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Govinda Prasad Dhungana Manisha Sapkota Bishnu Bista 《Australasian journal on ageing》2020,39(2):e178-e184
Dr Ann Bowling PhD Emily Grundy Morag Farquhar 《Journal of cross-cultural gerontology》1995,10(4):331-347
This article examines changes over time in social network composition among a sample of people aged 85 and over at baseline interview in 1987, who were followed-up two and a half to three years later. Almost half of respondents at follow-up had smaller networks than in 1987, with 19% having fewer relatives in their networks, 30% having fewer friends, and 26% also having fewer confidants. However, for most (84%) there was no change in whether they could name a main helper. Network density (integration) had declined for 30%, a substantial minority. For the remainder there were either increases or no changes. Most of those who needed help with tasks of daily living were given help, and while much of the help was given by relatives, by 1990 professionals were also providing a major part of the help. There were no associations with network change and health or functional ability, or with use of services. Those whose network size had increased were more likely to report at follow-up interview (in 1990) a need for (more) help. Multivariate analysis confirmed that while the greater part of the change in network size was accounted for by changes in numbers of relatives, it was closely followed as an explanatory variable by changes in numbers of friends, indicating that both variables (relatives and friends) account almost equally for changes in network size over time among very elderly people. The research presented here reports a considerable amount of change in network size and structure. 相似文献
《Activities, Adaptation & Aging》2013,37(3):23-30
The impact of the religious institution on the lives of the elderly has long been recognized. This study focuses on the ritualistic dimension of religiosity as it pertains to the elderly population. Actual participation levels and activities as well as desired participation levels and activities are documented. Based on the responses of the subjects, suggestions are made concerning ways in which the participation levels of elderly persons can be enhanced in meaningful ways. 相似文献
John Prothero 《Experimental gerontology》1993,28(6):529-536
A regression analysis was made of age at first reproduction in female mammals, as a function of body weight, using the data of Wootton. Data on maximal life span, also expressed as a function of body weight, were used to calculate “adult” life span, wherever possible, by subtracting the cognate value for age at first reproduction. Then a regression analysis of adult life span as a function of age at first reproduction was made. In both cases global regression lines (i.e., for whole data sets) were computed by standard least squares and by a robust method, as well as local regression lines for subgroups classified by taxonomic and ecological criteria. The slopes of the various regression lines were found to vary widely as a function of the method of classification. This result argues against the notion that the ratio of life history variables is a constant, or that one life history variable is likely to be a simple function of another. The results for bats are anomalous, in that age at first reproduction appears to be independent of body weight (over about two orders of magnitude). It is concluded that a full understanding of life history variables, such as maximal life span and age at maturity, is likely to depend on combined physiological, ecological, and evolutionary insights. 相似文献
《Modern rheumatology / the Japan Rheumatism Association》2013,23(5):491-495
AbstractWe investigated body image in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), correlating it with self-esteem, function, and quality of life. Forty-three RA patients and 39 control individuals from the community between 18 and 70 years of age and paired for gender, age, and body mass index (BMI) were evaluated. Patients were assessed for body image [Body Dysmorphic Disorder Examination (BDDE)], self-esteem (Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale), function [Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ)] and quality of life [Short Form-36 (SF-36)]. The RA group had a mean age of 51.6 years, BMI 26.01, and disease duration 12.2 years. Most participants were categorized in functional class I. The BDDE score of the RA group (51.8) was significantly higher than in the control group (22.6) (p < 0.001). Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, HAQ and some SF-36 subscales were worse in the RA group than in the control group. These scores had a direct correlation with body image scores (p < 0.001). Individuals with RA had a worse body image than individuals without this condition. Body image was directly correlated with self-esteem, function, and quality of life. 相似文献
Skevington SM 《AIDS care》2012,24(10):1219-1225
Increasingly older adults are being diagnosed with HIV/AIDS. In 2002, UNAIDS indicated that 13 aspects of quality of life (QoL) were poorer for older adults, but only sparse, inconsistent cross-cultural evidence is available. This statement was investigated using a reliable, valid measure (the WHOQOL-HIV) distributed in nine cultures (eight countries). HIV positive and well adults (n = 2089) were assessed across 30 QoL facets; 403 were 40+ years. It was confirmed that sleep, fatigue and sex-life were poorer areas of QoL for older HIV adults than younger. Furthermore, they could be misinterpreted as normal ageing signs. Moreover, older people reported greater dependency on medication. However, older HIV adults had better QoL than expected on 11 dimensions; negative feelings, social inclusion, and several environmental and spiritual facets. This highlights the extent of poor QoL in younger adults. After accounting for culture and gender, overall QoL and health in older HIV adults was explained by eight facets comprising 61.3% of the variance. Social relationships were paramount, especially personal relationships (41%), but support and sex-life also. Energy, negative feelings, cognitions, financial resources and HIV symptoms also contributed. Social interventions for ageing communities would improve well-being. This evidence could support global ageing and HIV policy. 相似文献
Wataru Koyano 《Journal of cross-cultural gerontology》1989,4(4):335-345
Reviewed are research findings related to Japanese attitudes toward the elderly. Although several studies approaching this theme have been published in Japan since 1952, most of them are not known outside Japan because they were written in Japanese. These studies explored the presence of negative attitudes which were usually masked with rituals of respect for the elderly. People's proper use of tatemae, culturally defined normative meaning, and honne, actual feeling, in their attitudes toward the elderly is discussed as a potential source of the American idealization of aging in Japan. 相似文献
Throughout adulthood, individuals follow personal timetables of deadlines that shape the course of aging. We examine 6-year-longitudinal data of perceived personal deadlines for starting with late-life preparation across adulthood. Findings are based on a sample of 518 adults between 18 and 88 years of age. Multilevel regression analyses were conducted to explore changes in personal deadlines for preparation in five domains (i.e., finances, end of life, housing, social connectedness, caregiving) in relation to calendar age, self-rated health, subjective position in life, and sociodemographic variables. Findings suggest that personal deadlines for starting preparatory activities differ depending on calendar age and domain of late-life preparation. Older adults as compared to younger adults are likely to report narrower deadlines for beginning with late-life preparation. Perceived deadlines for late-life preparation were furthermore found to be preponed and slightly dilated over time. Findings suggest that depending on age-graded opportunity structures, individuals flexibly adjust their personal deadlines for late-life preparation.Electronic supplementary materialThe online version of this article (10.1007/s10433-020-00581-8) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. 相似文献
Hirshbein LD 《Journal of the American Geriatrics Society》2001,49(11):1555-1560
The aging of the American population has significantly changed medical practice over the last century. As is well known, life expectancy first began to increase dramatically in the late 19th century, but at the same time that the numbers of older people have been increasing, the social and cultural meanings of growing old have also changed. It is likely that different cohorts of older people have had different experiences with old age because of the time periods they lived through. This paper offers one way to look at some of the historical changes that have affected the public and the medical profession on the subject of old age by looking at old age through American popular literature in the first half of the 20th century in three overlapping time periods. In the first three decades of the century, the concept of old age was widely defined, and older people (rather than physicians) were the principal authorities in describing the qualities of old age. In the third and fourth decades of the century, the idea of old age was starting to acquire increasing negative connotations, but chronological age itself did not signal the beginning of old age. However, by the late 1930s and 1940s, old age became widely viewed as a specific social and medical problem to be addressed by professionals, and older people had become a recognizable population, with a variety of groups organized around their care. This paper illustrates changes in American understandings of old age within and without the medical profession and suggests ways in which popular conceptions of old age might continue to shift and affect how physicians take care of their older patients in the future. 相似文献
目的探讨老年2型糖尿病并发症相关指标的临床意义。方法对住院老年2型糖尿病160例病人随机分组,监测其生化指标(FBG、HbA1C、TC、TG、HDL-C)并作统计学处理。结果相关生化指标测值的比较,糖尿病并发症与无并发症组病例差异有显著性(P〈0.05)。结论对老年2型糖尿病除控制血糖外,更应重视对高血压、血脂异常的治疗,以减少各种并发症的发生。 相似文献
Berit Lundman Karl Anton Forsberg Yngve Gustafson Gunilla Strandberg 《Archives of gerontology and geriatrics》2010,51(3):329
We describe associations between sense of coherence (SOC) and sense of well-being, diseases, physical function and the predictive value of SOC on depression and mortality. The study included 190 participants, aged 85-103 years. Linear correlation analysis was used for relationships between SOC scores and continuous variables. The effects of SOC score on 1- and 4-year mortality, as well as on depression at the 5-year follow-up, were investigated using Cox regression models. The mean SOC score was 71.8 ± 10.2 (±S.D.). SOC score was positively related to well-being (p ≤ 0.001). Heart failure (p = 0.009), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (p = 0.015), depression (p = 0.015), and osteoarthritis (p = 0.032) were significantly associated with low SOC scores, as were high scores on the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) (p = 0.002). One-year mortality was significantly associated with the SOC score (OR = 0.945, confidence interval (CI) = 0.898-0.995, p = 0.032), while the 4-year mortality was not (OR = 0.995, CI = 0.973-1.018, p = 0.674). The SOC score did not predict depression at 5-year follow-up (OR = 0.977, CI = 0.937-1.018, p = 0.267). Strong SOC was associated with well-being in this group of old people. Low SOC was found among those with diseases known to have a negative influence on daily life. 相似文献