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目的 目的 了解芜湖地区储藏动物性中药材中孳生的粉螨种类及其群落与生境相互关系。方法 方法 从安徽省芜湖市中药房采集30种储藏动物性中药材样本, 采用直接镜检法和水膜镜检法分离其中的孳生粉螨, 光镜下鉴定粉螨种类并计数, 计算粉螨生态参数。结果 结果 30种储藏动物性中药材样本中有28种孳生粉螨, 粉螨孳生率为93.3% (28/30); 共检出粉螨13种, 隶属于4科9属。粉螨孳生密度最高的前6种中药材依次为刺猬皮、 九香虫、 水蛭、 地龙、 海参和红娘子, 九香虫和水蛭中的粉螨丰富度指数最高, 水蛭中的粉螨多样性指数最高, 海参中的粉螨均匀度指数最高。结论 结论 芜湖地区部分储藏动物性中药材中有粉螨孳生, 在储藏和加工中药材过程中应采取相关措施以防粉螨孳生。  相似文献   

目的 了解芜湖地区储藏物粉螨孳生情况,为防制粉螨对储藏物及人的危害提供依据.方法 于芜湖地区(三县四区)对储藏物、副食、干果蜜饯进行取样调查.不同种类样本共计300份,每份10g,过筛,进行粉螨的采集、分离、鉴定与计数.结果 300份样本中孳生粉螨共计20种,隶属于7科16属.其中以腐食酪螨分布最为广泛,其次为粗脚粉螨.结论 芜湖地区(三县四区)的粉螨危害广泛且较为严重.应加强对粉螨的防制,以保护储藏物、预防人体螨病.  相似文献   

亳州地区储藏中药材粉螨孳生情况调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的对亳州地区储藏中药材粉螨孳生情况的调查研究。方法对亳州地区采集54种储藏中药材采用直接镜检法及电热集螨法对540份样本进行分离、鉴定、计数等数据处理。结果在四种不同储藏物中分离出粉螨38种,隶属粉螨亚目7科21属,孳生密度17.69只/g~452.75只/g,平均孳生密度达71.25只/g。结论亳州地区的储藏中药材中粉螨危害情况严重,应加强对亳州地区储藏中药材的粉螨危害的防治,提高储藏中药材的经济价值,防止人体螨病。  相似文献   

目的调查芜湖市储藏中药材海马中河野脂螨孳生情况。方法从芜湖市15家中药店采取中药材海马,每家1份50 g,共750 g。用直接镜检法分离储藏中药材海马中孳生的河野脂螨,制成玻片标本并进行形态观察。结果从采集的15份中药材海马样本中,有10份检出河野脂螨,河野脂螨的孳生率为66. 67%(10/15)。在这10份阳性海马样本中(共500 g),共分离出2 688只河野脂螨,河野脂螨孳生密度为5. 376只/g(2 688/500),其中检获成螨1 201只、幼螨1 210只、若螨144只、休眠体31只和卵102个,河野脂螨各发育阶段的构成比分别为成螨44. 68%、幼螨45. 01%、若螨5. 36%、休眠体1. 15%和卵3. 79%。结论芜湖市储藏中药材海马有河野脂螨孳生。  相似文献   

64种储藏中药材孳生粉螨的初步调查   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
目的调查储藏中药材粉螨孳生情况。方法从中药材库中随机选取64种储藏中药材,每种10份,5g/份,采用清水漂浮法和塔氏电热集螨法对640份中药材进行粉螨分离、鉴定。结果共分离出粉螨37种,隶属粉螨亚目7科21属,孳生密度19.36~722,66只/g,平均孳生密度103.40只/g结论储藏中药材粉螨污染严重,应加强对储藏中药材孳生螨类的防制,以保护中药材并有利于预防人体螨病。  相似文献   

目的 目的 调查中药材海龙中的河野脂螨孳生情况。 方法 方法 从芜湖市某中药店采购中药材海龙, 筛出海龙碎屑和 尘埃混合物, 分离其中螨类, 制成玻片标本, 镜下直接观察形态特征进行螨种鉴定。 结果 结果 从500 g中药材海龙中筛分 出碎屑和尘埃混合物, 共分离出粉螨256只; 共发现4个螨种, 其中河野脂螨 (Lardoglyphus konoi) 219只, 长食酪螨 (Ty? rophagus longior) 12只, 腐食酪螨 (Tyrophagus putrescentiae) 21只和梅氏嗜霉螨 (Euroglyphus maynei) 4只。河野脂螨孳 生密度为0.438只/g。 结论 结论 储藏中药材海龙有多种粉螨孳生, 河野脂螨的孳生密度最高, 在中药材储藏和加工过程中 应注意螨类防制。  相似文献   

储藏食物孳生粉螨群落结构及多样性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨储藏食物孳生粉螨群落结构及其多样性。方法用光照集螨法和水膜镜检法对采集样本进行粉螨分离,并对采集的粉螨进行分类鉴定、计数和数据分析。结果695份样本发现粉螨,阳性率为48.3%(695/1440),其中储藏干货的阳性率为55.4%(306/552),食用调料的阳性率为43.9%(158/360),海产食品的阳性率为35.8%(129/360),甜品的阳性率为60.7%(102/168)。共检获粉螨23种,隶属于7科18属。不同月份储藏食物孳生粉螨群落参数不同,以6~8月粉螨群落参数数值较高。同时还发现不同种类储藏食物孳生粉螨群落参数也不同,储藏干货孳生粉螨的物种丰富度指数(Margalef指数=2.148)和多样性指数(H’=2.995)最高;食用调料孳生粉螨的均匀度指数(J=0.978)最高。结论储藏食物粉螨污染严重。同时温湿度及粉螨食性对储藏食物粉螨群落的组成和多样性起直接限制作用,应加强储藏食物管理,保护储藏食物品质,预防人体螨病。  相似文献   

储藏中药材孳生粉螨的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的调查不同中药材中粉螨孳生种类及其孳生密度。方法采取直接镜检和电热分离法分别检查过筛后的尘渣和阻留物。结果从74种中药材中分离出粉螨37种,隶属于7科21属,分别为粉螨属(Acarus)、食酪螨属(Tyrophagus)、向酪螨属(Tyrolichus)、嗜菌螨属(Mycetoglyphus)、食粉螨属(Aleuroglyphus)、嗜木螨属(Caloglyphus)、根螨属(Rhizoglyphus)、狭螨属(Thyreophagus)、皱皮螨属(Suidasia)、食粪螨属(Scatoglyphus)、脂螨属(Lardoglyphus)、食甜螨属(Glycyphagus)、嗜鳞螨属(Lepidoglyphus)、无爪螨属(Blomia)、栉毛螨属(Ctenoglyphus)、脊足螨属(Gohieria)、嗜渣螨属(Chortoglyphus)、果螨属(Carpogly鄄phus)、嗜霉螨属(Euroglyphus)、尘螨属(Dermatophagoides)、薄口螨属(Histiostoma)。粉螨的孳生密度从9.18只/克~226.24只/克。结论中药材中孳生的粉螨统属粉螨亚目,种类多,危害严重,应引起重视。  相似文献   

目的调查储藏食物粉螨污染情况。方法用光照驱螨法、电热集螨法、水膜镜检法分离储藏食物中的粉螨,并常规制片、鉴定螨种。结果共检验储藏食物20种200份,阳检率为56.50%(113/200)。分离获得的螨经鉴定有13种,隶属于5科11属,即粗脚粉螨、腐食酪螨、长食酪螨、干向酪螨、菌食嗜菌螨、食菌嗜木螨、食虫狭螨、纳氏皱皮螨、河野脂螨、家食甜螨、隆头食甜螨、拱殖嗜渣螨和甜果螨。结论储藏食物粉螨污染严重,应引起重视。  相似文献   

目的了解储藏中药材龙眼肉中甜果螨孳生率和孳生密度等,为预防甜果螨为害中药材龙眼肉提供科学依据。方法依据甜果螨孳生习性,选取中药店作为样本采集场所,采集库存时间≥6个月的龙眼肉进行甜果螨分离并制做标本,光镜下观察其形态特征鉴定螨种,并参照Hughes(1976)的分类依据进行分类。结果本次采集的20份储藏龙眼肉样本中有4份检出了甜果螨,孳生率为20.0%;甜果螨的平均孳生密度184.95只/份;其不同发育期的构成比为成螨(含若螨)58.39%、幼螨30.41%、休眠体0.06%、螨卵11.14%。结论储藏龙眼肉有甜果螨孳生,应防止甜果螨迁徙扩散为害其他干果和预防可能由其引起的人体肠螨病。  相似文献   

青少年高血压的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着人们生活和行为方式的改变,高血压发病明显呈年轻化趋势。在青少年时期识别高血压病高危人群有助于早期进行有效干预和治疗,降低未来高血压的发生率及其严重性。现试从青少年高血压的诊断、发病因素、特点、治疗策略等方面的研究进展作一综述。  相似文献   

Morbidity in cardiovascular diseases in immigrants in Sweden   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
INTRODUCTION: Although immigration to Sweden has increased in the last few decades, the incidence rates of cardiovascular disease and coronary heart disease in immigrants are unknown. The aim of the present study is to estimate whether place of birth affects the incidence rates of cardiovascular disease and coronary heart disease. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study was designed as a follow-up study on morbidity in cardiovascular disease and coronary heart disease between 1 January 1997 and 31 December 1998, including three and a half million persons with age range 35-64 years, of whom 550 000 were born abroad, from the database MigMed consisting of the whole Swedish population. Incidence rates and relative risks were estimated by indirect standardization and a proportional hazard model. RESULTS: The age-adjusted risk of coronary heart disease was higher in most foreign-born groups than in Swedes. For example, in nine of 12 male groups, the relative risks varied between 1.1 and 2.2, and in seven of 12 female groups, the relative risks varied between 1.4 and 2.5. When also adjusting for level of education and employment status, the risks were still high, but on a lower level. CONCLUSIONS: Foreign-born people possess an over-risk of cardiovascular or coronary heart disease(CVD/CHD) compared with Swedish-born persons, also when level of education and employment status are taken into account.  相似文献   

目的为研究C·肉毒杀鼠索对杀灭达乌尔黄鼠(简称黄鼠)的大面积应用情况和对家畜、家禽的毒害作用,进行了C·肉毒杀鼠素的应用研究.方法大面积投毒采用ES-2药饵撒播机[1],间隔约80m进行条投.羊、鸡采用直接灌胃.结果大面积应用的灭鼠率为83.72%.对羊、鸡最高剂量分别为500万MLD、150万MLD,均未出现中毒现象.结论 C·肉毒杀鼠素是较为理想的草原大面积杀灭黄鼠的理想、首选药物.  相似文献   

Six cases of pulmonary sporotichosis were observed in 2 institutions in Oklahoma City, Okla. Three of the patients were treated with iodides with or without surgery. Although one patient required a second course of iodides, the patients have remained well after at least 34 months of follow-up. Three patients treated with amphotericin B, single course as well as multiple courses, and other antifungal agents (hydroxystilbamidine and miconazole) have all relapsed. These cases and a reviewed of more than 40 cases of pulmonary sporotrichosis susceptibilities of Sporothrix schenckii that we observed in vitro suggest that amphotericin B is not an effective agent for the treatment of pulmonary sporotrichosis. It is our opinion that the treatment of choice for pulmonary sporotrichosis is a supersaturated solution of potassium iodide. If the patient is allergic to the medication or fails to respond, then a combination of amphotericin B plus flucytosine may be tried.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In acute myocardial infarction (AMI), primary percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) has proved to be the best therapeutic approach. Several factors have been associated with worse outcome in AMI in females. Are there differences in outcome in women undergoing PTCA for AMI? AIM: To evaluate gender influence on clinical outcome and in-hospital mortality in patients with AMI who undergo primary percutaneous interventions. METHODS: We studied 245 consecutive patients (72 women, 29.4 %), who underwent primary PTCA between January 2000 and December 2001. The following parameters were analyzed: risk factors for coronary artery disease including hypertension, diabetes, smoking, hypercholesterolemia and family history, previous AMI, PTCA or angina, pain-to-balloon time, extent of coronary disease and outcome. RESULTS: Female patients were older (67.9+/-11.6 vs. 59.6+/-13; p < 0.001) with a higher prevalence of hypertension (65.3 % vs. 47.4 %; p < 0.05) and angina (29.0 % vs. 16.0 %; p < 0.05) and lower prevalence of smoking (27.8 % vs. 54.3 %; p < 0.001). Pain-to-balloon time was longer in women (6.8+/-4.1 vs. 5.4+/-3.7 hours; p < 0.05). Extent of coronary disease was similar in both groups. Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors were used in 84.7 % of women and 90.8 % of men. The frequency of hemorrhagic complications (5.6 % vs. 5.2 %) and arrhythmias (15.3 % vs. 10.4%) and in-hospital mortality (9.7 6.4 %) were higher in females, although without statistical significance (p = NS). Hospitalization time was similar in both groups. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the growing awareness of a gender bias in therapeutic approaches to AMI, there are still some differences in outcome, with a trend towards higher mortality rates in women. Older age and longer pain-to-balloon time could account for this.  相似文献   

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