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Stress affects eating behaviour in rodents and humans, suggesting that the regulation of energy balance and the stress response are coupled physiological processes. Neuropeptide Y (NPY) and agouti-related protein (AgRP) are potent food-stimulating neuropeptides that are highly co-localised in arcuate nucleus neurons of the hypothalamus. Recent studies have shown that NPY and AgRP mRNA levels in these neurons respond similarly to fasting and leptin, indicating functional redundancy of the neuropeptide systems in these orexigenic neurons. However, we have found that NPY and AgRP mRNA expression in arcuate nucleus neurons are dissociated immediately following a stressful event. Two hours following a brief session of inescapable foot shocks, AgRP mRNA levels are down-regulated (P < 0.0001). In contrast, NPY mRNA levels are up-regulated (P < 0.0001). To provide physiological relevance for this acute down-regulation of AgRP, an inverse agonist of melanocortin receptors, we have shown that acute intracerebroventricular injection of a melanocortin receptor agonist, alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (alpha-MSH), caused a significantly stronger activation of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal-cortical (HPA) axis following a stressful event than in controls. Thus, AgRP and NPY mRNA levels in similar arcuate nucleus neurons are differentially regulated following a stressful event. This may contribute to increased sensitivity for alpha-MSH to activate the HPA axis following a repeated stressful experience.  相似文献   

目的分析住院糖尿病患者低血糖发生特点及其危险因素。方法利用医用SureStepFlexx床边血糖管理系统回顾性分析2008年1月至2011年12月3634例住院不同糖尿病分型的患者共203802次血糖监测数据中的低血糖发生的特点,探讨其相关危险因素。两组或多组间率的比较采用列联表分析。结果研究期间在广东省人民医院内分泌科住院的糖尿病患者共3634例(男/女:1805/1829例)。平均年龄为(59±15)岁。血糖监测共203802次,监测密度最大为早餐前(33567/203802,16.5%),最小在凌晨(17701/203802,8.7%),午餐前(21271/203802,10.4%)亦较低。共发生低血糖事件2453次,发生密度为1.2%。凌晨(506/2453,20.6%)及午餐前(406/2453,16.5%)低血糖发生率最高。有近1/3患者(1127/3634,31.0%)住院期间发生过低血糖,其中单次低血糖占52.4%(590/1127),2~3次低血糖为32.8%(370/1127),4次以上者达14.8%(167/1127)。以逐步筛选法进行二项分类logistic回归分析发现,住院低血糖的主要危险因素是:1型糖尿病(OR:2.478,95%CI:1.067~5.754)、多次胰岛素治疗[胰岛素泵:2.254(1.283~3.959)、三或四段胰岛素:2.307(1.310~4.065)、预混胰岛素:2.119(1.179~3.808)、糖化血红蛋白(HbAlc)〈7.0%:2.008(1.560~2.583)]。结论住院期间糖尿病患者低血糖最多发生在凌晨,其次到午餐前,恰是血糖监测密度最少时段,关注凌晨及午餐前血糖监测有利于及时发现低血糖。对于1型糖尿病、胰岛素强化治疗及HbAlc〈7.0%患者在控制血糖达标同时要特别注意防止低血糖发生。  相似文献   

Neuropeptide Y (NPY) readily stimulates the release of hypothalamic LHRH and pituitary LH release in intact and gonadal steroid-primed gonadectomized rats. We have now tested the hypothesis that the release and synthesis of hypothalamic NPY may be regulated by gonadal steroids. To measure the effects of gonadal hormones on NPY release, a permanent push-pull cannula was implanted in the anterior pituitary (AP) of sham castrated (controls) or castrated (CAST) male rats, and 1 week later, the AP was perfused with artificial cerebrospinal fluid over a 3-4 h period. NPY concentrations in the perfusates collected at 10-min intervals were measured by RIAs. The NPY release pattern in the AP was episodic in both intact and CAST rats, and the frequency of NPY episodes was similar in two groups. However, the amount of NPY detected in the AP of CAST rats was significantly less than that of intact rats because the mean rate of release and the amplitude of NPY episodes in the perfusates of CAST rats were significantly reduced. This observation of attenuated hypothalamic NPY output in vivo and previous evidence of decreased hypothalamic NPY contents after CAST implied that the synthesis of hypothalamic NPY may be regulated by testicular secretions. Therefore, the effects of testosterone (T)-replacement on preproNPY messenger RNA (mRNA) in the medial basal hypothalamus (MBH) was evaluated. Rats were CAST and received either empty or T-filled Silastic capsules sc. Two weeks later, the level of perproNPY mRNA in the MBH was determined by solution hybridization/ribonuclease protection assay using a complementary RNA probe complementary to the rat NPY precursor mRNA. We observed that the levels of preproNPY mRNA were 2-fold higher in the MBH of T-replaced CAST as compared to control CAST rats. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that gonadal steroids enhance the neurosecretory activity of hypothalamic NPYergic neurons, and for the first time reveal a coupling between the level of gene expression and the secretion of a neuropeptide involved in the regulation of hypothalamic LHRH and pituitary LH release.  相似文献   

The release of catecholamines and their co-neurotransmitter neuropeptide Y was investigated in conscious dogs with neurogenic arterial hypertension elicited by sinoaortic denervation. One month after denervation, an elevation of catecholamine levels (measured by HPLC) without elevation of neuropeptide Y levels in plasma (evaluated by RIA) has been found. This dissociation could be explained by a transient release of neuropeptide Y during the first weeks after surgery; a depletion of neuronal neuropeptide Y due to the permanent sympathetic stimulation; or an insufficient increase in sympathetic tone. To test these three hypotheses, we investigated the time courses of catecholamine and neuropeptide Y levels in arterial plasma during the first five weeks after sinoaortic denervation; and the responses to yohimbine (an alpha 2 antagonist which enhances transmitter release). Resting neuropeptide Y levels in plasma remained normal during the first five weeks after sinoaortic denervation. In normal dogs, a high dose of yohimbine (0.5 mg/kg i.v.) elevated both catecholamine (6-fold) and neuropeptide Y levels (1.5-fold), whereas a lower dose (0.05 mg/kg i.v.) induced a two fold elevation of catecholamine levels without changing neuropeptide Y concentrations. In sinoaortically denervated dogs, yohimbine elicited elevation of both catecholamines and neuropeptide Y whatever the dose used. Thus, neurogenic arterial hypertension in dogs seams to involve catecholamines but not neuropeptide Y. Moreover, the present work suggests that a high level of sympathetic stimulation is required for a co-release of catecholamines and neuropeptide Y.  相似文献   

Aims/IntroductionAlcohol consumption has been reported to cause hypoglycemia. However, the mechanism involved has not been unequivocally established. This study comprised healthy volunteers. We carried out a prospective trial to compare the effects of glucose and alcohol consumption, alone or in combination, on glucose and lipid metabolism.Materials and MethodsA 75‐g oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), a combined 75‐g glucose plus 20‐g alcohol tolerance test (OGATT) and a 20‐g alcohol tolerance test (OATT) were carried out in the participants. Plasma glucose, insulin, triglyceride and ethanol concentrations during each test were compared.ResultsWe studied 10 participants. Their plasma glucose concentrations 15 and 30 min after the intake of 75 g of glucose were significantly higher during the OGATT than the OGTT. Hypoglycemia occurred in five participants after the OGATT, which was significantly more frequently than after the OGTT (P = 0.046). Hypoglycemia did not occur after the OATT, and the ethanol concentration was significantly lower after the OGATT than the OATT. The changes in triglyceride concentration from 30 min after the consumption of 75 g of glucose were significantly greater during the OGATT than the OGTT. The plasma insulin concentrations peaked after 60 min during both the OGTT and OGATT, and were significantly higher during the OGATT (P = 0.047). There were no differences between the two interventions in the Matsuda or disposition indexes.ConclusionsHypoglycemia occurred more frequently after the simultaneous consumption of alcohol plus glucose than after the consumption of glucose alone, suggesting that alcohol in the combination of glucose induces reactive hypoglycemia.  相似文献   

Grove KL  Brogan RS  Smith MS 《Endocrinology》2001,142(11):4771-4776
During development there is novel expression of NPY mRNA in the dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus (DMH) and perifornical region (PFR), in addition to the arcuate nucleus (ARH). Furthermore, NPY mRNA levels peak in all regions on postnatal d 16 (P16) and decrease to adult levels by P30. The purpose of the present study was to determine whether NPY and agouti-related protein (AGRP) mRNA expression in the different hypothalamic regions on P11 and P16 are similarly affected by fasting. An examination of the full rostral to caudal extent of the hypothalamus revealed two additional regions displaying novel NPY mRNA expression, the parvocellular division of the paraventricular nucleus (PVH) and lateral hypothalamus (LH). Maternal deprivation for 36 h, used to bring about a fast, similarly increased (23-29%) NPY and AGRP mRNA expression in the ARH on P11 and P16. In contrast, NPY expression in the DMH and PFR were significantly decreased (19-30% and 48-53%, respectively), whereas NPY mRNA levels in the PVH and LH were not altered by this treatment. The increase in NPY and AGRP mRNA expression in the ARH in response to maternal deprivation suggests that these neuronal populations respond to signals of energy balance. In contrast, NPY expression in the DMH, PFR, PVH, and LH is differentially regulated by maternal deprivation or other factors associated with maternal separation.  相似文献   

The discovery of leptin has generated an extraordinary interest in the field of obesity but also in the understanding of the relationship between metabolic status and the neuroendocrine system. Following the initial demonstration that leptin administration to fasting mice can ‘protect’ neuroendocrine secretions and prevent the changes that are associated with fasting, the concept has emerged that a normal leptin secretion is a prerequisite for normal neuroendocrine secretions. Several unfavorable metabolic situations are associated with low plasma leptin, increased secretion of hypothalmic neuropeptide Y (NPY), and hypogonadism, and a causal relationship has been evoked. Severe dietary restriction in juvenile female rats is associated with low plasma leptin and sexual immaturity. Cessation of food restriction leads to immediate increase in plasma leptin followed 4 days later by vaginal opening. If food restriction is maintained, central leptin infusion can induce sexual maturation, thus demonstrating that leptin can act as a signal for the onset of puberty. In untreated type-I diabetic rats, hypogonadism is associated with very low plasma leptin and increased hypothalmic NYP synthesis and oestrous cyclicity. Fasting rapidly inhibits growth hormone (GH) secretion in association with low plasma leptin and elevated hypothalmic NPY. Central infusion of leptin to fasting rats was able to completely prevent the collapse of GH secretion and to maintain a normal low NPY synthesis. In summary, normally elevated plasma levels appear to be a prerequisite for normal GH and gonadotropin secretion in the rat. Degradation of metabolic conditions results in a rapid reduction of circulating leptin that could represent the signal for several alterations of neuroendocrine secretions. At the level of the hypothalamus, leptin could act on NPY neurons to transduce part or all of this ‘metabolic’ message. The possibility that changing plasma levels for leptin also affect peripheral endocrine targets, such as pituitary, ovary, adrenal or pancreas, is likely since these endocrine organs express functional long-term leptin receptors.  相似文献   

瘦素受体及神经肽Y mRNA在肥胖大鼠下丘脑弓状核的表达   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
以高脂饮食制备肥胖大鼠模型和用寡核苷酸探针在下丘脑弓状核进行原位杂交检测,结果显示肥胖大鼠下丘脑弓状核瘦素受体mRNA和神经肽Y mRNA表达明显增加,提示可能为瘦素受体抵抗所致。  相似文献   

Background and aimsThe measurement of vital signs is an important part of clinical work up. Presently, measurement of blood glucose is a factor for concern mostly when treating individuals with diabetes. Significance of blood glucose measurement in prognosis of non-diabetic and hospitalized patients is not clear.MethodsA systematic search of literature published in the Electronic databases, PubMed and Google Scholar was performed using following keywords; blood glucose, hospital admissions, critical illness, hospitalizations, cardiovascular disease (CVD), morbidity, and mortality. This literature search was largely restricted to non-diabetic individuals.ResultsBlood glucose level, even when in high normal range, or in slightly high range, is an important determinant of morbidity and mortality, especially in hospitalized patients. Further, even slight elevation of blood glucose may increase mortality in patients with COVID-19. Finally, blood glucose variability and hypoglycemia in critically ill individuals without diabetes causes excess in-hospital complications and mortality.ConclusionIn view of these data, we emphasize the significance of blood glucose measurement in all patients admitted to the hospital regardless of presence of diabetes. We propose that blood glucose be included as the “fifth vital sign” for any hospitalized patient.  相似文献   

Background and aimsTo evaluate the safety and effectiveness of iGlarLixi in adults with type 2 diabetes (T2D) fasting during Ramadan.MethodsSoliRam was a multinational, prospective, single-arm, real-world observational study conducted during Ramadan 2020 and 2021 in adults with T2D treated with iGlarLixi ≥3 months at study entry. The primary endpoint was the percentage of participants experiencing ≥1 episode of severe and/or symptomatic documented hypoglycemia (<70 mg/dL [<3.9 mmol/L]).ResultsAmong the 409 eligible participants followed during Ramadan, 96.8% fasted for ≥25 days and 92.4% did not break fasting during Ramadan. Four participants broke their fast due to hypoglycemia. Minimal adjustments were seen in antihyperglycemic therapies from pre to during Ramadan. Documented symptomatic hypoglycemia was experienced by 1.0%, 2.3%, and 0.3% of participants, respectively, during the last month of pre-Ramadan, Ramadan, and first month post-Ramadan. Mean change in HbA1c from pre-to post-Ramadan periods was ?0.75% (?8.2 mmol/mol), and participants with HbA1c <7% (<53 mmol/mol) increased from 7.9% pre-Ramadan to 28.6% post-Ramadan.ConclusionsiGlarLixi is an effective and well-tolerated therapy for people with T2D, including those who intend to fast during Ramadan, and is associated with a low risk of hypoglycemia; benefits were observed both during and after Ramadan.  相似文献   

目的 以传统动态血糖监测(continuous glucose monitoring system,CGMS)为对照,评估实时动态血糖监测(real-time continuous glucose monitoring system,RT-CGMS)对老年2型糖尿病患者低血糖的检出和干预作用.方法 选取2010年1月-2013年12月住院的60岁及以上2型糖尿病患者166例,随机分入RT-CGMS组(试验组,n=84)和传统CGMS组(对照组,n=82)进行72 h持续血糖监测.设备安装当天为设备调试日,随后连续观察2d.试验组每日3次根据实时显示血糖曲线调整降糖策略,并设定高低血糖报警界限;对照组每日3次根据指末血糖调整降糖策略.比较两组间平均血糖、低血糖发生率、平均每人每天低血糖发生次数、平均每次低血糖持续时间、低血糖所占时间百分比以及时间分布规律.结果 (1)试验组和对照组平均血糖:(8.3±1.8) mmol/L vs (8.6士1.9) mmol/L,试验组较低,差异无统计学意义(t=1.286,P>0.05);(2)试验组和对照组的低血糖发生率29.8%vs50.0%(x2=7.096,P<0.05);平均每人每天低血糖发生次数、夜间低血糖发生次数分别为0 (0~0.5)次/人/dvs0.25 (0~0.5)次/人/d、0 (0~0)次/人/晚vs0(0~0.5)次/人/晚,差异均有统计学意义(Z=2.548、2.293,P均<0.05);(3)试验组和对照组每次低血糖持续时间20 (15 ~35) min vs 40 (20~80) min,差异有统计学意义(Z=3.030,P<0.05).血糖低于3.9 mmol/L所占时间百分比为(1.2±2.7)%vs(3.9±6.7)%(t=3.452,P<0.05).结论 采用实时动态血糖监测在控制老年2型糖尿病低血糖发生方面优于指末血糖.  相似文献   

目的观察小鼠局灶性脑缺血后脑皮质神经细胞内原蛋白转化酶1(PC1)及其作用底物神经肽Y(NPY)的表达变化,探讨PC1在神经细胞缺血损伤中的作用。方法将24只雄性C57小鼠用计算机随机法分为假手术组和缺血-再灌注4、24 h组,每组各8只。采用线栓法制备小鼠大脑中动脉阻塞模型,阻塞1 h再灌注。采用Western Blot法、实时荧光定量核酸扩增检测小鼠脑皮质神经细胞中PC1及NPY蛋白、mRNA的表达变化。结果 (1)与假手术组比较,缺血侧皮质脑组织PC1mRNA缺血-再灌注4 h组表达增加(2.66±0.24),缺血-再灌注24 h组增加(2.07±0.23),差异均有统计学意义(均P0.05)。与假手术组比较,缺血-再灌注4 h组PC1前体蛋白水平明显增加(P0.05),24 h组差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。(2)与假手术组比较,缺血-再灌注4 h组前体NPY前体蛋白水平及mRNA增加(P0.05),mRNA表达为2.31±0.27;24 h组蛋白前体水平增加(P0.05),NPY mRNA表达差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。结论小鼠脑缺血-再灌注后PC1前体表达增多,从而影响PC1的加工活性,导致PC1的作用底物NPY蛋白以前体形式堆积,可能为神经细胞缺血损伤的内在机制之一。  相似文献   

目的 探讨神经肽Y(NPY)在血液透析(HD)中的意义。方法 采用放射法对35例HD患者进行血小板提取液和血浆中NPY含量检测,并以30例健康人作为对照。结果 HD患者血小板中NPY含量明显低于对照组,HD后增高;血浆中NPY水平高于对照组,HD后降低;提取液中NPY水平减少与血浆增高呈显著负相关。结论 HD患者血小板中NPY由于病理因素大量释放入血浆,参与了缩血管效应。  相似文献   

Aims/IntroductionContinuous glucose monitoring (CGM) metrics, such as times in range (TIR) and time below range, have been shown to be useful as clinical targets that complement glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. We investigated the relationships between TIR, glycemic variability and patient characteristics in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.Materials and MethodsWe carried out continuous glucose monitoring in 281 outpatients with type 2 diabetes mellitus who participated in a multicenter cohort (Hyogo Diabetes Hypoglycemia Cognition Complications) study.ResultsThe results are shown as the median (interquartile range). The age, disease duration and HbA1c were 68 years (62–71 years), 13 years (7–23 years) and 6.9% (6.5–7.5%), respectively. TIR and standard deviation obtained by continuous glucose monitoring worsened significantly with increasing disease duration. Multiple regression analyses showed that disease duration (standard partial regression coefficient, β = −0.160, P = 0.003), diabetic peripheral neuropathy (β = −0.106, P = 0.033) and urinary albumin excretion (β = −0.100, P = 0.043) were useful explanatory factors for TIR. In contrast, HbA1c (β = −0.398, P < 0.001) and the use of antidiabetic drugs potentially associated with severe hypoglycemia (β = 0.180, P = 0.028), such as sulfonylureas, glinides and insulin, were useful explanatory factors for time below range in the elderly patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.ConclusionsThe results of this study suggest that disease duration and diabetic complications are associated with TIR deterioration. In addition, low HbA1c levels and the use of antidiabetic drugs potentially associated with severe hypoglycemia might worsen the time below range in the elderly.  相似文献   

Summary In order to obtain a dynamic picture of the way abnormal insulinemia, as a function of blood glucose, occurs in the morning in subjects with insulinoma, we have measured amended plasma insulin (IRI)/blood glucose (BG) ratio during the fasting period of 4 sleeping subjects with insulinoma. Healthy subjects and subjects suffering from other diseases were used as reference in order to determine variations of this ratio during the night. BG and IRI were assayed at intervals of 15 or 30 min. Subjects with insulinoma differed from the other subjects by a very elevated ratio dispersion around the mean value with highly significant peaks (>100). Mean value always remained outside the range (7–82) which covers the total range of values measured in healthy and pathological subjects. Presented in part under abstract form to the 7th Congress of Endocrinology, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada.  相似文献   

Abstract Iron overload, such as occurs in the genetic disease haemochromatosis, leads to synthesis of ferritin containing an increased proportion of L subunits. Inflammation also leads to clinically important increases in ferritin synthesis but the predominant subunit involved is unclear. Elevation of serum ferritin concentration during the acute phase response confounds its use as an indicator of body iron stores and identification of the major subunit involved may allow distinction of the ferritin associated with inflammation from that synthesized during iron overload. The present study examined H and L ferritin subunit mRNA levels in rats with: (i) longstanding iron overload, both parenteral and oral, in which changes should be maximal and stable; and (ii) inflammation of 24 and 48 h duration. A two-fold increase in L mRNA level was found in both groups of iron loaded animals while H mRNA level was unchanged. This finding would account for the observed preponderance of L subunits in ferritin during iron overload. During the course of inflammation there was a progressive decrease in L mRNA level in the liver but not the spleen. H mRNA relative to total RNA level was unchanged in both liver and spleen. It is concluded that the differential regulation of the two ferritin subunits in response to different stimuli and in different tissues occurs at the level of alteration in mRNA concentration.  相似文献   

Koban M  Le WW  Hoffman GE 《Endocrinology》2006,147(1):421-431
Chronic rapid eye movement (paradoxical) sleep deprivation (REM-SD) of rats leads to two conspicuous pathologies: hyperphagia coincident with body weight loss, prompted by elevated metabolism. Our goals were to test the hypotheses that 1) as a stressor, REM-SD would increase CRH gene expression in the hypothalamus and that 2) to account for hyperphagia, hypothalamic gene expression of the orexigen neuropeptide Y (NPY) would increase, but expression of the anorexigen proopiomelanocortin (POMC) would decrease. Enforcement of REM-SD of adult male rats for 20 d with the platform (flowerpot) method led to progressive hyperphagia, increasing to approximately 300% of baseline; body weight steadily declined by approximately 25%. Consistent with changes in food intake patterns, NPY expression rapidly increased in the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus by d 5 of REM-SD, peaking at d 20; by contrast, POMC expression decreased progressively during REM-SD. CRH expression was increased by d 5, both in mRNA and ability to detect neuronal perikaryal staining in paraventricular nucleus with immunocytochemistry, and it remained elevated thereafter with modest declines. Taken together, these data indicate that changes in hypothalamic neuropeptides regulating food intake are altered in a manner consistent with the hyperphagia seen with REM-SD. Changes in CRH, although indicative of REM-SD as a stressor, suggest that the anorexigenic actions of CRH are ineffective (or disabled). Furthermore, changes in NPY and POMC agree with current models of food intake behavior, but they are opposite to their acute effects on peripheral energy metabolism and thermogenesis.  相似文献   

Background and AimsThis study aimed to identify unique dietary patterns, and to examine the correlation of dietary patterns with elevated blood pressure, lipid profile and fasting plasma glucose (FPG) among adults in Jiangsu Province of China.Methods and results4951 individuals were selected in this cross-sectional study from nutrition and health survey in Jiangsu Province in 2014. Factor analysis was used to identify the dietary patterns. Higher quartile of the cereals-seafood-dairy dietary pattern was inversely associated with high low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL) (composed to Q1, OR = 0.834, 95% CI: 0.700~0.993, P < 0.05) and FPG (composed to Q1, OR = 0.725, 95% CI: 0.609–0.862, P < 0.05), while higher quartile of the traditional Jiangsu dietary pattern was positively associated with low high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL) (composed to Q1, OR = 1.395, 95% CI: 1.067~1.825, P < 0.05) and high systolic blood pressure (SBP) (composed to Q1, OR = 1.238, 95% CI: 1.020~1.503, P < 0.05). Higher scores of the refined food-oriented dietary pattern was inversely related to high triglycerides (TG) (composed to Q1, OR = 0.665, 95% CI: 0.551~0.802, P < 0.05), but was positively related to high TC (composed to Q1, OR = 2.179, 95% CI: 1.817~2.614), high LDL (composed to Q1, OR = 2.431, 95% CI: 2.037~2.902, P < 0.05) and elevated FPG (composed to Q1, OR = 1.734, 95% CI: 1.458~2.061, P < 0.05).ConclusionDifferent structure of dietary patterns do affect the blood pressure, lipid profile and fasting plasma glucose among adults in Jiangsu Province, China.  相似文献   

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