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Soft tissue sarcomas are a rare and heterogeneous group of tumors. Surgery clearly remains the standard therapy of non-metastatic soft tissue sarcoma. A pretreatment biopsy is necessary to determine the histology and grade of soft tissue sarcomas and to diagnose entities that can be treated by targeted therapies, such as dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans or alveolar soft tissue sarcoma once they are in a metastatic stage. Nevertheless, locally advanced disease requires multimodal treatment and interdisciplinary treatment decisions. Limb sarcoma of borderline resectability (encasement of vessels, invasion of joints or close proximity to motor nerves) may profit from isolated limb perfusion with recombinant tumor necrosis factor and melphalan. Preoperative chemotherapy may be applied in locally advanced high grade tumors when clear resection margins are difficult to achieve. Deep wave hyperthermia has proven to be a useful addition to systemic chemotherapy in such a neoadjuvant setting. Also preoperative radiation therapy has proven to be effective in controlling locally advanced sarcoma despite higher perioperative morbidity which pays off in the long run by better limb function. Postoperative adjuvant external beam irradiation therapy with the best available technique is recommended for any tumor larger than 5 cm with (FNLCC) grades 2 and 3 (American Joint Committee on Cancer stage IIb/III). Given all these therapeutic options, it is absolutely crucial that interdisciplinary decision-making starts early in the therapeutic process. Patients are often seen first by the surgeon. For an optimal treatment surgeons need to know the efficacy and toxicity of the multimodal treatment options described.  相似文献   

From the medical viewpoint (oncology agreement) and also from that of patients (self-help groups) urological competence should be increased and the cooperation between medical disciplines should be improved. What does the medical cooperation really look like? The few studies which have been carried out concern the cooperation between general physicians and specialists although specialists, such as urologists and hemato-oncologists have not yet been investigated. These gaps should be closed by the study of interdisciplinary treatment of urological tumors (IBuTu study).  相似文献   

There are more than 6 million diabetes patients in Germany. Due to long-term neuropathic and angiopathic sequelae, the number of patients with "diabetic foot syndrome" has increased dramatically in recent years. Diabetic foot ulcers have become one of the most common pathologies in interdisciplinary wound care centers. Because of its complex pathogenesis, diabetic foot syndrome needs a multidisciplinary therapeutic approach. More than 150,000 diabetics per year develop foot ulcers that often heal slowly and progress into chronic wounds. Despite all efforts at prevention, early diagnosis, and adequate therapy, more than 20,000 diabetics suffer major limb amputation in Germany every year. Applying stringent standards of care in interdisciplinary wound care centers, the amputation rate in patients with diabetic foot syndrome can be reduced to less than 50%. This article describes the complexity of diabetic foot syndrome with respect to pathogenesis, diagnostics, and therapy from a vascular surgeon's point of view. The importance of an interdisciplinary approach is emphasized.  相似文献   

Lehner  M.  Hoffmann  F.  Kammer  B.  Heinrich  M.  Falkenthal  L.  Kurz  M. 《Notfall & Rettungsmedizin》2018,21(2):90-99
Notfall + Rettungsmedizin - Unfälle sind in industrialisierten Ländern eine der Haupttodesursachen von Kindern und Jugendlichen. Die Prognose von Traumapatienten ist direkt abhängig...  相似文献   



Patients often have a very complex conception of requirements in the field of orthodontics, oral and maxillofacial surgery. They are often not only dissatisfied with the esthetics but also have extensive functional and muscular problems. Each individual discipline can, however, only operate within very limited boundaries.

Point in question

This article demonstrates how interdisciplinary cooperation and time schedules must be planned in order to achieve optimal results. The article is concerned with the middle and lower third of the face so that the position of teeth, maxilla and mandible, the nose and chin will be discussed.

Material and methods

Case planning and treatment techniques in orthodontics as well as the temporal succession of treatment stages of a combined treatment are presented and demonstrated by case examples.


A functioning interdisciplinary cooperation is decisive in order to realize a well-coordinated succession of treatment stages. The temporal management plays a particularly important role within the framework of combined treatment procedures.  相似文献   

There are a variety of treatment options for complex aortic arch pathologies. The key to success in aortic arch surgery includes an understanding of the pathology, reasonable indications including correct decisions on treatment options and an uneventful procedure. In modern aortic arch surgery it is not the available treatment option but the pathology which should define the best form of treatment. One of the aortic arch treatment options is implantation of the double-branched Relay aortic arch stent graft prosthesis including a carotid-subclavian bypass on the left side. This device consists of the main body and two stent grafts dedicated to supra-aortic vessels. The main body includes two internal tunnels as proximal landing zones for the supra-aortic stent grafts. During the main body implantation the brain perfusion remains uninterrupted. The first results after double-branched stent graft implantation are promising. In the first published series with 15 patients, the perioperative mortality and stroke incidence were 7%. There was no endoleak type Ia or type III; however, the number of patients is low and the long-term results are not available at present.  相似文献   

Current tumor management is increasingly founded on interdisciplinary cooperation. The main partners in cases of solid tumors are oncologic surgery, medical oncology,and radiotherapy, guided by pathology. The cooperative concept, particularly the individual strategy and selection of the most adequate approach, oriented on guidelines and therapeutic standards, depends on the quality of the involved components as well as personal abilities of the "actors." In addition to the personal qualification, decision making depends on both tumor stage and completeness of tumor removal. In this point, the overall quality of the therapeutic concept is based on an interaction between the operating surgeon and clinical pathologist that had seldom been taken into consideration. The basic rules of their cooperation and quality-focused implementation regarding tumor dignity, stage, and R classification are discussed based on the example of colorectal carcinoma. In particular, those pitfalls in tumor documentation are emphasized,which may appear less relevant for each partner individually, but bear the risk of misinterpretation and therefore misleading conclusions.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: After sufficient oncological treatment of prostate cancer the life quality becomes most important. A multi disciplinary research network aims to optimize the diagnostics and the resulting treatment of prostate cancer. METHODS: Main characteristics of the interdisciplinary cooperation are the interlocked individual projects. A major research field is investigation of the whole mounted prostate sections to study the peripheral nerves and the comparison of histological tumor locations with the MRI. Using serial sections of prostate specimens, three-dimensional computer-animated models are created illustrating the tumors histological and immunohistochemical distributions. For nodal staging, a new methodology is investigated to demonstrate single tumor cells in lymphatic tissue lysates. A retrospective evaluation of life quality including the functional outcome is performed by using questionnaire surveys. RESULTS: Anatomical studies gave new insights into the exact localizations of peripheral nerves which may lead to an improvement of the surgical approach in nerve-sparing radical prostatectomy. For the preoperative planning the MRI imaging might need a different interpretation in relation to the topographic location. Studies using molecular markers and their relation and distribution patterns gave new insights regarding interpretation of histological biopsy results concerning the tumor extension. Numerical quantification of tumor cells in each lymph node demonstrated micro metastases in histological negative nodes contributing to the nodal staging. A close connection of the nerve-sparing technique was demonstrated with quality of life aspects and functional results. CONCLUSION: An interdisciplinary approach is mandatory for translational prostate cancer research. As a result, individualized diagnostic and therapeutic approaches improve oncological results and at the same time provide the best quality of life in these patients.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Jährlich werden rund 8000 polytraumatisierte Patienten in den Kliniken der Bundesrepublik aufgenommen. Insbesondere ein begleitendes Schädel-Hirn-Trauma, ein Abdominal- oder Thoraxtrauma können prognosebestimmend sein. Hypoxie und Hypotonie auf dem Boden eines hämorraghisch-traumatisch bedingten Schockes stehen im Vordergrund. Die Sicherung der Atemwege, eine adäquate Volumentherapie unter Berücksichtigung des Verletzungsmusters, die Schmerztherapie sowie der rasche und schonende Transport in das nächste geeignete Traumazentrum sind die wesentlichen Säulen des heutigen präklinischen Versorgungskonzepts.Die präklinische Versorgung von polytraumatisierten Patienten stellt meist eine besondere Herausforderung für die Einsatzkräfte dar. In einer aktuellen Studie gaben bis zu 21% der befragten Notfallmediziner die präklinische Versorgung von Polytraumatisierten als mit größter persönlicher Angst belegt an. Der vorliegende Artikel geht daher insbesondere auf die aktuellen Algorithmen zur präklinischen Versorgung von polytraumatisierten Patienten ein.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Tumornachsorge beim Harnblasenkarzinom erfolgt v. a. unter dem Aspekt der Erkennung eines Rezidivs oder einer Metastasierung des Primärtumors. Die Frage nach unabhängigen Zweittumoren spielt bislang keine Rolle.Im Tumorzentrum Regensburg wurden 921 Männer (mittleres Alter 65,4 Jahre) und 339 Frauen (mittleres Alter 68,0 Jahre) mit der Erstdiagnose Harnblasenkarzinom im Zeitraum 1990–1997 diagnostiziert und für mindestens 5 Jahre im Rahmen der Nachsorge weiterverfolgt.Die Inzidenz von unabhängigen Zweittumoren ist bei Patienten mit Harnblasenkarzinom deutlich erhöht. Der alterskorrigierte Vergleich der beobachteten Fälle mit den zu erwartenden Fällen von Zweittumoren ausgehend von Daten des Tumorzentrums belegt die Inzidenzsteigerung. Es zeigten sich in diesem Nachsorgezeitraum bei 153 (16,6%) der Männer und bei 35 (10,3%) der Frauen unabhängige Zweittumoren. Bei den männlichen Patienten war das Prostatakarzinom mit 71 Fällen, gefolgt vom Bronchialkarzinom mit 19 Fällen, führend. Bei den weiblichen Patienten überwog das Mammakarzinom mit 9 Fällen gefolgt vom Dickdarmkarzinom.Eine regelmäßige onkologische Nachsorge ist somit sinnvoll. Hier ist das Augenmerk auch auf Tumoren zu richten, die nicht zum urologischen Fachgebiet gehören. Sinnvoll ist eine individuelle interdisziplinäre Nachsorge unter Einbeziehung der Prostata, Lunge und des Dickdarms beim Mann sowie der Brust und des Dickdarms bei der Frau.

Zusammenfassung Operationsziel Ausgiebigste Exkochleation einer gelenknahen osteolytischen Knochenläsion. Temporäre Auffüllung des Defektes mit Knochenzement zur Erhaltung der Gelenkfunktion und der Knochenstabilität sowie zur Vermeidung eines Rezidivs. In einem zweiten Eingriff Ersatz der Zementplombe durch möglichst autogene Knochentransplantate. Indikationen Gelenknahe, osteolytische, gutartige oder semimaligne Knochentumoren, auch solche mit fraglicher Dignität sowie tumorähnliche Läsionen, wie z. B. Riesenzelltumoren, Chondroblastome, solitäre und aneurysmatische Knochenzysten, alle charakterisiert durch hohe Rezidivneigung. Kontraindikationen Bösartige Knochentumoren. Massiv in die Weichteile expandierte Läsionen. Operationstechnik Erste Operation: Fensterung des Knochens und vollständige Kürettage; Exzisionsbiopsie. Auffüllen des Defektes mit Knochenzement. Eventuell Verbundosteosynthese. Zweite Operation: Nach mindestens 1-jähriger Rezidivfreiheit Entfernung der Zementplombe und Ersatz durch ein möglichst autogenes Knochentransplantat. Histologische Untersuchung der perifokalen Weichteilmembran ("second look"). Bei Rezidiv erneute Exkochleation und nochmalige Zementplombe. Ergebnisse Bei 27 Patienten (zehn männlich, 17 weiblich, Alter 9-68 Jahre) wurden zwischen 1982 und 1999 29 Zementplomben implantiert (23 Primär-, sechs Rezidivoperationen). Drei der primär Operierten wiesen ein Rezidiv auf. Zwei von ihnen wurden mit dem gleichen Verfahren nochmals operiert und blieben bisher 24 bzw. 102 Monate rezidivfrei. Bei einer Patientin mit einem Riesenzelltumor wurde eine Spezialendoprothese implantiert. Die Beobachtungszeit lag zwischen 1 und 151 Monaten, im Durchschnitt bei 49 Monaten. Gelenkfunktion: 14-mal exzellent, zehnmal gut, einmal schlecht. Komplikationen: zwei Frakturen, eine Fistel, eine Arthrose, eine Achsenfehlstellung. Abstract Objective Extensive excochleation of juxta-articular osteolytic lesions. Temporary filling of the defect with bone cement to preserve joint function, to prevent fracture and recurrence. During the second sitting, the bone cement is removed and replaced preferably by autogenous bone grafts. Indications Juxta-articular osteolytic lesions which are benign or of low malignancy. Lesions of questionable malignity as well as tumorlike conditions such as giant cell tumors, chondroblastomas, unicameral and aneurysmal bone cysts, which are all characterized by a high tendency of recurrence. Contraindications Malignant bone tumors, lesions invading the overlying soft tissues. Severe osteoporosis. Surgical Technique Stage 1: fenestration of bone, complete curettage or excisional biopsy. Filling of the defect with bone cement. Internal fixation if indicated. Stage 2: after freedom from recurrence of at least 1 year, removal of the bone cement and replacement wit preferably autogenous bone grafts. Removel of the perifocal soft tissue membrane for histologic examination. In the presence of recurrence, the excochleations is repeated as well as the filling with bone cement. Results Between 1982 and 1999, the described technique was performed in 27 patients (ten men, 17 women, age 9-68 years). A total of 29 cement fillings were done, 23 for primary surgery, six for recurrences. The initial surgery was followed by three recurrences, two of which underwent repeat filling and remained free of recurrence for 24 and 102 months, respectively. A special tumor prothesis was used in one woman for recurrence of a giant cell tumor. The duration of follow-up varied between 1 and 151 months (average 49 months). The joint function was excellent 14 times, good ten times, and poor once. The following complications were encountered: two fractures, one draining sinus, one osteoarthritis, and one axial malalignment.  相似文献   

In the past, open surgical techniques such as thrombectomy and bypasses were the treatments of choice for acute and chronic venous occlusive disease of the iliocaval vein segments, but the results were often disappointing. With the introduction of endovascular techniques in the 1990s, open techniques were widely replaced by endovascular interventions. Proper preoperative imaging with computed tomography and magnetic resonance phlebography has become an important part of procedure planning, but phlebography by direct puncture with contrast injection in the immediate proximity of the iliofemoral segment is still the most informative diagnostic method. Catheter-directed thrombolysis with recanalization and stenting of underlying chronic obstructions is becoming the treatment of choice for patients with acute iliofemoral thrombosis, as conservative treatment is not satisfactory for preventing postthrombotic syndrome. Recanalization of chronic iliac vein occlusions with balloon angioplasty and stenting can reestablish normal venous flow in the iliac veins and inferior vena cava and relieve symptoms in the majority of treated patients. New treatment modalities offer stimulating options for patients not treated adequately either by medical or open surgical therapy.  相似文献   

Notfall + Rettungsmedizin - Die zentralen Notaufnahmen in Deutschland behandeln Patienten jeder Krankheitsschwere und aller Dringlichkeitsstufen. Die ambulante Behandlung dieser Patienten ist nicht...  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Beschreibung von 3 Fällen, bei denen es nach ausgedehnter Laminektomie zu verschiedenen Formen von Wirbelsäuleninsuffienz kam, die die Arbeitsfähigkeit empfindlich beeinträchtigen. Anknüpfend hieran wird darauf hingewiesen, daß entgegen der Lehrbuchmeinung, die auch ausgedehnte Laminektomien für belanglos hinsichtlich späterer Stabilität der Wirbelsäule hinstellt, mit derartigen Spätschäden zu rechnen ist. Sie stellen extreme Formen der heute schon nicht selten beobachteten Insuffizienzerscheinungen nach operativer Eröffnung des Spinalkanals dar. Ihre Beachtung erscheint wichtig wegen der vorhandenen Möglichkeiten erfolgreicher Therapie.Mit 4 Textabbildungen.Von K. Lindemann auf der Tagung der Nordwestdeutschen Orthopädischen Gesellschaft in Oldenburg im Juni 1953 vorgetragen.  相似文献   

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