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目的探讨5.12汶川地震后灾区中学生创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)阳性率和领悟社会支持(PSS)的变化趋势,以及PSS对PTSD的影响。方法使用创伤后应激障碍症状清单平民版(PCL-C)和领悟社会支持量表(PSSS),对5.12汶川地震灾区3所中学1 966名中学生先后进行3次自填式问卷随访调查。结果 3次调查PTSD筛查阳性率(χ2趋势=65.440,P<0.001)和严重程度变化(χ2趋势=48.368、P<0.001;Gamm a=-0.168、P<0.001)均呈下降趋势;3次调查PSS总平均分差异无统计学意义,总平均分为(59.19±11.08)分;多元Logistic回归分析发现领悟各方面社会支持均是PTSD发生的保护因素。结论稳定的社会支持促使部分PTSD阳性患者恢复了心理健康,今后应进一步加强灾区中学生尤其是PTSD阳性学生各方面的社会支持。  相似文献   

目的 从积极心理学的视角探讨员工个人特征和工作压力对工作投入的影响。方法 采用工作压力问卷和工作投入问卷对来自北京、上海和广州20多家企业的542名员工进行调查。结果 探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析表明,工作压力分为工作负荷、工作条件与工作要求、工作职责、组织倾向、角色压力5个维度,工作投入分为活力、专注与忠诚、组织支持感、效能感4个维度;方差分析表明,在工作压力的角色压力维度上存在明显的性别差异(t=2.27,P=0.02),在工作投入维度上差异无统计学意义;工作压力的组织倾向维度与工作投入呈负相关(r=-0.15,P<0.01);层次回归表明,控制了个体特征变量以后,来自组织倾向的压力对工作投入总体(β=-0.11,P<0.01)及其子维度活力(β=-0.11,P<0.01)、组织支持感(β=-0.14,P<0.01)和效能感(β=-0.11,P<0.01)仍有显著预测效应。结论 工作压力与工作投入存在负相关关系,男性和女性在工作投入上差异无统计学意义,男性员工的角色压力明显高于女性,来自组织倾向的压力能够有效预测个体的工作投入水平。  相似文献   

目的 探讨亲子社会支持在老年人宽恕与孤独感之间的中介作用。方法 2015年3月,通过方便取样与入户访问结合的方式,采用宽恕特质量表(TFS)、老年人接受成年子女社会支持问卷和UCLA孤独感量表,对浙江省宁波市和湖南省长沙市400名≥60岁老年人进行问卷调查,有效调查382人。结果 老年人孤独感得分为(2.14±0.43)分,以2.5分为中值,总体上处于相对较低水平(t=5.14,P<0.05);有无配偶对孤独感有重要影响(P<0.01),而性别、居住区域、教育状况和收入水平对其无明显影响(P>0.05);亲子社会支持及情感型支持、物质型支持、服务型支持、信息型支持各维度与宽恕呈明显正相关(r=0.28,0.36,0.09,0.19,0.23,P<0.05),亲子社会支持及其各维度与孤独感呈明显负相关(r=-0.33、-0.42、-0.15、-0.19、-0.28,P<0.05),宽恕与孤独感呈明显负相关(r=-0.41,P<0.05);结构方程模型拟合显示,亲子社会支持在老年人宽恕与孤独感之间起部分中介作用(NFI=0.96,RFI=0.92,IFI=0.98,TLI=0.96,CFI=0.98,RMESA=0.07),其中介效应占总效应的比例为15.6%。结论 老年人宽恕对孤独感有直接影响,且部分是通过亲子社会支持的中介作用实现。  相似文献   

Researchers have tried to determine and verify the effects of violent conflicts on the mental health of those affected by focusing on war trauma, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and other trauma-related disorders. This, in turn, led to the development of different kinds of theories and aid programs that aim at preventing and treating the consequences of violence and mental health. Until now, there is no agreement on the public health value of the concept of PTSD and no agreement on the appropriate type of mental-health care. Instead, psychiatrists have engaged in sometimes fierce discussions over the universality of war trauma, PTSD, and other trauma-related disorders. The two most polar positions are those who try to validate PTSD as a universal and cross-culturally valid psychopathological response to traumatic distress which may be cured or ameliorated with (Western) clinical and psychosocial therapeutic measures, and those who argue that the Western discourse on trauma only makes sense in the context of a particular cultural and moral framework and, therefore, becomes problematic in the context of other cultural and social settings. Although these positions seem mutually exclusive, their debates have led to the development of less radical approaches toward war-trauma and PTSD. The purpose of this literature review is to analyse the discourses on and debates over war-trauma and PTSD in the psychiatric literature in order to establish a better understanding for the diverse conceptualizations, interpretations and proposed healing strategies. Moreover, I discuss the cultural construction and conceptualization of war-trauma and PTSD from an anthropological perspective and show how anthropologists contribute to psychiatric debates so as to ensure more sophisticated diagnoses and healing strategies in culturally diverse contexts.  相似文献   

In the UK, applications for involuntary admission to psychiatric units are made mainly by specially trained approved social workers (ASWs). Proposed changes in the legislation will permit other professionals to undertake these statutory duties. This study aimed to examine how ASW status impacts upon work pattern and workload stresses by comparing ASWs with other mental health social workers who did not carry statutory responsibilities. A multimethod design was adopted that included a cross-sectional national survey of mental health social workers (n=237, including 162 ASWs), and a telephone survey of mental health service managers (n=60). Data were collected using a semistructured questionnaire and diary, the content of which was derived from focus-group work and standard measures. Features of job content, working patterns and conditions were described and their association with stress, burnout and job satisfaction examined. ASWs were older and had been qualified longer than non-ASWs. The working patterns and conditions of the two groups did not differ, although ASWs did more hours on duty. ASWs received less support at work, particularly from supervisors and their role afforded less decision latitude than that of non-ASWs. ASW status was related to an elevated GHQ score, particularly among males. Emotional exhaustion was very high (over two-thirds in both groups) but ASWs and non-ASWs did not differ in this or any other feature of burnout, only 8% of the sample were actually 'burnt-out', being more common among ASWs. ASWs were more dissatisfied and were more likely than non-ASWs to want to leave their job. Given that ASW status increased stress and job dissatisfaction, especially for men, and was related to a desire to leave one's current job, it seems likely that extending statutory duties to other professionals will increase levels of stress, burnout and dissatisfaction in these groups also. In turn, this might have consequences for staff recruitment and retention.  相似文献   

Objective To explore the relationship between post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and perceived social support (PSS)ability among middle school students in earthquake-stricken areas after the Wenchuan earthquake accident. Methods A total of 1966 students from three secondary schools of Wenchuan earthquake-stricken areas were evaluated by PTSD Checklist-Civilian Version (PCL-C) and Perceived Social Support Scale (PSSS). Results The overall incidence rate of PTSD was 78.3%, with severe PTSD as 24.38%. Significant differences on the incidence rates of PTSD were found among the students who were in different PSS levels (P<0.05) and significant negative correlation existed between the levels of severity on PTSD and PSS (γ=-0.226, P<0.05). Significant differences on PTSD incidence rates were found among those students who were from different families or out-family PSS levels (P=0.009, P<0.05). Significant negative correlation existed between the severity of PTSD and family or out-family PSS level (γ=-0.176, P<0.05, γ=-0.214, P<0.05). Conclusion Relationships between the incidence rate, severity of PTSD and PSS levels existed among the middle school students in Wenchuan earthquake-stricken areas, with higher PSS, lower incidence rate and lighter severity of PTSD. Psychological intervention for earthquake-stricken students should be carried out.  相似文献   

Limited attention has been given to the concept of place in social work research and practice. This paper draws on the national evaluation of social work practices (SWPs) in England undertaken between 2009 and 2012. SWPs were pilot organisations providing independent social work services for children in out‐of‐home care in five sites. One factor distinguishing some of these pilots was their attention to place. The evaluation employed a mixed methods approach and we use data from interviews with 121 children and young people in out‐of‐home care, 19 birth parents and 31 interviews with SWP staff which explored their views and experiences of the SWP offices. Children and young people were alert to the stigma which could attach to social work premises and appreciated offices which were planned and furnished to appear less institutional and more ‘normal’. Daily interactions with staff which conveyed a sense of recognition and value to service users also contributed to a view of some SWP offices as accessible and welcoming places. Both children and parents appreciated offices that provided fun activities that positioned them as active rather than passive. Staff valued opportunities for influencing planning decisions about offices and place was seen to confer a value on them as well as on service users. However, not all the SWPs were able to achieve these aspects of place, and engaging children and families in place was less likely when the service user population was widely dispersed. Recognising the importance of place and how place is constructed through relationships between people as well as through the physical environment appeared to be key to creating offices that combated the stigma attached to out‐of‐home care. Those leading and managing children's services should explore ways of involving local communities in planning social work offices and turn attention to making these offices accessible, welcoming, places.  相似文献   

This study looks at the effect of social support mechanisms as potential moderators and mediators of the relationship between stressful acculturation experiences and self-ratings of physical health. Data are from a sample of 3012 Mexican-origin adults aged 18–59 sampled under a probabilistic, stratified, cluster sampling design in Fresno County, California. While acculturation stressors (i.e., discrimination, legal status, and language conflict) all had a gross positive effect on the likelihood of rating oneself in fair/poor health, only legal status stress had a net effect. In addition, greater numbers of peers and family members in the United States, and a higher reliance on religious support mechanisms decreased the likelihood of reporting fair/poor health. However, levels of both instrumental social support and religious support seeking moderated the (nonsignificant, main) effects of discrimination on physical health. This study indicates that physical health is negatively associated with acculturation stressors and positively associated with social support; discrimination is only associated with poorer physical health among those for whom social support is lacking.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: While school‐based mental health professionals obviously must provide mental health services to students directly, the literature is increasingly identifying an empowerment role for these professionals, whereby they support teachers as primary service providers. The purpose of this study was to identify subtypes of school social workers within the context of collaborative practice, and to identify individual and contextual factors associated with these classifications as well as overall levels of collaboration. METHODS: Latent class analysis, conducted using data collected as part of the National School Social Work Survey 2008 (N = 1639), was employed to examine underlying subtypes of school social work practitioners in relation to collaborative practices and to examine predictors of collaborative practice. RESULTS: Four broad categories of school social workers were identified, including (1) noncollaborators, (2) system‐level specialists, (3) consultants, and (4) well‐balanced collaborators. These classes were associated with the number of schools served, grade level, education, and clinical licensure status; level of administrative responsibility was not associated with class membership. CONCLUSION: While school social workers varied in collaborative practices, opportunities exist to enhance their role in educating and supporting teachers to serve as primary providers to students with social, mental health, and behavioral needs. The implications for school‐based mental health providers, teachers, administrators, policymakers, and researchers are discussed.  相似文献   

地震灾区大学生创伤后应激障碍及其共病   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
目的 了解地震灾区大学生在汶川大地震1年时患创伤后应激障碍(PISD)及其共病程度。方法 应用创伤后应激障碍自评量表(PTSD-SS)、焦虑自评量表(SAS)和抑郁自评量表(SDS)对2008年入学的191名灾区大学生进行测评,并对部分患者进行深度心理访谈。结果 灾区191名大学生中男生48名,女生143名,平均年龄为(19.80±0.84)岁;患创伤后应激障碍的学生79人,占41.4%;其中,46人患焦虑症,75人患抑郁症,44人患2种共病,分别占58.2%,94.9%和55.7%,男女生之间只在焦虑症状上差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);创伤后应激障碍的变异与所测项目之间均呈正相关(P<0.01);亲人受伤使有无创伤后应激障碍的人数差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论 灾区大学生仍存在严重的创伤后应激障碍;创伤事件本身是致病的关键因素。  相似文献   

目的 探讨汶川大地震灾区中学生地震创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)与领悟社会支持能力之间的关系.方法 使用创伤后应激障碍自评量表(PCL-C)和领悟社会支持量表(PSSS),对汶川地震灾区3所中学1966名中学生进行自填式问卷调查.结果 1966名中学生的PTSD筛查总阳性率为78.3%,重度PTSD占24.38%.不同领悟社会支持程度的学生PTSD阳性率差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),且PTSD严重程度与领悟社会支持高低程度呈负性相关(γ=-0.226,P<0.05);不同家庭内、外领悟社会支持程度的学生PTSD阳性率差异有统计学意义(P=0.009,P<0.05)且PTSD严重程度与家庭内、外领悟社会支持高低程度呈负性相关(γ=-0.176,P<0.05,γ=-0.214,P<0.05).结论 地震灾区中学生PTSD的发生率及严重程度与其领悟社会支持的高低程度存在一定关系,领悟社会支持越高者,PTSD发生率越低,程度越轻.对灾区中学生的心理干预应有针对性.  相似文献   

Feelings of job satisfaction and turnover intentions among social workers affect work quality for both social workers and the people for whom they provide services. Existing literature on job satisfaction among hospital social workers is limited, and is overly focused on issues of compensation. There is job satisfaction research with hospital nurses available for comparison. Other informative social work research on job satisfaction and turnover exists in mental health and generally, across settings. Research on turnover intent in social work is primarily from child welfare settings and may not generalize. The literature notes gaps and contradictions about predictors of job satisfaction and turnover intent. Using a large national dataset of hospital social workers, this research clarifies and fills gaps regarding hospital social workers, and explores how Herzberg’s theory of work can clarify the difference between sources of job dissatisfaction and job satisfaction. Findings include hospital social workers reporting high job satisfaction and that demographics do not contribute to the predictive models. The findings do support centralized social work departments and variety in the job functions of hospital social workers, and are consistent with the theoretical framework.  相似文献   

Forgiveness has been found one substantial element in the recovery for women survivors from intimate partner violence following the termination of the abusive relationship. To further investigate the details of forgiveness in this specific context, the present study explored the process of forgiveness using grounded theory. In-depth and semi-structured interviews were conducted with 25 Chinese women survivors of IPV. The findings suggest that forgiveness is a strength-based process including empowerment, transformation, and integration phases. In the empowerment phase, survivors obtain strength at the intrapersonal, behavioural, and interpersonal levels. In the transformation phase, survivors complete cognitive transformation for their IPV experiences and emotional transformation towards former partners. In the integration phase, survivors—now freed from the past—reflect upon and apply the changes they have undergone. Two trajectories in the process were found. One trajectory is going through stages sequentially and the other trajectory is experiencing back and forth between empowerment and transformation stages before moving into the integration stage. The study's findings broaden our knowledge of the strength-based forgiveness process that women survivors of IPV undergo during recovery. Practitioners and policymakers could develop programmes and policies that support forgiveness by holistically facilitating their recovery and empowerment like assistance in dealing with life difficulties and promoting their reconnection with social networks. To improve the transferability and validity of the findings, the forgiveness of survivors of IPV could be explored in a diverse sample (e.g., survivors with low educational background or live in the rural area).  相似文献   


Being valued and respected by colleagues is an important contributor to job satisfaction in hospice and other health care settings. The purpose of this study was to examine how the perception of feeling valued by different members of the interdisciplinary team and interdependence of team members are related to hospice social workers’ job satisfaction. The study aims were to examine: (1) the degree to which hospice social workers feel valued by other members of the interdisciplinary team; and 2) whether this is associated with job satisfaction. A nonprobability sample of 203 hospice social workers completed an online survey assessing job satisfaction, perception of feeling valued by each of the professionals on the interdisciplinary hospice team, interdependence of team members, and professional and personal characteristics. The final regression model for intrinsic job satisfaction included feeling valued by doctors and by other social workers, and interdisciplinary interdependence. The final model for extrinsic job satisfaction did not include any of the perception of feeling valued by others on the interdisciplinary team, although interdependence and the number of social workers at the hospice were significant in this model. Reasons for the difference in these models and the practice and policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   

目的:了解公务员工作压力、情绪管理与身心健康的关系.方法:采用工作压力问卷、情绪管理问卷和身心健康问卷对在职公务员进行调查和测量.结果:(1)工作压力总分以及工作负荷、组织中的角色、人际关系三个因子分均与身心健康总分及各因子分呈正相关.情绪管理总分和情绪调适因子分均与身心健康总分及各因子分呈负相关.工作压力中组织外因素因于、情绪管理中的情绪觉察因于与身心健康总分及各因子分均无统计线性相关.(2)以身心健康为因变量Y,工作压力和情绪管理能力为自变量X1,X2,回归方程为:Y=0.847 X1-0.265X2+0.70结论:(1)工作压力和情绪管理影响公务员的身心健康状况.(2)情绪管理是"工作压力-身心健康"系统中一个重要的调节因素.  相似文献   

Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a pervasive problem with grave consequences. Women with disabilities are among the most vulnerable groups disproportionately affected, with higher IPV rates than either women without disabilities or men with disabilities. The emergency department (ED) in particular affords a gateway into health services for female survivors of IPV, placing ED social workers in a prime position to observe potential signs of IPV and connect survivors to further assistance. This article explores the critical role ED social workers can fill in addressing the needs of female survivors of IPV with disabilities. We begin by providing background on the characteristics of IPV among women with disabilities, followed by a discussion of the opportunities and challenges inherent to assessing and intervening with survivors. We conclude by outlining recommendations for working with female survivors of IPV with disabilities in EDs, using our previous research on the topic as a guide.  相似文献   

目的 了解江苏省苏州市医务人员工作压力现状及压力应对方式。方法 采用多阶段随机分层整群抽样方法,于2015年1-12月对苏州市4 930名医务工作者工作压力与应对方式进行调查,分析医务人员工作压力水平及压力应对方式情况。结果 有效问卷4 718份,有效回收率为95.70%;苏州市医务人员工作压力平均得分(26.58±6.07)分,>25分者2 829人,占59.96%;性别、学历、岗位、所在科室、收入、所在医院级别不同的医务人员,健康危险压力比例差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.01);中文知觉压力量表(CPSS)均值与医务人员性别、学历、岗位、收入、所在医院级别等因素有关(均P<0.05);性别、学历、岗位、收入、所在医院级别等因素不同的医务人员,积极应对方式得分均不同(均P<0.05);性别、学历、岗位、所在医院级别不同的医务人员,消极应对方式得分不同(均P<0.05);CPSS评分与积极应对方式评分呈负相关(r=-0.492,P=0.021)、与消极应对方式评分呈正相关(r=0.177,P=0.030),差异均有统计学意义。结论 苏州市医务人员工作压力较大,且受压力应对方式的影响。  相似文献   

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