first kindergarten curriculum was set up by the Ministry of Education in 1969 and then revised in 1979, 1982 and 1987. This curriculum is being re-examined critically because of our definite concerns about the quality of education. The integration of social education within other curriculum areas and research on practices are discussed and the thesis proposed that the improvement of the curriculum should occur along with improvement in the quality of teacher education. Teachers need to put a strong emphasis on integrating social education in all aspects of the curriculum within existing preschool programs.  相似文献   

The physical development ofjunior schoolchildren living in Ufa, a large industrial town, was studied. The findings were compared with the data of the 1946-1947, 1972, and 1998 studies of physical development. Analysis of the materials indicated that the accelerating processes among young children continued till the end of the previous century, the maximum change in anthropometric indices being observed in the period of 1947 to 1972. In the past years, there has been a gradual decrease in the average values of length in junior schoolchildren and there has been a tendency for body weight and chest circumference to decrease.  相似文献   

To help children develop social competence, teachers need to understand differences between popular and unpopular children, know how to assess social competence, and employ techniques which aid the development of children's social skills. In general, popular children have developed skills and strategies which allow them to interact with their peers in various situations. Unpopular children engage in behaviors which are detrimental to peer interaction. Their behaviors and lack of skills increase the likelihood of peer rejection. Knowing how to interact with peers successfully is vitally important, for research shows that early popularity is associated with later positive outcomes, while early unpopularity is associated with later negative outcomes. To identify children who are rejected, neglected, or popular, teachers can employ several methods, including sociometric ratings and rankings, the picture nomination technique, informal observations, and checklists such as the California Preschool Competency Scale. Teachers can also utilize several techniques to improve children's social skills. Such techniques include, among others, reinforcement through praise, structuring the social and physical environment to encourage positive interaction, providing time for free play, and enhancing children's self esteem.  相似文献   

Factors operating in fetal life or during childhood may be important in determining fibrinogen and factor VII concentrations in adult life, and particularly in explaining social gradients in cardiovascular disease risk. In 1994, the authors measured fibrinogen and factor VIIc levels in 641 children aged 10-11 years (61% response rate) from schools in five towns in England and Wales. Birth weight was obtained by maternal recall, and other data on measures of fetal growth were obtained from birth records. Fibrinogen levels were higher in girls (258.8 mg/dl) than in boys (245.4 mg/dl) (95% confidence interval (CI) for difference: 5.5, 21.5). Fibrinogen and factor VIIc levels were linearly related to adiposity, rising by 37.1 mg/dl (95% CI: 24.7, 49.5) and 13.0% of standard (95% CI: 6.3, 19.7), respectively, between the bottom and top quintiles of ponderal index (weight (kg)/height (m)3). Fibrinogen was independently related to heart rate (p < 0.001) and was negatively but nonsignificantly related to measures of physical activity. Factor VIIc was positively correlated with total cholesterol (p < 0.001). No relations were found with measures of fetal growth or social class. These data do not support the concept that fibrinogen or factor VII levels are determined in utero or by social factors in childhood. Adiposity and physical training appear to be the important determinants of fibrinogen and factor VII levels in childhood.  相似文献   

云青萍  常春  何欢  张炎  纪颖 《中国学校卫生》2018,39(9):1318-1320
了解影响农村儿童体力活动的家庭因素,为开展农村儿童体力活动的干预工作提供参考.方法 对多阶段整样抽取的贵州和安徽经济发展水平中等的4个县的小学五~六年级2 488名农村儿童及其主要照料人进行问卷调查,用X2检验和Logistic回归分析分别对农村儿童体力活动的家庭影响因素进行单因素和多因素分析.结果 农村儿童体力活动达标率为73.9%(1 839/2 488).主要照料人为父亲(OR=0.69,95%CI=0.54~ 0.87)、家庭无独立院子(OR=0.74,95 %CI=0.59~ 0.93)、家庭规模≥6人(OR=0.67,95%CI=0.48~ 0.94)是儿童体力活动达标的危险因素;照料人的体力活动(OR=1.14,95%CI=1.09~1.20)、提示行为(有时提醒OR=1.51,95%CI=1.08~2.10;经常提醒OR=1.79,95%CI=1.34~2.39)、家庭收入>6000元(OR=2.05,95%CI=1.45~ 2.91)是儿童体力活动的保护因素.结论 儿童体力活动的干预可从照料人入手,提高照料人对体力活动的认识,并积极发挥榜样和提示作用,有利于提高儿童体力活动水平.  相似文献   

BackgroundLocal parks are an important community resource that may influence levels of physical activity among youth. However, few population-based studies have investigated park-based physical activity among youth.PurposeThis study examines sociodemographic, family, and neighborhood characteristics associated with park-based physical activity among adolescents.MethodsData were from the 2007 California Health Interview Survey (CHIS), a population-based survey of California households, and were analyzed in 2012–2013 and 2015. This study examined individual (age, gender, race/ethnicity, and nativity), family (household income, parental education, and nativity), and neighborhood characteristics (urbanicity, perceived park availability, perceived park safety, neighborhood income, and racial composition) associated with engaging in park-based physical activity among adolescents.ResultsIn California, 71% of adolescents reported being physically active the last time they visited a park. In adjusted multinomial logistic regression analyses, older adolescents and females were less likely to be physically active in parks. Adolescents with a park within walking distance of home and those with a safe park nearby were more likely to be physically active during a park visit.ConclusionsPark availability and perceptions of park safety are important predictors of engaging in park-based physical activity among adolescents. These findings provide information that can help inform interventions intended to increase physical activity among youth. Strategies that increase availability and safety of parks and other recreation spaces may be particularly effective.  相似文献   

One thousand school boys aged 8 to 16 were examined for their somatotype, physical growth, sexual maturation, and smoking habits. Fifty-two boys were found to be smokers, of whom 30 were regularly smoking between two and 20 bidis or cigarettes a day for a mean duration of 2.5 years. The mean height and weight of the smokers was significantly lower than that of the non-smokers at all ages, more so in regular than occasional smokers. Sixty-nine per cent of the smokers had mesomorphic type of body build; about 65% of the non-smokers had ectomorphic somatotype (P less than 0.001). Onset of puberty occurred significantly earlier among smokers compared with non-smokers, as was evident from the early appearance of genital stage 2, and an early and rapid increase in testicular size. Genital stage 2 appeared at a mean age of 11 years in smokers and 11.6 years in non-smokers. However, the appearance of pubic, axillary, and facial hair was delayed. The possible significance of this is discussed.  相似文献   

目的 对早产儿体格发育迟缓进行评价,并对其可能影响因素进行分析。方法 对2012年3月-2014年7月来西安市第四医院儿童保健中心就诊的符合入选条件的183例早产儿随访至12个月,对随访结果进行分析。结果 1)以体重、身长、头围进行评价其出生时宫内生长发育迟缓(IUGR)发生率分别为21.3%、15.3%、18.03%;纠正40周宫外生长发育迟缓(EUGR)发生率分别为21.9%、11.48%、16.39%;3个月为9.8%、4.92%、3.28%;6个月为8.7%、4.37%、4.92%;9个月为8.7%,2.7%,4.9%;12个月为8.2%,3.8%,3.8%。各阶段生长发育迟缓发生率之间差异有统计学意义。2)以6个月体重、身长、头围进行分析,IUGR、出生体重、住院天数是EUGR的高危因素,胎龄不是EUGR的高危因素。结论 对早产儿EUGR干预的最有效的时间应该是矫正胎龄3个月之前。加强孕期保健,减少IUGR及极低出生儿的发生,缩短住院天数是预防EUGR的关键。  相似文献   

The relation between birth characteristics and leukemia in young children was investigated in a large population-based study in California. Cases were obtained from the statewide cancer registry for 1988-1997. During this time, 1,957 leukemia cases were diagnosed among children under age 5 years. Of these, 1,728 (88%) were matched to a California birth certificate. Two control birth certificates, matched on date of birth and sex, were randomly selected from the statewide birth registry for each case. Analyses were performed separately for acute lymphoid leukemia (ALL) and acute nonlymphoid leukemia (ANLL). Odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals were estimated from conditional logistic regression. The strongest finding was for greatly increased risk of both types of leukemia in children with Down's syndrome (22 cases and no controls). African-American children had strikingly decreased risk for ALL (odds ratio (OR) = 0.29, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.20, 0.42), and Asian/Pacific Islanders had increased risk for ANLL (OR = 2.00, 95% CI: 1.19, 3.36). Older maternal age was associated with slightly increased risk for ALL (maternal age > or =35 years, OR = 1.25, 95% CI: 1.04, 1.52), although this odds ratio was somewhat reduced when adjusted for other factors. No strong relations were observed for birth weight and ALL or ANLL.  相似文献   


The purpose of this article is to describe a school-based, integrated arts programme designed to facilitate social and emotional learning (SEL) in young children with social cognitive challenges, and to report on student outcomes. Students received weekly arts instruction over the course of one academic semester as part of their social studies curriculum. SEL instruction was infused throughout. Authors conducted an exploratory study of outcomes using a mixed methods design. We quantified behavioural outcomes for 16 focus students at baseline and again at the end of the programme using a behavioural checklist and several social skills measures. We also gathered qualitative data, specifically end-of-programme interviews with 27 key stakeholders (i.e. instructors and parents). Findings indicated that students made significant gains based on the checklist and social skills measures. Qualitative data indicated that instructors used arts programming to facilitate student growth across all five of CASEL’s SEL domains: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision making.  相似文献   

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