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全髋置换术后假体周围骨溶解   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
祖罡  毕大卫  费骏 《中国骨伤》2008,21(3):240-242
假体置换术后周围骨溶解是关节置换术后的并发症之一,全髋置换术后假体周围骨溶解一旦发生,会严重影响髋关节的功能与稳定性,因此需要对全髋置换术后假体周围骨溶解的机制有充分的认识,在诊断上还没有一个统一的标准,有必要对术后的关节功能进行评分.二磷酸盐在防治全髋置换术后假体周围骨溶解方面有积极意义,但仍未广泛应用于临床.本文以髋关节置换为切入点,对假体周围骨溶解作简要综述.  相似文献   

全髋关节置换术中假体周围骨折的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
丛宇  赵建宁 《中国骨伤》2011,24(2):178-181
全髋关节置换术是一个较为成熟的手术,术中假体周围骨折是其并发症之一,假体周围骨折分为髋臼假体周围骨折和股骨假体周围骨折,危险因素包括微创技术的使用、压配式非骨水泥假体柄的使用、髋关节翻修术和骨质疏松等。本文就全髋关节置换术中假体周围骨折的分型及治疗进展进行综述。  相似文献   

人工假体周围骨溶解的基因治疗研究进展   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
虽然全髋置换术是临床上治疗严重髋关节疾病的有效手术方法,但术后出现的人工假体周围骨溶解引起假体无菌性松动仍然是影响人工假体使用寿命的主要原因之一。过去许多研究表明在磨损颗粒刺激下可以激活破骨细胞,诱导骨重吸收。目前人工假体周围骨溶解还不能通过非手术治疗得到很好的预防和治疗,必须进行全髋关节翻修手术治疗。随着分子生物学的发展,越来越多的科学工作者从不同的角度对人工假体周围骨溶解进一步深入地研究,尤其是基因治疗方面的研究。基因治疗作为近年来兴起的一种治疗方法,可在分子水平进行调控,从而为延缓或逆转疾病进程提供了新的可能性。本文就目前人工假体周围骨溶解的基因治疗的研究现状及进展进行综述。  相似文献   

全髋关节置换术后股骨假体周围骨折的发生率近年来不断增加,已成为继假体松动和复发性脱位之后导致髋关节翻修的第3位最常见原因。股骨假体周围骨折治疗难度大,手术失败率高,有一定致死率。认识并避免导致股骨假体周围骨折的危险因素,正确掌握各类型骨折的治疗原则,准确判断股骨假体的稳定性,并选择适当的内固定或翻修方法,是获得可靠治疗疗效的保证。  相似文献   

234例全髋关节置换术临床资料复习   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  

目的 探讨骨水泥股骨假体断裂的原因和处理方法.方法 自2003年3月至2009年3月,共收治8例国产骨水泥股骨假体断裂患者,男6例,女2例.断裂距初次关节置换手术时间为36~98个月,平均72个月;体重60~88 kg,平均75 kg.均无明确外伤史.分析断裂前、后X线片,观察原假体安放位置、断裂部位、骨水泥固定情况及有无假体周围骨折;对术中假体表面骨水泥覆盖情况及断裂假体取出要点进行同顾性分析.5例行股骨假体翻修手术,采用生物碰股骨假体同定.3例转诊.翻修术后3个月、6个月、1年定期复查,行X线及Harris评估.结果 4例初次置换假体内翻,1例外翻;5例假体偏小.断裂均位于假体中点至中、远1/3交界处,远端崮定牢固.4例断裂前X线片可见近端假体周围细透光线,1例假体周围骨折.近端假体取出容易,远端假体取出困难.4例行股骨开窗,1例行转子延展截骨.翻修病例随访12~80个月,平均48个月.开窗或截骨部化平均愈合时间3.5个月.无假体松动、下沉及感染.末次随访时Harris评分85~97分,平均92分.结论 骨水泥股骨假体断裂可能与骨水泥假体近、远端固定质量不一致有关.对假体断裂者应及早行翻修术,术中股骨开窗安全有效.  相似文献   

目的 探讨全髋关节置换(THA)术后髋臼周围骨溶解的治疗方法及疗效.方法 对24例(24髋)THA术后髋臼周围骨溶解行骨溶解病灶清除、同种异体颗粒骨植骨、更换高交联聚乙烯内衬和股骨头假体.14例(14髋)髋臼杯稳定保留金属臼杯;2例(2髋)髋臼杯稳定卡环损坏,被迫取出稳定臼杯,行非骨水泥型髋臼杯翻修术;8例(8髋)髋臼杯松动行髋臼翻修术.采用Harris评分评价髋关节功能.通过X线片观察假体是否松动和移植骨愈合情况.结果 23例获得随访,1例失访,平均随访16个月(10~45个月).Harris评分由术前(58±23)分(17~86分),提高到末次随访时(92±12)分(80~98分),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).术后无感染、脱位、静脉血栓形成等.X线片显示髋臼假体无松动和异位骨化,可见移植骨-宿主骨交界处有连续性骨小梁通过.结论 保留髋臼杯积极进行骨溶解病灶清除,同种异体颗粒骨植骨,更换聚乙烯内衬和股骨头假体可阻断骨溶解的进展;髋臼翻修,同种异体颗粒骨植骨,短期随访示移植骨愈合、髋臼杯稳定,临床效果满意.  相似文献   

股骨大转子是人工关节周围骨溶解常发部位,与人工髋关节摩擦界面选择、髋臼侧和股骨侧假体设计、固定方式、患者活动量及初次全髋关节置换术中大转子部位受到的扰动等因素有关。目前对伴有股骨侧假体松动的股骨大转子骨溶解病例的治疗方案无太多争议,但对无临床症状患者及单纯髋臼侧假体失败而股骨侧假体固定良好患者的最佳治疗方案尚无定论。股骨侧骨溶解病变选择治疗方案时应综合考虑病变进展速度、病灶包容性、股骨侧假体远期随访记录等多方面因素。对股骨大转子骨溶解继发大转子骨折患者,更倾向于适时手术治疗,并选择合理的固定方法。  相似文献   

目的:结合短期随访总结本科近年来Zweyrnuller假体的临床应用。方法:30例患者35个髋关节接受Zweymuller非骨水泥全髋关节置换并获得随访,随访时间3~27个月,平均14个月。随访指标主要为X线和Harris评分。结果:末次随访Harris评分由术前平均63分提高到91分,其中优27例,良2例,中1例。结论:应用Zweymuller假体的全髋关节置换具有较好的近期效果。  相似文献   

目的 探讨人工全髋关节置换术后股骨假体周围骨折的治疗方法及疗效. 方法 回顾性分析2005年7月至2010年6月收治且获得随访的13例人工全髋关节置换术后股骨假体周围骨折,其中男6例,女7例;年龄51 ~ 80岁,平均67岁;骨折按Vancouver分型:B1型3例,B2型5例,B3型3例,C型2例.分别用钢丝或钢缆环扎固定,异体皮质骨板加钢丝环扎;长柄假体翻修;记忆合金环抱器、锁定加压钢板固定.结果 所有患者术后随访9 ~ 30个月,平均16个月.骨折均愈合,时间4~7个月,平均4.8个月.患者无感染、畸形愈合、假体松动脱位、内固定断裂和深静脉血栓形成.根据Harris髋关节功能评分:优7例,良5例,可1例. 结论 全髋关节置换术后假体周围骨折的治疗方案需结合骨折部位、假体有无松动、局部骨质量、身体状况而制定,原则是移位骨折要进行牢固固定、松动假体要进行翻修、严重骨缺损需要植骨处理.  相似文献   



To evaluate the functional and radiological outcome of primary total hip replacement (THR) using modular total hip system at 2-10 years follow-up.

Materials and Methods:

The cohort comprised 100 operated cases for total hip replacement using modular hip system, with an average follow-up of 6.02 years ranging from 2-10 years. In 61 cases cemented THR, in 36 cases hybrid and in three cases uncemented THR was done. Harris hip score was used for clinical evaluation. Osteolysis was recorded in three acetabular zones described by DeLee and Charnley and the seven femoral zones described by Gruen et al.


The average age at operation was 52.46±9.58 years. Mean follow-up duration was 6.02 years ranging from 2-10 years. Four patients died due to causes unrelated to surgery. At the last follow-up mean Harris Hip score was 83.5. Radiolucent lines were present in 39(39%) acetabular and 32 (32%) femoral components. Osteolysis was most common in Zone 7 of the femoral and Zone II and III of the acetabular component. Eight hips have been revised, five for aseptic loosening as proved by negative culture at revision and three hips for posttraumatic periprosthetic femoral fracture. One girdle stone resection was done for deep infection. Out of 96 hips available at latest follow-up, 87 primary arthroplasties were intact and functioning well.


The results of our study support the continued use of the modular hip system. The acetabular loosening was more common than femoral in our study.  相似文献   

目的分析比较陶瓷对陶瓷(CoC)与金属对聚乙烯(MoP)在中青年患者行初次全髋关节置换术(THA)的中远期疗效。方法回顾性分析自2000-03—2009-05采用第3代CoC行THA 68例(CoC组)和采用MoP行THA 43例(MoP组)的临床资料。采用Harris评分及UCLA评分评估患者髋关节功能和活动水平,采用Kaplan-Meier生存分析评估假体生存情况,采用影像学征象评估骨溶解、假体松动等并发症,并记录陶瓷假体碎裂、吱吱音等陶瓷假体特异性并发症。结果CoC组获得平均9.7(5~13)年随访,MoP组获平均10.5(5~15)年随访。MoP组均发生不同程度骨溶解,CoC组未见骨溶解;MoP组11例髋臼侧松动,5例股骨柄假体松动,下沉2 mm,而CoC组未见假体松动;MoP组聚乙烯平均线性磨损是0.25 mm/年,CoC组陶瓷内衬几乎无磨损,无法精准测得。MoP组以翻修手术作为终点的假体5年及10年的生存率分别为95.7%和80.4%,而CoC组为98.6%和97.3%,其中,MoP组的翻修都与假体松动有关,而CoC组是因3例三明治陶瓷内衬碎裂引起。结论第3代CoC与MoP假体比较,更能满足活动量大、使用寿命长的中青年患者行THA的需要,中远期疗效满意。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Severe total hip arthroplasty failure with central migration of prosthetic components is uncommon. If perforation of the medial acetabular wall occurs, injuries of intrapelvic structures may result. DATA SOURCES: A meta-analysis of the English literature was performed. A human pelvic cadaver was used to demonstrate the proximity of intrapelvic structures to a centrally dislocated cup. RESULTS: Fifty cases of intrapelvic injury were identified. Structures involved most frequently were the external iliac artery and the bladder. The most common types of complication included fistula formation, development of a false aneurysm, and hemorrhage. The human cadaver pelvis demonstrated the proximity of intrapelvic vessels, the bladder, the ureter, the vagina, the deferent duct, the sigmoid colon, the rectum, and the sciatic nerve to an intrapelvically intruded prosthesis. CONCLUSIONS: Failed total hip replacements should be considered to cause damage to pelvic viscera.  相似文献   

Diagnosis of infection after total hip arthroplasty   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Forty-eight total hip arthroplasties for which revision surgery was performed were reviewed to determine the accuracy of laboratory tests, plain radiographs, hip aspiration, and technetium-99m MDP and gallium-67 scans in demonstrating the presence or absence of infection of the prosthesis. Six of the 48 hips were diagnosed as having an infection at the revision surgery. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate and the C-reactive protein levels were significantly higher in the patients with infected prostheses. The difference in the white blood cell count was not significant. There was no signifi-cant relationship between the presence of infection and the severity of loosening and instability of the implants diagnosed by plain radiographs. The accuracy of hip aspiration in diagnosing the infection was 83%, with a sensitivity of 40% and a specificity of 92%. The accuracy of technetium-99m MDP bone scan was 79%, with a sensitivity of 83%, and a specificity of 79%. Gallium-67 scan had an accuracy of 96%, a sensitivity of 67%, and a specificity of 100%. The findings in the present study indicated that diagnostic tests consisting of laboratory tests and plain radiography, followed by hip aspiration and sequential use of technetium-99m MDP and gallium-67 scintigraphies, are suitable for differentiation between mechanical loosening and infection of total hip arthroplasty. Received: November 17, 2000 / Accepted: February 14, 2001  相似文献   

Instability following total hip arthroplasty (THA) is an unfortunately frequent and serious problem that requires thorough evaluation and preoperative planning before surgical intervention. Prevention through optimal index surgery is of great importance, as the management of an unstable THA is challenging even for an experienced joints surgeon. However, even after well-planned surgery, a significant incidence of recurrent instability still exists. Non-operative management is often successful if the components are well-fixed and correctly positioned in the absence of neurocognitive disorders. If conservative management fails, surgical options include revision of malpositioned components; exchange of modular components such as the femoral head and acetabular liner; bipolar arthroplasty; tripolar arthroplasty; use of a larger femoral head; use of a constrained liner; soft tissue reinforcement and advancement of the greater trochanter.  相似文献   

目的 探讨人工全髋关节置换术后股骨偏心距对行走过程中骨盆稳定性的影响.方法 2000年1月-2005年12月,29例患者行单侧人工全髋关节置换术.男10例,女19例;年龄33~75岁,平均64.3岁.左髋15例,右髋14例.随访时间5~10年,平均7.7年.末次随访时Harris评分为90~100分,平均97分.末次随...  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The management of periprosthetic fracture following a total hip arthroplasty is difficult, requiring expertise in both trauma and revision surgery. With rising numbers of patients in the population living with hip prostheses in situ, the frequency of these fractures is increasing, and controversy remains over their ideal management. The objective of this study was to review all periprosthetic fractures at a single institution to identify injury and treatment patterns and their associated clinical outcomes. METHODS: Fifty-four periprosthetic fractures in 50 patients were reviewed to determine the relative frequency of fracture types, their complication rates and the clinical outcomes. Patient data were obtained through review of the clinical notes and individual patient follow up. Clinical outcomes were evaluated using the Oxford Hip Score and Harris Hip Score. RESULTS: The 54 fractures were classified using the Vancouver system, most of which were type B1 (20) or type B2 (10). The mean time to union for all fracture types was 4.6 months. A high non-union rate was seen among fractures fixed operatively. Fifteen per cent of fractures went on to develop loosening following treatment, suggesting an underrecognition at the time of injury. The average Harris Hip Score was 73.1 and Oxford Hip Score 30.3 for all fracture types at a mean follow up of 3.3 years. In the 15 patients treated with revision surgery, the most common complication was dislocation (27%). CONCLUSION: Treatment of patients with periprosthetic fractures requires recognition of the challenging nature of these injuries, the associated poor prognosis and the high complication rate.  相似文献   

We reviewed retrospectively the results of 28 hips (25 patients) after revision of the femoral component with use of a cemented stem, because of aseptic loosening. The mean duration of follow-up was 4.43 years (range 2–12 years). Over the course of the study period, repeat revision was done in 4 hips after an average of 4.45 years. Three hips had a repeat revision of the femoral component because of aseptic loosening and one for a deep infection. The rate of loosening of the femoral component was 32.4% (9 hips) at an average of 5.22 years. The 5-year survival rate was 76.9% with mechanical failure as end point; and 90% with re-revision of femoral component because of aseptic loosening as end point. The cement mantle was the principal factor, which was significantly associated with a better survival rate of femur fixation (P < 0.05). No correlation was noted between quality of bone loss at the time of revision, bone graft or the use of long stems, and the survival rate of femoral component. By improving the cementing technique and in selected patients, the use of cemented femoral stem could be a good alternative for aseptic loosening THA.  相似文献   

股骨假体周围骨密度定量测定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
目的 通过双能X线骨密度仪测定不同情况下股骨假体周围的骨密度变化情况,了解骨丢失与股骨假体松动的关系。方法 分为骨水泥固定的股骨假体组、非骨水泥固定的股骨假体组、股骨假体松动组共3个组,采用LUNAR DPXL-L型双能X线骨密度仅(Lunar Corp Wisconsin,USA)及Orthopaedies软件,分析时用Gruen’s 7区法。结果 骨水泥固定的股骨假体组骨丢失为15.1%~29.3%,非骨水泥固定的股骨假体组骨丢失为13.2%~27.9%,股骨假体松动组骨丢失为25.4%~43.4%,3组均是股骨近端骨丢失明显.骨丢失主要发生在术后8年以内。结论 骨水泥固定的股骨假体和非骨水泥固定的股骨假体周周骨密度降低一样,假体松动者假体周围骨丢失明显增加。股骨近端2个以上区域骨丢失大于35%或术后8年以后突然出现明显的骨丢失,考虑有股骨假体松动存在的可能性。  相似文献   

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