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Insulin secretion is critically dependent on the proper function of a complex molecular network. Ca(V)2.3-knockout (Ca(V)2.3(-/-)) and PKClambda-knockout (PKClambda(-/-)) mouse models now suggest that these 2 players, the Ca(v)2.3 channel and PKClambda, are important constituents of this molecular network. Subsequent to glucose stimulation, insulin is released from the pancreatic beta cell in a biphasic pattern, i.e., a rapid initial phase followed by a slower, more sustained phase. Interestingly, Ca(2+) influx through the Ca(V)2.3 channel regulates only the second phase of insulin secretion. PKClambda seems to enter the beta cell nucleus and in turn modulates the expression of several genes critical for beta cell secretory function. Studies by Hashimoto et al. and Jing et al. in this issue of the JCI set out to answer the question of why numerous isoforms of proteins with similar functions are present in the beta cell. This is important, since it has been difficult to understand the modulatory and/or regulatory roles of different isoforms of proteins in defined subcellular compartments and at various times during the secretory process in both beta cell physiology and pathophysiology.  相似文献   

Glucose stimulation of insulin release involves closure of ATP-sensitive K+ channels, depolarization, and Ca2+ influx in B cells. Mouse islets were used to investigate whether glucose can still regulate insulin release when it cannot control ATP-sensitive K+ channels. Opening of these channels by diazoxide (100-250 mumol/liter) blocked the effects of glucose on B cell membrane potential (intracellular microelectrodes), free cytosolic Ca2+ (fura-2 method), and insulin release, but it did not prevent those of high K (30 mmol/liter). K-induced insulin release in the presence of diazoxide was, however, dose dependently increased by glucose, which was already effective at concentrations (2-6 mmol/liter) that are subthreshold under normal conditions (low K and no diazoxide). This effect was not accompanied by detectable changes in B cell membrane potential. Measurements of 45Ca fluxes and cytosolic Ca2+ indicated that glucose slightly increased Ca2+ influx during the first minutes of depolarization by K, but not in the steady state when its effect on insulin release was the largest. In conclusion, there exists a mechanism by which glucose can control insulin release independently from changes in K(+)-ATP channel activity, in membrane potential, and in cytosolic Ca2+. This mechanism may serve to amplify the secretory response to the triggering signal (closure of K(+)-ATP channels--depolarization--Ca2+ influx) induced by glucose.  相似文献   

T-type calcium channels (Ca(V)3) play an important role in many physiological and pathological processes, including cancerogenesis. Ca(V)3 channel blockers have been proposed as potential cancer treatments. Roscovitine, a trisubstituted purine, is a cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) inhibitor that is currently undergoing phase II clinical trials as an anticancer drug and has been shown to affect calcium and potassium channel activity. Here, we investigate the effect of roscovitine on Ca(V)3.1 channels. Ca(V)3.1 channels were transiently expressed in human embryonic kidney 293 cells, and currents were recorded by using the whole-cell patch-clamp technique. Roscovitine blocks Ca(V)3.1 channels with higher affinity for depolarized cells (EC?? of 10 μM), which is associated with a negative shift in the voltage dependence of closed-state inactivation. Enhanced inactivation is mediated by roscovitine-induced acceleration of closed-state inactivation and slowed recovery from inactivation. Small effects of roscovitine were also observed on T-channel deactivation and open-state inactivation, but neither could explain the inhibitory effect. Roscovitine inhibits Ca(V)3.1 channels within the therapeutic range (10-50 μM) in part by stabilizing the closed-inactivated state. The ability of roscovitine to block multiple mediators of proliferation, including CDKs and Ca(V)3.1 channels, may facilitate its anticancer properties.  相似文献   

Glucose stimulation of insulin release involves closure of ATP-sensitive K+ channels (K(+)-ATP channels), depolarization, and Ca2+ influx in B cells. However, by using diazoxide to open K(+)-ATP channels, and 30 mM K to depolarize the membrane, we could demonstrate that another mechanism exists, by which glucose can control insulin release independently from changes in K(+)-ATP channel activity and in membrane potential (Gembal et al. 1992. J. Clin. Invest. 89:1288-1295). A similar approach was followed here to investigate, with mouse islets, the nature of this newly identified mechanism. The membrane potential-independent increase in insulin release produced by glucose required metabolism of the sugar and was mimicked by other metabolized secretagogues. It also required elevated levels of cytoplasmic Cai2+, but was not due to further changes in Cai2+. It could not be ascribed to acceleration of phosphoinositide metabolism, or to activation of protein kinases A or C. Thus, glucose did not increase inositol phosphate levels and hardly affected cAMP levels. Moreover, increasing inositol phosphates by vasopressin or cAMP by forskolin, and activating protein kinase C by phorbol esters did not mimic the action of glucose on release, and down-regulation of protein kinase C did not prevent these effects. On the other hand, it correlated with an increase in the ATP/ADP ratio in islet cells. We suggest that the membrane potential-independent control of insulin release exerted by glucose involves changes in the energy state of B cells.  相似文献   

The molecular basis of human heart failure is unknown. Alterations in calcium homeostasis have been observed in failing human heart muscles. Intracellular calcium-release channels regulate the calcium flux required for muscle contraction. Two forms of intracellular calcium-release channels are expressed in the heart: the ryanodine receptor (RyR) and the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor (IP3R). In the present study we showed that these two cardiac intracellular calcium release channels were regulated in opposite directions in failing human hearts. In the left ventricle, RyR mRNA levels were decreased by 31% (P < 0.025) whereas IP3R mRNA levels were increased by 123% (P < 0.005). In situ hybridization localized both RyR and IP3R mRNAs to human cardiac myocytes. The relative amounts of IP3 binding sites increased approximately 40% compared with ryanodine binding sites in the failing heart. RyR down-regulation could contribute to impaired contractility; IP3R up regulation may be a compensatory response providing an alternative pathway for mobilizing intracellular calcium release, possibly contributing to the increased diastolic tone associated with heart failure and the hypertrophic response of failing myocardium.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of quinidine, quinine, and the quaternary quinidine derivative, quinidinium, on the conductance and activity of purified cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium release channels/ryanodine receptors (RyR) incorporated into planar lipid bilayers. Quinidine (50-500 microM) reduced the single-channel open probability in a voltage- and concentration-dependent manner. Reduction of channel activity was evident only at positive holding potentials where current flow is from the cytoplasmic to luminal side of the channel and when the drug was present only on the cytoplasmic face of the channel. A more pronounced effect was the appearance of a subconductance state at positive potentials. Single channel recordings and dose-response experiments revealed that at least two quinidine molecules were involved in reduction of the RyR activity. The permanently charged quinidinium compound produced nearly identical effects as quinidine when present only on cytoplasmic side of the channel, suggesting the positive-charged form of quinidine is responsible for the effects on the channel. There was no stereospecificity in the effects of quinidine because the levoisomer, 100 microM quinine, produced a similar subconductance activity of the channel. Ryanodine modification of the channel prevented subconductance activity. These findings suggest that the quinidine-induced subconductance activity may be the result of a partial occlusion of the channel pore interfering with ion conduction. Modification of the channel by ryanodine alters quinidine binding to the channel through a conformational change in protein structure.  相似文献   



Insulin secretion is often diminished in hyperglycemic patients with type 2 diabetes. We examined whether chronic basal insulin treatment with insulin glargine improves glucose-induced insulin secretion.


Fourteen patients with type 2 diabetes on metformin monotherapy received an add-on therapy with insulin glargine over 8 weeks. Intravenous glucose tolerance tests (IVGTTs) were performed before and after the intervention, with and without previous adjustment of fasting glucose levels using a 3-h intravenous insulin infusion.


Fasting glycemia was lowered from 179.6 ± 7.5 to 117.6 ± 6.5 mg/dL (P < 0.001), and HbA1c levels declined from 8.4 ± 0.5 to 7.1 ± 0.2% (P = 0.0046). The final insulin dose was 59.3 ± 10.2 IU. Acute normalization of fasting glycemia by intravenous insulin reduced C-peptide levels during the IVGTT (P < 0.0001). In contrast, insulin and C-peptide responses to intravenous glucose administration were significantly greater after the glargine treatment period (P < 0.0001, respectively). Both first- and second-phase insulin secretion increased significantly after the glargine treatment period (P < 0.05, respectively). These improvements in insulin secretion were observed during both the experiments with and without acute adjustment of fasting glycemia.


Chronic supplementation of long-acting basal insulin improves glucose-induced insulin secretion in hyperglycemic patients with type 2 diabetes, whereas acute exogenous insulin administration reduces the β-cell response to glucose administration. These data provide a rationale for basal insulin treatment regiments to improve postprandial endogenous insulin secretion in hyperglycemic patients with type 2 diabetes.Insulin secretion in response to glucose stimulation is often markedly diminished in patients with type 2 diabetes (1,2). This has been largely attributed to a deficit in β-cell mass ranging from ∼40 to 65% compared with nondiabetic individuals (3). However, the functional impairment in insulin secretion often exceeds the extent of the β-cell deficit (1), suggesting additional impairments in β-cell function. A number of functional abnormalities, including abnormal proinsulin processing or disturbances in the entero-insular axis have been suggested to contribute to the dysfunctional regulation of insulin release in patients with type 2 diabetes (4). In addition to these factors, there is good evidence for a reduction of glucose-induced insulin secretion with chronic hyperglycemia (5). Thus, when glucose-induced insulin secretion was determined in a large number of individuals presenting with different ranges of fasting glycemia, the early response was largely diminished at glucose levels >115 mg/dL (6). Furthermore, inducing chronic hyperglycemia in nondiabetic individuals by means of exogenous glucose infusion has led to a depletion of insulin secretion after ∼3 days (7), and insulin secretion from isolated human islets was found to be markedly diminished after chronic exposure to high glucose concentrations (8). On that basis, induction of β-cell rest by temporary inhibition of insulin exocytosis has been suggested as a therapeutic concept to restore glucose-induced insulin secretion (9). In line with such reasoning, temporary inhibition of insulin exocytosis using potassium-channel openers has normalized the subsequent glucose-induced insulin secretion in diabetic animals as well as in humans (10), and exogenous insulin supplementation has led to improvements in endogenous insulin secretion in patients with type 2 diabetes (11). Furthermore, a continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion regimen in overtly hyperglycemic patients with type 2 diabetes has led to marked improvements in glucose-induced insulin secretion, whereas the insulin response to glucagon stimulation was unchanged by the intervention (12). It is noteworthy that a large study using a transient period of continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion or multiple daily insulin injections in newly diagnosed patients with type 2 diabetes has demonstrated persistent improvements in the acute insulin response to glucose even 1 year after the short-term intervention (13). However, because in most previous studies insulin secretion before and after the respective interventions was determined at different glucose levels, it is difficult to distinguish whether the observed improvements in insulin secretion were primarily the result of the chronic reduction in hyperglycemia or of the acute differences in glycemia at the time of the experiments. In addition, the effects of long-acting insulin analogs on endogenous insulin secretion have not yet been specifically examined.Therefore, the current study was designed to examine 1) whether basal insulin treatment of hyperglycemic patients with type 2 diabetes improves first- and second-phase insulin secretion in response to glucose, and if so, 2) whether this was attributable to the chronic improvements in glycemia or the acute differences in fasting glucose levels during the experiments.  相似文献   

Entry of extracellular calcium (Ca++) via voltage-gated Ca++ channels is essential for neurotransmitter release. In this study, we examined whether nicotinic receptor-stimulated release of acetylcholine (ACh) and somatostatin (S14) are coupled to calcium influx via distinct calcium channel subtypes in the myenteric plexus. Isolated ganglia from the guinea pig ileal myenteric plexus were prepared and placed in perfusion chambers under standard conditions. The ganglionic agonist dimethylphenylpiperazinium (DMPP, 10(-6) to 10(-3) M) stimulated the release of [3H]ACh in a concentration-dependent manner. This release was blocked by hexamethonium or Ca(++)-free medium containing 1 mM EGTA and was antagonized by omega-conotoxin, a preferential N calcium channel blocker, but was not affected by nifedipine (L channel antagonist) or nickel (T calcium channel antagonist). DMPP-evoked release of somatostatin was also antagonized by omega-conotoxin, but was not affected by nifedipine or nickel. These observations indicate that neurosecretion of ACh and S14 evoked by DMPP is mediated by calcium entry via voltage-sensitive N-type Ca++ channels. To provide additional evidence that nicotinic receptor stimulation is associated with Ca++ entry via the N-type Ca++ channels, we examined the intracellular calcium [Ca++]i concentration of the myenteric plexus neurons using fura-2 microspectrofluorometry. Basal [Ca++]i of single ileal myenteric neurons was 65 +/- 5 nM. Perfusion with DMPP (10(-6) to 10(-3) M) caused a rapid, transient elevation in [Ca++]i which was abolished by Ca(++)-free medium containing 1 mM EGTA.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The identification of a gain-of-function mutation in CACNA1C as the cause of Timothy Syndrome (TS), a rare disorder characterized by cardiac arrhythmias and syndactyly, highlighted unexpected roles for the L-type voltage-gated Ca2+ channel CaV1.2 in nonexcitable cells. How abnormal Ca2+ influx through CaV1.2 underlies phenotypes such as the accompanying syndactyly or craniofacial abnormalities in the majority of affected individuals is not readily explained by established CaV1.2 roles. Here, we show that CaV1.2 is expressed in the first and second pharyngeal arches within the subset of cells that give rise to jaw primordia. Gain-of-function and loss-of-function studies in mouse, in concert with knockdown/rescue and pharmacological approaches in zebrafish, demonstrated that Ca2+ influx through CaV1.2 regulates jaw development. Cranial neural crest migration was unaffected by CaV1.2 knockdown, suggesting a role for CaV1.2 later in development. Focusing on the mandible, we observed that cellular hypertrophy and hyperplasia depended upon Ca2+ signals through CaV1.2, including those that activated the calcineurin signaling pathway. Together, these results provide new insights into the role of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels in nonexcitable cells during development.  相似文献   

Ion channels and insulin secretion.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
We review the role of ion channels in regulating insulin secretion from pancreatic beta-cells. By controlling ion permeability, ion channels at the membrane play a major role in regulating both electrical activity and signal transduction in the beta-cell. A proximal step in the cascade of events required for stimulus-secretion coupling is the closure of ATP-sensitive K+ channels, resulting in cell depolarization. Of particular relevance is the finding that this channel is directly regulated by a metabolite of glucose, which is the primary insulin secretagogue. In addition, this channel, or a closely associated protein, contains the sulfonylurea-binding site. Another K+ channel, the Ca2(+)-activated K+ channel, may be involved in cell repolarization to create homeostasis. Voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels are activated by cell depolarization and regulate Ca2+ influx into the cell. By controlling cytosolic free-Ca2+ levels ([Ca2+]i), these channels play an important role in transducing the initial stimulus to the effector systems that modulate insulin secretion. The link between a rise in [Ca2+]i and the terminal event of exocytosis is the least-understood aspect of stimulus-secretion coupling. However, phosphorylation studies have identified substrate proteins that may correspond to those involved in smooth muscle contraction, suggesting an analogy in the processes of stimulus secretion and excitation contraction. The advent of new methodology, particularly the patch-clamp technique, has fostered a more detailed characterization of the beta-cell ion channels. Furthermore, biochemical and molecular approaches developed for the structural analysis of ion channels in other tissues can now be applied to the isolation and characterization of the beta-cell ion channels. This is of particular significance because there appear to be tissue-specific variations in the different types of ion channels. Given the importance of ion channels in cell physiology, a knowledge of the structure and properties of these channels in the beta-cell is required for understanding the abnormalities of insulin secretion that occur in non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Ultimately, these studies should also provide new therapeutic approaches to the treatment of this disease.  相似文献   

A complex interaction of environmental, genetic and epigenetic factors combine with ageing to cause the most prevalent of movement disorders Parkinson's disease. Current pharmacological treatments only tackle the symptoms and do not stop progression of the disease or reverse the neurodegenerative process. While some incidences of Parkinson's disease arise through heritable genetic defects, the cause of the majority of cases remains unknown. Likewise, why some neuronal populations are more susceptible to neurodegeneration than others is not clear, but as the molecular pathways responsible for the process of cell death are unravelled, it is increasingly apparent that disrupted cellular energy metabolism plays a central role. Precise control of cellular calcium concentrations is crucial for maintenance of energy homeostasis. Recently, differential cellular expression of neuronal voltage-gated calcium channel (CaV) isoforms has been implicated in the susceptibility of vulnerable neurons to neurodegeneration in Parkinson's disease. CaV channels are also involved in the synaptic plasticity response to the denervation that occurs in Parkinson's disease and following chronic treatment with anti-parkinsonian drugs. This review will examine the putative role neuronal CaV channels have in the pathogenesis and treatment of Parkinson's disease.  相似文献   

Calcium and cyclic AMP are important in the stimulation of insulin release. The phosphodiesterase inhibitor 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (IBMX) raises islet cAMP levels and causes insulin release at nonstimulatory glucose concentrations. In isolated rat pancreatic islets maintained for 2 d in tissue culture, the effects of IBMX on insulin release and 45Ca++ fluxes were compared with those of glucose. During perifusion at 1 mM Ca++, 16.7 mM glucose elicited a biphasic insulin release, whereas 1 mM IBMX in the presence of 2.8 mM glucose caused a monophasic release. Decreasing extracellular Ca++ a monophasic release. Decreasing extracellular Ca++ to 0.1 mM during stimulation reduced the glucose effect by 80% but did not alter IBMX-induced release. Both glucose and IBMX stimulated 45Ca++ uptake (5 min). 45Ca++ efflux from islets loaded to isotopic equilibrium (46 h) was increased by both substances. IBMX stimulation of insulin release, of 45Ca++ uptake, and of efflux were not inhibited by blockade of Ca++ uptake with verapamil, whereas glucose-induced changes are known to be inhibited. Because IBMX-induced insulin release remained unaltered at 0.1 mM calcium, it appears that cAMP-stimulated insulin release is controlled by intracellular calcium. This is supported by perifusion experiments at 0 Ca++ when IBMX stimulated net Ca++ efflux. In addition, glucose-stimulated insulin release was potentiated by IBMX. These results suggest that cAMP induced insulin release is mediated by increases in cytosolic Ca++ and that cAMP causes dislocation of Ca++ from intracellular stores.  相似文献   

Mibefradil block of cloned T-type calcium channels   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Mibefradil is a tetralol derivative chemically distinct from other calcium channel antagonists. It is a very effective antihypertensive agent that is thought to achieve its action via a higher affinity block for low-voltage-activated (T) than for high-voltage-activated (L) calcium channels. Estimates of affinity using Ba(2+) as the charge carrier have predicted a 10- to 15-fold preference of mibefradil for T channels over L channels. However, T channel IC(50) values are reported to be approximately 1 microM, which is much higher than expected for clinical efficacy because relevant blood levels of this drug are approximately 50 nM. We compared the affinity for mibefradil of the newly cloned T channel isoforms, alpha1G, alpha1H, and alpha1I with an L channel, alpha1C. In 10 mM Ba(2+), mibefradil blocked in the micromolar range and with 12- to 13-fold greater affinity for T channels than for L channels (approximately 1 microM versus 13 microM). When 2 mM Ca(2+) was used as the charge carrier, the drug was more efficacious; the IC(50) for alpha1G shifted to 270 nM and for alpha1H shifted to 140 nM, 4.5- and 9-fold higher affinity than in 10 mM Ba. The data are consistent with the idea that mibefradil competes for its binding site on the channel with the permeant species and that Ba(2+) is a more effective competitor than Ca(2+). Raising temperature to 35 degrees C reduced affinity (IC(50) 792 nM). Reducing channel availability to half increased affinity ( approximately 70 nM). This profile of mibefradil affinity makes these channels good candidates for the physiological target of this antihypertensive agent.  相似文献   

Pancreatic β cells support glucose homeostasis with great precision by matching insulin release to the metabolic needs of the moment. Previous gene-expression analysis indicates that adult β cells not only produce cell-specific proteins, but also repress a small set of housekeeping genes — such as those encoding lactate dehydrogenase A (LDHA), solute transporter MCT1, and hexokinase 1 (HK1) — that would otherwise interfere with normal β cell function. In this issue of the JCI, Dhawan et al. elucidate a molecular mechanism involved in β cell–specific repression of Ldha and Hk1 that is mediated by induction of the de novo DNA methyltransferase DNMT3A during the first weeks after birth. Failure to induce DNMT3A-dependent methylation disrupts normal glucose-induced insulin release in adult life. The results of this study reinforce the idea that the phenotype of adult β cells has two faces and that failure to achieve selective gene repression undermines β cell support of normal glucose homeostasis.  相似文献   

The relative contributions of Ca++, phosphorus, and parathyroid hormone (PTH) on insulin secretion were evaluated in three groups of dogs. Dogs were studied with glucose infusions (group I) or standard intravenous glucose tolerance tests (IVGTT) (group II) before and after the development of diet-induced hypophosphatemia. Mean serum phosphorus levels for both groups fell from 4.1 to 1.1 mg/100 ml. Animals in group I demonstrated a fall in glucose disappearance rates (Kg) from 5.3+/-0.6% min to 3.5+/-0.5% after induction of hypophosphatemia (P less than 0.001). Mean insulin response was significantly greater in the hypophosphatemic animals than in controls in this group. In group II animals, mean insulin areas obtained during the IVGTT increased from 1,426+/-223 to 2,561+/-141 muU/ml/60 min after induction of hypophosphatemia, and were unaffected by Ca++ or PTH administration. Ca++ administration, but not hypophosphatemia or PTH infusion, increased significantly the mean insulin response to tolbutamide. Secondary hyperparathyroidism was induced by dietary manipulation in four dogs (group III). Mean PTH values increased from 71.4+/-2.1 to 3,012+/-372 pg/ml (P less than 0.001). Mean insulin response to an IVGTT was similar to group III animals, but increased from 1,352+/-128 to 1,894+/-360 muU/ml/60 min after the excessive dietary phosphorus was reduced for 3 mo, and plasma phosphorus fell from 3.2+/-0.1 to 2.8+/-0.3 mg/100 ml. PTH values decreased to 647+/-53 pg/ml. The insulin response to tolbutamide was comparable to that in group II animals, but increased significantly after calcium administration. Immunoreactive insulin disappearance rates were unaffected by hypophosphatemia or diet-induced secondary hyperparathyroidism. These data demonstrate that hypophosphatemia is associated with an augmented glucose-stimulated insulin release, without any effect on tolbutamide-stimulated insulin release. Hypercalcemia produces an augmented tolbutamide-stimulated insulin release with no apparent effect on glucose-stimulated insulin release. Finally, PTH does not appear to be an insulin antagonist and has no apparent effect on either glucose- or tolbutamide-stimulated insulin release in animals with dietary-induced secondary hyperparathyroidism.  相似文献   

The type 2 ryanodine receptor (RyR2) is a Ca2+ release channel on the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of several types of cells, including cardiomyocytes and pancreatic β cells. In cardiomyocytes, RyR2-dependent Ca2+ release is critical for excitation-contraction coupling; however, a functional role for RyR2 in β cell insulin secretion and diabetes mellitus remains controversial. Here, we took advantage of rare RyR2 mutations that were identified in patients with a genetic form of exercise-induced sudden death (catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia [CPVT]). As these mutations result in a “leaky” RyR2 channel, we exploited them to assess RyR2 channel function in β cell dynamics. We discovered that CPVT patients with mutant leaky RyR2 present with glucose intolerance, which was heretofore unappreciated. In mice, transgenic expression of CPVT-associated RyR2 resulted in impaired glucose homeostasis, and an in-depth evaluation of pancreatic islets and β cells from these animals revealed intracellular Ca2+ leak via oxidized and nitrosylated RyR2 channels, activated ER stress response, mitochondrial dysfunction, and decreased fuel-stimulated insulin release. Additionally, we verified the effects of the pharmacological inhibition of intracellular Ca2+ leak in CPVT-associated RyR2-expressing mice, in human islets from diabetic patients, and in an established murine model of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Taken together, our data indicate that RyR2 channels play a crucial role in the regulation of insulin secretion and glucose homeostasis.  相似文献   

In hamster insulinoma (HIT) cells, maitotoxin (MTX) induces a time-dependent and concentration-dependent release of insulin that requires the presence of extracellular calcium. The response is nearly completely blocked by cinnarizine and cadmium, but is not inhibited by the L-type calcium channel blocker nifedipine or by manganese. MTX induces 45Ca+ uptake in these cells in a dose-dependent mode, and the uptake is blocked with cinnarizine, nifedipine and cadmium, and is partially inhibited by manganese. MTX induces phosphoinositide breakdown in HIT cells, and the response is partially blocked by cadmium, but is not affected by nifedipine, cinnarizine or manganese. High concentrations of potassium ions also induce insulin release and calcium uptake in HIT cells. Both effects of potassium are blocked partially by nifedipine, cadmium and cinnarizine. High concentrations of potassium do not induce phosphoinositide breakdown in HIT cells. The results suggest that MTX-elicited release of insulin is attained by two mechanisms: 1) a nifedipine-sensitive action, which results from MTX-induced activation of L-type calcium channels, which can be mimicked with high potassium concentrations; and 2) a nifedipine-insensitive action, which may be initiated by the activation of phosphoinositide breakdown by MTX. Such an activation of phospholipase C would result in the formation of 1,4,5-inositol trisphosphate, a release of intracellular calcium and then release of insulin to the extracellular space. Cinnarizine is proposed to block both MTX-elicited mechanisms, the first by blockade of calcium channels and the second by blocking 1,4,5-inositol trisphosphate-induced release of internal calcium. Either mechanism alone appears capable of eliciting release of insulin.  相似文献   

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