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Self-healing ceramics have been researched at high temperatures, but few have been considered at lower temperatures. In this study, SiC-Al2O3-B4C ceramic composite was compacted by spark plasma sintering (SPS). A Vickers indentation was introduced, and the cracks were healed between 600 °C and 800 °C in air. Cracks could be healed completely in air above 700 °C. The ceramic composite had the best healing performance at 700 °C for 30 min, recovering flexural strength of up to 94.2% of the original. Good crack-healing ability would make this composite highly useful as it could heal defects and flaws autonomously in practical applications. The healing mechanism was also proposed to be the result of the oxidation of B4C.  相似文献   

We present a systematic study of the lithium-ion transport upon the mixed manganese-iron oxide phosphate glasses 3Li2O-xMn2O3-(2-x)Fe2O3-3P2O5(LMxF2−xPO; 0 x 2.0) proposed for the use in a cathode for lithium secondary batteries. The glasses have been fabricated using a solid reaction process. The electrical characteristics of the glass samples have been characterized by electrical impedance in the frequency range from 100 Hz to 30 MHz and temperature from 30 °C to 240 °C. Differential thermal analysis and X-ray diffraction were used to determine the thermal and structural properties. It has been observed that the dc conductivity decreases, but the activation energies of dc and ac and the glass-forming ability increase with the increasing Mn2O3 content in LMxF2−xPO glasses. The process of the ionic conduction and the relaxation in LMxF2−xPO glasses are determined by using power–law, Cole–Cole, and modulus methods. The Li+ ions migrate via the conduction pathway of the non-bridging oxygen formed by the depolymerization of the mixed iron–manganese–phosphate network structure. The mixed iron–manganese content in the LMxF2−xPO glasses constructs the sites with different depths of the potential well, leading to low ionic conductivity.  相似文献   

In the paper, investigation results of the uptake efficiency of radionuclides 60Co, 90Sr, and 137Cs dissolved in water onto iron oxides α-Fe2O3 and Fe3O4 are presented. It was found that sorption efficiency increased for higher pH values. Independent of the oxide nature, the uptake characteristics are the best toward 60Co and the worst toward 137Cs, forming the row as follows: 60Co > 90Sr > 137Cs. The highest sorption ability at pH 9 was found for magnetite Fe3O4, which was 93%, 73%, and 26% toward 60Co, 90Sr, and 137Cs, respectively, while the respective percentages for hematite α-Fe2O3 were 85%, 41%, and 18%. It was assumed that the main sorption mechanism was ion exchange. That may explain some decrease of the sorption efficiency in drinking water due to the interfering presence of magnesium and calcium cations. The obtained results indicated the feasibility of the tested sorbents and their merits, especially in terms of relatively high uptake coefficients, low costs, availability, and lack of toxicity.  相似文献   

In this study, surface modification of iron (II, III) oxide Fe3O4 nanoparticles by oleic acid (OA) coating is investigated for the microablation of fat in a microchannel. The nanoparticles are synthesized by the co-precipitation method and then dispersed in organic solvent prior to mixing with the OA. The magnetization, agglomeration, and particle size distribution properties of the OA-coated Fe3O4 nanoparticles are characterized. The surface modification of the Fe3O4 nanoparticles reveals that upon injection into a microchannel, the lipophilicity of the OA coating influences the movement of the nanoparticles across an oil-phase barrier. The motion of the nanoparticles is controlled using an AC magnetic field to induce magnetic torque and a static gradient field to control linear translation. The fat microablation process in a microchannel is demonstrated using an oscillating driving field of less than 1200 Am−1.  相似文献   

Pure bismuth ferrite (BFO) and BFO with impurity phases (Bi2O3 or Fe2O3) were synthesized by the hydrothermal method. Complex dielectric permittivity (ε) and electrical conductivity (σ) were determined by complex impedance measurements at different frequencies (200 Hz–2 MHz) and temperatures (25–290) °C. The conductivity spectrum of samples, σ(f), complies with Jonscher’s universal law and the presence of impurity phases leads to a decrease in the static conductivity (σDC); this result is correlated with the increased thermal activation energy of the conduction in impure samples compared to the pure BFO sample. The conduction mechanism in BFO and the effect of impurity phases on σ and ε were analyzed considering the variable range hopping model (VRH). Based on the VRH model, the hopping length (Rh), hopping energy (Wh) and the density of states at the Fermi level (N(EF)) were determined for the first time, for these samples. In addition, from ε(T) dependence, a transition in the electronic structure of samples from a semiconductor-like to a conductor-like behavior was highlighted around 465–490 K for all samples. The results obtained are useful to explain the conduction mechanisms from samples of BFO type, offering the possibility to develop a great variety of electrical devices with novel functions.  相似文献   

For both the B2O3-Bi2O3-CaO and B2O3-Bi2O3-SrO glass systems, γ-ray and neutron attenuation qualities were evaluated. Utilizing the Phy-X/PSD program, within the 0.015–15 MeV energy range, linear attenuation coefficients (µ) and mass attenuation coefficients (μ/ρ) were calculated, and the attained μ/ρ quantities match well with respective simulation results computed by MCNPX, Geant4, and Penelope codes. Instead of B2O3/CaO or B2O3/SrO, the Bi2O3 addition causes improved γ-ray shielding competence, i.e., rise in effective atomic number (Zeff) and a fall in half-value layer (HVL), tenth-value layer (TVL), and mean free path (MFP). Exposure buildup factors (EBFs) and energy absorption buildup factors (EABFs) were derived using a geometric progression (G–P) fitting approach at 1–40 mfp penetration depths (PDs), within the 0.015–15 MeV range. Computed radiation protection efficiency (RPE) values confirm their excellent capacity for lower energy photons shielding. Comparably greater density (7.59 g/cm3), larger μ, μ/ρ, Zeff, equivalent atomic number (Zeq), and RPE, with the lowest HVL, TVL, MFP, EBFs, and EABFs derived for 30B2O3-60Bi2O3-10SrO (mol%) glass suggest it as an excellent γ-ray attenuator. Additionally, 30B2O3-60Bi2O3-10SrO (mol%) glass holds a commensurably bigger macroscopic removal cross-section for fast neutrons (ΣR) (=0.1199 cm−1), obtained by applying Phy-X/PSD for fast neutrons shielding, owing to the presence of larger wt% of ‘Bi’ (80.6813 wt%) and moderate ‘B’ (2.0869 wt%) elements in it. 70B2O3-5Bi2O3-25CaO (mol%) sample (B: 17.5887 wt%, Bi: 24.2855 wt%, Ca: 11.6436 wt%, and O: 46.4821 wt%) shows high potentiality for thermal or slow neutrons and intermediate energy neutrons capture or absorption due to comprised high wt% of ‘B’ element in it.  相似文献   

In this study, a group of heavy metal oxide glasses with a nominal composition of 55B2O3 + 19.5TeO2 + 10K2O + (15−x) PbO + xAl2O3 + 0.5Eu2O3 (where x = 0, 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10, 12.5, and 15 in wt.%) were investigated in terms of their nuclear radiation shielding properties. These glasses containing lanthanide-doped heavy metal oxide were envisioned to yield valuable results in respect to radiation shielding, and thus a detailed investigation was carried out; the obtained results were compared with traditional and new generation shields. Advanced simulation and theoretical methods have been utilized in a wide range of energy regions. Our results showed that the AL0.0 sample with the highest PbO contribution had superior shielding properties in the entire energy range. The effective removal of cross-sections for fast neutrons (ΣR) was also examined. The results indicated that AL5.0 had the greatest value. While increasing the concentration of Al2O3 in samples had a negative effect on the radiation shielding characteristics, it can be concluded that using PbO in the Eu3+ doped heavy metal oxide glasses could be a useful tool to keep gamma-ray shielding properties at a maximum level.  相似文献   

A nanocomposite composed of carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) and core–shell nanoparticles of Fe3O4@SiO2 was prepared as a pH-responsive nanocarrier for quercetin (QC) delivery. The nanoparticles were further entrapped in a water-in-oil-in-water emulsion system for a sustained release profile. The CMC/Fe3O4@SiO2/QC nanoparticles were characterized using dynamic light scattering (DLS), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray diffraction (XRD), a field emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM), and a vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM) to obtain insights into their size, stability, functional groups/chemical bonds, crystalline structure, morphology, and magnetic properties, respectively. The entrapment and loading efficiency were slightly improved after the incorporation of Fe3O4@SiO2 NPs within the hydrogel network. The dialysis method was applied for drug release studies. It was found that the amount of QC released increased with the decrease in pH from 7.4 to 5.4, while the sustained-release pattern was preserved. The A549 cell line was chosen to assess the anticancer activity of the CMC/Fe3O4@SiO2/QC nanoemulsion and its components for lung cancer treatment via an MTT assay. The L929 cell line was used in the MTT assay to determine the possible side effects of the nanoemulsion. Moreover, a flow cytometry test was performed to measure the level of apoptosis and necrosis. Based on the obtained results, CMC/Fe3O4@SiO2 can be regarded as a novel promising system for cancer therapy.  相似文献   

The magnetic properties and relaxation time of Fe3O4 nanoparticles, and their encapsulation with silicon dioxide (Fe3O4-SiO2), have been successfully investigated by analyzing the temperature dependence of magnetization (M(T)) and the time dependence of magnetization (M(t)), using the SQUID magnetometer measurement. The M(T) measurement results can determine the magnetic parameters and magnetic irreversibility of Fe3O4 and Fe3O4-SiO2 samples. The values of Curie constant (C), effective magnetic moment (μeff), and Weiss temperature (θP) are 4.2 (emu.K.Oe/mol), 5.77 μB, and −349 K, respectively, for the Fe3O4 samples, and 81.3 (emu.K.Oe/mol), 25.49 μB, and −2440 K, respectively, for the Fe3O4-SiO2 samples. After encapsulation, the broadening peak deviation decreased from 281.6 K to 279 K, indicating that the superparamagnetic interactions increased with the encapsulation process. The magnetic parameters and irreversibility values showed that the superparamagnetic properties increased significantly after encapsulation (Fe3O4-SiO2). From the results of the M(t) measurement, it was found that there was a decrease in the magnetic relaxation time after the encapsulation process, which indicated that the distribution of the nanoparticle size and anisotropy energy increased.  相似文献   

Al-based metallic glasses have a special atomic structure and should have a unique degradation ability in azo dye solutions. The Al88Ni9Y3 (Y3), Al85Ni9Y6 (Y6) and Al82Ni9Y9 (Y9) glassy ribbons are melt spun and used in degrading methyl orange (MO) azo dye solution with adding H2O2. With increasing cY, the as-spun ribbons have an increasing GFA (glass formability) and gradually decreased the degradation rate of MO solution. TEM (transmission electron microscopy) results show that the Y3 ribbon has nano-scale crystallites, which may form the channels to transport elements to the surface for degrading the MO solution. After adding H2O2, the degradation efficiency of Al-based glasses is improved and the Y6 ribbon has formed nano-scale crystallites embedded in the amorphous matrix and it has the largest improvement in MO solution degradation. These results indicate that forming nano-scale crystallites and adding H2O2 are effective methods to improve the degradation ability of Al-based glasses in azo dye solutions.  相似文献   

Interactions between catalytically active metal particles and reactant gases depend strongly on the particle size, particularly in the subnanometer regime where the addition of just one atom can induce substantial changes in stability, morphology, and reactivity. Here, time-lapse scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and density functional theory (DFT)-based calculations are used to study how CO exposure affects the stability of Pt adatoms and subnano clusters at the Fe3O4(001) surface, a model CO oxidation catalyst. The results reveal that CO plays a dual role: first, it induces mobility among otherwise stable Pt adatoms through the formation of Pt carbonyls (Pt1–CO), leading to agglomeration into subnano clusters. Second, the presence of the CO stabilizes the smallest clusters against decay at room temperature, significantly modifying the growth kinetics. At elevated temperatures, CO desorption results in a partial redispersion and recovery of the Pt adatom phase.Subnanometer metal particles exhibit a range of interesting electronic or catalytic properties that can vary substantially with the removal or addition of a single atom (16). Understanding the mechanistic details underlying the rearrangement of the active phase is important because changes in cluster size and shape are known to be commonplace under the conditions used in heterogeneous catalysis (7, 8), and because such processes are associated with deactivation phenomena such as sintering. Although sintering is usually regarded as a thermally activated process, there is increasing evidence that adsorbates influence sintering rates in a reactive environment by formation of mobile metal-molecule intermediates (2, 830). Indeed, in a previous study we demonstrated that the formation of highly mobile Pd1–CO species led to enhanced sintering in the Pd/Fe3O4(001) system (31). Here, we turn our attention to Pt. Mobility is induced in the form of Pt1–CO. In addition, CO stabilizes the smallest clusters. When it desorbs, Pt dimers break up into single atoms; thus, the CO is necessary for preserving nuclei that act as seeds for further growth. Using room-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), complemented by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and density functional theory with an on-site Hubbard U (DFT+U), we follow the CO-induced diffusion and coalescence of Pt atom-by-atom, creating catalytically active (32) subnano clusters with a well-defined size distribution. On heating, desorption of CO leads to significant redispersion of Pt into the adatom phase.  相似文献   

Due to the chemically inert surface of MoS2, uniform deposition of ultrathin high-κ dielectric using atomic layer deposition (ALD) is difficult. However, this is crucial for the fabrication of field-effect transistors (FETs). In this work, the atomic layer deposition growth of sub-5 nm La2O3/Al2O3 nanolaminates on MoS2 using different oxidants (H2O and O3) was investigated. To improve the deposition, the effects of ultraviolet ozone treatment on MoS2 surface are also evaluated. It is found that the physical properties and electrical characteristics of La2O3/Al2O3 nanolaminates change greatly for different oxidants and treatment processes. These changes are found to be associated with the residual of metal carbide caused by the insufficient interface reactions. Ultraviolet ozone pretreatment can substantially improve the initial growth of sub-5 nm H2O-based or O3-based La2O3/Al2O3 nanolaminates, resulting in a reduction of residual metal carbide. All results indicate that O3-based La2O3/Al2O3 nanolaminates on MoS2 with ultraviolet ozone treatment yielded good electrical performance with low leakage current and no leakage dot, revealing a straightforward approach for realizing sub-5 nm uniform La2O3/Al2O3 nanolaminates on MoS2.  相似文献   

Strong nonlinear absorption (NLA), reduced optical limiting (OL) thresholds, and high radiation shielding parameters are required for the effective use of glasses in the laser radiation and nuclear radiation protecting materials. In view of this, the efficacy of Sm2O3 on the nonlinear optical (NLO) and OL properties were ascertained (at 532 nm) along with radiation shielding characteristics. The open and closed aperture Z-scan profiles revealed the presence of positive NLA and nonlinear refraction (NLR) phenomena respectively. OL measurements showed the existence of limiting behavior in the studied glasses. The NLA and NLR coefficients were improved while the OL thresholds were decreased as the doping of Sm2O3 elevated to a higher doping level. These improvements in NLA, NLR coefficients and OL efficiencies were attributed to the non-bridging oxygens and high polarizable Sm3+ ions. The NLA and OL results clearly suggest the high (5 mol %) Sm2O3 doped glass (Sm5CNLB) glass is beneficial to protect the delicate devices and human eye by suppressing the high energy laser light. The theoretical linear attenuation coefficients (LAC) values of the presented SmxCNLB glasses were obtained with the help of Phy-X software between 0.284 and 1.333 MeV. At 0.284 MeV, the maximum values occur and take values between 0.302 (for Sm0CNLB) and 0.409 cm−1 (for Sm5CNLB). We found that the LAC for the presented SmxCNLB glasses is a function of Sm2O3 content, where the LAC tends to increase, corresponding to the high probabilities of interaction, as the content of Sm2O3 changes from 0 to 5 mol %. The effective atomic number (Zeff) for the presented SmxCNLB glasses was examined between 0.284 and 1.333 MeV. As the amount of Sm2O3 is added, the Zeff increases, and this was observed at any energy.  相似文献   

Developing rare-earth doped oxysulfide phosphors with diverse morphologies has significant value in many research fields such as in displays, medical diagnosis, and information storage. All of the time, phosphors with spherical morphology have been developed in most of the related literatures. Herein, by simply adjusting the pH values of the reaction solution, Gd2O2S:Tb3+ phosphors with various morphologies (sphere-like, sheet-like, cuboid-like, flat square-like, rod-like) were synthesized. The XRD patterns showed that phosphors with all morphologies are pure hexagonal phase of Gd2O2S. The atomic resolution structural analysis by transmission electron microscopy revealed the crystal growth model of the phosphors with different morphology. With the morphological change, the band gap energy of Gd2O2S:Tb3+ crystal changed from 3.76 eV to 4.28 eV, followed by different luminescence performance. The samples with sphere-like and cuboid-like microstructures exhibit stronger cathodoluminescence intensity than commercial product by comparison. Moreover, luminescence of Gd2O2S:Tb3+ phosphors have different emission performance excited by UV light radiation and an electron beam, which when excited by UV light is biased towards yellow, and while excited by an electron beam is biased towards cyan. This finding provides a simple but effective method to achieve rare-earth doped oxysulfide phosphors with diversified and tunable luminescence properties through morphology control.  相似文献   

The paper describes an investigation of Al2O3 samples and NiAl–Al2O3 composites consolidated by pulse plasma sintering (PPS). In the experiment, several methods were used to determine the properties and microstructure of the raw Al2O3 powder, NiAl–Al2O3 powder after mechanical alloying, and samples obtained via the PPS. The microstructural investigation of the alumina and composite properties involves scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The relative densities were investigated with helium pycnometer and Archimedes method measurements. Microhardness analysis with fracture toughness (KIC) measures was applied to estimate the mechanical properties of the investigated materials. Using the PPS technique allows the production of bulk Al2O3 samples and intermetallic ceramic composites from the NiAl–Al2O3 system. To produce by PPS method the NiAl–Al2O3 bulk materials initially, the composite powder NiAl–Al2O3 was obtained by mechanical alloying. As initial powders, Ni, Al, and Al2O3 were used. After the PPS process, the final composite materials consist of two phases: Al2O3 located within the NiAl matrix. The intermetallic ceramic composites have relative densities: for composites with 10 wt.% Al2O3 97.9% and samples containing 20 wt.% Al2O3 close to 100%. The hardness of both composites is equal to 5.8 GPa. Moreover, after PPS consolidation, NiAl–Al2O3 composites were characterized by high plasticity. The presented results are promising for the subsequent study of consolidation composite NiAl–Al2O3 powder with various initial contributions of ceramics (Al2O3) and a mixture of intermetallic–ceramic composite powders with the addition of ceramics to fabricate composites with complex microstructures and properties. In composites with complex microstructures that belong to the new class of composites, in particular, the synergistic effect of various mechanisms of improving the fracture toughness will be operated.  相似文献   

This work aimed to characterize Al2O3 matrix composites fabricated by the slip casting method using NiAl-Al2O3 composite powder as the initial powder. The composite powder, consisting of NiAl + 30 wt.% Al2O3, was obtained by mechanical alloying of Al2O3, Al, and Ni powders. The composite powder was added to the Al2O3 powder to prepare the final powder for the slip casting method. The stained composite samples presented high density. EDX and XRD analyses showed that the sintering process of the samples in an air atmosphere caused the formation of the NiAl2O4 spinel phase. Finally, the phase composition of the composites changed from the initial phases of Al2O3 and NiAl to Al2O3, Ni, and NiAl2O4. However, in the area of Ni, fine Al2O3 particles remaining from the initial composite powder were visible. It can be concluded that after slip casting, after starting with Al2O3 and the composite powder (NiAl-Al2O3) and upon sintering in air, ceramic matrix composites with Ni and NiAl2O4 phases, complex structures, high-quality sintered samples, and favorable mechanical properties were obtained.  相似文献   

NiAl-Al2O3 composites, fabricated from the prepared composite powders by mechanical alloying and then consolidated by pulse plasma sintering, were presented. The use of nanometric alumina powder for reinforcement of a synthetized intermetallic matrix was the innovative concept of this work. Moreover, this is the first reported attempt to use the Pulse Plasma Sintering (PPS) method to consolidate composite powder with the contribution of nanometric alumina powder. The composite powders consisting of the intermetallic phase NiAl and Al2O3 were prepared by mechanical alloying from powder mixtures containing Ni-50at.%Al with the contribution of 10 wt.% or 20 wt.% nanometric aluminum oxide. A nanocrystalline NiAl matrix was formed, with uniformly distributed Al2O3 inclusions as reinforcement. The PPS method successfully consolidated NiAl-Al2O3 composite powders with limited grain growth in the NiAl matrix. The appropriate sintering temperature for composite powder was selected based on analysis of the grain growth and hardness of Al2O3 subjected to PPS consolidation at various temperatures. As a result of these tests, sintering of the NiAl-Al2O3 powders was carried out at temperatures of 1200 °C, 1300 °C, and 1400 °C. The microstructure and properties of the initial powders, composite powders, and consolidated bulk composite materials were characterized by SEM, EDS, XRD, density, and hardness measurements. The hardness of the ultrafine-grained NiAl-Al2O3 composites obtained via PPS depends on the Al2O3 content in the composite, as well as the sintering temperature applied. The highest values of the hardness of the composites were obtained after sintering at the lowest temperature (1200 °C), reaching 7.2 ± 0.29 GPa and 8.4 ± 0.07 GPa for 10 wt.% Al2O3 and 20 wt.% Al2O3, respectively, and exceeding the hardness values reported in the literature. From a technological point of view, the possibility to use sintering temperatures as low as 1200 °C is crucial for the production of fully dense, ultrafine-grained composites with high hardness.  相似文献   

The radiation shielding characteristics of samples from two TeO2 and Sb2O3-based basic glass groups were investigated in this research. TeO2 and Sb2O3-based glasses were determined in the research as six samples with a composition of 10WO3-(x)MoO3-(90 − x)(TeO2/Sb2O3) (x = 10, 20, 30). A general purpose MCNPX Monte Carlo code and Phy-X/PSD platform were used to estimate the radiation shielding characteristics. Accordingly, the linear and mass attenuation coefficients, half value layer, mean free path, variation of the effective atomic number with photon energy, exposure and built-up energy factors, and effective removal cross-section values were determined. It was determined that the results that were produced using the two different techniques were consistent. Based on the collected data, the most remarkable findings were found to be associated with the sample classified as T80 (10WO3 + 10MoO3 + 80TeO2). The current study showed that material density was as equally important as composition in modifying radiation shielding characteristics. With the T80 sample with the greatest density (5.61 g/cm3) achieving the best results. Additionally, the acquired findings were compared to the radiation shielding characteristics of various glass and concrete materials. Increasing the quantity of MoO3 additive, a known heavy metal oxide, in these TeO2 and Sb2O3-based glasses may have a detrimental impact on the change in radiation shielding characteristics.  相似文献   

The La2O3-doped basaltic glass simulated high-level waste form (HLW) was prepared by the solid-state melt method. The simulated waste La2O3 maximum loading and the doping effect on structure, thermal stability, leaching behavior, density, and hardness of basaltic glasses were studied. XRD and SEM results show that the simulated waste loading of La2O3 in basaltic glass can be up to ~46 wt.%, and apatite (CaLa4(SiO4)3O) precipitates when the content of La2O3 reaches 56 wt.%. Raman results indicate that the addition of La2O3 breaks the Si–O–Si bond of large-membered and four-membered, but the number of A13+ involved in the formation of the network increase. Low content of La2O3 can help to repair the glass network, but it destroys the network as above 26 wt.%. DSC results show the thermal stability of simulated waste forms first increases and then decreases with the increase of La2O3 content. With the increase of La2O3 content, the density of the simulated waste form increases, and the hardness decreases. The leaching chemical stability of samples was evaluated by the ASTM Product Consistency Test (PCT) Method, which show that all the samples have good chemical stability. The leaching rates of La and Fe are three orders of magnitude lower than those of the other elements. Among them, L36 has the best comprehensive leaching performance.  相似文献   

Al2O3 films were prepared by the aerosol deposition method at room temperature using different carrier gas compositions. The layers were deposited on alumina substrates and the film stress of the layer was calculated by measuring the deformation of the substrate. It was shown that the film stress can be halved by using oxygen instead of nitrogen or helium as the carrier gas. The substrates were annealed at different temperature steps to gain information about the temperature dependence of the reduction of the implemented stress. Total relaxation of the stress can already be achieved at 300 °C. The XRD pattern shows crystallite growth and reduction of microstrain while annealing.  相似文献   

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