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Iron demand in bone marrow increases when erythropoiesis is stimulated by hypoxia via increased erythropoietin (EPO) synthesis in kidney and liver. Hepcidin, a small polypeptide produced by hepatocytes, plays a central role in regulating iron uptake by promoting internalization and degradation of ferroportin, the only known cellular iron exporter. Hypoxia suppresses hepcidin, thereby enhancing intestinal iron uptake and release from internal stores. While HIF, a central mediator of cellular adaptation to hypoxia, directly regulates renal and hepatic EPO synthesis under hypoxia, the molecular basis of hypoxia/HIF-mediated hepcidin suppression in the liver remains unclear. Here, we used a genetic approach to disengage HIF activation from EPO synthesis and found that HIF-mediated suppression of the hepcidin gene (Hamp1) required EPO induction. EPO induction was associated with increased erythropoietic activity and elevated serum levels of growth differentiation factor 15. When erythropoiesis was inhibited pharmacologically, Hamp1 was no longer suppressed despite profound elevations in serum EPO, indicating that EPO by itself is not directly involved in Hamp1 regulation. Taken together, we provide in vivo evidence that Hamp1 suppression by the HIF pathway occurs indirectly through stimulation of EPO-induced erythropoiesis.  相似文献   

目的探讨孕激素对人成骨样细胞MG-63细胞株转化生长因子(TGF)-β1,TGF-β2表达的调节作用,验证孕激素治疗绝经后骨质疏松症(osteoporosis,OP)的假设机制。方法人成骨样细胞系MG-6购自美国培养物保存中心(ATCC号:CRL-1427);用无酚红的MEXX培养液培养,在细胞培养的不同时间,用α-磷酸奈酚法测定碱性磷酸酶(ALP)活性;放射免疫法测定骨钙素(BGP)含量。MG-63细胞用孕酮干预。ELISA检测MG-63细胞TGF-β1,TGF-β2蛋白质分泌。结果MG-63细胞分泌的ALP、孕酮促进MG-63细胞TGF-β1,TGF-β2蛋白质分泌呈剂量依赖性(t=10.232~109.454,P<0.001);1×10-9mol/L孕酮诱导12~24h促进TGF-β1,TGF-β2蛋白质分泌,呈时间依从性。结论孕激素可能通过诱导成骨细胞TGF-β1,TGF-β2表达,促进成骨细胞增殖与分化、增强成骨功能及骨基质合成,促进骨形成。  相似文献   

The H1 histamine receptor regulates allergic lung responses   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Histamine, signaling via the type 1 receptor (H1R), has been shown to suppress Th2 cytokine production by in vitro cultured T cells. We examined the role of H1R in allergic inflammation in vivo using a murine asthma model. Allergen-stimulated splenic T cells from sensitized H1R-/- mice exhibited enhanced Th2 cytokine production. Despite this Th2 bias, allergen-challenged H1R-/- mice exhibited diminished lung Th2 cytokine mRNA levels, airway inflammation, goblet cell metaplasia, and airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR). Restoration of pulmonary Th2 cytokines in H1R-/- mice by intranasal IL-4 or IL-13 restored inflammatory lung responses and AHR. Further investigation revealed that histamine acts as a T cell chemotactic factor and defective T cell trafficking was responsible for the absence of lung inflammation. Cultured T cells migrated in response to histamine in vitro, but this was ablated by blockade of H1R but not H2R. In vivo, allergen-specific WT but not H1R-/- CD4+ T cells were recruited to the lungs of naive recipients following inhaled allergen challenge. H1R-/- T cells failed to confer airway inflammation or AHR observed after transfer of WT T cells. Our data establish a role for histamine and H1R in promoting the migration of Th2 cells into sites of allergen exposure.  相似文献   

In addition to its role in energy storage, adipose tissue also accumulates cholesterol. Concentrations of cholesterol and triglycerides are strongly correlated in the adipocyte, but little is known about mechanisms regulating cholesterol metabolism in fat cells. Here we report that antidiabetic thiazolidinediones (TZDs) and other ligands for the nuclear receptor PPARgamma dramatically upregulate oxidized LDL receptor 1 (OLR1) in adipocytes by facilitating the exchange of coactivators for corepressors on the OLR1 gene in cultured mouse adipocytes. TZDs markedly stimulate the uptake of oxidized LDL (oxLDL) into adipocytes, and this requires OLR1. Increased OLR1 expression, resulting either from TZD treatment or adenoviral gene delivery, significantly augments adipocyte cholesterol content and enhances fatty acid uptake. OLR1 expression in white adipose tissue is increased in obesity and is further induced by PPARgamma ligand treatment in vivo. Serum oxLDL levels are decreased in both lean and obese diabetic animals treated with TZDs. These data identify OLR1 as a novel PPARgamma target gene in adipocytes. While the physiological role of adipose tissue in cholesterol and oxLDL metabolism remains to be established, the induction of OLR1 is a potential means by which PPARgamma ligands regulate lipid metabolism and insulin sensitivity in adipocytes.  相似文献   

The interleukin 1 receptor (IL-1R) and the Toll-like receptors (TLRs) are highly homologous innate immune receptors that provide the first line of defense against infection. We show that IL-1R type I (IL-1RI) is essential for TLR9-dependent activation of tumor necrosis factor receptor-associated factor 3 (TRAF3) and for production of the antiinflammatory cytokines IL-10 and type I interferon (IFN). Noncanonical K63-linked ubiquitination of TRAF3, which is essential for type I IFN and IL-10 production, was impaired in Il1r1(-/-) CD11c(+) dendritic cells. In contrast, degradative ubiquitination of TRAF3 was not affected in the absence of IL-1R1 signaling. Deubiquitinating enzyme A (DUBA), which selectively cleaves K63-linked ubiquitin chains from TRAF3, was up-regulated in the absence of IL-1R1 signaling. DUBA short interference RNA augmented the TLR9-dependent type I IFN response. Mice deficient in IL-1RI signaling showed reduced expression of IL-10 and type I IFN and increased susceptibility to dextran sulphate sodium-induced colitis and failed to mount a protective type I IFN response after TLR9 ligand (CpG) administration. Our data identifies a new molecular pathway by which IL-1 signaling attenuates TLR9-mediated proinflammatory responses.  相似文献   

目的:从目前国内外阿片类药物耐受和依赖及G蛋白与阿片受体偶联的研究出发,探讨G蛋白与阿片受体的偶联关系及在信号传导中的作用。资料来源:应用计算机检索Medline1985-1/2003-12与阿片类药物耐受和依赖及G蛋白偶联相关的文献,检索词“opioiddependenceandtol-erance,G-protein”,并限定文献语言种类为英文。同时计算机检索万方数据库1995-01/2003-12与阿片类药物耐受和依赖的相关文献,检索词“阿片类药物,耐受和依赖,G蛋白”,并限定文献语言种类为中文。资料选择:从资料中选取包括实验组和对照组的文献。纳入标准:①随机对照试验。②对照组为未对阿片类药物形成耐受和依赖。③实验组为均对阿片类药物形成耐受和依赖。排除标准:综述类文献,没有对照组的文献及重复研究的文献。资料提炼:共收集到32篇关于阿片类耐受和依赖的随机对照试验,24篇符合纳入标准。排除的8篇中有6篇为综述,2篇为重复试验。资料综合:阿片类药物作用于阿片类受体后,细胞外信号主要经受体传入胞内是由G蛋白来调节的,胞内有20种以上的G蛋白,不同类型阿片受体与不同种类的G蛋白相互作用。δ和μ受体相偶联的主要是Gi,GO和GZ蛋白(Gi1,Gi2,Gi3,GO1和GO2及),κ受体不仅能与上述G蛋白偶联,而且还能与G16蛋白偶联,但三种受体优先激活的G蛋  相似文献   

Inhibition of basement membrane biosynthesis prevents angiogenesis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
GPA1734, an inhibitor of BM collagen biosynthesis, was investigated in the CAM model system for its effect on angiogenesis. Evaluation of angiogenesis was performed by placing a thin plastic coverslip inscribed with concentric circles on the CAM and counting the number of vessels intercepting the circles. The rate of BM collagen biosynthesis was monitored using [U-14C] proline incorporation into CAM proteins and determining the collagenase-digestible protein fraction. A marked depression in the vascular density was observed in the CAM area under a plastic disc containing GPA1734 as compared to control discs placed on the CAM about 1 cm apart from days 9 to 12 of incubation. A concomitant decrease in collagenous protein biosynthesis was observed in the area under the discs containing GPA1734 and [U-14C]proline as compared to control discs containing only the radiolabeled proline. The forementioned effects of GPA1734 on CAM were specific because no similar effects were observed with a closely related compound, 9,10-dihydroxy-7-methyl-benzo[b]quinolizinium bromide or with GPA1734 plus Fe++, which did not affect the rate of BM collagen biosynthesis. These results suggest that inhibitors of BM collagen biosynthesis prevent angiogenesis by interfering with the formation of an essential component of the vessel wall. The search for such inhibitors may be a new approach in the development of antiangiogenic agents.  相似文献   

Sixty-two selected breast cancers were used to compare the conventional dextran-coated charcoal (DCC) assay with a new method of separating progesterone receptor by isoelectric focusing in flat beds of agarose gel. Ninety assays were performed. Isoelectric focusing indicated correctly the presence of receptor in 92% and the absence of receptor in 86% of assays, when compared with the DCC assay. The relationship between the results of the two methods was linear. Isoelectric focusing underestimated receptor to a variable extent, finding relatively less receptor at higher absolute levels of binding than at lower levels. The lower limit of sensitivity of isoelectric focusing was 30 fmol/ml cytosol. The protein concentrations of cytosols prepared from 46 needle biopsy samples (mean weight 25 mg) ranged from 0.5 to 30 g/l (median 4 g/l, 10th percentile 0.75 g/l). Isoelectric focusing is a satisfactory method of progesterone receptor measurement and can be applied to samples too small for conventional techniques.  相似文献   

Posttranslational modifications to the intracellular domain of the EGFR are known to regulate EGFR functions; however, modifications to the extracellular domain and their effects remain relatively unexplored. Here, we determined that methylation at R198 and R200 of the EGFR extracellular domain by protein arginine methyltransferase 1 (PRMT1) enhances binding to EGF and subsequent receptor dimerization and signaling activation. In a mouse orthotopic colorectal cancer xenograft model, expression of a methylation-defective EGFR reduced tumor growth. Moreover, increased EGFR methylation sustained signaling activation and cell proliferation in the presence of the therapeutic EGFR monoclonal antibody cetuximab. In colorectal cancer patients, EGFR methylation level also correlated with a higher recurrence rate after cetuximab treatment and reduced overall survival. Together, these data indicate that R198/R200 methylation of the EGFR plays an important role in regulating EGFR functionality and resistance to cetuximab treatment.  相似文献   

The lipid mediator prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) has diverse biological activity in a variety of tissues. Four different receptor subtypes (EP1-4) mediate these wide-ranging effects. The EP-receptor subtypes differ in tissue distribution, ligand-binding affinity, and coupling to intracellular signaling pathways. To identify the physiological roles for one of these receptors, the EP1 receptor, we generated EP1-deficient (EP1-/-) mice using homologous recombination in embryonic stem cells derived from the DBA/1lacJ strain of mice. The EP1-/- mice are healthy and fertile, without any overt physical defects. However, their pain-sensitivity responses, tested in two acute prostaglandin-dependent models, were reduced by approximately 50%. This reduction in the perception of pain was virtually identical to that achieved through pharmacological inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis in wild-type mice using a cyclooxygenase inhibitor. In addition, systolic blood pressure is significantly reduced in EP1 receptor-deficient mice and accompanied by increased renin-angiotensin activity, especially in males, suggesting a role for this receptor in cardiovascular homeostasis. Thus, the EP1 receptor for PGE2 plays a direct role in mediating algesia and in regulation of blood pressure.  相似文献   

Tissue-resident memory T (TRM) cells provide long-lasting immune protection. One of the key events controlling TRM cell development is the local retention of TRM cell precursors coupled to downregulation of molecules necessary for tissue exit. Sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor 5 (S1PR5) is a migratory receptor with an uncharted function in T cells. Here, we show that S1PR5 plays a critical role in T cell infiltration and emigration from peripheral organs, as well as being specifically downregulated in TRM cells. Consequentially, TRM cell development was selectively impaired upon ectopic expression of S1pr5, whereas loss of S1pr5 enhanced skin TRM cell formation by promoting peripheral T cell sequestration. Importantly, we found that T-bet and ZEB2 were required for S1pr5 induction and that local TGF-β signaling was necessary to promote coordinated Tbx21, Zeb2, and S1pr5 downregulation. Moreover, S1PR5-mediated control of tissue residency was conserved across innate and adaptive immune compartments. Together, these results identify the T-bet–ZEB2–S1PR5 axis as a previously unappreciated mechanism modulating the generation of tissue-resident lymphocytes.  相似文献   

The contribution of IL-1 to leukocyte infiltration in anti-glomerular basement membrane (GBM) antibody (Ab) glomerulonephritis (GN) was examined by the administration of a specific IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra). Lewis rats received anti-GBM Ab or normal rabbit serum and were treated with either 0.9% saline or 6 mg IL-1ra over a 24-h time period. Plasma IL-1ra concentration was 2,659 +/- 51 ng/ml 4 h after anti-GBM Ab and IL-1ra administration. PMN and monocyte/macrophage infiltration declined 39% (9.8 +/- 1.9 to 6.0 +/- 1.5 PMN/glomerulus, P < 0.001) and 29% (4.9 +/- 0.8 to 3.5 +/- 0.8 ED-1 cells/glomerulus, P = 0.002) with IL-1ra treatment at 4 h, respectively. Similarly, the number of glomerular cells staining for lymphocyte function-associated molecule-1 beta (CD18) declined 39% from 16.7 +/- 1.9 to 10.7 +/- 1.6 cells/glomerulus at 4 h (P = 0.0001). This was associated with a decrease in glomerular intracellular adhesion molecule-1 expression. The mean glomerular intracellular adhesion molecule-1 score in anti-GBM Ab GN rats treated with IL-1ra was less than that of rats administered anti-GBM Ab and 0.9% saline at 4 (2.0 +/- 0.2 vs 2.5 +/- 0.2, P < 0.05) and 24 (2.5 +/- 0.1 vs 3.1 +/- 0.2, P = 0.0001) h. These immunopathologic changes correlated with a 50% reduction in proteinuria from 147 +/- 34 to 75 +/- 25 mg/d (P < 0.002). Treatment with IL-1ra did not affect the steady state mRNA expression of either IL-1 beta or TNF alpha. An increase in the IL-1ra dose to 30 mg given within the initial 4 h provided no additional benefit. The decline in PMN and monocyte/macrophage infiltration of the glomerulus at 4 h was similar to that found in the initial study. Furthermore, the protective benefit of IL-1ra was abrogated by doubling the dose of the anti-GBM Ab GN, despite administering high dose IL-1ra (30 mg). In these studies, detectable IL-1ra was found in the serum of untreated anti-GBM Ab GN controls. These data suggest a positive yet limited role for IL-1ra in the therapeutic intervention of anti-GBM Ab GN.  相似文献   

Summary.  Background:  The endothelial protein C receptor (EPCR)-dependent cleavage of protease activated receptor 1 (PAR-1) by either activated protein C (APC) or thrombin in lipid rafts initiates protective signaling responses in endothelial cells. Objectives:  To investigate the mechanism by which APC and thrombin interact with and cleave PAR-1 in lipid rafts. Methods:  We constructed two types of PAR-1 cleavage reporter constructs in which a secreted alkaline phosphatase (ALP) was fused to the extracellular domain of PAR-1. The first construct has a transmembrane domain capable of uniformly anchoring the fusion protein to the membrane surface, while the second construct has the recognition sequence for targeting the fusion protein to lipid rafts/caveolae in transfected cells. Results:  Both APC and the Gla-domainless (GD)-APC cleaved the PAR-1 exodomain with similar efficiency in HUVECs transfected with the first construct. Unlike APC, GD-APC did not cleave PAR-1 in cells transfected with the second construct; however, prior treatment of cells with S195A mutants of either protein C or thrombin led to the GD-APC cleavage of PAR-1 with a comparable or higher catalytic efficiency. The same results were obtained if the cellular signaling properties of APC and GD-APC were monitored in the TNF-α-induced endothelial cell apoptosis and permeability assays. Conclusions:  The lipid raft localization renders the scissile bond of the PAR-1 exodomain unavailable for interaction with coagulation proteases. The binding of either the Gla-domain of protein C to EPCR or exosite-1 of thrombin to the C-terminal hirudin-like sequence of PAR-1 changes the membrane localization and/or the conformation of the PAR-1 exodomain to facilitate its recognition and subsequent cleavage by these proteases.  相似文献   

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