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目的评价3.0 T术中磁共振成像(intraoperative magnetic resonance imaging,iMRI)联合弥散张量成像(diffusion tensor imaging,DTI)锥体束示踪导航及术中神经电生理监测(intraoperative neurophysiologicalmonitoring,IONM)技术在各种累及岛叶的胶质瘤切除手术中的应用价值。方法 2010年9月至2011年6月以3.0 T iMRI数字一体化神经外科手术中心为平台,在iMRI功能导航结合IONM下对18例累及岛叶的胶质瘤实施切除手术。其中对10例主侧半球肿瘤采用唤醒麻醉下术中直接皮质电刺激进行语言区定位。对所有18例岛叶胶质瘤,术中均采用DTI导航结合术中连续经皮质刺激运动诱发电位和皮质下电刺激进行锥体束定位。结果通过iMRI实时扫描,18例患者中有13例发现肿瘤残留,其中6例在iMRI实时影像导航下获得了进一步切除,使肿瘤的影像学全切除率从5/18提高至9/18。经Fisher检验,iMRI前、后的肿瘤切除率(包括全切除及次全切除)具有统计学意义(P=0.046)。9例因DTI导航或IONM提示切缘临近功能皮质或深部锥体束,而未强求全切除。10例主侧半球肿瘤患者中,术后近期(1周内)出现一过性语言功能障碍5例,随访至术后1个月,语言功能均恢复到术前水平或以上;18例患者中3例术后近期出现肢体运动功能障碍,随访至术后1个月,其中2例完全恢复。总体术后1个月的神经功能障碍仅1例。无iMRI及IONM相关的并发症发生。结论应用3.0 T iMRI术中实时影像导航联合DTI锥体束示踪成像技术及IONM技术有助于最大程度地安全切除岛叶胶质瘤。  相似文献   

Ultrasound (US) is being used increasingly in intraoperative imaging. Its reliability in identifying low-grade gliomas (LGG), however, has not been shown definitively. We compared the quality and reliability of high-end two-dimensional (2D) ultrasound (US) and 1.5 Tesla intraoperative MRI (iopMRI) images in 11 patients with LGG. The parameters evaluated were: tumor border; internal structure; vascularity, location, and relation to landmarks and vessels; and accuracy in detecting remnants. Both methods allowed good visualization of internal characteristics of the tumor and its location. The tumor border was clear on 10 of 11 MRI and on 9 of 11 US. During surgery, however, the quality of US images diminished, leading to some difficulties in interpretation. One small superficial remnant was not identified and in one patient an artifact was falsely interpreted as a remnant. While iopMRI appeared superior for visualizing different stages of hemispheric LGG resection, 2D US still allows accurate initial tumor delineation and for almost real-time control of tumor resection.  相似文献   

目的 评价高场强术中磁共振(iMRI)对脑胶质瘤手术切除程度及手术策略的影响.方法 解放军总医院神经外科自2009年10月至2010年6月将高场强iMRI系统应用于胶质瘤切除术患者106例,术前了解术者的切除意图(全切、次全切、大部切除),术前1 d患者常规行MRI扫描,应用影像数据和软件计算术前肿瘤体积,术中常规使用神经导航手术,依据术者的需求采集影像.必要时行iMRI扫描计算术中残余肿瘤体积和肿瘤体积切除百分比,分析使用iMRI对肿瘤切除程度、手术策略的影响.结果 术前计划全切48例,次全切41例,大部切除17例.术中第一次扫描示42例(39.6%)完全切除,64例(60.4%)仍有残留,其中25例由于肿瘤与重要功能区或重要传导束紧邻而未作进一步切除,其余39例(36.8%)改进手术策略,标记出残留肿瘤后进一步手术,25例(23.6%)胶质瘤最终全切除,肿瘤体积切除百分比由(76.5±20.5)%提高到(94.2±8.7)%,差异有统计学意义(U=2.000,P=0.000);最终实际全切67例,次全切25例,大部切除14例,全切率有所提高.106例患者平均肿瘤体积切除百分比由第一次扫描时的(86.3±20.2)%提高到最终扫描时的(93.6±12.4)%,差异有统计学意义(U=4.000,p=0.000).结论 高场强iMRI的应用可显著提高脑胶质瘤的切除程度,改进手术策略.
Objective To evaluate the impact of high-field intraoperative magnetic resonance imaging (iMRI) on extension of resection and surgical strategy modification for glioma surgery. Methods One hundred and six patients, admitted to our hospital from October 2009 to June 2010, were performed glioma resections with the help of high-field iMRI. Questionnaires were filled and collected prospectively to record the surgeons' intention on the extent of resection (EoR) and the intra-operative estimation of EoR before every iMRI scan. The scan imagings were collected based on the request of the surgeon, and the percentage of tumor removal was calculated according to the iMRI data. The impact of iMRI on the tumor EoR and modification of surgical strategy was then evaluated. Results Preoperatively, 48 patients were intended to achieve total tumor removal, 41 sub-total tumor removal, and 17 partial removal. The first intraoperative MRI scan revealed that 42 (39.6%) patients achieved complete resection, while residual tumors were depicted in 64 (60.4%).Further tumor resections were performed in 39 patients (36.8%), but the other 25 patients could not perform further resection for their tumors were closely neighbored to the important functional region or important tracts. Finally, in the whole cohort, the percentage of tumor resection volume was increased from (76.5±20.5)% to (94.2±8.7)%, with significant differences (U=2.000, P=0.000); 67 patients got complete removal, 25 sub-total removal and 14 partial removal; The total removal rate was significantly increased from 45.3% (48/106) to 63.2% (67/106): the average percentage of tumor resection volume in the second time of scan ([93.6±12.41%) was obviously increased as compared with that in the first scan ([86.3±20.21%, U=4.000, P=0.000). Conclusion High-field iMRI may increase the extent of glioma resection, and has significant impact on the intraoperative modification of the surgical strategy.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The surgical treatment of medically intractable temporal lobe epilepsy includes the resection of temporal lobe structures. Although the reported seizure-free outcomes are highly variable, there is growing evidence that the extent of resection of the mesiotemporal lobe directly correlates with seizure control. METHODS: A moveable, high-field intraoperative magnetic resonance (MR) system was used to monitor and optimize the resection of the amygdala and hippocampus in 14 epilepsy patients. Fourteen patients with intractable seizures of temporal lobe origin underwent standard preoperative investigations including MR imaging, EEG telemetry, single-photon emission computed tomography, and neuropsychologic and sodium amytal testing. Anterior temporal lobectomy was performed on 10 patients, whereas four were treated with selective amygdalohippocampectomy. Intraoperative electrocorticography was applied as required. For all procedures, the objective was to resect the amygdala completely, and hippocampus to the posterior margin of the brainstem. RESULTS: Interdissection intraoperative MR imaging taken when optimal resection was thought to have been achieved revealed residual unresected amygdala or hippocampus in seven of 14 patients. An unexpected acute hematoma was found in one patient. At 17 months' follow-up, 13 (93%) of 14 patients are seizure free or have significantly improved seizure control. CONCLUSIONS: The mobile high-field intraoperative MR system provides high-resolution images without restriction on surgical instruments or techniques. The ability to identify and resect residual mesial temporal lobe targets before craniotomy closure is of potentially tremendous value in optimizing seizure control.  相似文献   

低场强术中磁共振BOLD导航在脑功能区胶质瘤术中的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的 探讨低场强术中磁共振(iMRI)融合术前采集血液氧饱和水平检测功能成像(BOLD)功能导航的可行性和应用价值.方法 48例脑皮层功能区的胶质瘤患者随机分组,试验组用术前高场强的BOLD影像与术中iMRI解剖影像融合,对照组将高场强的BOLD与术前高场强MRI解剖影像融合,分别导航手术.两组均采用术中电生理来验证BOLD功能区定位的准确性并随访.结果 试验组BOLD敏感性73.3%,特异性83.3%;对照组BOLD敏感性75.5%,特异性81.2%,差异无统计学意义.试验组肿瘤全切率为85.1%,对照组77.8%,差异有统计学意义(P:0.012);试验组术后功能改善或保持率为80.8%,对照组83.3%,差异无统计学意义.结论 低场强iMRI与术前BOLD功能导航手术可实时提供病灶与功能区可视化解剖信息,有助于提高肿瘤切除率,降低术后致残率.  相似文献   

目的 探讨术中超声及神经导航技术在岛叶胶质瘤手术中的应用价值.方法 回顾性分析2008年1月至2013年5月在术中超声和(或)神经导航指导下经显微手术治疗的23例岛叶胶质瘤患者的临床资料,重点关注肿瘤切除程度及术后神经功能损害情况.结果 术后影像学证实肿瘤全切除14例,次全切除或大部切除9例,其中应用术中超声辅助神经导航技术定位肿瘤组肿瘤全切除8例,单独术中超声组肿瘤全切除4例,单独神经导航组肿瘤全切除2例.术后随访5 ~52个月,术中超声辅助神经导航组术后早期及远期神经功能损害程度明显低于其他两组.结论 术中超声辅助神经导航技术切除岛叶胶质瘤,可提高肿瘤全切率,增加手术安全性.  相似文献   

目的 探讨颅内胶质瘤术中超声的使用方法及其价值。方法 将2011年2月至2013年2月收治的72例颅内胶质瘤手术患者分为超声组(33例,使用术中超声)和对照组(39例,未使用术中超声)。超声组使用术中超声对肿瘤进行定位,引导术者选择合适的手术入路,并对切除后的瘤腔进行探查,实现最大程度地安全切除肿瘤。对比分析两组患者肿瘤的定位率和全切率以及手术时间。结果 超声组肿瘤定位准确率(100%)显著高于对照组(82.1%,32/39;PP<0.05),超声组手术时间[(85.7±31.1)min]明显少于对照组[(117.4±40.8)min;>P<0.05]。低级别和高级别胶质瘤在超声图像上有不同的特征性表现。>结论 术中超声具有低成本、准备时间短、方便快捷、实时监测、可重复和无辐射等优点,是胶质瘤手术重要的辅助工具,在胶质瘤定位和实时监测残余肿瘤方面具有重要价值。  相似文献   

唤醒麻醉和术中功能定位切除语言区胶质瘤   总被引:7,自引:13,他引:7  
目的探讨语言功能区胶质瘤的手术策略。方法回顾性分析手术治疗30例语言功能区胶质瘤。在唤醒麻醉下应用术中直接皮质电刺激确定语言区,根据功能边界切除肿瘤。评价患者的功能结果及切除程度。结果术中语言功能区监测成功20例;未监测到4例;因麻醉或术中高颅压不能进行监测6例。随访3个月,3例患者存在中度语言功能障碍。全切14例,近全切12例,大部切除4例。结论术中皮质电刺激确定语言功能区准确、安全、可靠。唤醒麻醉下进行术中皮质电刺激结合术前神经功能影像技术,确定切除肿瘤的功能边界,能够最大程度切除肿瘤,同时保护正常的语言功能,使术后语言障碍的风险降到最低。  相似文献   

侧脑室胶质瘤的显微外科手术策略   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的探讨改善侧脑室内脑胶质瘤显微外科手术治疗的策略和方法,提高治疗效果。方法回顾性分析自2000年1月至2007年6月在我院治疗并经病理证实的23例侧脑室脑胶质瘤患者的临床表现、诊断和显微外科手术治疗方式。临床以头痛等颅内压增高为主要症状者15例,以进行性单侧肢体肌力减退起病者4例,以记忆力下降起病者5例,以癫痫起病者2例。根据肿瘤影像学特点和病理性质选择最佳手术入路和综合治疗策略。6例选择经纵裂胼胝体前部入路,5例经额中回皮层脑室入路,4例经纵裂胼胝体前部联合额叶皮层入路切除前角和体部位置较前的肿瘤,7例经顶叶皮层入路切除三角区及体部位置偏后的肿瘤,1例经枕叶皮层入路切除枕角肿瘤。6例应用术中导航定位,4例应用术中B超监测。术后病理证实为胶质瘤且级别在Ⅱ级以上者行化疗和放疗,化疗方案为卫萌-26+氯乙环已亚硝脲(甲基-CCNU),放疗方案根据胶质瘤病理级别和范围进行个体化设定。采用电话、门诊及邮件等方式进行随访。结果在显微外科治疗的79例侧脑室肿瘤中23例术后病理证实为脑胶质瘤,其中星形细胞瘤11例,少突胶质细胞瘤6例,中枢神经细胞瘤4例,室管膜瘤2例。肿瘤主体位于侧脑室前角和体部15例,位于三角区及后角8例。显微镜下全切除肿瘤15例,次全切除肿瘤6例,部分切除肿瘤2例。术后临床症状改善18例,较术前加重2例,无明显变化3例,因肺部感染并发症死亡1例。随访显示存活1年以上有17例,术后1年内死亡6例。结论侧脑室胶质瘤术前应充分了解肿瘤在侧脑室解剖位置、毗邻关系、血供及是否合并有脑积水等,正确选择手术入路可降低致残率而取得良好疗效。导航辅助或B超实时监测技术结合显微外科手术有助于提高肿瘤的切除程度,采取积极正确的治疗策略可使侧脑室胶质瘤预后得到改善。  相似文献   

Summary Twenty-four cases of pontine glioma were treated over a 16 year period. Survival times are discussed, particularly long survival times, on the basis of 13 cases autopsied. Onset occurred in an age range of 5 to 60 years, and 5 of the 13 autopsied cases involved children. The average survival time was 9 months except for 2 long survival cases, one of 4 years and 7 months and the other of 14 years and 10 months.The longer the survival time, the greater was the number of neurological symptoms detected, but there was no relationship between the involvement of cranial nerves and the survival time. The improvement of cranial nerve disorders was more prominent in the long survival cases than that of other neurological disturbances.The time from onset of symptoms to admission was longer for long survival cases than the others, and the autopsies of two long survival cases revealed astrocytoma. There were no cases which survived more than one year in the glioblastoma multiforme group.
Zusammenfassung 24 Fälle von Gliomen der Pons wurden am Toranomon Hospital und der Kyorin Universität über 16 Jahre lang behandelt. Die Länge der Überlebenszeit wird diskutiert, besonders in den Fällen eines langen Überlebens, wobei als Basis der Diskussion 13 Fälle mit Autopsie herangezogen werden. Beginn der Erkrankung meistens zwischen 5 und 60 Jahren; 5 der 13 Patienten, bei denen eine Autopsie durchgeführt wurde, waren Kinder. Die durchschnittliche Überlebenszeit war 9 Monate außer bei zwei besonders lange überlebenden Patienten, von denen einer 4 Jahre und 7 Monate, der andere 14 Jahre und 10 Monate überlebte.Je länger die Überlebenszeit, desto größer war die Zahl der neurologischen Symptome, aber es gab keinen echten Zusammenhang zwischen dem Befall der Hirnnerven und der Überlebenszeit. Im Gegenteil war bei den lange Zeit überlebenden Fällen die Besserung in den Hirnnervenausfällen deutlicher als in den übrigen neurologischen Symptomen. Die Zeit zwischen Auftreten des ersten Symptoms und der Einlieferung ins Hospital war bei den Patienten mit langem Überleben größer als in den übrigen Fällen; in zwei Fällen mit langem Überleben und Autopsie war der Tumor ein Astrocytom. Bei der Gruppe mit multiformen Glioblastomen dagegen gab es keinen Patienten mit einer Überlebenszeit von länger als einem Jahr.

目的 探讨术中超声造影在颅脑恶性胶质瘤显微手术中的应用及其价值.方法 40例颅脑恶性胶质瘤患者行术中超声造影,确定肿瘤方位,了解肿瘤强化情况,辨别切除程度.结果 所有病变均呈强回声,有其特征性的声像图表现.术中超声造影使肿瘤边界显示清晰,肿瘤呈不同程度强化,准确评价了手术切除程度.结论 术中超声造影有助于术中确认肿瘤方位及边界,判断肿瘤切除程度,有效提高肿瘤切除准确率和全切除率.  相似文献   

目的 探索大脑半球胶质瘤切除术中锥体束的移位情况及解决方法.方法 选择术前影像学诊断为额、颞、岛叶胶质瘤的患者63例,手术采用仰卧位下额颞入路,术前及术中应用MRI弥散张量成像技术进行扫描,并进行锥体束的追踪描计,对比术前及术中锥体束的位置.结果 锥体束在前后方向上18例发生向前移位,移位距离从0.9 mm至11.4 mm,42例发生向后移位,移位距离从1.7 mm至10.4 mm,3例无移位;锥体束在左右方向上31例发生向外移位,移位距离从1.5 mm至11.2 mm,30例发生向内,移位距离从1.3 mm至8.1 mm,2例无移位.结论锥体束的移位的方向和距离具有不可预测性,最佳解决方案是通过术中影像及神经导航的实时更新并予以保护.  相似文献   

Yu X  Chen C  Pu S  Wu C  Li Y  Jiang T  Zhou X 《Neuropsychologia》2011,49(10):2889-2895
Previous research has consistently shown that the left parietal cortex is critical for numerical processing, but the role of the right parietal lobe has been much less clear. This study used the intraoperative cortical electrical stimulation approach to investigate neural dissociation in the right parietal cortex for subtraction and multiplication. Results showed that multiplication (as well as picture naming) was not affected by the cortical electrical stimulation on all the targeted sites of the right parietal cortex as well as those of the right temporal cortex. In contrast, stimulation at three right parietal sites (two sites in the right inferior parietal lobule and one in the right angular gyrus) impaired performance on simple subtraction problems. This study provided the first evidence from an intraoperative cortical electrical stimulation study to show the dissociation of arithmetic operations in the right parietal cortex. This dissociation between subtraction and multiplication suggests that the right parietal cortex plays a more significant role in quantity processing (subtraction) than in verbal processing (multiplication) in numerical processing.  相似文献   

术中MRI结合导航在颅内显微手术中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的探讨术中MRI对开颅手术中显微镜下导航漂移的纠正情况。方法回顾性分析接受术中MRI结合显微镜下导航手术治疗的113例患者的临床资料。仰卧位手术76例,俯卧位37例。术中显微镜下导航,出现导航漂移者以术中MRI加以更新和纠正。结果100例患者导航或经纠正后手术导航精确,13例术中出现导航偏差,其中3例术后发现导航准确,10例导航失败。结论正确使用术中MRI可有效纠正导航漂移,提高手术导航的精确度。  相似文献   

Pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma (PXA) is a rare, low-grade glioma (World Health Organization Grade II) that most often presents in the first two decades of life. We summarize and present our institutional experience in the management of these tumors. All patients managed for PXA at the University of California San Francisco were retrospectively identified through chart review. Patient demographics, tumor characteristics, management, and follow-up were extracted using medical records. Primary endpoints were overall (OS) and progression-free survival (PFS). In total, nineteen patients were treated for PXA from 1993–2011. Clinical data were available for analysis in 18 patients. Median OS was 209.0 months after date of surgery, with both 5 year and 10 year survival rates of 94%. In this patient cohort, tumor grade (p = 0.07), age (p = 0.32), and extent of resection (p = 0.58) did not predict OS. The majority of tumors (78%) recurred. Median PFS was 21.7 months, with 5 year and 10 year recurrence-free rates of 28% and 22%. On univariate analysis, tumor grade (p = 0.01), but not age (p = 0.51), size (p = 0.30), or extent of resection (p = 0.21), was the only covariate predictive of PFS. In patients presenting with higher tumor grade, however, earlier recurrence was demonstrated. Furthermore, the majority of recurrences (36%) occurred within the first 6 months post-operatively, which indicates the need to closely follow patients for that time.  相似文献   

目的 探讨神经电生理监测在功能区胶质瘤术中的应用价值。方法 对2012年1月至2014年12月术中行神经电生理监测的738例功能区胶质瘤的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果 608例在全麻下行术中神经电生理监测,130例在唤醒麻醉下行运动和或语言功能定位。所有病例术后近期运动障碍发生率为11.7%,远期为3.8%;语言区胶质瘤术后近期的失语率为28.8%,远期为4.1%。术中MRI辅助下进行电生理监测347例,全切率为89.3%。全麻下3.6%的患者术中出现癫痫大发作;唤醒麻醉下2.3%的患者出现一侧肢体或嘴角抽搐,仅1例(0.8%)出现癫痫大发作。结论 根据胶质瘤所在的部位选择适当的术中神经电生理监测技术,有助于最大程度切除肿瘤的同时,保护患者的功能皮层和皮层下重要功能通路,降低致残率,提高远期生活质量。  相似文献   

高场强术中磁共振成像对脑胶质瘤全切率的影响及其评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨高场强术中磁共振成像(iMRI)对脑胶质瘤手术全切率的影响及其意义.方法 自2009年2月至6月应用高场强iMRI施行脑胶质瘤切除术40例.运用术中影像数据对胶质瘤体积及全切率做回顾性分析.结果 术中第1次行iMRI扫描仅10例胶质瘤完全切除,30例肿瘤仍有残留,23例行进一步切除,其中21例胶质瘤最终全切除.最终肿瘤的伞切率从25%提高到78%,残存肿瘤的体积也明显下降.结论 高场强iMRI的应用显著提高脑胶质瘤手术的全切率.  相似文献   

脑功能区胶质瘤手术中的新技术   总被引:5,自引:15,他引:5  
目的探讨切除脑功能区胶质瘤手术新技术与方法。方法48例脑功能区胶质瘤经术前常规MRI、弥散张力成像(DTI)和fMRI定位大脑皮层功能区及功能投射纤维束,以神经导航为前导,在术中全麻唤醒状态下,通过术中B超定位脑内病灶,皮层体感诱发电位(Co-SEP)及皮层直接电刺激术(Co-ST)脑功能区定位,并在清醒状态下切除病变。术后随访时间3-42个月。结果16例Co-SEP确定中央沟,42例Co-ST明确运动区,16例Co-ST确定语言运动区;肿瘤全切35例,次全切除9例,部分切除4例。术后1个月神经症状好转44例,术后出现暂时性局部神经症状36例;长期局部神经症状加重4例,无手术死亡。全部患者无手术痛苦回忆。结论术中全麻唤醒、皮层-皮层下电刺激术和脑超声技术是切除功能区胶质瘤必备的三项基本技术;术前fMRI与DTI为脑功能区手术提供十分重要信息,神经功能导航为术中功能区定位提供重要前导,综合使用这些现代技术能够在术中明确脑功能区与肿瘤切除范围的关系,做到最大限度地切除脑功能区病变和保护脑功能。  相似文献   

Epidemiology and etiology of gliomas   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
Gliomas of astrocytic, oligodendroglial and ependymal origin account for more than 70% of all brain tumors. The most frequent (65%) and most malignant histological type is the glioblastoma. Since the introduction of computerized tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, the incidence rates of brain tumors have been rather stable, with a tendency of higher rates in highly developed, industrialized countries. Some reports indicate that Caucasians have higher incidence than black or Asian populations, but to some extent, this may reflect socio-economic differences and under-ascertainment in some regions, rather than a significant difference in genetic susceptibility. With the exception of pilocytic astrocytomas, the prognosis of glioma patients is still poor. Less than 3% of glioblastoma patients are still alive at 5 years after diagnosis, higher age being the most significant predictor of poor outcome. Brain tumors are a component of several inherited tumor syndromes, but the prevalence of these syndromes is very low. Several occupations, environmental carcinogens, and diet (N-nitroso compounds) have been reported to be associated with an elevated glioma risk, but the only environmental factor unequivocally associated with an increased risk of brain tumors, including gliomas, is therapeutic X-irradiation. In particular, children treated with X-irradiation for acute lymphoblastic leukemia show a significantly elevated risk of developing gliomas and primitive neuroectodermal tumor (PNET), often within 10 years after therapy. TP53 mutations are frequent in low-grade gliomas and secondary glioblastomas derived therefrom. Approximately 60% of mutations are located in the hot spot codons 248 and 273, and the majority of these are G:CA:T transitions at CpG sites. TP53 mutations are significantly more frequent in low-grade astrocytomas with promoter methylation of the O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase repair gene, suggesting that, in addition to deamination of 5-methylcytosine, exogenous or endogenous alkylation in the O6 position of guanine may contribute to the formation of these mutations.  相似文献   

Hypnosis could extend the time of Intraoperative Neuropsychological Testing and Brain Mapping in Awake Surgery. A clinical validation for the Hypnosis aided AS (HAs) is still ongoing and further evidences are required. The objective of the present study is to compare two homogeneous cohorts of patients undergoing AS, the first with the aid of the hypnosis and the second according to a standard AS (SAs) protocols. The clinical, radiological and surgical data of two comparable procedures cohorts were retrospectively examined for the present study. All surgeries in Group A were performed with a HAs protocol. Procedures belonging to Group B were performed with a SAs protocol. Endpoints: to compare 1. Incidence of complications in the immediate postoperative period, 2. Clinical and neurological status in the immediate postoperative period and 30 days after surgery, 3. Duration of surgical interventions, 4. Extent of Resection (EOR). The final cohort is composed of 15 procedures; 6 belonging to Group A and 9 to Group B. The different methods outline statistically comparable results from the clinical (Neurological outcomes) both in the postoperative period and one month after surgery and from the surgical point of view (comparable EOR). The incidence of complications is comparable either. The duration of the procedures was significantly longer in HAs group. Hypnosis is a promising approach to increasing the duration of intraoperative “testability” of patients at the price of a longer operative time. A specific professional is needed to induce hypnosis in the difficult intraoperative setting.  相似文献   

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