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Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a serious psychiatric illness, and it is often associated with dissociative symptoms. The purpose of this study was to assess the course of depersonalization and derealization symptoms in recovered and non-recovered borderline patients over 20 years of prospective follow-up. The Dysphoric Affect Scale (DAS) – a 50-item self-report measure was administered to 290 borderline inpatients at baseline, and the remaining participants (85%) at 10 follow-up interviews conducted over 20 years. The level of depersonalization and derealization experienced by borderline patients was assessed using three items (feeling unreal, feeling completely numb, and feeling like people and things aren’t real) from the DAS. The patients who recovered from BPD reported significantly lower scores in all three inner states (62 - 63%) at baseline compared to those patients who did not recover. Furthermore, scores of recovered and non-recovered groups decreased significantly in all three inner states studied over 20 years of prospective follow-up. Overall, these results suggest that the severity of depersonalization and derealization symptoms decreased significantly over 20 years of prospective follow-up and had a strong association with BPD recovery status.  相似文献   

Non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) has been reported to serve a range of functions for individuals who engage in it. Despite considerable variation in NSSI functions between individuals, limited attention has been paid to exploring relationships between NSSI functions and other characteristics of self-injuring individuals, such as trauma history. This is despite allusion to trauma history in the suggested etiology of some NSSI functions (e.g., anti-dissociation, self-punishment). The present study used a 21-day online daily diary to explore possible relationships between common NSSI functions and past interpersonal trauma in community young adults (n = 38). The interpersonal boundaries and anti-dissociation functions significantly related to interpersonal trauma severity in multiple regression analyses; the interpersonal boundaries function continued to significantly relate to interpersonal trauma severity when controlling for the number of NSSI functions endorsed.  相似文献   


Hypnosis and the related phenomenon of dissociation have long been linked to trauma. Evidence is reviewed regarding the relationship between trauma and dissociation, the prevalence of these dissociative symptoms in the acute aftermath of trauma, and their salience in predicting the development of later PTSD symptoms. The evidence reviewed regarding the prevalence of dissociative and other symptoms in the immediate aftermath of trauma formed the basis for including Acute Stress Disorder (ASD) as a new diagnosis in the DSM-IV. Dissociative amnesia is described as the key commonality between formally induced hypnosis and dissociative symptomatology, and controversy regarding traumatic amnesia is discussed. Finally principles of psychotherapy involving hypnosis and related techniques for dissociative and other post-traumatic symptoms are reviewed.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to analyze whether self-reported attachment style (measuring avoidance and anxiety) among adolescents was associated with dissociative symptoms, in addition to self-reported potentially traumatic experiences. A group consisting of 462 adolescents completed three self-assessment questionnaires: Linkoping Youth Life Experience Scale (LYLES), Experiences in Close Relationships, modified version (ECR) and Dissociation Questionnaire Sweden (Dis-Q-Sweden). Self-reported attachment style had a stronger association with dissociative symptoms than self reported traumas. It was also found that scores on a dissociation questionnaire correlated strongly with scores on self-reported attachment style in adolescence. Discussion concerns reasons why self-reported attachment style is an important factor that may influence dissociative symptoms during adolescence.  相似文献   

Objectives: The main goal of the present study was to explore the associations between several key variables that have been shown to partially mediate the link between specific trauma exposure and auditory hallucinations (AH), that is, maladaptive schemas and dissociation in the general population.

Methods: In total, 425 voluntary participants were recruited from the general population and completed online the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire, the Young schema questionnaire, the Dissociative Experiences Scale, and the Launay–Slade Hallucination Scale. Data were analysed using Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling.

Results: Our model showed that: (1) sexual and emotional abuse impact on AH both through the effect of maladaptive schemas and dissociation; (2) physical abuse impact on AH only through the effect of dissociation. More specifically, we found that four maladaptive schemas impact on AH: Abandonment, Vulnerability, Self-sacrifice and Subjugation.

Conclusions: Overall, our findings indicate that specific early maladaptive schemas may play a fundamental role in the association between exposure to trauma and auditory hallucination together with dissociation symptoms in the general population. Consequently, our study suggest considering maladaptive schemas as an important therapeutic target when working with individuals experiencing AH with or without a psychiatry disorder.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate whether attachment insecurity mediates the relationship between childhood trauma and adult dissociation, specifically with regard to individual forms of childhood maltreatment. Psychiatric outpatients who visited a specialized trauma clinic (n = 115) participated in the study. Data were collected via the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire, Revised Adult Attachment Scale, and Dissociative Experience Scale. Structural equation modeling and path analysis were performed to analyze the mediating effects of attachment insecurity on the relationship between childhood trauma and adult dissociation. Greater childhood trauma was associated with higher dissociation, and the relationship between them was fully mediated by attachment anxiety. In path analysis of trauma subtypes, the effects of emotional abuse, physical abuse, and physical neglect as a child on adult dissociation were found to be fully mediated by attachment anxiety. The effect of sexual abuse on dissociation was mediated by a synergistic effect from both attachment anxiety and attachment avoidance. Regarding emotional neglect, a countervailing interaction was discovered between the direct and indirect effects thereof on dissociation; the indirect effect of emotional neglect on dissociation was partially mediated by attachment insecurity. Specific aspects of attachment insecurity may help explain the relationships between individual forms of childhood trauma and adult dissociative symptoms. Tailored treatments based on affected areas of attachment insecurity may improve outcomes among patients with dissociative symptoms and a history of childhood trauma.  相似文献   



A range of traumas have been linked to voices (auditory verbal hallucinations) and unusual perceptual experiences (UPEs) in other perceptual-sensory domains. Models of PTSD and positive symptoms of psychosis are insufficient in explaining the relationship between trauma and voices. The trauma-related voices (TRV) model was developed to generate novel research in this area.


This study aimed to investigate pathways from trauma to the frequency of UPEs based on a subset of hypothesised relationships in the TRV model.


The PTSD Diagnostic Scale for DSM-5, State Adult Attachment Measure, Depression Anxiety and Stress Scales-21, Perth Emotion and Regulation Competency Inventory, Dissociative Experiences Measure Oxford, and Multi-modality Unusual Perceptual Experiences Questionnaire.


We used path analysis in a non-clinical sample (N = 528) to model indirect effects from diverse trauma experiences to the frequency of multi-sensory UPEs via a subset of mediators within the TRV model: insecure attachment, emotion regulation deficits, negative affect and dissociation.


Our model was an excellent fit to the data and accounted for 37.1% of variance in UPE frequency, and all direct (βs = .14–.61) and indirect pathways (βs = .01–.08) were significant (ps < .001).


Our findings suggest that insecure attachment may link diverse trauma experiences to emotion regulation deficits and negative affect, which are linked to UPE frequency via dissociation.


Our findings provide preliminary evidence for a subset of relationships within the TRV model. Future studies are needed to gather stronger evidence of temporality and causation between these factors, and to test broader pathways within the TRV model.  相似文献   

This article highlights how body language and non-verbal communication are key elements for the treatment of patients who have suffered from developmental traumas. Contributions from authors from a range of disciplines help the writer to compare the relationship infant-caregiver with the relationship patient-therapist, focusing on common rhythms, attunement, breathing and regulation of affects. The writer investigates how a prolonged lack of attunement from the primary caregiver can have traumatic effects for the child. A clinical case study demonstrates that, through the awarness of his/her own body as 'the instrument', the dance movement therapist can stimulate unconscious implicit body communication and create a sort of vessel where enactments that arise from the therapeutic process can find expression in creative and unexpected ways, as in dreams. This process helps the patient to reintegrate the dissociated aspects of his/herself and can generate significant changes for those involved in the therapeutic process.  相似文献   

Objective: The purpose of this paper was to systematically review and synthesize the empirical literature on the effects of evidence-based therapy relationship (EBR) variables in the psychological treatment for adults who experienced trauma-related distress. Method: Studies were identified using comprehensive searches of PsycINFO, Medline, Published International Literature on Traumatic Stress, and Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature databases. Included in the review were articles published between 1980 and 2015, in English that reported on the impact of EBRs on treatment outcome in clinical samples of adult trauma survivors. Results: Nineteen unique studies met inclusion criteria. The bulk of the studies were on therapeutic alliance and the vast majority found that alliance was predictive of or associated with a reduction in various symptomotology. Methodological concerns included the use of small sample sizes, little information on EBRs beyond alliance as well as variability in its measurement, and non-randomized assignment to treatment conditions or the lack of a comparison group. Conclusions: More research is needed on the roles of client feedback, managing countertransference, and other therapist characteristics on treatment outcome with trauma survivors. Understanding the role of EBRs in the treatment of trauma survivors may assist researchers, clinicians, and psychotherapy educators to improve therapist training as well as client engagement and retention in treatment.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: We aimed to provide prevalence data on depression and other current mental disorders, impairment, need of psychiatric care and use of mental health services among young adults. METHODS: Based on a semi-structured clinical interview, current DSM-IV disorders, impairment, need of psychiatric care and use of mental health services were evaluated in a sample of 20-24-year-old young urban adults (N = 245), mean age 21.8, screened from a baseline population of 706. One-month prevalence estimates for disorders were calculated by the double sampling method, using various additional criteria to identify cases. RESULTS: One in four young adults (23.8%) suffered from a current mental disorder, the most prevalent being depressive (10.8%), anxiety (6.9%), substance use (6.2%) and personality disorders (6.0%). Prevalence estimates varied substantially according to the use of additional diagnostic criteria. Impairment (GAF < 61) together with DSM-IV symptom criteria produced an overall disorder prevalence of 10.3%, and 5.5% for depression. Prevalences were higher for females than males, except for alcohol abuse and personality disorders. Current co-morbidity was found in 39% of subjects with any disorder, and in more than half of those with depression. One-third of subjects with a current disorder reported an associated contact with psychiatric services and 16% had an ongoing contact. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings support the use of additional criteria to produce clinically relevant prevalence data. Co-morbidity should receive special attention due to its amplification of both need for psychiatric care and severity of impairment. Finally, our results show disturbed young adults to be severely undertreated.  相似文献   

目的:调查我国中学生视屏时间及自伤行为现状,探讨在不同心理亚健康状态下视屏时间与自伤行为的关联.方法:选取沈阳、新乡、广州和重庆4个城市的中学生13817名,使用自伤行为及久坐行为调查问卷调查自伤行为和视屏时间,用青少年亚健康多维评定问卷评价心理亚健康状态.结果:学习日和周末视屏时间>2 h/d者分别为2085人(15.1%)、8077人(58.5%),心理亚健康状态者2997人(21.7%),有自伤行为者3899人(28.2%).调整地区、性别、年级、吸烟、饮酒和年龄等混杂因素后,多因素logistic回归分析显示学习日视屏时间>2 h/d在非心理亚健康状态的学生中与自伤行为无统计学关联,而在心理亚健康状态的学生中,学习日视屏时间>2 h/d是自伤行为的危险因素(OR=1.27);无论中学生是否存在心理亚健康状态,周末视屏时间>2 h/d均是自伤行的危险因素(OR=1.37、1.39).结论:较长视屏时间在中学生中普遍存在,且视屏时间较长、心理亚健康状态可能和自伤行为存在相关.  相似文献   

Defense reactions to threatening situations are vital adaptations to stress that protect organisms from injury and ensure survival. We retrospectively investigated the role of peritraumatic dissociation (PD) in the occurrence of severe psychopathology and dissociative patterns of reactions in borderline personality disorder (BPD). We recruited 28 patients with a clinical diagnosis of BPD and 15 healthy controls. The BPD group was divided according to the level of PD (low vs. high): BPD and PD (n = 15) and BPD only (n = 13). We conducted an extensive investigation of history of trauma, clinical status, and measurements of emotional and physiologic responses to recall of personalized aversive experiences. Participants with BPD and high PD displayed highest degrees of trauma exposure and clinical symptoms. Their significant heart rate decline during the imagery of personal traumatic events was opposed to the heart rate increases exhibited by the other two groups and may indicate a dissociative reaction pattern. Skin conductance responses did not differentiate between groups. Several emotional responses to imagery also reinforced the idea that PD may play a role in memory processing of traumatic events and thus in the aggravation and maintenance of symptoms in particularly severe forms of BPD. Within a stepwise linear regression analysis, the best model for trauma‐evoked heart rate responses included PD and borderline symptoms, but no measures of state or trait dissociation. Our findings may provide initial evidence of an evolutionary model of peritraumatic reaction stages evolving from arousal to dissociation.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe pandemic of HIV lines amongst the utmost infectious disease menaces in antiquity. HIV remains a problem worldwide and it''s a grave health snags in developing nations particularly in Nigeria.ObjectiveThis study focused on “trends in HIV reporting from 2008 to 2012 among young adults in Port Harcourt, Nigeria.MethodsSecondary data were collected from BMSH, Port Harcourt using a Performa specifically intended for this determination. Socio-demographic data for the subjects were recovered from coded patients'' medical records kept at BMSH. The data generated was exposed to Fisher''s Exact Test.ResultsThe study showed that a total of 3081 HIV-positive cases were reported between 2008 and 2012. The HIV trend were not well defined, it peaked in 2009(36.6%) and 2008(32.8%) and a decrease in 2011(16.6%), 2012(8.3%) and 2010(5.7%). A 3.8% increase was observed between 2008 and 2009 and 30.9% decrease between 2009 and 2010. However, the prevalence seemed to stabilize between 2009 and 2012. HIV patterns among various age-groups is not well-defined, it rose with increasing age and peaked at 26–30 years (35.7%) after which it declined. Sex differences (P<0.05) in the trend was observed. Males ages 26–30 years showed uniform pattern with an increasing trend while 36–40 years showed decreasing trend except in 2009(34.1%). Females ages 26–30 years showed uniform pattern with an increasing trend from 2008(21.7%) to 2010(41.9%) and decreased from 41.9% (2010) to 36.5%(2012). The low HIV prevalence in 2010 could be attributed to the fact that the proportion of centers giving ART enlarged from 2005 to date. Health care facilities providing HIV/AIDS counselling and testing services also increased.ConclusionThe long decades fight against HIV especially in Rivers State is making progress, though an unstable one. The observed increase in years with high HIV prevalences calls for an intensified focus of intervention.  相似文献   

Building Spiritual Strength (BSS) is an 8-session, spiritually integrated group intervention designed to address religious strain and enhance religious meaning making for military trauma survivors. It is based upon empirical research on the relationship between spirituality and adjustment to trauma. To assess the intervention's effectiveness, veterans with histories of trauma who volunteered for the study were randomly assigned to a BSS group (n = 26) or a wait-list control group (n = 28). BSS participants showed statistically significant reductions in PTSD symptoms based on self-report measures as compared with those in a wait-list control condition. Further research on spiritually integrated interventions for trauma survivors is warranted.  相似文献   

Exposure to childhood trauma has been implicated in the development of paranoia and hearing voices, but the mechanisms responsible for these associations remain unclear. Understanding these mechanisms is essential for ensuring that targeted interventions can be developed to better support people experiencing distress associated with paranoia and voices. Recent models have proposed that dissociation may be a mechanism specifically involved in the development of voices and insecure attachment in the development of paranoia. Recent theoretical proposals have added to this and argued that fearful attachment could also lead to increased vulnerability for voices. This study was the first to examine whether dissociation and insecure attachment styles mediated the relationship between childhood trauma and these psychotic experiences. One hundred and twelve participants experiencing clinical levels of psychosis completed measures of dissociation, childhood trauma, attachment, voices, and paranoia. Results revealed positive associations between fearful (but not dismissive and anxious) attachment, dissociation, trauma, and psychotic experiences. Mediation analyses indicated that dissociation, but not fearful attachment, significantly mediated the relationship between trauma and voices. Conversely, both dissociation and fearful attachment significantly mediated the relationship between trauma and paranoia. The findings suggest that insecure attachment might be more strongly related to paranoia than hallucinations and suggest that fearful attachment may be a more promising mechanism to explain this relationship. Furthermore, the findings suggest that the impact of dissociation on psychotic experiences may extend to paranoia. Future research is required to replicate these findings using interview‐based attachment measures.  相似文献   

We conducted a systematic review of prospective studies examining the independent predictive value of peritraumatic dissociation (PD) for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptomatology following single traumatic events. Insight into the independent predictive value may help to identify victims at risk for PTSD symptomatology. For this purpose a literature search was carried out using the online databases PsycINFO, Medline/Pubmed, and PILOTS. Studies were included if they were published in peer-reviewed journals (before 2007), focused on more or less single traumatic events (Type I trauma), assessed PD within 1 month, had follow-ups 3 months or later, and which controlled for mental health problems at the time PD was assessed. The majority of the 17 identified studies showed no or only weak indications of an independent predictive value of PD for PTSD symptomatology following type I traumas. Only 3 of the 6 studies with positive results reported a strong independent predictive value of PD. Although bivariately associated with PTSD symptomatology, there is no general consensus across prospective Type I trauma studies that PD qualifies as an important independent predictor of PTSD symptomatology. Results indicate that initial mental health problems, among other factors, are better predictors of PTSD symptomatology than PD.  相似文献   

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