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We investigated the synaptology of retrogradely labeled spinal motoneurons after injection of horseradish peroxidase into the tibialis anterior (TA) muscle of adult rat. In total, 32 TA motoneurons were investigated in the electron microscope and demonstrated a bimodal size distribution with cell diameter peaks at 40 microm and 20 microm, likely representing alpha- and gamma-motoneurons, respectively. Both alpha- and gamma-motoneurons were apposed by S- and F-type synaptic boutons, whereas only alpha-motoneurons demonstrated inputs by the large M- and C-type boutons. The proportion of cell body membrane covered by synaptic inputs was surprisingly indistinguishable between alpha-motoneurons (72.2%) and gamma-motoneurons (63.5%). The ratio between the number of F- and S-type boutons in apposition with the motoneuron cell body (F/S ratio) and the ratio between the soma membrane coverage provided by F- and S-type boutons were both significantly higher in alpha- than in gamma-motoneurons. When comparing our data with previous findings in other species, we conclude that rat TA alpha-motoneurons are similar to cat and primate alpha-motoneurons with regard to synaptic terminal morphology, frequency, and distribution. However, rat gamma-motoneurons show a markedly higher total synaptic coverage and frequency than cat gamma-motoneurons, although both species exhibit appositions made by the same synaptic types and similar ratios between inhibitory and excitatory inputs.  相似文献   

Twelve retrogradely horseradish peroxidase (HRP)-labelled triceps surae motoneurons of gamma size (mean cell body diameter less than 38 micron) were studied ultrastructurally. The contours of the cell bodies, as observed in the transverse midnucleolus plane, were elongated to rounded. The axons identified all originated from the cell body. The mean diameter of the stem dendrites was 4.5 micron. A substantial part of the cell membrane was covered by glial extensions. The boutons and synaptic contacts apposing the gamma-motoneurons could be classified into two categories on the basis of the type of synaptic vesicles: S-type boutons with spherical synaptic vesicles and F-type boutons with flattened vesicles. In each neuron, the values for mean length and mean area of apposition, percentage synaptic covering, and packing density of S-type, F-type, and S+F-type boutons were estimated on the cell body and in two dendritic compartments. In comparison with alpha-motoneurons and Renshaw cells, the cell bodies of the gamma-motoneurons were covered by smaller and strikingly fewer boutons of both the S- and F-types. The values for percentage synaptic covering and packing density of boutons on the proximal dendrites were also lower for gamma-motoneurons than for both alpha-motoneurons and Renshaw cells, although the differences were less pronounced than on the cell body. No boutons of the C-, M-, and T-types described for alpha-motoneurons were found on the gamma-motoneurons.  相似文献   

We have previously described the distribution pattern of inhibitory synapses on rat jaw-closing (JC) alpha- and gamma-motoneurons. In the present study, we investigated developmental changes in inhibitory synapses on JC motoneurons. We performed a quantitative ultrastructural analysis of putative inhibitory synaptic boutons on JC motoneuron somata by using postembedding immunogold labeling for GABA and glycine. In total, 206, 350, and 497 boutons contacting JC motoneuron somata were analyzed at postnatal days 2 (P2), 11 (P11) and 31 (P31), respectively. The size of the somata increased significantly during postnatal development. The size distribution was bimodal at P31. Mean length of the boutons and percentage of synaptic covering also increased during postnatal development, whereas bouton density did not differ significantly among the three age groups. Synaptic boutons on the somata of JC alpha-motoneurons could be classified into four types: boutons immunoreactive for 1) GABA only, 2) glycine only, 3) both GABA and glycine, and 4) neither GABA nor glycine. There was no developmental change in the proportion of putative inhibitory boutons to the total number of studied boutons. However, the glycine-only boutons increased significantly (15.1% to 27.3%), and the GABA-only boutons decreased significantly (17.7% to 2.6%) during the period from P11 to P31. Our ultrastructural data indicate that the inhibitory synaptic input to JC motoneurons is developmentally regulated and that there is a postnatal switch from GABA to glycine. The postnatal changes revealed in the present study could play an important role in the maturation of the oral motor system.  相似文献   

Detailed knowledge of the inhibitory input to trigeminal motoneurons is needed to understand better the central mechanisms of jaw movements. Here a quantitative analysis of terminals contacting somata of jaw-closing (JC) and jaw-opening (JO) alpha-motoneurons, and of JC gamma-motoneurons, was performed by use of serial sectioning and postembedding immunogold cytochemistry. For each type of motoneuron, the synaptic boutons were classified into four groups, i.e., immunonegative boutons or boutons immunoreactive to glycine only, to gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) only, or to both glycine and GABA. The density of immunolabeled boutons was much higher for the alpha- than for the gamma-motoneurons. In the alpha-motoneuron populations, the immunolabeled boutons were subdivided into one large group of boutons containing glycine-like immunoreactivity only, one group of intermediate size harboring both glycine- and GABA-like immunoreactivity, and a small group of boutons containing GABA-like immunoreactivity only. The percentage of immunolabeled boutons was higher for JC than JO alpha-motoneurons, the most pronounced difference being observed for glycine-like immunoreactivity. In contrast, on the somatic membrane of gamma-motoneurons, the three types of immunoreactive bouton occurred at similar frequencies. These results indicate that trigeminal motoneurons are strongly and differentially controlled by premotoneurons containing glycine and/or GABA and suggest that these neurons play an important role for the generation of masticatory patterns.  相似文献   

The age-related alterations in the number and size of alpha- and gamma-motoneurons were studied in the medial gastrocnemius (MG) motor nuclei in rats at four ages: young (5 months), middle aged (10-13 months), old (26 months), and very old (31 months). Small volumes (0.1-0.5 microliter) of 40% horseradish peroxidase (HRP) solution were injected into the cut MG nerve bilaterally by using glass micropipettes and a pressure injection system. The number, position, and soma size (average soma diameter) of MG motoneurons were determined by using photographic maps of each TMB-stained section. The total number of myelinated axons was counted in seven MG nerves from the same animals. The average soma diameters in each MG nucleus were distributed bimodally; cells with average diameter greater than 21.0-24.0 micron were presumed to be alpha-motoneurons and those with smaller diameters were presumed to be gamma. The mean number of presumed alpha-motoneurons was significantly less in the old and very old groups as compared with the young and middle-aged. In contrast, the number of presumed gamma-motoneurons was the same across age groups. The mean average soma diameter of both alpha- and gamma-motoneurons was smaller in the old animals. The apparent decrease in the total number of labeled motoneurons in old animals was also reflected in a decrease in myelinated axon counts. We conclude that there is a significant decrease in the absolute numbers of motoneurons in rats aged 26 months and older, with most of the decrease occurring among the larger alpha-motoneurons.  相似文献   

The aim of this ultrastructural investigation was to study quantitatively the synaptology of the cell bodies and dendrites of cat medial gastrocnemius (MG) α-motoneurons of functionally different types. In electrophysiologically classified and intracellularly HRP-labelled MG α-motoneurons of the FF (fast twitch, fatigable), FR (fast twitch, fatigue resistant) and S (slow twitch, very fatigue resistant) types, the synaptic covering of the soma as well as that of dendritic segments located within 100 μm and at 300, 700, and 1,000 μm distance, respectively from the soma, was analyzed. The synaptic boutons were classified into the L-(apposition length > 4 μm) and S-types (<4 μm) with spherical synaptic vesicles, and the F-type with flat or pleomorphic synaptic vesicles. The length of apposition towards the motoneuron membrane was measured for each bouton profile. Approximately 1,000 boutons contacted the soma and a similar number of boutons contacted the proximal dendrites within 50 μm from the soma. The number of dendritic boutons was larger at the 300 μm distance than at the 100 and 700 μm distances. The three types of motoneurons showed similar values for percentage synaptic covering and synaptic packing density in the proximal dendrites, while in the most distal dendritic regions the S motoneurons had more than 50% higher values for percentage covering, packing density and total number of boutons. The S motoneurons also exhibited a larger preponderance of F-type boutons on the soma. The ratio between the F- and S-types of boutons decreased somatofugally along the dendrites in the type FF and FR motoneurons, while in the S motoneurons it remained fairly constant.  相似文献   

Following our previous studies related to brachial plexus injury and repair, the present experimentation was designed to examine the ultrastructural features of those motoneurons of the locally injured cervical spinal cord of adult rats that were seen to regenerate into peripheral nerve (PN) bridges and to reinnervate nearby skeletal muscles. Here, the peripheral connection of the PN bridge was made with the biceps brachii (BB) muscle. Three months postsurgery, the spinal motoneurons labelled by retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase (HRP), after its injection into the BB, were selected on thick sections, using light microscopy, for the presence of dark amorphous granules of the HRP reaction product. Serial ultrathin sections were then made from the selected material. For the 10 labelled neurons studied, we examined the synaptic boutons present on the membrane of the neuronal soma. For five of them, we could observe three of the six types of synaptic boutons described for the alpha-motoneurons of the cat (S-type with spherical vesicles, F-types with flattened vesicles, and C-type with subsynaptic cistern). The largest boutons (type C) are specific to alpha-motoneurons. In comparison to normal material, we noticed a decrease in the number of boutons and an increase in the number of glial processes. After a transient phase of trophic changes, the reinnervated BB muscles showed a return of their fibers to nearly normal diameters as well as evidence of fiber type grouping. Simultaneous staining with silver and cholinesterase also revealed the presence of new motor endplates frequently contacted by several motoneurons. The present study indicates that, after a local spinal injury, typical alpha-motoneurons can reinnervate a skeletal muscle by regenerating axons into the permissive microenvironment provided by a PN graft. These data offer prospects for clinical reconstruction of the brachial plexus after avulsion of one or several nerve roots.  相似文献   

The cat peroneal muscles have been used in numerous investigations dealing with the physiological properties of motor units, muscle spindles, and Golgi tendon organs. This report presents a study of the organization of peroneal motor pools in the cat spinal cord by means of retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase from individual muscles to the corresponding motoneurons. The motor nuclei of peroneus longus (PL), peroneus brevis (PB), and peroneus tertius (PT) muscles formed thin columns in the lateral part of the ventral horn in spinal segments L6-S1. In the transverse plane, the PT and PL nuclei occupied, respectively, dorsolateral and ventromedial positions, with PB nucleus in an intermediate position overlapping with the other two nuclei. Measurements of cell body diameters allowed identification of alpha and gamma subgroups in peroneal motoneuron populations. The average numbers of motoneurons were about 96 alpha and 60 gamma in PL, 75 alpha and 54 gamma in PB, and 34 alpha and 23 gamma in PT. Comparison with data from electrophysiological studies indicated that whole populations of motoneurons were labeled in each motor nucleus. The proportions of gamma motoneurons were the same, and cell bodies of gamma motoneurons had similar sizes in the three peroneal populations. In contrast, alpha motoneurons were significantly smaller in PB than in the two other pools, in keeping with the fact that PB contains a proportion of slow motor units larger than the two other muscles. In large samples of homonymous motoneurons, the numbers of first-order dendrites correlated linearly with motoneuron sizes.  相似文献   

The motoneurons in the lateral nucleus of the anterior horn of the rhesus monkey cervical enlargement were reconstructed by light microscopy of semi-thin sections of 2 micro in thickness which were cut serially, alternately with ultra-thin sections for electron microscopy. Four single neurons were reconstructed with a computer graphic system, and simultaneously the synaptic boutons on the soma and each dendrite of single reconstructed neurons were analyzed quantitatively by electron microscopy. The synaptic boutons were classified into 4 types on the basis of the shape of the synaptic vesicles. The F-type boutons with flattened vesicles, S-type with spherical vesicles, G-type with cored vesicles and large L-type boutons with smaller and polymorphic vesicles, were almost identical to the boutons categorized by Bodian (1966b). The F-type boutons represented the major type in terms of the covering ratio and synaptic population. The S-type boutons tended to occur more frequently on dendrites. The motoneurons of the same region were also investigated in a similar manner after chronic deafferentation by the ablation of the upper extremity area of the left cerebral cortex. F-type of boutons were significantly increased, especially on the dendrites, compared with the synaptic distribution of the normal motoneurons.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that excitatory drive is transmitted monosynaptically from bulbospinal medullary respiratory neurons to spinal respiratory motoneurons was tested by an ultrastructural analysis of the phrenic motoneuronal pool in the rat. Combined anterograde labeling of the principal inspiratory bulbospinal neuron population (ventral respiratory group) and retrograde labeling of the phrenic motoneuron pool demonstrated the presence of labeled synaptic profiles, indicating that at least some bulbospinal inspiratory neurons make monosynaptic contacts with phrenic motoneurons. The synaptic boutons of ventral respiratory group neurons that were labeled in the phrenic nucleus had asymmetrical membrane densities at sites of synaptic contact with labeled phrenic somal or dendritic profiles, supporting the notion that this bulbospinal pathway has excitatory contacts with phrenic motoneurons. The morphological types of labeled boutons included three of the eight previously identified bouton types in the phrenic nucleus (Goshgarian and Rafols: Journal of Neurocytology 13:85-109, 1984), including the "S"-terminal, the "NFs"-terminal, and the "F"-terminal. There was no conclusive evidence of labeled double synapses, indicating that this type of synaptic contact is not common in the intact bulbospinal pathway.  相似文献   

The quantitative distribution of synaptic boutons on 17 presumed Renshaw cells has been studied ultrastructurally. All 17 neurons were postsynaptic to axon collateral boutons of intracellular HRP-stained triceps surae α-motoneuorons and were located in lamina VII, ventromedially to the main motor nuclei.In each of the presumed Renshaw cells, the values for mean length and mean area of apposition, percentage synaptic covering, and packing density of S-type, F-type, and S+F-type boutons were estimated on the cell body and in two dendritic compartments. The F/S percentage synaptic covering ratio was also calculated. The previously demonstrated differences within the present group of neurons, with respect to the site of axonal origin, were not accompanied by any corresponding differences in the quantitative distribution of synaptic boutons. However, it is suggested that the presumed Renshaw cells may possibly fall into two categories with respect to the F/S percentage synaptic covering ratio. The results are discussed in relation to previous studies on the neuronal architecture and synaptic types on the same presumed Renshaw cells, as well as in relation to earlier observations on the quantitative distribution of boutons on central neurons, particularly spinal α-motoneurons.  相似文献   

The ultrastructural characteristics and synaptic organization of afferent terminals from the brainstem to the mediodorsal thalamic nucleus (MD) of the rat have been studied with the electron microscope, by means of anterograde transport of wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase (WGA-HRP). Labeled fibers were seen predominantly in the lateral portion of MD after the injections of WGA-HRP into the substantia nigra pars reticulata (SNr), the superior colliculus (SC), and the dorsal tegmental region (DT). The boutons arising from the SC were relatively small (less than 1.5 microns in diameter), formed asymmetric synaptic contacts with small dendrites and dendritic spines, and contained round synaptic vesicles. The axon terminals from the DT were mostly large boutons (2-4.5 microns) with asymmetric synaptic specializations and round vesicles. These boutons and their postsynaptic targets formed synaptic glomeruli that were entirely or partially ensheathed by glial lamellae. The ultrastructural features are almost identical to those of boutons in the medial and central segments of MD that were previously shown to originate from the basal amygdaloid nucleus and the piriform cortex. The boutons from the SNr had a wide range in size, but the majority were medium-sized to large (1.5-4 microns). The nigral boutons established symmetric synaptic contacts with dendritic shafts and occasionally with somata, and contained pleomorphic vesicles. However, like the DT terminals, they participated in glomerular formations. The nigral terminals closely resemble previously described terminals in the medial part of MD from the ventral pallidum, except that the nigral terminals formed en passant and axosomatic synapses as well as axodendritic synapses. A combined immunohistochemistry and WGA-HRP tracing study revealed that the nigral inputs were immunoreactive for glutamic acid decarboxylase and the axon terminals from the DT were immunoreactive for choline acetyltransferase. In a separate study, the colliculothalamic fibers have been shown to take up and transport the transmitter specific tracer [3H]-D-aspartate, and are therefore putatively glutamatergic and/or aspartatergic. Taken together with this, the present results suggest that the collicular afferents are excitatory and glutamatergic and/or aspartatergic, that the inputs from the DT are also excitatory and cholinergic, while the nigral inputs are inhibitory and GABAergic.  相似文献   

Ultrastructure of the major cerebellar territory of the monkey thalamus, or VL as delineated in sagittal maps by Ilinsky and Kultas-Ilinsky (J. Comp. Neurol. 262:331-364, '87), was analyzed by using neuroanatomical tracing, immunocytochemical, and quantitative morphometric techniques. The VL nucleus contains nerve cells of two types. Multipolar neurons (PN) retrogradely labeled with wheat germ agglutinin-horseradish peroxidase (WGA-HRP) from the precentral gyrus display a tufted branching pattern of the proximal dendrites and have a range of soma areas from 200 to 1,000 microns2 (mean 535.2 microns2, SD = 159.5). Small glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) immunoreactive cells (LCN) exhibit sizes from 65 to 210 microns2 (mean 122.5 microns2, SD = 32.8) and remain unlabeled after cortical injections. The two cell types can be further distinguished by ultrastructural features. Unlike PN, LCN display little perikaryal cytoplasm, a small irregularly shaped nucleolus, and synaptic vesicles in proximal dendrites. The ratio of PN to LCN is 3:1. The LCN dendrites establish synaptic contacts on PN somata and all levels of dendritic arbor either singly or as a part of complex synaptic arrangements. They are also presynaptic to other LCN dendrites. Terminals known as LR type, i.e., large boutons containing round vesicles, are the most conspicuous in the neuropil. They form asymmetric contacts on somata and proximal dendrites of PN as well as on distal dendrites of LCN. The areas of these boutons range from 0.7 to 12 microns2 and the appositional length on PN dendrites ranges from 1.1 to 14 microns. All LR boutons except the largest ones become anterogradely labeled from large WGA-HRP injections in the deep cerebellar nuclei. These boutons are also encountered as part of triads and glomeruli, but very infrequently since the latter complex synaptic arrangements are rare. The most numerous axon terminals in the neuropil are the SR type, i.e., small terminals (mean area 0.42 micron2) containing round vesicles. The SR boutons become anterogradely labeled after WGA-HRP injections in the precentral gyrus. They form distinct asymmetric contacts predominantly on distal PN and LCN dendrites; however, their domain partially overlaps that of LR boutons at intermediate levels of PN dendrites. The SR boutons are components of serial synapses with LCN dendrites which, in turn, contact somata and all levels of dendritic arbors of PN. They also participate in complex arrangements that consist of sequences of LCN dendrites, serial synapses, and occasional boutons with symmetric contacts.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Little is known about the ultrastructure of synaptic boutons contacting trigeminal motoneurons. To address this issue, physiologically identified premotor neurons (n = 5) in the rostrodorsomedial part of the oral nucleus (Vo.r) were labeled by intracellular injections of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) in cats. The ultrastructure of 182 serially sectioned axon terminals from the five neurons was both qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed. In addition, the effects of the glycine antagonist strychnine, GABA(A) antagonist bicuculline, NMDA antagonist 2-amino-5-phosphonovalerate (APV), and non-NMDA antagonist 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione (CNQX) on Vo.r-induced postsynaptic potentials in trigeminal motoneurons (n = 11) were examined to evaluate potential signaling substances of the premotor neurons. Labeled boutons made synaptic contacts with either jaw-closing or -opening motoneurons. All the boutons contained pleomorphic vesicles, and most formed a single symmetric synapse either on the somata or on primary dendrites. Morphometric analyses indicated that bouton volume, bouton surface area, apposed surface area, total active zone area, and mitochondrial volume were not different between boutons on jaw-closing and -opening motoneurons. Vesicle number and density, however, were higher for boutons on jaw-closing motoneurons. The five morphological parameters were positively correlated with bouton volume. Vesicle density was the exception, which tending to be negatively correlated. Intravenous infusion of strychnine or bicuculline suppressed Vo.r-induced inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs) in jaw-closing motoneurons. Abolition of Vo. r-induced excitatory postsynaptic potentials in jaw-opening motoneurons with APV and CNQX unmasked IPSPs. The present results suggest that premotor neurons in the Vo.r are inhibitory and that positive correlations between the ultrastructural parameters associated with synaptic release and bouton size are applicable to the interneurons, as they are in primary afferents.  相似文献   

The ultrastructural morphology and vascular associations of cholinergic neurons in the horizontal limb of the nucleus of the diagonal band of Broca (nDBBhl) and amygdala of rat were determined by the immunocytochemical localization of choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), the acetylcholine biosynthetic enzyme. Within the nDBBhl peroxidase reaction product was distributed throughout the cytoplasm of selectively labeled neuronal perikarya and dendrites. Labeled perikarya were characterized by an oval cell body (7-10 microns X 17-26 microns in diameter) in which was located a large nucleus and often a prominent nucleolus. Dendrites were by far the most numerous immuno-labeled profiles in the nDBBhl. The labeled dendrites had a cross-sectional diameter of 0.4-4.6 microns and contained numerous mitochondria and microtubules. Approximately 10% of all immunolabeled dendrites received synaptic contacts from unlabeled presynaptic boutons. In contrast to the relatively large number of ChAT-labeled dendrites within the nDBBhl, ChAT-positive axons were less frequently observed and immunolabeled axon terminals were never detected. The labeled axons had an outside diameter of 0.4-1.4 micron and were myelinated. The absence or relative paucity of immunolabeled terminals in the nDBBhl indicates that most if not all of the cholinergic perikarya within this nucleus are efferent projection neurons. The nDBB is known to have widespread projections to many areas of the neocortex, hippocampus, and amygdala. In the present study we examined the amygdala and observed many ChAT-labeled axon boutons. The immunolabeled varicosities contained numerous agranular vesicles and although ChAT-positive terminals were in direct contact with unlabeled neuronal elements within the amygdala, few if any synaptic densities were detected in a single plane of section. With respect to the vasculature, immunolabeled perikarya and dendrites within the nDBBhl and axon terminals in the amygdala were often in direct apposition to blood vessels. In many instances the labeled profile was observed lying directly on the basal lamina of a capillary endothelial cell. In no instance, however, were membrane densities observed. The presence of cholinergic neuronal elements contacting the vessel wall provides morphologic evidence suggesting that the neurogenic control of cerebral vasculature is in part mediated via a cholinergic mechanism.  相似文献   

The ultrastructural features and synaptic relationships of cholecystokinin (CCK)-immunoreactive cells of rat and cat hippocampus were studied using the unlabeled antibody immunoperoxidase technique and correlated light and electron microscopy. CCK-positive perikarya of variable shape and size were distributed in all layers and were particularly concentrated in stratum pyramidale and radiatum: the CCK-immunoreactive neurons were nonpyramidal in shape and the three most common types had the morphological features of tufted, bipolar, and multipolar cells. Electron microscopic examination revealed that all the CCK-positive boutons established symmetrical (Gray's type II) synaptic contacts with perikarya and dendrites of pyramidal and nonpyramidal neurons. The origin of some of the boutons was established by tracing fine collaterals that arose from the main axon of two CCK-immunostained cells and terminated in the stratum pyramidale; these collaterals were then examined in the electron microscope. The axon of one such neuron exhibited a course parallel to the pyramidal layer and formed pericellular nets of synaptic boutons upon the perikarya of pyramidal neurons. This pattern of axonal arborization is very similar to that of some of the basket cells, previously suggested to be the anatomical correlate for pyramidal cell inhibition. Typical dendrites of pyramidal cells also received symmetrical synaptic contacts from CCK-immunoreactive boutons, and some of these boutons could be shown to originate from a local neuron in stratum radiatum. Many CCK-immunoreactive cells received CCK-labeled boutons upon their soma and dendritic shafts. Synaptic relationship, established by multiple "en passant" boutons, was observed between CCK-positive interneurons of the stratum lacunosum-moleculare and radiatum. The soma and dendrites of the CCK-immunostained neurons also received symmetrical and asymmetrical synapses from nonimmunoreactive boutons. These results indicate that the CCK-immunoreactive neurons participate in complex local synaptic interactions in the hippocampus.  相似文献   

M Kuroda  J L Price  J P Ray 《Brain research》1991,548(1-2):353-357
Neurotensin-like immunoreactive (NTir) axon terminals in the mediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus (MD) in the adult rat were demonstrated by electron microscopic immunohistochemistry. Most NTir terminals were large (greater than 2 microns in diameter) with round synaptic vesicles and asymmetrical synaptic contacts although smaller (less than 1.5 microns in diameter) axon terminals were also labeled. Both types of terminals were found in the medial and central parts of MD with the greatest density in the medial part. These NTir boutons have similar ultrastructural features as anterogradely labeled terminals from the piriform cortex and the preoptic area, which have previously been identified as sources of NTir axons in MD. A few NTir boutons were also found in the medial part of MD with pleomorphic vesicles and symmetrical synaptic contacts.  相似文献   

A common observation in studies of neuronal structure is that axons differ in the size of their synaptic boutons. The significance of this size variation is unclear, in part because we do not know how the size of synaptic boutons is related to their internal organization. The present study has addressed this issue by using three-dimensional reconstruction of serial thin sections to examine the ultrastructure of synaptic boutons that vary in size. Our observations are based on complete or near-complete reconstructions of 53 synaptic boutons contacting large neurons in the ventromedial gray matter of the upper cervical spinal cord (probable neck motor neurons). We characterized bouton size in terms of volume and total area of membrane apposed to the motor neuron surface (apposition area). Boutons vary in apposition area by a factor of 40, and there is a significant positive correlation between our two measures of bouton size. In addition, bouton size is systematically related to four ultrastructural variables: 1) total active zone area, 2) number of active zones, 3) individual active zone area, and 4) number of synaptic vesicles. The correlations between these variables and both of our measures of bouton size are positive and significant. These data suggest that bouton size may be an index of ultrastructural features that are thought to influence transmitter storage and release.  相似文献   

In adult cats, avulsion of a spinal ventral root induces retrograde cell death among the corresponding motoneurons and, also, enhanced monosynaptic reflexes ipsilaterally in the adjacent uninjured spinal cord segments. The present study investigates possible mechanisms behind this reflex potentiation. At 1-12 weeks after unilateral L7 ventral root avulsion, the L7 dorsal root ganglia were bilaterally injected with choleragenoid-HRP to light microscopically quantify the amount of HRP-labeled terminals in the motor nuclei of the lesioned L7 segment and adjacent intact L6+S1 segments. In addition, motoneuron synaptology and individual HRP-labeled boutons were analyzed electron microscopically. In the L7 segment, the loss of motoneurons at 12 weeks after ventral root avulsion was accompanied by a marked loss of HRP-labeled boutons in the corresponding ventral horn. In the L6/S1 segments, the monosynaptic reflex enhancement found ipsilaterally at 12 weeks postoperatively (mean 212%) was not accompanied by an increased HRP-labeling in the ventral horn (mean 109%), indicating that no sprouting or enlargement of the monosynaptic boutons had occurred. Ultrastructurally, the values for apposition length, total active site length, cross-sectional area, and mitochondrial density of the labeled boutons were also similar between the two sides. However, ipsilaterally the L6/S1 motoneurons exhibited an increased membrane covering by presumably excitatory boutons. The present results indicate that after partial cell death in a motoneuron pool the remaining motoneurons may undergo compensatory synaptic rearrangements leading to increased excitability and enhanced reflexes.  相似文献   

The fine structure and types of contact made by GABAergic elements in the septal nuclei were studied at the electronmicroscopic level by means of peroxidase immunocytochemistry, using anti-GABA antibodies. Observations were made on normal and colchicine-injected rats. GABA-immunoreactivity was distributed within somata, dendrites, axonal varicosities and terminals, and myelinated axons. The peroxidase reaction product was diffuse in the cytoplasm; cytoplasmic organelles were generally devoid of immunoreactivity, while showing a strong reaction on the outer surface of their membrane. GABA-immunoreactive (GABA-I) neurons were small (10 microns on average) to medium (20 microns) in size, with round or multipolar cell bodies. Additionally, labeled large (30 microns) cells were observed within the myelinated fibers of the medial septal nucleus after intraseptal administration of colchicine. No difference in the ultrastructural features and distribution of the immunoreactivity of the 2 kinds of cell was noticed, except for a higher number of synaptic contacts on large neurons of the medial septum. GABA-I cells of the medial and lateral nuclei received synapses on their soma and dendrites, made by both immunonegative and GABA-I terminals. Nonimmunoreactive boutons contacting GABA-I cell bodies were of 2 types: those containing small, clear synaptic vesicles and those that additionally contained large dense vesicles. Synaptic vesicles of GABA-I boutons were rarely labeled internally, but showed varying electron densities. Synapses made by GABA-I boutons on GABA-I or unlabeled somata and dendrites were always of symmetrical type. Synapses made by non-GABA-I boutons on GABA-I cells were either symmetrical or asymmetrical.  相似文献   

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