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This article examines several issues relevant to the education of nurses for roles in primary health care. The basic premises of education for community-based public health practice are put forth. The World Health Organization's seven key principles for primary health care and their cur-ricular implications for various levels of nursing programs are discussed. Examples are given of nursing education programs in which aspects of primary health care are used; finally, the continuing education needs of nurses are explored.  相似文献   

Citizen participation is heralded as a critical element of community health programs that emphasize empowerment and health promotion strategies. Although there is a growing body of research on public health nurses' primary health care practice, few studies have described how public health nurses foster citizen participation. This article presents findings from an interpretive qualitative study of public health nurses' perceptions of their role in fostering citizen participation in an eastern Canadian province at a time of significant health care restructuring. The findings from this study clearly profile public health nurses as integral to the practice of fostering citizen participation.  相似文献   

Public Health Nursing in Primary Care: Impact on Home Visits   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A public health management data system was used by a country public health nursing administration to assess the impact of integrating primary care and public health nursing services on the allocation of nursing time to home visits. Two areas of the county were shown to be comparable in proxy indicators of need for these services. The t test of differences in means and calculation of confidence intervals were the methods of analysis. There was a significant decrease in the numbers of and time for home visits after integration of the two kinds of services. Using routinely collected personnel activity reports to indicate staff and client needs is discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract Canada has embraced the goal of the World Health Organization to achieve health for all. This has created a paradigm shift from a focus on direct care to include health promotion and community development, consistent with a primary health care approach. Nevertheless, a clearly articulated vision for the role of public health nurses (PHNs) is lacking. Despite the fact that PHNs make up the largest group of health care workers in the community, their collective opinions and ideas regarding their own practice are seldom sought in a systematic manner. We conducted a survey of public health nurses in British Columbia. Using a two-wave Delphi approach, PHNs were asked to define issues for the future of public health nursing, and to state publicly their preferences for change and transformation. The responses were rank ordered, analyzed, and compared with recent nursing and health care literature to interpret their content. The PHNs' visions for tomorrow agree with concepts of primary health care and community development, and have implications for community health nursing's practice and education.  相似文献   

Abstract Critics today charge that managed care organizations, intent on reducing costs to ensure survival and profitability, have forsaken public health. In fact, managed care and public health face common challenges and share common interests. Public health problems ultimately affect managed care enrollees and increase the cost of their care. Managed care organizations, then, must help reduce community-wide health risks. Public health agencies, traditionally responsible for population health, today face serious challenges due to budget reductions and public indifference. The article to follow proposes a model for mutually beneficial collaboration between managed care and public health. Programs linking managed care with public health in the Puget Sound area illustrate this model's feasibility and value.  相似文献   

Primary care nurse practitioners are in a visible and critical position to screen, diagnose, and treat common mental health conditions. Integrated care models occur on a continuum from simple communication between providers to fully integrated interprofessional teams. Regardless of integration model available to the primary care nurse practitioner, mental health disorders should be appropriately identified and treated using evidence-based approaches. This clinical feature introduces the primary care nurse practitioner to various integrated care models and provides a brief overview regarding screening, diagnostic, and intervention recommendations, as well as potential future directions for education, training, and research.  相似文献   

Community participation and utilization of community health workers (CHWs) are essential components of the primary health care model. The success of CHWs is dependent on their training and subsequent community support. Community-prepared nurses are ideal CHW educators. A training program for CHWs was implemented in Honduras emphasizing the principles of adult learning and problem-based learning. Following a 4-month program of training a primary health care clinic was opened and managed by CHWs for a population over 10,000. Approximately 80% of local health problems were managed by the CHWs proving that well-trained CHWs can have a significant impact on the delivery of health care.  相似文献   


Focusing on behavioral criteria for attention–deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) diagnosis leads to considerable neuropsychological profile heterogeneity among diagnosed children, as well as variable response to methylphenidate (MPH) treatment. Documenting “cold” executive working memory (EWM) or “hot” self–regulation (SR) neuropsychological impairments could aid in the differential diagnosis of ADHD subtypes and may help to determine the optimal MPH treatment dose. In this study, children with ADHD inattentive type (n = 19), combined type (n = 33), and hyperactive–impulse type (n = 4) underwent randomized controlled MPH trials; neuropsychological, behavioral, and observational data were collected to evaluate the children's responses. Those with moderate or significant baseline EWM/SR impairment showed robust MPH response, whereas response for those with lower baseline impairment was equivocal. Implications for medication use and titration, academic achievement, and long–term treatment efficacy are examined.  相似文献   

Traditional health care of the expanding elderly population has focused on illness diagnosis and management. However, because more individuals, women especially, are living longer and living better, the emphasis should be shifted and modified to include primary health care for elderly people. Primary health care includes active health promotion and health maintenance, prevention of illness or disability, and attention to the quality as much as to the quantity of life. Unfortunately, the health concerns of elderly women, especially the oldest-old groups who live more or less independently, have been addressed inadequately in medical and nursing literature. Routine approaches to health care for women aged 70 and older must consider women's apparent hardiness, potential social isolation, and unique worries about safety and independence. Nurse practitioners in adult health, family practice, and gerontology must expand their repertoire of health promotion and health maintenance strategies to meet the needs of this special population. This article outlines the role of the nurse practitioner in the care of the well elderly woman.  相似文献   

Disparities are likely to present both in the emergency department and within the larger health care system; however, disparities must be recognized to be addressed. This article summarizes the proceedings from the AEM Consensus Conference 2003: Disparities in Emergency Health Care. The goals of the conference were to examine the presence, causes, and outcomes related to disparities of health care as they occur in emergency departments, and determine the degree to which external forces have an impact on our patients. Participants were asked to describe the means of defining, assessing, measuring, and investigating disparities that may occur in emergency care. The committee members who wrote this report were asked to examine the influence of health care systems and administration on disparities in health care, using the following series of questions to frame the discussion. 1) Are all disparities bad? 2) Are only the vulnerable served inadequately by our current health care system? 3) Are what appear to be inequities really systems incompetence? 4) We assume there should be no inequality in health care: does society also assume this? 5) What would be the systems costs of equality in health care?  相似文献   

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